Magick Zine

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Editors Letter

Contributers Emily Rose, Kat Savage, Alexandra Brzana, Ryan Maynard & Ebony Christin

IN THIS ISSUE A Spell to Release Negative Attachments

‘A Song of The Old Ways’ by Kat Savage

Casting a Circle

Interview with an Instgram Witch: Sylverthyhst

Beginners Tarot Reading

Feast of the Dead

Job Interview Success Spell

Interview with an Instagram Witch: Wiccanhour

Dear Godess of Love and Light, keep me safe within your sight

ReleaseNegative Attachments As we enter the darker half of the year and as new wills begin, take this time to let go of the negatives and begin to encourage all the new and positive things you would like there instead. This spell works best on a waning moon, yet if the negative situation is really troubling you, don’t hesitate to perfom this spell. ___________________________________________________________

You will need: - 1 black candle - 1 strip of paper - Journal, notebook or additional paper - 1 pencil or pen - Small cauldron or fire-proof dish - Frankinscense, sandalwood or sage inscense

For best results, spend some time freewriting about the situation, think your feelings and let your mind focus on it. Don’t dwell on the negativity, but rather see it as a psychic practice in which you are removing the thoughts and feelings in your mind once and for all. Once you feel you have achieved this, write down the names of those involved on your chosen paper. Roll the paper into a loose scroll. Light your candle, take a few dedep breaths and say the following:

“With this candle, on this night, I let go of my attachments to being right. In the space left by this release, my being is filled with healing peace.”

Ignite the scroll of paper with your candle flame and let it brun completely into your cauldron or dish. When the ashes are cooled, carefully toss them out onto the Earth. For best results, let your candle burn out completely. In the days that follow, if you find yourself returning to thoughts of the conflict, remember your spellwork, take a deep breath and imagine the ashes of negativity disappearing into the soil of the Earth.

words by Kat

“A velvet cloak A walk to the river You are not of this time, sister The two waters meet at the edge of thought Now you must learn, though you cannot be taught Soft of skin, blood of iron Body of lamb and spirit of lion A chariot race to the end of the stars Zodiacal songs played on astral guitars Come home, sister Come home to yourself Re-write your story and burn the book shelf Written in silk and green and lace The prettiest side of Avalon’s face Each night you ride into the morn Clad in holy crown of Thorn Times are a changing, shifting daze And the sun God carries upon tired rays The forgotten song of the Old Ways.”

Casting a Circle Everybody in Wicca does things differently; especially when it comes to casting a circle. Circle are cast for rituals, spellwork, meditation, divination or before a spiritual connection. Once the circle is cast, no negative energies can affect you in this space. _______________________________________________ You will need: A broom, incense with an incense holder, a chalice, an athane, your wand, sage, water and salt. Step 1: Get rid of any unwated air. Cleanse your space. Take your broom and make a sweeping motion around your altar and around yourself. This is done to sweep away any of the unwated enegeries before casting your circle. If you are without a broom, this is also effective with your hands. Step 2. Cleanse your circle. You will need your water for the water element, salt for the earth element and your incense or sage, which represents fire and air. Take your chalice and pour your water inside, secondly with your athane pour in a small amount of salt. Mix the two together using your athane. remebering to wipe the athane clean after wards.

Step 3. With your chalice, starting in the east direction of your altar and working in a circle clockwise, begin to cleanse your circle by sprinkling your saltwater around you. Close your eyes and visualise how the water is cleansing the air around you. Do this until you reach your starting point again. Step 4. Using your inscense or sage, starting again at east, wave your fire and air element around the circle, again going clockwise until you reach your starting point.

water, Step 5. Once your circle has been cleansed with your wate earth, air and fire element, you can begin casting your circle. Using your finger, wand or athane, call upon your chosen deitys to watch over your circle. Begin creating your sacred circle by facing east, channel your energy and conceal yourself to the earth. Concentrate on the flow of energy, imagine a white light travelling from your feet, through your finger, wand or athane. Whilst this is body and through your finge happening, on east call apon the element of air, on south call upon the element on fire, on west call upon the element of water and lastly north, call upon the element of earth. As you join each element, you are creating your circle. Lastly, placing your finger, wand or athane on the ground call upon your spirit element. Now you have cast your circle.

@silverthyst Ebony Christian with over 17,000 followers on Instagram speaks with Magick about her journey with Wicca.

“it feels right with my soul�

interview with an

Instagram Witch

How did you discover Wicca? Wicca discovered me actually. At the time, I was in a huge transition in my life and taking a deep dive into my spiritualitiy. Wicca for me was much an ‘aha!’ moment. It feels right with my soul.

Has Instragram and social media been a helpful tool for learning about Wicca/Witchcraft? Not for me. I really wanted to be grounded with my craft and with my own research. I read and studied endless amounts of books learning about Wicca’s origin, history and variations.

What do you think it means to be a modern Witch or Wiccan in the 21st century? Fo me, it is to be in tune with the Earth and to embrace our For personal power.

Has being a Witch/Wiccan influenced tour life and work? Absolutely! I am more self aware and energetically in tune. I honor what serves my energy and let go of what does not. That in itself, is life altering and a very powerful practice.

BeginnersTarot Reading Three Card Spread:

_________________________ Tarot cards are a remarkably effective way to understand certain aspects of your life. Using tarot cards for answers, insight and clarification firstly requires an open heart and an open mind. This section shows how to give a basic tarot reading using a Three Card Spread; yes, just three cards. Three cards spreads are often drawn from the deck to represent the past, dr present, and future or mind, body, and spirit. Tarot readings can be affective when performed on ones self aswell as on others.

If you will be perfomring this tarot reading on another person, you will firstly take your cards and let the recipent shuffle until they feel the urge to stop. Whilst they are shuffling, encourage the person to think of a situation that they would hope to recieve answers or clarification on. After they th have shuffled to their hearts content, let your recipient pass the cards back to you. Begin laying out your three card spread one by one. Depending on if the card is facing you in the correct position or if it is reversed, the card will have a different meaning. Reversed cards sometimes have an opposite meaning to a card in its correct posistion. Begin the reading by reading the first card drawn first, second card second and third card last; and viola! You have done your first tarot reading.

Feast of the


Like every Sabbat, Samhain is known for eating and feasting. Celebrating with food was of as much importance to early pagans as it is now to us in the 21st Century. ______________________________________________________________

Plant-based Coconut Brownies Any full moon or common working ritual will be accompanied by ‘cakes and ale’ to round out the ceremony and earth the power. I chose this plant-based brownie recipe as the ‘cake’ part. The 'ale' part can be represented by anything from juice to wine and to actual ales and beers. Samhain is the end of the Celtic year and the beginning of the new year. It begins at sundown on October 31 and ends the afternoon of November 1st. It is also sometimes referred to as the Night of the Dead and occurs during Halloween.

: You will need

Water; our blood. Air; our breath. Earth; our body. And fire; our spirit.

Job Interview Success Job interviews are always daunting and virtually everyone experiences some nerves. You want to make a good first impression and make sure you say the right thing. Spellwork can be a be great way to calm your nerves, help counteract anxitey and increase your chance of success before an interivew. ____________________________________________________________ You will need: - 1 orange or gold candle - Incense (preferably frankinscence, lilac or cinnamon) - A pen or pencil - 1 small piece of lapis lazuli, citrine or tigers eye - Paper - Essential oil of your choice Light your inscence and anoint the candle with oil. Spend a few moments imagning yourself at the interview; calm and confident. On your paper, write down three reasons why you are the best person for the position and should be chosen for the job.

Fold you paper into a triangle and no bigger than a few inches. Place your folded paper infront of the candle.

Now light your candle by saying the following words:

“In perfect time and perfect place, when I light this candle the job is mine”

candle flame, then Now with your crystal, pass it quickly through the candle’s place it on top of your paper. Leave the candle to burn out on its own completely. Make sure you bring your folded paper and crystal with you to the interview. Once you gained the success of the job, tear your paper into small pieces and thank your powers that be.

Instagram Witch

How did you discover Wicca? And where did it begin for you?

It sounds a bit cliche but it was from the tv show ‘Charmed’. I was probably about 5 years old and used to watch the show obsessively, it still one of my favourites. Witchcraft is mainly what the show is about but they actually depict a lot of practices that modern witches use and it on was on that show that I first heard the term ‘Wicca’. I didn’t understand it much when I was younger and didn’t have access to books or the internet but the show definitely influenced me indentifiing as a Wiccan as a child, yet it was years later when I rediscovered it all over again.

How helpful has Instagram and social media been as a tool for learning about Wicca/Witchcraft? It has and it hasn’t. I learnt about it most through books and simply my own experiences, yet when I was a beginner I found Youtuber Harmony Nice’s videos to be really helpful. A lot of ‘Instagrammers’ also said that the community online has become too toxic, which I didn’t see at the beginning but definitely do now.

What do you think it means to be a Modern Witch or a Wiccan in the 21st Century? It finding a balance between our busy, modern day lives and the respect for It’s nature as well as combining the ancient beliefs and practices with our modern views. It also means taking special care of nature and our mother earth, as our natural world is in danger and we’re it’s last hope.

How has being a Witch/Wiccan influenced your life and work?

It definitely has influenced my life. I’ve been struggling with mental health for the past 9 years and learning about Wicca and witchcraft helped me change my mindset. I found so much peace through Wicca and witchcraft that nothing else had given me before. At this current point in life I can say that becoming Wiccan was rhe best thing that’s happened to me so far.

Alexandra Brzana, with nearly 7,000 followers on Instgram got in touch with Magick to discuss how social media, mental health and what it means to a Witch in the 21st century. @wiccanhour

“At this current point in life I can say that becoming Wiccan was rhe best thing that’s happened to me so far.”

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