TPC December, issue 13

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Pg 2 Standing Stones - UK Pg 4 Niddry Street Vaults Pg 6 Stiring of Eldar’s Cauldron - By Lady Brigid Eldar Pg 10 Artist Biography - By Tina Raewyn Pg 14 Food Magick - By Thora Dorn Pg 18 Calanais Standing Stones - Isle of Lewis Pg 20 Levitation In Photography - By John Robinso Pg 22 Yule Rituals & Recipes - By Lofn Orenda Pg 30 True Crime Files: Satan In The Woods - By Aaron Field Pg 33 Winter Solstice

December 2017

Pg 34 December Birthday: Totem Animals - By Lofn Orenda Pg 36 Solitary Yule Ritual Pg 38 What Happens When A Neopagan Dies - By Thora Dorn Pg 40 Legends & Lore Pg 42 The Earth is Dreaming - By Salena Shakti Radford Pg 43 The Year Thats Gone - By Yvonne Ryves Pg 45 Birthstone Of The Month Pg 46 In The News Pg 48 The Meaning of Yule - By Mel Miller

Photographer Amy Adams

Photographer John Robinson

Contact Details Disclaimer:

The opinions expressed in this magazine by writers are not necessarily those of TPC or its staff. All articles and artwork remain the copyright © of the author or artist. We here at TPC retain typographical copyright © on all articles, photos and adverts typeset by TPC or its staff. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine can be reproduced, except for short passages for critisicm or review, without written permission from the Editors. Layout Design by Tasha Clark, Monique Reichert.


Original articles or artwork please send to:

tpcsubmissions@hotmail. com

Front & Back Cover Images By Amy Adams & John Robinson of Frameousfotos. Model: Paul Anthony (front), Pippa James (back cover) All Images By Unless Otherwise Stated.

We reserve the right to abridge any content and edit for grammar, style, etc. The editor’s decision is final. We allow all differant styles of work from polytheism, philosophy, esoteric, folklore, political, religious, events and moots, book reviews, artwork, informative, fiction and non-fiction pieces. But within reason. We also aim to be a platform for writers, be it new and upcoming writers or those who write as a hobby wishing to publish their work in the public forum.

Advertising Enquiries:

This Month’s CONTRIBUTORS Lady Brigid Eldar

Tina Raewyn

Thora Dorn Mel Miller

Salena Shakti Radford

This Month’s Models

Kiera Farrell Levitation

Paul Anthony Front Cover

Pippa James Back Cover

Hello Everyone, Welcome to the December issue of TPC. Hoping everyone is enjoying themselves over the holidays. Happy Winter Solstice to everyone in the Northern Hemisphere and Happy Summer Solstice to everyone in the Southern Hemisphere. Hope you all enjoy this issue, I do apologise that this issue was released a little later then usual, there has been many changes going on for all the team members and has been a very busy time of the year for many. Please stay safe throughout the holidays and enjoy this time with your family and friends.

s g n i s s Ble Tasha

Standing Stones In UK

Lanyon Quoit is a dolmen or tomb of standing stones near Morvah, Cornwall in England


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Towards the end of the 18th Century, the Niddry Street Vaults became home to numerous taverns, merchants, and anybody who wanted to fly under the radar of law enforcement. It is said that serial killers , Burke and Hare used the vaults to stash bodies during the height of their dastardly deeds. Written records of the vaults are few and far between, so it is not known for certain when they were shut down, but it is believed to have been sometime in the mid-19th Century. The vaults were rediscovered in the 1980s and an excavation begun a couple of years later, during which numerous artifacts from its time were discovered. A modern witches coven set up shop in the vaults after their excavation, which may account for some of the heightened paranormal activity in the location. It is said that shortly after claiming the vaults, members of the coven set about searching for a room in which to stage their various rituals. After settling into a room and doing whatever it is witches do (possibly cursing Shakespeare), the group left for the night. Upon their return the following day, they found the room in a state of disrepair and some reported seeing a “shadow man” in the mirror which hung in the room. Another room in the vault is said to be home to a vicious poltergeist, who has attacked numerous visitors over the years. During the vaults’ early years as a tourist attraction, light bulbs installed in the room would explode for seemingly no reason at all. Any replacement bulb would meet a similar fate, and caretakers eventually stopped trying to light the room altogether. It now lies in a state of perpetual darkness, save for the torches and lanterns carried by those determined to visit. 4

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Stirrings of Eldar’s


Hello my lovelies! Yule is just around the corner for us, and the challenge is on for those last minute gift ideas. Here are some quick and inexpensive ideas to help you along. Gifts for teachers can be modified for an office exchange, or coven or group exchange simply by changing a few things. A large cloth napkin, square of fabric, or bandana and a ribbon will hold many items such as; sharpie markers, a small box of paper clips, tacks or push pins, binder clips, a small screwdriver that has interchangeable heads, a small bottle of hand lotion, chap stick, packets of flavored teas, soups in a cup, or a small sewing kit. Maybe even a couple of relaxing and refreshing packets of facial masks which could be a blessing to a teacher or coworker. Packets of wet naps for those sticky little fingers or quick refresher for hands, a small nail file and a packet of emery boards are also items that can be found in most stores and great to have on hand. Place the items in the center of the cloth. Bring the four corners up together and use a colorful ribbon to tie the cloth closed. Add a tag with your name and you are good to go. For children giving this as a gift, have them help choose the items to place in the cloth. Then let him or her make their own tag. For those special friends, gift exchanges and other family members you can always change the “wrapper”. Instead of using a cloth napkin or bandana use a decorative box, tin or basket that can be


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r a d l m Fro Brigid E Lady

repurposed. For a magickal exchange gift, you can make your own spell kit for something positive such as to bring blessings. If you are not sure about how to write a spell, there are many web sites and videos that you can look to for help. You can even check out various books on spell workings. Remember to keep it simple and do not do magickal workings on other people without their permission or consent. Sending energies or giving gifts that promote positive energies are fine. You can even make a spell kit for drawing money or one for healing energies. Just make sure you do not give any guarantees as to the success of the working. That is up to the individual, not you. Include items such as a small candle or tea candle, herbs, stones, charms, crystals, a small drawstring pouch, runes, a small piece of parchment for writing symbols, numbers, sigils, or words on. You could assemble a spell kit for knot magick and include the cord that will be used as a tie to keep the cloth closed with. Include a spell for knot magick that you can print out on parchment looking paper. If you are feeling on the crafty side, you could make little snow globes from clear plastic cups that you can find in a dollar store. A hot glue gun or regular glue may be used. I prefer to use a glue called E6000. I usually use the clear because it dries clear. To make the snow globe you will need: A small clear 2 oz. plastic cup, a heavy piece of cardboard

and cardstock OR a flat piece of cork, a small miniature ornament or figurine, Epsom salts and a 6 inch piece of cord. Directions: place the cup with the opening down on a heavy piece of cardboard or cork. Trace the circle, then cut it out. If using cardboard, trace a circle from the cardstock and glue it onto the cardboard. Allow it to dry for a few minutes. Glue the miniature ornament onto the cardboard or cork. Place about a teaspoon of Epsom salts into the cup. Using the glue, glue a ring around the rim of the cup, then place the cup onto the circle. Allow the glue to dry. Make an overhand knot with the ends of the cord and add a drop of glue to seal the knot. Glue the cord to the top of the cup for hanging. You can put a small bow over the cord to hide the glued part, or make a circle out of cardstock paper to glue over the cord if you wish. The small and large clear plastic ball ornaments can be found in the dollar and craft stores. Wash them out and allow them to dry. DO NOT try to dry them by putting them in the microwave! Once the balls are dry, you can fill the small ones with your own blend of teas, hot

cocoa mixes and marshmallows, instant hot cereal, dry mix packets for party dips and instant soups. Pour the mix into the ball and cut the instructions for making the mix from the package. Glue that onto a heavy piece of cardstock with the printed sides out. Make a small hole in the tag and put a colorful piece of ribbon, yarn or string in the hole and tie onto the ball using an overhand knot. To make this a magickal gift, fill the balls with dried herbs you have mixed together to bring Blessings, Harmony, and Peace. Cinnamon, rose petals, lavender, witch grass, morning glory, marigolds and marjoram are a few of the herbs you could use. Add instructions to scatter the herbs near the entrance of the home. Put some pretty tissue paper in a box and nestle three balls together. Add a bow and you have an easy and inexpensive gift for a gift exchange or for those last minute gifts. Glass ornament balls make easy Witch Balls. To make a Blessing Ball remove the cap. Using a craft paint pour a little paint into the ball. Try to hold the ball at an angle so the paint goes along the inside. Turn the ball as you go to make it swirl. I turn the ball upside down and place it on aluminum foil to allow the excess paint to come out and to allow the ball to dry. Choose another color and repeat the process allowing the paint to dry in between each coating. Once the paint is dry, you can fill the ball with a cinnamon stick, 2 teaspoons lavender, a Bay leaf, dried rose petals, 2 teaspoons tea, a pinch of tobacco and maybe some ginger. On a piece of parchment paper write “Blessings brought to those who are near.” Roll the paper up and seal it with wax or tie thread around it. Put that inside the ball and replace the cap by gluing it on. Tie a pretty ribbon to the loop in the top and hang from the ceiling or wall. We all like a bit of pampering every now and then. A little basket, bag or box of goodies to pamper that best friend with is easy to put together. Make some relaxing, purifying, brightening or re  Email:  7

freshing face masks. To brighten the skin: Mix together the contents of one tea bag and ½ teaspoon baking soda. Add instructions to mix in 1 ½ teaspoons of warmed honey to make a paste. Apply the paste to the face avoiding the eyes. Leave on for about 15 minutes. Using a washcloth and circular motions, rinse off the mask. Pat dry and apply your usual moisturizer. Lavender flowers make a wonderful relaxing facial. Pair it with Kaolin or bentonite clay to purify skin and leave it soft and refreshed. I prefer to use a coffee grinder for my herbs but a motor and pestle will work as well. Powder about 3 Tablespoons of lavender flowers in the grinder. Once that is powdered add 6 Tablespoons of the clay and mix well. Yes … this you must do by hand. Place the mixture into a jar, top off and label. Include the directions to mix 1 teaspoon of lavender powder with 2 or 3 teaspoons of filtered water or rose water. Pretty bottles with labels will make this look like an expensive gift. And finally, a tasty treat to bring for a Yule party pot luck is the Yuletide Crack.


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A guaranteed hit and so easy to make. You will need: 1 cup (2 sticks) butter 1 cup brown sugar 1 sleeve of saltine crackers Dash or two of cardamom (optional) 1 ½ cups milk chocolate chips Parchment paper Preheat the oven to 350 F. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Lay the crackers on the sheet in a single layer. In a sauce pan over medium heat combine the butter and sugar. Stir until it gets liquid. Add a dash or two of cardamom if using. Keep stirring until the mixture begins to boil. Allow to boil for 3 minutes stirring constantly. Pour over the crackers and spread evenly. Put into the oven and bake for about 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and pour the chocolate chips over the crackers. Allow the heat to melt the chips and spread them over the cracker mixture. Allow to cool then break into pieces.

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Artist Biography:

​ bout the woman/the A storyteller behind the art. Tina

n y w e Ra a

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​“Be Happy Sweethearts” My name is Tina, I am an artist, an explorer, a thinker, a collector, a storyteller, but most of all - I am simply just! I have always lived in the mountains, the forest, near rivers and freshwater lakes, until recently, when I decided I needed a sea change. I had a particular location tugging at my heart. The Prom Coast. Wilsons Promontory National Park (Called “Yirik” “Warnoon” and “Wamoon” by the traditional owners the Gunaikurnai, Bunurong and Boon Wurrung people) is a large peninsula of beautiful rugged granite ranges, sheltered coves and bays. It is the southernmost part of the Australian mainland. It has been my ‘go to’ place whenever I needed to re-set, find balance, when I needed to feel closeness with my mum, and when I needed to reconnect with myself. This place, the ocean, the rivers, the dunes, hold memories for me, it feels


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like home, it is a place I know so well, and it is a place that knows me. Actually, it is a particular group of red-hued, iron stained rocks that are very special to me. These rocks heard me giggle as a baby, they heard me sing declarations of love as a teenage girl with a crush, they heard me swoon with the joy of a new relationship (and swear, cry and scream when it ended). The rocks were the last place I remember my mum healthy, happy, before she had the brain tumor, when I was 9. These rocks comforted me when I was grieving for her many years later when she passed away....I suppose it’s because these rocks never gave me advice, never felt sorry for me, they were never happy for me or angry at me... They are just Rocks, reminding me that the earth keeps turning, and they keep standing there, huge solid timeless pieces of granite, that hold similar secrets of people well before I came along, and will continue well after I am gone. I am now settled in my new place... and it has been wonderful to tell those rocks that I have come ‘home’ for a while. I have always been creative, not just sculpting in clay, but everything from painting, photography, writing, and even a little pyrography. It’s in my blood. My mother was an incredibly talented oil painter (painting mainly portraits) and my father was a graphic artist and signwriter. ​It took a lot of restraint as a small child, not to dip a brush into my mothers oil paints or draw a picture with my fathers very expensive graphic ink pens, but once in a while the temptation proved too strong - and I quickly learned the value of treating such art tools with respect and care. Art for me, is not only an outlet for emotions. It is a place where I get completely lost, all consuming, it is passionate, and it brings me a sense of renewal, of vibrance, of flourishing and growth. Where an hour turns into several, and I look up from my workbench only to realise that midnight has passed, and I am lost in the rythym of the night-crickets chirping outside the window.   Email:  11

I sculpt in clay, paint in acrylic, oil and watercolor, sketch in pencil and charcoal, I have even tried tile mosaics (which I wasn’t very good at - but enjoyed all the same). ​ My journey deeper into art and self-discovery really started following both the end of my marriage and the loss of my beautiful mother to cancer in 2006. Being an only child with no siblings, my mum was my whole world, and it felt like my entire world, had indeed, crumbled to dust. Losing my beautiful mum, coupled with the end of my 10 year relationship, a betrayal of trust that I could not forgive, sent me spiraling into despair. Despair is not pretty. I spent my birthday after she passed away, crying alone at the foot of a mountain. I felt like I had nothing and no-one. I didn’t even know who I was anymore. I was completely on my own for the first time in my life. Being on your own is a scary thing, you have no one to rely on to bring you happiness, and no one to blame for any unhappiness, forces you to look inward....and inward is a very raw and real place to go. Who Am I now that I have no one to define me? What do I need? What do I love doing? What is my calling? What inspires Me? What do I want? How do I love and care for me? Isn’t it amazing - that the seemingly simplest of things - are actually quite complex when you are forced to really look hard at yourself. In the hours before my mum died, she gathered the strength to tell me she loved me, a little after that she held my hand and in her soft voice, simply said ‘Be Happy Sweetheart’. Those were my mums final words, and they echo around me everyday. Be Happy Sweethearts.


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It is so important to nourish your soul, to surround yourself in beauty and to take care of your heart, your body and your mind. I remember a good friend saying to me, “It’s okay to be not okay” ...and that was so much better than hearing the “it will get betters,” That message resonated the most deeply with me. My grief was okay. It’s funny that sometimes, people need permission to fall apart. It is from that broken place that we are finally able to become whole again. I found a lot of Love and Happiness in my art. This is why the process of creating something from the heart and sharing that love, is so very important to me. I decided long ago, that every day really is a blessing. I make it a habit to rise early and watch the sun come up through the trees. The time of day when the birds are singing, but there is no other sound. I make sure to star gaze at least once a week, and leave the curtains open so that the moonlight pours into the room. I walk barefoot on the grass at least once a day. I am a collector of stories, of bones and of feathers. I am a traveler, on foot, through mountains and forest. I am a sacred space creator. I AM SPIRIT. I AM SOUL. I AM EARTH.​ I enjoy the quiet of nature. The Solitude. I enjoy nothing more than sitting by a campfire, with mug of coffee in hand, deep within a forest and surrounded by mountains. This is where I find myself. The real Me. I think this stems from my childhood - my mum used to pack up the old

Valiant and we would head off into the bush - I think for her, this was a way to escape the chaos of life - escape the people, the noise. Maybe she had deeper reasons for needing a refuge from normal life. For me, as a little girl, It was a constant adventure sleeping under the stars, building tipi’s from huge driftwood pieces, climbing trees and being the ‘princess of the forest!’

er....The things that impacted me most is that he has always been a conservationist, living simply, growing his own food and living his life so as to leave the smallest footprint possible. He taught me Respect. He encouraged me to question everything. To explore. His passion for life and his love of the earth influenced me more than he will ever know.

I have spent a lot of time alone in wilderness areas, sometimes for weeks at a time. I once walked (and hiked up and over mountains) over 300km around Wilsons Promontory National Park in Victoria Australia, all by myself. It was an amazing (sometimes scary) experience for me, spending over 2 weeks totally alone. Sitting on a secluded beach at sunrise with my ‘billy’ boiling on the campfire, with only some wallabies and a wombat for gives you time to breathe, to just be.

My mother passed away on July 15th 2006. Her name was Gloria Margaret. She was an artist, a writer, a traveller and a dreamer. ​Her life was not an easy one, and she had many hardships and heartbreaks from her childhood and during her life. She was one of those women who looked strong on the outside, but was secretly broken on the inside, but who was brave enough to keep on fighting no matter what life threw at her.

During my late 20’s I sold everything I owned and traveled Australia for 2 years in a secondhand Delta Daihatsu Van, which was fitted with a bed, fridge and dog bed for my best friend. Working along the way, mainly fruit picking. We camped in remote desert regions of outback NSW and QLD, by pristine Rivers in the Snowy Mountains, and in the tropical rainforest of Far North QLD. This experience taught me many things, but most of all it taught me the value of trust and letting go. I​ have spent time with some incredibly inspiring people. ​“Traveler, there are no paths. Paths are made by walking.” - Australian Aboriginal saying ​My father is one of those people, throughout his life, he has followed many of his passions as an artist, photographer, graphic artist and signwrit-

​ wo good friends of mine, were Sue T and Don...I had know Sue since I was a little girl... Together they built a beautiful handmade strawbale home which was infused with love and wonderful energy... these people sparked the inspiration in me... Don actually crafted Teepi’s and Sue created her own drums. They were so passionate about sustainability and the environment... Staying with them, learning from them and seeing how they live in harmony with the land was very educational and the passion they had was wonderfully contagious. Sue and Don were killed in a tragic car accident at the end of 2016. I have cared for injured and orphaned wildlife, including kangaroo’s and emu’s. I have lived fairly self-sufficiently, growing almost all of my own food. I am a passionate person, striving to live an abundant, love-filled, authentic life.   Email:  13

k c i ag

M d oo


Food can be medicinal or poisonous. It can feed the body and the soul. Food is magick! It all depends on how you choose your ingredients and how you prepare them. How many times have you referred to something as “comfort food?” Have you ever said “I put love into my cooking?” This implies that food has a power all its own. Many witches have an altar in their kitchens. This is one way of bringing the Divine into everyday life, and ensuring that your deities give their blessings to your actions and intent. Your altar can be as simple as a candle on the counter or it can be as fancy as having all the accoutrements of a full blown altar. Mine includes the tools I use in the kitchen – mortars and pestles, teapots, a garlic braid for protection, candles, flowers for the goddess and stones for the god. As a reminder that we are mortal, and food is the fuel that keeps us going, my altar has


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By Thora Dorn

a skull on it. The methods you choose to prepare the food is also important. Stirring clockwise for drawing good into the food or counter-clockwise for food intended to banish negative energies is one method. Using the elements – grilling, broiling or baking with Fire, boiling or braising with Water, drying with Air, or slow cooking in a ceramic pot for Earth – can be used to draw in the attributes of those elements. The shape of foods can also impact a recipe. Choose your ingredients for health attributes as well as magickal attributes. You wouldn’t feed sugar to a diabetic; you might add turmeric and black pepper to a recipe if someone suffers from arthritis. Select ingredients that you know are good quality, and preferably organic. Even better, buy locally. I choose the ingredients I use with an eye to their attributes and what I wan

to accomplish with the recipe. Every ingredient has special attributes. Over the years I have gathered an extensive list of foods and their attributes. When calculating attributes in a recipe, I list all the ingredients and their attributes, I count the number of times an attribute appears on the list. I organize the attributes from the largest to least amounts

(selecting the top three to determine which ones are most important - three is a magick number) and the most appearances to the fewest (selecting the top six – again a multiple of three). What remains are the attributes of the recipe, and the top six appearances give the recipe its intent.

For example:

ground chicken (grounding, healing, protection, strength), beef (grounding, prosperity, protection, strength), or turkey (family gatherings, grounding, protection). To make it vegetarian (not vegan), use 2 cups finely chopped mushrooms (psychic awareness) instead of meat. You can add additional meaty flavour by adding 1/4 cup of finely chopped walnuts (healing, infertility, mental powers, protection, wishes).

Make your own Magickal Sweet or Spicy Italian Sausage This recipe makes enough ground sausage to add to a spaghetti recipe for 4 people. Use wherever you would like to use ground Italian sausage. The primary attributes of this recipe include purification, protection, strength, love, vitality and fertility. Ingredients: 1 lb. ground pork (grounding, fertility, strength) 1 T. red wine vinegar (protection, purification) 1 tsp. salt (protection, purification) 1 tsp. black pepper (banishing, cleansing) 1 1/2 tsp. dried parsley (tranquility, energy, luck) 1 tsp. garlic powder (healing, repels negativity) 1 tsp. onion powder (protection, healing, prosperity, exorcism) 1 tsp. dried basil (love, peace, prosperity, protection, understanding) 3/4 tsp. sweet paprika (energy, strength, vitality) 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes, ground (or to taste - the more you add the spicier) (energy, strength, vitality) 1/4 tsp. ground fennel seed (healing, strength) 1/4 tsp. brown sugar (love) Pinch each oregano (energy, joy, peace) and thyme (courage, love, strength) Mix until spices are well incorporated, then let sit in the fridge at least an hour to blend the flavours. Add browned meat to your favourite spaghetti sauce. Note: This recipe can be altered to use

Keep in mind that changing the original ingredients may also affect the magickal attributes and intent of the recipe. The following recipe shows the vegetarian sausage used in a spaghetti sauce. Thora’s Vegetarian Mushroom Bolognese-Style Spaghetti

Serves: 4 – 6 Prep: 15 minutes Cook: 30 minutes Total Time: 45 minutes This is a hearty, quick and meaty spaghetti that won’t leave you missing the meat. Magickally, this recipe is protective, purifying, promotes mental and psychic powers, healing and prosperity, and attracts love, peace, understanding and joy. 2 tsp. olive oil (more if needed when you fry the veggies) (spirituality)

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3 large Portobello mushrooms, finely chopped in a food processor, about 15 oz. (psychic awareness) 1 T. red wine vinegar (protection, purification) 1 tsp. salt (protection, purification) 1 tsp. black pepper (banishing, cleansing) 1 1/2 tsp. dried parsley (tranquility, energy, luck) 1 tsp. garlic powder (healing, repels negativity) 1 tsp. onion powder (protection, healing, prosperity, exorcism) 1 tsp. dried basil (love, peace, prosperity, protection, understanding) 3/4 tsp. sweet paprika (energy, strength, vitality) 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes, ground (or to taste - the more you add the spicier; energy, strength, vitality) 1/4 tsp. ground fennel seed (healing, strength) 1 tsp. brown sugar (love) Pinch each oregano (energy, joy, peace) and thyme (courage, love, strength) 1 stalk celery, chopped (grounding, mental powers, peace, psychic powers, weight loss) 2 large carrots, grated or finely chopped in a food processor (grounding, vision) 1/2 onion, chopped (protection, healing, prosperity, exorcism) 4 cloves garlic, minced or grated (healing, protective) 1 sweet green pepper, chopped (growth, prosperity)

Example Two: Thora’s Potato Chowder

Serves 6


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1 jar Ronzoni Pasta sauce (or use your favourite bottled sauce; your choice of flavour, but I like the tomato and four cheese type; healing, love, prosperity, protection) 2 T. basil pesto (love, peace, prosperity, protection, understanding; if you add this, the recipe goes from vegan to vegetarian, unless your pesto does not include cheese) 1/2 cup pasta water to thin Directions: In a large, deep frying pan over medium heat, add oil and mushrooms. Sauté until browned (10 minutes). Sprinkle next 12 ingredients over all. Add onions and celery, and fry until soft (5 minutes). Add remaining veggies, adding more oil if needed. Fry until tender (2-5 minutes). Add jar of sauce. Stir well and let simmer over medium low heat for 10 minutes. Add up to 1/2 cup pasta water to thin the sauce and marry it to the pasta. Stir in the basil pesto. Toss spaghetti noodles in half the sauce. Reserve the rest of the sauce to serve on top. Good to serve with this: French or Italian bread, Caesar salad or spring greens drizzled with balsamic vinegar and herbed croutons.

This is one of my family’s favourite comfort foods, especially on Irish Heritage Day. Its attributes are prosperity, grounding, protection, healing, purification and spirituality. It attracts mental clarity and is good to promote love, lust, passion, desire, and increase sexuality – perfect for date night! 6 potatoes, diced (energy, healing, hoodoo, luck, money, poppet (image magick), stability, wealth, compassion, grounding, protection) 1 T. salt (cleansing and purification, grounding, protection) Water to cover potatoes (purification) 1 T. olive oil (spirituality) 1 T. butter (smoothing relationships, spirituality, and tenacity) 1 yellow onion, chopped (Protection, Heal-

ing, Exorcism, Money, Prophetic dreams) 1 cup diced carrots (desire, dispel illusions, grounding, luck, fertility, healing, lust, sexuality, protection, visions) 2 stalks diced celery (calming, concentration, lust, grounding, mental powers, mental clarity, passion, peace, psychic powers, psychic awareness, sexuality, weight loss) 1 Tsp. medium curry powder (protection) 1 T. chicken bouillon powder (grounding, healing, protection, strength) 4 cups milk, warm (Goddess energy, love, nurturing, and spirituality) 2 T. butter (smoothing relationships, spirituality, and tenacity) 1 cup grated cheese (aged cheddar or tex mex; grounding, healing, joy, things coming to fruition) Boil potatoes with salt and water until soft. Drain and set aside. In same pot, sauté vegetables in olive oil and butter. Cook until vegetables are soft. (You don’t have to sauté the veggies if you’re in a hurry. Just throw everything in BEFORE you boil the potatoes. You might lose a little flavour, but not enough to worry about.) Add curry powder and bouillon. Return potatoes to pot. Add milk as needed (start with 3 cups and add more until you like the consistency) and butter, then crudely mash vegetables, leaving some chunky pieces. Mixture should be thick. Reheat until milk is steaming but not boiling, then remove from heat and add cheese. Stir until melted and serve with a wedge of Irish Soda Bread. Note: you can add other herbs, spices or vegetables you like to this, as long as the po-

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tatoes and onion form the largest part of the dish. If you want an even creamier taste, add ½ cup of warmed heavy cream (prosperity) at the end. Once you make your food, be sure to ask a blessing over it and set aside some for the God and Goddess. This is one of my favourite Blessings – I don’t know who wrote it, but it’s beautiful: Goddess of the verdant plain; God of sun-ripe grain; Goddess of the cooling rain; God of fruit and cane; Bless this meal I’ve prepared; Nourish me with love; Bless this meal I now share With You Finally, know your food, what healing attributes it has, where it comes from and what you want to accomplish with it. Don’t be afraid to experiment, even if you make mistakes at first. That’s how you learn! Applying magickal attributes may be difficult at first, but it’s oh so rewarding when you get the hang of it. About the author: Thora Dorn has been a Solitary Wiccan for over 45 years. She writes the Day by Day Pagan Style columns on Facebook and G+, as well as articles about her primary interests. Her primary interests are crystals, herbs, food magick and incense making. She lives in a multi-faith household (1 Wiccan, 1 Christian, 1 atheist) with two cats, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Note: Photo 1 is public domain from Pixabay. Photos 2 and 3 I took myself.   Email:  17

The Calanais Standing Stones 12m west of Stornoway off the A859, Isle of Lewis Island off the top of Scotland


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The Calanais Standing Stones are a rare cross-shaped setting of stones erected 5,000 years ago. They predate England’s far-famed Stonehenge monument, and were a very important place for ritual activity for a minimum of 2,000 years. We don’t understand why the standing stones at Calanais were erected, however our greatest guess is that it had been a sort of astronomical observatory. Patrick Ashmore, who excavated at Calanais within the early 1980s writes: ‘The most attractive explanation… is that every 18.6 years, the moon skims particularly low over the southern hills. It seems to dance along them, like a great god visiting the earth. knowledge and prediction of this heavenly event gave earthly authority to those who watched the skies.’   Email:  19

Levitation in

Photography By John Robinson

I’ve been asked by people how I do the levitation photos. Here’s a series of photos that show the process and the final result. The first thing is to select a suitable location. The platform gets places and the model climbs on to it. She lays across being supported by an assistant. This is because it’s quite painful to do this and she will need help to get back up. The camera is set up on the tripod and a few photos taken using a remote trigger. The camera remains where it is and the model and platform are removed. Photos are taken of the background. The camera has not been touched so its the same shot but without people in it. Editing The photo of the background is selected and the picture of the model on the platform selected as a layer. This is pasted over the background. The sass tool selected and start wiping the platform away. This leaves the background showing through giving the impression she is floating. Merge the two photos together when finished. The result. A person levitating.


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Images by John Robinson; Model Kiera Farrell

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Rituals & Recipes By Lofn Orenda

Start by decorating the perimeter of the Circle with pinecones, evergreen boughs, sprigs of holly, ivy, oak, and or mistletoe, wreaths, and hollydecorated candles at the 4 quarters. · The candles should be Green · When you are ready, stand facing the North and say: •

“Tonight, I honor the darkness, for from darkness is born the light. From the void, the darkest night of the year is at its threshold. And the Sun is born again.”

· Face east and light the Gold Candle (not the one on the altar), saying: •

“Powers of Air, come forward from the darkness Enter my circle, as dark gives way to light. Bring with you the essence of the pine trees, Remind me of Spring on this Solstice Night.”

· Going to the South, light the Red Candle and say: •

“Powers of Fire, come forward from the darkness, Enter my circle, as dark gives way to light. Bring with you the first glint of tomorrow, Remind me of Summer on this Solstice Night.”

· Move to the West and light the Silver Candle, saying: •


“Powers of Water, come forward from the darkness, Enter my circle, as dark gives way to light. Bring with you the bittersweet memories, Remind me of Autumn on this Solstice Night.” The Pendle Craft - TPC Digital Magazine Ltd

for the North, Red for the South, Silver for West and Gold for East, the candles should remain unlit for the time being. · Set up the altar as is most comfortable for you; a gold pillar candle should be unlit on the altar as well.

· Face the North and light the Green Candle and say: •

“Powers of Earth, come forward from the darkness, Enter my circle, as dark gives way to light. Bring with you the land that now sleeps, Remind me of Winter on this Solstice Night.”

· Finally, take up the Athame and facing East, the direction of the Rising Sun, take a moment to center yourself and begin to cast the Circle. Visualize a white light coming from the tip of the athame and with arms straight out, turn the blade point out, slowly turning clockwise the light following you. · When you return to the East bring the athame back to you and say: •

“As above, so below.”

· As you say this, visualize the light going above you and below you are forming a perfect sphere. from yule_solitary_ritual.htmYule

Celebration Ideas: •

Start your celebration well before dawn, so you can be a part of the Sun’s birthing process. Kick off the ritual with an apple juice toast to the Holly King, saying: o

“Winter day of longest night, Step aside now for the light. Thank you for the things you’ve brought. That only darkness could have wrought.” 


Then name all the gifts of darkness that you can think of - regeneration, peace dreams, organization, quietude, and so on - before drinking the juice.

To ensure good luck and prosperity in the coming year, anoint a bayberry candle with vegetable oil and roll it in dried chamomile. Light the candle and allow it to burn down completely. Make a Yule log from a piece of oak and decorate it with evergreens. Light it, saying:

Family Yule ritual


Priestess/Mother: o

“For a few months the days have been growing shorter, and the nights longer. After today, little by little, the hours of light will increase. The days will grow longer until once again it is Summer.”

Be sure to save an unburned piece to start next year’s log. Save some of the ashes, too. They make terrific boosters for every type of magick. End the ritual with an orange juice toast to the Sun, saying:

“O Newborn Sun of love and light, Rise quickly now, rise high and bright! Gain power in the sky above, we grant you our support and love!”

After ritual, collect all the evergreen decoration you used there and put them away. You’ll need them at Imbolc.

Priest/Father: o

You will need a Yule Log (I am going to use a branch of a pine tree) with enough holes drilled in it to hold enough red candles for everyone present. Pine incense and a large white or red candle are also good. •

“Old King, we thank You for all You’ve done. For lessons learned, and victories won, we must, however, bid You adieu. For Your reign is finished - it’s over and through. Come forth, Young King of newest light. Be born with ease; grow strong and bright, Gain strength and stature in the sky. Shed your warmth on us now from on high.”

“We celebrate now the time of Winter Solstice which is called Yule. It marks the birth of the Sun. Let us call on the Spirits of the Elements to speak of this time.”

As the Quarters are invoked, the quarter candles are to be lit. •

East: o

“Winter is the time: For cold winds and freezing breezes. Spirits of the Air, be with us tonight!”

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South: o

this time.

“Winter is the time: For sitting in front of roaring fire for warmth, and blazing candles for light. Spirits of the Fire, be with us tonight!”




“Winter is the time: Of falling rain, water turning to ice, and Jack Frost nipping at us. Spirits of the Water, be with us tonight!”




“Winter is the time: When the earth is bare, most trees have no leaves, no food is growing now. Spirits of the Earth, be with us tonight!”

o •


“Arthur, Osiris, Apollo, Helios, Lugh, Mithra, Mabon!” (three times)

“Goddess of all seasons, we see you now as Mother with Child. Be with us tonight!”

“God of all seasons, we see you now as the dying sun, and yet also as a tiny Baby, the Sun reborn. Be with us tonight!”

“As the darkness increased, we felt the death of the Sun-God approach. But in the darkest of Winter, He is reborn as the light of the infant sun. It is the Great Mother who gives birth to Him, who brings the Child of Promise to Earth. It is the Lord of Light and Life who is born again!” 

Priestess lights the big red (or white) candle at

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As the last phrase fades away all take their places in the Circle. Candles are passed out for each person at this time.

Priest/Father: o

Priestess/Mother: o


“The sun, the light, shining bright Returns, returns, returns, returns.” (three times or more as desired)

Priest/Father: o


Priestess/Mother: o

All (join hands and circle around the altar chanting):

Begin the ritual. •

“The year wheel turns and light returns!”

“Now, starting with the youngest, we will light our candles from the big Yule Candle, and make a silent wish for the New Year. Then we will set our candles into the holes in the Yule log, and return to our places in the Circle.”

If a Yule log is impossible, this can be done instead with votive candles and they can be set on the hearth or the altar when lit. When all have finished with their candles, the quarters are dismissed, and the quarter candles are blown out. •

East: o

South: o

“Spirits of Air, we thank you for being with us tonight, and now bid you farewell!”

“Spirits of Fire, we thank you for being with us tonight, and now bid you farewell!”

West: o

“Spirits of Water, we thank you for being with us to-

night, and now bid you farewell!”




“Spirits of Earth, we thank you for being with us tonight, and now bid you farewell!”

Priestess/Mother: o

o •

“Lovely Mother, Tiny Child, we thank you for blessing us with your presence tonight, and as the days grow longer we will know you are always with us.” “This rite is ended. Merry Meet and Merry Part!”

All: o

“And Merry Meet again!”

Yule should have a newly decorated altar, one that combines symbols of the season find ways to include the reds, whites and greens of the season. Evergreen boughs never go out of style, so add some dark greens as well. Cover your altar with a cloth in a cool color, and then add candles in a variety of different wintery shades. Use candles in silvers and golds -- and sparkle is always good too! Symbols of Winter: Yule is a Sabbat that reflects the return of the sun, so add solar symbols to your altar. Gold discs, yellow candles, anything bright and shiny can represent the sun. Some people even get a large pillar candle, inscribe it with solar symbols, and designate it as their sun candle. You can also add evergreen boughs, sprigs of holly, pinecones, a Yule log, and even Santa Claus. Consider antlers or reindeer, along with other symbols of fertility.

son jar so it will stay fresh. To use, simply scoop ½ of mix into a small pot, and cover with a few inches of water. Allow to simmer on low heat on your stovetop, adding water as the potpourri reduces down. You can also use a small potpourri-sized crock pot. Blend together: •

3 Cups dried orange peel

1 Cup dried lemon zest

4 Cinnamon sticks, snapped into thirds

1/4 Cup whole cloves

1/4 Cup pine needles

A pinch of allspice

10 juniper berries

Mix in a bowl and then keep in a Mason jar until you’re ready to use.

Yule Spell Ornament You’ll need the following: •

Clear plastic fillable ornament

Filler material associated with your purpose: herbs, small stones, colored paper or glitter, etc.

Colored ribbon

Fill the plastic halves of the ornament with items that are associated with your purpose. Try a couple of the following, or come up with your own combinations: •

For a money spell, add shredded bits of play money, Bay leaf, basil, chamomile, clover, cinquefoil, Tonka bean, Buckeye, pennyroyal; stones such as turquoise and amethyst; bits of green, silver or gold glitter.

For love magic, use Allspice, apple blossom, bleeding heart, catnip,

Potpourri You can bring the scents of the Yule season into your home by blending up your own batch of potpourri. Keep it in a Ma-

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lavender, periwinkle, peppermint, tulip, violet, daffodil; crystals such as rose quartz or emerald, coral; small heart-shaped cutouts, bits of pink or red glitter.

1/2 tsp. pepper

For workings related to creativity and inspiration, add feathers, sage, tobacco leaf, Hazelwood or birch, symbols of artistry such as paintbrush tips, crayons, or colored thread. Add diamonds, quartz crystals, also consider colors like yellow and gold.

1 Tbsp. olive oil

If you’re doing healing magic, use Apple blossom, lavender, barley, comfrey, eucalyptus, fennel, chamomile, allspice, olive, rosemary, rue, sandalwood, wintergreen, peppermint.

As you’re filling your ornament, focus on your intent. Think about what your purpose is in creating such a working. For some people, it helps to chant a small incantation while they work - if you’re one of those folks, you might want to try something like this: Magic shall come as I order today, bringing prosperity blessings my way. Magic to hang on a green Yule tree; as I will, so it shall be. Once you’ve filled your ornament, place the two halves together. Tie a coloured ribbon around the center to keep the halves from separating (you may need to add a dab of craft glue for stability) and then hang your ornament in a place where you can see it during the Yule season.

RECIPES: Orange-Cranberry Chicken with Sweet Potatoes 1 orange 1 4 lb. roasting chicken


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1 lb. sweet potatoes

1 cup chicken broth 1 cup whole berry Cranberry Sauce 2 Tbsp. white wine vinegar. Preheat oven to 375°. Grate rind from orange (don’t include the bitter white part). Rinse chicken & pat dry. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and 1/2 the grated orange rind. Place, breast side up, on a rack in large roasting pan. Roast for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, pare & cut the sweet potatoes into 1-inch slices, then toss with olive oil. Place in single layer in the bottom of roasting pan. Continue roasting 1 hour & 45 minutes, turning potatoes occasionally & basting chicken & potatoes frequently, until chicken juices run clear when the thickest part of the thigh is pierced with a fork and leg moves freely. During the last 1/2 hour of roasting, combine chicken broth, cranberry sauce and vinegar in a small saucepan. Bring to boiling over medium heat; boil 20 minutes or until reduced to 1 1/2 cups. Peel white pith from orange, seed flesh & chop. Stir remaining rind & chopped orange into saucepan; simmer 5 minutes. Let chicken rest for 20 minutes before carving. Cut chicken in half lengthwise down the middle. Spoon Cranberry Sauce mixture over chicken and serve with Sweet Potatoes. Soft Ginger Bread 1 cup sugar 1 cup molasses

1/2 cup butter or other shortening

6 allspice berries

3 cups flour

1 stick cinnamon

1 cup milk, sour

1 dozen eggs, separated

2 tsp. ginger

4 bottles sherry or Madeira wine

2 tsp. cinnamon

2 cups brandy

1 tsp. cloves

*Ancient England gave us the custom of “wassailing”. It is based on the tradition of friends gathering in a circle, whereupon the host drinks to the health of all present. He sips from a glass of hot punch or spiced ale, then passes the glass. A special bowl was used as the vessel. As each friend raises the vessel, before sipping he or she proclaims the Saxon toast, “Wass hael!” meaning “be whole” or “be well”. Although many versions exist, this one contains the symbolic ingredients: apples, representing fertility and health; spices, signifying riches and variety; eggs, a symbol of life and rebirth; as well as wine and brandy. This beverage is served hot, so plan on a heatproof punch bowl. this makes enough for a crowd. Just how large a crowd depends on your groups taste for rich, spicy wine drinks. Figure on at least 16-18 servings. *

1/4 tsp. nutmeg 2 eggs, well beaten 1 tsp. baking soda, dissolved in 1/4 cup boiling water. Cream the shortening and sugar, add the eggs and molasses, and mix well. Sift the flour and spices, and add alternately with the milk to the first mixture. Stir in the dissolved baking soda. Pour into well-greased cake pan and bake at 350° F for 30 minutes.

Wassail Punch 1 dozen apples; baked

Yule Moon Cookies

1 cup water

1 cup butter1 1/4 cup sugar2 tsp. grated lemon peel1/4 tsp. salt1 1/3 cup flour1 1/2 cup grated almonds (blanched)1 tsp. vanillaIcing:2 cups sifted confectioner’s sugar1 tsp. vanilla2 1/2 Tbsp. water. Cream together butter and sugar until fluffy and light. Add grated lemon peel, salt, flour, grated almonds, and 1 tsp. vanilla; mix thoroughly. Place dough in bowl. Cover and chill thoroughly. When the dough is well chilled; or the next day, roll out dough to 1/8” thickness and cut with moon/crescent cookie cutter. Place 1/2” apart on un-greased bak-

4 cups sugar 1 Tbsp. freshly ground nutmeg 2 tsp. ground ginger 1/2 tsp. ground mace 6 whole cloves

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ing sheet. Bake in preheated 375° oven for 8-10 minutes. Icing: While cookies bake, combine confectioner’s sugar, vanilla and water. Spread over the tops of cookies while still warm, but not too hot, as icing will melt. Thin with additional drops of water if glaze is too thick. Allow cookies to cool. Yield: 10 dozen cookies

YULE LOG Ingredients •

butter, for greasing

5 eggs

140g light muscovado sugar

100g self-rising flour

25g good quality cocoa powder such as Green & Black’s or Oxfam Fairtrade

caster sugar, for dusting


285ml/9½fl oz carton double cream

450g fondant chocolate, such as Lindt Lindor

icing sugar, for dusting

1. Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Butter and line the base and sides of a 30 x 35cm Swiss roll tin with baking parchment. 2. Separate the eggs, putting them into two large mixing bowls. Add the sugar and 2 tbsp water to the egg yolks. Using an electric whisk or tabletop mixer, whisk the sugar and yolks for about 5 mins until the mixture is light in colour and thick enough to leave a trail when the whisk blades are lifted. Sift in the flour and cocoa, then fold in


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lightly, using the whisk blades or a large metal spoon. 3. Using a clean whisk, beat the egg whites until they are stiff, then fold into the cake mixture in three batches, again using the blades to preserve as much air as possible. 4. Pour the mixture evenly over the prepared tin, then carefully spread to the edges. Bake for 10-12 mins, or until the cake feels firm to the touch. Put a large sheet of baking parchment on the work surface and sprinkle lightly with caster sugar. Turn the cake out onto the parchment and peel off the lining paper. Cover with a clean tea towel, then leave to cool completely. Trim a little cake from all the edges, then score along the edge of one of the long sides of the cake and roll up from there, using the paper to help you, rolling the paper inside the cake. 5. To make the icing and filling, bring the cream to the boil in a small pan, remove from the heat, then break in 400g of the chocolate. Stir until it is melted and smooth. Leave to cool, then chill until it is spreadable, about 1 hr. Chop the remaining chocolate, spoon a third of the icing into a bowl, then stir them together to make the filling. 6. Carefully unroll the cake, then spread all the filling over to within 2cm of the edges. Roll up the cake again using the paper to help you, then set on a board. 7. Cut a thick diagonal slice off one end of the cake. Transfer the larger piece of cake to a board or flat serving plate. Spread a little icing over cut side of the small piece of cake and fix it to the large roll to make a stump (as photo). Spread remaining icing over the cake, then dust with icing sugar to serve.

German Spice Cookies Ingredients · 1 1/3 C. Sugar · 1 Tablespoon Molasses · 1/2 C. Butter · 2 Eggs · 4 C Flour · 1 tsp. Baking Powder · 1/2 tsp. each: Ground Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Allspice, Cloves, Black Pepper Glaze · 2 C. Powdered Sugar · 2 Tablespoon Lemon Juice · 2 Tablespoon Water 1. Cream together sugar, molasses and butter till smooth. 2. Beat in eggs 3. Sift together dry ingredients including spices. Beat into creamed mixture 4. Roll 1/4” thick and cut in desired shapes. 5. Bake at 350 degrees 8-10 minutes till just beginning to brown on edges. Remove to cooling rack. 6. While cookies are baking, mix together Powdered Sugar, Lemon Juice and Water for glaze. Glaze cookies while warm.

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True Crime Files: Old Cases That Still Shock The World

By Aaron Field

“Satanic Panic”, as it was to become known, started, it is thought, with allegations of Satanic ritual abuse at a preschool in California, a wave of Satanic panic swept across the entire US, no town, no matter how big or small, was safe, giving rise to what I like to call “Satan Under The Bed”, from the Cold War focus on Communists under every bed and had to be rooted out. In 1984, in a small village called Northport a brutal murder would bring the Satan Panic into the quiet suburbs of New York City shocking its residents to the very core. It all began on the night of June 16th, 1984, when four friends walked into some woods that they would use often to take drugs and get high. On this night however, four would walk in, but three would only walk out the next morning. The four that went in were: Rick Kasso, the then 17-year old leader of the group and a keen practitioner of Satanism; Gary Lauwers, also 17; James Troiano and Albert Quinones, also 17; Kasso and


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Lauwers had a very strenuous relationship after Gary had stolen 10 bags of PCP (aka Angel Dust) from Ricky. After the boys had set up camp and set their usual bonfire, they began to get high on LSD…it didn’t take long. According to Troiano, Ricky started to worship Satan then began picking on Lauwers, condemning him for the theft. Before anyone knew what was going on, Kasso had begun beating Lauwers, punching and kicking him. Soon things took an even more sinister turn, when Ricky produced a knife and stabbed Lauwers multiple times in the back, head, neck, and stomach, each time Kasso kept screaming, “Tell Satan You Love Him…” Then it was all over. Lauwers was a habitual run-away so to many, including his parents, it was not surprising when the young man vanished. For two weeks Kasso, Troiano, and Quinones said nothing about what had taken place in the woods. Over that time they even bragged about the killing to dozens or so of their friends, Kasso

Satan In The Woods: Ricky Kasso, The Acid King Story

even leading macabre guided tours to where they had left the body. When the two weeks was up, Kasso and Troiano returned to the scene and dug a shallow grave for the remains, before taking off for a cross country trip to California. As the boys headed west an anonymous call came into the Northport police from a young female informing them that she knew and could give them the location of the body of Lauwers. It was news to the officers that Gary Lauwers was even missing as no-one had been in to fill out a missing-persons report, not even Gary’s parents. Even though the caller had hung up the police could not take the report of a body lightly and they quickly sprung into action. Troiano and Kasso were only 120-miles away when the call was made; they had bought a car for $50 but was fast running out of money and drugs to sell, so they decided to head back to Northport to celebrate the 4th July with their friends. The Northport police had found Lauwers remains exactly where the caller had said, but

only after sending in a canine unit first. It was a scene that none of the officers and detectives had ever seen before. After getting high with their friends on the night of the 4th July, Troiano and Kasso had decided to return to the comfort of their car to sleep things off. The following morning, a single officer in a patrol car responded to a 911 call of a suspicious vehicle; recognizing the boys, the officer called for immediate back-up afraid of what they could be capable off while on drugs. Sixteen other officers soon arrived, surrounded the car, and took the boys into custody and once word had leaked out that Kasso was a self-confessed Satanist, a media storm soon fell upon the quaint and normally quiet village. To many it was the proof they had been looking for of the so-called Satan panic to the frightened adults it was hard to believe that their children had been drawn into Satanic worship. On the 7th July 1984, 48-hours after his arrest, Kasso was found dead in his cell,   Email:  31

hanging from a make-shift noose from his sheets and tied to the higher bars. This left two of the original four dead and two to face the music, this soon dwindled to one after Quinones was given immunity as long as he testified against the remaining member, Troiano. It should have been an open and shut case, the prosecution had a star witness in Quinones, even though he was the only witness. They also had medical evidence that supported the story of Troiano holding Lauwers down while he was stabbed and beaten. However, even the greatest laid plans can fall apart. Quinones was called to the stand and gave testimony against Troiano… then it was the Defence’s turn. On cross-examination the Defence Attorney first asked about the lion that Quinones had said originally was in the woods, Quinones denied he had said this, so the Defence Attorney asked about the Circus that had come to town and al-

lowed one of their lions to escape, the seventeen-year-old contradicted himself again by saying: “You mean there was an actual lion in the woods that night…” After more careful cross-examination, the Defence Attorney tore the Prosecutions case to shreds, finally getting Quinones into a place where he contradicted the statement he had given the police and clearly stated that Troiano had never once chased Lauwers nor did he hold him down. It did not take the Jury long to reach a “Not Guilty” verdict against James Troiano on the charge of second degree murder. The Satan Panic did not end here, in this quiet New York suburb. In late 1985 California was rocked again by Satanic Panic during the “Night Stalker” murders, carried out by Richard Ramirez, and then in 1993 it was Arkansas’s turn with the West Memphis Three.

Main Street, Northport Today By Fife Club (Own work) [CC BY 3.0 ( licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Ricky Kasso at time of arrest, before he hung himself later that evening.


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Winter Solstice…. The traditional purpose of the Winter Solstice in the Pagan tradition is to celebrate the longest night of the year. In the days of Old, the people felt so profoundly connected to the Earth and its Seasons they felt it their responsibility to increase delight to entice the Sun, so as to ensure its return back and nourish them and the land all through the upcoming Half of the year. Great fires were lit and a special log placed inside it, referred to as the Yule Log. The Log had been decorated with symbolism representing their collective intention to welcome Warmth and Light. It was by this fires power, their collective intention was sent as a prayer in the Smoke to the Lord of Warmth and Light, additional known as the Nordic Tradition, Odin. Ways to celebrate Winter Solstice included, making masks and head dresses decorated with feathers and things found thriving in nature during this time of year. Like pinecones, evergreens, holly, and mistletoe. It’s said anything that thrives in this types of condition, does so by sheltering good and protective spirits that share their spirit with you when you keep it close. Also, the merriment of making generous and silly toasts with Mead or Wine; feasting traditionally on bread and honey or the sacrificial hogs and/or goats.

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December Birthday

Totem Animals By Lofn Orenda Native American and Celtic shamanistic beliefs are strong on animal symbols. Referred to as “totem animals” or “power animals.” For those who follow traditional Native beliefs, it is explained that a totem animal is one which is with you for life. An animal with whom you share a connection, either through interest in that particular animal or its similarity to, or common characteristics of the animal. The power animal is a spirit in animal form that comes through with a precise lesson for you, and will change throughout the course of your life.

to teach and guide us. Representing the aspects of ourselves that we elect to ignore; our secrets, fears, dark thoughts. They depict our personal boundaries, those self-imposed limitations and parts of ourselves that rejects impulsiveness. They apart of the development of self-esteem. They represent our dark side – the aspect of our soul that we have a tendency to ignore or suppress due to the implications that they signify and the accountabilities that they impose upon us, forcing us to look at ourselves, stand before our weaknesses and honor and accept those weaknesses as stepping-stones Totem animals are your spiritual al- to power. Coming across certain animals lies. We do not choose our totems, they in our life can be and choose us. Offering confirmation when necessary, support when invoked and as When we come across certain animals in a choice when they offer confirmation our lives it can be a sign that they have when needed, support when invoked and been put in our path to give us messagchoice when hurdles appear. The totem es or guidance from the Spirit on what is anything of Nature that we feel a strong we need to be focused on at that present bond with. Not all will notice their ani- time. Some animals will be with us for mal totem, but instead feel a gravitation our whole life time, while others come in toward the inorganic kingdom or the for a short period to help us deal with a world of plant life instead. specific situation. Shadow Totems are animals that we fear. And are equally as significant and equally as important as one totem’s animal


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23 November – 21 December (N. Hemisphere) 21 May – 20 June (S. Hemisphere) Owls require freedom of expression. Owls are energetic, self-sufficient, and courageous birds, with an eye for detail. Both inquisitive and malleable; they tend to over exert themselves.


22 December – 19 January (N. Hemisphere) 21 June – 21 July (S. Hemisphere) Goose people are perceptive idealist who are eager to explore the unknown. Their overt perfectionism and cause them to appear unduly serious. The Goose approaches life with passion and an unwavering drive to fulfill their dreams.

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A Solitary Yule Ritual Cast the Circle Stand at the Northern edge of the area you designate to be your circle, facing outward. With your dominant index finger, feel energy build within you and flow down through your finger, out to the edge of your circle. Once you feel it flowing out of you, begin to trace your circle with your index finger pointing down to the ground and gradually walk sun wise, tracing the perimeter of your circle. If needed, make two or three rounds to really “feel” the energy flowing, and as the circle is marked on the ground, feel it extending upward and inward to create a dome, or half-sphere enclosing you, knowing that the other half is extending down beneath you so that you are in the middle of a giant ball. As you are forming the circle, say: I build this magic circle, to create a space of peace and love between the Worlds. As my energy builds these walls, I can feel the God and Goddess adding theirs as well. May only good come from this space - as I will, so mote it be! Invoke the Quarters

Spirits of the South, attend and bless this circle with the element of Fire. Light the candle, and visualize red light flowing from this gateway into the circle. When you can feel it, then proceed to the Western edge of the circle and say: Spirits of the West, attend and bless this circle with the element of Water. Light the candle, and visualize blue light flowing from this gateway into the circle. When you can feel it, then proceed to the Northern edge of the circle and say: Spirits of the North, attend and bless this circle with the element of Earth. Light the candle, and visualize green light flowing from this gateway into the circle. Invite the God and Goddess Say:

Spirits of the East, attend and bless this circle with the element of Air.

Beautiful Maiden, who dances on the breeze, Gentle Mother, who holds her children dear, Wise Crone, who teaches us lessons we don’t always wish to learn. Join with me in this space, and may I be Blessed.

Light the candle, and visualize yellow light flowing from this gateway into the circle. When you can feel it, then proceed to the Southern edge of the circle and say:

Virile Father, shining brightly upon your children, Agile Hunter, Son of the Goddess, Wise Man of the Oak, sturdy and strong, Smiling upon us even when you have been cut down. Join with me in this

Proceed to the Eastern edge of the circle and say:


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space, and may I be blessed. Recite the Sabbat Prayer for Yule by saying aloud: The light is rising in the East this morn and by the Goddess, our God is born. The Oak King is victorious this night, and brings with him a promise bright. Of warmer days and happy times, as he grows into his prime. Meditate on this, and reflect upon any images that come to mind through the meaning of Yule When you are ready, perform any magical work you desire. Perform the “Cakes and Ale” rite Raise the chalice in both hands, saying: The Sun has ripened the fruit of the Earth. Return the chalice to the altar and touch the drink with your athame, saying: This drink is blessed by both the God and Goddess. As you are about to take a drink from the cup, say: May I too be blessed. Hold your hands over the cakes, saying: The moon has shone down upon the grain, These cakes are blessed by both the God and Goddess. As you are about to take a bite from the cake, say:

Closing the Circle Thank the God and Goddess for attending you ritual. Move to the East candle, and as you extinguish it, say: Spirits of the East, thank you for your presence here. May you go in peace.

Move to the South candle, and as you extinguish it, say: Spirits of the South, thank you for your presence here. May you go in peace. Move to the West candle, and as you extinguish it, say: Spirits of the West, thank you for your presence here. May you go in peace. Move to the North candle, and as you extinguish it, say: Spirits of the North, thank you for your presence here. May you go in peace. Move once again to the North, and with your non-dominant index finger, touch the edge of the circle, drawing the energy back into your hand (don’t let it move all the way into you, just as far as your arm) as you walk sun wise around the circle. When you have returned to the North and the circle no longer remains, return to the altar in the center and pointing the same index finger down into the Earth, release all of the energy into the ground and finish by extinguishing the incense and candle on the altar.

May I too be blessed.   Email:  37

What Happens when a NeopagaN Dies? By Thora Dorn What happens when Neopagans die? While the majority of us are young enough not to have to consider death in our future, our population is aging. What type of memorial can we have? And what will happen to our sacred belongings when we die? How many of us have families that are pagan? Most of us don’t have that privilege. The truth is, we should all consider this – no one knows when their number will be called.

ment as soon as possible.

Many traditions have prescribed rituals surrounding death. Often special prayers, using special incenses and oils, offerings, etc. are said by kin, a coven member or a clergyperson. These rituals may occur before, during time of death and afterwards as a memorial service either in a hall or at the graveside. These rituals may be restricted to believers, or made non-denominational. However, not everyone gets a pagan option because their kin may be non-believers. In order to ensure you can have a pagan memorial service, you must make this a part of your will, and ensure that your coven has a copy of that will so they are aware of their responsibilities and your desires. Your executor must also be aware of this requirement. Family members should be notified of this require-

Most Neopagans take considerable care in building their collection of sacred tools over their lifetime. We are connected to them in a way non-pagans will never understand. Some of us are now considering what will happen to our tools when we die. You can write this into your will or give away your tools before death, especially if you are in a hospice situation.


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Some pagans write their own obituaries and memorial services. There are some great examples online, or your coven may be asked to help write one. Covens should consider adding a memorial service ritual or rituals to their Covenstead Book of Shadows. If you can, keep a copy of the ritual you want used with a copy of your will.

Questions to ask yourself include: • Does your tradition allow tools and Book of Shadows to be transferred, or must they be destroyed? • If your tradition does allow transference, do you have family members, friends or covensteads to bequeath the tools to?

• If you don’t have family or friends who want the tools, who else can you give the tools to? • How do you ensure that the tools are properly disposed after you die? If a tradition does not allow transference of tools, then the tools can be buried with you or elsewhere with appropriate ceremony, burned, discarded in running water (providing such discarding does not pollute), or any other traditional disposal your pagan group directs. If transference is allowed, ask friends, family and covensteads if there is anyone who wants a particular tool or tools. Write down who will receive the tools. Record this list in or with your will. If family or friends or covensteads die or disband before you die, have an alternate plan. Check with local pagan groups and metaphysical stores to see if someone would be willing to accept well-loved sacred tools. Keep a list of these groups and stores, as well as how to contact them. File this information with your will, and ensure there is a statement that allows your executor to pick from the list if none of your original heirs remain.

A section of your will should clearly state exactly how the executor is to dispose of your tools and Book of Shadows. This then becomes a legal requirement that ensures proper disposition. Every few years, verify the contact information for heirs, any local pagan groups or stores listed and update the information as needed. It can be very comforting to know that when you die, your beliefs will be respected. If you follow these steps, you can be certain things will unfold according to your wishes. About the author: Thora Dorn has been a Solitary Wiccan for over 45 years. She writes the Day by Day Pagan Style columns on Facebook and G+, as well as articles about her primary interests. Her primary interests are crystals, herbs, food magick and incense making. She lives in a multi-faith household (1 Wiccan, 1 Christian, 1 atheist) with two cats, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Image: W.G. Collingwood (1854 - 1932) - The Elder or Poetic Edda; commonly known as Sæmund’s Edda. Odin’s last words to Baldr. Public Domain.

Email:  39

LEGENDS & LORE WALES, United Kingdom

CEREDIGION, Mid Wales: It is said that in the mid-11th century AD., an old woman had a cow stuck on the other side of the river but could not get across. Wanting her soul, the devil came to her and said: “I will build you a bridge, but I want the soul of the first living thing that crosses it.” The old woman agreed and so the Devil built her the bridge. As soon as it was finished, the old woman kept to her agreement but threw a loaf of bread across, which her dog dutifully chased. It was the first living thing across the bridge, so the devil took its soul and left, angry at being outwitted by an old woman. It is said the Devil has never been seen in Ceredigion, since, being too ashamed and embarrassed at being out-smarted.

By by William M. Connolley [GFDL (http://www.gnu. org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


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Alun Wyn Jones [CC BYSA 2.0 ( by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Llyn y Fan Fach is a beautiful lake in the Black Mountains of Carmarthenshire, in Wales, inside the Brecon Beacons National Park. It was here, in this isolated region that a young farmer named Gwyn met and fell in love with a woman who claimed she had come out of the lake. It was agreed that she would marry Gwyn but only on one condition and that being he would never strike her or she would return to the lake and he would never see her again. Gwyn agreed and the two were married and lived a happy life of many years bringing children into the world. However when Gwyn playfully struck his wife for a third time, the Lady of the Lake kept to her word and returned to the dark waters, never to be seen again by Gwyn. She would return on occasion to visit her children and to teach them the powers of healing through magic and herbs. They became powerful physicians as did their children and their children’s children. Many of the so-called medicinal magic can be found in the Red Book of Hergest, one of Wale’s most important medieval manuscripts.

Email:  41

THE EARTH IS DREAMING! By Salena Shakti Radford

The Earth is dreaming to the Moon`s lullaby the Earth is dreaming with a tearful eye the Earth is dreaming to awaken visions the Earth is dreaming and making decisions The Earth is dreaming of different ways the Earth is dreaming within all our days the Earth is dreaming of things that are strange the Earth is dreaming of all we arrange The Earth is dreaming of plentiful grain the Earth is dreaming to protect her name the Earth is dreaming and seeing what grows the Earth is dreaming accounting with crows The Earth is dreaming and dreaming awake the Earth is dreaming of mountains that shake the Earth is dreaming of wasteful toil the Earth is dreaming of replenished fertile soil The Earth is dreaming though turns not to sleep the Earth is dreaming but to us she speaks.


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Blog By Yvonne Ryves

Every year I go into solstice with idea about how I might mark the occasion and every year it works out differently. Think I’d learn wouldn’t you. I began this year thinking I might see if anyone was around to drum, then quickly realised everyone was working, then I thought I’d watch the live link from Newgrange and during the day make a Despacho, a form of prayer bundle which I could then offer to the spirits in a solstice fire in my stone circle. This way I could drum while the spirits consumed the bundle along. Did any of this happen? No! Instead an incredibly dark solstice morning found me driving to the dentist as I had a niggly tooth and needed to get it checked out before Christmas. During the drive, feeling disappointed not to be watching the sun fail to rise and illuminate the passage at Newgrange (it was a dull misty, damp

morning everywhere in Ireland) when I realised that just as I often do a sign and omen walk I could do the same whilst driving as long as I was careful to also pay attention to the road of course. So shifting my awareness I asked for signs and omens for the day that was in it. Sure enough I soon became aware of my focus being drawn first to the bare trunks of clusters of birch trees as I drove past, then my gaze lifting above the trees and hedgerow to the lightness beginning to grow in the sky in the distance and finally to the crow flying directly towards me. As crow is someone I work with and whom is around often I asked for confirmation and was rewarded with a second crow immediately flying from a tree across the road in front of me. As with all signs and omens the real comes later in interpreting these and so I held onto them until I could sit, journey, gain insight, reflect and make sense of what I had been given.

Email:  43

Returning home, tooth sorted I was again disappointed that the weather was even worse. I had driven home through thickening fog and miserable drizzly rain neither of which are conducive to drumming outside and fire ceremony. So a quick rethink found me in my log cabin where I was guided to select two cards from Ted Andrews, Nature Speak Cards. I thought I was drawing these for myself until I was guided to draw a third which was solely for me and realised the first two were also to share here. The first card was drawn for the darkness and was: Tulip – Trust in your efforts Sometimes we feel that we aren’t really getting anywhere, making any progress but our efforts are working and rewards are coming if we continue to stay focused on them and to discriminate as to how and where to use them.

I have a suspicion that the signs and omens I received on my drive were also meant to be shared hence this blog post but as with all shamanic work the interpretation of them for anyone other than me is not mine to make. Basically, without going into details, for me the three signs together show me what I need to release and what I need to grasp hold of and carry with me as the shift from darkness to light takes place. Maybe the signs I was given resonate with you in which case do reflect on them and what they might mean to you, or maybe this might inspire you to do your own signs and omens drive or walk. I did drum, but out of respect for my drum, in my log cabin and not in the rain in my stone circle.

Just an aside here as yesterday where I live it was a seriously dark day, no sky The second card was drawn for the light visible, absolutely no light to be seen. I and was: Garden – Time for nurturing was out last night and I have never experienced such a deep and dark night, total This is a reminder to nurture yourself blackness everywhere. I really do think and to do things that give you joy, to sow this was the darkest solstice I have ever new seeds in your life and then watch seen. May the light come quickly and them grow. Doing this will stimulate shine brightly on us all in the coming new energies around you. months.

You can visit Yvonne’s web-page by going to: Image provided by Yvonne Ryves


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CHRYSOPRASE From the Greek: “Chrys“ meaning gold or yellow and “Prase“ meaning Leek


apple green


Non traditional: May, Dec


Venus, Mercury, Moon


Protection, Healing


Fourth Chakra Heart

Email:  45

IN THE NEWS! SSPCA RESCUES ADORABLE OTTER CUB Misty, an adorable otter-cub was found wandering around the streets of Oban, Scotland, before being rescued and taken to the SSPCA’s National Wildlife Rescue Centre, on the 22nd of December. Centre manager, Colin Seddon said: “We called her misty as she is small and mist is made up of small water droplets. From this point on, any otters that are brought in will be given names associated with water or the seas.” Colin added: “She is too young to be out on her own, as they usually stay with their parents until around a year old. She was difficult to feed at first as she would not take a bottle, but we quickly got her onto fish and she is now going from strength to strength. She is with another otter cub of around the same age called Fin, who was found in Fintry on Boxing Day. She will remain with us for another year before being released back into the wild.

CAN YOU HELP IDENTIFY THIS MAN?? Detectives from the borough of Camden, North-West London are appealing from members of the public to identify a man who was found collapsed outside University College Hospital at around 4:30pm on Tuesday 2th December, 2017. Described as being in a life-threatening condition, medical professionals have put him into an induced coma after he was found to have suffered a massive heart-attack. When found, he was carrying no identification and officers are keen to trace his family due to his poor health. Officers have released a photo of the man in the hope that someone may recognise him. He is of light skinned black or Asian origin and it is possible he may be homeless. If anyone has any information please contact CID at the Central North Command Unit by dialling 101.


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MIST. Image courtesy of the SSPCA

Image courtesy of the Metropolitan Police

IRAN MOVE TO BAN SOCIAL MEDIA APPS ON PHONES DUE TO CIVIL UNREST Iran has moved to ban social media apps on people’s phones after several days of protests and civil unrest which has been orchestrated by people sending messages to each other over social media apps such as Telegram and Instagram. State TV-station Irib reported that the restrictions being placed on Telegram and photo-sharing app, Instatgram, were only temporary, yet how long it will last is not known. The decision was taken to ensure the tranquility and peace of the state, a source has said. The show of public dissent has been the biggest since widespread rallies rocked the country in 2009. The protests began in the north of the country as a public out-cry against economic hardship and rising prices, but soon turned political in many places with chants being aimed at Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani, and the country’s interventionist foreign policy in the region. Violence flared in many places on Saturday, 30th December, and it is unclear how many protests are taking place on Sunday, 31st. However, large crowds have gathered in Tehran and police have used water-cannons and tear-gas to disperse them.

Email:  47

THE MEANING OF YULE By Mel Miller Owner of Facebook Group Witches In The Hut


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This year, the longest night of the year— Winter Solstice, or Yule—takes place on Thursday, December 21st. On the night of the Winter Solstice, an old tradition that we have adapted for Atheopagan purposes is the burning of the Yule log.

ourselves a rum toddy or some eggnog, and sit outside in the cold and dark for awhile, to feel the character of the season. We then light a single taper each and return inside, where all lights have been extinguished except the Yule tree. We light candles which have been Yule marks the moment in the year placed throughout the house, to bring when the sun’s steady decline, with days the light back. growing shorter and shorter, comes to Then, we gently carry the log to our lita halt, and the days begin to become tle firepit where we have made a nest of longer again. The day the sun begins to paper and kindling. We sing a Yule song, return is celebrated by cultures through- and light the log ablaze. out the world and going back far into Solstice night is also a traditional time to prehistory; indeed, such archaeological tell ghost stories, so we might read a few marvels as the Newgrange passage burial out of a book of Victorian ghost stories in Ireland were constructed precisely so we have. that they aligned with the sunrise on this The Yule log is a fun project to do, and momentous day. the entire family can help with making and creating it. Just be sure that We have many traditions drawn forth everything on it is plastic-free, to avoid from antiquity for this time of year: the creating toxic fumes. burning of candles and colorful lights, the decoration of the home with evergreen boughs and holly and other plants which persist in life through the dark months, and, of course, the “Christmas” tree, a Pagan holdover into modern times. One such old tradition is the Yule log. While found in various forms, here is what I have adapted as a tradition for our own Atheopagan celebrations.

image provided by Mel Miller.

For the log itself, I start with the trunk of the previous year’s Yule tree, which I have saved. This I bind with (non-plastic) ribbons of red and green to a large oaken log of firewood. Decorations, too, are tied on: boughs of holly and pyrocantha, redwood and fir. Some people drill holes so that taper candles can be inserted in the log, allowing the log to be “burned” for multiple nights in a row before burning the whole thing in the hearth. Finally, we sit before our Yule tree one night, contemplating the coming year; we write wishes for the year on slips of paper, and tuck these under the ribbons binding the log together. On the night of the solstice, we make   Email:  49

The Pendle Craft TPC Digital Magazine Ltd © December 2017

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