TSC Overview

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9000km east to west 26th & 28th parallel

world first australian adventure - documentary & tv series












Promo DVD Documentary naming sponsor required

Widescreen / Fullscreen Dual Display / iPhone

The Southern Crossing ©2011 The Southern Crossing www.thesoutherncrossing.com..au

Advertising opportunities for your business as a naming sponsor! All information contained in this document are private and confidential. All rights reserved © The Southern Crossing 2011

Global exposure for your business with this unique Aussie adventure. Grab this sponsor opportunity to reach millions!

Advertising opportunities for your business as a sponsor! All information contained in this document are private and confidential. All rights reserved © The Southern Crossing 2011


Leroy (Boss), Geordie (Wombat), Jon (Blue) prepare and test out the equipment that will take them through the heart of Australia



In May 2012, three everyday Aussie’s will undertake the challenge of a lifetime. They will attempt to cross the harshest terrain in Australia and possibly the most unforgiving environment in the world. Facing incredible challenges and unknown dangers, these adventurers leave fear behind to live out a two wheel dream to cross Australia in virtually a straight line. They are attempting a world first. Over 98% of the terrain is dirt, sand, rock and mud and over 1,500 massive sand hills in the Simpson Desert must be conquered... an incredible adventure of true Australian spirit and unrivalled determination. Leroy, Geordie and Jon will do battle with the unpredictable weather, whilst enjoying some of the most spectacular landscapes in the world and meeting unique locals and indigenous communities on their journey. Australian celebrities and fellow bike and 4WD enthusiasts, will join the team on trip stop points to encourage and cheer them on their way. Join the boys on their epic adventure... as they take on ‘The Southern Crossing’.

Inspired by the Leyland Brother’s 4WD trip in 1966, this adventure is one of a kind. The route will be as close as possible to the 28th and 26th parallel. Many tracks have little or no use. Riders will be self sufficient and endeavour to carry their own food, fuel, water, tents, clothes, spares and tools. Many occasions will see the riders travelling by GPS straight across the desert and making their own tracks. This will be dangerous and gruelling. The 4WDs will be fitted with the latest technology and equipment, to showcase how travel through rugged environments like Australia has been revolutionised.

Geordie Wright




To document a challenge a world away from the bustle of city life, amid impressive dunes and exotic native wildlife. A documentary for television acquisition, DVD release and book publication, where Australian history, indigenous culture, adventure and environment, are on display in a uniquely exciting and unpredictable journey brought to you by three regular Aussie blokes and a host of celebrities.

Large gaps currently exist in the promotion of Australian adventure tourism and ‘nature based’ eco tourism for motorcycle and 4WD enthusiasts. Whilst the demand for thrill seeking, adventure tourism and documentary style productions in exotic locations for niche demographics continues to grow, programming and marketing of such adventures has not been developed concurrently with demand. With the sad loss of Mike Leyland, Steve Irwin and Malcolm Douglas, our three intrepid bike enthusiasts will feed consumer hunger for a new, true, Aussie adventure.


61 430 855 169

E: marketing@thesoutherncrossing.com.au


1300 851 660


61 417 820 850

E: leroy@thesoutherncrossing.com.au

GENERAL ENQUIRIES info@thesoutherncrossing.com.au RIDERS Leroy Robinson Jon Faliguerho

www.thesoutherncrossing.com.au FOLLOW US Facebook: The Southern Crossing 4 Twitter: TheSouthernCros

Celebrities will participate throughout the documentary on route and will donate memorabilia to be auctioned off in order to raise funds for the Royal Flying Doctor Service. The underlying message in the documentary is about “having a go” in the face of adversity and overcoming not only the hardships of the ride, but enjoying and absorbing the unique cavernous gorges, boundless desert landscapes, remote Aboriginal communities and a charming pioneering history. Australia will support these adventurers and international demographics will watch in awe at true Aussie spirit and amazing surrounds. Extensive exhibition of the pristine environment, as savage as it may be, will encourage the preservation and protection of delicate outback ecosystems and their uniquely adapted flora and fauna.

An epic journey The Southern Crossing trip is across 9,000 kilometres of some of the most demanding terrain in the world; the Simpson Desert, Central Australia and the Gibson Desert; with more than 95% being dirt, rocks and sand. This crossing is from East to West, not West to East as documented by the Leyland Brothers in the 1960’s by 4WD. Unlike the ‘good old days’, there is an environmental, cultural, lawful and historical etiquette which is of significant importance to our production. Hence, we will not be interfering with bones of Dutch sailors and Aboriginals, or highlighting aboriginal carvings with chalk to make them more visible on film, or even scoffing down protected emu eggs; as done in the 1900’s. Our production offers a unique and responsible adventure by motorbike and 4WD, conducive to current day demographics... the type of rugged and unscripted adventure missing from TV screens today.

The quintessential motorcycle adventure is one of the last frontiers of the world … three Australian blokes will cross a region with spirit and a freedom so unique it stands alone. Through pain and tears, they will stay committed to the rugged journey through sheer determination.

The production entourage includes personalities with some of the best kept secrets, stories and area access in Australia! The inclusion of celebrities adds an additional dimension to this hive of exciting viewing. With 45 days of pure struggle, discovery, education, mateship and elation... why wouldn’t you want in!?


Extraordinary sites and encounters Australia is a land of contrasts - topographical, cultural, physical, meteorological and visual. The Southern Crossing story board gives new scope and inspiration to adventure travel in Australia, by showcasing a plethora of spectacular sites and encounters. Demographic Link Tourism studies show the ‘experience seeker’, outdoor recreation and outback enthusiast markets are on the increase. Motorbike and 4WD enthusiasts are high end spenders and travel great distances for ‘unique experiences’. Camping and caravanning activity is increasing across many demographics with consumers requiring more than ‘where to go’ but also ‘what to do’. Outback Australia is an aspirational brand overseas and international demographics will watch this one of a kind experience. This production will provide enticing points of difference and a cross section of experiences for several markets.

The unique marvels of our flora and fauna are on display as is our country’s matchless beauty and terrain


Friendly faces, stories, history and culture Indigenous Some of the oldest surviving cultural traditions on earth – are those of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples whose ancestors inhabited Australia for between 40,000 and 60,000 years. Close attention in this documentary is placed on the importance of aboriginal stories, arts and music.

indigenous communities share sacred sites and stories

Humour Comedy is an important part of the Australian identity. With a strong tradition of self mockery, many outback characters and people along the route of this journey, will personify the quirks of Australian people. Mateship A central tenet of survival on the rugged route, an element of the human spirit that the team must rely on.

“It is a wonderful feeling to be met with a smile in unfamiliar territory; even more wonderful, is to greet as strangers and farewell as friends. There’s a certain magic about the people of this country and their unique stories ... If we could sell our experiences for what they were worth, we’d all be millionaires.” - Wombat


The terrain The trip will be across 9,000 kilometres of some of the most demanding terrain in the world; the Simpson Desert, Central Australia and the Gibson Desert; with more than 95% being dirt, rocks and sand. Australia is said to be the lowest, flattest, and oldest continental landmass on Earth. By far the largest part of Australia is desert or semi-arid – 40% of the country’s landmass is covered by sand dunes... The Southern Crossing intend to conquer over 1,500 of these massive steep lipped sand hills. Alice Springs is surrounded by a red sand sea the size of Europe which the team will push through. The desert is imprinted with spiritual significance for the local Aboriginal people, and with special permission sacred areas will be accessible to the team. This documentary will showcase ‘the road less travelled’ and display terrain that adventure dreams are made of!

46 days

9,000 kilometers

- An Australian challenge of a lifetime along the 26th & 28th parallel. Showcasing exciting terrain and equipment durability for motorcycle, 4WD and adventure enthusiasts

9,000 kilometres of arguably the most demanding terrain in the world; a perfect formula to test all forms of adventure apparel and equipment. Participating sponsors will solidify their position in the marketplace as compelling and as robust as the terrain and the hearts of these adventurers.


The danger and rewards During the 2011 crossing, Leroy endured a bad fall west of Cameron Corner whilst testing maximum bike weight in sandy conditions. It resulted in several broken ribs. He was airlifted to Broken Hill Hospital by the Royal Flying Doctor Service. This incident was paramount in deciding to modify equipment for the filmed documentary attempt of the crossing. Whilst these injuries can occur, every precaution is taken to try and ensure the safety of all crew. However... the only sure thing about luck in the outback, is that it can change with the wind. There are a multitude of factors to consider when planning such an adventure; route, safety equipment, first aid, dangerous flora and fauna, emergency plans... the list goes on! One thing is for sure, these elements combined make for fantastic television viewing and help to create public awareness for travel safety considerations.

“... up the Bore Track I powered over one wheel rut to join another, but I guess the front wheel dug in and the bike bucked me off at 60kph. I recall gasping in an attempt to get air into my lungs and to start breathing again. I removed my helmet and held my chest while I still gasped for breath and started to turn blue.� - Boss

Celebrities will help raise funds for the Royal Flying Doctor Service by appearing in the documentary and providing memorabilia for auction.



Boss “It’s a dream come true and the TV series will inspire Aussies and adventurers globally. They



Character: With a fun, dry sense of humour this family man with a heart of gold, could be best described as “weekday white collar geek, weekend adventure freak”. His passion for the great outdoors and adventure is wildly contagious!

Character: With a quiet and friendly disposition, Geordie is a critical thinker with a level head in stressful situations. His thoughtful charisma is reflective of his true passion in life, his young family.

As a business expert and Managing Director of Corporate Enhancement Pty Ltd, Leroy is the team leader and adventure instigator. Leroy’s dream started as a small child when the Leyland Brothers crossed Australia in 1966. With a mechanical trade under his belt, Leroy felt his personal challenge should be a tribute to the Aussie Adventurer; whether it be the weekender, motorcyclists, four wheel drivers or well known and passionate adventurers like the Leyland Brothers, Steve Erwin, and Burke and Wills. “There is a hunger, a need within Australia for a true adventure, something challenging and inspiring. The Southern Crossing will invigorate Aussies and adventurers globally”.

Wombat “There’s a certain sort of inner harmony that exists with adventure. I want to teach

Born and raised in country Victoria, Geordie now resides near Renmark in South Australia and works as a Quality Coordinator at a vineyard and winery. Geordie has four children and a wife who all support him on this ride of a lifetime. Geordie has been riding trail bikes as long as he can remember. Through his interest in motorbikes he discovered The Southern Crossing website and immediately contacted Leroy to be part of this great adventure. Geordie was welcomed to the team. Geordie is determined to be one of the first in the world to ride in a straight line across the deserts of Australia.

can take the

my children that

“My four kids and

motorcycle and

life is like riding

wife are so proud”

4WD adventure

a motorcycle - in

of a lifetime, from

order to keep your

the comfort of

balance, you must

a lounge room

keep moving.”




JON FALIGUERHO ... Character: With a quick wit, cheeky and fun loving attitude, this fiery red head prankster is the spirited youth in the team. Although he looks somewhat like a criminal in this profile picture, we promise you he is not.


Jon is a carpenter based in Brisbane, Queensland. Jon and Leroy have known each other for many years as Jon is a childhood friend of Leroy’s son.

Blue “You won’t discover new things unless you have the courage to lose sight of the familiar. Not knowing exactly where the goat

Jon is a keen on road and off road motorcyclist, riding a Suzuki 600 sports bike and a variety of smaller off road machines in the bush. He has extensive coastal bush riding experience, however the desert sand and the western mud roads will be a new terrain type and as a fast learner, Jon is very much looking forward to the challenge. Jon has been very involved in preparing the new Yamaha 660 Teneres for the gruelling conditions and the extra 80 kilograms of weight they will need to carry. He is a valuable asset to the team with his ingenuity, perceptive judgement and ‘get on with it’ disposition.

tracks go or how we will conquer the terrain is what inspires me to travel it.”

Our team have worked in various industries, with positions requiring a strong focus on strategy development both B2B and B2C, on domestic and international levels. Team members boast unique and varied skill sets with strong business acumen, which combined make our core team an invaluable asset to ensure the success of The Southern Crossing. Importantly, our team thrive on adventure and have valuable knowledge in varied outdoor activities!

DOCUMENTARY & TV SERIES - ADVENTURE ITINERARY 4 6 d a y s - 9 , 0 0 0 k m s - Tw o w h e e l s E a s t t o W e s t Day 1 Byron Bay - Tenterfield

The Southern Crossing fans will descend on Byron Bay to launch the challenge with major sponsors and a special celebrity guest. Byron Bay - Lismore - Casino - Tenterfield.

Day 2 Mungindi

Mungindi is uniquely situated on both sides of the NSW and QLD border. Divided by the Barwon River, it is the only border town in the Southern Hemisphere with the same name in two states.

Day 3 - 4 Lightning Ridge

Go digging with a fair dinkum black opal miner and Lightning Ridge local ‘Butch’. See how fortunes are made and dreams shattered in the notorious Australian industry.

Day 5 Barringun

Once a border customs post between QLD and NSW, Barringun is real outback with so many great legends to share. Buildings, now abandoned, include two police stations.

Day 6 - 7 Hungerford Adelaide Gate

The Bulloo Region is home to under 400 people, however its total area is 71,925km² making it the 3rd largest region by area in Queensland.

Day 8 - Warri Warri Gate Day 9 - 10 Cameron Corner

The most remote location in outback NSW, where three Australian states meet. Learn the history of the Dingo Fence (the longest fence in the world) and the Bourke and Wills trek in the 1860s .

Day 11 Innamincka

Located 340 kilometres from Tibooburra, near the junction of the Strzlecki, Cordillo and Nappa Merrie Tracks on the famous Cooper Creek. See the famous Dig Tree.

Day 12 Arrabury

Visit isolated Arrabury. Arrabury Waterhole, when full, covers an area of approximately 11 hectares.

Day 13 Haddon Corner

First surveyed by Augustus Poeppel in 1880, Haddon Corner lies at the intersection of the 26th parallel south circle of latitude. See tree stumps put in by Poeppel when he first surveyed it.

Days 15 - 16 Birdsville Poepppel Corner

Day 20 - 21 Mount Dare - Dalhousie Mound Springs

A former cattle station and part of Witjira National Park. The boys meet the owner of the Trading Post and plunge into the oasis of Dalhousie Mound Springs.

Day 22 Finke - Lambetts Centre of Australia - Titjikala - Chambers Pillar









The boys meet contestants of the Fink Desert Race, the greatest race in the southern hemisphere before heading to the geographical centre of Australia and Chambers Pillar.

Days 23 Oak Valley - Rainbow Valley Conservation Reserve

Approximately 100km south of Alice Springs is the picturesque Oak Valley. See the Ewnainga Aboriginal engravings site and the inland sea fossil field.

Day 24 - 28 Alice Springs

During World War II, Alice Springs was a staging base, known as No 9 Australian Staging Camp. The historic-listed Totem Theatre still exists from this camp. Visit the famous Aboriginal artist Albert Namatjira’s historic home.

Day 28 Palm Valley - Finke Gorge NP - Boggy Hole (Police Station Ruins)

Palm Valley is located in Finke Gorge National Park and is home to over 400 plant types, of which more than 30 are considered rare. Boggy Hole is one of only a handful of permanent waterholes in the Finke Rivers.

Day 29 Illamurta Springs

In the impressive southern foothills of the James Range and with a permanent natural spring, this site provides a moist habitat for several relict aquatic plant species, and it protects the ruins of the Illamurta Police Camp.

Day 30 Curtin Springs - Mt Conner

Days 36 - 38 Desert

After visiting the Tjulyuru Cultural Centre, the boys once again take on the harsh desert. With tired bodies and sparse landscapes to guide them, the true test is making it safely to their next stop.

Day 39 Desert - Carnegie Station

Exhausted after several days in the desert and with limited water supplies, Boss, Blue and Geordie reach Plenty Springs Station. Sand hills average an astounding 10m and there several mountain ranges.

Day 40 - 42 Desert

Australia is the driest inhabited continent on Earth, with only the Antarctica being drier. As the days in the desert drag on, the boys and their bikes will feel the toll. Meet the unique wildlife that survive these conditions.

Day 43 Meekatharra

Curtin Springs is very remote, locals would be lucky to see neighbours once a year. Mt Conner reaches 859m and is often mistaken for Ayres Rock. Boss, Blue and Wombat will show you old wells and bores along the track to the SA border.

A former gold rush town in the Mid West region of WA, meaning ‘place of little water’ from the indigenous language. It was an important location in the WA railways system and is home to the Royal Flying Doctor Service and the School of the Air.

Day 31 - 33 Indigenous Community

Day 44 Toolonga Nature Reserve Overlander Roadhouse - Hamelin

Boss, Blue and Wombat will be gaining special permission from the Indigenous Elders to enter Aboriginal communities and enjoy the ancient stories, cultural experiences and experience the lifestyle of the people first hand. Visit secret locations known only to Indigenous Elders. Watch as they make tools for hunting and make musical instruments. Learn how art is a very important part of the culture and how resources are maintained.

Day 34 Surveyor General’s Corner

Between the sands of the Simpson Desert and the gibber plains of Sturt’s Stony Desert is the starting point of the famous Birdsville Track.

Surveyor Generals Corner is a nominal, remote point where the Australian state boundaries of SA, WA and the NT meet. In June 1968 two monuments were erected at the junction of the boundaries approximately 127 metres apart.

Days 17 - 19 Desert

Day 35 Warburton - Tjirrkarli

Boss, Blue and Wombat will battle the desert dunes. Due to the fact they are tackling them from the east to west, hills will be steeper than tackled before, because of the wind direction.


Warburton is an Indigenous Community. The community has no unleaded fuel supplies - just Opal fuel. The boys will need to test their skills and create an additive mix suitable for the Tenere 660 bikes. Will it be disastrous?

Toolonga Nature Reserve covers an area of about 400,000 hectares full of flowers, birds and deep red earth. The whole reserve teems with life.

Day 45 Monkey Mia - Cape Peron (North) - Hamelin

Monkey Mia is located on a unique section of World Heritage coastline and in the early 1960s, a pod of bottlenose dolphins began what has since become a ritual, hand feeding and amazing interaction.

Day 46 Steep Point - Useless Loop Overlander Roadhouse

Steep Point, the western most point of Australia, is a popular fishing area. It is apart of Carrarang Station and salt mining country. Witness the magnificent Zuytdorp Cliffs, some 170 metres above sea level.


he preparation and The Southern Crossing journey will be documented for a movie length documentary and television series for outdoor enthusiasts, travellers, adventurers and families. Fuel and water in isolated areas will be a major problem, therefore the logistics are well planned. Contact will be made with several Aboriginal settlements and stations to ensure that fuel and other supplies will be available. The bikes will need to carry sufficient supplies to reach refuelling stations, water and supply outlets. Some roads, tracks and desert crossings require permission from the appropriate authorities, and on occasion permits are required. Three 4WD vehicles will carry film and recording equipment for the production crew and photographers. They will also carry camping equipment, food and safety equipment. Riders will carry up to 80 kilograms of extra weight on their motorcycles, consisting of all equipment required for self sufficiency. A fourth motorbike will accompany the riders, as part of the production crew, filming in terrain that 4WD’s cannot access. Filming will start during the preparation stage, from the concept, to creating the team, the preparation and the journey itself. Photos are available from the 2011 adventure for promotion in 2012.


NT Alice Springs


Palm Valley 28 Illmaurta 29 Curtain Springs 30

Toolonga Nature Reserve



Carnegie Station





42 41 40 Desert



Monkey Mia




Warburton 36 35 Surveyor General's Corner


24 - 27


31 33


Indigenous Communities


23 Oak Valley

Finke 19

20 - 21

Mount Dare


Birdsville 15 - 16

13 Haddon Corner

18 17 16 Desert Poeppels Corner

Innamincka 11 Camerons Corner


12 Arrabury


9 - 10



Barringun 6 5


Mungindi Tenterfield 2 3-4

Warri Adelaide Warri Gate Gate

Lightning Ridge


Perth Adelaide



Canberra Melbourne

Celebrity meet points: The team will meet local and internationally known celebrities in specific locations Media contact points for riders on satelite phone: Interviews to be arranged by appointment * Further location opportunities may exist on enquiry Water from the Pacific Ocean (START) to be poured into the Indian Ocean (FINISH)


TAS Scale completely inaccurate. Mermaids and man eating octopus may or may not be to scale..




DOCUMENTARY & TV SERIES - 46 DAYS - 9,000KMS - EAST TO WEST Your business / brand ‘presents’ The Southern Crossing. Business name or logo to be included in / on all TSC collateral.


PROJECT ROLL OUT: the southern crossing tv • Commercial channel • Pay TV - National Geographic have made an offer of support. THE SOUTHERN CROSSING DOCUMENTARY DVDS •

Your business branding on three (3) 4WDs to feature in the documentary.

THE SOUTHERN CROSSING BOOK • Domestic and international distribution

Your business branding to appear on all rider apparel. Includes official jackets, helmets, t-shirts, hats.

Your business branding on four (4) Tenere 660. Three feature in the documentary; one used as spare parts / replacement bike and film production.

Your business branding in all retail TSC branded products: DVDs, books, supporter t-shirts, hats, stickers. Other apparel

Domestic and international distribution

the southern crossing merchandise •

Domestic and international distribution - T-Shirts - Hats - Stickers - DVD packs - Book - Major sponsor TSC branded apparel

Retail DVD Documentary naming sponsor required

Widescreen / Fullscreen Dual Display / iPhone

The Southern Crossing ©2011 The Southern Crossing www.thesoutherncrossing.com..au

Widescreen / Fullscreen Dual Display / iPhone

The Southern Crossing

Advertising opportunities for your business as a naming sponsor! All information contained in this document are private and confidential. All rights reserved © The Southern Crossing 2011

©2011 The Southern Crossing www.thesoutherncrossing.com..au

Two w h

eels E

ast to


Global exposure for your business with this unique Aussie adventure. Grab this sponsor opportunity to reach millions!

The hype Facebook Statistics The Southern Crossing 4,791 likes (at 06.10.11)

5% 18 - 24 7.2%

8.7% 25 - 34 13%

11% 35 - 44 19%

The Southern Crossing documentary will be televised nationally and internationally. We have a commitment from NatGeoTV and we are in discussions with the free to air commercial networks. Trailbike Adventure Magazine We have the opportunity to release a pre-production DVD to some 100,000 subscribed members in the adventurer market including Australian 4WD Action magazine subscribers.

Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth Adelaide Chatswood Canberra Jakarta Hobart Sunbury Blacktown Oslo London Morwell Riverwood Ipswich Makati Nunawading

The Southern Crossing

2.6% 55+ 4.7%

National Geographic

Countries 4,083 Australia 161 United States 80 United Kingdom 57 Indonesia 22 Canada 19 Norway 16 New Zealand 15 Philippines 13 France 10 Spain 10 Germany 9 Italy 8 Mexico 8 South Africa 7 India 7 Thailand 6 Argentina 5 Singapore 5 Greece Cities 1,546 840 627 220 218 137 48 41 40 38 35 19 14 13 13 13 11 11

8.6% 45 - 54 13%

March 2011 // Issue 4




Are printed books a dying commodity?

Aboriginal artist

Beekeepers selling their own honey

JENNINGS BANCROFT Inspiration behind this





Demographics Female 37% 1.5% Age 13 - 17 Male 59% 1.5%


9000km east to west 26th & 28th parallel


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