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PEO New Year's message for 2025

PEO, on the occasion of the new year of 2025, conveys militant greetings to all the working people, Cypriots and migrants alike. It expresses its internationalist solidarity and joins the struggle of workers around the world for peace, democracy, labour and human rights.

The new year, unfortunately, again finds humanity engaged in bloody wars. In the Gaza Strip, Israel's genocide against the Palestinians continues with the tolerance and complicity of the international community. At the same time, the war in Ukraine has been going on for three years, with an uncertain end, while the front in Syria is reopening, with the great powers quarreling over the country's territory, dividing it into zones of influence with the further strengthening of the presence of foreign troops.

The inter-imperialist confrontations deepen and intensify the arms race of almost all countries, labelling large arms purchases as “defense spending”. The victims of wars are once again the peoples who are killed, become refugees, and are impoverished.

The Cyprus problem has been at a dangerous standstill for seven years. Turkey and the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community insist on the unacceptable position of a two-state solution. At this time, when there is some movement, the President of the Republic has an obligation to focus on taking substantial initiatives aimed at resuming the talks from where they left off in 2017, insisting on the agreed basis of a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality, all the while safeguarding the entire negotiating acquis. This is where our side should focus, rather than on proposals that derail and disorient, such as the dangerous position for Cyprus to join NATO.

At the same time, we expect the international community to take steps to support the resumption of talks on the agreed basis, where they left off.

We address the Cypriot workers, Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Armenians, Maronites and Latins and call on them to continue the common struggle against division, for liberation and reunification of our country.

Even though the Cypriot economy in recent years has been growing at positive rates, the distribution of wealth produced continues to be dramatically unequal to the detriment of workers as a result of high prices, increased interest rates, increased housing costs, ongoing policies of labor devaluation and insufficient social policies.

For PEO, the struggle to improve the share of workers from the wealth produced and the struggle to reduce the great economic and social inequalities, remains a priority for 2025.

We demand increases that improve actual wages with a particular focus on low-paid and new employees. We demand institutional measures obliging employers to apply the basic terms of sectoral collective agreements.

We demand an amendment of the Minimum Wage Decree to include hourly earnings, AWI, and other basic rights.

We demand concrete measures leading to an extension of collective agreement coverage to new sectors. What is more, high on PEO's priorities continues to be the restoration of AWI to 100%, as well as its expansion to categories of employees not currently covered.

We also demand changes in the Employment Strategy for employees from third countries so that work permits are given only if a Collective Labor Agreement exists and applies to all employees.

We need a pension reform that ensures adequate and decent pensions to all insured persons through the Social Security Fund, while what is also needed is a balanced and fair resolution of the 12% penalty on pensions.

Measures against high prices, measures to expand social housing and to support the family must be taken. We demand a new tax reform leading to a fairer sharing of the tax burden.

Lastly, high on PEO's priorities remains the struggle for gender equality at work and in society.

In 2024 we fought important battles. We managed with perseverance, organization, dedication, and consistency to improve the salaries and terms of employment for tens of thousands of employees.

The unity, the militancy and the fighting spirit that we have shown, culminating in the recent major strike mobilization of ready-mixed concrete workers, fills us with faith and optimism for the struggles ahead of us in 2025.

Great victory for the workers in the readymixed concrete sector

Great victory for the workers in the ready-mix concrete sector after a month of struggles, strike and mobilizations, the Collective Agreement was signed. The workers' struggle highlighted the importance of trade union organization and workers' unity as a tool for claiming and defending labor rights.

Militant demonstration of lifeguards demanding from the government the implementation

Significant result for construction workers

The Executive Board of PEO’s Construction Workers Trade Union unanimously accepted the mediation proposal of the Minister of Labor for the renewal of the Collective Agreement of workers in the Construction Industry.

"The proposal is the result of the great and persistent effort we have made all along this time and we consider it to be a very good basis to go further in order to limit the violations made in collective agreements but also for the rest of the issues concerning workers in the sector," stated by the General Secretary of PEO’s Construction Workers Trade Union, Michalis Papanikolaou in his statement in “Ergatiko Vima” PEO’s weekly newspaper.

The workers strikes in the electrical and mechanical sector were successfully concluded.

The final agreement that has been signed includes wage and benefit increases, paving the path for a sector-wide collective agreement.

The struggle of the “delivery workers” has been vindicated!

The 4th of July 2024 marks a milestone for labour rights in the distribution sector, following a year and a half year of struggles and negotiations, the preliminary agreement for the sectoral Collective Agreement in Cyprus was signed between the Unions and the companies.

What is noteworthy, is that this is the first ever Collective Agreement for the workers in this sector in Cyprus, and it is the result of their militant mobilisations and struggles in December 2022.

The 2-year collective agreement has laid the foundations for a comprehensive regulation of the working conditions of the employees in the sector. It covers around 3000 workers and provides for higher wages, regulation of working hours and other similar benefits, while it also regulates important issues pertaining to occupational health and safety.

What is worth noting is the positive stance of “Wolt” platform, which was the only one which participated in the negotiations, while the other platforms refused to do so.

SYXKA PEO supported the workers’ struggle from the very beginning. As the General Secretary of SYXKA PEO, Neofytos Ttiminis pointed out: “As SYXKA PEO we have been on the side of the workers from the get-go, and we consider the signing of the first Sectoral Collective Agreement for the sector as something very important, given that it covers one of the most vulnerable groups of workers”.

28th of November The Pancyprian Sectoral Agreement for the Ramp workers at Larnaka and Pafos airports was signed

5th of December After many months of struggles and months-long negotiations, the renewal of the Collective Agreement in the Hotel Industry for the years 2024 to 2027 was signed

6th of December The first on a Pancyprian level Collective Agreement was signed between the Nicosia District Self Government Organization and the Trade Union SIDIKEK PEO

8th March International Women's Day

PEO on the occasion of the 8th March International Women's Day visited working places and delivered informative material about the working women's right and symbolic flowers. On the afternoon of the 8th March a demonstration was organized in the main streets of Nicosia under the slogan "Women forward! Struggle for social prosperity, equality and peace"

No more blood at work - health and safety measures

PEO on the 23rd of October organized a militant action under the slogan (No more blood at workhealth and safety measures).

Addressing the mobilization the General Secretary of PEO, noted that old and new hazards requires first of all the identification of the source that creates occupational accidents. And the source is always the same, it is the fact that the supreme value of modern capitalism has become profit at any cost even when the cost is human life itself. Work with rights, with regulated working conditions through collective labor agreements is the best foundation on which to build a solid system of monitoring, control and improvement of safety and health measures.

The mobilization was ended with a march in the main streets of Nicosia and to the Ministry of Labor where a letter with the main demands of PEO was delivered to the Minister of Labor.

Visits of PEO at work places and meetings with the workers

Pensioners show the way of ceaseless struggle and assertion

The Pancyprian Conference held by EKYSY on October 3rd at PEO's amphitheater in Nicosia, on the occasion of October 1st, International Day for the Elderly, honored by the International Trade Union of Pensioners and Retirees of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), was massive and militant. The pensioners who participated after the end of the Congress took to the streets to demonstrate outside the Ministry of Finance their indignation at the many and chronic problems they face and which are not solved due to the callousness of governments under the slogan "Pensioners are entitled to and demand a decent living"

The main speaker at the Conference was the General Secretary of EKYSY, Kostas Skarparis, who denounced the deterioration of the financial conditions of pensioners due to the high prices that have hit them mercilessly in recent years. "Pensioners face too many problems that remain unresolved by the responsibility of both the previous and the new government." The conference was addressed by PEO Secretary General Sotiroulla Charalambous and AKEL General Secretary Stefanos Stefanou.


On the 28th of April, the World day for Safety and Health at Work, PEO organized meetings at work places under the slogan "No more blood at work- measures for Health and Safety" to highlight its demands for improvements in working conditions in order to protect workers from work-related injuries and diseases. In Cyprus thousands of workers are injured at their workplace and most tragically around 12 workers lose their lives for a living wage.

PEO has submitted specific suggestions to the Ministry of Labor such as making it mandatory for employers to train new employees in Safety and Health issues, having mandatory training on a regular basis for workers in sectors prone to work accidents, introducing the Safe-Pass policy in the construction industry which are not progressing.

The role of the Ministry of Labor and in particular of the Department of Labor Inspection in the proper and effective implementation of the legislation on Safety and Health is decisive.

PEO will continue to fight for the fundamental right of employees to return from their work Healthy and Ablebodied.

International Workers Day 2024 in Cyprus.

Joint declaration of the WFTU-affiliated trade unions of Cyprus, PEO, DEV-İŞ, KTAMS, KTÖS, KTOEÖS, BES, KOOPSEN, DAÜ-SEN

United the working people of Cyprus, this year we shall again commemorate Workers Day, the international day of struggle and solidarity of working people.

May Day remains a steadfast timeless milestone in the struggles of the working class all over the world. A day of remembrance and honour for the pioneering heroes of the Chicago Uprising of 1886, whose sacrifice became a symbol of struggle for the international working class. A day to mark the struggles of the working class all over the world for peace, for work with rights, for a society free from the exploitation.

On this historic day we honour the pioneers of the workers movement of our homeland, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots who, through fierce class struggles and in the spirit of internationalism and class solidarity, achieved fundamental gains for the working class of Cyprus.

Today, working people all over the world are suffering the consequences of the capitalist crisis. Price hikes, expensiveness and inflation have further reduced working people’s living standards. Millions of people are facing the risk of poverty and social exclusion due to the anti-social socio-economic policies imposed by the ruling political forces in the EU and elsewhere.

Capital and the political forces that support it are intensifying their attacks on trade union freedoms and rights won through ferocious struggles. Because of neoliberal policies, public goods such as education and health care are not universally accessible. The result of these policies is the widening of economic and social inequalities.

At the same time, the ongoing imperialist wars and interventions for the imposition of geostrategic interests are continuing, bringing misery and destruction, large waves of refugees and migrants. The war between Ukraine and Russia continues with dramatic consequences for both peoples.

Over the last six months humanity has been witnessing the targeted genocide and barbaric crimes being committed by the State of Israel, with the complicity of the USA and the European Union, against the Palestinian people.

Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot workers stand on the side of the people of Palestine. We join with all the working people of the world in denouncing the genocide and the Israeli occupation. We express our full support for the right of the Palestinian people to an independent Palestinian state.

The escalation of tensions in the Middle East endangers world peace as the vicious circle of retaliation can lead to the generalization of war. The Cypriot working people who for more than fifty years have been suffering the results of NATO's imperialist plans condemn wars and foreign interventions and stand with the forces fighting for peace to prevail.

On this symbolic day for the international working class, with our Joint Declaration, we reiterate the message that we do not compromise with the division. The continuing stagnation [on the Cyprus problem] and the absence of dialogue, combined with the creation of new fait accompli, are leading to the permanent partition of our country.

We call on the two leaders to make creative use of the presence of the UN Secretary General’s Special envoy on Cyprus, far from any actions that create tensions, so that the procedure of the talks can be resumed from the point where they had remained at Crans Montana, with the sole aim of resolving the Cyprus problem on the agreed basis.

For a just and mutually acceptable solution to the Cyprus problem within the framework of a Bizonal, Bicommunal Federation, with political equality as defined in the resolutions of the UN, for a demilitarized and independent state, without “protectors” and “guardians”.

We will continue our struggle and joint actions with the sole aim of achieving peace and the reunification of our homeland.

In the current critical economic and social conditions, the solution of the Cyprus problem will give a new perspective and dynamic to the development and progress of Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Armenians, Maronites and Latins. With the solution of the Cyprus problem and the reunification of our country, we will be able to continue our common struggles in peace and security within the framework of a united economy, with a single system of labor relations and working conditions for all and with equal access to social rights. Based on our common class struggles, we will be able to win more workers' and social gains.

In the face of the attacks being waged by capital, confronting the voices of division and separation we strengthen the class solidarity, struggles and assertions of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot workers. We march together with the international class-based trade union movement within the ranks of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) in the struggle for peace and social justice.

Long live International Workers Day!

Presentation of PEO Labor Institute Report on the Economy and Employment 2024

PEO General Secretary Sotiroulla Charalambous, stated that "The conclusion of the report on an increase in the purchasing power of average wages in 2023-2024 and the point that increases in nominal wages more than offset the effects of the inflationary wave that began after the pandemic, essentially comes to note the positive effect of our efforts to claim increases

that improve real wages".

The General Director of PEO Labour Institute Pavlos Kalosinatos: "The data reveal that the disproportionately large increase in the number of non-Cypriot employees in economic activities with extremely high average monthly earnings has in recent years led the average monthly earnings of all employees to a higher level, creating the distorted impression of a general prosperity of employees."

Conference on the right to housing

On December 14th, a workshop of the Social Alliance "Housing for All" was held at the University of Cyprus. PEO actively participates in and supports the Social Alliance. The interventions of the Organizations and the public that participated in the forum, highlighted once again the extent of the housing problem in Cyprus, as well as the need for an integrated housing policy. The Social Alliance "Housing for All" will soon return with the next steps, utilizing the results of the forum.

PEO Working Youth Department organized an event dedicated to Cuba

The event began with an introduction by the Secretary General of PEO Sotiroula Charalambous, reaffirming the internationalist solidarity of the people of Cyprus with the heroic Cuban people.

The Introduction was followed by the Ambassador of Cuba to Cyprus Angel Gustavo Suarez Cordero, presenting the situation of young workers in Cuba, as well as the working and living conditions under the murderous blockade.

During the event, workers engaged in a discussion on youth and work in Cuba. The event was concluded by a musical performance by the Latin-American band Tanglatino.

Jose Marti commemoration event

PEO participated in the event in memory and honor of José Martí, national poet and hero of Cuba, on the occasion of the 171st anniversary of his birth. The event took place in front of the monument in Nicosia in honor of José Martí.

Solidarity with the Palestinian people

PEO supported all the mobilizations and demonstrations organized by the Pancyprian Peace Council of solidarity with the Palestinian people and against the genocide and the unprecedented crimes committed by the State of Israel despite the global outcry, with the tolerance and support of the USA and its allies.

Festival Mani fiesta

s delegation, headed by the Secretary General, participated for the first time in the Mani Fiesta 8 September) organized by the Belgian Workers' Party in the city of Ostend. The delegation promoted PEO's action and the Cyprus problem. The Secretary General participated in a disPaul Delescaut.

Solidarity with the Palestinian people, 18th of April 2024 Cyprus

Trade unionists from Palestine, hosted in Cyprus by the Pancyprian Federation of Labour PEO and the WFTU spoke about Israel's genocide against the Palestinian people.

Trade unionists Mohammed Blaidi, Suzan Abdel -Salam and Yahya Arqawee spoke about the humanitarian situation and struggle of the Palestinians who are under constant bombardment and attacks by the Israeli army

In her speech, PEO General Secretary Sotiroulla Charalambous stated that "PEO, as part of the international class-oriented movement under the umbrella of the WFTU, stands firmly and over time on the side of the Palestinian workers and the Palestinian people in general. This is what we have always done, this is what we have been doing since the first moment of the genocidal operation in Gaza."

She also denounced the fact that the US and the European Union cover up and encourage Israel's forces to promote their own geopolitical interests in the region. Regarding the stance of Cyprus’s government, she described it as provocative and problematic since it is increasingly tied to US and NATO policies.

Present at the event were the Ambassador of Palestine to Cyprus Abdalla Attari, the General Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) Pambis Kyritsis, the President of the Cyprus Peace Council Tasos Costeas, the Head of AKEL's International Relations Department Vera Polycarpou and members of the General Council, the Executive Council and the Executive Bureau of PEO.

4th World Working Youth Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions

The 4th World Working Youth Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions was held in Marseille, France, under the slogan "Organized and Militant, for decent work and life!". PEO was represented at the Congress by the head of the Working Youth Department, Stavros Agathou.

PEO at the 19th European Solidarity Meeting with Cuba held on 23 and 24 November in Paris.

PEO and the Cyprus-Cuban Friendship Association were represented at the 19th European Solidarity Meeting with Cuba held on 23rd and 24th November in Paris.

More than 350 delegates from trade unions, friendship and solidarity associations and political parties from 28 European countries attended. All delegates expressed their full solidarity with the Cuban people and discussed practical ways of expressing it.

They strongly condemned the criminal U.S. trade and economic blockade of Cuba. And expressed that they will fight firmly for the repeal of U.S. sanctions that block all transactions with Cuba in all countries of Europe and beyond, as well as companies that want to do business in Cuba.

PEO was represented by Christos Tombazos, Central Organizational Secretary .

29th of November On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with Palestine, a delegation of PEO headed by Secretary General Sotiroulla Charalambous visited the Embassy of Palestine in Nicosia

PEO-DEVIS: Common visions, common goals for the workers and Cyprus

The 14th Congress of the Turkish Cypriot Trade Union DEV-IS was held on 7th of June. The Congress was attended by a delegation of PEO and addressed by the General Secretary Sotiroulla Charalambous, referring to the relationship between PEO and Dev-is, pointed out that it is based on common history, common class origin, common visions and goals we have for the workers and our country, Cyprus.

Plenary Session of the All-Cyprus Trade Union Forum13th of December 2024

The plenary session of the All-Cyprus Trade Union Forum was held, in which a large number of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot Trade Unions participate. The aim is to reactivate the Forum in an effort to strengthen the contribution of the Trade Union Movement of our country to the processes for the solution of the Cyprus problem and to strengthen dialogue and joint action between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot workers.

1st of September International Day of Action of Trade Unions for Peace PEO and the Turkish Cypriot Trade Unions DEV-IS, KTAMS, KTOEOS, KTOS, BES, KOOP-SEN, DAUSEN as well as the Bicommunal Peace Initiative "United Cyprus", co-organized a bi-communal event on September 1st, International Day of Action of Trade Unions for Peace.

Joint Statement of the Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO) and the Turkish Cypriot Revolutionary Workers Trade Union Federation (DEV-İŞ)

A meeting was held on the 23rd of May 2024, at the central offices of PEO, between the Executive Bureau of PEO and the Executive Secretariat of DEV-IS, as part of the contacts and joint actions between the two Organizations.

During the meeting, the problems working people face were discussed and an exchange of views took place on deepening the cooperation between the two Organizations.

PEO and DEV-IS also discussed the current situation on the Cyprus problem, expressing their profound concern about the dangerous stagnation surrounding the Cyprus problem, stressing that the absence of a dialogue and the creation of new fait accompli lead to the permanent partition of our country.

The two Organizations agree that the resumption of the procedure of the talks is the only way to put an end to the negative developments. They called on the two leaders to make creative use of the visit to Cyprus of the UN Secretary General's personal envoy on Cyprus so that the talks are resumed from the point where they had remained at Crans Montana.

PEO and DEV-IS denounce the genocide Israel continues to commit against the Palestinians with the complicity of the US and its allies. The two Organizations reaffirm their solidarity with the Palestinian people and express their firm support for their right to establish their own independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The two Organizations agreed to intensify their joint actions and the mobilization of the working people with the goal of realizing the common vision of a peaceful and reunited Cyprus.

Christmas events for the children

The offices of PEO in Nicosia, Larnaca, Limassol and Pafos were filled with joy, as the Christmas events for children took place with great success

PEO Summer Camps

For another year the Pancyprian Federation of Labor, realized its children summer camps. With hundreds of children participating aged between 8 years old and 14, engaging in various activities including cultural, social and athletic activities.

The organization of the children's camp every summer is a key activity under the responsibility of the Working Youth Department. The summer camps gives children of families with low or no income, children of unemployed people and children of recipients of social benefits the opportunity to spend quality time participating at very low or no cost. At the same time, the camp is a place for children from the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot community, children of refugees and migrants to socialize and cooperate.

The Pancyprian Trade Union School

The Pancyprian Trade Union School for the year 2024 was completed with great success, with tens of Trade Unionists participating in the various lectures and seminars, engaging in discussions to equip them with the right tools for their work in organizing and mobilizing the workers to achieve their demands and protect their rights.

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