เอกสาร causative verbs

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เอกสารประกอบบทเรียน เรือ ่ ง Causative Verbs (เหตุกริยา) เรียบเรียง โดย ครูพงศกร

Causative Verbs กริยา Causative Verbs หรือทีเ่ รียกว่า ‘เหตุกริยา’ ทำาหน ้าทีบ ่ อกว่าใครเป็ นสาเหตุให ้ใครทำาอะไร หรือให ้ส งิ่ ใด เกิดขึน ้ โดยมี 3 รูปแบบ คือ 1. Subject + Have / Make / Let + Person + V1 •

I let John clean up the mess.

(ฉั นจะปล่อยให ้ John จัดการปั ญหาทีเ่ กิด)

I had Jim send an email out.

(ฉั นจะให ้ Jim ส่งอีเมล์ออกไป)

Peter made her do her homework.

(Peter เป็ นคนทำาให ้เธอทำาการบ ้าน)

I will not let my employees work overtime.

(ฉั นจะไม่ยอมให ้ ลูกน ้องของฉั นทำางานล่วงเวลา)

2. Subject + Have / Make / Let + Object + V3 •

I had my hair cut last week.

(ฉั นไปให ้ใครบางคนตัดผมให ้สัปดาห์ทแ ี่ ล ้ว)

She had the car washed at the weekend.

(เธอเอารถไปล ้างในวันหยุดทีผ ่ า่ นมา)

We had our door fixed.

(ประตูได ้ถูกซ่อมแล ้วโดยใครบางคน)

She had her table cleaned.

(โต๊ะของเธอถูกทำาความสะอาดแล ้ว)

3. Subject + Get / Want / Order / Cause / Ask, … + Person + to + V1 •

I ordered everyone to leave the room yesterday. (ฉั นสัง่ ให ้ทุกคนออกจากห ้องเมือ ่ วานนี้)

The traffic always causes me to come to work late. (การจราจรเป็ นสิง่ ทีท ่ ำาให ้ฉั นมาสายอยูเ่ สมอๆ)

They wanted me to help you. (พวกเขาต ้องการให ้ฉั นช่วยคุณ)

Exercise: Choose the best answer. 1. The sunshine made me ________ of our trip to Mexico. a) think b) to think

c) thinking

2. I had my hair ________ last night. a) trim b) trimmed

c) trimming

3. I'm going to ________ after the concert. a) have me picked up b) have him to pick me up

c) have him pick me up

4. He is going to ________ next week. a) have fixed his car b) have his car fixed

c) have his car fix

เอกสารประกอบบทเรียน เรือ ่ ง Causative Verbs (เหตุกริยา) เรียบเรียง โดย ครูพงศกร 5. Susan had ________. a) the windows cleaned

b) the windows clean

c) the windows be cleaned

6. I'll let you ________ my car. a) to drive

b) drive

c) driving

7. Hey, do you want me to help you ________? a) to pack b) packing

c) pack

8. Why don't you ________ with my friends? a) let me to go out b) let me go out

c) let me go to

9. I had my wallet ________ yesterday. a) stolen b) stole

c) to steal

10. I had Juan ________ yesterday. a) to fix my door b) fix my door

c) fixed my door

11. I'm going to have Mike ________ my computer to see what is wrong. a) look at b) to look at c) looked at 12. One of my wisdom teeth really hurt, so I went to the dentist to have it ________. a) remove b) removed c) to be removed 13. Are you going to ________ like this? a) let him to suffer b) allow him suffer

c) let him suffer

14. Jimmy is dead. The mafia boss ________. a) had killed b) had him killed

c) had him to be killed

15. Julie will not let her daughter ________ the boy from across the street. a) marry b) to marry c) married 16. I had the wall ________ when I was renovating my apartment. a) to be knocked down b) knocked down c) knock down 17. I ________ her and apologize. a) made him to call b) made him called

c) made him call

18. I have ________ many times. a) my heart broken b) had my heart broken

c) had my heart broke

19. The authorities ________ as soon as they found out she was there illegally. a) had her deported b) have her deport c) had her to be deported 20. I had some tests ________, but they didn’t find anything. a) done b) to be done

c) have done

21. She ________ that he wouldn't tell anyone. a) made him promised b) made him promise

c) promised to make

22. Does your tooth still hurt? Yes, I have to get a dentist ________ soon. a) look at it b) to get it looked at c) to look at it

เอกสารประกอบบทเรียน เรือ ่ ง Causative Verbs (เหตุกริยา) เรียบเรียง โดย ครูพงศกร 23. I ________ a couple of days ago. a) had my bike to be fixed b) had my bike fix

c) had my bike fixed

24. I will not ________ with this! a) allow you get away b) let you get away

c) to let you get away

25. Don't ________ these things about you! a) let him say b) let him to say

c) let him said

26. The movie ________ sad. a) made to feel

c) made him to feel

b) made him feel

27. I get my ________ from my other address. a) mail forward b) mail to forward

c) mail forwarded

28. Have your assistant ________ these letters immediately! a) to send b) to be sent

c) send

29. He ________ yesterday. a) had his hair cut

c) had hair to be cut

b) had his hair to be cut

30. The professor ________ early. a) to let the students leave b) let the student leave

c) let the student to leave

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