ข้อสอบคู่ขนาน o-net ม.3

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ข้อ สอบคูข ่ นาน O-NET (ม.ต้น )

Part I. Sign and Pictures Directions: Look at the signs and then answer the questions. 1. A. Where can you see this sign? 1) In front of a toilet . 2) In front of a hospital. 3) Behind a restaurant. 4) At an airport B. Who can enter this room? 1) Males only. 2) Females only. 3) Either males or females. 4) Children only.


2. A. What does this sign mean? 1) No pets. 2) No food or drinks. 3) No fires. 4) No smoking. B. Where can’t you see this sign? 1) On the road. 2) In the hospital. 3) In the school. 4) In the 3.

A. What kind of services are provided here? 1) Hospitality. 2) Medical. 3) Entertainment. 4) Tourism. B. This sign means there is a hospital …………………………. . 1) nearby 2) far away 3) on the left side 4) at the front


4. A. This sign means that drivers are not allowed to………………. . 1) turn left 2) turn right 3) turn away . 4) turn

2 center means "……".

B. A red circle with a red diagonal line in the

1) yes 2) admit 3) no 4) suggest 5. A. Freeways are also called ……........... . 1) gateways 2) highways 3) footpaths

4) distance

B. This sign means that the freeway is ending. Drivers might need to……. . 1) slow down 2) go faster 3) stop 4) pass it 6. A. This sign means that the road is……………………. . 1) straight 2) narrow 3) wide 4) slippery B. Roads are …….. when they are ………or have snow on them. 1) straight, dry 2) narrow, wet 3) wide, dry 4) slippery, wet 7. A. This sign means that there is a public ………………. available . 1) park 2) porch 3) parking 4) proposal B. Public means that anyone can use the spaces. It might be free or drivers might have to ……… a fee. 1) pay 2) put on 3) park 4) prepare 8. A. This sign means that drivers are not allowed to make a………………. 1) turn 2) U-turn 3) circle 4) roundabout

3 B. Some states only drivers to do it at traffic signals if there is a sign that says they can. It means………………. 1) allow 2) replace 3) step 4) change 9. A. Pedestrians are people who are not……………………. . 1) crossing the street 2) walking 3) passing the street 4) driving a vehicles B. Pedestrians have the right of way. Drivers need to stop when pedestrians…………….. . 1) ride a bike 2) talk with friends 3) cross the street 4) drive a vehicle streets. dirty cross the street. pedestrians audiences

10. A. Walk signals are found on …………… 1) messy


3) busy 4) empty B. They indicate when ………………….can 1) drivers 3) customers

2) 4)

A B C D E 11. A. You are not allowed to park your car when you see the sign ”…………….”

4 1) A 2) C 3) B 4) D B. The sign of the item C tells you that…………….. 1) The speed limit is 50 km/hr 2) You must be careful of fast cars coming 3) The minimum speed is 50 km/hr 4) There will be a check point in 50 kms ahead

EMERGENCY EXIT here. “exit”? stay

supermarket store



anywhere quiet

12. A. What does this sign mean? 1) Don’t use this door. 2) Go out this way if there is danger. 3) This door must always be kept locked. 4) This door is only for the people who work B. Which word has the same meaning as 1) leave 3) come

2) 4) arrive

13. A. Where do you usually see this sign? 1) department store 2) 3) hotel

4) grocery

B. What can’t you buy here? 1) blush on 2) lotion 3) shampoo 4) 14. A. Where do you usually see this sign? 1) park 2) post 3) temple 4) market B. What do you have to do ? 1) Stand in line 2) Stand 3) Hurry up

4) Keep


15. A. Which sign is most likely to be encountered by a motorist? 1. 2. 3. 4. B. What does a motorist have to do when he sees it? 1) Drive quickly 2) Drive softly 3) Drive slowly 4) Drive quietly 16. A. Which sign do you think the visitors can’t find in the safari park?





DO NOT LEAN OF THEanimal WINDOWcan you see in a safari park? B.OUT Which 1) antelope 3) octopus

On the ship On the platform To stretch forward To give up

2) crocodile 4) dolphin

17. A. Where can’t you see this sign? 1) On the bus 2) 3) On the train B. What does lean out mean? 1) To find out 3) To look forward to

4) 2) 4)



On a platform

On a bus stop



a platform you see this sign? Be happy Be sad


A. Where can you see this sign? 1) On a gate


3) On a plane


B. What does fasten mean? 1) loosen 2) enfold 3) attach 4)

19. A. Where can you see this sign? 1) In a park 2) In a 3) On a plane

4) On

B. What do you have to do when 1) Be careful


3) Be quiet


20. A. What do you have to do when you see NO LITTER this sign? 1) You must leave rubbish here. 2) You mustn’t leave rubbish here. 3) You must throw rubbish here. 4) You mustn’t throw rubbish in the bin. B. Which word has the same meaning as “rubbish”? 1) beggar 2) embassy 3) garbage 4) radish Conversation 21. Situation : Your friend asks about your health and you are not feeling well. Your friend : How are you ?

7 You : ………A………… Your friend : ………..B………. A. 1) Very well, thank you and how are you? well, I have a headache. 3) Can’t complain, and you? B. well?

1) That’s good to know. 3) I am sorry to hear that.

2) Not so 4) Not so bad.

2) That’s so well. 4) Why are you not

22. Situation : A foreigner stops you on the street and asks you how to get to a place you don’t know. A foreigner : Excuse me, ………A………… You : I’m not sure ………..B………. A. 1) How long does it take from here to this place on the map? 2) Is the place here on the map near here? 3) Could you tell me how to get to this place on the map? 4) How far is this place from here? B.

1) Find it yourself! 2) You’d better ask someone else. 3) I’m really glad to be able to help. 4) Keep walking straight ahead, maybe you’ll find it on your left. 23. Situation : You are a receptionist. The phone rings. You : ………A………… Mr John : I’m John. ………..B………. A. 1) May I help you? 2) What is it please? 3) Yes, please. 4) Please, what do you want? B. 1) What’s your name? talk? 3) I would like to book two suite rooms. for two days?

2) May I go to 4) May I stay

8 24. Situation : Mary and Paula are talking about a movie they saw last night. Mary : ………A………… Paula : ………..B………. I liked it A. 1) Do you like the popcorn? 2) What do you think about the movie? 3) Do you like John Roberts? 4) Do you think the movie was too long? B. 1) It was boring. funny. 3) It was so long.

2) It was 4) It was terrible.

25. Situation : Paul called up Susan, but she was out. Paul : Hello Could I talk to Susan? Operator :………A……(a minute later) I’m sorry, she isn’t in. Will you call back sir? Paul : No ………..B………. Operator : certainly, sir. A. 1) Speaking. 2) Hold the line, please. 3) Yes, I’d like some information, please. 4) This is Susan. B. 1) Can I leave a message? call back? 3) Can I take any message? who’s speaking, please?

2) When will she 4) May I know

26. Situation : Andy and his friends having lunch in a restaurant. Andy : Could we have a menu, please? Waiter : ………..A………. Andy : I’ll start with ham salad, please, and then I’ll have roast chicken. Waiter : I’m sorry ……..B……… A. 1) What is your specialty? 2) What would you like to recommend? 3) Enjoy your meal. 4) Here you are. What would you like to order, sir? B. 1) We’ve got some chicken. cooking ham.

2) We’ve been

9 3) We’ve had some salad. roast chicken.

4) We’ve run out of

27. Situation : You are at home. Your sister, Beggy, went to the food shop. The phone rings. You : ………A………… Beggy’s friend : ………..B………. A. 1) Good evening. How are you? 2) Hello, I am calling. 3) 02 182 1235. I am speaking. 4) This is 02 182 1235. B. 1) Good evening. Can I speak to Beggy? Hello. Who are you? 3) I’m from 081 9158951. May I speak with you? evening. I am Betty. I am speaking.

2) 4) Good

28. Situation : You are at home. Your brother, David, went to the sports club with your sister, Ann. The phone rings. You : ………A………… David’s friend : Good evening. May I speak to David, please? You : ………..B………. A. 1) Good evening. How are things? 2) Hello. This is 02 182 1367. 3) Hello. I am speaking, too. 4) This is 02 182 1367. I am talking. B.

1) I’m afraid she is not here. 2) I’m sorry he is out. He’ll come back around nine, I think. 3) I’m thinking, he is not going to play sports. 4) I don’t know where he is now.

29. Situation : Tina is telling Sue about buying a new laptop. Tina : I’m thinking of buying a new laptop. Sue : ………..A……….But it’s rather expensive. Tina : ……….B………The laptop I have is too old. A. 1) You cannot buy it. 2) That’s a good idea.

10 3) Why do you want it? buy one?

4) Don’t you

B. 1) Well, I don’t know. new ones. 3) I think I need more money. a new one.

2) Oh, I like 4) I really need

30. Situation : At a doctor’s clinic. Doctor : What’s the matter? Jems : I have a ………A…………headache. Doctor : What kind is it? Jems : It’s a very ………..B………. A. 1) mild 2) terrific 3) terrible 4) highly B.

1) hot 3) painful

2) sharp 4) itchy

31. Ben : We have been walking for hours. Sue : I know. ____________________ A. 1) What should we do? idea. 3) Let’s go shopping. to rest. B. Ben and Sue feel ______. 1) sad 3) cool

2) That’s a good 4) Let’s find a place

2) tired 4) wonderful

32. Teacher : You’re late again! Student : _______________________ Teacher : _______________________ Student : I really mean it this time.

11 A. 1) I am sorry about the mistake. from now on. 3) I can’t come today.

2) I will be on time 4) I left it at home again.

B. 1) You got up late this morning. 2) I hope you don’t mind my asking. 3) That’s what you said the last three times. 4) Oh, dear. You really should be more careful. 33. A. What do you want to do on your holiday? 1) I have been U.S.A. three years ago. during the examination. 3) I went to visit my grandmother. to go to the beach.

2) I study hard 4) I would like

B. Where would you like to go for a holiday? 1) I’d like to go to Phuket most of all. 2) I want to see Pattaya even more than Bangsaen. 3) It isn’t as expensive as going to Singapore. 4) It’s much smaller than Hong Kong. 34.

In a hospital “A” : ______ you lift your arm? “B” :No, it feels very heavy. A. 1) How do 3) So B. What does “A” do? 1) “A” is a teacher. 3) “A” is an actor.

2) Can 4) Do 2) “A” is a doctor. 4) “A” is a soldier.

35. Situation : Somchai and Penporn are talking about Sura’s party. Somchai : Let’s go to Sura’s party Sunday night. Penporn : _______________________ . I have to go to school on Monday. A. 1) I will have to pass this time. 2) Can I go with you?

12 3) Yes’ let’s. with my mom.

4) I went to the hospital

B. This means that___________. 1) Somchai will go to Sura’s party with Penporn. 2) Penporn will go to Sura’s party. 3) Somchai and Penporn will go to the hospital on Sunday. 4) Penporn will not go to Sura’s party. A fox saw a young bird on the branch of a tree. The bird had some food in its mouth. The fox wanted this food. “ You are a beautiful bird,” the fox said. “ But can you sing?” “Of course, I can sing” The bird thought, “ The fox is very stupid. All birds can sing.” The bird opened its mouth and began to sing. It dropped the food from its mouth and the fox caught it. “ Yes, you can sing.” The fox said, “and you are very beautiful, but you are not very clever.” And the fox ran away with the bird’s food in his mouth.

36.The passage suggests, but does not say directly, that ……………. 1) the bird is cleverer than the fox 2) we should give food to other people 3) we should not trust other people too easily 4) the fox really wanted to hear the bird sing 37. We can infer from the passage that the bird was ……………… 1) clever 2) foolish 3) lively 4) wise Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything, but this does not worry me.

38. The word “favourite” means something you …………….. 1) are surprised at doing 2) are very good at 3) do every day 4) like best 39. The clause “this does not worry me.” Means this …………….. 1) makes me look worried 2) makes me look foolish

13 3) is very unlucky for me for me

4) is not a problem

My favorite season of the year is spring. The weather turns warmer, flowers push their ways up through the wet earth, and the branches of the trees fill with colours. But even more than all of this. I like spring best because in the spring the baseball season begins.

40. What is the topic of this passage? 1) The Writer’s Favourite Season. Season. 3) Flowering Time.

2) Baseball 4) Spring.

41. Situation : Dad and Mum are talking with their daughter. Parents : Nancy you must grow up because now you are studying at the university. Nancy : Please, please allow me to go out tonight. The phrase “grow up” means …………….. 1) to become happy 2) to become more mature 3) to become older 4) to become satisfied 42. Rosy : I like drawing and I can’t give up painting. Mary : Oh, don’t it give up. You are very good at it. “give up” means …………… 1) continue 2) stop 3) drop out of 4) repeat

The old woman sat by the window and watched the rain. It was fall, the time of year when leaves are brown. She watched the leaves fall from the trees. “The year is old,” she said, and I am old, too. Soon there will be no more leaves on the trees. Soon there will be no more years in my life.”


43. What is the best title for this story? 1) The Leaves of the Trees. the Fall. 3) Lonely Old Woman and the Window.

2) The Leaves and 4) The Old Woman

Half a dozen boxes have six pencils in each and another box has four. The teacher wants to give everybody in a class of fifty one pencil each.

44. How many boxes are there altogether? 1) four 2) six 3) seven 4) twelve 45. Does the teacher have enough pencils for his students? 1) Yes. The number of the pencils is equal to the number of the students. 2) Yes, and the teacher still has 2 pencils left for himself. 3) No. The teacher has to send for 10 more pencils. 4) No, two more pencils have to be sent for.

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