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Ping Design Collection

Ping Design





Industrial/Graphic/Installation Designer


22 years old









Works 實踐工設暑期營隊 主視覺領導








GreenRoom Ideas Cooperation



參與國際設計工作營 Designing Connectedness and Social Interaction:”Smart Da-Zhi Street”

參與跨系所國際設計工作營 Visioning Future From The Past



Trio Cafe三重奏咖啡


外場服務生 2018/1



展覽部門實習生 2018/7






ProE Alias Fusion Keyshot Sketch

Art Flute Styling Time Management Design Thinking

Ai Ps Pr Id Lr



Make up


Hip-Hop Music


From Product Design to Visual Merchandiser

剛畢業於實踐工業設計學系,喜歡設計,更熱愛思考許多有趣 的點子。相較於功能改良或問題導向的設計,更喜歡具溫度, 並提升生活質感的設計,並且喜歡嘗試新的東西。 經過四年的工業設計教育,不斷思考,一個設計優良的產品, 如何使消費者感受其好?如何讓他們感受到產品的用心? 在一次次的發表與展示過程中,認知視覺與陳列展示的重要, 並產生極大的興趣。於去年開始在學學文化創意基金會的展覽 部門擔任實習生,觀察藝術與產品的擺設與視覺對於作品本身 的影響,並累積了實務操作的經驗。

I graduated from the Department of Industrial Design in Shih Chien University. I like design and love to think about interesting ideas. Compared to functionally improved or problem-oriented designs, I prefer designs that have temperature and enhance the quality of life, and I like to try new things. After four years of industrial design education, continuous thinking, a well-designed product, how to make consumers feel good? How to make them feel the care of the product? How to make consumers feel good about a well-designed

IKEA是我每個月必去之處,商品的陳列與展示間所營造的氛圍 經常變化,不變的是,「像家一樣舒適自在且輕鬆」的感受, 而產生對產品的喜愛與「希望家裡也能這樣擺」的期待。我相 信產品、視覺與展示相輔相成,因此對貴公司的視覺設計感到 非常嚮往並且全力以赴。

product? How to make them feel the concept of the product? In the process of publishing and presenting, cognitive vision and display are important. I have great interest in the field. Last year, I began to work as an intern in the exhibition department of the Xuexue Foundation, learning the influence of art, product decoration and vision on the work itself, and accumulated practical experience. IKEA is a place that I have to go every month. The atmosphere created by the display of goods often changes. The constant is the feeling of being comfortable and relaxed like home, which creates a love for products. I believe that products, vision and display complement each other, I am yearning for IKEA’s visual Merchandiser.




VISUAL DESIGN Signboard Redesign

Campaign Visual Identity





Ping Design Visual Design

Visual Design

Visual Design

Exhibition Typography CONCEPT

本次展覽主題為-告白 主要概念為「設計師與產品的對話;產品與使 用者的對話」因此以「對話框」的意象作為 Typography,告的口部與白的外框為兩個對話 框,猶如兩個人在溝通。 The theme of this exhibition is confession. The main concept is "the dialogue between the designer and the product; the dialogue between the product and the user". Therefore, the image of the "dialog box" is used as the Typography. The mouth and the white frame are two dialog boxes, just like two people are communicating. .

Project SCID 3rd semester exhibition Year 2017

Exhibition Visual

Exhibition Visual Design CONCEPT

本次展覽主題為-Right 主要概念為「反問與思考」,以 right?反思設計,不僅是設計師自我 的檢索,也是使用者對產品與設計師 的反饋。 Right後面加上不同的標點符號,代 表不同語氣與發音,創作出四幅系列 海報。當四張海報拼接時,會構成完 整的畫面。 畫面中的小人以不同的方式,完成同 一個目標:過海,也是本次展覽想傳 達的,「同一件事,有很多種看法與 解決方式。」 The theme of this exhibition is Right Right followed by different punctuation marks, representing different moods and pronunciations, created four series of posters. When the four posters are stitched together, a complete picture is formed. The character in the picture accomplishes the same goal in different ways: crossing the sea. This exhibition wants to convey, "The same thing, there are many kinds of views and solutions."

Project SCID 3rd semester exhibition Year 2018

Visual Design

Campaign Poster

Project Campaign Poster Year 2017 Team Work

Campaign Poster

PURPOSE 海報目的為吸引高中生報名實踐工業產品設計學系暑 期營隊,因此以活潑配色與元素為主。 The purpose of the poster is to attract high school students to apply for the summer battalion of the Department of Industrial Product Design. Therefore, they are mainly composed of vivid colors and elements.

VISUAL HIERARCHY 1.隊主題「覺醒」中英文標準字 2.活動正式名稱 3.報名時間 1. Chinese and English Typography 2. Official name of the event 3. Registration time

ELEMENTS 同心圓環上有五個不同環境,是以營隊故事「一顆星 球分裂為五個碎塊」出發產生的元素。整體視覺以星 際感為主題。 There are five different environments on the concentric ring, which are the elements of the camp story, "A planet splits into five pieces." The overall vision is based on the theme of interstellar.


以營隊核心主旨「發現、觀察與發想」和營隊 故事主軸「星球探險」為概念。「覺」為燈泡 意象,「醒」表達星球,期望觀看者看到「覺 醒」兩個字的時候,產生聯想。 The concept of "discovery, observation and imagination" and the main story of the camp "Star Adventure" are based on the core of the camp. "Improvement" is the image of a light bulb. "Wake up" to express the planet. I hope that when the viewer sees the word "awaken", it will produce association.

Visual Design

Campaign T-shirt Graphic

C a m p a i g h T- S h i r t G r a p h i c

Project Campaign T-Shirt Graphic Year 2017 Team Work

Visual Design

Signboard Design CONCEPT 「伍佰之家」是一家位在大直的飲料店,主打綠豆相關飲品,其中 以綠豆沙牛奶最受歡迎。因此我們以綠豆和飲料的意象為概念。 "Wu's Home" is a drink shop in Dazhi, which focuses on mung bean-related drinks, among which mung bean milk is the most popular. So we use the image of mung bean and drink as the concept.


Mung Bean




Signboard Design


1.圖像(左邊的公仔)辨識度低。像苦瓜像木瓜,正解是楊桃。 因為老闆起初主打楊桃汁。 2.「伍佰之家」紅色大字退色。 3.閱讀性混亂,右邊藍色「700cc飲品」幾乎和店名一樣大。 4.配色混雜。 1. The image has low recognition. Like bitter gourd like papaya, but it’s carambola. 2. The red character of "Wu's House" fades. 3. Reading disorder, the blue "700cc drink" on the right is almost as big as the store name. 4. Too many colors.



COLORS 配合店家原本整體的黃色作為面積最大的底色。綠色為綠豆的綠。 字的顏色選擇最不易退色的黑色。由於老闆擔心太快退色,因此綠 豆選擇較原稿更深一點的顏色。 With the original yellow of the store as the largest background color. Green is the green color of mung beans. The color of the word selects the black that is the least likely to fade. Because the owner is worried about fading too quickly, the mung bean chooses a darker color than the original.


Series Product Design

Ping Design

Graduation Project

Product Design/Fashion Design/Branding

Ready to Wear

Series Product Design

Ready to Wear

Type Product Design/Fashion Design Year 2018-2019/Graduation Project



“ A Piece of cloth + A Piece of Jewelry, creates variety styles. ”

APIECE LAB為具備新穎概念與功能的新時尚,產 品為時裝與精品配件。品牌定位為訂製服的中高級 精品。希望傳達給消費種一種,優雅、極簡,時尚 與實用兼具的形象。

跳脫縫線接合布料的方式,創造結構布料的扣件,從物件出發的 新時尚詮釋。以「凹凸」扣合與磁力輔助的設計接合布料,解構 並重組服裝。一塊布搭配不同配件,結構多種外型的衣服。由於 是系列產品,延伸出多種款式的布料與飾品,因此以品牌APIECE LAB作為設計主軸。 Object oriented fashion, creates a new way to join fabric. The magnetic buckle is designed to join fabric, deconstruct and reorganize the garment. A piece of cloth with different accessories, frames a variety styles of clothing. Since it is a series of products, extending a variety of styles of fabrics and accessories, so I started the brand APIECE LAB as the design spindle.

APIECE LAB is a new fashion with new concepts and functions. The products are fashion and boutique accessories. The brand is positioned as a medium and high-quality boutique. I hope to convey to the consumer a kind of elegant, minimalist, stylish and practical image.

Graduation Project


部分橫向筆畫以圓形取代,圓形象徵APIECE LAB的服裝特 徵:布料固定的「圓形扣點」。以無襯線黑體為基本字體, 為強化logo力道,文字皆無圓角,更時尚有力。 Part of the horizontal strokes is replaced by circle, which symbolizes the clothing characteristics of APIECE LAB: the "round buckle" of the fabric. With the most basic font of the sans serif black, the logo is strengthened and the text has no rounded corners, which is more fashionable and powerful.

Series Product Design


一塊布+一件扣件飾品,結構出立體的服裝。 經過剪裁的「一塊布」透過「扣件飾品」扣合布 料,以凹凸形狀的扣具將布料擠入做固定,並加 上磁力更穩定且方便的接合。布料版型上的圓形 印花,指示使用者扣點位置,更容易操作。 A piece of cloth + A piece of buckle jewelry creates clothes. The tailored "piece of cloth" is fasten by "a piece of buckle jewelry", and the fabric is squeezed in a concave-convex shape to be joint.The magnetic design is more stable and convenient. A circular print on the fabric indicates the user's button position and is easier to operate.

Graduation Project



Series Product Design

一塊版型搭配不同扣件飾品, A piece of cloth pattern with different buckle jewelries,

Graduation Project

變化出三種款式。 form three styles.

Series Product Design



Graduation Project



Ping Design

Internship Project

Brand Product Design

Brand Product Design

Card Holder A

Main Material Leather Size 58x7x1 cm Project Internship Project Ye a r 2 0 1 7

Internship Project

ABOUT BRAND Greenroom是一個設計皮件的品牌。品牌宗旨為:不追求流 行,設計即生活。品牌風格崇尚現代主義,大多產品線條簡 約、幾何,加上均以手工製做,使產品更有溫度。 Greenroom is a brand that designs leather goods. The brand's aim is: Design is from living. The brand style advocates modernism, and most of the products are simple and geometric. Moreover, are all made by hand.

CONCEPT 以Greenroom的品牌概念形象,設計兩款皮格卡套。概念為 可延伸長度的卡套,以方便感應。多數可伸縮的卡套是利用 圓形發條扣來延長,我想運用皮件本身來達成同樣的目的, 達成功能與外觀兼具的可延長皮製卡套。有Card Holder A 與Card Holder B兩種不同的設計。 Redesigned two card holders with Greenroom's brand concept.The concept is a card holder of extendable length for easy sensing. Most of the card holder are extended with a round spring buckle. I want to use the leather itself to achieve the same purpose, and to achieve a function and appearance that can extend the leather ferrule. There are two different designs, Card Holder A and Card Holder B.


Brand Product Design

Internship Project


Card Holder A的延長功能設計在頸掛繩 上,以對摺皮繩前段的方式伸縮,利用磁 扣固定。頸掛繩後方可依照個人喜好與身 高調整整體長度。 由一片皮捲摺出卡套,只需要一道縫線。 The extension function of Card Holder A is designed on the neck lanyard, which is folded in the front section of the leather cord and fixed by a magnetic buckle. The entire length can be adjusted according to personal preference and height behind the neck. The card holder is folded from a piece of leather, and only one stitch is needed.

Brand Product Design

Card Holder B

Main Material Leather Size 68x7x1 cm Project Internship Project Ye a r 2 0 1 7

Internship Project


Card Holder B的延長功能設計在卡套上,以對摺卡套的方式伸縮,利用磁 扣固定。卡套分將成兩個部分,可以解決兩張磁卡互斥而無法感應的問題。 卡套的特色一樣是一道縫線,外觀更簡潔。 The extension function of Card Holder B is designed on the holder, which is folded in the form of a folding ferrule and fixed by a magnetic buckle. The card sleeve will be divided into two parts, which can solve the problem that two magnetic cards are mutually exclusive and cannot be sensed. The card holder features the same stitching and a simpler look.


Brand Product Design

Internship Project



Brand Product Design

Internship Project



Ping Design

User Research & Product Desugn Design

User Research & Product Design

User Research & Product Design

紓壓健身文具, 可以健身的釘書機 ; 可以釘紙的握力器。 Stress relieving fitness stationery, a stapler that can be used for fitness; A grip that can be stapled.

Fitness Series

Stapler Gripper

Type Product Design Main Material Plastic,Spring Size 15x9x3 cm Project Product Semantics Year 2017

User Research & Product Design


最初的概念是想「賦予健身的功能於非健身類的產品上」,以產品 語意為主軸發想。我的方向是利用操作產品的共同動作,創造出產 品新的樣貌。Stapler Gripper便是因為操作釘書機與握力器時,同 樣都有「握著按壓」的動作,讓它們產生了連結。 The original concept was to "given the function of fitness to non-fitness products," with the meaning of the product as the main axis. My direction is to create a new look of the product by taking advantage of the joint action of the operating products. The Stapler Gripper also has the action of "holding and pressing" when operating the stapler and the grip, so that they are connected.

Fitness Series


為了使用者的安全,採無針式的設計,即使平時沒有要釘紙,也能單純當 作握力器使用。Stapler Gripper操作的原理為,用力握著時,會按壓中間兩 個突起,裡面的紋路壓版也會跟著往下壓紙張,紙張產生紋路而固定。 For the safety of the user, the needle-free design can be used as a grip even if there is no paper to be stapled. The principle of the Stapler Gripper operation is that when it is held firmly, it will press the middle two protrusions, and the grain pressing plate inside will press the paper down, and the paper will be textured and fixed.

User Research & Product Design

初期外型,手握處為半圓形。由於半圓形從上視圖看時,無法呈現對稱(因為彈簧不是同一 個平面)看起來像是製造的失誤,因此最終模型改成圓柱狀。兩側突起原本在上半部,但再 用力握都很難碰在一起,經過試驗之後選擇放在中間。 Initial shape, the hand grip is semi-circular. Since the semicircle is not visible from the top view (because the springs are not the same plane) it looks like a manufacturing error, so the final model is changed to a cylindrical shape. The protrusions on both sides are originally in the upper part, but it is difficult to touch them together with the force grip. After the test, they are chosen to be placed in the middle.


Fitness Series

Mockup Models

User Research & Product Design

Fitness Cabinet

Type Product Design Main Material Wood,Iron Size 75x40x35 cm Project Product Semantics Year 2017

Fitness Series


知識就是力量 同樣是「賦予健身的功能於非健身類的產品上」的概念,以產品語 意為主軸發想。我的方向是以操作產品的共同動作,創造出產品新 的樣貌。Fitness Cabinet是一個訓練臂力的櫃子,上方是抽屜,下 方是書櫃。 以練手臂的重訓器材為產品語意,選擇抽屜這個物件的原因為,操 作抽屜和臂力重訓器材而都有「拉」的動作。書櫃與書則像是重訓 砝碼一樣,放越多書,重量就越重。 "Knowledge is power." The concept of "giving fitness to non-fitness products" is based on product semantics. My direction is to create a new look of the product by operating the product together. The Fitness Cabinet trains arm with a drawer on top and a bookcase on the bottom. The reason for the training of the arm training equipment is the meaning of the product. Choosing the drawer is that the drawer and the arm strength training equipment have a "pull" action. Bookcases and books are like heavy weights. When you put more books, the weight is heavier.


User Research & Product Design

How It Works


當抽屜把手呈90度時,表示此時非健 身模式,抽屜沒有與書櫃連接,因此 沒有重量,供一般情況輕鬆拿取抽屜 內的物品。 When the drawer handle is 90 degrees, it means that the non-fitness mode is at this time, the drawer is not connected with the bookcase, so there is no weight, and it is easy to take the items in the drawer in general.


當抽屜把手呈180度時,表示此時為健 身模式,抽屜與書櫃有連接,因此有 重量。以拖拉抽屜的動作訓練臂力。 When the drawer handle is 180 degrees, it means that the fitness mode is at this time, and the drawer is connected with the bookcase, so there is weight. Train the arm with the action of pulling the drawer.


運動模式下,拉開抽屜並 連動書櫃。 In sports mode, pull the drawer open and connect the bookcase.

Fitness Series

為營造出讓人想活動的感覺,選 擇搶眼的螢光黃綠色與白樺木搭 配。另外,書櫃與抽屜皆以溝槽 控制移動的軌跡。 To create a sense of activity, choose eye-catching yellow-green with white birch. In addition, the bookcase and drawer are controlled by grooves to move the trajectory.



User Research & Product Design

Fitness Series

Mockup Models

50 years over or even longer, will my precious memories be preserved?

User Research & Product Design

Picture Capsule

PICSULE TAPE Main Material Wood,Plastic, Stainless steel,Copper Size 15x12x10 cm Year 2018

PHOTO INPUT MACHINE Main Material Stainless steel,Plastic,Copper Size 12x6.5x2 cm Year 2018


數位相機和拍照手機普及以來,照片越來越少被洗出來保存,大 多以數位檔案的形式儲存於電腦、手機或硬碟等電子產品中,並 利用螢幕的方式分享。如果過了五十年,甚至更久之後,這些照 片、珍貴的回憶還會被保存下來嗎?或是因為電子儲存產品的損 壞,照片跟著消失與遺忘? Since the popularity of digital cameras and camera phones, photos have been washed out and saved less, mostly in the form of digital files stored in electronic products such as computers, mobile phones or hard drives, and shared by screen. If after 50 years or even longer, will these photos and precious memories be preserved? Or because of the damage of electronic storage products, the photos disappear and forget?

PROJECTOR Main Material Stainless steel,Copper Size 15x19.5x12 cm Year 2018

User Research & Product Design


現今,有些人將重要的照片存在硬碟中,硬碟的壽命約3年,因此重要 資料需備份在不只一個硬碟中,也有些人仍然選擇去相館將照片沖印 出來,最傳統但也使人感到最安心,為的是妥善留存回憶與重要資料 Nowadays, some people have important photos on the hard disk. The life of the hard disk is about 3 years, so important information needs to be backed up on more than one hard disk. Some people still choose to go to the photo gallery to print the photos, the most traditional but It also makes people feel most at ease, in order to properly retain memories and important information.。


哪些照片是人們希望能夠妥善保存的?因人而異,也許是每一趟旅行,也許是和 伴侶的生活照,或是與家人的點點滴滴,經過訪問與統計,我選擇以保存家庭回 憶為主要目的。 PICSULE 照片膠囊組,為一組將大量的數位照片檔案存取成實體的家庭產品,家 人最寶貴的回憶可被真實的保存著,有形的保存,摸得到看得到且有重量,使人 感到安心。儲存的實體檔案可經由投影等光學方式觀看和還原照片,成為家庭回 憶的核心。 Which photos are people wanting to keep properly? It varies from person to person, maybe every trip, maybe with a photo of a partner, or with a family member. After interviews and statistics, I chose to save family memories as the main purpose. The PICSULE Photo Capsule Series is a family product that accesses a large number of digital photo files into a physical family. The most precious memories of the family can be preserved in real life, tangibly preserved, touched and weighted, making people feel at ease. . The stored physical file can be viewed and restored optically via projection, etc., and becomes the core of family memories.

Product Design

How Does Picsule Series Work ?



經由Picsule APP,從大量照片中 篩選使用者欲實體保存的照片。

儲存實體照片於卡匣內,可容納 1000張照片。

Use the Picsule APP to filter photos from a large number of photos that the user wants to save.

The stored entity photo is in the cassette and can hold up to 1000 photos.





經由Picsule Projector,放大微膠 卷擴大範圍至可多人觀看。

The digital photo is instantiated on the film inside the cassette.

Through the Picsule Projector, zoom in on the microfilm to expand to a wide range of people.

User Research & Product Design


FEATURES Picsule Tape為將數位照片實體化,成為大量微型膠片的 膠卷帶。符合現代人大量拍照的習慣,一個Picsule Tape 可儲存兩千張照片。除了大量儲存實體照片之外,產品 上方的放大觀景窗也具備觀賞和檢索照片的功能。外殼 部分為堅固的金屬材質,雋永的保護家庭的回憶。

Picsule Tape is a film strip that enriches digital photos into a large number of microfilms. In line with the habit of taking pictures by modern people, a Picsule Tape can store two thousand photos. In addition to storing a large number of physical photos, the enlarged viewing window above the product also has the function of viewing and retrieving photos. The outer part of the outer casing is made of solid metal, which will protect the family's memories.


原理與內部機 Picsule Tape內部分成兩個區塊,左半部為黑盒。放入Photo Input Machine透過投影並以LED燈曝光影像到黑盒中的膠片,使成像。右半部則 是已完成輸出的膠片。 The Picsule Tape is internally divided into two blocks, and the left half is a black box. Place the Photo Input Machine through the projection and expose the image to the film in the black box with the LED light to image. The right half is the film that has been output.

觀景窗/放大鏡 Magnifier

放入 Photo Input Machine 後會被推開的曝光蓋 Exposure cover

檢視已輸出了多少照片 To view how many photos have been output

檢索照片時使用的旋鈕 Knob used when viewing photos

User Research & Product Design


FEATURES Photo Input Machine為將數位照片輸入到Picsule Tape 的機器,使Picsule Tape內部的膠卷曝光成像。以Wifi 連接手機,篩選照片進到此機做數位與實體的轉換。以 木頭與金屬作為主要材質,營造溫度與家具感。

Photo Input Machine is a machine that inputs digital photos into Picsule Tape and exposes the film inside the Picsule Tape. Connect your phone with Wifi, filter photos into this machine to do digital and physical conversion. Wood and metal are used as the main materials to create a sense of temperature and furniture.


User Research & Product Design



透過Picsule Projector將微小的膠片放大,除了更好檢 視照片外,同時是家庭回憶的休閒娛樂。為了延長產品 的壽命,附有備用的機械器材,例如替代的光源,就算 幾十年後機器內的電子零件耗損,依然可以靠備用的機 械零件維持功能的完整,與增加操作的趣味。 Zooming in on tiny films through the Picsule Projector, in addition to better viewing of photos, is also a reminiscent of family memories. In order to extend the life of the product, with spare mechanical equipment, such as an alternative light source, even after the electronic parts in the machine are depleted in a few decades, the spare mechanical parts can still maintain the integrity of the function and increase the interest of the operation.

User Research & Product Design

Picsule Projector有平放與直 立兩種擺放方式。平放時使用 電源開啟投影機,直立時打開 側面的長型蓋子使用凸透鏡匯 聚任意光源,以類似光學實驗 的趣味操作投影膠片。不完全 依靠電力是Picsule Projector 的特色之一,使產品的壽命延 長,更雋永的保存回憶。 The Picsule Projector is available in both flat and upright positions. Power to turn on the projector when laying it flat, and open the long cover on the side when standing upright. Use a convex lens to converge any light source to operate the transparencies like the fun of optical experiments. Not relying entirely on electricity is one of the features of the Picsule Projector, which extends the life of the product and preserves memories more meaningfully.


側面長型蓋為備用聚光處。將投影機 直立擺放後打開蓋子。


軌道上有凸透鏡與光源的固定處,可 90度折疊,增加收納空間的彈性。


User Research & Product Design



User Research & Product Design



User Research & Product Design






User Research & Product Design


FEATURES Picsule APP的主功能為從手機篩選照片至Picsule Tape中,利用 人臉辨識和照片資訊(地點、時間)分類,更有效率的從大量的照片 中尋找需要被妥善保存的照片。另外有其他功能,像是搜尋已存 在Tape中的照片,同時Picsule APP是Picsule Projector的遙控, 方便尋找要投影出來的照片。

The main function of the Picsule APP is to filter photos from your phone to Picsule Tape, using face recognition and photo information (place, time) to more efficiently find photos that need to be saved from a large number of photos. There are other features, such as searching for photos in existing Tape, and the Picsule APP is also a remote control for the Picsule Projector, making it easy to find photos to be projected.



透過家庭分享功能使多個成員共同擁有備份同一個Tape的權限, 創造彼此的回憶膠卷。另外,照片可以透過手機從雲端選擇非手 機內的照片,不只侷限於手機照片的備份。

Through the family sharing function, multiple members have the right to back up the same Tape and create mutual memories. In addition, photos can be selected from the cloud through the mobile phone, not limited to the backup of the phone photos.

User Research & Product Design

OTHER FEATURES Search Tape Photos

若想搜尋已經儲存於Picsule Tape內的照片,可以利用搜尋 功能有效率的尋找。透過人臉、地點與時間等照片資訊的分 類加快目標照片的搜尋,同時清楚的得知此照片位於哪一個 Picsule Tape中的第幾張。

If you want to search for photos already stored in Picsule Tape, you can use the search function to find them efficiently. Accelerate the search of the target photo through the classification of photo information such as face, location and time, and clearly know which of the Picsule Tapes the photo is located in.


Projector Remote Control

Picsule APP和Projector也有連接功能,透過無線連接使手 機可作為投影機的遙控器。除了直接遙控選擇照片外,同樣 可以直接依照分類快速搜尋欲投影的照片。

The Picsule APP and Projector also have a connection function that allows the phone to act as a remote control for the projector via a wireless connection. In addition to directly selecting photos by remote control, you can also quickly search for photos you want to project directly by category.

User Research & Product Design

Cricket Power

Cricket Power

CONCEPT 以板球運動揮拍的動能與擊球的撞擊壓力,產生電能並儲存於充電電池 中,供生活電力小補給。由於設計對象主要為印度鄉村地區的學生與喜 歡板球的人們,考量到鄉村人民的經濟能力問題,因此產品能夠裝在任 何板球拍上,不論是高價的板球拍或是低價甚至自制的木板拍,皆可與 產品結合,進行發電與蓄電。 The kinetic energy of the cricket swing and the impact pressure of the hitting ball generate electric energy and are stored in the rechargeable battery for small supply of living power. Since the design target is mainly for students in rural India and those who like cricket, considering the economic ability of the rural people, the product can be mounted on any cricket bat, whether it is a high-priced cricket bat or a low-priced or even homemade wooden board. Shoot, can be combined with the product to generate electricity and electricity.

Material Cloth,Plastic,Aluminum,Magnet Size 22x10.5x10 cm Project The Developing Countries Year 2017-2018

User Research & Product Design


由於貧窮與基礎建設不足等根本問題,造成缺乏電力,全國13 億人中大約有2.4億人是在缺乏電力的狀況下生活。缺少電力,拉長了做 事的時間、降低效率,對生活造成了一定的影響。


Who do not have enough electricity?




印度約2.4億人沒有足夠電力使 用。佔了整個國家18%的人口。 About 240 million people in India do not have enough electricity to use. It accounts for 18% of the population of the entire country.


這2.4億人中有90%來自印度的鄉村地區。 城市擁有較充足的配電提供工廠與經濟中心 穩定運作,導致鄉村人民缺少電力。 90% of the 240 million people are from rural areas of India. The city has ample distribution to provide stable operation of the factory and the economic center, resulting in the lack of electricity for the rural people.

Cricket Power

PROBLEMS 印度鄉村地區,一天供電二到三小時,於傍晚停電。 In rural India, power is supplied for two to three hours a day,

圖1/2 圖3

學生晚上使用蠟燭或煤油燈讀書。 社區照明不足,只有一兩盞燈。

圖4 圖5


Students use candles or kerosene lamps to read at night. There is not enough lighting in the community, only one or two lights.




由於沒有瓦斯,婦女燒柴煮飯。 電器閒置,沒有電力無法使用。 Since there is no gas, women burn wood for cooking. The appliance is idle and there is no power to use.


若要根治鄉村電力狀況,需依靠 政策、基礎建設與長期規劃,才 可能使家家戶都有充足電力。

基礎建設需要長時間規劃與大量金 錢,人民被迫無奈等待電力普及, 等待生活得以更便利的那天。

In order to cure the rural power situation, it is necessary to rely on policies, infrastructure and long-term planning to make it possible for every household to have sufficient electricity.

The infrastructure needs long-term planning and a lot of money, and the people are forced to wait for the popularity of electricity and wait for the day when life is more convenient.

那一天還沒來臨前,有什麼是可 以讓印度鄉村缺電的人們擁有或 自行生產電力,作為平常的一點 電力補給,使他們有更多選擇與 更好的生活品質? What was it that could make people in the Indian villages lack electricity or own electricity, as a normal supply of electricity, so that they have more choices and better quality of life?


User Research & Product Design

INITIAL IDEAS 在印度,不論都市或鄉村,處處可見人們在路邊或空 地拿著木拍與球,歡呼、跑跳與嬉笑。板球,是英國 殖民時期所留下的運動,也是今日印度的國民運動, 深受印度人的喜愛。思考將板球運動的動能轉換成電 能,在日常玩樂運動的同時,儲存一些電力,成為斷 電時的電力補給。 In India, city or country, people can be seen holding wooden shots and balls on the roadside or in the open space, cheering, running and laughing. Cricket, a movement left behind during the British colonial period, is also a national movement in India today and is deeply loved by Indians. Thinking about converting the kinetic energy of cricket into electric energy, storing some electricity at the same time as daily play, and becoming the power supply during the power outage.

TARGET USERS Rural / Students People who love to exercise


Play and make energy at the same time


Cricket Power


Cricket Power為可裝在大部分板球拍上的板球發電產品, 考慮到不同的拍子規格、厚度與長度的不同,以布料固定 於板球拍上,並且為可調整式。 Cricket Power is a cricket power generation product that can be mounted on most cricket bats. It is fixed to the cricket bat and is adjustable in consideration of different tempo specifications, thickness and length.


User Research & Product Design

揮棒時能使磁生電零件晃動,由 不斷改變的動能產生電力。 When swinging, the magnetoelectric parts can be shaken, and the kinetic energy that is constantly changing generates electricity.

當求擊到鋁板時,產生壓力因而 生成電壓,即為壓店發電。 When hitting an aluminum plate, pressure is generated and a voltage is generated, which is a power generation for the press shop.

Cricket Power


How much electricity is generated?



兩組磁生電裝置分別連接兩顆蓄電 電源,擊球壓力生電與磁生電所產 生的電力皆儲存於此電源中,並且 可拆卸下來獨立使用。 The two sets of magnetoelectric devices are respectively connected to two power storage sources, and the power generated by the ball pressure and the magnetoelectric power are stored in the power source, and can be detached and used independently.


User Research & Product Design

蓋子,保護USB接頭 Cover, protect USB connector

電源指示燈 Power Indicator out of battery charged / full

開關 Power

電源與磁生電零件以螺紋旋轉結合,運動時不易脫落。 The power source and the magnetoelectric parts are combined by thread rotation and are not easy to fall off during movement.

Cricket Power


User Research & Product Design



Cricket Power


User Research & Product Design

Breathing Flesh

Breathing Flesh

Breathing Flesh為屬於刺青師的練習與展示的產 品,在練習使用後具備收藏的價值。利用機械裝 置的幅動帶動矽膠皮膚,模擬人體的呼吸起伏與 頻率,增加練習和創作的真實感,同時是一件風 格展示的道具、裝置。 Breathing Flesh is a product for tattoo artists to practice and display.The mechanical device creates motion to drive the silicone skin to simulate the human body's breathing fluctuations, increase the realism of practice and creation. At the same time, it is also a style showing installation.

Main Material Metal,Wood,Silicone,Plastic Size 30x30x15 cm Project Craftman Year 2017

User Research & Product Design

BACKGROUND 刺青師以人體為創作的畫布,由於媒介為人且作品具備永久性,因此需要不斷的練 習,以維持創作穩定性與建立個人風格。現代對於刺青文化的接受度越來越高,擁 有刺青不再是壞人的象徵,而是表達個人的一種方式。刺青師是備受尊敬的人體藝 術創作者。 Tattooists create art on human body, and the work is permanent, so they need to practice constantly to maintain the stability of the creation and establish a personal style. Nowadays, acceptance of tattoo culture is increasing. Having tattoos is no longer a symbol of bad people, but a way of expressing an individual soul. The tattooist is respected as a body art creator.

為什麼是刺青師? Why I choose tattoist as target?

刺青是狂放但謹慎的藝術。為什麼呢?因為它是一輩子的記號,並且 是會痛的藝術。一個刺青師職人會願意為自己的作品負責、執著。 Tattoos are a wild but cautious art. why? Because it is a mark of a lifetime, and it is the art of pain. A tattoo professional will be willing to be responsible and persistent for his work.。

INTERVIEW 親自至幾位刺青工作室訪談與觀察刺青師工作,並 訪問其專業技術與未來的希望達到的境界,從中尋 找可能的設計機會,協助職人更上一層樓。 I personally went to several tattoo studios to interview and observe the work of the tattoo professional, and to visit the realm of his professional skills and future


Breathing Flesh

PROBLEMS & PAIN 刺青即為一種畫畫、創作,無論是初學的學徒或資深的大師,皆 需要透過不斷的練習累積技術與美學的層次。練習是達到新境界 不可或缺的方式。經過實際訪談,刺青師們一致指向同個原因: 替代品與真人皮膚仍然差異很大。

學徒時期刺青的練習媒介: 替代品:豬皮、人工皮、有皮的水果 真人:尋找有意願的朋友當做練習對象

Tattoo is a painting and creation. Whether it is a beginner apprentice or a senior master, it is necessary to accumulate the level of technology and aesthetics through continuous practice. Practice is an indispensable way to reach new horizons. After the actual interviews, the tattooists consistently pointed to the same reason: the substitutes are still very different from the real skin.

刺青師的練習媒介: 大部分是拿真人做練習 試新手法或計時練習才會以人工皮練習

PURPOSE 1.提升練習效果,增加替代品練習時的真實感(軟硬、起伏凹凸、 厚度平均差異、顏色、紋理與骨骼等)。 2.練習過後的價值,收藏、展示、3D Portfolio。不少刺青工作者 的工作環境放了許多自己的收藏(公仔、模型或唱片等),加上人工 皮練習過後通常只能堆在旁邊或抽屜內,練習過後便如一張用過 的紙,豬皮與果皮皆有時效性,失去功用。因此思考練習過後能 做展示與收藏用。

DESIGN PROCESS 最初概念為放大人體部位的細節,使刺青師可在產品上做 特定部位的模擬,設定不同膚色、線條、細節、厚薄。為 了製造肉塊的呼吸起伏,因此設計可以製造呼吸起伏的機 器,使用時將肉放置於曲軸驅動的機器上,隨起伏刺青。 The original concept is to enlarge the details of the human body part, so that the tattoo artist can simulate the specific parts on the product and set different skin colors, lines, details and thickness. In order to create the undulations of the meat pieces, it is therefore designed to create a machine for breathing up and down. When in use, the meat is placed on a crank-driven machine with undulating tattoos.

1. Improve the effect of the exercise, increase the realism of the substitute practice (soft and hard, undulating bump, average thickness difference, color, texture and bones, etc.). 2. Value after practice, collection, display, 3D Portfolio. Many tattoo workers have a lot of their own collections, and after artificial leather exercises, they can usually only be piled up next to a drawer or a drawer. After practice, they are like a used paper, pig. Both the skin and the peel are time-sensitive and lose their usefulness. Therefore, after thinking about practice, you can do display and collection.

User Research & Product Design

Breathing Flesh為屬於刺青師的練習 與展示的產品,在練習使用後具備收 藏價值。利用機械裝置的幅動帶動矽 膠皮膚,模擬人的呼吸起伏與頻率, 增加練習和創作的真實感,同時是一 件風格展示的道具、裝置。

Breathing Flesh is a product that is practiced and displayed by tattoo artists and has a collectible value after practice. Using the vibration of the mechanical device to drive the silicone skin, simulate the human undulation and frequency, increase the realism of practice and creation, and at the same time be a props and device for style display.

Breathing Flesh


為模擬呼吸起伏,運用了減速馬達帶動偏心軸機構, 使練習品有微微幅動且頻率接近一般成人的呼吸。 In order to simulate the undulation of the breathing, a deceleration motor is used to drive the eccentric shaft mechanism, so that the exercise product has a slight movement and the frequency is close to that of an ordinary adult.

User Research & Product Design

FLESH-For Practicing

放置於呼吸裝置上的練習品,擬真皮膚,材質為矽膠。刺青文化結合穿 洞文化,穿刺文化的共同性創造風格,以闊耳耳環的外型作為肉塊與機 台的固定方式。 The exercise product placed on the breathing device, the skin is made of tannin. Tattoo culture combines the culture of piercing culture and the common style of puncture culture. The appearance of wide earrings is used as a fixed way of meat and machine.


Breathing Flesh

石膏細緻的翻出人體自然的曲面與自然的皮膚紋理,石膏 模具粗糙的外殼與內部的微微起伏形成對比,看起來像一 座石雕藝術品。翻出一大片胸腹部後,裁切適合機器的大 小,再接著翻出肉的底部,完成了模擬練習品。

The gypsum is carefully turned out of the natural surface of the human body and skin texture. The rough outer shell of the plaster mold contrasts with the slight undulations inside, and looks like a stonework. After turning out a large chest and abdomen, the cut is suitable for the size of the machine, the meat is turned over to simulated exercise.




User Research & Product Design

Breathing Flesh

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