Department of Visual Communication Design Jinwen University of Science and Technology
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Introduce Course Project Introduce Digital Art Introduce Traditional Art T HE E ND
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Yi-Ning Chiu Department of Visual Communication Design Jinwen University of Science and Technology
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y name is Yi-Ning Chiu, my friends call me Felice or FIFI. I'm a junior of Jinwen University of the Department of Visual Communication Design. At our department, we learn to use different elements from each course, which is the most special part to other colleges in Taiwan. We have a few unique courses, as Metalsmith, Applied material(glass), and E n v i r o n m e n t a l Vi s u a l D e s i g n . A l s o , l e a r n i n g b a s i c software, as series of Adobe Software, Comic Studio, and Corel速 Painter速. Though I'm middle ranks of the class, I'm a hard studying student. I attach importance to the cultivation of hobbies and new forms of interest. Moreover, I was successfully demonstrated leadership ability in second year by participating in Extracurricular Activities, the president of Inline Skate Club. I have had the distinct pleasure of applying to your university of Graphic Design, and I truly hope I will be provided this opportunity. Page. 03
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D ra w in g Wind 2014 water color
he works were the projects of courses from 2012 to 2014, including the works for competition, and some of works were used in Chinese. In this Collection, I differentiate works by course project, digital art, and traditional art(drawing and painting). Page. 05
Course Project
Course Monthly calendar 10/01/12 Il l u s t a t o r
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This work we were asked to use the idioms of China, to lay out the number by understanding the meaning, made it clear to identify the idiom, like a puzzle. The other one, was using "line" to divide. During the time of thinking, I spent time on serching data for idioms' meaning rather than drawing sketch. I used different way to lay out, and in the next page, that style was the one I like to use. Since I prefer the simple style, I only use 2 to 3 colors for each one. The main element I used was dot. And I used lots of black because I thought it showed the way of modern style.
T he idiom means run around, in Chinese , it can say run around w est and east. It will be much more obvious to guess in Chinese than in English.
T h e i d i o m m eans cr owded, it can d e s c r i b e p e o p l e , tr aff ic, and many k i n d s o f t h i n g , as another wor d like j a m m e d a n d p a c ked.
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Course Project
Compe t i t i o n Po s t e r_ A C E R A 25/04/13 Ph o t o s h o p Il l u s t a t o r
This poster was for the 22th Times Young Creative Awards which is one of the famous competitons for student. It has many kind of company can be choosed for theme. Basically, I wanted it clear and simple to see, because I thought that the message could be communicated easly. In more detail, as it emphasize that is suited for family and the element of the porcelain cup can make water tasty as mountain spring water, I used the family and water's picture. Though I didn't get a award, it helped me to widen my horizon and to experience more by learning from other competitors.
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Course Project
Competi t i o n Wi n t e r' s Ta l e s The 1st. 26 / 11 / 1 3 Ma rk e r p e n
This was the competition which was held by Jinwen University, named "The JUST 2013 English Four-Frame Comic Strips Competition".
The topic of this competition was "Winter's Tales" , w h e n I s a w i t , t h e i d e a c a m e o u t i m m e d i a t e l y, I decided what content I wanted, and made up a story, which were related to "Jack Frost", the role of fairy tale, has the power of ice, and like to play the mischief. Page. 10
P roje c t JUS T ' s seaflet Language Center 15/01/14 I ndesign
This was the seaflet designed for JUST's Language Center, to introduce the rooms and equipments, also the activities they hold.
This was the first experience for me to design a project for school, and I was requested to make it simple to see, because the previous one was too fancy.
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Course Project I usually draw owls, its my inspiration. Firstly, I drew sketch and discussed, and then I made it digital, also filled colors to ensure the result.
Cou r se Stained Glass 1 7 / 0 6 /1 3
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The course of glass is really rare in colleges in Taiwan, so it's a very unusual experience to me. Stained Glass cost much more time to make than fusing glass, it took days to finish.And I made an owl only with blue and white color, to avoid the mess of color, and the glass's high price in Taiwan, also to avoid the mess of color.
P ro c e d u r e
C o u r se Fusing Glass 02/01/14
Fusing Glass is easier to do, I made two decorations, one was about a polar bear, the other one was random work, also charms. During this class, I found glass could be ground, and it could show different effect, than put a piece of glass. As the same methods of class of stained glass, I drew the draft for every each one, discussed the forms, and decided colors. The only different part was I didn't transform drafts into digital to fill colors, because by having the experience of making stained glass. Page. 13
Course Project
Spceial Night, was a topic given from teacher, another one was "Shoes". Before I draw, I made up a story, with these shoes, I could be a clown at night, the power of shoes could take me to every dreams. That's why I drew the clown, and background was in city, because there is where I live, also city people uausally have a daydream as well.
S hoes.   16/12/13
Illustrati o n S p c e i a l Nig h t 24/12/13 Painter
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This course is "Illustration", teacher will give us topic every weeks. The purpose of this class is to find the style for ourself, not focus on painting skill.
In this semester, I started to use Adobe's Streamline, and I found in love with it, so I use it a lot in this period. Firstly, I drew a draft, then use streamline to change it into digital file. And ensure every line is clearly. Secondly, I changed to photoshop to fill colors and pattern, because the decorations of starbucks that I saw, uausally is kind of simple feeling, and fill with patterns.
A s t h e s a m e m e t h o d , I u s e d d i ff e r e n t patterns to complete this work, and some of them was made by myself. Also I kept colors in the same tone, to avoid the fancy look.
Since I finished the colors and patterns, I used the photoshop's brush to draw the highlight, and that was the final step.
Illu s tra tio n S tar bucks 11/03/14 P hotoshop
The topic of this work was "Starbucks", design for the cover of booklet. Page. 15
Course Project The meaning of this is the yogurt ice cream is healthy, it can make people feel delightful, make a womam feel like a girl that is all thanks to this yogurt ice cream.
A s t h e s a m e w a y, f i r s t l y, I u s e d Streamline to change the draft. Also I tried the new style to draw, b ecau se the company is from the America. Secondly, I filled colors by using photoshop.
I llustrati o n Sp c e i a l Ni g h t 24/12/13 Pa i n t e r Page. 16
This course, we need to design posters for a company or a product that we choose, and mine is "hielo", the company of yogurt product.
These are my works, and I hope you like them. Basically, I used to draw in comic style, but I won't do it for course homeworks. One of reasons, is because there is a group of my classmates are doing as the same style as I am. Another one is I love to read America's comics, so I try to draw like its style. In next pages, there are digital art works I paint in my extra time, I'll display them with year 2013 to 2014, all of them are uploaded on my website of deviantart, you can fine more works of mine. I used to use painter to draw, and I usually don't draw drafts on papers if I plan to paint a digital work, I'll draw every things I want and I like, so that is really free to do it, the only thing I plan before I start, I tried to imagine a view of the finish of works, and then I tried to finish it just the same as I thought. For these reasons, I don't have the process images of these works, and I apologize for that.
his is the end of the works of the courses, and the next few pages I will show the digital art works that I drew in recent years. Also I have a website for my art works. Page. 17
Digital Art
On the left, this is the a work from Wu.BLAZE.
I llustrati o n Fl o we rs 2013 Pa i n t e r Page. 18
This inspiration is from the Illustrator of Taiwan, named Wu . B L A Z E , f a m o u s i n o u r ages for its special painting style.
I think pink is really a girl's color, it's bright, and a little shy, so I drew a female fairy, named little pink.
Illu st r a t i o n Li t t l e P i n k 2013 Pa i n t e r Page. 19
Digital Art
On these two works, left is working on clown, and right is working on raven. Both of them were finished in the same period.
Illustrati o n A t Ni g h t (l e f t ) Ra v e n (ri g h t ) 2013 Painter Page. 20
I think a topic of this, night clown, also I think of raven, so there are feathers around the clown.
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Illustrati o n Sexual 2013 Painter Page. 22
This is for practice to draw two person at the same time, and the motion is copy from the modles.
This is the previous practice, and because of this I find the beauty in English, like its alphabets and fonts. So after I finished Taiwan Cities, I made patterns of
Illustrati o n Ta i wa n C i t i e s 2014 I l l u s t ra t o r
This is the first time I lay out like this, because I find that is common to see in posters. So I try to do it. Page. 23
Illu st r a t i o n Alphabet Patterns 2014 Il l u s t r a t o r Page. 24
I plan to do this is because there are lots of beautiful fonts in English, and they are different from Chinese, English is soft, not strong like Chinese's letter. So I plan to make them like a symbol to each alphabet.
It's the end of my digital art works, I hope you would like it. I learn painter from cram school, and I do practice by learning from other people's works, try to figure how they draw and try to make it in my way. In next pages, there are traditional art works, including drawing and painting. Most of them were made in 2013, because this year is much busier than last year. I love to use the generation of needle pens, it is really useful and convenient to use. Also, as the same, I usually don't draw drafts before I draw, no matter for drawing or painting.
his is the end of the works of the digital art works, and the next few pages I will show the daily works that include drawing and paiting. Page. 25
Top is the tools, moistens the pen, I use to draw these works on the right. As I know, it is used to draw comic.
Draw i n g Ga rd e n 2013 Moistens the pen Page. 26
Dr a wi n g Owl's F a m i l y 2013 Generation of needle pen Page. 27
Dr a wi n g Daily Works - Constellation / Twins / Goldfish 2013 G e n e ra t i o n o f n e e d l e p e n Page. 28
Dr a wi n g Daily Works - Lotus/ Wind 2014 G e n e r a t i o n o f n e e d l e pen Wa t e r c o l o r / I n k Page. 29
t's the end of this collection, I hope you like it. I'll keep practice and learn more skills to improve myself. I want to be a designer in future, therefore, I'll keep working on. For preparing this collection, it help me to understand the improvement that I have done in these years, and I deeply appreciate all the teacher who had thought me, their helpful advice give me positive and effective advancement. In the future years, I'll focus on skills, and enhance my interior.
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Thanks for your attention. Page. 31