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Alumni Become Lake Leaders
Alumni Become Lake Leaders
In 1998, Wisconsin began a program to develop committed and prepared citizens who could assume leadership roles in policy development, county-wide lake associations, municipal government, and officer positions in individual lake organizations throughout the State.
As it became known, the Lake Leaders Institute is led by our Extension Lakes program at UW-Stevens Point in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the statewide non-profit Wisconsin Lakes. The Institute is designed to assist in developing and enhancing citizen leaders’ technical and people skills while also creating networks to share experiences and encourage participants to learn from each other.
Since its inception, thirteen different crews and 300+ individuals have graduated from the Institute with the fourteenth crew nearing the finish line. Graduates benefit by connecting with those responsible for Wisconsin’s lake and water management and learning more about aquatic ecology, water law, and lake management.
Kirsten James (Fisheries and Water Resources - Hydrology ‘16), a graduate of the Lake Leaders Institute, said, “Meeting, engaging with, and learning from other individuals passionate about our waters was, and continues to be, incredibly inspiring. The importance of building powerful networks and nurturing relationships was an essential takeaway, and one I intend to prioritize and bring with me to lake organizations I support.”
Every other year, individuals from across Wisconsin are nominated to become the next crew of Lake Leaders. The core curriculum involves three seminars, each lasting two days. Lake and policy professionals teach the seminars at various field stations and camps located on or near bodies of water.
Each seminar has its focused content area and includes the following three areas:
• Society and Environment: Philosophy and Ethics of Lake Management
• Aquatic Ecology and Watershed Management: Impact of Lake Development
• Organizations, People, Politics, and the Social Science to Effect Change
The 13th crew of Lake Leaders graduated from the Wisconsin Lake Leaders Institute in 2021. The graduates included individuals from land trusts, water engineering companies, regional watershed organizations, lake associations and districts, statewide entities such as the Wisconsin Legislature and State Park System, and county land and water departments.
Four UW-Stevens Point alumni were among the Crew 13 graduates:
• Sarah (Hull) Snippen (Fisheries and Water Resources - Hydrology ‘14) is a research specialist within the Center for Watershed Science and Education at UW-Stevens Point.
• Kirsten James (Fisheries and Water Resources - Hydrology ‘16) is a civil engineer and water resource specialist with Hey and Associates Inc.
• Mike Lea (Forestry - Forest Management ‘91), the chair of the Lake Eau Claire Protection and Rehabilitation District.
• Molly McKay (Resource Management - Environmental Education and Interpretation, ‘09) is a park ranger for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Learn more by visiting Wisconsin Lake Leaders - Extension Lakes | UWSP or contact Sara Windjue at swindjue@uwsp.edu or 715-346-3212.

The newest Lake Leader Crew met for the first time in May to begin their journey.