February 2016
Inside this Issue... More this month from our NEW local writers:
Money Matters by William Skillender
The Muse
by Matt Conte
Rover Rescue by Lauren Kehoe
The Power of Positive Thinking by Allison Feehan
...and many more!
The Student Section
magazine , le ty and s r local, life t Pleasant Beach u o y is g in in 08742 Liv ts of Bay Head, Po n e id s . for re asant Boro Point Ple
08742 Living is: Steve DeJacimo Owner and Editor 732.239.1482 sdejacimo@gmail.com Debbie Lada, dzigns Design Director 201.906.9454 dzigns4you@aol.com
Online at facebook.com/08742living Download EVERY issue of 08742 Living in the APP section
Jennifer Malpass Photographer, Photo Editor Matt Connelly Writer and Vice Principal
Maureen Whelan Writer and Occupational Therapist Christy A. Schmidt Writer and Legal Counsel
Chris Grenda, ESQ., Writer Allison Feehan, Writer
Katherine Kehoe, Writer Lauren Kehoe, Writer
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Nicole Marie, Writer Emily Foster, Writer Matt Conte, Writer
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February 2016
Contact us: Typhoon Media, LLC 2218 Mahoney Drive, Point Pleasant, New Jersey 08742 Call us at 732-239-1482 • Email: sdejacimo@gmail.com
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You Go Girl On Staying Sane When Trapped Indoors by Katherine Kehoe
I’ve made quite a few references in my writing to how busy and crazy life constantly is. But after Jonas hammered us with snow last month and I had to spend an entire day inside, I had a chance to see the other side: How do you keep from going insane when you’re stuck with nothing to do? I did my morning workout from home with my free weights, but that only took an hour. I sat down under some blankets with a book, but I couldn’t focus. I tried my hand at making some homemade marshmallows, but had to stop baking at the risk of ingesting a month’s worth of calories. I did the laundry, but once it was in the machine, the actual work was done. We cleaned the whole house from top to bottom, but when all was sparkling, it was only mid-afternoon. I honestly just sat there wondering what to do with myself for the rest of the day. It’s funny, because if you’re like me, you spend so much time frantically running all over the place that you wish you could have some down time. Then, when you get it… you’re lost. You get so cranked up by the day-to-day tasks that you completely forget how to just be. Well, ladies, after a weekend of intermittent shoveling and sitting on my butt feeling useless, I’ve come up with some ideas for next time. We may or may not find ourselves caged in by the weather again this winter, but eventually it’s inevitable, so here are some interesting things to try: • Buy an adult coloring book. They’re super fun, and they require concentration without any actual conscious thought. They sort of force you to relax. • Do you have kids? Do they have Legos? Some of those little blocks are challenging and will keep your fingers occupied! • I know you still have a puzzle somewhere in the house. If not, you can grab one for ten bucks. They’re delightfully time-consuming and don’t allow for much idle thought. • If you’re bored of regular puzzles, have you heard of 3-D puzzles? Talk about taking things to the next level. • Craft. Knit, sew, cross-stitch, paint, and glue together anything you can find around the house. It’s amazing what you can do with old mason jars and some leftover watercolors. • If you’re totally ready to power down, take a bubble bath. Take a long bubble bath. Seriously, light some candles, put on some Adele, and eat a chocolate or two. Remember, being stuck inside doesn’t have to be a prison – it can be an excuse to have fun! Sometimes it just takes some thinking outside the box to force yourself to breathe first.
February 2016
Check us out online at Facebook.com/08742living
The Power of Positive Thinking The Art of Loving Yourself
by Allison Feehan, Owner of Integrative Healing and Wellness
Is there a true art to loving yourself? As we enter the month of love we start to assess the love and relationships in our lives. We tend to look for reassurance from society; am I beautiful, am I adequate, am I healthy or fit. What we never think about is that the social reaffirmation starts with the individual. The successful individual.
But as we age further we become our own strength. We don’t care and we let go. Ahhh, the liberation of loving ourselves and letting go of those social reaffirmations. But we don’t have to wait until we age further and feel much wiser to own our strength. The best advice isn’t to just be yourself. The advice is that you already are the successful individual. You are the fruitfulness of humanity and authentic in your own right. Your purpose in this life is to be the best you every day. You’re not the same person you were yesterday let alone last year. Each year of growth brings us closer to our own strength and our self-love. Your changes and growth keep you moving forward. That is the art to loving yourself. The successful individual knows they have their own strength. They know their purpose of being the best person they can be every day and that’s it. Bettering lives around you and helping others grow is such a beautiful gift. When we help others we feel good about ourselves. This cyclical effort to spread our Light of inner beauty to others is contagious.
We’ve seen our friends and loved ones assessing their selfworth too as they turn inward searching for that thing that sets them apart. “Just be yourself”, we might say. Some of us h ave probably even muttered it to ourselves in a moment of weakness or in a moment seeking empowerment. Some of us are afraid to be ourselves. What do you expect from life and what does life expect from you? When you were young you didn’t ask this question and you didn’t need society to see your self-worth, you were just you. You were being yourself. You were grandeur! As we age and reach the “middle” time of our lives, we tend to need someone or something to reaffirm how well we have climbed the ladder of growth in life. This is the toughest time for loving ourselves. A major life event can trigger feelings of self-worth and self-love leaving us feeling insignificant.
No matter what age you are right now, rock back into your inner strength. Be the Light for others. Live your purpose and love yourself. Today isn’t the same as yesterday. It’s better.
February 2016
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February 2016
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Parental Guidance One Size Does Not Fit All By Maureen Whelan
There’s not a parent out there that hasn’t heard their child cry, “It’s not fair!” As adults we know this, as our life’s experience has provided us this wisdom. Life is not fair. I can tell you from what I’ve seen in my years as an Occupational Therapist, this is true. Parents who have had to watch their child undergo treatment for cancer, or watch their child have seizures, with little they can do. Babies who are born with disabilities they neither caused nor asked for. New Jersey has one of the highest Autism rates in the country, and these parents watch their children struggle while navigating the muddy waters of peer social interactions on a daily basis. It must painful at times. But what if by changing our own lives, we changed theirs? I remember a phrase, “You want fair? Get some corn dogs and cotton candy!” What is fair? Some might say that fair is equal but I’m going to challenge that. Fair is everyone gets what they need, and everyone needs different things. Some students need help developing reading skills, for others it is math, or writing. Some children need extra assistance to develop attention and focus, others need help learning to walk, play, interact, speak a new language, or speak at all. Other students have been given the gifts of empathy, intelligence, humor, or creativity. Yet these talents are rarely nurtured. We are not a one-sized fits all society, and we should celebrate that each and every day. Every life has a purpose, and one thing we have in common is that we are all better off once we recognize that. I’ve used an exercise to help explain this concept to young school age children. In a kindergarten room with 20 children, I would give one child a large card that says “boo-boo”. The children are instructed to remember who has the “boo-boo”. First, stickers are handed out; there are 20 children who all tell me that it would be fair to give one sticker to each child. Then, I take out a bag of m&m’s and the children unanimously decide that the same number should be given to each child, because that’s fair. Finally, I remove one Band-Aid from my bag, and I ask the students who should get it. Year after year the kindergarten students reply the same way. The child with the “boo-boo” should get it. Why? “Because that’s fair”, they tell me. When I challenge the students on this, explaining I don’t have a Band-Aid for everyone, they consistently tell me, “but everyone doesn’t need it”. Smart kiddos those kindergarten students, maybe we can learn something from them. This is a complicated ideology because throughout our lives fairness is often confused with being even, or equal. We are ineptly trying to interchange the two… “everyone wins, everyone gets a turn, everyone gets the same thing”. Certain jobs are structured so that pay scales and raises are written on charts outlining what each worker gets what and when. There is no accounting for slackers, or diligence. There is no recognition of needs or celebration of talents or exceptional achievements. This is more commonly found in the public sector, yet any successful business leader will tell you this is a recipe for failure. Even my own kids will attempt challenge me Saturday mornings when I start handing out chores; my youngest undoubtedly gets the easiest. When I remind the older siblings that she would likely fall into the washing machine if I asked her to do laundry, I get eye rolls. But then, they walk away and I know they get it. My 13 year-old son may dream of the day I ask his 7 year-old sister to shovel the driveway, while he’s inside helping me match socks, but he understands. He knows that I don’t allow my youngest to ride to the beach, go to lunch with her friends, or walk to school by herself. He understands he is older, wiser, more responsible and more capable. Our children are not equals; they are individuals. If we can teach our children this at an early age, they will no longer find disappointment in their shortcomings. They will be able to develop a shared joy in their friends’ achievements and understand that this is a new source of support. Like wise, they will not only know happiness in their own successes but also gain confidence and the self-actualization that is achieved by sharing their gifts with others. H. Jackson Brown, Jr. is an author who gives great words of guidance to parents. “Live, so that when your children think of fairness, caring, and integrity, they think of you.” Maureen Whelan is a pediatric Occupational Therapist and mother of 4 children ages 15,13, 10 and 7. February 2016
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“It’s NOT FAIR!”
What Causes Back Pain? As you may have realized, YOUR back is a complicated structure of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles. You can sprain your ligaments, strain your muscles, rupture your disks, and irritate your joints, all of which can lead to you having back pain. While simple sports injuries or any kind of accident, slip or fall can cause back pain, sometimes the simplest of movements— for example, picking up a pencil from the floor— or bending over to brush your teeth can have painful results that last, and last. In addition to that, arthritis, poor posture, obesity, and mental stress can cause or complicate your back pain. Back pain can also directly result from disease of the internal organs, such as kidney stones, kidney infections, blood clots, or bone loss. So you should get checked today. If you also have friends that need to be checked, then please give them this flyer. They’ll thank you over and over if they find the source of their back pain and maybe a solution.
Dr. Tony Garrow & Dr. Susan Nemiroff
Jersey Shore Wellness Center 3001-03, Route 88, Suite #2 Point Pleasant Borough, NJ 08742 732-892-0485 www.facebook.com/jerseyshorewellness
Kelley and Christie are Sky Blue players and World Cup Soccer Champions. Dr. Sue and Dr. Tony are the 2 in the middle and are local chiropractors who help professional athletes including: the Sky Blue Team, the Blue Claws, pro- wrestlers, pro-volleyball players, pro- golfers, tri-athletes, NFL players and more. With the help of their awesome staff, they also try to help as many people as possible in the local community to prevent back pain and other health problems.
Garrow Family Chiropractic, P.C. 2204 Highway 35, Suite 7 Wall, NJ 08750 732-223-1990 www.facebook.com/GarrowChiropractic
Call now for a free consultation to help prevent or maybe get rid of back pain. February 2016
Check us out online at Facebook.com/08742living
Shore Recipes I love these and your family will too without realizing how healthy they are. Full of natural sweetness, the added sugar is low in comparison with most muffins. Recently, I’ve had to had to go Gluten-free, and this is one of the few recipes I can substitute my gluten free flour with no difference to the taste and texture. I’m fending the kids off now trying to get a picture before they disappear. Enjoy!
Morning Glory Muffins
1/2 cup raisins 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/4 tsp. ginger 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 cup peeled, grated carrots 1/2 cup grated coconut 1/2 cup chopped walnuts 1/3 cup vegetable oil
ShoreBasement.com NY Lic # 1274423 • NJHIC# 13VH01833300
1 cup flour* 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. baking soda 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 cup grated apple 2 large eggs 2 tablespoons water
Instructions: Preheat the oven to 375°F. Lightly grease or line a 12-cup muffin pan. In a large bowl whisk together the flour, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, baking soda, and salt. Stir in the carrots, apple, coconut and nuts. In a separate bowl, beat together the eggs, oil, vanilla and water. Add raisins and the flour mixture and stir until evenly moistened. Scoop the batter into the muffin tin. Bake for 25 to 28 minutes, until a cake tester inserted into the center of one muffin comes out clean.
Cannot be combined with any other offer. Not valid for prior work, must be presented at time of estimate. Expires 2/29/16.
*I used Namaste brand gluten free flour, cup for cup exchange
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Lisa L. Colonno, Assistant Vice President, Branch Manager 2307 Lakewood Road, Point Pleasant, NJ 08742 732.295.0004 • lcolonno@manasquanbank.com www.manasquanbank.com February 2016
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Money Matters When Will Stocks Stabilize? How Deep Will this Correction Ultimately Be? by William Skillender
The Q4 earnings season looks to be soft. A strong dollar, the slumping commodities sector, and the pullback in U.S. stocks have all hurt expectations. A note from Morgan Stanley struck a reasonably positive chord at mid-month, however, stating that “a lowered bar for earnings should be cleared” and that decent Q4 results could act as “a catalyst to calm fears.” 7
January may prove to be the worst month for stocks in eight years. The S&P 500 just corrected for the second time in five months, and some investors think the bull market may be ending.1,2 Bull markets do end, and the current one is nearly seven years old, the third longest in history. If a bear market is truly on the horizon, it may not last very long - the 12 bear markets recorded since the end of World War II have averaged 367 days in duration. 2
What developments could help turn things around this quarter? OPEC could cut oil output, Chinese indicators could beat forecasts, and corporate earnings could surprise to the upside. If these seem like longshots to you, they also do to economists. Still, other factors could emerge. Central banks could take further action. Since China’s 6.9% 2015 GDP came in below projections, its leaders could authorize a stimulus. The European Central Bank could increase the scope of its bond buying, and the Federal Reserve could hold off on tightening further in the first half of the year. If this month’s Fed policy statement notes that Fed officials are taking extra scrutiny in light of recent events, it could be reassuring. Any statement that could be taken as “second thoughts” about raising interest rates would not be reassuring.6
How far would stocks have to fall for a bear market to begin? Should the S&P close at 1,708 or below, you would have an “official” bear market on Wall Street - a 20% fall of that index from its most recent peak. Right now, the S&P is above 1,800.2,3 While the S&P, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and Nasdaq Composite have all corrected this month, the damage to the small caps has been worse. The Russell 2000 is now in a bear market, off more than 20% from its June 2015 high. On January 20, the MSCI All-Country World index went bear, joining the Nikkei 225, TSX Composite, Hang Seng, and Shanghai Composite.2,4
U.S. GDP could prove better than expected. The Atlanta Fed thinks the economy grew 0.6% in Q4 and Barclays believes Q4 GDP will come in at 0.3%; if the number approaches 1%, it could mean something for investors. Moving forward, if the economy expands at least 2.5% in Ql and Q2 (which it very well might), it would say something about our resilience and markets could take the cue. Other domestic indicators could also affirm our comparative economic health.8
Where is the bottom? We may not be there just yet. For the market to stabilize or rebound, institutional investors must accept (or at least distract themselves from) three realities that have been hard for them to stomach ... Oil prices may remain under $50 all year. Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal asked 12 investment banks to project the average crude oil price across 2016. Their consensus? West Texas Intermediate crude will average $48 in 2016; Brent crude will average $50. Oil price forecasts are frequently off the mark, however - and if the oil glut persists, prices may take months to regain those levels. Saudi Arabia and Russia are not cutting back output, as they want to retain market share. With embargoes being lifted, Iran is set to export more oil. U.S. daily oil output has fallen by only 500,000 barrels since April.5
While the drama on Wall Street is high right now, investors would do well not to fall prey to emotion. As Jack Bogle told CNBC on January 20, “In the short run, listen to the economy; don’t listen to the stock market. These moves in the market are like a tale told by an idiot: full of sound and fury, signaling nothing.”9 William Skillender may be reached at 732-722-7888 or bill@williamskillender.com.
China’s manufacturing sector may never again grow as it once did. Its leaders are overseeing a gradual shift from a robust, manufacturing-centered economy to a still-booming economy built on services and personal consumption expenditures. The nation’s growth rate has vacillated between 4%-15% since 1980, but for most of that time it has topped 8%. In 2015, the Chinese economy grew only 6.9% by official estimates (which some observers question). The International Monetary Fund forecasts growth of just 6.3% for China in 2016 and 6.0% in 2017. Stock and commodity markets react quickly to any sputtering of China’s economic engine.6
February 2016
Check us out online at Facebook.com/08742living
williamskillender.com This material was prepared by MarketingPro, Inc., and does not necessarily represent the views of the presenting party, nor their affiliates. This information has been derived from sources believed to be accurate. Please note - investing involves risk, and past performance is no guarantee of future results. The publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. If assistance is needed, the reader is advised to engage the services of a competent professional. This information should not be construed as investment, tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for the purpose of avoiding any Federal tax penalty. This is neither a solicitation nor recommendation to purchase or sell any investment or insurance product or service, and should not be relied upon as such. All indices are unmanaged and are not illustrative of any particular investment. Citations. 1 - bostonherald.com/business/business_markets/2016/01/market_ analyst_ believes_stocks _ will_ rebound _after _correction [1/14/16) 2 - jillonmoney.com/will-stock-correction-lead-to-bear-market/ (1/16/16] 3 - foxbusiness.com/markets.html [1/20/16] 4 - cnbc.com/2016/01/20/msci-global-stock-market-index-hits-bear-market.html [1/20/16] 5 - tinyurl.com/h6ry47n [1/12/16] 6-bbc.com/news/business-35349576 (1/19/16) 7 - usnews.com/news/articles/2016-01-14/will-corporate-earnings-be· the-stock-markets-savior [1/14/16] 8 - money.cnn.com/2016/01/19/news/economy/global-fears-federal-reserve-rate-hike/ [1/19/16] 9 - cnbc.com/2016/01/20/investing-legend-jack-bogle-stay-the-course.html [1/20/16]
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Legal Ease A column that simplifies areas of the legal industry for every day consumption. This month’s topic...
New Jersey’s Prohibitions on Guns by Christopher J. Grenda, Esq.
Gun control has become a heavily debated topic throughout the United States. Indeed, the federal government has limited control over the ownership and use of firearms, while state gun control laws vary significantly. Under federal law, felons, certain domestic violence actors, and certain people with a history of mental illness are prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms. Based on various data across the internet, in 2013, compared to other states, New Jersey had the fifth lowest number of gun deaths per capita. Additionally, in 2009, New Jersey had the third lowest rate of crime gun exports among the states. New Jersey’s gun control laws are governed by multiple statutes, N.J.S.A. 2C:39-1, et seq. and N.J.S.A. 2C:58-1, et seq. Other applicable statutes are N.J.S.A. 2C:1-4; N.J.S.A. 2C:39-7; N.J.S.A. 2C:58-3, et seq.; N.J.S.A. 24:21-2; N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29b; N.J.A.C. 13:54-1 et seq. I will briefly summarize the prohibitions outlined by law: Prohibited Purchasers Generally: New Jersey prohibits the following people from possessing firearms: • Any person convicted of aggravated assault, arson, burglary, escape, extortion, homicide, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated sexual assault, sexual assault, bias intimidation, endangering the welfare of a child, stalking, domestic violence, and certain weapons related offenses; • Any person who has been committed for a mental disorder to any hospital, mental institution, or sanitarium unless he or she possesses a certificate by a medical doctor or psychiatrist licensed to practice in New Jersey or other satisfactory proof that he or she is no longer suffering from a mental disorder which interferes with or handicaps him or her in the handling of a firearm (usually this determination is made by a judge); • Any person convicted of the unlawful use, possession, or sale of a controlled dangerous substance unless the offense was classified as a disorderly or petty disorderly persons offense; • Any person convicted of a disorderly persons offense of domestic violence; • Any person whose firearm has been seized pursuant to New Jersey’s domestic violence law; • Any person who is subject to a court order prohibiting the possession of firearms under New Jersey’s domestic violence law; or • Any person convicted in another U.S. or foreign jurisdiction of a crime comparable to a crime listed above. Prior to any purchase of a firearm, all prospective firearm purchasers in New Jersey are required to obtain, from local law enforcement or the New Jersey State Police, either a permit to purchase a handgun – limit of one handgun purchase per permit, or a Firearms Purchaser Identification Card (FPIC) – one FPIC allows for unlimited rifle and shotgun purchases. (Continued on Page 22)
Christopher J. Grenda, Esq. is an attorney licensed in the State of New Jersey with offices in Toms River, New Jersey. Mr. Grenda holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in History/Pre-Law from Limestone College in Gaffney, South Carolina and a Juris Doctorate (JD) from Thomas M. Cooley Law in Lansing, Michigan. Mr. Grenda is a former municipal prosecutor who handled multiple towns throughout Ocean and Monmouth counties. Today, Mr. Grenda is a sole practitioner who primarily practices in DWI Defense; Criminal Defense; Real Estate; and Wills. February 2016
Check us out online at Facebook.com/08742living
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All Business
How and Why to Hire Expert Advisors by Christy Schmidt, Esq.
As promised last month in my “All Business” 08742 Living column, this year, I am going to help you Get Your House in Order! Although this column is directed at entrepreneurs, this same advice is helpful to anyone managing their affairs and finances. So let’s get started! This month, we are discussing how to select expert advisors. We begin by discussing what an “expert” is – and what an “advisor” is. We will also list what experts all entrepreneurs should have – and how to find ones you can trust. Then we will review why you need experts supporting your business. Last, we will discuss how to find those experts who will help your business grow.
What is an expert? We connote the word to mean “someone who knows his or her stuff.” But an expert is much more than that. An expert, according to the common dictionary definition is “a person having or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience.” This definition is important to understand: Your cousin who is a criminal defense attorney is not the person to help you plan your business dealings and tax planning. Your friend who occasionally sells real estate is probably not the person to hire to find you the perfect retail space. We all want to nurture our relationships – and, perhaps, get discounted services. We all want to hire people we trust as friends. But we need to understand by definition who is an “expert” and who is not. Asking that friend or family member for a referral to an expert is the way to go. An expert has not only the training (in finance, real estate, law, taxation, accounting) but the experience. Just this week, I received a call from another attorney whose immigration client had hired him to handle their real estate matter. He has never done one real estate transaction – and asked me, the opposing counsel, to “walk him through the process.” Barring discussion of his ethics in taking that client and not referring them to an expert attorney, you can see why just choosing a friend or family member is often an error. The other aspect to understand is just because someone is an expert in one profession does not make him or her an expert in related areas. Your real estate agent is not a real estate attorney. Your business lawyer, although experienced with reading financial statements, is not the expert financial planner. Do not commit a fallacy: Expertise in one area does not make that person an expert in all areas – not matter his or her intelligence. We should also define advisor. An advisor is the person who “gives an opinion or suggestion to someone about what should be done.” Everyone loves to give an opinion: As business owners, we want to take only informed and expert opinions. Your niece is majoring in marketing – and has lots to say about your website. However, her opinion is limited – and very inexperienced. As an expert advisor, that person’s opinion should include experience (as we have already discussed). We can look to the legal guidelines for using an expert in court: A testifying expert providing an opinion gives evidence and elaborates only on his or her area of expertise. This is even as specific as a general practitioner cannot give evidence on neurology – and a neurologist cannot testify about skin disorders – even though they are “doctors.” February 2016
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291 Herbertsville Road, Brick, NJ 08724
(732) 903-7875 So, we understand an expert advisor is someone with the experience, training, and competence in a discrete area. What expert advisors should you have? Here is the list: Business attorney (who hopefully also handles commercial real estate; most do); CPA (and perhaps a bookkeeper for day-to-day assistance); a certified financial planner; a finance officer (typically a banker); a commercial real estate agent (not the person that sells houses only); a website designer and manager (who handles social media); an IT manager (who can handle both your hardware and software needs). This list of expert advisors – some on retainer, some on an as-needed basis – are invaluable to growing and managing a business. You might also hire a business manager – or use the free advisors at SCORE or the SBA to assist you – but often a business attorney can serve both roles.
And how can you hire a person you trust? Find someone you already trust and get a referral. Call a successful business owner and ask for a lunch to pick his or her brain about the expert advisors they use. When I started my law practice, I called an attorney-friend who was much more experienced than I was and asked him: Who is your CPA? What bank do you use? I received valuable contacts that I use to this day. Just remember when you ask for that referral, do not just get them to list a bunch of buddies they have – get them to state: I trust this person with my own affairs. (Continued on page 20)
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Coach Me Christy Today is the Day
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by Christy Schmidt
As your coach and accountability partner, let me ask: Did you do your assignment from last month’s Coach Me Christy 08742 Living article? Did you list the beliefs and opinions you hold? Did you really examine what evidence backs or fails to back those beliefs? I bet you didn’t. Because you are scared. What if you discover your public beliefs rest on ether? Your religion, your political leanings, your sense of yourself – all baseless. Very scary. A popular definition for coaching is “helping another live his or her designed future and escaping his or her default future.” If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will keep getting the same results. If this were the last day of your life, paraphrasing Steve Jobs, would you want to do what you do? Have that job? That body? That relationship? That house? So: Today you will stop just moving forward, trudging through your daily tasks. Today you will stop being afraid. You will stop doing what society says you must. You will stop living the unexamined life. You will stop being the automaton consumer and watcher of mindless television. You will clarify your values – not the ones fed to you, but the ones you truly hold –
he ake t m u l yo ous, “Unti us consci d scio fe an i l r uncon u yo irect e.” d l l i it fat l it w l a c ill you w arl Jung —C
February 2016
the ones that will allow you to meaningfully set priorities in your life. For the next few articles, we are going to discuss values, priorities, where we focus our time and energy. We are also going to talk about risk. But first, we need to address one vital point: You gave up and got in line a long time ago. You agreed with how others defined you. You did what you were supposed to do – afraid to make a mistake; afraid to be seen as odd or rebellious. Don’t deny it. Perhaps you succumbed to your own emotions and dark thoughts. You were not smart enough to start your own businesses – or go for that promotion. Artists, authors and musicians starve – so you became a financial planner. You were not pretty enough to attract a good man. Or not strong and brave enough to marry a loving woman. You blame your parents. You blame your spouse. You blame society. You blame the Democrats; the Republicans. The economy. Your religion. God. That chocolate – or that beer – makes it all seem okay. Perhaps it’s the Xanax or Zoloft or Valium that makes it all okay. You had to buy the big house – bigger than your best friend’s. You had to take that job because it was the next expected step in your career. You had to, you had to, you had to. Until you wake up one morning and say: How did I get here. It’s not supposed to be like this. We need to find out how you got here, yes. But more importantly, we need to rekindle that little kid inside you – the one who dreamed big dreams. And we need to have a discussion with that little kid – and find out when he or she was told to shut up and stop being silly. Dreams and goals are not silly or a waste of time or a flight of fancy. And it’s never too late. You are the one and only you. Sounds like a platitude (which I hate and you probably do, too). But it’s true. One you. With those parents, that DNA. That mind. Those experiences. That education. The viewpoint from where you have been and where you are. Even the spot you are sitting or standing in right now is not
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LIFE CAN BE ALL YOU WANT IT TO BE! 291 Herbertsville Rd, Brick 08724 shared by any other living being. You are unique and amazing. And your precious life is yours to embrace. To not just make the best of it, but to make it the best life. Your best life. And to do so, you need to wake up.
“There’s no coming to consciousness without pain.” — Carl Jung
As an experienced coach and business consultant, I have found the key to helping each client wake up and live his or her designed life is to help them understand risk. So, we talk with that little kid inside of him or her: That little kid who dove into lakes, sled down mountains, painted pictures and wrote poetry. Created odd songs. Sang until his or her heart burst. Danced with abandon in the back yard. Took dares. That little kid is still in you – still is you. You just told him or her to shut up and sit down too many times. Now he or she sits quietly in the corner whispering: I could have found true love. I could have had my own business. I could have been really successful. I could have been healthy and sexy and strong. I could have traveled the world. I could have been a dancer. I could have…. (Continued on page 23)
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February 2016
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Rover Rescue Rescue Dogs...a Win-Win! by Lauren Kehoe
Puppies! There is something magical about them. Whether you decide to get an adult dog or a young puppy as the newest addition to your family, the journey begins when you pick up your new best friend. There are many different places to get dogs; breeders, puppy stores, rescue groups, shelters, friends. Where you get your new pup doesn’t dictate your future together, but there are many advantages to rescuing or adopting it.
If it’s still tempting to want to “start from scratch” with a puppy, consider this. Many dogs in shelters are already house broken. If they are older, they have also grown into their personality. The dog you meet and fall in love with will remain relatively similar when you take it home. Falling in love with a rescue dog is not difficult to do. One look into their eyes can have you hooked. Making the decision to give a dog a second chance changes their life and yours. There is a special bond that forms. They get to live out a happy life in the comfort of your home, and you get the warmth of knowing that you did an amazing thing. No matter what the dog has been through, it deserves a loving family. They may be older, have a few scratches, or have hit a few bumps along the road. They are also still capable of playing, barking, and giving and receiving love.
Taking in a homeless animal not only saves that dogs’ life, but also opens a spot for another dog to be saved. The resources the rescue group or shelter was using on the adopted dog can now be extended to another critter. In turn, this can help the battle against puppy mills. The living conditions for the dogs there are far from acceptable. If more people turned to rescues and less to pet shops, puppy mill business would decline.
There are millions of different breeds, ages, shapes, sizes, and colors in shelters and rescues across the country. Your match is out there waiting.
Pet stores are extremely expensive. In addition to the high cost of buying the dog, if it is from a puppy mill, there is a higher risk of health conditions down the line from overbreeding and hazardous conditions. This means higher vet bills and stress for you. Shelters often spay/neuter the dog, bring it up to date on vaccinations, and microchip it before you take it home. You pay the adoption fee and the money helps the organization keep rescuing.
As cliché as it may sound, adopting a dog doesn’t just mean rescuing a dog; it can also rescue you. Everyone wins! Open up your home and heart to a rescue dog and let the magic unfold.
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Students of 08742 Manasquan Swimmers Dive Into Victory by Emily Foster
The Manasquan girls’ swim team made a big splash this season at the 2016 Monmouth County Championships, held at the Neptune Aquatic Center on January 9th. For the second year in a row, the team—made up of swimmers from both Point Beach and Manasquan High Schools and led by Coaches Ward and Murin—took first place at Counties, finishing with a total of 346.5 points. Middletown High School South came in second with 308 points, and Trinity Hall placed third at 271.5 points.
There was a bit of confusion during the final heat of the 50 freestyle event, in which Manasquan’s Sophie Smith finished in third place. The pool’s scoreboards and time pads malfunctioned, giving incorrect times for every one of the eight lanes. These time pads record and display times on the scoreboard the instant a swimmer hits the wall, so before the issue was resolved with the help of officials and manual timers, none of the swimmers, coaches, or spectators knew the results of the very close race. “Everyone looked to the score board… and all of the times showed up as 20.7!” recalls one of Manasquan’s two coaches, Coach Ward. After this initial delay, however, there were no further problems with the time pads, and the meet was able to proceed as planned.
This season’s County Championship meet was an exciting one for the Warriors, who are currently undefeated and on their way to the State Tournament. After warm-up and a round of cheers by all teams in participation, the meet began with an explosive start for Squan in the 200 medley relay. The girls in this relay broke the current school record for the event, coming in second place in their heat; the 400 freestyle relay came in second as well, and the 200 freestyle relay finished first. In addition to relay teams, Warriors swimmers came in with top finishes in a wide range of individual events, from Sara Hegna’s victory in the 200 free to Kathryn Petrone’s 500 freestyle win.
As for the boy’s Championships, Manasquan finished in second place with top finishes by Luke McDonald and John Robinson, as well as Point Beach’s Trevor Hinds. Both teams are headed to States this year, with the boys ranked in third and the girls in first in their respective brackets. The first state meet for the boys is scheduled for February 4th, and for the girls on Monday the 8th. Come wish them luck on their climb to state finals this year!
(ALL BUSINESS, continued)
Next month: Formation and ownership; titling of assets and succession planning.
Now, we should discuss why we need these people around. You are thinking: How much money do I have to spend on all these experts? I am a small-business owner! I make enough to pay the bills and support my family…. I answered this exact question in the May 2015 issue of 08742 Living – which you can get online through the 08742 Living Facebook account.
Copyright C. Schmidt, 2016. All rights reserved. Christy A. Schmidt, Esq. is a local attorney and business consultant focusing on business, real estate and estate law. See more at: www.cschmidtlaw.com.
From that article: In 1937, Napoleon Hill, after interviewing and studying successful business magnates, authored his masterpiece Think and Grow Rich, discovered in each of the millionaires he studied was the ability to leverage. These successful entrepreneurs each recognized his or her need for sound, expert advice and were able to leverage their time and money by utilizing others’ genius and talents.
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Students of 08742 A Night to Remember by Emily Foster
At Point Beach, prom is one of the most anticipated events of the school year. Dressing in formal wear, prom proposals, and gathering together to enjoy a spectacular night out is and has been a tradition for high school students across the nation for decades, especially since prom falls so close to other major events such as graduation and the closing of the school year. However, right before winter break and a month before midterms, Beach students of all ages are getting ready for a different celebration: the winter semiformal. As is the case in most high schools, only Point Beach seniors and juniors can attend the prom at the end of the year, and underclassmen can only attend if it is alongside an upperclassmen. During the semi-formal, however, students of all grade levels are welcome to come for a night of dancing, music, food, and friends. For freshmen, winter semi is likely their first high school dance, whereas for seniors, it will be one of their last opportunities to participate in such an event. The doors open at seven o’clock, and the dance generally ends around ten, leaving students who drive enough time to get home before eleven. While similar in concept to the spring prom, the winter semiformal—casually referred to as “semi” by most—takes place in the school gym, which has been dressed up for the occasion with festive decorations and clusters of tables where students can sit down and take a break from dancing, or enjoy a buffet-style meal provided by a local restaurant. This year’s semi was catered by Spano’s, which is located on Arnold Avenue and is only a 5-minute walk from the school itself. In addition to the amazing food, atmosphere, and outfits, music is a must for those who prefer to get out on the dance floor. In addition to fast-paced songs and classics that everyone loves to shout the lyrics to, there are a few slow songs for the couples in attendance, and those who stay until the end of the night will be able to submit requests for some favorite songs that haven’t been played yet. After that, when the decorations are disassembled and the night comes to a close, everyone in attendance will return home with memories that will last a lifetime—or, at least, until prom rolls around in the spring.
(LEGAL EASE, continued)
New Jersey, incorporating certain federal prohibitions, has certain classes of prohibited persons that are not eligible to obtain either handgun purchase permits or an FPIC. No permit to purchase a handgun or FPIC shall be issued to any person who: • Has been convicted of any crime under New Jersey law, a crime is an offense “for which a sentence of imprisonment in excess of 6 months is authorized; • Has been convicted of a disorderly persons offense involving an act of domestic violence, whether or not the person was armed with or possessing a weapon at the time of the offense;
• Knowingly falsifies any information on the application form for a handgun purchase permit or FPIC; • Is under 18 years of age for an FPIC; • Is under 21 years of age for a permit to purchase a handgun; • Is subject to a restraining order prohibiting the person from possessing a firearm; • Has had his or her firearm seized by law enforcement for a domestic violence offense and whose firearm has not been returned; • As a juvenile was adjudicated delinquent for an offense which, if committed by an adult, would constitute a crime and the offense involved the unlawful use or possession of a weapon, explosive or destructive device or is listed in New Jersey Statutes Annotated Section 2C:43-7(2)(d); or • Is named on the consolidated Terrorist Watch List maintained by the Terrorist Screening Center administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. • The applicant must be of “good character and good repute in the community” in which he or she lives’ • Lastly, no permit to purchase or FPIC shall be issued where the issuance would not be in the “interest of the public health, safety or welfare”.
• Is “drug dependent”; • Is a “habitual drunkard” • Is confined for a mental disorder to a hospital, mental institution or sanitarium; • Has ever been confined for a mental disorder, is an alcoholic, or suffers from a physical defect or disease which would make it unsafe for him or her to hand firearms, unless the person can provide “satisfactory proof” that he or she is no longer suffering from that particular disability in a manner that would interfere with his or her handling of firearms; • Refuses to waive statutory or other rights of confidentiality relating to institutional confinement;
February 2016
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Until March 5, for any client who signs up for a coaching package, my company is offering a FREE online workshop: FEARLESS. The course will help you conquer the fears holding you back from taking advantage of opportunities and from living the life you design. For those of you even too afraid to take that risk, let me give you a little assignment: Think of a dream or hope you have or had for yourself. It could be a goal like getting in shape, learning to dance or travel or do karate. Or it could be a career goal like starting a business or a new career – or getting a big promotion or earning a degree. It could be finding true love or healing a torn relationship. Just think of ONE goal or dream you had (or still hold, secretly…). Note, in detail, what you would gain by reaching that goal or living that dream. Then, note what you could lose by reaching that goal or living that dream. List psychological (esteem), financial, and relationship aspects. Especially note how those gains or losses make you feel. Do the gains outweigh the losses, but the losses are too scary? Too risky? If you are not taking advantage of the FREE course, stay tuned next month so we can discuss how to overcome your fear of taking risks. And if you are too afraid, let the little kid inside you read it. He or she is brave as hell. Copyright C. Schmidt, 2016. All rights reserved. Christy Schmidt is a professor, certified life coach and mediator with over 20 years of consulting and coaching experience. Her company, Ansuz, LLC, offers one-on-one coaching, business consulting, and empowering workshops to help you become your ideal self and live your dream life! SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER OR YOUR FREE INTRO SESSION ON OUR WEBSITE: www.coachmechristy.com.
February 2016
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Beer Corner “Old Ale” for All Ages by Matt Connelly — Follow me on Untappd at MConnelly
Chances are you’ve never heard of nor had an ”Old Ale”. The style isn’t commercially popular, though it gains some seasonal attention under its “Winter Warmer” and “Christmas Ale” derivatives. Beer is one of the oldest man-made beverages on the historical record and the recipes and styles that populate the modern beer landscape are derived, almost exclusively, from a handful of European nations with unique and lasting brewing traditions. Of the many factors that have influenced brewing in countries such as Belgium, Germany and the UK, the most significant might be the harsh winters that encouraged the brewing of a style of beer that was fuller in body and maltier than their typical brews. “Old Ales,” as they’re known, are brewed with a heaping dose of barley malt. This traditional style was brewed darker, sweeter and stronger – typically 6 – 8% ABV – than the mild pale ales being served at English pubs. Old Ale pours a deep and rich mahogany color caused by a heavy malt bill – caramel, chocolate and/or black malts are often added to traditional pale malt – and the carmelization of sugars during a protracted boiling time. Served best warm (i.e. >50°) to highlight its diverse flavor profile, this style can produce notes of dark fruit (raisins, plums, dates, prunes) and sugar (molasses, sweet malt, caramel). In the seasonal “Winter Warmer” and “Christmas” versions of Old Ale, spices such as clove, coriander, cumin, or star anise are often added. A fantastic contemporary take on the Old Ale is Curmudgeon from Founders Brewing. Available locally, Curmudgeon is an Old Ale brewed with molasses and an insane focus on the malt bill, then oak-aged. The pronounced boozy finish will warm the cockles of the shore-areas saltiest residents. Another locally available Old Ale is Great Divide’s Hibernation Ale. Hibernation combines a complex hop profile with a caramel- and chocolate-forward malt bill, producing toffee and coffee flavors and a mild hop finish. Although Hibernation is nearing the end of its seasonal run, Great Divide is bottling a barrel-aged Hibernation Ale that spent over a year in whiskey barrels to be released in March. The result should be amazing! An amazing “Winter Warmer” variation of this style is Carton Brewing’s Decoy. Although I haven’t seen this in the stores, you can head on up to the brewery in Atlantic Highlands and pick up some cans. Decoy is a dark fruit and spice bomb, with little hop bitterness and a subtle boozy warmth that clearly hides the 12% ABV. As the late renowned beer writer Michael Jackson said of Old Ale, “it should be a warming beer of the type that is best drunk in half pints by a warm fire on a cold winter’s night.” He’d be pleased at the selection of these that we have locally in Manasquan and Point!
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warming beer of the type that is best drunk in half pints by a warm fire on a cold winter’s night” – Michael J. Jackson
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Paul Impellizeri — Local Turned Rock Star
The Muse
by Matt Conte
While not quite the classic Jersey Shore Sound defined by decades of raspy-voiced vocalists, sturdy pre-Motown R&Bstyle saxophonists, and greasy-looking leather jackets that make up bar bands, cover bands, and those lucky few to become more than that, indie pop band Cheerleader, of Philadelphia, make music reminiscent of a day lost on one of our beautiful beaches on their debut LP, The Sunshine Of Your Youth. It’s no surprise, then, that the band’s bassist/manager spent his childhood surfing Manasquan’s Inlet Beach or Sea Girt’s Philadelphia Beach.
Despite touring Europe and the US in support of The Wombats, playing sold out shows in San Francisco and Philadelphia, and making the festival circuit - SXSW, Xponential, Firefly - Paul continues to credit his Jersey Shore roots for his success. “My biggest musical influences were always my bandmates or my teachers,” he says. “I would always want to play like them. For me that was more realistic than shooting to be someone big. Local community and school music programs were huge in helping me become a musician. I learned so much from my teachers that went way beyond playing an instrument.”
Paul Impellizeri, a Manasquan High School graduate, joined Cheerleader shortly after they recorded the three songs on their original demos, and shortly before they recorded the ten tracks on their bleary-eyed first record, the title track of which was recently named one of WXPN’s Top 100 songs of 2015.
Those bandmates and teachers range from the Belmar School of the Musical Arts to Project PACKMAN (Police and Community Kids Music Against Narcotics) to Manasquan High School’s marching band. Paul even remembers the precursor to the Fillmore, SXSW, and other venues like the Stone Pony - his first ever concert.
“Playing a sold out show with The Wombats at the Fillmore this past May was [my biggest accomplishment]. It was one of the last shows on the longest tour we had ever done. We drove all the way across the country and found ourselves in the home town of our record label, Bright Antenna Records, so a lot of people who had a huge hand in helping us get there were in attendance,” Paul says of the highlight of his whirlwind 2015. “My sister flew out to see us, and we released our record that night. It was a culmination of a lot of good things.”
February 2016
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“It was the Belmar Battle of the Bands, but we didn’t have a real band. I think it was just me and my friend Corey playing songs about ice cream and surfing.” The Sunshine of Your Youth is available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, and through their website, cheerleadersounds.com.
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