Mzantsi Africans Reinstate Apartheid: Apartheid Lives: Africans Helped Bring Apartheid Back In 2016-Modern Y2K Slaves Apartheid Is Alive And Well, And We African People Of Mzantsi Helped Bring It Back To Life On 2016...
The local elections in South Africa just concluded, and the aftermath has been a loss for the ANC on Key economic cities and other Wards in the once tight, loyal collective of followers and members. 18 million did not vote for any party. 18 million plus voted for the ANC. 8 million plus for the DA. 2 million plus for EFF. All these are national statistics. Although the ANC retained many of their wards throughout the land, they lost Port Elizabeth, Pretoria, Cape Town and Johannesburg(which DA won through an unstable coalition with the EFF). This comes at a time when the ANC had totally turned a deaf ear to the wailing, moans and cries of the poor Africans they were lording over, and this was their main voting block. The ANC has been inebriated by the "Gravy Train" for the past 20+ years of their [Kleptocratic rule, as tagged by Malema] and in the process forgot and did not care about their African voters. They only came to their voting masses, for the past 20 years whenever it was National voting, as was the case in the recent Local elections. And always, whenever the voting was finished, and the ANC back at the helm, it became business as usual, and every time, they became more arrogant and caring less about their polity, and did not even see to it that service delivery was efficiently rendered. On the other hand, the army the poor was growing restless, and very much disgruntled with their elected leaders and officials. Meanwhile, the ANC carried-on with their devious and corrupt ways in ruling and controlling South Africa. Their followers' decrepit living and other social malaise visited upon them, were ignored or snarled at, and discarded by the fattened handkerchief heads who ruled over them. The ANC, during the last National Voting period, even arrogantly and disingenuously declared that they are going "To Rule Until Jesus Comes." It is also important to talk a little bit about the DA, who were a vociferous and feisty opponent to ANC rule. They have accused the ANC of malfeasance, mal-governance and corruption ceaselessly. So that, the results of the 2016 elections were affected by the so-called African middle class, the supposed-'Born Frees,' and many opportunists and disgruntled ANC followers, and Malema's paltry followers, all voted and coalesced with DA in order to defeat the ANC. This has been a mega-disaster that the ANC created for themselves. The voting African(18 million of them) punished the ANC by not voting for the ANC or any other party. The ANC realized too late that their defeat was going to come at the ballot box by their own followers. There is a dulled and lulled aching and searing feeling of sadness that the ANC lost, amongst many people(silently or otherwise) that the ANC lost, and some are celebrating this ANC defeat with fully
throttled denunciations of the ANC ruling government. Many are celebrating, and happy that the DA is in some key areas and in control of local power, tin the many hard-core ANC followers and loyalists.
Yet, there is a foreboding sense that something dreadful has happened and is going to happen under DA rule. The EFF is under heated attack by many of its followers, as is the ANC, by many of its Youth-league crew and many in the ANC. The ANC is pushing back and will not remove Zuma. Malema is accused as having sold out the struggle by pairing up with the DA... Many ordinary South Africans have adopted a stance of standing back and seeing what the DA is going to and deliver and govern like-this is more apparent in ANC strongholds that have now been taken over by DA... And now of late the ANC has been accused of sabotaging the rule of the DA in the Key ANC voting areas. The lessons the ANC has to learn from the recent Local elections debacle is the glaring fact that they have to humble themselves and begin to listen to and respect their own voters. I heard the other day Mantashe saying that his cadre needs to Humble themselves and be amongst the people. At the same time, the very same ANC is subtly blaming those who did not vote. The ANC still has a long way to go to mend its relations with the African people of Mzantsi. The ANC is going to have a very earth-shaking paradigm shift, as soon as now. Now, a brief look at the Democratic Alliance. The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) was instructed by its London handlers, just like Dr. Mamphele Ramphele, to join hands with the racist right wing party, the Democratic Alliance (DA). Soon after the secret meeting with the agent of the British Queen, Lord Robin Renwick, EFF announced that it would be uniting with other opposition parties. This was a coded way to say an alliance with the DA shall be formed to advance the anti-BRICS agenda and to defend monopoly white capital.The Sunday Times has revealed that the EFF has held multiple secret meetings with the DA after the London trip. Sources say that the London agenda shall be realized should the ruling party get less than 50% in most municipalities and metros. According to these sources, the EFF shall promptly enter into coalitions with the DA to co-govern. This claim has been confirmed by the national chairperson of the EFF, Advocate Dali Mpofu, who told weekend newspapers that, "EFF shall go into coalition with anyone but the ANC."
The implications of this London agenda is that those who are voting for the EFF are essentially voting for the racist and pro-white monopoly of the DA. Voters are being duped with faux radical rhetoric in order to maintain white power. Lord Robin Renwick: Malema's Handler From London. Rehad Informs us: During October 2015, the top leadership of the ostensible"Marxist-Leninist" parliamentary party, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) led by its "Commander in Chief" Julius Malema took a tour to London where they met amongst others, 'Lord' Robin Renwick. The meeting with Renwick and other representatives of imperialism happened under the secret rule called the "Chatham House Rule". Up until now no one knows what was said between the EFF and the representatives of British colonialism. The media is also not interested to ask the relevant questions. What is known is that after meeting Robin Renwick and others, EFF changed its policy in a number of significant ways. Renwick gloats about being the man who converted Nelson Mandela from demanding nationalization of the economy to becoming a servant of capitalism and private property. Since meeting with Renwick, EFF has been quite on things like "land expropriation without compensation"and"nationalization". EFF has been focused on the "Gupta Must Go" and the "Zuma Must Fall" campaigns which are in turn fully supported by British and Afrikaner imperialism. We don't know what was said between Malema and Renwick but leaked pictures show the two men in deep conversation. After meeting Lord Renwick, EFF radically altered its anti imperialist stance and has since become an agent of imperialism. They have also denounced radical land reform as well as Robert Mugabe who is only person who has been able to return land to black people in Southern Africa in recent times. The Most bizarre, and still to be explained, policy change of the EFF after meeting Renwick is the attack on the late President Mandela's legacy. Not even a year before, the EFF was singing praises of Mandela including leading a big procession to his home after his death to pay homage to him. What has led to the change of heart? One explanation is that white global capitalism is worried that it has elevated Mandela to such a high point that he is likely to be regarded as a saint by even the white population. This is not acceptable as its inconsistent with black representation by white supremacy. In this context Mandela must necessarily be brought down to normal black status as a figure with no legacy to celebrate. Whites have used Mandela when it suited them -- now they are abusing him. It's the same old story. What is shocking is to see the willingness of Julius Malema and company to do the dirty work of white supremacy. Lord Robin Renwick - Malema's new friend -- is a nasty piece of work. He is a chief imperialist negotiator who was deployed to Southern Africa by the Queen under the Margaret Thatcher administration. He has successfully negotiated neo-colonial settlements consecutively in Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa. In November 1978 he was deployed to Zimbabwe, where he was appointed head of the Rhodesia Department in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
He later served as Political Adviser to the Governor of 'Rhodesia'. He had clear instructions to find a suitable black successor government that was: amicable to working with the British; willing to keep the economy in the hands of White Monopoly Capital, and willing to accept the neo-colonial constitution drafted by the British that served to protect White minority rights. As indicated below, in order to delay and confuse the process of negotiations Renwick is not shy to share his strategy:"So we produced a rather wild plan, if you like, rather than recognizing Muzorewa we should change the constitution into a respectable constitution but with protection for minority rights and that we should ourselves take over the running of the country for a period and then decolonize it as we had in other countries. In 1987 Robin Renwick was deployed to South Africa by the Queen under similar instructions. South Africa had declared a state of emergency and like Zimbabwe (seven years earlier) was costing European investors billions of rands. Renwick's orders was to find a suitable successor to President PW Botha, for the purpose of freeing Nelson Mandela who the British had identified as the black leader that they could best work with, and drafting a new neocolonial constitution that protected the rights of the white minority who owned the SA economy. Renwick also had instructions to get SA to agree to giving Namibia its independence. Two conditions were attached to this nominal independence. Firstly, that no radical return of land must be realized and secondly, that SA destroys all its nuclear weapons. South Africa has been allowed to develop nuclear power under white rule, but the global white system was worried that independence would put the bomb in black hands. Renwick, achieved both objectives within a four year period. In his book 'Mission to South Africa, Diary of a Revolution' Renwick details the critical role he played in persuading Nelson Mandela to abandon ANCs policy on nationalization. 'He became close friends with Nelson Mandela who regarded him as his advisor during the negotiation process between 1987 and 1991. The Queen Knighted Renwick in 1989 for his service rendered to the crown in SA. Renwick serves in the House of Lords in the British Parliament and has business links to the Rothchilds, the Ruperts and some of the biggest multinational companies in the world including mining companies in Asia, Europe, Australia and Africa that mine gold, diamonds, copper, coal, natural gas, petroleum , etc. In Africa he has held director positions in SAB Miller the second largest brewery in the world, Harmony Gold the third largest gold mining company in SA, Gem Diamonds a company linked to forceful removal of Bushmen peoples in Botswana. It must be pointed out that Gem Diamonds also has mines in the following African countries: Angola, Botswana, Central African Republic, DRC and Lesotho. Here are some of the key changes to policy that Renwick has already achieved with the EFF:Abandoned revolutionary violence to reclaim land. Pledged loyalty to section 25 of the SA Constitution which is about buying land.Attacked Zimbabwean land redistribution. Announced alliance with the DA. Embarked on an anti-Gupta and anti-duma campaign instead of fighting white capital. Formed an anti Gupta and anti Zuma alliance with the representative of white monopoly capital, Johann Rupert. Malema is attending private meetings in the Chamber of Commerce under the 'Chantam House Rule This means that it's a secret, that one bind oneself to, not to reveal who one is meeting with. This
includes meetings with affiliates of the principal party(s). White Power handlers like Renwick are preparing Julius Malema, like they prepared Nelson Mandela in the 1990s, to carry out the mandate of the Queen.In the press conference held after the London tour, the EFF had promised to make the footage of the secret meeting available. This seems to be the modus operandi of EFF. It knows the media is not interested in its contradictions or lies. The media has for instance up to now not cared to ask what happened to the promise of occupying ABSA which was the key demand of the march to the JSE. The relationship between the media and the anti Zuma faction is now decidedly unethical. EFF shall not reveal the content of the secret meeting. However we can clearly observe the policy changes that are directly linked to the meeting. There is little doubt that South Africa is facing real prospects of an anti capitalist and anti settler colonialist revolution in terms of which every sector of black life -- the poor, the unemployed, the landless, the black middle class which faces racism everyday and black business that is subverted by white capital. An important dimension that needs serious consideration here is that Renwick has massive interest in the energy sector. EFF support for the Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan, who is poised to unleash privatization, explains how the financial interests of Renwick shall be taken care of. The big question in this context is, what is Renwick giving in exchange? The value of the pound right now is very high and this makes conditions conducive for Renwick to spend for his political and imperialist project. Evidently, Renwick has been very consistent in serving the British Empire. It must be asked -- has Mr Malema now finally agreed to serve Empire, if not, what is he doing with the servant of the Queen? The Following questions should be asked of EFF leaders and their followers: What did EFF hope to achieve by meeting a coup plotter and arch imperialist?What did Renwick give EFF and what did they (EFF) promise in return? How is working with Johann Rupert consistent with their stated aim of "land expropriation without compensation" and "nationalization"? Has EFF now changed policy from viewing white monopoly capital as the enemy into seeing it as a strategic partner to topple Zuma? Does EFF care for the billions stolen everyday by white capital? How is working with the DA advancing the interests of the black majority? Andile Mngxitama wrote: The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is put in a unique position to either use its share of the vote to demand land expropriation without compensation, free education and other progressive policies, or it can choose to consolidate white racism. The African National Congress (ANC) is in a seriously vulnerable position as a result of the possibility of dropping to below 51% in some of the key metropolitan cities. This presents the EFF with the opportunity to press for real change. The ANC can be forced to change national policy on land and other key areas in exchange for the votes to keep some metros. A deal could be structured with clear objectives and time frames.
Unlike the initial offer of the 6% national vote to amend section 25 of the constitution (the property clause), which the ANC rejected because it could afford to at the time, the ruling party now needs the votes and it would be more difficult to say no. Forcing the hand of the ANC to take on the land thieves and white capital is the most progressive option to use the mandate given to the EFF by voters. But the EFF has chosen to rather consolidate white power by deciding to go into a possible coalition with the racist pro-white capital Democratic Alliance (DA). Only DA benefits from a coalition with EFF and it serves white power. An EFF and DA coalition is in line with the London agenda which is about maintaining white power. See post above I cited about London's interfering with our elections and selection of leaders and white capital's priorities above. The lack of interest by EFF to use its votes to demand radical change shows how far to the ideological right it has turned as it worries about how its viewed by white capital here and abroad. This is another lost opportunity for using the ballot to push for radical change.The behavior of the banks shows just how exposed and vulnerable black businesses and black people are. African s do not have a bank of their own. The South African government has done little to ensure that a state bank is properly developed to counter white monopoly over the financial sector. A black bank is now a matter of absolute urgency if black business wishes to free itself. A new theory has emerged that seeks to explain this attack on Nelson Mandela by Malema. First, Malema has taken over the position of a trusted agent of the West to carry out their agenda after losing face with Jacob Zuma who is now seen as part of the eastern block of Russia, India and China. This theory suggests that the western world having elevated Mandela too high and having used him to safeguard their interests no longer needs him, hence, the need to destroy his legacy. Mandela's image as a saint has to be annulled because it disrupts the logic of white supremacy that reduces all blacks to savages incapable of certain heights of achievement which are the sole preserve of the white greats. White supremacy is inherently conspiratorial against blacks. Mandela had been elevated above the general black position in the white imagination. Incidentally, it was whites who elevated him, and now they want him cut to size. Malema has become a willing agent in this battle of the white world to re-establish itself and expel Mandela from the symbolic place of greatness. It would appear that the London controllers of the regime change process demanded, amongst other things, the attack on Mugabe, Mandela, Zuma and the Guptas. The attack on Mandela has been the most difficult to understand but the theory put forward begins to give coherence as to why Mandela's legacy must be destroyed so that his place in the symbolic
order of whiteness is obliterated. That is how white supremacy functions. It uses you and then abuses you. This is the fate awaiting those who have gone into an alliance with the likes of Johann Rupert - they shall be used and then abused. Malema's criticism of Mandela has gained him some new admirers even from some Black Consciousness and Pan Africanist quarters. The followers of these ideologies have long and correctly identified Mandela as a leader who had a great weakness for whites. This criticism of Mandela from such giants as Robert Sobukwe was principled. However the current assault on Mandela is a white project aimed at purifying itself. EFF leaders, wittingly or otherwise, have offered themselves the job of assisting whites to carry out this program of destroying the legacy of Mandela. What those blacks, who work with whites against blacks, don't know is that, like Mandela they shall be used and then abused. There is an unbroken link between the assault on Mandela's legacy and now the calls for armed struggle. The whole of the African continent is littered with rebel armies funded and armed by imperialism. We would do well to remember that Johann Rupert, one of the richest men in South Africa, assisted by the media has called for a coup. It is now public knowledge that Malema has called out to Rupert to help him topple President Zuma. Rupert has delivered on engineering economic terrorism. What is left to be seen is whether political destabilization, that would include political terrorism so as to impose white control completely again, can be engineered. If they can go for Mandela, who is safe? Now, Let's talk a bit about DA in Cape Town Many of the African people, I mentioned at the beginning of this piece, are taken by the DA, and yet, never took time to see how the DA is Doing In Cape Town areas, especially for the poor people in and around Cape Town... I dug up the architectural designs of Apartheid era still prevalent today in South Africa. Johnny Miller's photographic series shows that Apartheid spatial planning is still present in Cape Town. The legacy of the Apartheid regime is often spoken of in terms of the divide it left behind in South Africa's economic structure. The national system of racial oppression left people of color without access to adequate jobs, housing, education, or healthcare. Now, 21 years after the abolishment of the oppressive regime, its remnants can still be seen in the country's spatial planning. In a photo series titled Unequal Scenes, photographer Johnny Miller presents the greenbelt between wealthy-gated communities and poor informal settlements of Cape Town as seen from the air. During the Apartheid regime, towns and cities were constructed using buffer zones of land, bush, or infrastructure to separate the haves from the have-nots, systematically pushing people of color out of the inner cities where they could easily be dislocated and controlled. While movement is no longer restricted by law, sprawling informal settlements are still largely occupied by black and colored people."Many people who have seen the photos, including myself, told me that to see it from the air, was a perspective that they had never seen before," explains Miller. His first photographs focussed on the two communities, Masiphumelele and Imizamo Yethu, both informal settlements located close to wealthier neighborhoods. "This series immediately went viral," he adds.Speaking to the University of Cape Town, his alma mater, Miller said his aim was to encourage a dialogue about the discrepancies in how people live in
Cape Town. The legacy of Apartheid and specifically the architecture of separation provides a unique context in which to view this particular form of inequality," Miller was quoted as saying. "Not only that, but the extreme inequalities are usually not present in other parts of the world. For example, you can see in Imizamo Yethu, how the shacks -- literally, tin shacks -- exist just meters away from very wealthy houses with swimming pools. "This weekend, the residents of Bromwell Street in Woodstock, Cape Town face eviction. Many families who reside there, have called it home their entire lives, fondly remembering the vibrancy of the neighborhood even under apartheid rule. One of the only areas that managed to avoid total segregation under South Africa's former regime, it's classification as a colored community meant that people of different races were able to reside relatively close to the economic hub of the city centre. As more restaurants and high-rise apartment buildings spring up in the area, poorer residents are finding themselves homeless with nowhere to go. The ever-present XCollektiv wasted no time in pointing a finger at some of the individuals they deem responsible for these forced evictions. Conflict over housing and land is by no means a new phenomenon -- particularly in a city like Cape Town, where the wounds from apartheid-era forced evictions are still somewhat raw. Many people forced from areas like District Six have already died in wait for the return of what was taken from them, they're surviving relatives still battling to reclaim the space. This new spate of work from the Xcollektiv speaks to what many feel as the root cause of the City of Cape Town's perceived reinforcement of apartheid-era spatial planning, starkly invoking the group's adaptation of the city's slogan: Cape Town - This City Works For A Few. On Saturday, June 11 the residents of Woodstock and Salt River held a meeting under the campaign, "We Are Not Going Anywhere" to engage, discuss and consolidate ideas in response to the evictions they face from their homes by the City of Cape Town. A follow up meeting will be convened shortly where a way forward will be developed. The organizing slogan of the campaign was "resisting gentrification". Woodstock and Salt River are low and predominantly no income, overcrowded and under serviced areas. Residents are objecting to the commercial developments in their areas (via gentrification) that have proceeded for a decade now under the guise of urban regeneration in a bid to ultimately get ownership of the said properties.
To this end the urban regeneration program of the government results in increased rentals, rates and property prices which can't be afforded by the residents who are in turn evicted or forced to move due to non payments of such rentals, rates and property prices. Gentrification in Salt River and Woodstock - just like in Bo Kaap, De Waal Drive Flats and Zonnebloem - is being pursued in the interests of white capital.It is evident that the City of Cape Town led by the Democratic Alliance (DA), in the context of an African National Congress (ANC) led national government, has adopted a very aggressive stance against the poor on the questions of land
and housing. The contradiction between white supremacy and black oppression finds clear manifestation in the wicked and criminal tactics used by the DA led Western Cape Government to evict the urban poor. Twenty-two years into so-called democracy, affordable housing for the poor in Cape Town's CBD remains elusive. What is happening is that the City of Cape Town, in cahoots with white capital, has identified Salt River and Woodstock as investment hubs. Consequently big business is establishing and entrenching itself in these areas. To free the space for white capital to thrive the apartheid method of removing people via direct and open state violence has taken on another more sophisticated form being forced removals via unaffordable increased rates, rental and property prices. Many families have consequently lost their homes in these areas and have been banished to Bliekies Dorp where conditions are manyfold worse. New commercial buildings are mushrooming all over Woodstock and Salt River. Whites are buying out the property in these areas. The development of the white owned "Old Biscuit Mill" in Albert Road, Woodstock - where expensive food and other stuff are sold -- has not amounted to any benefits for the residents. Moreover it is frequented mostly by whites and other tourists.It is incumbent upon the ANC government to immediately declare a stop to all evictions. The ANC government has a duty to serve and protect the poor and the power to end all evictions. It is obliged to decolonize Cape Town, to decolonize South Africa. President Zuma is urged to declare a moratorium on all evictions nationally. The poor have a right to land and housing.This is just a smidgen of what I have to write about DA local governance which many of us have not done enough research and homework on. What has happened to us is that we have a powerful White owned media in all its manifestations being fed to us daily without respite, that we are now more or less incapable of processing and deciphering what messages, memes and zines are being promulgated to us. It is important that we begin to think out of the box. Finding independent information about our realpolitick, from information all over the news media, learn what is being said to us, and not what is not told to us... Apply and propagate all this information and knowledge from our own African personal lived experiences There have been the unenclosed toilet debacles and issues in Makhaza that the DA was taken to court for, and the DA lost, because what is not said is that this was part of the gentrification action against the poor, and the poor are being segregated against, and Cape Town is the Temple of Apartheid, today. I have published a Hub dealing witness issues of toilets built in the open Veld/Field, with no walls of any sort or privacy for their users, here on HubPages. Since the loss of the ANC in many areas throughout South Africa, we also can now see the rise of racism in Natal, and Pretoria and Johannesburg. The ANC is appalling and dangerously ingorant in helping the poor overcome Apartheid, structurally, mentally, spiritually, politically, socially, and is being unable to helo Africans to practice their freedom as the indigenous of Mzantsi. But DA, in Cape Town, where they have ruled for many years now - The DA has become too comfortable in the City of Cape Town, ignoring important issues like gentrification, homelessness and inequality. In an interview leading to the 2016 elections, in Ward 62, which included wealthy areas like
Constantia, Bishopscourt, Kirstenbosch, upper Claremont and some of Table Mountain, the DA in these areas, under Elizabeth Brunette, was that of very mindset, they think that Whites will vote for them. Muizenberg Ward 64 is in an area that has always been DA with people needing help in the community and that residents are ready for change. In an area where property prices range from a modest R750 000 to R14 million, residents are struggling to keep up with high rates and the poor are being overlooked, she said. A fishing community in Kalk Bay was having an especially hard time trying to afford the high school fees in the area. ''I am talking about a beautiful ward, but drive at night and you will see the homelessness,'' said the business science student. Here's a pice written by a collaboration between Kings College London and UCT research project: The city of Cape Town in South Africa has a population in excess of 3.5 million and is South Africa's second largest city. It has a distinct demographic composition, with half of its inhabitants classified as Colored, almost 20% White, and just over 30% African. Average annual income is 2,000 pounds and the city has an unemployment rate of 23%. However, this headline rate masks the gross spatial and social disparities in unemployment, and in some of the poorest parts of the city, anything up to 80% of residents are thought to be unemployed. Both the city and the western Cape are governed by the Democratic Alliance, with the ANC as opposition. Cape Town is a city of contrasts -- the Central business District and its surrounding neighborhoods have been upgraded, securitized, gentrified(removing Black Spots(Poor peoples shacks, etc.) in Apartheid times), and attracted new residents. However, while urban upgrading programs in the rest of the city continue apace, the gulf between the rich and poor remains fierce and stark. This divide is equally marked when it comes to drinking. The city's alcohol retailing patterns are a product of its colonial and Apartheid past. Indeed, under Apartheid, Africans were not permitted to buy European liquor until 1965, leading to a proliferation of so-called illegal bars and drinking 'spots' that got to be known as 'Shebeens', and now of late dubbed 'Taverns'..The construction of municipal beer halls and spaces were supposed to feed back into the development of Townships, instead, it destroyed and dislocated the poor who became alcoholics, en masse, in many poor Townships, nationally. By the end of [Apartheid-which never ended of course] alcoholism is one of the most devastating weapons on the African collective and many poor Boers/wites. 'Shebeens' were prolific and for all extents and purposes, seemingly outside the purview of state control-but bribes are part of the sham and scam, between the tavern owners and the local police departments. The city's two tier system of alcohol retailing for Whites and non-White areas meant that in 1994, there were fifteen times the number of licensed premises in white areas as in nonWhite parts of the city. The legacy of Apartheid's form of spatial and social control remains in the drinking halls of many South Africans(Now lately it is no longer Shebeens, but are called Taverns)We also have a drug pandemic and this is destroying communities and many lives. Too many of our youth and young/old adults are unemployed, and days are long and dreary/bleak for millions of South Africans, daily. The Future is dim. The Alcohol problem pointed to above, amongst the poor of South Africa, is national in scope, and
growing by the hour. The alcoholism in the Cape is also a global problem faced by middle-income countries, where liquor regulation is deeply contested and ineffectively enforced. The influence of the liquor industry strong -- as in many countries -- due to the importance placed on its economic contribution. In my neck of the Hood, since we are next to an old man-made mountain from the gold being dug in Crown Mines, during the August and September season, we are overwhelmed by the Dust that dots the Eastern side of the Whole of Soweto, and people , children and the elderly, are coughing very much; their eyes are affected by the Dust from the mountains/I only pity those whose houses are built on the foot of these mammoth man-made yellow cream white dumps. My own Township is a liquor mecca, and sales of alcohol have morphed into many versions of Shebeens and what have you. Drinking is an activity engaged in by many of our people, and it is destroying the frayed basic social cohesion of our people; eroding our collective souls; and drowning our spirits and bodies deeply into the swirling alcohol. I say this because so many of my peers have died early because of alcoholism, TB, and from the 80s wiped out by AIDS. Many of my relatives have been swiped and devasted/killed by the HIV/AIDS disease, and many are still going to die.Poverty is an issue that the ANC could not control and the people die from hunger and malnutrition. Instead, as has be oft pointed out, we we are dying and killing ourselves selves with the paltry wealth that was left as crumb, by the Apartheid oppressors,s for for to nibble at during the past 20+ years. The former Apartheid Homelands planted all across South Africa, were not gotten rid off by the ANC. Even today, many of our people still work on Some White farmer's lands, in droves, and we have people living in the Houghtons of Johannesburg; owning yachts; and taking government junkets to shop overseas. Again, lest we forget that Hellen Zille who characterized the DA's official position on the Employment Equity Amendment Bill as the inadequacy ad classic liberalism in addressing racial justice in post- Apartheid South Africa. Hellen Zille characterized the bill as "Verwoerdian Social Engineering' and that, 'there is nothing progressive about coercion that enforces racial quotas.' We learn more about Zille from Mandisi Majavu: Additionally, what underpins Zille's argument is that there is nothing progressive about compelling employers to comply with the Employment Equity Bill. Liberals all over the world mistakenly think that non-racialism or color-blindness is a fundamental principle of justice. On the contrary, as Amy Gutman, an American philosopher, points out fairness is a fundamental principle of justice; and that principle, especially in a country that is struggling to overcome the apartheid legacy, does not always call for color-blindness with regard to employment and university admissions. According to Gutman, "To respond to racial injustice with a color consciousness principle or policy is therefore not to commit any wrong at all, provided the principle or policy is consistent with fairness." Research findings show that 19 years after the demise of the apartheid, 85 percent of black Africans still remain poor, whereas 87 percent of white South Africans occupy the middle to upper class categories-and the same amount of land.
Further, according to the Commission for Employment Equity 2012 / 2013 Annual Report, "For the past 10 years we have not shaken the stubborn domination of the Whites substantially in the private sector compared to the public sector." Whites, particularly white males, are over-represented in the top management levels in all the provinces. The Western Cape Province, the DA's stronghold, 'Has the most representation of Whites at the top management for both males and females.' Generally, black professionals in South Africa have always viewed Cape Town in particular as a zone for white privilege--that is, Whitopia. For example, last year, Mail and Guardian's reporter, Verashni Pillay, wrote about her experiences in Cape Town pointing out that, "What drove me slowly mad was how racism was an elephant in the room that you could not talk about." This is consistent with a liberal view that discussing race is unethical because somehow, such discussions, automatically lead to Verwoerdian social thinking. Historically, the liberal tradition that Zille represents opposed apartheid policies on the basis of the classic liberal principle of possessive individualism. The liberal tradition I am referring to is, Helen Suzman's Progressive Party. It was an elitist white tradition that has a shameful record of accommodating Verwoerdian Apartheid's racist policies. For example, for decades after its establishment, Suzman's Progressive Party restricted its membership to whites only. In post-apartheid South Africa this tradition is defended by black liberals such as Lindiwe Mazibuko and Mmusi Maimane. Black liberals in the Party give legitimacy and moral weight to a gentrified race analysis of DA politics. Mazibuko, the DA's parliamentary leader, is aligned with certain people in the DA who believe that race matters, according to newspaper reports. She admits that "inequality is racialized..." She further explains that, "We wanted to support employment equity, we thought the legislation wasn't as draconian as it turned out to be...'Similar' to Zille's appeal to a Verwoerdian false dilemma, Mazibuko uses the word 'draconian' in the above sentence to delineate the perimeters of the debate. Hence people who support the Bill are by default neurotically undemocratic. On the other hand, Mazibuko and other liberals utilize 'liberalism speak' to appear reasonable while in reality they oppose practical approaches to address racial inequality. A free market ideology is thrown in the mix for good measure. Thus, Zille argues that the Bill "will undermine growth, reduce jobs, drive away investment ..." In his seminal work, 'The political theory of possessive individualism,' CB Macpherson, a Canadian philosopher, highlighted the contradictory logic inherent in the liberalism that subscribe to both democratic principles and market ideology. What further makes this liberal tradition untenable in post-apartheid South Africa is its lack of intellectual tools to talk about race convincingly. Presumably, the aim of the so-called "black caucus" in the DA is to consolidate a still nascent gentrified race analysis into DA politics. One of the challenges facing black liberals within the DA is convincing the conservative faction of the Party to give them the intellectual space necessary to further develop a race analysis that is palatable to wealthy whites and, a race discourse that resonates with blacks who have middle-class
aspirations. That is where the future lies for the DA. Obviously, astute political players in the DA understand this. Likewise, Lindiwe Mazibuko and Mmusi Maimane perfectly understand their political roles. We can now see much dearth given to the phenomena of Malema and DA, that this was long in the making. What the people of Port Elizabeth face similar circumstances of the poor people in Cape Town-is one of the many places that the DA is having a gentrified political feast. There is no other way around this issue. As I have said, we have given leeway to our detractors, with the hope that they will be better than the ANC. Malema ignorantly believed this, was told to do so, and his 'revenge' mind-set satisfied as he put it, "We have the ANC by its ...,"(unmentionable body part reference). But questions are looming within his picayune enclave, and some in his group are decrying his coalescing with the White people was simple sell out. I have explained above what has made Malema endure, and the knuckle-head he is, he cavorts with Lords of London... This is way beyond his league and he will never be able to warp his warped pea-brain around it....