/report salone 2013
Taylor divano /sofa 02 Maison BUSNELLI 12 Taylor pouf /footstool 18 Taylor sidetable /sidetable 19 Taylor tavolino /small table 20 Taylor madia /sideboard 22 Taylor credenza /cupboard 24 Carpe Diem divano /sofa 26 Carpe Diem tavolino /small table 26 Manda sedia /chair 32 Manda tavolo /table 36 Freddy sedia /chair 40 Charme Plus sedia /chair 42 TAYLOR letto /bed for CINOVA 44 Milano Fair slideshow 48 Technical Data 56
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 013
Taylor divano Taylor è un divano dove “l’abito” viene personalizzato mediante la proposta di sofisticati dettagli, quali cuciture, cuscinature, finiture preziose ed il comfort indiscusso Busnelli. Il divano viene realizzato con cinque tipologie di cuciture per tessuti e sei cuciture per la pelle, in grado di personalizzare il prodotto secondo le esigenze del cliente. L’ampia componentistica e le diversificate cuscinature, sia di seduta che di schienale, permettono di cambiare il disegno del prodotto da tradizionale a quello più di design.
Taylor sofa Taylor is a sofa in which the “dress” is customized through the proposal of sophisticated details, such as the seams, multiple solutions for the cushions, precious finishes and the undisputed comfort of Busnelli. The sofa is produced with five different typologies of seams for the fabrics and six seams for the leathers, in order to customize the product according to the needs of the client. The variety and diversification of cushions, both seat and backrest, allow to change the design of the product from the most traditional to a design version.
In queste pagine / on these pages Taylor composizione angolare 360 x 280 x 71 cm - cucitura C / Taylor composition with corner unit 1413/4" x 1101/4"x 28" - C seam
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Taylor design Toan Nguyen
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
design Toan Nguyen
In queste pagine / on these pages
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Taylor composizione angolare 360 x 280 x 71 cm - cucitura C, Taylor tavolino 80 x 80 x 28 cm, Taylor sidetable 35 x 50 x 64 cm, Dama pouf 40 x 40 x 45 cm, Taylor pouf 103 x 80 x 42 cm - cucitura C / Taylor composition with corner unit 1413/4" x 1101/4"x 28" - C seam, Taylor small table 311/2" x 311/2" x 11", Taylor sidetable 133/4" x 193/4" x 251/4", Dama footstool 153/4" x 153/4" x 173/4", Taylor footstool 401/2" x 311/2" x 161/2" - C seam
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Taylor design Toan Nguyen
In questa pagina / on this page
In questa pagina / on this page Taylor divano 238 x 103 x 71 cm - cucitura G / Taylor sofa 226 x 401/2" x 28" - G seam
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Taylor design Toan Nguyen
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Taylor divano 238 x 103 x 71 cm - cucitura G, Taylor tavolino 160 x 80 x 28 cm, Taylor sidetable 35 x 50 x 64 cm / Taylor sofa 226 x 40 1/2" x 28" - G seam, Taylor small table 63" x 311/2" x 11", Taylor sidetable 133/4" x 193/4" x 251/4"
In questa pagina / on this page
Taylor divano La struttura portante è in massello, multistrati e agglomerato di legno. Il molleggio di seduta è disposto da cinghie elastiche. L’imbottitura è in poliuretano espanso indeformabile senza C.F.C. e fibra 100% poliestere. Il sedile ha il cuscino in piuma d’oca selezionata e sterilizzata con anima portante in poliuretano espanso indeformabile a densità differenziate senza C.F.C. Lo schienale ha il cuscino in piuma d’oca selezionata e sterilizzata. Le fodere sono in 100% cotone. Il basamento è costituito da un piedino a slitta in trafilato d’acciaio con finitura galvanica black nichel o cromo lucido. Disponibile a richiesta altezza + 2 cm. I cuscini seduta sono disponibili anche in fibra. Disponibili elementi componibili predisposti per il collegamento. Completamente sfoderabile, esclusa la versione in pelle. Tecnologia Busnelli_Lab
Taylor sofa The structure is in solid wood, multi ply and particle board. The springing system of the seat is on elastic belts. The padding is in C.F.C.-free non-deformable polyurethane foam and fiber 100% polyester. The seat has the cushion in selected an sanitized feathers with heart in C.F.C.-free, non-deformable polyurethane foam with different density. The backrest has the cushion filled in sanitized and selected goose feathers. Covers are in 100% cotton. The base is on cast steel leg galvanic finish black nickel or polished chrome. Available on demand 2 cm higher. Cushions available in fiber. Modular end elements prepared to be connected also available. Fully removable covers except in the leather version. Technology Busnelli_Lab
In questa pagina / on this page Taylor composizione con dormeuse 274 x 175 x 71 cm - cucitura B / Taylor composition with long chair 1073/4" x 69" x 28" - B seam
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Taylor design Toan Nguyen
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Taylor composizione con dormeuse 274 x 175 x 71 cm - cucitura B / Taylor composition with long chair 1073/4" x 69" x 28" - B seam
In questa pagina / on this page
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
In questa pagina / on this page Taylor divano 274 x 103 x 71 cm - cucitura M / Taylor sofa 1073/4" x 401/2" x 28" - M seam
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Taylor design Toan Nguyen
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Taylor composizione con dormeuse 274 x 175 x 71 cm - cucitura B, Taylor sidetable 35 x 50 x 64 cm / Taylor composition with long chair 1073/4" x 69" x 28" - B seam, Taylor sidetable 133/4" x 193/4" x 251/4"
Taylor, un progetto sartoriale Artigianalità, cura, attenzione, comfort e tecnologia sono valori che hanno pervaso e consolidato il marchio Busnelli da più di cinquanta anni in un mercato che via via si è fatto sempre più esigente, competitivo e globale; forte di questa lunga esperienza Busnelli è giunto al punto di voler convogliare tutto il suo Know How e la sua creatività nella realizzazione di un progetto unico nel suo genere; un progetto “tailor made” che mette in primo piano le esigenze, il gusto e le necessità del cliente, intorno al quale viene costruito il divano. Con la collezione Taylor, nasce il prestigioso progetto “Maison Busnelli”, che identificherà la piu prestigiosa distribuzione ed il meglio della produzione Busnelli, 100% tailor made nei nostri stabilimenti, un “confezionato su misura“, destinato ai clienti più sofisticati, desiderosi di acquistare qualcosa di unico tagliato sulle proprie esigenze. Il progetto “Taylor” comprende un sistema divano innovativo, dallo stile persuasivo, in cui “l’abito” viene personalizzato con sofisticati dettagli, quali cuciture, molteplici soluzioni formali e materiali delle cuscinature, finiture preziose ed il comfort indiscusso del marchio Busnelli. La Maison Busnelli mette a disposizione le sue maestranze più qualificate intorno a questo progetto, presentando ben cinque diverse tipologie di cuciture per tessuti e ben sei cuciture per la pelle, in grado di personalizzare il prodotto secondo le necessità del cliente, le sue esigenze, il suo lifestyle.
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Taylor, a tailoring project Craftsmanship, care, attention, comfort and technology are the core values that have pervaded and consolidated the brand Busnelli for more than fifty years, in a market that little by little has become more and more demanding, competitive and global. Strong in this area, Busnelli has reached the point to direct all its knowhow and creativity to the production of an unique project in its gender; a “tailor made” project that puts in first place the demands, the taste and the needs of the client and around which the sofa project and its living space are built. With the Taylor collection, the prestigious project “Maison Busnelli” is born, that will identify the most important distribution and the best of the production Busnelli, 100% measure made inside our sales points, a “tailor-made”, directed to the most sophisticated clients, wishing to acquire something unique made according their needs. The "Taylor" project is composed by an innovative sofa system, of a persuasive style, in which the “dress” is customized through the finishing of sophisticated details, such as the seams, multiple formal and material solutions for the cushions, precious finishes and the undisputed comfort of Busnelli. The Maison Busnelli is at full disposal with its most skilled workers for this project, presenting up to five different typologies of seams for the fabrics and six seams for the leathers, in order to customize the product according to the needs of the client, its demands, its lifestyle.
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Esempi cuciture su tessuto / fabric seams samples
Esempi cuciture su pelle / leather seams samples
D - Profilo in tessuto / Fabric piping
E - Cucitura con punto cavallo / Seam with blanket stitching
C - Cucitura con gros grain / Seam with gros grain
A - Costina semplice con cucitura in tinta / Simple stitching with same color seam
F - Costina semplice con cucitura in contrasto / Simple stitching with contrast color seam
C - Cucitura con gros grain / Seam with gros grain
D - Profilo in pelle / Leather piping
G - Cucitura con profilo ribattuto / Flat felled seam
H - Cucitura con fettuccia e doppia costina / Seam with tape and double stitching
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
B - Cucitura pizzicata / Double felled seam
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
A - Costina semplice / Simple stitching
Ricordiamo che eleganti tessuti, tra cui Casablanca e Dublino realizzati in esclusiva per l’azienda, assieme a pregiati ed esclusivi pellami, sono la base e l’arricchimento per il progetto Maison Busnelli, 100% tailor made in Italy. L’ampia componentistica e le diversificate cuscinature permettono di cambiare il disegno del prodotto da più tradizionale sino alla versione più di design, in perfetto equilibrio tra tradizione e modernità, lusso e rigore, tendenze e comfort.
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We also remind the elegant fabrics, such as Casablanca and Dublino exclusively made for our company, along to fine and exclusive leathers, are the base and the enrichment for the project Maison Busnelli 100% tailor made in Italy. The variety and diversification of cushions allow to change the design of the product from the most traditional to a design version, in perfect equilibrium between tradition and modernity, luxury and severity, tendency and comfort.
M - Cucitura al vivo / Raw cut
In questa pagina / on this page Il book Maison Busnelli / Maison Busnelli book
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The project Maison Busnelli is accompanied by this valuable volume; a book that encloses and illustrates all the instruments and the precious materials useful to the customization of the product, including the samples of the seams. A tool able to support the sales on each need and demand considering the sofas as very and proper products of high tailoring. “Maison Busnelli” is an unique project on its gender in all the history of the padded furniture; a service and an exclusive concept from Busnelli, rigorously Italian and rigorously “tailor made”, that puts on the center of its offer the demands of their clients, giving to their distribution a prestigious instrument, an unique object that warranties success and commercial satisfaction.
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Il progetto Maison Busnelli è accompagnato da un pregevole volume; un book che racchiude ed illustra tutti gli strumenti ed i preziosi materiali utili alla personalizzazione del prodotto, compresi i campioni delle cuciture. Uno strumento in grado di supportare la vendita in ogni sua necessità ed esigenza trattando i divani come veri e propri prodotti di alta sartoria. “Maison Busnelli” è un progetto unico nel suo genere in tutta la storia del mobile imbottito; un servizio ed un concetto esclusivo della Busnelli, rigorosamente italiano e rigorosamente “tailor made”, che mette al centro della sua offerta le esigenze della clientela, mettendo a disposizione della sua distribuzione un prestigioso strumento per la vendita, un oggetto unico garanzia di successi e soddisfazioni commerciali.
TAYLOR pouf / footstool
TAYLOR sidetable / sidetable
design Toan Nguyen
design Toan Nguyen
Taylor pouf Pouf disponibile in diverse dimensioni per assolvere a molteplici funzioni, fronte/ fianco divano e come utile piano d’appoggio. Inoltre è prevista anche la misura a panca ideale ai piedi del letto. La struttura è realizzata con pannelli in legno e l’imbottitura è in poliuretano espanso indeformabile senza C.F.C. e fibra 100% poliestere. Piedino in trafilato d’acciaio con finitura galvanica black nichel o cromo lucido o con piedini in polipropilene nero. Completamente sfoderabile esclusa la versione in pelle. Disponibile in diverse misure. Tecnologia Busnelli_Lab
Taylor sidetable Elegant small service table has the top in solid wood heat treated or in MDF polished lacquered or matt as per our technical card. Structure in steel, galvanic finishing black nickel or polished chrome. Technology Busnelli_Lab
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Taylor sidetable Elegante tavolino di servizio al divano ha piano in massello di rovere termotrattato o MDF laccato lucido o opaco nei colori come da scheda prodotto. Struttura in acciaio con finitura galvanica black nichel o cromo lucido. Tecnologia Busnelli_Lab
Taylor footstool Pouf available in different dimensions to assume different functions, in front or aside the sofa and useful as a laying surface. The structure is in wood panels and the padding is in C.F.C.-free, non-deformable polyurethane foam and fiber 100% polyester. Cast steel leg galvanic finishing black nickel or polished chrome or in black polypropylene black color. Fully removable covers except for leather version. Technology Busnelli_Lab
In questa pagina / on this page
In questa pagina / on this page
Taylor pouf 103 x 80 x 42 cm - cucitura C e 80 x 80 x 42 - cucitura A / Taylor footstool 401/2" x 311/2" x 161/2" - C seam and 311/2" x 311/2" x 161/2" - A seam
Taylor sidetable 35 x 50 x 64 cm / Taylor sidetable 133/4" x 193/4" x 251/4"
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Taylor design Toan Nguyen
Taylor divano 238 x 103 x 71 cm - cucitura G, Taylor tavolini 160 x 80 x 28 cm e 80 x 80 x 28 cm, Taylor sidetable 35 x 50 x 64 cm / Taylor sofa 226 x 40 1/2" x 28" - G seam, Taylor small tables 63" x 311/2" x 11" and 311/2" x 311/2" x 11" Taylor sidetable 133/4" x 193/4" x 251/4"
TAYLOR tavolino / small table design Toan Nguyen
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Taylor tavolino Raffinato tavolino con piano dalle molteplici finiture, materico e prezioso in marmo calacatta oro, emperador e portoro, caldo nella versione in legno con impiallacciatura in rovere termotrattato, d’assoluta eleganza nella versione in cristallo 10 mm temperato nei colori retroverniciati dark grey, bronzo o extrachiaro bianco o moderno con piano in MDF laccato lucido o opaco nei colori come da scheda prodotto. Struttura in acciaio con finitura galvanica black nichel o cromo lucido. Tecnologia Busnelli_Lab
In questa pagina / on this page Taylor tavolini 160 x 80 x 28 cm e 80 x 80 x 28 cm / Taylor small tables 63" x 311/2" x 11" and 311/2" x 311/2" x 11"
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Taylor design Toan Nguyen
Taylor small table Refined small table with top in different finishes, material and precious in marble calacatta oro, emperador and portoro, warm in the wooden version veneered in heat-treated oak, absolutely elegant in the version with tempered glass top 10 mm thickness in the colors dark grey, bronze or extra clear white back varnished or with modern top in MDF lacquered polished or matt as per our technical card. Structure in steel with galvanic finish black nickel or polished chrome. Technology Busnelli_Lab
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
In queste pagine / on these pages
TAYLOR madia / sideboard
Taylor madia Capiente contenitore di rara eleganza formale impreziosito da ante taglio diamante con meccanismo complanare o da semplici ante battente. La struttura è realizzata in pannelli di legno. Disponibile con impiallacciatura interna ed esterna in rovere termotrattato o in laccato lucido o opaco nei colori come da scheda prodotto. L’interno è laccato nello stesso colore dell’esterno ma sempre in versione opaca. La madia è resa disponibile in 2 differenti misure. Interno a scelta personalizzabile con ripiani in cristallo temperato o cassettiera. Il basamento è costituito da un piedino a slitta in trafilato d’acciaio con finitura galvanica black nichel o cromo lucido. Tecnologia Busnelli_Lab
In queste pagine / on these pages Taylor madia 2 ante complanari 240 x 54 x 70 cm Taylor madia 4 ante a battente 240 x 54 x 70 cm / Taylor sideboard 2 coplan doors 941/2" x 211/4" x 271/2" Taylor sideboard 4 hinged doors 941/2" x 211/4" x 271/2"
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Taylor design Toan Nguyen
Taylor sideboard Wide sideboard of rare and formal elegance embellished by a diamond cut doors with coplan mechanism or hinges. The structure is made with wooden panels. Available in heat-treated oak veneer internal and external or in polished or matt lacquered in the colors as per our technical card. The internal part always in the same color as the external side but in matt color. The sideboard is available in two different sizes. Internal part customizable with shelves in tempered glass or with drawers. The base is on a cast steel leg with galvanic finishing black nickel or polished chrome. Technology Busnelli_Lab
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
design Toan Nguyen
TAYLOR credenza / cupboard
Taylor credenza Sistema contenitore di raffinata purezza con ante taglio diamante, disponibile in duplice soluzione formale, a due o quattro ante a battente, con struttura in pannelli di legno. Disponibile con impiallacciatura interna ed esterna in prezioso rovere termotrattato od in laccato lucido o opaco nei colori come da scheda prodotto. In quest’ultima versione l’interno è finito dello stesso colore dell’esterno ed in finitura opaca. I ripiani sono realizzati in cristallo temperato. Il basamento è costituito da un piedino a slitta in trafilato d’acciaio con finitura galvanica black nichel o cromo lucido. Tecnologia Busnelli_Lab
In queste pagine / on these pages Taylor credenza 2 ante a battente 108 x 54 x 124 cm, Taylor credenza 4 ante a battente 216 x 54 x 124 cm / Taylor cupboard 2 hinged doors 421/2" x 211/4" x 483/4", Taylor cupboard 4 hinged doors 85" x 211/4" x 483/4"
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Taylor design Toan Nguyen
Taylor cupboard Cupboard system of refined purity with diamond cut doors, available in double formal solutions, with two or four hinged doors, with structure in wooden panels. Available in heat-treated oak veneer internal and external or in polished or matt lacquered in the colors as per our technical card. In this version, the internal part always in the same color as the external side but in matt color. The shelves are made in tempered glass. The base is on a cast steel leg with galvanic finishing black nickel or polished chrome. Technology Busnelli_Lab
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
design Toan Nguyen
In questa pagina / on this page
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Carpe Diem divano Divano dalla forte caratterizzazione in stile anni cinquanta, la cui ridotta profondità lo rende indicato tanto per l’ambiente casa quanto per il contract. La struttura portante è in massello di legno rinforzata da un telaio in metallo. Il molleggio di seduta è disposto da cinghie elastiche. L’imbottitura è in poliuretano espanso indeformabile senza C.F.C. e fibra 100% poliestere. I cuscini sono in piuma d’oca selezionata e sterilizzata con anima portante in poliuretano espanso indeformabile a densità differenziate senza C.F.C. La struttura esterna che crea il bracciolo ed il piede è in tubolare d’acciaio con finitura galvanica black nichel, cromo lucido o con verniciatura epossidica nei colori bianco RAL 9003 o nero RAL 9004. Completamente sfoderabile esclusa la versione in pelle. Tecnologia Busnelli_Lab Carpe Diem tavolino Tavolino dalla linea leggera ed elegante avente piano superiore in cristallo 10 mm temperato nei colori retroverniciati dark grey, bronzo o extrachiaro bianco. Piano inferiore in rovere con finiture naturale, tinto noce, grigio o nero a poro aperto. Struttura portante in tubolare d’acciaio con finitura galvanica black nichel, cromo lucido o con verniciatura epossidica nei colori bianco RAL 9003 o nero RAL 9004. Tecnologia Busnelli_Lab
In questa pagina / on this page Carpe Diem poltrona 88 x 92 x 78 cm, Carpe Diem pouf 77 x 67 x 44 cm, Circle Game tavolino Ø 43 x 58 cm / Carpe Diem armchair 341/2" x 361/4" x 303/4", Carpe Diem footstool 301/4" x 261/2" x 171/4", Circle Game small table Ø 17" x 223/4"
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Carpe diem design Umberto Asnago
Carpe Diem sofa Sofa with strong characterization on a fifties style, in which the reduced depth makes it indicated for both the house environment and contract. The supporting structure is in solid wood reinforced with a metal frame. Springing system of the seat on elastic belts. The padding is in polyurethane non-deformable foam without C.F.C. and 100% polyester fiber. The cushions are padded of selected and sanitized feathers with heart in non-deformable polyurethane foam in differentiated density without C.F.C. The external structure that also forms the armrest and the foot is in tubular steel with galvanic finish black nickel, or polished chromed or epoxy varnished available in white RAL 9003 or black RAL 9004. Fully removable cover except in leather version. Technology Busnelli_Lab
Carpe Diem small table Small table of light and elegant line, with a top surface in 10 mm thick tempered glass in the back varnished colors dark grey, bronze or extra clear white. Lower top in oak with finishes natural, walnut, grey or black dyed open pore. Structure in tubular steel with galvanic finish black nickel, or polished chromed or epoxy varnished available in white RAL 9003 or black RAL 9004. Technology Busnelli_Lab
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Carpe Diem poltrona 88 x 92 x 78 cm, Circle Game tavolino Ø 85 x 41 cm / Carpe Diem armchair 341/2" x 361/4" x 303/4", Circle Game small table Ø 331/2" x 161/4"
design Umberto Asnago
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
In queste pagine / on tese pages Carpe Diem divano 221 x 92 x 78 cm, Circle Game tavolini Ø 43 x 58 e Ø 85 x 41 cm / Carpe Diem sofa 87" x 361/4" x 303/4", Circle Game small tables Ø 17" x 223/4" and Ø 331/2" x 161/4"
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Carpe diem design Umberto Asnago
Carpe Diem poltrona 88 x 92 x 78 cm, Carpe Diem pouf 77 x 67 x 44 cm, Circle Game tavolino Ø 43 x 58 cm, Toffee tavolino 120 x 60 cm, Carpe Diem divano 221 x 92 x 78 cm, Dama pouf 40 x 40 x 45 cm, Circle Game tavolino Ø 85 x 41 cm, Taylor composizione con dormeuse 274 x 175 x 71 cm - cucitura B, Taylor sidetable 35 x 50 x 64 cm / Carpe Diem armchair 341/2" x 361/4" x 303/4", Carpe Diem footstool 301/4" x 261/2" x 171/4", Circle Game small table Ø 17" x 223/4", Toffee tavolino 471/4" x 231/2", Carpe Diem sofa 87" x 361/4" x 303/4", Dama pouf 153/4" x 153/4" x 173/4", Circle Game small table Ø 331/2" x 161/4", Taylor composition with long chair 1073/4" x 69" x 28" - B seam, Taylor sidetable 133/4" x 193/4" x 251/4"
In questa pagina / on this page Carpe Diem divano 221 x 92 x 78 cm, Carpe Diem tavolino 120 x 120 x 36 cm / Carpe Diem sofa 87" x 361/4" x 303/4", Carpe Diem small table 471/4" x 471/4" x 14"
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Carpe diem design Umberto Asnago
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Nella pagina a fianco / on the side page
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Manda sedia Manda si caratterizza dal profilo sinuoso e dal volume raffinato e leggero declinata in quattro differenti soluzioni formali, poltroncina e sedia con o senza cuscino schienale fisso. La struttura è in multistrato curvato in stampo esclusivo. L’imbottitura è in poliuretano espanso indeformabile senza C.F.C. e fibra 100% poliestere. Basamento in massello di frassino nelle finiture sbiancato, tinto noce, tinto grigio, tinto nero o nella tonalità rovere termotrattato. Non sfoderabile. Tecnologia Busnelli_Lab
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Manda chair Manda is characterized by the sinuous profile and refined and light class, presented in four different solutions, armchair and chair with or without backrest fixed cushion. The structure is in multiply curved from an exclusive mold. Padding in non-deformable polyurethane foam without C.F.C. and fiber 100% polyester. Base in solid ashwood with white-off, walnut dyed, grey dyed, black dyed or heat-treated oak finish. Non removable covers. Technology Busnelli_Lab
In questa pagina / on this page
In questa pagina / on this page
Manda sedia con cuscino, Manda poltroncina con cuscino 49 x 58 x 82 cm, Manda tavolo 270 x 100 x 74 cm, Taylor credenza 2 ante a battente 108 x 54 x 124 cm / Manda chair with cushion, Manda armchair with cushion 191/4" x 223/4" x 321/4", Manda table 1061/4" x 391/4" x 291/4", Taylor cupboard 2 hinged doors 421/2" x 211/4" x 483/4"
Manda sedia con cuscino, Manda poltroncina con cuscino 49 x 58 x 82 cm, Manda sedia, Manda poltroncina 49 x 58 x 82 cm / Manda chair with cushion, Manda armchair with cushion 191/4" x 223/4" x 321/4" Manda chair, Manda armchair 191/4" x 223/4" x 321/4"
manda design Patrick Jouin
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
design Patrick Jouin
Nella pagina a fianco / on the side page Manda sedia con cuscino, Manda poltroncina con cuscino 49 x 58 x 82 cm, Taylor credenza 2 ante a battente 108 x 54 x 124 cm, Manda tavolo 270 x 100 x 74 cm / Manda chair with cushion, Manda armchair with cushion 191/4" x 223/4" x 321/4", Taylor cupboard 2 hinged doors 421/2" x 211/4" x 483/4", Manda table 1061/4" x 391/4" x 291/4"
In questa pagina / on this page
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Manda sedia, Manda poltroncina 49 x 58 x 82 cm / Manda chair, Manda armchair 191/4" x 223/4" x 321/4"
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manda design Patrick Jouin
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
design Patrick Jouin
Manda tavolo Manda è un tavolo di gran classe, di linea estremamente elegante e dalle proporzioni accuratamente dosate. Piano in cristallo temperato 12 mm nei colori retroverniciati dark grey, bronzo o extrachiaro bianco oppure solid surface 12 mm bianco o impiallacciato nelle finiture frassino tinto noce, tinto grigio, tinto nero o rovere termotrattato. Struttura in massello di frassino nelle finiture come piano in legno. Tecnologia Busnelli_Lab
In questa pagina / on this page Manda tavolo 270 x 100 x 74 cm / Manda table 1061/4" x 391/4" x 291/4"
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manda design Patrick Jouin
Manda table Manda is a table of hi-class of an extremely elegant line and accurate proportions. Top in 12 mm thick tempered back varnished glass in dark grey, bronze or extra clear white color, in solid surface 12 mm white or in ashwood dyed veneered in walnut, grey, black or heat-treated oak. Structure in solid ashwood in the same finishes as the wooden top. Technology Busnelli_Lab
Taylor credenza 2 ante a battente 108 x 54 x 124 cm, Manda tavolo 270 x 100 x 74 cm, Manda sedia con cuscino, Manda poltroncina con cuscino 49 x 58 x 82 cm / Taylor cupboard 2 hinged doors 421/2" x 211/4" x 483/4", Manda table 1061/4" x 391/4" x 291/4", Manda chair with cushion, Manda armchair with cushion 191/4" x 223/4" x 321/4"
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
MANDA tavolo / table
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Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
In queste pagine / on these pages Taylor credenza 2 ante a battente 108 x 54 x 124 cm, Manda tavolo 270 x 100 x 74 cm, Manda sedia con cuscino, Manda poltroncina con cuscino 49 x 58 x 82 cm / Taylor cupboard 2 hinged doors 421/2" x 211/4" x 483/4", Manda table 1061/4" x 391/4" x 291/4", Manda chair with cushion, Manda armchair with cushion 191/4" x 223/4" x 321/4"
38 / 39
manda design Patrick Jouin
In questa pagina / on this page Freddy sedia con gambe in metallo 53 x 55 x 82 cm, Circle Game tavolo Ø 120 x 72 cm, F.T.B. libreria 280 x 35 x 220 cm / Freddy chair with metal feet 203/4" x 213/4" x 321/4", Circle Game table Ø 471/4" x 281/4", F.T.B. bookcase 1101/4" x 133/4" x 1011/2"
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Freddy sedia Freddy si caratterizza per l’immagine fresca, leggera edalle linee essenziali con scocca in poliuretano flessibile autoestinguente classe 1 IM schiumato in stampo esclusivo con inserto in metallo. Molleggio schienale con balestra e cinghie elastiche nel sedile. Basamento in metallo con gambe conificate verniciate nei colori bianco RAL 9003, nero RAL 9004, grigio chiaro RAL 7004, grigio scuro RAL 7005, rosso RAL 3001 o cromo lucido. Disponibile con basamento girevole a 5 razze regolabile in altezza in fusione di alluminio lucido o verniciato nero. Fisso o con ruote piroettanti. Non sfoderabile Tecnologia Busnelli_Lab
Freddy chair Freddy is characterized by a fresh image, light and from the essential lines with shell in flexible self extinguish polyurethane foam class 1 IM, foamed shell with inner metal structure. Springing system of the backrest with crossbow and elastic belts in the seat. Conical metal legs varnished in white RAL 9003, black RAL 9004, light grey RAL 7004, dark grey RAL 7005, red RAL 3001 or polish chromed. Available with base with 5 rays, adjustable in height, in cast aluminum, polished or black varnished. Not removable covers. Technology Busnelli_Lab
In questa pagina / on this page Freddy sedia con gambe in metallo, base girevole e girevole con rotelle 53 x 55 x 82 cm / Freddy chair with metal feet, rotating base and rotating base with castors 203/4" x 213/4" x 321/4"
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freddy design Bruno Fattorini and Partners
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
design Bruno Fattorini and Partners
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
design Patrick Jouin
Charme Plus sedia Nata dalla sedia omonima, Charme Plus è l’evoluzione del progetto originale caratterizzato da una maggiore imbottitura di seduta estremamente accogliente. Scocca in poliuretano flessibile autoestinguente classe 1 IM schiumato in stampo esclusivo con inserto in metallo. Gambe in tubolare di metallo cromato conificato rivestite in pelle. Completamente sfoderabile. Tecnologia Busnelli_Lab
Charme Plus chair Born from the chair of the same name, Charme Plus is the evolution of the original project characterized of a major padding of the seat extremely embracing. Shell of flexible autoextinguish polyurethane foam class 1 IM; molded shell with inner metal structure. Feet in chromed metal conical tube legs covered in leather. Completely removable covers. Technology Busnelli_Lab
In questa pagina / on this page Charme Plus sedia 58 x 61 x 83 cm / Charme Plus chair 223/4" x 24" x 323/4"
42 / 43
charme plus design Patrick Jouin
Charme Plus sedia 58 x 61 x 83 cm, 804 scrittoio - design by Gianfranco Frattini - BERNINI 100 x 100 x 62 cm / Charme Plus chair 223/4" x 24" x 323/4", 804 secretaire - design by Gianfranco Frattini - BERNINI 391/4" x 391/4" x 241/4"
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
In questa pagina / on this page
TAYLOR letto / bed
Taylor letto Un letto che sintetizza concetti di sofisticata eleganza ed equilibrio dei volumi dalle elevate valenze estetiche; un letto che è personalizzabile mediante diversificate cuciture, cinque per il tessuto e sei per la pelle, come ben illustrato nel divano Taylor nelle pagine 14 e 15. La struttura in multistrato e agglomerato di legno è completamente smontabile. L’imbottitura è in poliuretano espanso senza C.F.C. e fibra 100% poliestere. Disponibile con rete fissa regolabile in altezza. Il basamento è costituito da un piedino a slitta in trafilato d’acciaio con finitura galvanica black nichel o cromo lucido. Testata disponibile in due altezze. Completamente sfoderabile, esclusa la versione in pelle. Tecnologia Cinova_Lab
Taylor bed A bed that summarizes concepts of sophisticated elegance and equilibrium of volumes of high aesthetic value; a customizable bed through the different seams, five for the fabric and six for the leather, as explained on the Taylor sofa on pages 14 and 15. The structure is in wooden multi ply and it can be completely disassembled. The padding is in C.F.C.-free, non-deformable polyurethane foam and 100% polyester fiber. Available with fixed slatted base adjustable in height. Cast steel base galvanic finishing black nickel or polished chrome. Headboard available in two heights. Completely removable cover, except for the leather version. Technology Cinova_Lab
In queste pagine / on these pages Taylor letto 190 x 225 x 90 cm - cucitura B / Taylor bed 743/4" x 881/2" x 351/2" - B seam
44 / 45
Taylor letto design Toan Nguyen
Cinova / Report Salone 2013
Cinova / Report Salone 2013
design Toan Nguyen
In queste pagine / on these pages
Cinova / Report Salone 2013
Cinova / Report Salone 2013
Taylor letto 190 x 225 x 90 cm - cucitura B / Taylor bed 743/4" x 881/2" x 351/2" - B seam
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Taylor letto design Toan Nguyen
MILANO FAIR slideshow
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Salone del Mobile 2013
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milano fair slideshow
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Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Bell Chair poltrona - design by Joe Colombo - BERNINI 84 x 69 x 85 cm, Dama pouf 40 x 40 x 45 cm / Bell Chair armchair - design by Joe Colombo - BERNINI 33" x 271/2" x 331/2", Dama footstool 153/4" x 153/4" x 173/4"
In questa pagina / on this page Grace bergere 70 x 56 x 96 cm, Blumun divano 270 x 90 x 71 cm, Circle Game tavolino Ă˜ 43 x 58 cm, Inchino lampada 74 x 16 x 215 cm, Dama pouf 40 x 40 x 45 cm, 804 scrittoio - design by Gianfranco Frattini - BERNINI 100 x 100 x 62 cm / Grace armchair 271/2" x 22" x 373/4", Blumun sofa 1061/4" x 351/2" x 28", Circle Game small table Ă˜ 17" x 223/4", Inchino lamp 291/4" x 61/4" x 843/4", Dama footstool 153/4" x 153/4" x 173/4", 804 secretaire - design by Gianfranco Frattini - BERNINI 391/4" x 391/4" x 241/4"
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milano fair slideshow
Nella pagina a fianco / on the side page Blumun composizione con dormeuse 319 x 180 x 71 cm, Circle Game tavolino Ø 85 x 41 cm, Trilogy tavolini 80 x 80 x 25 cm e 80 x80 x 41 cm, Blumun panca 200 x 88 x 47 cm, F.T.B. libreria 280 x 35 x 220 cm / Blumun composition with longchair 1251/2" x 703/4" x 28", Circle Game small table Ø 331/2" x 161/4", Trilogy small tables 311/2" x 311/2" x 93/4" and 311/2" x 311/2" x 161/4", Blumun bench 783/4" x 343/4" x 181/2", F.T.B. bookcase 1101/4" x 133/4" x 1011/2"
In questa pagina / on thise page
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
Bohémien divano 274 x 65 x 74 cm, Trilogy tavolino 50 x 50 x 58 cm / Bohémien sofa 1073/4" x251/2" x 291/4", Trilogy small table 193/4" x 193/4" x 223/4"
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milano fair slideshow
Serie 1935 libreria - design by Carlo Scarpa - BERNINI 206 x 45 x 290 / Serie 1935 bookcase - design by Carlo Scarpa - BERNINI 81" x 173/4" x 1141/4"
Chicago divano 270 x 98 x 70 cm, Grace bergere 70 x 56 x 96 cm, Circle Game tavolini Ø 85 x 41 cm, Ø 43 x 58 cm, Trilogy tavolini 80 x 80 x 25 cm, 80 x80 x 41 cm, Dama pouf 40 x 40 x 45 cm, Freddy sedia con gambe in metallo 53 x 55 x 82 cm, Charme Plus sedia 58 x 61 x 83 cm, Circle Game tavolo Ø 120 x 72 cm, F.T.B. libreria 280 x 35 x 220 cm / Chicago sofa 1061/4" x 381/2" x 271/2", Grace armchair 271/2" x 22" x 373/4", Circle Game small table Ø 331/2" x 161/4", Ø 17" x 223/4" Trilogy small tables 311/2" x 311/2" x 93/4", 311/2" x 311/2" x 161/4" Dama footstool 153/4" x 153/4" x 173/4", Freddy chair with metal feet 203/4" x 213/4" x 321/4", Charme Plus chair 223/4" x 24" x 323/4", Circle Game table Ø 471/4" x 281/4", F.T.B. bookcase 1101/4" x 133/4" x 1011/2"
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
In questa pagina / on this page
Busnelli / Report Salone 2013
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milano fair slideshow
Technical Data
Busnelli / Technical data 2013
Carpe Diem divano /sofa 58 Carpe Diem tavolino /small table 58 Charme Plus sedia /chair 59 Freddy sedia /chair 59 Manda sedia /chair 60 Manda tavolo /table 61 Taylor divano /sofa 62 Taylor pouf /footstool 63 Taylor sidetable /sidetable 66 Taylor tavolino /small table 67 Taylor madia /sideboard 68 Taylor credenza /cupboard 69 Taylor letto /bed for CINOVA 70
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Busnelli / Technical data 2013
Busnelli / Report Salone 013
58 22 3/4"
Gambe in metallo rivestite / Upholstered metal legs
46 18"
83 32 3/4"
Sedia rivestita con gambe in metallo rivestite Sedia rivestita Upholstered chair with con gambe in metallo rivestite / metal upholstered legs Upholstered chair with metal upholstered legs
61 24"
Cromo lucido / Bright chrome
Charme Plus sedia 58 x 61 x 83 cm / Charme Plus chair 223/4" x 24" x 323/4" Carpe Diem poltrona 88 x 92 x 78 cm / Carpe Diem armchair 341/2" x 361/4" x 303/4",
Freddy sedia / chair design Bruno Fattorini and Partners
Carpe Diem divano 221 x 92 x 78 cm / Carpe Diem sofa 87" x 361/4" x 303/4"
67 26 1/2"
Sedia gambe metallo / Chair with metal feet
77 30 1/4"
Vetro extrachiaro bianco retroverniciato / Extra-clear back-varnished glass
5353 3/4"3/4" 2020
Piano inferiore / lower top
Struttura / Structure
58 / 59
Vetro bronzo retroverniciato / Bronce back-varnished glass
Cromo lucido / Bright chrome
Bianco / White RAL 9003
Nero / Black RAL 9004
Rovere naturale / Natural oak
Sedia basamento girevole con rotelle/ Chair with rotating base with castors
Sedia basamento girevole / Chair with rotating base
Sedia Sedia gambe gambe metallo metallo
Vetro dark grey retroverniciato / Dark grey back-varnished glass
Black nichel / Black nickel
44 17 1/4" 56 22"
Sedia Sedia basamento basamento girevole girevole
4343 " " 1717 5555 3/4"3/4" 2121
5353 3/4"3/4" 2020 6969 1/4"1/4" 2727
Sedia Sedia basamento basamento girevole girevole con rotelle con rotelle
5555 3/4"3/4" 2121
5353 3/4"3/4" 2020 6969 1/4"1/4" 2727
50 501/2" 19 1/2" 19 1/2"
77 30 1/4"
Busnelli / Technical data 2013
44 17 1/4" 56 22" 78 30 3/4"
44 17 1/4" 56 22"
Piano superiore / Upper top
82 821/4" 32 1/4" 32 1/4"
120 47 1/4"
Freddy sedia con gambe in metallo, base girevole, o girevole con rotelle 53 x 55 x 82 cm / Freddy chair with metal feet, rotating base, or rotating base with castors 203/4" x 213/4" x 321/4"
50 1/2" 1950 1/2" 19 1/2"
120 47 1/4"
58 22 3/4" 92 36 1/4"
82 821/4" 32 1/4" 32 1/4"
77 30 1/4"
Carpe Diem tavolino 120 x 120 x 36 cm / Carpe Diem small table 471/4" x 471/4" x 14"
50 501/2" 19 1/2" 19 1/2"
67 26 1/2"
67 26 1/2"
58 22 3/4" 92 8 7136 1/4" 63 63 71 8 3" 28" 24 3/4"24 3/4" 28" 3" 284 111 3/4"
82 821/4" 32 1/4" 32 1/4"
120 47 1/4"
8 3"
36 14"
120 47 1/4"
71 8 28" 3"
44 17 1/4"
8 71 63 63 3" 28" 24 3/4"24 3/4" 284 8 71 111 63 3/4" 71 3" 28" 24 3/4" 28" 221 87"
44 17 1/4"
Tavolino / Small table
36 14"
Pouf / Footstool
78 30 3/4"
8 71 63 71 8 8 71 71 8 3" 28" 24 3/4" 28" 3" 3" 28" 28" 3" 158 221 1/4" 8 63 71 88 87 8628 72 63 71" 71588 71 " " 1/4" 3/4" " 3/4" 28 243" 24 3/4" 28" 33"" 28" 28 3" 3" 328 22 88 284 158 92 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 34 111 3/4" 62 36 44 17 1/4" 78 30 3/4"
8 72 8 3"28 1/4" 3" 88 34 1/2"63 71 8 8 71 3" 28" 24 3/4" 28" 3" 221 87"
78 30 3/4"
44 17 1/4" 78 30 3/4"
Divano / Sofa
44 17 1/4"
Busnelli / Technical data 2013
Poltrona / Armchair
71 71 8 8" 28" 3" 158 62 1/4"
36 14"
Charme Plus sedia / chair design Patrick Jouin
Carpe Diem divano e tavolino / sofa and small table design Umberto Asnago
5555 3/4"3/4" 2121
Sedia base girevole / Chair with rotating base
Sedia gambe metallo / Chair with metal feet
Rovere tinto noce poro aperto / Oak walnut dyed open pore
Rovere tinto grigio poro aperto / Oak grey dyed open pore
Rovere tinto nero poro aperto / Oak black dyed open pore
Cromo lucido / Bright chrome
Bianco / White RAL 9003
Grigio chiaro / Light grey RAL 7004
Grigio scuro / Dark grey RAL 7005
Rosso / Red RAL 3001
Nero / Black RAL 9004
Alluminio lucido / Bright aluminium
Nero / Black RAL 9004
Manda sedia e poltroncina / chair and armachair design Patrick Jouin
Manda tavolo / table design Patrick Jouin
Manda tavolo 270 x 100 x 74 cm / Manda table 1061/4" x 391/4" x 291/4"
Manda sedia, Manda poltroncina 49 x 58 x 82 cm / Manda chair, Manda armchair 191/4" x 223/4" x 321/4"
Manda sedia con cuscino, Madia poltroncina con cuscino 49 x 58 x 82 cm / Manda chair with cushion, Madia armchair with cushion 191/4" x 223/4" x 321/4"
85 1/2" 33 85 851/2" 33 851/2" 33 33 1/2" 49 1/4" 19 49 491/4" 19 49 19 1/4" 19 1/4"
59 59 5959 58 58 5858 1/4"1/4" 3/4"3/4" 23 1/4" 23 231/4" 23 22 3/4" 22 223/4" 22
Sedia con Sedia Sedia cuscino Sedia concon cuscino con cuscino cuscino
49 49 4949 58 58 5858 1/4"1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4"3/4" 19 1/4"19191/4" 19 22 22 2222
60 / 61
Frassino tinto noce poro aperto / Walnut dyed ashwood open pore
220 86 1/2"
90 35 1/2"
270 106 1/4"
Piano / Top
Struttura / Structure
Frassino tinto grigio poro aperto / Grey dyed ashwood open pore
Frassino tinto nero poro aperto / Black dyed ashwood open pore
100 39 1/4"
49 49 4949 58 58 5858 " " " 3/4"3/4" 19" 1919 19 22 3/4" 22 223/4" 22
Finitura basamento in legno / Finish wooden base
Frassino sbiancato / White-off ashwood
200 78 3/4"
74 29 1/4"
Sedia Sedia Sedia Sedia
Busnelli / Technical data 2013
59 59 5959 58 58 5858 1/4"1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4"3/4" 22 22 2222 23 1/4" 23 231/4" 23
Sedia con cuscino / Chair with cushion
74 29 1/4"
Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina con Poltroncina cuscino concon cuscino con cuscino cuscino
Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina Poltroncina
Sedia / Chair
85 1/2" 33 85 851/2" 33 85 33 1/2" 33 1/2" 49 1/4" 19 49 491/4" 19 491/4" 19 19 1/4"
Poltroncina con cuscino / Armchair with cushion
82 1/4" 32 82 821/4" 32 82 32 1/4" 32 1/4" 49 1/4" 19 49 491/4" 19 491/4" 19 19 1/4"
Poltroncina / Armchair 82 1/4" 32 82 821/4" 32 821/4" 32 32 1/4" 49 1/4" 19 49 491/4" 19 49 19 1/4" 19 1/4"
Busnelli / Technical data 2013
Tavolo / Table
Frassino tinto rovere termotrattato poro aperto / Heat-treated oak dyed ashwood open pore
Frassino tinto noce poro aperto / Walnut dyed ashwood open pore
Frassino tinto grigio poro aperto / Grey dyed ashwood open pore
Frassino tinto nero poro aperto / Black dyed ashwood open pore
Frassino tinto rovere termotrattato poro aperto / Heat-treated oak dyed ashwood open pore
Frassino tinto noce poro aperto / Walnut dyed ashwood open pore
Frassino tinto grigio poro aperto / Grey dyed ashwood open pore
Frassino tinto nero poro aperto / Black dyed ashwood open pore
Frassino tinto rovere termotrattato poro aperto / Heat-treated oak dyed ashwood open pore
Solid surface bianco / White solid surface
Vetro dark grey retroverniciato / Dark grey back-varnished glass
Vetro bronzo retroverniciato / Bronce back-varnished glass
Vetro extrachiaro bianco retroverniciato / Extra-clear back-varnished glass
Taylor divano e pouf / sofa and footstool design Toan Nguyen
240 94 1/2"
80 31 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
42 16 1
7 2
70 27 1/
40 1/2"
80 80 80 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 240 94 1/2"
21 3/4"
0 120 12 " 12 1/4" 1/4 1 4 3/4 42 3/4" 47 47 "
2 102 10 12 /4" 1/4" 1 4 3/4 42 3/4" 40 1 40 "
17 3/4"
6 26 3
55 21 3/4" 55 21 3/4"
55 21 3/4" 55 21 3/4"
50 19 3/4" 55 21 3/4" 55 21 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
1200 60 " 121/64 1 1 " 4 3/4 423/4 42 3/447" 1/2" 3 1/2 "con cassetti " 23 2 MADIA
102 /4" 01
80 80 68 68 12 " 12 " " 2" 1 1 4 3/4 42 3/4" 6 3/4 26 3/4 4 3/4 42 3/4" 31 1/2 31 1/ " " 2 MADIA ante a battente
58 58 MADIA ripiani e cassetti3/4" 2 3/4" MADIA con ripianicon e cassetti 22 2 S.G o D.G.S.G o D.G. 5 45 10 104 " 4" 4 / Rullo optional Rullo optional 4" 147" 3/ 17 3
MADIA con ripiani
70 27 1/2" 71 28"
80 " 1 1 1/2 4 3/4 2 4 3/4 2 31con ripiani e cassetti "MADIA " S.G o D.G.
68 " 3/4
10 4"
103 40 1/2"
50 19 3/4" 50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4" 50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4" 50 19 3/4"
70 1/2" 70 27 27 1/2"
50 19 3/4" 50 19 3/4"
80 80 68 12 " 12 " " 2" 1 1 4 3/4 42 3/4" 6 3/4 26 3/4 4 3/4 42 3/4" 31 1/2 31 1/ " " 2
80 31 1/2"
1 4 3/4 2 "
103 42 40 1/2" 16451/2"
MADIA MADIA con ripiani con ripiani e cassetti e cassetti
103S.G oS.G D.G. o D.G. 40 1/2"
MADIA MADIA con ripiani con ripiani
42 16 1/2" 55
42 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
103 42 40 1/2" 16 1/2"
23 80 9" 31 1/2" 103 40 1/2" 5454 21 1/4" 21 1/4" 68
103 40 1/2"
71 28"
80 23 31 1/2" 9" 103 40 1/2" 270 270 1/4" 1/4" 106106
MADIA MADIA ante ante a battente a battente
103 80 1/2" Pouf piede cromato/nickel 31 1/2" 40Nguyen
42 16 1/2"
71 28"
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
80 31 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
MADIA con cassetti MADIA con cassetti
71 28"
71 28" 42 71 16 1/2" " 28 61 24"
71 28"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
MADIA ripiani e cassetti MADIA con ripianicon e cassetti
MADIA ante a battente
Angolore 103 / 80 23 Corner unit 103 23 80 31 1/2" 9" 9" 31 1/2" 103 103 40 1/2" 40 1/2"
1 4 3/4 2 " MADIA con ripiani
MADIA con cassetti MADIA con cassetti
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
42 16 1/2"
71 28"
42 16 1/2"
45 17 3/4" 45 17 3/4"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
55 21 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
71 28"
71 28"
45 17 3/4"
42 16 1/2" 55 61 21 3/4" " 70 24 27 1/2" 70 27 1/2"
19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
45 17 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
42 16 1/2" 61 50 24"
MADIA con ripiani MADIA ante a battente 80 o D.G. 80o D.G.S.G80 102 102 68 68 68 120 68 80 80 80 MADIA con ripiani MADIA ante a 120 battente S.G 6 80 3/4" 68 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 40 1/4" 40 1/4" 2 26 3/4" 26240 26 23/4" 47 1/4"54 47 1/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 31 1/2"12 316021/2" 31 1/2"12 " 1 23 1 /4" 270 54 1/2 /" 4 3/4 2 4 3/4 4 3/4 10 10 63 8 31 80 31 " " " 2 6 " 2 4 " 160 12 204 204 240 240 103 " 1/2" 7120 1/4" 1/ 12 1217 1/4 17 136 80 4 12 176 3/4"102 152 94 106 21 1/4"1/2"120 68 68 21 1/4" 4 1/2 4 3/4 4 1/4" 40 3/4" 801/2" 808023 1024080 68 68 68 120 120 80 80 80 80 " 4 3/4" 1/2"102 31 " 1/4" 2 80 63 1780102 102 23 80 17 120 120 80 53 1/2" 3/4"17 3/4" 231/4" 17 80 94 47 94 1/4" 80 23 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 6 40 59 3/4"1/4" 6 3/4"3/4"47 1/4"1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 31 40 1/4"31 1/2" 40 1/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 2663/4" 26 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" " " " 270 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 54 1/2" 54" 58 270 9 9 9 9 6 31 31 6 40 40 6 47 47 31 31 31 " /4 143 1/4"106 97 119 175 137 1/4" 23 136 160 204 204 240 240 103 1/4" 21 1/4" 2 21 " 8056 106 102280 102 68 68103 68 120 120 68 68 80 80 80 801/2" 280 4 3/4" " 1/4"80 38 1/4" 46200 69" 244" 54 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 53 1/2" 40 1/4" 941/2" 80 40 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 5 63 78 3/4" 96 1103/4"1/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 26 3/4" 2640 26 47 1/4" 80 47 1/4" 26 3/4" 26 31 1/2" 94 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 17 3/4 101104 "40 80 Rullo optional 68 3/4 60 4 " 7 " 136 160 204 204 240 240 103 1 12 1 12 " 1/2 102 23 /2" 4 3/4 17 4 3/4 223 6 3/4 17 4 3102 80 17 1201/2" 120 23 " 17 80 80 80 23 80 180 /4" 31 " " 2 23 53 63 94 1/2" 94 1/2" 80 1/4" 80 1/4" 1/2" 40 1/2" 31 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" 6 3/4" 40 1/4" 40 1/4" 9" 6 3/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 9" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" 200 244 280 280 103 58 " POUF LOW x LETTO TAYLOR 90x50 68x50 80x50 102x50 120x50 1/2" 90x50 68x50 80x50 102x50 120x50 78 3/4" 22 3/4 96" 110 1/4" 110 1/4" Cod.61/SG Cod.62/SG Cod.63/SG Cod.60/SG piedino black nichel o cromo lucido Pouf Nguyen 40 piede cromato/nickel Pouf Nguyen 1/4" piede po 35x1/2" 19 3/4" 40 1/4" 26x3/4" 19 3/4"31 1/2" 31x1/2" 19 3/4" 35 1/2" 40x1/4" 19 3/4" 47 1/4" 47x 19x3/4" 19 19x3/4" 26 3/4" 19x3/4" 19x3/4" 19x3/4" 60/DG 61/DG 62/DG 63/DG 5 4 55 21 3/4"
70 42 1/2" 27 16 1/2" 7061 1/2" 27 24"
Chaise longue con bracciolo S.G. o D.G.
Angolare con bracciolo S.G. o D.G. / Corner unit with arm L.F. or R.F.
MADIA ripiani MADIA con ripianicon 68
54 54 1/4" 21 1/4" 21
42 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
71 28"
71 28"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
71 28"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
70 27 1/2" 70 42 1/2" 27 161/2"
42 16 1/2"
71 " 2864 25 1/4"
28 42 11" 42 1/2" 1642 16 1/2" 61 1/2" 1624 " 61 61 24" 24"
71 28"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
71 28"
42 16 1/2" 71 28"
42 16 1/2" 71 28"
28 28 11" 11"
MADIA ante120 complanari MADIA ripiani 17 MADIA ante a battente 102 17 17 68 68 68 17ante 17 120 17 17 80MADIA con 80 80 90 17 17 102 MADIA complanari ripianicon80 MADIA ante a battente S.G o D.G.S.G o D.G. 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 31 bracciolo 6 26 3/4" 26 3/4"Dormeuse 26 6 47S.G. 6 3/4"6 3/4"31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 6 35 1/2" 6 3/4" 6 3/4"40 1/4" 40 1/4" 6240 bracciolo o D.G. 47 longue con S.G. o D.G. 152152 54 6con 50 54 17 102 17120120 120120 17 17 80 80 Chaise17 102 17270 80 80 35 35 50 4 238 238 3/4" 274 274 103 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4"1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 3/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 21 3/4" 106 47 631 31 6 3/4"17 401/2" 59 3/4" 17 120 6 3/4" 6 3/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 6 3/4" 47 1/4" 17 3/4" 68 17 94 80 17 80 68 3/4" 17102 173/4" 80 3/4" 17 17 17 80 17 80 21 80 80 17 80 90 17 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 1368 13 19 19 80 3/4" /4" 80 10280 6 1024040 102 107 10317 90 10217 681026859 68 17 80 80 80 120 93 93 107 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 143 971/4" 1/2" 40 1/4" 175 1376 3/4"61/2" 97 119 175 137 31 1/2" 26 3/4" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 6 3/4"31 261/2" 26 3/4"640 6 270 3140 31 1/2" 640 40 6119 61/4" 26 40 26 3/4" 26 6 1/2"6 3147 47 31 1/2"143 31 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 6 3554 35 1/2" 6 3/4" 6313/4" 54 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 270 1/2" 240 240 31 31 40 31 1/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" "69" "54" 1/4" 38 46 56 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 38 46 69 54 56 1/4" 214 102 170 194 238 238 274 274 103 1/4" 1/2" 21 21 102 17 17 160 106 106 94 94 68 17 17 68 1/4" 68 17 17 160 80 80 " 17 17 90 68 68 68 17 17 17 17 80 3/4"80 80103 803/4" 90 17 17 102 204 204 120 3/4" 120 17 240 1/2" 3/4" 1/4" 107 40 1/2" " 1/4"76 1/2" 3/4" " 93 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 107 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 801/2" 3/4" 1/4"84 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 63 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 3/4" 4061/2" 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 6 3/4" 6 3/4" 26 40 26 3/4"6 3/4" 6 3/4"63 31 1/2" 3167 26 120 26 3/4"6 3/4" 680 47 93 6 3/4"94 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 120 47 176 806 35 17 35 102 6 6 40 15240 6 6 26 17 102 170 238 238 1/4" 274 274 103 3/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" Chaise longue con bracciolo S.G.194 o D.G.6 3/4" 31 1/2"102 6 214 80 80 80 80 102 103 102 102 80 80 80 80 47 40 59 6 47 0 1/4" 67" 76 1/2" 93 3/4" 93 3/4" 107 3/4" 107 3/4" 84 1/4"1/4" 40 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 97 40 1/4" 40119 175 SIDE TABLE 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 137 40Versione 40143 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 40 1/2" DX TAVOLINO PIANO 38 1/4" 69" 54" 160 204 46 3/4" 160 204 56 1/4" 240 103 LEGNO - MARMO " 63Cod.02 80 1/4" 63" 80 1/4" 94 1/2" Cod.01 Cod.03 Cod.04 Cod.05 Cod.06 Cod.07 Cod.08 40 1/2" BLE Versione Versione
143 56 1/4" Cod.53/SG 53/DG
137 Cod.52/SG 54" 52/DG
con cassetti Dormeuse con MADIA bracciolo S.G. o D.G.
71 28"
MADIA con cassetti MADIA con cassetti
42 1/2" 1642 1/2" 1661 " 7124 61 " 28 24"
MADIA ripiani e cassetti MADIA con ripianicon e cassetti
MADIA con ripiani e cassetti S.G o D.G.
MADIA con ripiani
80 80 80 23 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" 263 120 17 120 103 1/2" 47 1/4" 6 3/4" 47 1/4" 143 120137" 56 1/4" 47 1/4"54
47 1/4" 263 103 1/2"
152 59 3/4" 175 17 " 120 3/4" 669 47 1/4"
175 Cod.51/SG 69" 51/DG
50 19 3/4"
MADIA ante complanari
50 19 3/4"
MADIA con cassetti
71 " 28 71 70 71 " " 281/2" 28 42 27 16 1/2"
S.G o D.G.
42 1/2" 1642 1/2" 1661 " 24 61 24"
MADIA con ripiani e cassetti S.G.
Chaise longue con bracciolo o D.G. Chaise longue con bracciolo S.G. S.G. o D.G.
71 " 42 28 7116 1/2" 28" 61 24"
MADIA con ripiani
64 641/4" 25 25 1/4"
MADIA con cassetti
70 27 1/2"
piani cassetti S.G. setti eS.G.
Divano / Sofa
Dormeuse con bracciolo o D.G. Dormeuse con bracciolo S.G. S.G. o D.G.
71 28"
SIDESIDE TABLE TABLE MADIA ante/complanari Poltrona Armchair MADIA con cassetti
Versione Versione DX DX
119 Cod.50/SG 46 3/4" 50/DG
47 1/4"
80 31 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
MADIA MADIA con cassetti con cassetti
Chaise longueS.Gcon bracciolo S.G. 120 120 23 o D.G. oS.G D.G. o D.G.
50 19 3/4"
97 38 1/4"
120 23 80 80 80 23 47 1/4" 9" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" Chaise longue con bracciolo 263 263 S.G. o D.G. 103 1/2" 103 1/2" MADIA MADIA con ripiani con ripiani e cassetti e cassetti
Dormeuse conante bracciolo S.G.120 o D.G. MADIA con ripiani con 23 ripiani MADIA MADIA ante a battente a80 battente 102 MADIA 102 80 23 17 120 1/4"1/2" 9" 40 1/4" 40 1/4" 9" 31 1/2"47 31 6 3/4" 47 1/4" 183 227 143 137 17 102 " 17 80 1/4" 89 1/4" 54" 5672 6 3/4" 40 1/4" 240 240 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 5454 1/2" 1/2" 97 21 1/4" 119 94 21 1/4" 17 80 1794 102 152 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 40 1/4" 38 5946
71 70 28" 70 27 1/2" 27 1/2"
Taylor composition with corner unit 1413/4" x 1101/4"x 28" - C seam
120 47 1/4"
7170 1/2" " 2827
71 28"
102 80 unit80with23 Corner longside L.F. or R.F. 102 23 40 1/4" 40 1/4" 9" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" Dormeuse con bracciolo S.G.227 o D.G. 183 72" 89 1/4"
71 28"
Angolare Chaise longue con bracciolo S.G. o D.G.con allungo S.G. o D.G. /
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
MADIA MADIA con cassetti con cassetti
MADIA con con80 ripiani 120 120 MADIA 17ripiani 80 80 17 S.G oS.G D.G. o D.G. 80 17 102 80 152 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2"6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2"6 3/4" 40 1/4" 59 3/4" 257 257 97 103 119 175 101 1/4" 101 1/4" 38 1/4" 40 1/2" 46 3/4" 69" 5454 1/4" 1/4" Taylor composizione angolare 360 x 280 x 71 cm - cucitura C / 21 21
94 1/2" 120 47 1/4"
Pouf Nguyen piede cromato/nickel
54 21 1/4"
55 21 3/4"
MADIA MADIA con ripiani con ripiani e cassetti e cassetti
50 19 3/4"
120 47 1/4"
1 4 3/4 2 "
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
270 106 1/4"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
42 16 1/2" 61 " 24 71
35 13 3/4"
94 1/2"
80 1/4"
70 27 1/2"
Versione DX
64 25 1/4"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
120 120 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 257 101 1/4"
MADIA con ripiani
MADIA ante a battente
80 1/4"
102 102 68 68 68 270 1/4" 54 3/4" 40 1/4" 40 26 3/4" 26 3/4"1/4" 26 106 1/4" 21 204 204 MADIA con cassetti 1/4" 1/4" 80 80
50 19 3/4"
54 21 1/4"
MADIA con cassetti
71 28"
240 94 1/2"
54 21 1/4" 80 80 160 Dormeuse1/2" con bracciolo S.G. o D.G. 1/2" 3117 31 80 63" 80 80 80 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 31 1/2" 6 31 31 31 257 103 101 1/4" 40 1/2" 28 7111" 28"
240 94 1/2"
71 28"
Versione 80 80 35 35 50 50 DX 31 1/2" 13 3/4" 19 3/4" 19 3/4" 31 1/2" 13 3/4" 17 68 68 17 80 17 102 17 80 102 17 68 68 68 6 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 40 1/4" 40 1/4" 6 3/4" 6 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 153 177 221 221 35 50 60 1/4" 69 3/4" 87" 87" MADIA MADIA con ripiani con ripiani 3/4" MADIA con ripiani con ripiani e cassetti e cassetti S.G. S.G. MADIA MADIA con cassetti con cassetti 13 19 3/4" MADIA MADIA ante ante complanari 17 68 S.G o68 17 80 17 102 80 102 17 68 MADIA 68 68complanari 17 S.G D.G. o D.G. 6 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 40 1/4" 40 1/4" 6 3/4" 6 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 153 177 221 221 60 1/4" 69 3/4" 87" 87" 270 270 1/4" 1/4" 106106
53 1/2"
80 80 68 68 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 136 MADIA con ripiani 160 e cassetti 53 1/2" S.G o D.G. 63"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
70 27 1/
80 31 1/2" 103 MADIA con ripiani e cassetti S.G1/2" o D.G. 40
70 27 1/2"
64 1/4" 2564 25 1/4"
54 1/4" 21 SIDE 160 TABLE 160 63"63"
40 1/2"
42 16 1 6 2
7 2
70 27 1/
31 107 3/4"
64 25 1/4"
1/2" 70 27 27 1/2"
5454 21 1/4" 21 1/4"
31 107 3/4"
93 3/4"
Taylor divano / sofa design Toan Nguyen 28 11" 28 11"
270 106 1/4"80 80 31 1/2" 31 1/2"
93 3/4"
84 1/4"
70 27 1/2"
76 1/2"
17 68 68 17 17 80 80 17 17 90 102 17 17 68 68 68 17 17 120 120 17 17 80 80 80 17 90 17 17 102 54 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 2701/4" 6 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4"6 3/4" 6 3/4"31 1/2" 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 6 3/4" 35 1/2" 35 1/2" 6 3/4" 6 3/4"401/4" 40 1/4" 6 3/4"6 3/4"1/4" 26 26 26 6 6 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 6 3/4"6 3/4"31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 21 106 214 170 194 238 274 274 MADIA con ripiani e cassetti MADIA con238 cassetti Versione Versione MADIA con MADIA con3/4" MADIA ante a battente SIDE TABLE S.G o D.G. SIDE TABLE 67" ripiani 76 1/2" 93 3/4" DX DX 93 3/4" 107 3/4" 107 ripiani 84 1/4"
70 1/2" 70 27 27 1/2"
e complanari
42 16 1 7 2
40 1/4"
17 68 17 26 3/4" 6 3/4" 102 40 1/4"
103 42 1/2" 1/2"16
42 103 1/2" 16 1/2" Busnelli 40 / Technical data 2013
42 42 16 1/2" 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
40 15 3/4"
80 42 31 1/2" 16 1/2"
55 21 3/4" 55 21 3/4"
103 71 40 1/2" 28"
42 16 1/2" 40 15 3/4"
42 42 71 16 1/2" " 16 1/2" 28
50 19 3/4" 50 19 3/4"
71 28"
42 16 1/2"
50 19 3/4" 50 19 3/4"
42 16 1/2"
50 19 3/4" 50 19 3/4"
42 16 1/2"
55 21 3/4" 55 21 3/4"
45 17 3/4" 45 17 3/4"
103 40 1/2"
55 21 3/4" 55 21 3/4"
42 16 1/2"
71 28"
42 16 1/2"
71 28"
71 28"
50 19 3/4" 50 19 3/4"
42 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
71 28"
42 1/2" 1642 16 1/2"
71 28 71" 28" 42 16 1/2"
71 28"
42 16 1/2" 61 24" 42 16 1/2" 61 24"
71 28"
71 28"
42 421/2" 16 1/2" 1661 61" 24 24"
71 71" 28 28"
42 421/2" 16 1/2" 1661 61" 24 24"
71 71" 28 28"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
71 28"
71 " 28 71 28"
25 1/4" 64 4225 1/4" 1/2" 16 Busnelli / Technical data 2013 71 28"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
10 120 17 120 4" Rullo optional 4" 17 3/ 120 120 4" 1/4" 102 102 80 80 68 68 " " 6 3/4" 4780 Pouf Nguyen piede cromato/nickel 80 160 47 1/4" 35 50 " " /4" /4" 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 12 7 1/4 7 1/4 " " 4 4 4 3/44 23/4 2 6 3/4 6 3/4 4 3/44160 4 3/44 23/4 2 40 1 40 1 4 3/4 4 23/4 231 1/231 1/2 102 102 23 120 120 23 80 80 23 80 80 80 23 80 80 23 23 80 17 o D.G. 103 103 02 102 17 68 68 63" 143 120 /31 1/2" 120 17 80 80 80 13 3/4" 80 80 3/4" 80 137 " "2 2 " 3/4" " " " " Terminale con bracciolo S.G. 31 1/2"68 19 80 1/2" " " " " 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" " 1/2" 3/4" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4"" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" " " 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 90x50 68x50 80x50 102x50 120x50 31 9 9 9 9 31 31 40 40 47 47 31 31 31120 31 31 63 31 31 9 9 31 31 40 40 1/2" 0 120 4017 17 680 End 26 unit 26or R.F. 566 80 47 47 6 31 31 31 with80 L.F. 80 26 Pouf Nguyen piede cromato/nickel 20 50 17 17 102102 102102 68 6868 6868 68 120120 120 8054 80 17 17 80 68 6868 68 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 35 50 80 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1/4" 3/4" 1/4"68x55 3/4" Cuscini 263 e rullo / 80 80 80 80103 60x55 80x55 60x55 68x55 80x55 x 19 35 26 x 19 31 x 19 40 x 19 47 x 19 103 221 221 257 257 103 183 227 263 103 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4"1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 3/4" 17 171/2" 681/2" 68 17 17 80 1768 17 9017 8090 17 102 102 17 17 6817 68 68 17 6817 120 17 173/4"80 80 80 102 102 80 23 68 68 68 120 120 1/2"80 17 80 1780 80 68 80 3/4"80 80 3/4" 3/4" 31 31102 4719 663/4" 6 3/4"80 17 31 1/2" 31 1/2"8040 1/4" 40 1/4" 40 40 1/4" 26 3/4" 2626 2626 261/2" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" and 631 31 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 2680 31 31 31 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 7368 63/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 31 1/2" 26 26 31 1/2" 31 1/2" Cushions roll1/2" 120 120 80 3123 80 80 68 8080 17 17 120120 23 683/4" 23 103 80 17 102 68 68 120 803/4" 8026 80 80 " 6 1/4" 1/4" 102 1/2" 21 23 23x 21x3/4" 26x23 21x 21 23 1/2" 26 31 31x 21x 21 1/2" 87" 19 101 72" 31 1/2" 89 1/4" 103 103 1/2" 80 40 1/2" 102 40 1/2" 40 1/2" 403/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 31 26 6 3/4" 26 2687 6 6 31 31 40 40 1/4" 40 6 3/4" 6 3/4"26 6 4761/4" 47 1/4" 647 6 31 1/2" 3147 40 40 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 31 1/2" 31 6 31 1/2"6 3/4" 3131 3131 3191/2" 6 3/4" 356 1/2" 6 1/2"6 3/4"101 1/2" 1/4" 31 " 1/2" 1/2" 3/4"6 3/4" 35 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" " " 1/2" 4 3/4" 6 3/4" 103 136 240 274274 103 136 160160 31 1/2" 204204 204204 240240 103103 31 1/2" 9" 9 31 40 1/4" 40 1/4" 9" 26 26 47 1/4" 31 1/2"240 31 31 1/2" 31 31 1/2"269" 26 60 26 6 3/4" 26 26 3/4" 3131 6 3/4" 40 1/4" 40 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 6 3/4"26 26 3/4"26 26 3/4"6 26 3/4" 47 1/4" 8 68 80 80 9 0 6 6 " 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" " 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1/2" 214 177 102 170 194 238 238 221 274 103 136 160 204263 240103 103 1 204 1 12 12 /4" /240 53 63 103 94 80 80 40153 40 2" 1/2" Dormeuse Dormeuse con con bracciolo bracciolo S.G.S.G. o221 D.G. o D.G. " 63 94 94 94 Chaise Chaise longue longue con con bracciolo bracciolo S.G.S.G. o D.G. o D.G. 274 53 257 80 1/4" 80 1/4" 107107 4" 4 412 12 1/103 40 1/2" 40 227 2 / 257 183 263 4 3/44 23/4 2 1/2" 103 4 4 3 3 3/4" 31 31 /4" 26 26 3 23 1 102 102 23 120 1/4" 120 2353 1/2" 80 1/2"80 80 80 23 17 68 803/4" 323 17 76 17 84102 17 103 40 1/2" 801/2" 80 102 17 68 68 120 80 80 107 3/4" 801/4" 801/2" 80 1/2"3/4"80 3/4" 3/4" 80 "80"21/4" 1/4" 80 63" 80 23 9423 94 1/2" 40 1/4" 67" 68 93 68 93 3/4"120 10717 80 1/4" 40 1/2" 40 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" " " 1/4" " 69 3/4"40 1/4" 87 1011/2" 103 40 1/2"31 1/2" 9" 40 1/2" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 101 1/2" 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 40 1/4" 7240 1/4" 9" 4789 47 1/4" 9" 31 31 1/2" 9" 31103 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" 6 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 9" 31 1/2" 40 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 60 6 3/4" 40 1/4" 6 3/4" 47 40 1/2" 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 26 3/4"87 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 31 1/2" 31102 583/54"83/4" 102 68 31 68 68 120 120 68 68 47 80 680 31 80 80 80 80 45x45 45x45 60x55 68x55 80x55 8 8 90x50 68x50 80x50 102x50 120x50 5 5 103 153 177 221 221 257 103 227 263 263 103 1033/4"4" 4" 1/4" 3/4" 22 22 31 1/2" 183" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 40 40 1/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 26 3/4" 257 26 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 17 3/4"x3/4" 17 3/4" 17 3/ 3/ 23 1/2"x 21 31 1/2"40 x 211/2" 1/2" 35 1/2"x 19 3/4" 103 1/2" 19 3/4" 19 3/4" 26 3/4"x 19 3/4" 31 1/2" 40 1/4"x 19 3/4" 47 1/4"x103 22 22 60 1/4" 69 3/4" 87" 87" 101 1/4" 101 1/4"204 89x1/4" 40 1/2" 26 x 21 40 1/2"x 17 40 1/2" 136 160 204 240 240 103 72
80 31 1/2"
42 124 1/2" 48 3/4" 1642 4216 1/2" 16 1/2"
40 3/4" 1540 80 15 3/4" 31 1/2"
50 19 3/4"
103 40 1/2"
42 1/2" 1642 4216 1/2" 1/2" 16 40 3/4" 1540 103 15 3/4" 1/2" 40
50 19 3/4"
103 40 1/2" 1/2"
1655 21 3/4"
103 40 1/2"
16 1/2"
80 1/2" 3180 31 1/2"
103 45 1/2" 40 103 17 3/4" 42 40 1/2"16 1/2"
55 1/2" 21 3/4" 1642
42 16 1/2" 42 55 1/2" 1642 21 3/4" 16 1/2"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2"
MADIA ante a battente chiusa
270 106 1/4"
80 31 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
160 63"
40 15 3/4"
42 16 1/2"
piedino polipropilene nero
80 31 1/2"
80 31 1/2"
240 94 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
103 40 1/2"
80x55 31 1/2"x 21 3/4"
40 403/4" 15 15 3/4"
40 403/4" 15 15 3/4"
Pouf Nguyen piede polipropilene nero
68x55 26 3/4"x 21 3/4" 8080 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 583/4" 22
103 40 1/2"
40 15 3/4"
40 15 3/4" 3/4"
80 31 1/2" "
103 40 1/2" "
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2" 80 1/2" 3180 31 1/2" Cod.PQ6
42 16 1/2"
piedino polipropilene nero piedino polipropilene nero
45x45 17 3/4"x 17 3/4"
103 40 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 42 1/2" 42 16 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 42 1/2" 42 16 16 1/2"
60x55 23 1/2"x 21 3/4" 160 160 " " 6363
8080 31 1/2" 31 1/2"
103 1/2" 103 40 40 1/2"
103 1/2" 103 40 40 1/2"
8080 31 1/2" 31 1/2"
piedino black nichel o cromo lucido
42 16 1/2" 421/2" 42 16 16 1/2"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2"
42 42 1/2" 42 1/2" 16 16 1/2" 1661
71 28"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2" 40 403/4" 15 15 3/4"
583/4" 22
42 16 1/2" 421/2" 42 16 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 421/2" 42 16 16 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
40 15 3/4"
31 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 61 24" 80
103 40 1/2"
71 28"
103 40 1/2"
40 15 3/4"
42 42 16 1/2" 421/2" 16 16 1/2" 40 403/4" 15 15 3/4"
Pouf Nguyen piede cromato/nickel
Pouf Nguyen piede polipropilene Pouf Nguyen piede polipropilene nero nero
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2" 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
71 28"
42 16 1/2" 61 103 1/2" 103 40 24" 40 42 40 1/2"16 1/2" 15 3/4"
40 3/4" 1540 15 3/4" 42 16 1/2"
40 3/4" 1540 15 3/4" 42 16 1/2"
16 1/2"
71 28" 42 1/2" 1642 16 1/2"
71 28" 50 19 3/4" 42 1/2" 1642 16 1/2" 42 19 3/4"50 16 1/2" 50 42 19 3/4" 1/2" 1642 16 1/2"
55 4221 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
4219 3/4" 1/2" 1642 50 19 3/4" 16 1/2"
55 21 3/4"
80 1/2" 3180 31 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
45 17 3/4"
40 45 15 3/4" 17 3/4"
42 16 1/2" 40 15 3/4"
71 28"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
45x45 45x45 3/4" 3/4" 17 3/4"x1717 3/4"x 17
583/4" 22
piedino piedino polipropilene polipropilene nero nero
160- A destra guardando 80 il prodotto. 80 23 disponibile 23 80 103standard / S.G.80 80 il prodotto / D.G. Divano a richiesta con altezza + 2 cm rispetto - A sinistra guardando 1/2" 1/2" " 1/2" 63" the product. 31 1/2" 31Under 9"request,9sofa 31available 31 1/2" / R.F. - Right facing 40 1/2" 2 cm higher than standard measure / L.F. -31 Left facing the product 103 103 160 160 80 80 103 103 160 160 80 80 80 80 80 80 40 1/2"" 63" 40 1/2" 1/2" 31 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" " 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 63 31 31 1/2" 31 40 1/2"40 63" 63 31 1/2" 31
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2" "
PoufPouf Nguyen Nguyen piede piede polipropilene polipropilene neronero
80 31 1/2" 103 160 160 8080 103 120 17 80 68x55 80 80 23 60x55 23 80x55103 68x5580 80x55 1/2" 60x55 40 " "" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4"1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 6363 31 1/2" 31 40 31 9x"31211/2" 47 1/4" 6x3/4" 31 3131 1/2" 3/4" 2131 x 21 x 2140 23 1/2"9x2321 3/4" 26 3/4"x26 21 3/4" 280 280 103 110 1/4" 110 1/4" 40 1/2"
103 1/2" 103 40 40 1/2"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2" 103 1/2" 103 40 40 1/2"
nichel o cromo lucido piedino blackpiedino nichelblack o cromo lucido
80 80 1/2" 31 1/2" 31
80 31 1/2" 103 80 801/2" 401/2" 31 1/2" 31
71 28"
42 16 1/2" 42 42 16 1/2" 16 1/2"
71 28"
80 80 80 23 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" 263 103 103 1/2" 1031/2" 1/2" 40 40
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
80 80 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 240 80 1780 120 94 1/2" 3/4"1/2" 1/4" 3161/2" 31 47
80 1/2" 3180 31 1/2"
71 " 2871 7128" 71 28" " 28 71 42 71" 28 1/2"" 1628 42 42 1/2" 1642 16 1/2" 1/2" 1661 24" 42 61 " 421/2"24 16 16 1/2"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
71 28" 71 28"
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
71 28" 71 28"
68 68 68 120 120 80 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 31 1/2" 204 240 17 1/4" 80 80 103 102 23 23103 171/2"102 8080 94 80 1/2" "1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1/4" 3140 9" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2"40940 6 40 1/4"31 1/2" 200 244 3/4" " 78 96
Pouf Nguyen piede cromato/nickel Pouf Nguyen piede cromato/nickel
42 50 19 3/4" 1/2" 1642 50 16 1/2" 19 3/4"
42 1/2" 1642 16 1/2"
103 1/2" 40 103 42 42 40 1/2"1/2" 1/2" 16 16 61 24" 55 103 21 3/4" 1/2" 40 103 42 40 1/2"16 1/2"21 3/4"55 40 15 3/4"
42 16 1/2"
103 40 1/2"
80 31 1/2"
80 31 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2"
71 28"
42 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
103 40 1/2"
103 40 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 40 15 3/4"
103 40 1/2"
71 71" 28 28"
42 16 1/2"
42 1/2" 1642 16 1/2"
71 28 71" 28"
42 1/2" 1642 16 1/2"
42 4216 1/2" 16 1/2" 61 24"
42 16 1/2" 40 15 3/4"
42 16 1/2" 80 31 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
71 28"
42 42 1/2" 16 16 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
71 28"
42 1/2" 16 71 71" 28 28"
71 28"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
17 120 120 23 17 80 80 80 23 80 23 31 1/2" 9" 6 3/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 9" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" 102 il prodotto. 102 23 120 120 23 23 guardando 120 17 80 80disponibile 80 a richiesta con 80 Divano altezza + 2 cm rispetto 103 standard / S.G. - A sinistra guardando il prodotto /80 D.G. - 80 A destra 280 280 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 31request, 1/4" 1/2" 9" 40 1/4" 40 1/4" 9" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 9" 31 47 1/4" 6 3/4" 31 31 1/2" sofa available31 2110 cm higher than standard 40 measure / L.F. - Left facing the product / R.F. - Right31 facing the1/2" product. 110Under 257 103 183 227 263 80 23 102 102102 102 80 23 80 23 23 80 23 80 80 80 80 80 23 80 80 80 23 80 23 23 23 120 120 120 120 23 23 80 80 4" "80 1/2" 1/2" 101 1/4" 89 1/4" 1/2" 31" 1/2" 9" " 40 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" " " " 1/4" 40 1/4" 1/2" 31 1/2" 1/2" 31" 1/2" 9" 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" 47 1/4" 47 1/4"47 1/4" 4791/4" 9" 31 1/2" 3131 9" 7231 1/2" 31 1/2" 9103 31 1/2" 9" 40 1/4" 40 40 3162 31 1/2" 31 31 9 9 31 1/2" / 31 63 9 TECHNICAL DATA 9 103 103 183 183 227 227 263 263 263 263 103 103 103 103 1/2" " 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 72" 72 89 1/4" 89 103 1/2"103 103 1/2"103 40 1/2"40 40 1/2"40 40 1/2"40 42 16 1/2" 61 24"
71 28 71" 28"
7171 28"28"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
71 28"
71 42 " 1/2" 1628 103 40 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
71 28"
42 16 1/2" 42 61 1/2" " 1624 61 24"
42 42 1/2" 16 16 1/2" 61 24"
71 28" 71 28"
42 16 1/2"
71 28"
PoufPouf Nguyen Nguyen piede piede cromato/nickel cromato/nickel
80 80 102 102 68 68 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 40 1/4" 40 1/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 23 17 17 80 80 80 80 102102 10210223 23 17 17120120 12012023 23 17 17 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 204 23 23 17 17 23 136 160 80 80 102 6880 120 68 68 80 80 " 68 "8080 3/4" 1/2" 3/4"1/4" 102 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 80 1/4" " 120 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 102 102 102 120 120 8080 808068 80 803/4" 80 80 23231/2" 2323 8080 232380 23 231/2" 23 23 23120 23 80 801/2" " 980 " 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 80 102 102 80120 80 80 102 68 120 68 102 80 80 80 31 1/2" 9" 6 631 3180 31 640 40 120 40 6 4780 47 680 31 3180 3180 1/2" 9"102 968 9 9" 6 3/4" 91/2" 1/4" 6 31 4068 668 47 47 31 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 531/2" 639" 1/2" 1/2""3131 1/2" 80 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4"1/2" 1/2" 3/4" " 26 " 3/4" " 1/2" " 1/4" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4"31 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2"26 1/2"1/4" " 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 26 3/4" 1/4" 3/4"40 1/2" 31 1/2" 3131 4047 47 26 31 93/4" 931 91/4" 9" 40 9"26 9"3/4" 947 9" 47 1/4"31311/2" 311/2" 40 47 47 31 1/2" 31 1/2"31 1/2" 3126 313/4" 31 1/2"31 31 31 31 1/2" 9"103 9" 931 31 31 3140 40 401/4"1/4" 31 47 31 31 1/2"40 40 1/4" 40 26 3/4" 26 26 47 261/2" 31280 31 1/2" 31 31 313191/2" 200 244 280 280 200 244 280 103 1/4" 240 1/4" 136 160 240 103 103 183 183 136 160 227 227 263 263 263 263 103 103 240 103 103 3/4" "96" 240 1/4"240 1/4" 1/2" 103 160 204 204 204 204 103 78 3/4"204 110 110 40 1/2" 103 78 96 110 110 40 " 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/2"1/2" 1/2"40 1/2" " " 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" " 1/4" 1/2" " 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 53 63 94 94 80 80 72 72 53 8989 103103 4040 4040 4040 63 80 94 80 63 40 94 94 80 103103 17 102 102 23 17 120 120 23 17 80 80 80 23 80 1/2" " " " 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 31 9 9 9 6 40 40 6 47 47 6 31 31 31 244 280 280 103 96" 110 1/4" 110 1/4" 40 1/2" Cod.40 Cod.41 Cod.42 Cod.43 Cod.44 Cod.45
42 16 1/2"
71 28"
71 28"
71 42 " 28 16 1/2" 71 28"
42 16 1/2" 42 61 1/2" " 1624 61 24" 42 16 1/2" 61 24"
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
71 28"
71 28"
42 1/2" 1642 16 1/2"
42 421/2"71" 16 28 1/2" 71 1661 " " 6128 24 24"
17 120 120 17 17 80 80 80 17 80 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 6 3/4"6 3/4"31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 80 80 80 80 80 274 274 103 8080 1/2" 1/2" 2" 1/2" 80 102 102 103 31 3/4" 31 3180 107 3/4" 1/4" 40 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 107 103103 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 40 40 1/4" 40 1/2" 240 1/2" 103 2" 204 4103 40 1/2"160 40 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 4040 63" 80 1/4" 17 80 80 23 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" 200 78 3/4" Cod.20 Cod.21
42 16 1/2"
42 1/2" 1642 1/2" 1661 " 24 61 24"
71 28" 71 28"
42 16 421/2" 1/2" 1661 24 61" 24"
42 1/2" 71 16 " 28 71 28"
71 28 71" 28"
71 28"
" 1/2" 45 63120 94 1/2" 94 1/2" 80 1/4" 80 1/4" Cod.S68 Cod.S80 Cod.S90 Cod.S10 Cod.S12 Cod.S60 Cod.S65 10 10 454" Cod.S85 Cod.S45 Cod.R58 40 1/2" 120 120 17178080 1717102 102 152 152 53 1717 120 4" Rullo Rullo optional optional 4" 41" 7 3/ 17 3/ CREDENZA 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 120 4747 6 3/4" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 6 3/4" 4040 5959 6 3/4" 6 3/4" 4747 102 8 4" 80 68 " 5 " 1/4 / /4" 1 1 1 1 45x45 3 x LETTO TAYLOR /4" 47 1/2 POUFPOUF LOWLOW x LETTO TAYLOR 01 4 3/4 2 4 3/4 2 4 3/4 2 4 3/4 2 143 143 9797 119 119 175 175 137 137 3 4 1 6 3 " " " black onichel cromo lucido Nguyen cromato/nickel Nguyen polipropilene polipropilene 3/4"o lucido 3/4" 22 piedinopiedino black nichel cromo Pouf Pouf Nguyen piedepiede cromato/nickel Pouf Pouf Nguyen piedepiede polipropilene nero nero " 2 piedinopiedino polipropilene nero nero 80 80 102 102 68 68 68 120 120 68 68 80 80 80 80 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" " " " " 1/4" 1/4" x 17 17 60x55 68x55 80x55 38 38 46 46 69 69 54 54 56 56 Cod.10/SG Cod.11/SG Cod.12/SG Cod.13/SG Cod.14/SG Cod.15/SG 0 2 2 0 1 Pouf Nguyen piede cromato/nickel 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 10 80 12 68 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 40 12/DG 40 1/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 47 1/4" 47 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 15/DG " 102 80 " 618 10/DG 11/DG 13/DG 14/DG31 23 1/2"x 21 3/4" 26 3/4"x 21 3/4" 31 1/2"x 21 3/4" 1/4 12 12/4" 121/4" " 2" 2" 1/4 1 1 47 1 3/4 12 4 3/41/2" 31 1/ 4 3 12 4 3/4 40 4 3/4 2 4 36/43/"4 4 3/4 2 4 3/44"7 40" 136 160 204 204 240 240 103 26 4 3/4" /4" 31 " " " 2 " 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 53 80 63 94 94 80 80 40 54 10880 17 102102 10210223 23 120120 12012023 23 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 160160 80 80 80 80 80 23 23 23 23 80 80 23 23 23 23 103103 103103 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 160160 80 80 80 80 80 0 68 80 80 680 " 21 1/4" 1 12 12 42 1/2" 1/2" " Dormeuse con bracciolo S.G. 1/4" D.G. " longue 1/2" " " 1/4" 1/2"bracciolo 3/4"1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" " 1/2" " 980 1/2" POUF LOW LETTO 1/2 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 102 102 23 120TAYLOR31120 80 63 17 68 con 80 23 17o D.G. 17 102 17 231/2" 23"63" 80 / 80 102 17 68 68 31 681/2" 120 80 80 31 1/2" 80 3/4 1/2 1/2" 3/4" " 31 1/2"23 31 1/2" 4 3/4" 2 2331 9Dormeuse 9" o D.G. 31 1/2" 31 31 1/2" 40 40 o17 47 1/4"8047 1/4" 47 1/4"9" 9"80 31Chaise 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31con 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2"" 980 9" 1/2" 31 31 1/2" 80 31 1/2" 4 3/4"103 40x1/2" 40 1/2"23 80 31 1/2" 31 31 31 31 31 Centrale 31 80 9" 120 9S.G. 9"S.G. 3168 con bracciolo o D.G. /1/4" 40 1/4" 40 1/4" 47 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9"80 31 3180 40 40 1/2" 31 634"63 31 1/2" 31 pouf S.G. 26 583/41/4" " piedino black nichel o cromo lucido Pouf31 Nguyen9piede cromato/nickel Pouf Nguyen polipropilene 1/2" nero piedino polipropilene nero " 1/2" " " " " 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" piede 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" " 1/2" 1/2" 45x45 31 9 9 9 9 31 31 40 40 47 47 31103103 31 31 31 6 Central 26 unit 26with 31 9 9 31 31 6 31L.F. or R.F. 6 40 6 40 31 40 6 26 26 26 183183 47Long chair47with 6 31 31 31 263 L.F. 103footstool 227or R.F. 257257 103 227 263 263263 103103 10310331 80 3/4" 22 68 60 80 90x50 68x50 68x50 10380x50 80x50 103 90x50 102x50 102x50 58 120x50 120x50 171/2" 17 3/4" 1/2" 6012 1/4" 1/4" " 72" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" " 12 " 103 153 177 221 221bracciolo 257 257 103103 103 18340 227 263 263 6182 Dormeuse S.G. o D.G. 89 1/4" 40 1/2" 40 1/2" 40x1/2" " 40bracciolo Chaisecon longue con S.G.72 o D.G. 4" 1 101101 89 1/4" 103103 40 1/2" 40 1/2" 40con Dormeuse con bracciolo S.G. o D.G. 1/2 " Chaise longue bracciolo S.G. o D.G. 1/2 4 3 12 4 3/43/"4" 26 3/ 4 3 12 4 31/41"/2 4 3/4 2 4 3/4 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 31 1/2" 1/2 1/2" 1/2"35 /4" /4 23 3 x 19 x 19 2626 x 19 x 19 4031 1/2" 31 x1/2"19 x 3/4" 19 3/4"4035 4040 x 19 x 19 2 3/ 4747 x 19 x 19 " " 26 23 " 60 1/4" 69 3/4" 87" 87" 101 1/4" 101 1/4" 72" 89 1/4" 103 1/2" 103 40 40 1/2" 2 MADIA ante complanari chiusa 102 102 23 120 120 23 80 80 23 80 80 80 23 160 80 80 23 23 80 103 103 80 160 80 80 80 80 80 58 45 58 10 " 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" " 1/2" 1/2" " 1/2" " " 120 17 80 31 1/2" 17 10231 1/2" 9" 152 4 4 31 31 1/2" 40 1/4" 9" 47 1/4" 9 31 1/2" 9" 80 40 31 1/2" 63" 80 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" 31 31 1/2" 80 23 31 40 63 31 80 80 102 31102 801/4" 80 8047 1/4" 17 17 80 120 80 923 17 102 102 23 17 12040 1/2" 120 23 31 1/2"17 80 80 " / / Rullo optional 4 3 4" 17 23 3/ 2 2 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 2 1/2" " 2" POUF LOW x103 LETTO 47 6 31 6 263 40 59103 183 263 31 1/2" 31 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 40 1/4" 40 1/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 227 6 3/4"631 1/2"47103 31 1/2" 9piedino 6 3/4" 40 1/4"TAYLOR40 1/4" 9" 6 3/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 9" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" black nichel o cromo lucido Pouf Nguyen piede cromato/nickel Pouf Nguyen piede polipropilene nero piedino polipropilene nero " 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 45 143 97 119 175 137 45 10 89 1/4" 17 120 103 103 1/2" 103 40 40 1/2" 6868 6868 40 200 280 280 103 " 1 80 80" 8080 102 102 102 102 6868244 120 120 120 120 80801717 80 6868 6868 80 80 8080 8080 80 80 17 160 80 17 102 17 102 204 72 " 120 120 80 Rullo optional 178080 152 152 102 240 17 120 3/4 Rullo optional 68x55 80x55 80x55 1/4" 3/4" 102 " 1/4" 80 80 80 102 103 102 80 80 80 80 17 80 80 17 102 102 23 4" 0 17 120 17 80 80 80 60x55 8068x55 23 23 2360x55 3/44" 120 " 1/4" 1/2" 3/4" " 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 17 38 46 69 54 56 1/2" 1/2"1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 80 17 631/2" 3/4" 6 3/4" 94 78 96 4747 110 110 40 240 3/4" 59 3/4" 3/4" 6 3/4" 1/4" 47 1/4" 40 1/4" 47 1/4" 31 3131 31 6 3/4" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 311/2" 31 311/2" 4040 4040 4747 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 31 31 31 31 31 6 3/4" 31 1/2"" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 2626 2626 2626 " " 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 2626 26 1/4"26 3/4"31 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 1/2" 47 6 3/4" 6 40 1/4" 40 31 1/2" 31 59 6 47 2323 261/2" 26 31 x1/2"21 x 21 31 x 21 x 21 31 1/2" x 3/4" 21 3/4" 94 1/2" 31 9 9 9 x 21 31 31 40 40 40 40 31 31 6 31 31 6 40 40 6 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 9" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 40 103 103 136 136 160 160 204 204 204 204 240 240 240 240 103 103 143 175 137 143 97 97 119 119 175 137 160 204 160 204 240 103 200 80 244 280 280 103 120 4040 80 80 80 160 80 80 23 23 80 3 23 23 103 103 80 160 80 80 80 " " 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4"80 3/4" " " 1/4" 1/2"120 1/2"1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 80 80 80 80 102 102 103 102 102 80 80 80 80 17 80 80 17 102 102 17 120 120 17 80 80 80 80 23 23 23 23 5353 6363 1/2" 9494 9494 8080 8080 38 4040 " 1/4" " 1/4" " 1/4" 1/4" 38 1/4"1/2" 46 3/4"46 1/4" 69" 69 1/2" 80 54" 541/2" 56 1/4" 56 " 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" MADIA ante complanari chiusa " 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" " 1/2" 94 78 3/4"31 961/4" 110 40 1/2" " 1/2" 9" 1/4"9" 1/2" 1/4" 311/2" 47 1/4" 47 31 9"31 1/2" 31 1/2" 40 31 1/2" 63 31 63" 31 1/2" 31 9 31 6340 1/4" 31 1/2" 40 40311/2" 63 31 31 1/2" 9" 31 1/2" 31 311/2" 40 40 31 1/2"8031 1/2" 40 1/2" 6 3/4" 31 1/2"Taylor 6 3/4" 40 40 6 3/4" 47 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" 40 31 1/2" pouf 103 x 80 x1/4"42 9cm - cucitura C / 47 1/4" 931" 6 3/4" 110 5835/48" 3/4" 103 263 263204 103 1/2 1/2 1/2 160 160103 204 240 103 200 244 280 280 103 45x45 45x45 Taylor footstool 40 " x 31 " x 16 " C seam 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/2"1/4" " Cod.23/SG Cod.24/SG 103 1/2"Cod.22/SG 10380 40 1/2" 4080 63" 6340 94 1/2" 78 3/4" 96" 110 1/4" 110 1/4" 40 1/2" 17 3/4" 22 22 40 1/2" 17 x3/4"17 x 3/4" 17 3/4" 90x50 68x50 80x50 102x50 22/DG 23/DG 24/DG 35 1/2"x 19 3/4" 26 3/4"x 19 3/4" 31 1/2"x 19 3/4" 40 1/4"270 x 19 3/4" Cod.30/SG Cod.31/SG Cod.32/SG 106 1/4" 30/DG 31/DG 32/DG 90x50 68x50 80x50 80x50 102x50 120x50 90x50 68x50 102x50 120x50 3/4" con1/4" 3/4"1/2" 1/2" 1/4"in polipropilene Pouf piedini /1/4"x 19 3/4" Panca / Elemento centrale / Pouf con piedi in metallo / 3/4" 3/4" 26 3/4" 3/4" x 19 x 1931 x 19 3/4"35 1/2"x35191/2" x 19 3/4" 47 1/4"x47 26 40 x40 19TAYLOR x3119 3/4" 19 3/4" 19 3/4" POUF POUF LOW LOW x LETTO xxLETTO TAYLOR Footstool with polypropylene feet Bench Central unit Footstool with metal feet MADIA ante a battente chiusa piedino piedino black black nichelnichel o cromo o cromo lucidolucido
6 160 63"
2 cs. 90x50 2 cs. 90x50 32cs. cs.60x55 90x50 3 cs. 60x55 3 cs. 60x55 3/4" 2 cs. 35 1/2"x 1923/4"cs. 35 1/2"x 19 323/4" cs. cs.23 351/2"1/2" 33/4" cs. 23 1/2"x 2133/4"cs. 23 1/2"x 21 3/4" x x2119
Taylor divano / sofa design Toan Nguyen
214 Composizione / 1/4" Composition84/ 2
Composizione / Composition / 1
214 84 1/4"
214 214Composizione 214214 / 214 84 1/4" 84 1/4" 84 1/4" 84 1/4" / 3 84 1/4" Composition
2 cs. 90x50 2 cs. 90x50 3 cs. 60x55 3 cs. 60x55 2 cs. 35 1/2"x 1923/4" cs. 35 1/2"x 1933/4" cs. 23 1/2"x 2133/4" cs. 23 1/2"x 21 3/4"
214 84 1/4"
214 84 1/4"
214 84 1/4"
214 84 1/4"
Taylor cuscinature / cushions design Toan Nguyen 214 84 1/4"
214 84 1/4"
Composizione / Composition / 4
Composizione / Composition / 5
238 93 3/4"
238 238 238 238 93 3/4" 93 3/4"93 3/4"93 3/4"
238 238 238238 93 3/4" 93 3/4"93 3/4" 93 3/4"
238 238 238 238 3/4"3/4" 93 3/4" 93 3/4" 9393
238 93 3/4"
238 93 3/4"
238 93 3/4"
L.80 P.12 H.50 L.31 1/2’’ D.4 3/4’’ H.19 3/4’’
238 93 3/4"
3 cs. 68x50/ 3 cs. 68x50 3 cs. 60x55Composizione 3 cs. 60x55/ 3 cs. 60x55 3 cs. 60x55 2Composizione cs. 3102x50 2/cs. 3 102x50 Composizione cs. 80x50 cs. 80x50 3 cs.380x50 cs.Composizione 68x55 3 cs./68x55 3 3 cs.cs. 68x55 68x55 3 Composizione cs. 68x55 2 3/cs. 120x50 68x55 2 cs. 120x50 2 cs. 120x50 3/4" 1/4" 3/4" Composition /373/4" Composition /cs. 8 3/4" Composition Composition / 10 3/4" 3 cs. 26 3/4"x /19633/4" cs. 26 3/4"x 1933/4" cs. 23 1/2"x 21Composition 33/4" cs. 23 1/2"x 21 cs. 23 1/2"x 2133/4" cs. 23 1/2"x221cs. 192x3/4" 40cs.1/4"31 x 19 1/2" 3/4"3/4" 3/4" / 93/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 19 3 x 19 3/4" x 19 x 213 cs. 26 x 2133/4"cs. x 21 x 21 193/4" 340 cs. 31x 1/2" 3 cs.331cs.1/2"26 3 cs. 2626 33/4" cs. 26 3/4"x 2133/4" 2cs. cs.26 47 1/4"xx21 23/4"cs. 47 1/4"x 19 23/4"cs. 47 1/4"x 19 3/4" 2 cs. 102x50 1/4" 3/4" 2 cs. 40 238 x 19 238 93 3/4" 93 3/4"
238 93 3/4"
3 cs. 80x50 3 cs. 80x50 3 cs. 80x50 33cs. cs.80x50 68x55 3 cs. 68x55 3 cs. 68x55 33 cs.cs. 68x55 68x55 3 cs. 68x55 3 cs. 68x55 2 cs.3120x50 cs. 68x55 2 cs. 120x50 2 cs. 120x502 cs. 120x50 1/2" 3/4" 3/4"3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4"1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 3 cs.238 31 1/2"3x cs. 31238 cs.3/4" 31 1/2"x238 333/4" cs. cs.31 261/2" cs. 26 3x cs. 26 x321 cs. 3 cs. 2626 3 26 3x cs. 26 3/4"2xcs. 3 47 cs. 262xcs. 47 1/4"x 19 2 3/4" cs. 47 1/4"x 19 3/4" 19 3/4" x3 19 19 x3x19 213/4" 21 xcs. 21 x 21 21 3/4" 21 19x47 21 3/4"2x cs. 19 3/4" 238 238 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 93 93 93 93 107 3/4" 93 107 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 107 3/4" 107 3/4" 107 3/4" 107 1073/4" 107 3/4" 107 1073/4"
238 93 3/4"
238 93 3/4"
274 107 3/4"
274 107 3/4"
274 107 3/4"
274 274 3/4" 107 1073/4"
274 107 3/4"
274 107 3/4"
274 274 274 3/4"3/4" 107 107 107 3/4"
274 107 3/4"
274 274 274 3/4" 3/4" 107107 107 3/4"
3 cs. 80x50 3 cs. 80x50 3 cs. 68x55 3 cs. 68x55 3 cs. 68x55 3 cs. 68x55 2 cs. 120x50 2 cs. 120x50 3 cs. 31 1/2"x 1933/4" cs. 31 1/2"x 19 3/4" 3 cs. 26 3/4"x 2133/4" cs. 26 3/4"x 21 3/4"3 cs. 26 3/4"x 2133/4" cs. 26 3/4"x 21 3/4" 2 cs. 47 1/4"x 1923/4" cs. 47 1/4"x 19 3/4"
composizione composizione composizione composizione 13 13 13 13 Composizione /
280 280 280 composizione composizione composizione composizione 13 13 13 Composition /280 13 13
274 107 3/4"
1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 274 274 110 110 110 110 3/4" 3/4" 107 107 280 280 280177 103 103 103 103 280 177 177 177 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 110 110 110 1101/4" 40 40 40 6969 69 40 69 103 103 103 103177 177 177 177 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 4040 40 401/2" 69 69 69 693/4"
153 103 1/4" 1/2" 60 40 153 103 1/2" 60 1/4" 256 40 3/4" 100 256 153 103 153 103 3/4" 153100 153 103 1/4" 103 1/2" 153 103 60 1/4" 40 1/2" 1/4" 60 1/2" 40 1/4"40 1/2" 153 103 60 60 1/4" 256 40 1/2" 256 1/4" 1/2" 60 40 256 256 60 40 3/4" 3/4" 100 256 100 3/4" 256 100 3/4"100 3/4" 3/4" 100 100
Busnelli / Technical data 2013
257 103 1/4" 1/2" 101 257 40 103 1/4" 360 101 40 1/2" 3/4" 141 360 257 103 257 257 103 3/4" 257 103 103 1/4" 141 1/2" 1/4" 101 257 101 1/4" 103 40 1/2" 1/2" 40 1/2" 257 101 1/4"101 103 1/4" 1/2" 36040 40 360 1/4" 101 40 360 360 101 40 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 360 141 3/4"141 3/4" 360 141 141 3/4" 3/4" 141 141
Composizione / 3 cs. 68x55Composizione / 2 cs. 120x50 324 324 324 composizione composizione composizione composizione 1111 11 11 composizione composizione composizione composizione 12324 12 12 12 Composition / 11 Composition / 12 3 cs. 26 3/4"x 21 3/4" 2 cs. 47 1/4"x 19 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 274 274 274 274 127 127 127 127 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 107280 107 107 324 324 324 324 280 280 280 107 103 103 103 103 221 221 221 221 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"1/2" " "" " " 127 127 127 12787 110 110 110 110 40 87 87 87 40 40 40 280 280 280 280 103 103 103 103 221 221 221 221 274 274 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" " " 110 1101/4" 401/2" 87 87 87 87" " 4040 40 107 3/4" 110110 107 3/4"
composizione composizione composizione composizione 14 14 14 14 Composizione /
256 256 256 256 composizione composizione composizione composizione 14 14 14 Composition / 1414
3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 100 100 100 100 256 256 256153 103 103 103 103256 153 153 153 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4"1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 100 100 100 10060 40 40 40 40 6060 60 103 103 103 103 153 153 153 153 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 4040 40 4060 60 60 601/4"
274 107 3/4"
274 107 3/4"
Cod.S80 L.90 P.12 H.50 L.35 1/2’’ D.4 3/4’’ H.19 3/4’’
Composizione /
360 360 composizione composizione composizione composizione 1515360 15 15 Composition /360 15
3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 141 141 141 141 360 360 360 360257 103 103 103 103 257 257 257 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 141 141 141 1413/4" 40 4040 40 101 101 101 101 103 103 103 103 257 257 257 257 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 4040 40 401/2" 101101 101 1011/4"
Cod.S90 L.102 P.12 H.50 L.40 1/4’’ D.4 3/4’’ H.19 3/4’’
composizione composizione composizione composizione 18 18 18 18
Composizione /
Composizione /
Composition / 360 17 360 360 360 composizione composizione composizione composizione 17 17 17 17
1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 127 127 127 127 324 324 324 324221 103 103 103 103 221 221 221 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"1/2" " "" " " 127 1271/2" 127 127 40 40 40 40 87 87 87 87 103 103 103 103 221 221 221 221 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 4040 40 401/2" 87"87" 87 87" "
Composition / 18 18 274 274 274 274 18 composizione composizione composizione composizione 18 18
3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 107 107 107 107 274 274 274177 97 97 97 97 274 177 177 177 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4"3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 107 10769 107 107 38 38 38 38 6969 69 9797 97 97177 177 177 177 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4"3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3869 69 69 693/4" 3838 38
L.120 P.12 H.50 L.47 1/4’’ D.4 3/4’’ H.19 3/4’’
L.80 P.12 H.55 L.31 1/2’’ D.4 3/4’’ H.21 3/4’’
composizione composizione composizione composizione 19 19 19 19
3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 133 133 133 133 340 340 340 340 221 119 119 119 119 221 221 221 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" " "" " " 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 133 1333/4" 133 133 46 46 46 46 87 8787 87 119 119 119 119 221 221 221 221 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 46 463/4" 87"87" 87 87" " 4646
18/20 mm 0,71”/0,79”
Black nichel/ Black nickel
160 63" 160 63" 160 160" 63 63"
L.80 L.31 1/2’’
Cuscini sedile / Seat cushions
214 214 214 214 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 84 8484 84 214 214 214 214 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 8484 84 841/4"
L.68 L.26 3/4’’
3cs. 3cs. 3cs. 68x50 cs. 68x50 68x50 68x50 33cs. 3cs. 3cs. 60x55 cs. 60x55 60x55 60x55 33cs. 3cs. 3cs. 60x55 cs. 60x55 60x55 60x55 22cs. 2cs. 2cs. 102x50 cs. 102x50 102x50 102x50 64 / 3 65 TECHNICAL DATA 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 33cs. 3 cs. 3cs. 26 cs. 2626 26 x3/4" x1919 xx19 19 33cs. 3 cs. 3cs. 23 cs. 2323 23 x1/2" x2121 xx21 21 33cs. 3 cs. 3cs. 23 cs. 2323 23 x1/2" x2121 xx21 21 22cs. 2 cs. 2cs. 40 cs. 4040 40 x1/4" x1919 xx19 19 3 cs. 3 cs. 68x50 68x50 33cs. cs.68x50 68x50 3 cs. 3 cs. 60x55 60x55 33cs. cs.60x55 60x55 3 cs. 3 cs. 60x55 60x55 33cs. cs.60x55 60x55 2 cs. 2 cs. 102x50 102x50 22cs. cs.102x50 102x50 3/4" 3/4"
1/2" 1/2"
3/4"1/2" 3/4" 1/2"
3/4" 3/4"
1/2" 1/2"
3/4"1/2" 3/4" 1/2"
3/4" 3/4"
1/4" 1/4"
Basamento / Base
L.120 L.47 1/4’’
22cs. 2cs. 2cs. 90x50 cs. 90x50 90x50 90x50 33cs. 3cs. 3cs. 60x55 cs. 60x55 60x55 60x55 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 22cs. 2 cs. 2cs. 35 cs. 3535 35 33cs. 3 cs. 3cs. 23 cs. 2323 23 x1/2" x1919 xx19 19 x1/2" x2121 xx21 21 2 cs. 2 cs. 90x50 90x50 22cs. cs.90x50 90x50 3 cs. 3 cs. 60x55 60x55 33cs. cs.60x55 60x55 1/2" 1/2" 3/4"1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4"1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 2 cs. 2 cs. 3535 22xcs. cs. 35 3 cs. 3 cs. 2323 33xcs. cs. 23 19 x35 19 3/4" xx19 193/4" 21 x23 21 3/4" xx21 213/4"
3/4" 3/4" 3/4"
Cuscino / Cushion L.45 H.45 P.6 L.17 3/4’’ H.17 3/4’’ D.21/4’’
Composizione /
L.90 L.35 1/2’’
3/4" 3/4"
Cod. A Costina semplice cucitura in tinta / Simple stitching same color Cod. F Costina semplice cucitura in contrasto / Simple stitching in contrast color Cod. G Con profilo ribattuto / Flat felled seam Cod. H Fettuccia e doppia costina / Double stitching Cod. C Con gros grain / With gros grain Cod. D Con profilo in pelle / Leather piping Cod. M Cucitura al vivo / Raw cut
Composition / 19 19 340 340 340 34019 composizione composizione composizione composizione 19 19
L.102 L.40 1/4’’
214 214 214 214 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 84 8484 84 214 214 214 214 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" Cs. cuscini / 1/4" 84-84 84 84 Cs - cushions
Rullo opzionale / Optional roll L.58 H.10 L.22 3/4’’ H.4’’
343 135" 343 160 135" 160 63"" 160 160 343 63343 " " 63 " 63135 135"
183 72 " 183 72 " 183 183 " 72 343 72 " 343 135"" 343 343 135" 135 135"
177 204 3/4" 1/4" 69 80 177 204 381 1/4" 69 3/4" " 80 150 381 177 204 177 150" 204 177 204 177 204 3/4" 69 3/4" 1/4" 80 1/4" 177 69 80 1/4" 204 3/4" 1/4" 177 204 69 3/4" 69 80 381 381 80 3/4" 1/4" 381 381 3/4" 69 80 " 80 1/4" 69150"" 150 381 " 381 150 150 " 150 150"
183 183 72 "" 183 183 72 " 72 " 72
3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 141 141 141 141 360 360 360 360 103 103 103 103 257 257 257 257 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 141 141101 141 141 40 4040 40 101 101 101 103 103 103 103 257 257 257 257 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 4040 101101 101 1011/4" 40 401/2"
L.68 P.12 H.55 L.26 1/4’’ D.4 3/4’’ H.21 3/4’’
103 1/2" 40 103 1/2" 175 40 69" 175 103 "103 103 69 103 1/2" 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2" 40 175 1/2" 175 175 1/2" 40 175 40 " " 69 175 69" 175 69 69"" " 69 69
composizione composizione composizione composizione 17 17 17 17
Composizione /
103 1/2" 40 103 1/2" 175 40 " 69 175 103 "103 103 103 69 1/2" 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2" 40 175 1/2" 175 175 1/2" 40 175 40 " " 69 175 69 " " 69 175 69" 69 69"
composizione composizione composizione composizione 16 16 16 16
Cuciture pelle / Leather seams
Composition /324 16 324 324 composizione composizione composizione composizione 16324 16 16 16
L.60 P.12 H.55 L.23 1/2’’ D.4 3/4’’ H.21 3/4’’
274 107 3/4"
composizione composizione composizione composizione 15 15 15 15
103 1/2" 40 103 280 40 1/2" 1/4" 110 280 103 110 1/4" 103 103 103 1/2" 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2" 40 280 280 1/2" 1/2" 280 280 40 1/4"110 1/4" 40 280 110 1/4" 280 110 1/4"110 1/4" 1/4" 110 110
composizione composizione composizione composizione 12 12 12 12
103 1/2" 40 103 280 40 1/2" 1/4" 110 280 103 103 103 110 1/4" 103 1/2" 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2" 40 1/2" 280 280 1/2" 40 280 280 1/4"110 1/4" 40 280 110 1/4" 280 110 1/4"110 1/4" 1/4" 110 110
composizione composizione composizione composizione 11 11 11 11
274 107 3/4"
274 107 3/4"
103 1/2" 40 103 280 40 1/2" 1/4" 110 280 103 103 103 110 1/4" 103 1/2" 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2" 40 1/2" 280 280 1/2" 40 280 280 40 1/4" 1/4"110 110 1/4" 280 1/4" 280 110 110 1/4" 110 110 1/4"
3 cs. 60x55 cs. 23 1/2"x 21 3/4"
Cod. A Costina semplice / Simple stitching Cod. B Pizzicata / Double felled seam Cod. C Con gros grain / With gros grain Cod. D Con profilo in tessuto / Fabric piping Cod. E Con punto cavallo / Blanket stitching
cs.60x55 68x50 3 cs. 60x55 3 3cs.cs.60x55 3 cs. 68x50 3 cs. 68x50 33cs. 60x55 3 cs. 60x55 2 cs.3102x50 cs. 60x55 2 cs. 102x50 2 cs. 102x50 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" cs. 26 3/4"x 19333/4" cs.23 261/2" xx21 1933/4" x x2121 19x23/4" 21 3 cs. 26 3/4"x 1933/4" cs. cs. 23 1/2"x 21 3 3cs. cs.2323 33/4"cs. 23 1/2"x221 cs.33/4" 40 cs. 1/4" 23x1/2" cs.3/4" 40 1/4"x 1923/4"cs. 40 1/4"x 19 3/4"
3 cs. 68x50 3 cs. 68x50 cs. 3 68x50 3 cs. 68x50 3 cs.360x55 cs. 60x55 3 cs. 60x55 3 cs. 60x55 3 cs.360x55 cs. 60x55 3 cs. 2 60x55 cs. 102x50 32 cs.cs. 60x55 102x50 2 cs. 102x502 cs. 102x50 3/4"3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 3/4"3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/4" 3/4"3/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3x cs. 26 3/4" 323 cs. 26 3 cs. 26 3/4"3xcs. 1926 19 3/4" 3 cs. x 19 3xcs. 2123 x 19 3/4" 3x cs. 21 3/4" 2331/2"cs. x 21 23 3 cs. 323 xcs. 21 23 x 213x cs. 21 23 2 cs. x40 21 31/4" cs. 2xcs. 23 1940 x 21 2x cs. 19 40 x 19 2 cs. 40 1/4"x 19 3/4" 214 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238238 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 84 93 93 93 93 93 9393 93 93 3/4" 93 3/4" 238 93 3/4"
Cuciture tessuto / Fabric seams
L.68 P.12 H.50 L.26 3/4’’ D. 4 3/4’’ H.19 3/4’’
3/4"1/4" 3/4" 1/4"
3/4" 3/4"
- Piuma / Feather - Fibra / Fiber
Cromo lucido/ Bright chrome
Busnelli / Technical data 2013
2 cs. 90x50 2 cs. 90x50 2 cs. 90x50 3 cs. 260x55 cs.390x50 cs. 60x55 3 cs. 60x55 3 cs. 60x55 3/4"1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1/2"3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 2 cs. 35 1/2"2xcs. 2x cs. 35 3 cs. 23 2 cs. 335 23 3 cs. 23 1/2"x 21 3/4" 1935 19 3/4" x 19 xcs. 21 x 19 3x cs. 21 23 x 21 214 214 214 214 1/4" 1/4" 84 1/4" 84 1/4" 8484
MADIA conMADIA ripiani con e cassetti ripianiS.G. e cassetti S.G.
MADIA conMADIA cassetticon cassetti MADIA ante MADIA complanari ante complanari
54 54 21 1/4" 21 1/4"
Sidetable / Sidetable
MADIA conMADIA cassetticon cassetti
MADIA conMADIA ripiani con ripiani
70 27 1/2" 70 27 1/2"
MADIA ante MADIA a battente ante a battente
240 240 94 1/2" 94 1/2"
270 270 106 1/4"106 1/4"
54 54 21 1/4" 21 1/4"
54 54 21 1/4" 21 1/4"
Versione Versione DX DX
64 25 1/4" 64 25 1/4"
28 11" 28 11" 160 160 63" 63"
MADIA conMADIA ripiani con e cassetti ripiani e cassetti S.G o D.G. S.G o D.G.
ripiani con ripiani MADIA ante MADIA a battente ante design a battente Taylor tavolino / small table Toan NguyenMADIA conMADIA
54 54 21 1/4" 21 1/4"
270 270 106 1/4"106 1/4"
80 80 31 1/2" 31 1/2"
MADIA conMADIA cassetticon cassetti
70 27 1/2" 70 27 1/2"
70 27 1/2" 70 27 1/2" 240 240 94 1/2" 94 1/2"
MADIA conMADIA ripiani con e cassetti ripiani e cassetti S.G o D.G. S.G o D.G.
MADIA conMADIA ripiani con ripiani
70 27 1/2" 70 27 1/2"
MADIA conMADIA ripiani con ripiani
S.G o D.G. S.G o D.G. Taylor sidetable /sidetable design Toan Nguyen
MADIA ante MADIA complanari ante complanari
80 80 31 1/2" 31 1/2"
35 35 50 50 13 3/4" 13 3/4"19 3/4" 19 3/4" Cod.SID
CREDENZA ante a battente Piano: rovere termotrattato (W01); laccato lucido/opaco. Basamento: acciaio finitura black nichel o cromo lucido. / Top: heat-treated oak (W01); glossy/matt lacquered. Base: steel black nickel or bright chrome finish.
CREDENZA ante a battente
45 17 3/4"
66 / 67
17 102 102 6 3/4" 40 1/4" 40 1/4" 221 87"
17 68 68 68 6 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 221 87"
17 120 120 6 3/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 257 101 1/4"
17 80 80 80 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 257 101 1/4"
80 31 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
70 50 27191/2" 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
80 " 1/2
58 " 3/4
V01 - Vetro dark grey retroverniciato / Dark grey back-varnished glass
V02 - Vetro bronzo retroverniciato / Bronce back-varnished glass
V03 - Vetro extrachiaro bianco retroverniciato / Extra-clear back-varnished glass
68 68 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 136 53 1/2"
80 80 23 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" 183 72"
102 40 1/4"
102 23 40 1/4" 9" 227 89 1/4"
120 47 1/4"
120 23 47 1/4" 9" 263 103 1/2"
Piano in legno / Wooden top
80 80 102 102 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 40 1/4" 40 1/4" 160 204 W01 63" - Rovere 80 1/4"
80 80 31 1/2" 31 1/2"
68 26 3/4
termotrattato / Heat-treated oak
71 28"
Portoro / Portoro marble
piedino polipropilene piedino polipropilene nero nero
L09 120 17L08120 1/4" / Testa di moro / Nero 47 6 3/4" 47 1/4" 143 137 Dark brown Black 160 160 80 80 " 80 80 54 56 1/4" 31 1/2" RAL 31 1/2"801931 1/2" 31 1/2" RAL 9004 63" 63"
L07 152 3/4" / 59Rosso 175 Red 103 103 " 69RAL 40 1/2"3001 40 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
Piano in vetro / Glass top
Pouf Nguyen Pouf piede Nguyen polipropilene piede polipropilene nero nero
40 15 3/4" 40 15 3/4"
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2" 40 15 3/4" 40 15 3/4"
17 L06 102/ 6 3/4" Marrone 40 1/4" 119 80 Brown 80 3/4" 46 1/2" 31 1/2"RAL 31 7006
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
71 28"
Chaise longue con bracciolo S.G. o D.G.
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
L05 17 - 80 Beige 6 3/4"/31 1/2" Beige16097 160 38 1/4" " 1019 RAL 63 63"
583/4" 583/4" 22 22
80 80 80 23 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" 263 103 1/2"
80 31 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
17 80 80 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 177 69 3/4"
71 28"
17 8017 80 80 2380 23 17 102 17 102 102 102 17 120 17 120 120 120 17 8017 80 80 80 80 2380 23 80 80 23 23 23 23 " " 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 9" 1/2" 96"3/4" 4061/4" 9"1/4" 96"3/4" 47 9" 1/2" 9" 6 3/4" 3161/2" 31 311/2" 31 4040 40 6 3/4" 47 1/4"47 1/4" 4791/4" 693/4" 3161/2" 31 311/2" 31 311/2" 31 200 200 244 244 280 280 280 280 103 103 78 3/4" 78 3/4" 96" 96" 110 1/4"110 1/4" 110 1/4"110 1/4" 40 1/2" 40 1/2" 17 68 68 6 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 153 60 1/4"
Emperador / Emperador marble
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
71 28" 71 28"
Calacatta oro / Calacatta gold marble
50 19 3/4"
45x4545x45 3/4" 17 3/4"x17 173/4" x 17 3/4"
40 15 3/4" 40 15 3/4"
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
17 68 68 17 17 80 80 17 17 90 102 17 17 68 68 68 17 17 120 120 17 17 80 80 80 17 80 90 17 17 102 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4"6 3/4" 6 3/4"31 1/2" 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 6 3/4" 35 1/2" 35 1/2" 6 3/4" 6 3/4"40 1/4" 40 1/4" 6 3/4"6 3/4"26 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4"6 3/4" 6 3/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 6 3/4"6 3/4"31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 214 170 194 238 238 274 274 103 M01 - Marmo 107 3/4" M02 - Marmo 40 1/2" M03 - Marmo 67" 76 1/2" 93 3/4" 93 3/4" 107 3/4" 84 1/4"
42 16 1/2" 61 42 1/2"" 1624 61 24"
80 80 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 103 103 40 1/2" 40 1/2"
71 28"
42 16 1/2" 71 28"
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
71 28" 71 28" 80 80 80 80 1/2" 31 311/2" 31 1/2" 240 240 94 1/2" 94 1/2"
80 31 1/2" 80 31 1/2"
103 103 40 1/2" 40 1/2"
Piano in marmo / Marble top
17 68 17 26 3/4" 6 3/4" 102 40 1/4"
piedino blackpiedino nichel oblack cromo nichel lucido o cromo lucido
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
71 28" 71 28"
103 103 40 1/2" 40 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
80 80 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 103 103 40 1/2" 40 1/2"
L04 Grigio seta / Silk80grey80 RAL 7044 31 1/2" 31 1/2"
103 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
263 263 103 1/2"103 1/2"
L03 L02 Grigio scuro / Grigio chiaro / Dark grey Dark grey 103 103 80 80 RAL 7005 RAL 7004 40 1/2" 40 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
263 263 103 1/2"103 1/2"
80 1" 1/22 4331/4 "
60x5560x55 68x5568x55 80x5580x55 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 211/2" x 21 26 x26 213/4" x 2131 x31 211/2" x 21 3/4" 23 1/2"x23
103 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
227 227 89 1/4" 89 1/4"
68 " 12 3/443/4 "
Struttura / 45 " Rullo optionalRullo optional 3/4 Structure 17
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
183 183 72" 72"
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
80 80 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 103 103 40 1/2" 40 1/2"
71 28" 71 28"
42 16 1/2" 61 42 1/2"" 1624 61 24"
71 28" 71 28" 17 8017 80 80 80 80 80 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 6 3/4" 3161/2" 31 311/2" 31 311/2" 31 1/2" 257 257 101 1/4"101 1/4"
120 " 1/4
Busnelli / Technical data 2013
80 80 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 103 103 40 1/2" 40 1/2"
Pouf Nguyen Pouf piede Nguyen cromato/nickel piede cromato/nickel
L01 Bianco / White 80 2380 2323 8023 80 1/2"" 31 1/2" 31 9" 1/2" 9" RAL 9" 319003 9 31 1/2"
58 " 3/4
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
80 80 102 102102 102 68 68 68 68 120 120 120 120 80 80 68 68 68 80 80 80 80 80 80 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 311/2" 31 1/2"40 1/4" 40 40 40 1/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4"47 1/4" 47 1/4"47 1/4" 47 1/4" 31 1/2" 31 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4" 311/2" 31 311/2" 31 1/2" 136 136 160 160 204 204 204 204 240 240 240 240 Piano laccato lucido/opaco / 1/2" 53 1/2" 53 1/2" 63" 63" 94 1/2" 94glossy/matt 94 1/2" 94 1/2" 80 1/4" 80 1/4" 80 1/4" 80 1/4" Top varnished
L09 L08 Nero / Testa di moro / 102102 102 80 Dark 80 80brown 80 80 80 2380 23 2380 23 102Black 23 23 120 120 120 120 23 23 80 80 " 9004 8019 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 9" 1/2" 9" 40 1/4"RAL 9"1/4" 9" 47 1/4" 47 1/4"47 1/4" 4791/4" 9" 31 1/2" 31 9" 1/2" 9" 40 40 40 31 1/2"RAL 31 311/2" 31 311/2" 31 311/2" 31
120 " 1 1/4 4 3/447 2 "
Black nichel/ Cromo lucido/102x50 90x50 90x50 68x5068x50 80x50 80x50 102x50 120x 3/4" 3/4" Black 3/4" 1/2"nickel 3/4" 3/4" chrome x35 191/2" x 19 3/4"40 1/4"x40 35 1/2"Bright 193/4" x 1931 x31 191/2" x 19 3/4" 191/4" x 19 3/4" 47 1/4"x4 26 3/4"x26
Dormeuse con bracciolo S.G. o D.G.
L07 Rosso / Red RAL 3001
68 1" 4633/4/4 2 2 "
80 31 1/2" 80 31 1/2"
L06 Marrone / Brown RAL 7006
60 12 " 1/2 4 3/4"
71 28"
L05 Beige / Beige RAL 1019
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
L04 Grigio seta / Silk grey RAL 7044
102 " 1/4 4 12 40 3/4"
103 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
120 120 120 17 17178017 80 80 80 80 1780 17 80 80 1/4" 3/4"3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 47 1/4"47 1/4" 47 6 3/4" 631 1/2" 6 3/4" 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 6 6 316 3/4"31 311/2" 31 311/2" 274 274 274 274 103 103 07 3/4"107 3/4" 107 3/4"107 3/4" 40 1/2" 40 1/2"
Cod.TV2 71 28" 71 28"
42 16 1/2" 61 42 24" 16 1/2" 61 24"
71 28"
71 28"
60 1 4 31/2" 2 23 /4"
45 1 10 4" 0 4" 17 3/ 4"
Piano: rovere termotrattato (W01); laccato lucido/opaco; cristallo h 10 mm temperato nei colori dark grey (V01), bronzo (V02) o 35 (V03) 50 extrachiaro bianco retroverniciato; marmo calacatta oro (M01), emperador (M02) 19 e 3/4" portoro (M03). Basamento: acciaio 13 3/4" finitura black nichel o cromo lucido. / Top: heat-treated oak (W01); glossy/matt lacquered; tempered glass h 10 mm in colors dark (V01), bronze (V02) o extrachiaro (V03) backvarnished; marble calacatta gold (M01), emperador (M02) and portoro (M03). Base: stell black nickel or chrome finish.
80 31 1/2"
160 63"
55 21 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
80 31 1/2"
termotrattato / Heat-treated oak
12 3/4"
102 1 /4" 0 12 4 34/4 "
42 42 16 1/2" 16 1/2" 61 42 24" 16 1/2"
Grigio scuro / Dark grey RAL 7005
50 19 3/4"
70 27 1/2"
124 48 3/4" 42 16 1/2" 61 42 1/2"" 1624 61 24"
120 120 17 120 17 120 1/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 6 3/4" 47 6 3/4" 47 1/4" 143 143 137 137 " - Rovere 54" 54W01 56 1/4" 56 1/4"
152 152 59 3/4" 59 3/4" 175 175 69" 69"
Versione DX
Tavolino / TAVOLINO PIANO Small LEGNO table - MARMO
80 " 1/2 4
54 21 1/4"
270 106 1/4" 1 4 3/4 2 "
80 1" 1/22 4331/4 "
68 " 12 3/44 26 3/4"
103 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
Grigio chiaro / Light grey RAL 7004
Taylor tavolini 240 160 x 80 x 28 54 cm e 80 x 80 x 28 cm / 1/4" 94 1/2" tables 63" x 31 211/2 Taylor small " x 11" and 311/2" x 311/2" x 11"
54 21 1/4"
MADIA con ripiani e cassetti S.G o D.G.
MADIA con ripiani
68 1" 4633/4/4 2 2 "
64 25 1/4"
L01 Bianco / White RAL 9003
108 42 1/2"
MADIA ante complanari
1 4 3/4 2 "
28 11"
Cromo lucido / Bright chrome
42 16 1/2" 61 42 1/2"" 1624 61 24"
71 28" 71 28"
Busnelli / Technical data 2013
Black nichel / Black nickel
17 8017 80 17 102 17 102 3/4" 3/4" 6 3/4" 3161/2" 31 1/2"6 3/4" 4061/4" 40 1/4" 97 97 119 119 38 1/4"L02 38 -1/4" 46 3/4" 46 3/4"L03 -
Piano in legno / Wooden Chaise longue Chaisecon longue bracciolo con bracciolo S.G. top o D.G. S.G. o D.G.
71 28" 71 28"
Piano laccato lucido/opaco / Top glossy/matt varnished Dormeuse Dormeuse con bracciolo con bracciolo S.G. o D.G. S.G. o D.G.
Struttura / Structure
54 21 1/4"
MADIA con cassetti
S.G o D.G.
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
216 85"
MADIA con ripiani e cassetti S.G.
MADIA ante complanari
45 17 3/4"
MADIA con ripiani
124 48 3/4"
Taylor sidetable 35 x 50 x 64 cm / Taylor sidetable 133/4" x 193/4" x 251/4"
MADIA anteMADIA a battente chiusa anteMADIA a battente antechiusa a battente chiusa
MADIA ante a battente aperta MADIA anteMADIA a battente anteaperta a battente aperta
areittessac AIDAM
inaipir AIDAM MADIA ante a battente aperta
asuihc iranalpmoc etna AIDAM
Credenza / Cupboard CREDENZA ante a battente
CREDENZA ante a battente
CREDENZA ante a battente
asuihc etnettab a etna 108 AIDAM
54 21 1/4"
42 1/2"
70 27 1/2" 70 27 1/2"
70 27 1/2" 70 27 1/2"
70 27 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 61 24" 55 21 3/4" 70 55 1/2" 273/4" 21
55 21 3/4" 70 55 1/2" 273/4" 21 70 71" 27 1/2"28
98 70 3/4" 1/2" 55 38 50 3/4" 180 19 3/4" 2155 3/4" 70 3/4" 2170 1/2"50 2770 19 3/4"
102 1/4" 4430/41 2 "
102 " 1/4 4 12 40 3/4" ONAIP ONILOVAT OM RA 0M7-2ONGEL 363 363
80 " 1 1/24 3/4 2 "
196 19 3/4" 77 1/4"
80 1" 1/2 2 3413/4"
68 "1 43/4 2 26 3/4"
19 3/4" 55 21 3/4" 50 70 19 3/4" 27 1/2"
68 "1 4 3/4 2 26 3/4"
120 1/4" 47310 137 " 122 54" 205
80 33
iranalpmoc etna AIDAM
27 1/2"
98 1 4 3/4 2 "
38 50 19 3/4" 180
27 1/2"
55 3/4" 2155 3/4" 2170 27701/2"
27 1/2"
55 21 3/4" 70 27 1/2"
1 4 3/4 2
102 " 1/4
1 4 3/4 2
120 " 1/4
1 4 3/4 2 "
26 58 " 3/4
68 " 3/4
1 4 3/4 2 "
80 " 1/2
120 /4" 7 12 4 34/4 "
45 1 45 10 4" 0 4" 4" 17 3/ 4" 17 3/ Rullo optional Rullo optional
42 16 1/2" 61 205 24" 80 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
103 40 1/2"
205 98 80 3/4" 38 1/2" 98
338 133"
274 2 3/4" 2 107 3/4"
133 52 1/4"
71 55 " 28 21 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
38 1/2"
274 120 " 12 3/4" 7 1/4 4 4 3/4107 "
298 1/4" 117 298 117 1/4"
102 " 1/4
98 1/2" 38 98
133 1/4" 52 133 52 1/4"
50 19 3/4"
238 93 3/4"4 3/41" 2
205 80 3/4"
60 " 1/2
80 " 1/2
205 3/4" 80 205 80 3/4" 338 " 133 338 133"
21 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
77 1/4"
401 3/4" 157 401 55 157 3/4" 80 3/4"
1 4 3/4 2 "
1 4 3/4 2 "
55 21 3/4"
42 98 1/2" 38 1/2" 16 61 180 24" 50 3/4" 70 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
71 28"
58 58 " " 3/4 2 3/4 2
205 3/4" 80 205
80 80 68 68 " 1 1 " 1 1 " " 4 3/4 2 4 3/46 23/4 6 3/4 4 3/4 2 4 3/43121/2 31 1/2 " " " 2" 2
19650 191/4" 3/4" 77 196
50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
55 21 3/4"
19 3/4"
4219 3/4" 1/2" 50 16 19 3/4" 98 61 38 1/2" 24" 98 180 1/2" 38 50 3/4" 70 19 3/4" 180 50 70 3/4" 55 21 3/4"
60 60 1 1 4 3/4 2 4 3/4 12/2" 1/2" " 23" 23
238 68 120 120 103 02 102 274 1214 " " /4" 1/4" 1 1 /4" 13/4" 1 1 1/4 7 1/4 123/4" /4" 1/2" 4 40 4 3/4 2 4 3/4 247 4 393 4 3/4 2 4 3/4 420 1 107 3 4084 /4" " " " " 26
45 /4"
80 /2"
1 31
55 21 3/4"
120 47 1/4" 143 56 1/4"
170 68 68 274 194 80 80 "1 " 3/4" 1 1 1 /2" 1/2"/2" " 1 1 4 3/4 267 4 6 23/4 6 3/4107 4 3/4 2 4 3/431276 31 " 3/4 " " 2" 2
45 /4"
238 93 3/4"
120 47 1/4" 137 54"
50 19 3/4"
1 4 3/4 2
50 19 3/4"
68 /4" 63
50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
55 3/4" 2155 3/4" 2170 27701/2"
27 1/2"
55 3/4" 2155 3/4" 2170 27701/2" 42 16 1/2" 71 28"
102 40 1/4"
71 28"
61 24"
42 16 1/2" 61 24"
42 1/2" 1671 28" 61 42 " 1/2" 1624
71 28"
71 28"
61 24"
50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
70 27 1/2"
28 11" 70 27 1/2"
70 27 1/2"
70 27 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 71 28"
42 16 1/2" 61 42 " 1/2" 1624
71 28"
71 28"
42 50 19 3/4" 6 1/2" 61 " 50 24 19 3/4"
50 19 3/4"
71 28"
42 6 1/2" 61 24"
71 42 28" 6 1/2" 42 61 6 1/2"" 24 61 24"
71 28" 71 28"
1 4 3/4 2
45 /4"
70 27 1/2"
27 1/2"
70 27 1/2"
70 27 1/2"
70 27 1/2"
70 27 1/2"
70 1/2" 27 70
70 27 1/2"
70 27 1/2"
70 27 1/2" 70 27 1/2"
64 25 1/4"
28 11"
64 25 1/4"
28 11"
64 25 1/4"
70 27 1/2" 70 27 1/2" 28 11"
70 27 1/2"
70 27 1/2"
70 27 1/2" 124 48 3/4"
70 27 1/2"
124 48 3/4"
64 25 1/4"
42 6 1/2" 42 61 6 1/2"" 24 61 24"
120 " 1/4
inaipir noc AIDAM
07 72
120 /4" 7 12 4 34/4
ittessac e inaipir noc AIDAM .G.D o G.S
12 3/4
3630363 42 310 /1 " 49 143""2143 122" L07 265265 105 205 1/4" Rosso 1/4" 1/4"/ 104104 41 80 3/4"
45 12
105 41 1/4" 41 1/4" 80 3/4" 80 3/4"
ittessac noc AIDAM
enoisreV XD
152 17 3/4" 6 3/4" 45 59 363 363 042 "4/1 12175143" 143" "2/1 49 69" 98 98 265 265 105 38 1/2" 38 1/2" 104 1/4" 104 1/4" 41 1/4"
82 11
102 " 1/4 4
08 "2/1 13 etnettab a etna AIDAM
17 80 17 102 1/2" 6 3/4" 31 6 3/4" 40 1/4" 310 310 119 122" 97 122" 38 1/4" 205 46 3/4" 105 205
71 28" 71 28"
061 " 36
L06 Marrone / Brown RAL 7006
iranalpmoc etna AIDAM
07 72
102 1/4" 4430/41 2
L05 Beige / Beige RAL 1019
Chaise longue con b
inaipir noc AIDAM
.G.S ittessac e inaipir noc AIDAM
80 " 12 1/2 31 4 3/4
421 84
80 1" 1/2 2 3413/4
68 /4" 12 6 43 3/4
17 82
68 /4"12 64 33/4
1 4 3/4 2
24 "2/1 6 16 42
21 4 4/3
612 " 58
45 12
46 52
.G.D o .G.S oloiccarb noc esuemroD
86 "4/ 36
17 82
21 4 4/3
54 21 1/4"
17 68 68 17 17 80 80 17 17 90 90 17 17 102 6 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 3/4"6 3/4" 6 3/4"31 1/2" 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 6 3/4" 35 1/2" 35 1/2" 6 3/4" 6 3/4"40 1/4" 214 170 194 238 67" 76 1/2" 93 3/4" 84 1/4" 120102120 17 120 17 17120 80 17 152 17 3/4"3/4" 1/4" 3/4"1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 6 3/4" 4761/4" 6 4731 1/2" 647 40 47 59 3/4" 6 3/4" 143119 143 97 175 137 137 38"1/4" 46 3/4" 69" 54" 54 56 1/4" 56 1/4"
.G.D o .G.S oloiccarb noc eugnol esiahC
24 "2/1 6 16 42
08 "2/ 11
21 4 4/3
05 "4/3 91
05 "4/3 91
21 4 4/3
05 "4/3 91
05 "4/3 91
MADIA con cassetti
"4/1 "4/1 " 12 601 143"143" 143"143" 143" 143"143" 143" L08 L09 - 143 265 98 98 98 98 98 265265 98 265 98 98 265265 98 2 98 98 265265 0 0 1/4" 1/2" Testa moro / / 8 8 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" di 1/2" 1/4" Nero 1/2" 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/2" 1/4" 60 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 8 8 0 6 6 6 104 38 38 38 38 104104 38 104 38 38 104104 381 384" 38 104 38 10 " 104 1 1 1" " 12 4"12 1/2 2 1/2 08 05 53 43/ 2061 4 3/4 2 413/2" 2 1/24 3/40" 8 264 33//4" 3413/4" 31 Dark brown Black Red " 26 3/4" 23 /4" 23 " 4/3 17 17"4/3 120 "2/1 102 1717 17 68 68 17 68 681717681768120 17 17 120 80 80 17 17 80 17 17 10280 102 17 17 68 68 "68 120 17 17 80 80 17 80"2/1 1380 17 68 68 17 9080 90 13 91 31 3680 9004 RAL 3001 1/2" 8019 3/4"3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1/4"RAL 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1/2" 31 1/2" 40 1/4" 6 3/4"626 26 6 3/4" 26 3/4" 26 6 3/4" 626 3/4" 6 3/4" 26 47 6 3/4" 6 3/4"47 311/4" 31 6 3/4" 40 1/4" 6 3/4"6 3/4"26 3/4"RAL 26 3/4" 26 3/4"6 3/4" 6 3/4" 47 1/4" 47 1/4" 6 3/4"6 3/4"31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 68 66 3/4"31 31 26 3/4" 26 3 6 3/4" 35311/2" 35 66 3/4"6 3/4"4031 58 5
421 84
68 / 69 021 "4/ 17
Chaise longue con bracciolo S.G. o D.G.
54 54 21 1/4" 21 1/4"
MADIA con ripiani e cassetti W01 - Rovere S.G o D.G. termotrattato / Heat-treated oak
MADIA MADIA con cassetti con cassetti MADIA con ripiani
conbracciolo bracciolo S.G.oS.G. oD.G. D.G. ChaiseDormeuse Chaise longuelongue con con bracciolo S.G. o D.G.
08 "2/1 13 07 72
17 82
bracciolo olo S.G. oS.G. D.G.o D.G.
24 "2/1 61 16 42 "
17 82
24 021 74 341 "4/1 65
inaipir noc AIDAM
310310 122"122" 105105 205205 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" 3/4" 41bracciolo 41 S.G. o80 Chaise longue con D.G.80
.G.Dtermotrattato; o .G.S oloiccarb nlaccato oc esuemlucido/opaco roD Dormeuse Dormeuse connello bracciolo con bracciolo S.G. colore o D.G.S.G.dell'esterno o D.G. Dormeuse .G.D o .G.S oloiccaStruttura: rb noc eugnorovere l esiahC termotrattato (W01) con interno in rovere Chaise longue Chaise conlongue bracciolo con bracciolo S.G. o D.G.S.G. o D.G. (con interno laccato stesso ma sempre in versione opaca).
L08 Grigio seta / "4/1 60Silk 1 grey RAL 7044
072 601
45 "4/1 Cod.MB5/DG 12
17 68 17 Ripiani in cristallo temperato. Basamento: black nichel o cromo lucido. / Structure: heat-treated oak (W01) with heat treated oak internal; glossy/matt lacquered (internal part always matt lacquered in the same colo as external 26 3/4"side). 6 3/4" Shelves in extra clear temper glass. Base: black nickel or bright chrome. 102 40 1/4" 021 71 251 201 71 08 71 17 8017 80 17 102 17 102 152 152 "4/1 "4/3 "4/1 "2/1 3/4" 3/4" 74 "4/3 6 95 04 "4/3 6 13 "4/3 6 6 3/4" 3161/2" 31 1/2" 6 3/4" 4061/4" 40 1/4" 59 3/4" 59 3/4" 571 911 79 97 97 119 119 175 175 731 " "4/3 "4/1 " 96 64 83 38 1/4" 38 1/4" 46 3/4" 46 3/4" 69" 69" 45
270 270 106 1/4" 106 1/4"
.G.D o G.S
45 "4/1 12
05 53 "4/3 ittessac e ina"ip4/ir3noc AIDAM 91 3.G1.D o G.S
ittessac noc AIDAM
etnettab a etna AIDAM
54 21 1/4"
82 11
54 Cod.MB5/SG 21 1/4"
45 270 801 12 106 1/4" "2/1 24
ittessac noc AIDAM
etnettab a etna AZNEDERC
MADIA con cassetti iranalpmoc etna AIDAM
270 106 1/4"
270 106 1/4"
MADIA con ripiani e cassetti inaipir noc AIDS.G AMo D.G.
07 72
inaipir noc AIDS.G AMo D.G.
itteMADIA ssac e incon aipiMADIA r noc AIcon DAMcassetti cassetti .G.D o MADIA G.S con ripiani
07 72
54 54 21 1/4" 21 1/4"
enoisreV XD
054 42 54 "2/11/4" 49 21 1/4" 21
Madia 270 ripiani e cassetti D.G. / MADIA con ripiani270 e cassetti MADIA R.F. con cassetti Sideboard shelves and drawers
.G.D oMADIA G.S con ripiani
MADIA ante S.Gaobattente D.G. S.G o D.G.
ittecon ssaMADIA c noc AeIcon Dcassetti AMripiani e cassetti MADIA ripiani MADIA anteS.G a battente S.G o D.G. o D.G.
54 21 1/4"
MADIA con cassetti MADIA con MADIA ripiani con
Wooden structure
54 21 1/4"
MADIA MADIA con ripiani coneripiani cassetti L03 - e cassetti L02 MADIA ante S.Gaobattente D.G. S.G o D.G. Grigio scuro / Grigio chiaro / Dark grey Light grey RAL 7005 RAL 7004
MADIA con cassetti MADIAMADIA con ripiani con ripiani
0454 2 54 491/4"21 1/4" 21
45 270 270 "4/1 1/4" 1/4" 12106 106
54 21 1/4"
80 31 1/2"
MADIA con ripiani e cassetti MADIA anteMADIA a battente S.G oante D.G.a battente
MADIA con MADIA cassetticon cassetti MADIA con ripiani
Dormeuse con bracciolo S.G. o D.G.
270 45 270 "4/1/4" 1 Cod.MB2/DG 106 12106 1/4"
Madia 270 ripiani e cassetti S.G. / con ripiani e cassetti eSideboard cassetti ittess270 ac e inaMADIA ipir noMADIA ccon AIDcassetti Aand M ittesMADIA sac noMADIA ccon AIDripiani AM con cassetti shelves drawers L.F.
L01 Bianco / White RAL 9003
07 72
240 94 1/2"
54 60211 1/4"21 1/4"
inaipir AIDAM
80 160 " 31 1/2"Struttura63 in legno /
50 19 3/4"
240 94 1/2"
54 54 21 1/4" 21 1/4"
MADIA con cassetti con ripiani con ripiani iranalpmoc etna AIDAMMADIA MADIA
Versione DX
46 52
Madia 270 ripiani / Sideboard 270 shelves
421 84
etnettab a etna AZNEDERC
240 54 94 1/2" Cod.MB2/SG21 1/4"
421 84
35 13 3/4"
MADIA con MADIA ripiani econ cassetti ripiani e cassetti S.G o D.G.MADIA S.G o ante D.G. a battente
Structure glossy/matt varnished
inaipir noc AIDAMMADIA con ripiani e cassetti Cromo lucido / MADIA ante a battente ante a battente S.GMADIA o D.G. Bright chrome
270270 1/4" 1/4" 106106
07 72
Madia 270 battente / 35 ante a 50 MADIA con ripiani 3/4" Sideboard 270e cassetti hinged 13a ante 19 3/4" doors MADIA MADIA ante battente a battente S.G o D.G.
ssetti A con ripiani
Versione DX
072 54 54 "4/1/4" 1 60121 1/4" 21
240 45 240 "4/11/2" 94 12 94 1/2"
MADIA con cassetti MADIA con MADIA ripiani con ripiani
240 240 94 1/2" 94 1/2"
612 " 58
45 12
Black nichel / Black nickel
iranalpmoc etna AIDAMMADIA MADIA con ripiani con ripiani
45 240 240 "4/1 Cod.MC5/DG 1294 1/2" 94 1/2" 82 11
07 72
270 106 1/4"
Busnelli / Technical data 2013
asuihc etnettab a etna AIDAM
80 160 " 31 1/2" lucida/opaca / 63Struttura laccata
MADIA con ripiani e cassetti MADIA anteMADIA a battente ante a battente S.G o D.G.
ittessaMADIA c noripiani c Acon IDAeripiani Mcassetti aipir noMADIA c AIDcassetti AM MADIA con e cassetti.G.S ittessac e inMADIA con con cassetti con ripiani MADIA anteoaD.G. battente .G.D o G.MADIA S S.G o D.G. S.G
80 80 Madia 240 ripiani / 80 0Madia 8 08/ 3580 35 50Madia 05160 502405ripiani 3 35 ripiani 06e150 e cassetti S.G. / 240 cassetti D.G. " 3/4" "4 3/4" /3 1/2" "2/Sideboard 1MADIA con ripiani "2/MADIA 1 MADIA cassetti MADIA MADIA ripiani con cassetti ripiani e cassetti it"te3/4" ssac "MADIA e4240 i/n3ai3 pir1con nshelves ocMADIA AID31 AMcon e cassetti ittessaccon noc13 AI31 D3/4" AMe1/2" cassetti cassetti con cassetti Sideboard and drawers L.F. 240 shelves drawers Sideboard 240 shelves 31con1/2" 31 1/2" 13oante 13 AR.F. 13 19 963 119 13 3/4" 319 6 3/4"and con MADIA ripiani con ripiani MADIA con ripiani inaipir noMADIA c AIDAM ripiani con ripiani etnettab a etnMADIA a AIDAM anteMADIA a S.G battente etnettab a etna AIDMADIA M con MADIA S.G o D.G.MADIA S.G oante D.G.a battente .G.D o G.S D.G. a battente
inaipir noc AIDMADIA AM o D.G. anteMADIA a battente ante a battente S.G
Versione DX
80 24080 160 Madia ante a160 battente / 1/2" 1/2" hinged MADIA ripiani e cassetti Sideboard 240 31con 31 63" doors 63"
106 1/4"
54 Cod.MC5/SG 21 1/4" 46 52
106 1/4" 1106 2 1/4"
inaipir noc AID AMo D.G.MADIA MADIA ante a battente ante a battente S.G
54 21 1/4"
270 801 "2/11/4" 106 24
45 12
Madia 270 ripiani e cassetti D.G. / MADIA con ripiani270 e cassetti MADIA conR.F. cassetti Sideboard shelves and 2 drawers
042 54 54 "2/1 4921 1/4"21 1/4"
ittesMADIA sac nocMADIA con AIDripiani AMconeripiani cassetti e cassetti ittess270 ac e inaMADIA ipir nocMADIA con AIDcassetti Aand Mcon cassetti Sideboard shelves drawers MADIA ante S.Gcomplanari o D.G. S.G o D.G. .G.D oMADIA G.S con ripiani
07 "2/1 72
07 72
MADIA MADIA con ripiani con ripiani
etnettab a etna AIDAM
04254 54 4 2191/4" 21 1/4"
80 31 1/2"
etnettab a etna AZNEDERC
Basamento / Base
MADIA con MADIA cassetticon cassetti MADIA con ripiani
MADIA MADIA ante complanari ante complanari inaipir noc AIDAM S.G o D.G.
07 72
MADIA con ripiani e cassetti S.G.
asuihc iranalpmoc etna AIDAM
54 21 1/4"
70 27 1/2"
atrepa etnettab a etna AIDAM
70 27 1/2"
etnettab a etna AZNEDERC MADIA con MADIA ripiani econ cassetti ripiani e cassetti MADIA anteS.G complanari S.G o D.G. o D.G.
iranalpmoc etna AIDAM
4270 5 270 Cod."106 4/MC2/DG 1 121/4" 106 1/4"
Madia 270 ripiani e cassetti S.G. /
Madia 270 ripiani / Sideboard 270 shelves
Madia 270 ante complanari / Sideboard 270 coplan doorsMADIA con cassetti
S.G o D.G.
240 54 94 1/2" Cod.MC2/SG21 1/4"
54 54 0754 2 108 "4/11/2"1/4" 21 601 21 1/4"21 1/4" Cod.MC1 42
.G.D o G.S
07 72
45240 240 94 12 1/2" 94 1/2"
54 21 1/4"
TAVOLINO PIANO asLEGNO uihc et-neMARMO ttab a etna AIDAM
70 27 1/2"
CREDENZA ante a battente
Madia 240 ripiani e cassetti S.G. / Madia 240 ripiani e cassetti D.G. / Madia 240 ripiani / Madia 240 ante complanari / MADIA con MADIA ripiani con ripiani inaipir noc AIDAM MADIA con ripiani e cassetti S.G. MADIAitcon tessMADIA ripiani ac noc eAcon Icassetti DAripiani M S.G. e cassetti .S.G. G.S ittMADIA essac e con inaipMADIA cassetti ir noc Acon IDAcassetti M MADIA con ripiani con cassetti Sideboard 240 shelves and drawers L.F. Sideboard 240 shelves and 2MADIA drawers R.F. Sideboard 240 shelves Sideboard 240 coplan doors iranalpmoc etna AIDAM inaipir noc AIDAM MADIA anteMADIA complanari ante complanari MADIA con MADIA ripiani con ripiani S.G o D.G.MADIA S.G o D.G. ante complanari
inaipir AIDAM
240 94 1/2"
atrepa etnettab a etna AIDAM
MADIA anteMADIA complanari ante complanari
areittessac AIDAM
54 21 1/4"
42 1/2"
Struttura: rovere termotrattato (W01) con interno in rovere termotrattato; laccato lucido/opaco (interno sempre nello stesso colore dell'esterno ma in versione opaca). Ripiani in cristallo temperato. Basamento: black nichel o cromo lucido. / Structure: heat treated oak (W01) with heat treated oak internal; glossy/matt lacquered (internal part always matt lacquered in the same color as external side). Versione Shelves in extra clear temper glass. Base: black nickel or bright chrome. SIDE TABLE
Taylor madia 4 ante a battente 240 x 54 x 70 cm / Taylor sideboard 4 hinged doors 941/2" x 211/4" x 271/2"
MADIA ante a battente aperta
asuihc eranalpmoc e108 tna AIDAM
45 17 3/4"
Busnelli / Technical data 2013
124 48 3/4"
216 240inaipir AIDAM 54 54 21 1/4" 21 1/4" 85" 94 1/2"
areittessac AIDAM
S.G o D
atrepa etnettab a etna AIDAM54 216 21 1/4" 85"
asuihc etnettab a etna AIDAM
atrepa etnettab a etna AIDAMMADIA ante a battente aperta
50 19 3/4"
MADIA ante a battente chiusa
55 21 3/4"
MADIA ante a battente aperta MADIA anteMADIA a battente anteaperta a battente aperta
MADIA ante complanari
MADIA ante complanari
45 17 3/4"
MADIA anteMADIA a battente chiusa anteMADIA a battente antechiusa a battente chiusa
MADIA con ripiani
MADIA con cassetti
S.G o D.G.
64 25 1/4"
ante nte aperta a battente aperta cassettiera
MADIA con ripiani e cassetti S.G.
124 48 3/4" 70 27 1/2"
Taylor madia 2 ante complanari 240 x 54 x 70 cm / Taylor sideboard 2 coplan doors 941/2" x 211/4" x 271/2"
MADIA ante complanari
124 48 3/4"
124 48 3/4"
MADIA con ripiani
551/4" 77 3/4" 2155
CREDENZA ante a battente
MADIA ante a battente apertaMADIA MADIA MADIA ante a battente chiusa aante suihac battente eante ranaalpbattente maperta oc etnaaperta AIDAM
28 11"
MADIA cassettiera acassettiera trepa etnettab a etna AIDAM MADIA MADIA ante a battente ante a battente chiusa chiusa asuihc etnettab a etna AIDAM MADIA MADIA ante a battente ante a battente aperta chiusa asuihc ripiani etnettab a etna AIDAM MADIA MADIA ante a battente ante a battente chiusa MADIA MADIA ripiani MADIA ante complanareMADIA chiusa MADIA cassettiera MADIA ripiani MADIA cassettiera areittaperta essac AIDAM MADIA ante a battente inaipir chiusa AIDAM
MADIA ante a battente aperta
Taylor credenza 4 ante a battente 216 x 54 x 124 cm / Taylor cupboard 4 hinged doors 85" x 211/4" x 483/4"
Taylor credenza 2 ante a battente 108 x 54 x 124 cm / Taylor cupboard 2 hinged doors 421/2" x 211/4" x 483/4"
ni mplanare e chiusa a etna Achiusa IDAM
MADIA ante a battente chiusa
70 27 1/2"
MADIA anteMADIA MADIA a battente anteaperta a battente aperta cassettiera
50 196 19 3/4"
AZNEDERC MADIA anteMADIA a battente antechiusa a ripiani battente chiusa MADIA
MADIA ripiani MADIA ripiani
401 157 3/4"
MADIA cassettiera asuihc iranalpmoc etna AIDAM MADIA ripiani MADIA ripiani MADIA ante complanare MADIA cassettiera chiusa MADIA cassettiera
401 157 3/4"
inaipir AIDAM
MADIA ante complanari chiusa MADIA ante complanare chiusa
55 21 3/4" 70 27 1/2"
areittessac AIDAM MADIA ripiani MADIA anteMADIA complanare ante complanare chiusa chiusa
MADIA cassettiera
196 77 1/4"
MADIAMADIA cassettiera MADIA ante complanari cassettiera chiusa asuihc eranalpmoc etna AIDAM
205 80 3/4"
MADIA ripiani MADIA ripiani
MADIA ripiani
50 19 3/4"
MADIA anteMADIA complanari ante chiusa complanari CREDENZA chiusa inaipir AIDAM
areittessac AIDAM
MADIA ante complanari chiusa
Taylor madia e credenza / sideboard and cupboard design Toan Nguyen
70 27 1/2"
Taylor madia e credenza / sideboard and cupboard design Toan Nguyen
136 53 1/2"
Taylor letto / bed design Toan Nguyen
8080 80 1/2"1/2" 3131 31 1/2"
Basamento / Base
Black nichel / Black nickel
70 / 71
Cromo lucido / Bright chrome
200 78 3/4" 225 88 1/2"
200 78 3/4" 225 88 1/2"
42 40 16 1/2" 15 3/4"
42 16 1/2"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
40 15 3/4"
160 63"
42 40 421/2" 15 403/4" 16 16 1/2" 15 3/4" 42 40 16 1/2" 15 3/4"
80 31 1/2"
80 31 1/2"
40 403/4" 15 15 3/4" 40 15 3/4"
42 40 16 1/2" 15 3/4" 40 15 3/4"
80 31 1/2"
80 31 1/2"
42 40 16 1/2" 15 3/4"
42 40 421/2" 15 403/4" 16 16 1/2" 15 3/4" 42 40 16 1/2" 15 3/4" 40 403/4" 15 15 3/4" 40 15 3/4"
160 80 " 31 631/2"
160 80 63 31"1/2"
40 15 3/4"
42 40 16 1/2" 15 3/4" 40 15 3/4"
160 63"
160 63"
42 40 16 1/2" 15 3/4"
42 40 16 1/2" 15 3/4"
160 63"
160 63"
piedino polipropilene piedino neropolipropilene nero piedino polipropilene nero
40 15 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
200 78 3/4" 225 88 1/2"
30 11 3/4"
90 35 1/2"
90 35 1/2"
180 200 70 3/4" 78 3/4" 190 225 74 3/4" 88 1/2"
30 11 3/4"
180 170 180 3/4" " 7067 70 3/4" 190 180 190 3/4" 74 703/4" 74 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
170 160 170 " " 6763 67" 180 170 180 3/4"" 70 67 70 3/4"
90 35 1/2"
160 63" 170 67"
200 180 200 70 3/4" 78 3/4" 78 3/4" 225 190 225 74 3/4" 88 1/2" 88 1/2" 90 35 1/2"
90 35 1/2" 180 170 180 " 70 673/4" 70 3/4" 190 180 190 3/4" 74 703/4" 74 3/4" 90 35 1/2"
30 11 3/4"
160 63" 170 67"
170 160 170 67 63" " 67" 180 170 180 3/4"" 7067 70 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
203 80" 228 89 3/4"
160 63" 170 67"
80 31 1/2"
40 15 3/4"
80 31 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
160 80 63 31"1/2"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
160 63"
160 63"
160 80 " 31 631/2"
80 31 1/2"
80 31 1/2"
42 80 31 1/2" 16 1/2" 80 31 1/2"
80 31 1/2"
80 103 31 1/2" 40 1/2" 80 31 1/2"
8080 80 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2"
piedino polipropilene piedino nero polipropilene nero piedino polipropilene nero
piedino black nichel piedino o cromo black lucido nichel o piedino cromo lucido black nichel o cromo lucido
30 11 3/4"
203 80" 228 89 3/4"
160 63" 170 67"
30 11 3/4"
193 203 76" 80" 203 228 80" 89 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
90 35 1/2"
90 35 1/2"
30 11 3/4"
193 76" 203 80"
203 80" 228 89 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
152 59 3/4" 162 63 3/4"
203 193 203 80" 80" 76" 203 228 228 80" 89 3/4" 89 3/4" 90 35 1/2"
193 152 76" 59 3/4" 162 203 80"3/4" 63
90 35 1/2"
193 76" 203 80"
90 35 1/2"
90 35 1/2"
30 11 3/4"
152 59 3/4" 162 63 3/4"
193 152 76"3/4" 59 162 203 " 803/4" 63
30 11 3/4"
213 83 3/4" 238 93 3/4"
152 152 59 3/4" 59 3/4" 162 162 63 3/4" 63 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
213 83 3/4" 238 93 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
90 35 1/2"
90 35 1/2"
183 213 72" 83 3/4" 193 238 76" 93 3/4"
213 83 3/4" 238 93 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
183 72" 193 76"
90 35 1/2"
183 72" 193 76"
213 183 213 72" 83 3/4" 83 3/4" 193 238 238 76" 93 3/4" 93 3/4" 90 35 1/2"
183 72" 193 76" 90 35 1/2"
183 72" 193 76"
42 16 1/2"
160 63"
80 31 1/2"
42 80 421/2" 103 16 31 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1640 42 80 31 1/2" 16 1/2"
42103 1/2" 42 103 1/2" 16 40 1/2" 1/2" 1640 42103 1/2" 1/2" 1640
42103 1/2" 1/2" 1640
103 80 80 1/2"1/2" 3140 31 1/2"
103 1/2" 103 40 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
80 31 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
80 103 31 1/2" 40 1/2" 80 31 1/2"
103 40 1/2"
103 40 1/2"
42 80 31 1/2" 16 1/2" 42103 1/2" 1/2" 1640
42 80 421/2" 103 16 31 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1640 42 80 31 1/2" 16 1/2"
80103 31 1/2" 40 1/2"
Letto low / Bed low
42 16 1/2"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
103 80 80 31 401/2"1/2" 31 1/2"
Pouf NguyenPouf piede Nguyen polipropilene piede Pouf polipropilene Nguyen nero piedenero polipropilene nero
8080 80 31 1/2" 31 1/2" 31 1/2"
103 1/2" 103 40 40 1/2" 103 40 1/2"
103 80 80 1/2"1/2" 3140 31 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
103 80 103 31 1/2" 40 1/2" 40 1/2"
8080 80 1/2"1/2" 3131 31 1/2"
42103 1/2" 42 103 1/2" 16 40 1/2" 1/2" 1640 42103 1/2" 1/2" 1640
42103 1/2" 1/2" 1640
103 40 1/2"
103 40 1/2"
103 40 1/2"
42 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
42 421/2" 16 16 1/2" 42 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
42 16 1/2"
30 11 3/4"
103 80 80 31 401/2"1/2" 31 1/2"
Pouf Nguyen Pouf piede Nguyen polipropilene piede Pouf polipropilene Nguyen nero piedenero polipropilene nero
Pouf NguyenPouf piede Nguyen cromato/nickel piede Pouf cromato/nickel Nguyen piede cromato/nickel
42103 1/2" 1/2" 1640
200 78 3/4" 225 88 1/2"
103 103 40 1/2" 40 1/2"
103 40 1/2"
200 78 3/4" 225 88 1/2"
200 78 3/4" 225 88 1/2"
30 11 3/4"
100 39 1/4"
100 39 1/4"
180 200 70 3/4" 78 3/4" 190 225 74 3/4" 88 1/2"
30 11 3/4"
180 170 180 3/4" " 7067 70 3/4" 190 180 190 3/4" 74 703/4" 74 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
170 160 170 " " 6763 67" 180 170 180 3/4"" 70 67 70 3/4"
100 39 1/4"
160 63" 170 67"
180 200 200 70 3/4" 78 3/4" 78 3/4" 225 190 225 74 3/4" 88 1/2" 88 1/2" 100 39 1/4"
100 39 1/4" 180 170 180 " 70 673/4" 70 3/4" 190 180 190 3/4" 74 703/4" 74 3/4" 100 39 1/4"
30 11 3/4"
160 63" 170 67"
170 160 170 67 63" " 67" 180 170 180 3/4"" 7067 70 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
203 80" 228 89 3/4"
160 63" 170 67"
30 11 3/4"
203 80" 228 89 3/4"
160 63" 170 67"
30 11 3/4"
193 203 76" 80" 203 228 80" 89 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
100 39 1/4"
100 39 1/4"
30 11 3/4"
193 76" 203 80"
203 80" 228 89 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
152 59 3/4" 162 63 3/4"
193 203 203 76" 80" 80" 203 228 228 80" 89 3/4" 89 3/4" 100 39 1/4"
193 152 76" 59 3/4" 162 203 80"3/4" 63
100 39 1/4"
193 76" 203 80"
100 39 1/4"
100 39 1/4"
30 11 3/4"
152 59 3/4" 162 63 3/4"
193 152 76"3/4" 59 162 203 " 803/4" 63
30 11 3/4"
213 83 3/4" 238 93 3/4"
152 152 59 3/4" 59 3/4" 162 162 63 3/4" 63 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
213 83 3/4" 238 93 3/4"
Pouf Nguyen Pouf piede Nguyen cromato/nickel piede Pouf cromato/nickel Nguyen piede cromato/nickel
piedino black nichel piedino o cromo blacklucido nichel o piedino cromo lucido black nichel o cromo lucido
90 35 1/2"
Cinova / Technical data 2013
183 213 72" 83 3/4" 193 238 76" 93 3/4"
213 83 3/4" 238 93 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
183 72" 193 76"
100 39 1/4"
183 72" 193 76"
100 39 1/4"
183 183 213 213 72" 72" 83 3/4" 83 3/4" Letto high / 193 193 238 238 Bed high " 76" 76 93 3/4" 93 3/4" 100 39 1/4"
183 72" 193 76"
30 11 3/4"
30 11 3/4"
100 39 1/4"
100 39 1/4"
100 39 1/4"
Taylor letto 190 x 225 x 90 cm - cucitura B / Taylor bed 743/4" x 881/2" x 351/2" - B seam
Gruppo Industriale Busnelli Spa via Kennedy, 34 20826 Misinto (MB) Tel + 39 02 963 20221 Fax + 39 02 963 29384 gruppo@busnelli.it www.busnelli.it
Art direction / Graphic project Viola Katic Layout Silvia Taborelli - Busnelli_lab Photo IKB C. Gessaga, B. Vezzoli Styling Donatella Galli - Monti Studio Buyer Ambra Berra - Monti Studio Color sepatation Lucegroup.it Printed in Italy by Italgrafica
Thanks to: Flos Gallotti & Radice
Gruppo Industriale Busnelli Spa via Kennedy, 34 20826 Misinto (MB) Tel + 39 02 963 20221 Fax + 39 02 963 29384 gruppo@busnelli.it www.busnelli.it