Letterpress v3

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s s e r p r e t t e L s d r a C

GORILLA LETTERPRESS BC 570gsm White Cotton 2 Colour Letterpress x 1 Side & 1 Colour Letterpress x 1 Side


450gsm Pad Board Letterpress x 2 colours ( blue + gold)

ALMAR 350gsm Buffalo Board (Brown Craft) Letterpress x 1 side (Front Side) Kiss Print x 1 side (Reverse Side)

CHAMELEON HAIR 600gsm Gmund Gentlemen Blue Letterpress with Gold Ink


450gsm Wild 35% Cotton (White) 1-Colour Letterpress x 1 Side

STUDIO Y 600gsm Gmund Cotton Front Side: Letterpress (Deboss with Ink) PMS 432U + Registered Deboss Of The "X" Lines Back Side: Letterpress (Large Area Flat Print) PMS 432U + Registered Deboss Of The "X" Lines

GEMMA VENDETTA 570gsm White Cotton Green Foil x 1 Side Letterpress 1 Colour x 2 Sides

KARI & BEN INVITES 570gsm White Luna 4 Colour Letterpress on Front Side + 2 Colour Letterpress on Back Side

TOBY & MARY INVITE 570gsm White Luna CMYK x 2 sides (Direct Print) + Letterpress PMS 7547U x 1 side


600gsm Gmund Cotton (White) Letterpress (Deboss with Ink) x 2 sides using PMS 178C


570gsm White Luna Front Side: Letterpress (Deboss with Ink) using gold ink PMS 871 Back Side: Letterpress (Flat Print) using gold ink PMS 871

COLLINS HOUSE BC 570gsm White Luna Letterpress x 1 colour

COLLINS HOUSE BC TRIBAL DREAMING CARD 570gsm White Luna Letterpress x 1 colour

570gsm White Luna Front Side: Kiss Print x 1 colour + copper foil Back Side: Kiss Print x 1 colour

MINUTEMAN PRESS LETTERPRESS CARDS 570gsm White Luna Front Side: Letterpress x 3 colours (PMS341,PMS165,PMS405) Back Side: Kiss Print x 2 colours (PMS341,PMS165)


570gsm White Luna Front Side: Kiss Print x 2 colours Back Side: Kiss Print x 1 colour

450gsm Pad Board Letterpress x 1 colour (Gold)

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