REGATTA WINE TAGS 350gsm Artboard CMYK X 2 Sides Diecut To Shape With Existing Knife
COPTIC ORTHODOX CARDS 420gsm Artboard, Â C MYK x 2 sides Shiny Gold Foil x 2 sides + Diecut to Custom Shape
CAKES THE BOMBE 420gsm Artboard Red foil (RE-80) x 1 Side
COAST STUDIOS 400gsm Artboard Offset Printed Matt Laminated 2 Sides Laser Cutting
SARAH POLLITT 420gsm Artboard Matt Laminated x 2 sides + Shiny Gold Foil on Front
WADE Â JOHNSTON CARDS 420gsm Artboard Matt Laminated 1 Side CMYK x 2 sides + Shiny Gold Foil x 1 side
DAVIES ELECTRICAL 400gsm Artboard Offset Printed Matt Laminated 2 Sides Registered Shiny Silver Foiling x 1 SideÂ
FLEETPLUS BC 420gsm Artboard Matt Laminate x 2 sides + Spot UV x 2 sides CMYK x 2 sides Gold Foil (G-31) and embossed
HAPPINESS HEALS BC 420gsm Artboard CMYK x 2 sides, Matt Laminate x 2 sides, Spot UV x 1 side Shiny Gold Foil (G-24) x 1 side
BREA LANYON BC 420gsm Artboard CMYK x 2 Sides, Matt Laminate x 2 Sides Shiny Silver Foil (S-01) x 1side Diecut To Shape Using Custom Made Knife
CONSTRUCTION KINGS 350gsm Clear Card CMYK x 1 side (by offset) 3mm Rounded Corners
SYMPATICO INTERIORS 300gsm Artboard Offset Printed Soft Touch Film x 2 sides Spot UV x 1 sideÂ
P&W MARINE ENGINEERS 400gsm Artboard Matt Laminated 2 Sides Registered Matte Gold Foiling x 1 Side
PIZZA PICCHIO 420gsm Artboard, Matt Laminated x 2 Sides Offset printed x 2 sides, followed by custom diecut to circles
420gsm Artboard Matt Laminated x 2 Sides + Copper Foil (CG-50) x 1 Side
HEALTH PLACE 280gsm Frosted CMYK x 1 side
REALTY GROUP BC 420gsm Artboard CMYK x 2 Sides, Soft Touch Film X 2 Sides Digital Gold Foiling X 1 Side
REGAL DENTAL BC 420gsm Artboard, CMYK x 2 sides + Gloss Laminate x 1 side Shiny Gold Foil x 1 side + Diecut to Custom Shape
THE KNIGHT ALLIANCE 400gsm Artboard Offset Printed Matt Laminated 2 Sides Shiny Silver Foiling x 1 Side Registered Embossing x 1 sideÂ