+10 ‧ 10more/Sea is all around/lookbook

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+10・1 0 m o r e

1. pantropical spotted dolphin 3 / 4 socks

2. humpback whale 3 / 4 socks

3 . Ta i w a n e s e h u m p b a c k d o l p h i n 1 : 1 socks

4. sperm whale 1 : 1 socks

5. long-beaked common dolphin 1 / 2 socks

《Sea is all around》 The summer wind spreads the cloud and mist away. So we can see this thousands years old, giant fish-shaped island, singing with waves as always. Residents on the island light the night and dust salt off their shoulders everyday . They lo o k at this nar r o w lan d an d assu me t h i s i s al l th e y h a ve . However, they probably forget this gigantic sea. The only place where adorable whales can live. Whales cause big scene and strong wind. The long and short waves from their flappy tails are the Earth’s beats. “Whales belong to the sea, islands belong to the sea, Eurasia, the gigantic land belong to the sea...”. Taiwanese Dawu tribe’s ethos shares the same concept - love and respect toward the sea. The r ichnes s and har ves t o f the w or l d ar e w h e r e v e r th e se a i s. Ther e is no bo undar y in t he wo r l d w i t h se a a l l a r ou n d u s.

+10・10more + 10 ・ 10more was established in Taiwan at the end of 2012. “ No matter what kind of Cosmology you believe in, paying more attention to the details in our daily lives can irrigate our world and make it deeper and wider. ” - +10’s ethos +10 bring imagination and superb quality into our everyday goods. Nature and sceneries are our creative inspiration. Combined with cutting-edge design and constant experiments in the traditional socks industry, +10 uses a rich variety of materials to open up your adventurous spirits and playful hearts to the world.

walk alongside you and wind

Contents 哺乳綱 M A MMAL I A

鯨 偶 蹄 目 Cetartiod actyla 齒 鯨 亞 目 Od ontoceti

海豚科 Delphinid ae

細 吻 海 豚 屬


6 p antr o pic al s po tte d do lph in 3 / 4 s o c k s S tene l l a a t t e nua t a



1 0 Taiw an e s e h u mpbac k do lph in 1 :1 s o c k s

S ousa c hine nsis t a iwa ne nsis 真海豚屬


1 4 lon g - be ak e d c o mmo n do lph in 1 / 2 s o c k s

Delphinus c a pe nsis 抹香鯨科 Physeterid ae Gray

抹 香 鯨 屬 Physeter Linnaeus

1 8 sper m w h ale 1 :1 s o c k s

Phys e t e r m a c roc e pha l us 鬚 鯨 亞 目 Mysticeti 鬚鯨科 Balaenopteridae



2 2 h um pbac k w h ale 3 / 4 s o c k s

Mega pt e ra nov a e a ng l ia e

2 6 C n idar ia Mo llu s c a

C h or data 3 0 contac t k in g do m o f s o c k s 3 0 wor ldw ide s to c k is ts

pantropical spotted dolphin 3 / 4 socks Stenella attenuata

「 熱帶斑海豚 3 / 4 襪 」將嘴喙前端的白色圓點 , 挨個排列在腳背上 , 就像在海上全速衝刺時 , 一彈一彈露出臉來的樣子 。 單層細尼龍襪身 上的圖樣 , 則是隨年紀漸增在身上的深淺斑點 。

The white dots on “pantropical spotted dolphin 3 / 4 socks“ are the white circles around dolphin’s beak. The way they line up on the bridge area shows how dolphins jump out the sea one by one and show their faces.The sprinkles on the one layer nylon are the age marks on dolphin’s body.


pantropical spotted dolphin 3/4 socks ・ new moon

pantropical spotted dolphin 3/4 socks ・ cloud street

pantropical spotted dolphin 3/4 socks ・ cloud street

pantropical spotted dolphin 3/4 socks ・ new moon


pantropical spotted dolphin 3/4 socks


cloud street ăƒť new moon

Style no. G19T01-386

pantropical spotted dolphin


Ingredients nylon 99% ďź‹ lycra 1%

pantropical spotted dolphin 3 / 4 socks

(Stenella attenuata)

Color combinations 2


Taiwanese humpback dolphin 1 : 1 socks Sousa chinensis taiwanensis

「 台灣白海豚 1 : 1 襪 」透過不同年齡階段體色變化 , 畫出海豚一生 的時間 。 背鰭隨時間增加持續形成斑點 , 是只有長住在台灣西岸的白 海豚 , 獨立於其他族群的重要特徵 。

We draw and include the changing and different body colours of “Taiwanese humpback dolphin“ ’s life time on the sock. Increasing numbers of marks through age on dorsal fin is an unique character among the dolphin species.


Taiwanese humpback dolphin 1 : 1 socks ・ breaking wave Taiwanese humpback dolphin 1 : 1 socks ・ across the sea


Taiwanese humpback dolphin 1 : 1 socks


breaking wave ăƒť across the sea

Ingredients nylon 100%

Color combinations 2

Taiwanese humpback dolphin

Style no. G19T01-999

Ta i w a n e s e h u m p b a c k d o l p h i n 1 : 1 s o c k s (Sousa chinensis taiwanensis)



long-beaked common dolphin 1/2 socks Delphinus capensis

「 長吻真海豚 1 / 2 襪 」使用金屬蔥紗線 , 呈現躍出海面時 : 海豚渾 身濕答答反射太陽的閃閃光澤 。 以將襪子反穿的效果 , 做出長吻真海 豚身體上才有的 、 宛如倒置沙漏的分層斑紋 。

“Long-beaked common dolphin 1 / 2 socks“: The metallic yarn we use is to weave the shiny, glossy sunlight reflecting on dolphins’ wet bodies. The inside-out technique creates the distinguished lines on long-beaked common dolphin. It looks like an upside down hourglass.


long-beaked common dolphin 1/2 socks ・ a minute

long-beaked common dolphin 1/2 socks ・ a minute

long-beaked common dolphin 1/2 socks ・ a minute

long-beaked common dolphin 1/2 socks ・ lightning


long-beaked common dolphin 1/2 socks


lightning ăƒť a minute

long-beaked common dolphin 1 / 2 socks

(Delphinus capensis)

long-beaked common dolphin

Ingredients nylon 65% ďź‹ lurex 35%

Color combinations 2

Style no. G19T01-998



sperm whale 1 : 1 socks Physeter macrocephalus

「 抹香鯨 1 : 1 襪 」以襪口和襪身各段的質感落差 , 描繪世界最大齒鯨 皮膚表面不光滑 、 常有許多摺皺的感覺 。 圖樣則在捕捉牠的生活痕跡:

呼吸時 , 噴氣水霧柱以約 45° 角向左前方噴出 ; 一明一暗的齒質組成 , 可 用作推估年齡 。

By using different fabric and contrasting texture, “sperm whale 1:1 socks“ presents the rough and creased skin of the largest toothed predator on earth. Their daily lives are shown in sock’s patterns: they breath and blow water out at a 45 degree angle; we can guess whale’s age by the bright and dark lines of their tooth.


sperm whale 1 : 1 socks ・ Project Apollo sperm whale 1 : 1 socks ・ coda


sperm whale 1 : 1 socks


Project Apollo ・ coda

sperm whale 1 : 1 socks

(Physeter macrocephalus)

sperm whale

Ingredients nylon 80% + cotton14% + polyester 4% + sp 2%

Style no. G19T01-993


Color combinations 2


humpback whale 3 / 4 socks Megaptera novaeangliae

「 大翅鯨 3 / 4 襪 」有著邊緣扭曲成波浪狀像是大翅膀的胸鰭 , 和反 做突起的織法織出鯨身上的節瘤 。 細細的斜線則是聲音在振動 , 向著 大海廣播 。

“Humpback whale 3 / 4 socks“ 's wavy and twisted edges are inspired by humpback whale’s pectoral fins. The insight out dots around ankles are whale’s tubercles. The thin diagonal lines are the whale’s sound broadcasting in the ocean.


humpback whale 3/4 socks ・ airship

humpback whale ・ sea radio


humpback whale 3/4 socks


sea radio ・ airship

humpback whale 3 / 4 socks

Style no. G19T01-385

(Megaptera novaeangliae)

humpback whale


Ingredients nylon 100%

Color combinations 2


other friends in the sea 刺 胞 動 物 門 CN IDARIA bubble coral 1 : 1 socks Plero g y ra sinuosa 軟 体 動 物 門 M OLLUSCA

Haliotis asinina 1 : 1 socks H al iot is a sinina Placamen isabellina 3/4 socks Pl a c a m e n isa be l l ina Telescopium telescopium invisible socks Te l e sc opium t e l e s c opium

脊 索 動 物 門 CH ORDA TA ocean sunfish 1/2 socks Mola m ol a red bigeye 3/4 socks Priacant hus m a c ra c a nt hus golden threadfin bream 3/4 socks N e m ipt e rus v irg a t us swordfish 1 : 1 socks Xiph ias g l a d ius


Telescopium telescopium invisible socks ・ far-seeing

Bubble coral 1 : 1 socks

Haliotis asinina1 : 1socks ・ Phrygian cap

Placamen isabellina 3/4 socks ・ double star


red bigeye 3/4 socks ・ dawn

ocean sunfish 1/2 socks ・ chop

swordfish 1 : 1 socks ・ uncle

golden threadfin bream 3/4 socks ・ sparkle


The Pacific Ocean


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