annual salary & benefits report 2015 south west contact centre forum
contact centres A division of red recruitment
recruiting in the south west contact centre market It has been a pleasure working with many of the region’s most respected contact centres and with many high profile, national and global brands to prepare this report.
red has produced this salaries and benefits report for more than 10 years and it is used by many centres in the South West to make key strategic decisions. As such, red ensures through its own client base, its brand strength and its partnership with the South West Contact Centre Forum that the data that makes up this report comes from a high number of centres across a wide range of industry types across the length and breadth of the South West region. Consequently this is the most detailed, accurate and up to date report of its kind in this region. Having specialised in contact centre recruitment for 20 years, I was shocked at the sharp increase in salaries that the South West has seen this year. An unprecedented increase of +ÂŁ4,500 per annum for some job types! I believe that this is a consequence of the perfect storm that we are currently experiencing in this region. Fast growth of contact centres, new centres being established, high levels of attrition (with a large proportion of leavers extracting the industry entirely) results in a surge in demand for contact centre staff. This spike in demand is met with a well documented finite supply of quality candidates in this region for this fantastic industry. The findings in this report evidence that the consequence of this is that centres are fighting this excess demand over supply with increased salaries which in many cases centres they hope will also help reduce attrition. Unfortunately this salary increase does not always provide the solution to either of these problems and this becomes a costly and not an entirely successful strategy. I would like to thank all of those many centres that took valuable time and effort to attend one of the many working seminars that red conducted to gather all of this information. I do hope that this survey proves useful to all.
Katy Forsyth Director / red recruitment 2
an introduction to red This region’s only specialist team of contact centre recruiters (26 consultants).
National supplier of contact centre staff – offices throughout the UK and a remote recruitment solution from hub offices. A large majority of market share (80% + in this region) so an unrivalled knowledge base.
Largest database of candidates looking for contact centre work – 32,000.
2770 members
Largest social media and web following:
8&9 10 13
contact centre advisor / customer service salary levels outbound sales contact centre support
6&7 11 14
contact centre advisor / inbound sales claims
8&9 12
team leader salary levels contact centre management
contact centre benefits
contact centres A division of red recruitment
12% 11months
have previously worked in a contact centre (46% last year)
Average longevity in the last job (reduced from 13 months last year)
when considering your recruitment strategy What drives a millennial in their job search?
53% 88% 62% 89% 93%
A female Millennial (1981-2005) Who drives and has own transport Is immediately available (8% in a week and 3% in a fortnight) Looking for temporary or permanent work (6% only temp and 1% only perm)
what drives a millennial? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Biggest ‘turn offs’
Bad company reputation – stops applications.
Hours Salary Business & job security Training Management (regular feedback) 4
Poor recruitment experience – causes drop out. Lack of performance management – stops applications and causes attrition.
how does an agent look for work On average they use:
100% 94% 71% 53%
use jobs boards 65% of activity is on mobile devices! use an agency will apply through social media will pursue referrals / word of mouth
contact centres A division of red recruitment
hard evidence for increase in demand… permanent recruitment — 666 permanent jobs registered in red’s South West offices (Bristol, Gloucester & Swindon) in the last 3 months
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1232 561
Number of agents recruited in last 6 months Same period 2013
322 temporary contact centre jobs registered in red’s Bristol office in the last 3 months
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contact centres A division of red recruitment
contact centre advisors customer service advisors
From the contact centres surveyed the following key information was gained: The average basic salary range for inbound and outbound customer service advisors is:
£15,500 to £21,575 per annum
Compared to £15,500 to £17,000 per annum in 2013 an increase of 4.5k at the top end of scale. Area Breakdown: Bristol Central - £16,000 - £21,575 Bristol North - £15,087 - £18,000 Cheltenham & Gloucester - £14,400 - £22,860 Swindon - £12,152 - £19,603 North Somerset - £13,280 - £24,000 Exeter - £17,700 - £23,426 Plymouth - £15,420 - £18,000
Example: Case Studies
Basic Annual Salary
A significant increase in salary entry levels is evident this year – plus 4.5k at the top end of salary levels over the last 2 years. This is a reflection of the number of contact centres now based in the central contact centre cluster areas namely, Bristol Central and Bristol North creating a very competitive salary market to attract the best contact centre advisors. Interestingly, the outer regions have also increased base salary levels reflecting those paid in central Bristol in 2013 up to £17,000. The top end of the listed salary level compares favourably to that offered in other sectors – Retail, hospitality and the automotive sector encouraging potential candidates to consider the Contact Centre Industry as a career of choice.
Annual Weekly Bonus Hours
Case Study 1 £16,000 £16,000 Case Study 2 £18,400 £19,900 Case Study 3 £19,900 £21,575 Case Study 4 £17,000 £17,000 Case Study 5 £17,000 £18,000 Case Study 6 £16,000 £16,500 £200 a month Case Study 7 £15,087 £15,540 Case Study 8 £17,611 £17,611 Company bonus and up to £225 a month Mon to Sun shifts between 8am-7pm Case Study 9 £17,000 £17,000 Case Study 10 £16,695 £22,860 £1000 Max Case Study 11 £14,400 £18,000 Case Study 12 £15,500 £16,500 10 – 15% of top performing agents salary split between them Case Study 13 £15,500 £16,500 Case Study 14 £15,000 £15,000 Case Study 15 £14,625 £15,600 Case Study 16 £16,640 £18,000 Case Study 17 £12,152 £19,603 Case Study 18 £14,000 £16,000 £500 on the spot bonus for good performance Case Study 19 £22,000 £24,000 Case Study 20 £13,280 £13,280 Case Study 21 £17,700 £23,426 None Case Study 22 £15,420 £18,000 8
Mon to Fri 9am-5.30pm Mon to Fri shifts between 8am-8pm and 1 in 4 Saturdays Mon to Fri shifts between 8am-8pm and 1 in 4 Saturdays
Monday to Friday shifts 8am-9pm, Saturday 9am-5pm and Sunday 10am-4pm Monday to Friday shifts between 6am-10pm Monday to Friday 9am-6pm Monday to Friday 9am-5pm Monday to Friday shifts 8am-2pm, 12pm-8pm, 2pm-8pm Monday to Friday 9am-5.30pm
contact centre advisors outbound sales advisors
From the contact centres surveyed, the average basic salary for Outbound Sales Advisors is:
£14,775 to £18,000 per annum The above salaries have remained much the same as in 2013. What is apparent is that there are less contact centres in the South West offering Outbound Sales Advisors roles. This role has been ‘diluted’ to more of a blended role, which is incorporated in the Sales through Service role, currently delivered by the Contact centre Advisors. This is particularly evident in the Financial Services Sector where the FSA have instigated strict guidelines attached to outbound calling of customers.
Example: Case Studies
Basic Annual Salary
Case Study 1 £16,000 Case Study 2 £17,000 Case Study 3 £14,775 Case Study 4 £16,500 Case Study 5 £16,640
£18,000 £18,000 £14,775 £16,500 £18,000
Weekly Hours Monday to Friday shifts between 8am-8pm and every other Saturday 9am-5pm Monday to Friday shifts between 8am-8pm and 1 in 3 Saturday 9am-5pm
Monday to Sunday shifts between 8am-8pm
contact centre advisors social media advisors
This is a new area covered in this report, as a reflection of the number of contact centres operating independent Social Media Teams. The Social Media Advisor can be recruited from within the business as part of a progression and business development plan or from the open market in line with business needs.
Starting salaries: £18,000 per annumattached to outbound calling of customers. Example: Case Studies
Basic Annual Salary
Weekly Hours
RAC OVO Dyson EDF Nisbets
£22,000 £18,000 £20,000 £18,000 £18,000
£22,000 £22,000 £24,000 £22,000 £20,000
Mon to Sun shifts Mon to Sun shifts Mon to Sun shifts Mon to Sun shifts Mon to Sun shifts
contact centres A division of red recruitment
changing contact centre salary influencers Attraction of quality candidates is the biggest challenge we face. We have seen the biggest increase in top level salaries for 10 years.
2011 Centre closures, holds on recruitment = experienced candidates in market. Salaries static.
2010 Static salaries with recession.
Small decreases in salaries of service agents. Increase in sales agents directly reflective of demand for these types.
2012 Salaries start to increase to tempt candidates move.
Inbound sales through service is prominent.
Agents still exiting the industry.
2014 Shift to recruiting non contact centre experienced candidates to combat attrition issues. Attraction a real challenge.
Demand for sales advisors has reduced significantly. Social media and written skills becoming increasingly important.
Candidates still not risking a move. Centres recruiting.
the regional contact centre market 61 contributed to this survey 25 attended workshops
SWCCF Membership red’s clients & contacts Together represent 13,500 agents
5840 contact centres in the UK. 734,000 working agents. 3.9% of this working populations are in contact centres. c110,000 temporary workers in contact centres increasing (up to 250,000 at peak periods)
south west 250 contact centres in the South West. 52,000 working agents. c7800 temporary workers in these contact centres.
(Goes up significantly during peak)
talking’ ‘bout a generation… 87% of British contact centre agents are millennial
Narcissistic / Sheltered (helicopter parents) / Self confident / Group orientated Ambitious with very high expectations – want lightening fast promotions Require constant appraisal / Expect work / life balance / Job hoppers Skilled in technology / Able to multi-task – get bored quickly in singly skilled jobs
contact centres 11 A division of red recruitment
contact centre management team leaders
From the contact centres surveyed the average basic salary for team leaders is:
Starting at £18,000 to to the highest level at £35,000 An increase at the top end of the scale of 8.5k on those recorded in 2013 Team Leader recruitment has become far more prevalent over the last year due to the increase in operational development. The market is looking for immediate talent to recruit into their respective operations, creating demand and the increase in salaries. Many centres are looking for external talent rather than promoting within. What is evident is the range of salaries paid for this position, which can be seen above. Average team size has decreased in line with the complexity of the customer interactions. The team size has reduced from 13 FTE in 2013 down to 10 in 2015.
Example: Case Studies
Basic Annual Salary
Average Team Size
Weekly Hours
Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Case Study 3 Case Study 4 Case Study 5 Case Study 6 Case Study 7 Case Study 8 Case Study 9 Case Study 10 Case Study 11 Case Study 12 Case Study 13 Case Study 14 Case Study 15 Case Study 16 Case Study 17 Case Study 18 Case Study 19 Case Study 20 Case Study 21
£26,000 £24,000 £32,000 £23,000 £25,000 £23,500 £20,000 £19,000 £25,000 £22,500 £24,725 £23,000 £20,000 £28,000 £18,000 £20,000 £18,367 £24,000 £34,000 £18,500 £25,000
£29,000 £27,000 £32,000 £30,000 £35,000 £26,000 £26,000 £23,000 £25,000 £27,000 £35,000 £28,000 £25,000 £35,000 £24,000 £24,000 £27,390 £26,000 £34,000 £19,000 £31,200
12 12 10 8 12 8 8 12 10 8 12 12 12 12 12 8 12 12 12 12 12
Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm Mon to Sun shifts 8am-8pm 212
contact centre support Through red contact centre Management Specialist knowledge coupled with red hosting a series a series of regional round tables is has been possible to collate the data necessary to confirm the average annual salary ranges for varying contact centre support roles.
Trainer Coach Workforce Management/Planning Manager Dialler Manager
£22,000 to £30,000 £21,000 to £24,000 £22,000 to £35,000 £28,000 to £35,000
contact centre management management roles
These average annual salary ranges are provided by red contact centres managers, red specialist contact centre management and executive recruitment arm as well as SWCCF market intelligence. They indicate a change in the market where contact centres are looking for talent, recruiting for immediate impact and paying salaries to attract the right candidate. Competition is fierce in this area, with the candidates being able to successfully negotiate for the salary of choice.
Operations Manager Contact Centre Manager Contact Centre General Manager/Director
£45,000 to £55,000 £50,000 to £70,000 £75,000 to £120,000
contact centres 13 A division of red recruitment
contact centre benefits Due to the wide variety of different benefits available it is not possible to provide case studies detailing individual contact centre packages. However, from a series of workshops and roundtable events, red are able to provide a guide of the benefit packages offered in the region.
Holiday – average 24 days rising with service Contributory pension (1-10% increasing with service) Discounted company products and/or services Annual salary reviews
Cycle to work scheme Flexi benefits e.g buy/sell holiday, dental care, eye care Refer a friend incentives Company performance related bonus Individual performance related bonus Childcare vouchers Life Assurance – average 4x salary Subsidised canteen
Employee Assistance Helpline Share scheme Gym onsite or free membership for local gym Sponsored studies Onsite/offsite parking
Crèche/childcare facility
Birthday off paid Paid week off if you get married Morale boosting events e.g massages, juggling lessons Sabbatical paying £750 and a further £750 if you come back after 6 months 14
making contact centres a career of choice The South West Contact Centre Forum – SWCCF is delighted to endorse this excellent research highlighting the region as a formidable force, attracting global brands, offering careers of choice with Salary levels for frontline staff on par with the highest in the UK.
As this report indicates, there are very real signs of growth and positivity in the South West region reflected in new contact centres choosing to setup and operate from the area, and the more established employers, increasing their workforce population in line with business development. Such activity has created a very competitive, candidate lead market where high salary levels are evident and used as one of the key tactics for attracting the very best staff. With the region offering such an excellent choice of contact centre career opportunities, the challenge to the contact centre employers still remains in attraction. To this end, it is imperative that the recruitment brief heavily features the respective benefits package, highlighting personal development and progression options as key attractors followed by the salary, rather than chasing the large salary package. Whilst not featured in this report, such action ensures for a longer commitment in tenure of front line staff. I thought it would be some time away before we could say that the average starting salary of a frontline advisor is £20k plus however, this report clearly states that we are already in this territory‌long may it last as with careful management we now have the chance of attracting real talent into the industry who will make a real difference to the long term service provision, who would otherwise have chosen a different career path. Such outcomes make for a very positive outcome for all. Thank you to all members who took part in this research it is much appreciated. I hope you enjoy reading the results, and planning your future recruitment requirements from an informed basis.
Jane Thomas Managing Director / SWCCF
contact centres 15 A division of red recruitment
thanks to our contributors 16
contact centres 17 A division of red recruitment
contacts red contact centres Bristol 0117 317 7701 Burnley 01282 792 650 Cardiff 02920 414 991 Gloucester 01452 318 100 Swindon 01793 490 794
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contact centres A division of red recruitment