a·quar·i·um n 1.
a water-filled transparent container, often box-shaped, in which fish and other aquatic animals and plants are kept a building in which fish and other aquatic animals are kept and shown to the public
fish farm n 1.
a place with facilities for rearing fish commercially
No More Fish By
The study makes it clear that although there may not seem to be a decline of fish products in the market, these are clearly on the verge of disappearance. And perhaps that's one of the problems. Because there still
people aren't aware of their diminishing state.
B i g g e r ve s s e l s , b e t t e r n e t s , a n d n e w t e c h n o l o g y f o r s p o t t i n g fi s h a r e n o t b r i n g i n g t h e wo r l d ' s fleets bigger returns - in fact, the global catch fe l l by 1 3 % b e t we e n 1 9 9 4 a n d 2 0 0 3 .
The study makes it clear that although there may not seem to be a decline of fish products in the market, these are clearly on the verge of disappearance. And perhaps that's one of the problems. Because there still
people aren't aware of their diminishing state.
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a·quar·i·um n 1.
a water-filled transparent container, often box-shaped, in which fish and other aquatic animals and plants are kept a building in which fish and other aquatic animals are kept and shown to the public
fish farm n 1.
a place with facilities for rearing fish commercially
No More Fish By
According to the Wo r l d w a t c h I n s t i t u t e , t h e world's fish farmers and fishing fleets harvested 132.5 million tons of seafood in 2003 and even this was not enough to account for the demand. If we are consuming too much seafood for even the ocean to provide for us, what makes people think we can farm enough fish ourselves to meet the demand?
the world will run out of seafood in just 42 years