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MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION USER’S GUIDE Contents Macintosh Installation Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Windows Installation Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


About this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

About this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Included in Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Included in Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Interface Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Interface Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Handling Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Handling Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Maxtor Product Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Installing the OneTouch III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Maxtor Product Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Installing the OneTouch III

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Step 1 - Install the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Step 1 - Install the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Step 2 - Connect the Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Step 2 - Connect the Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Step 3 - Setup the Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Using the OneTouch III

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Step 3 - Setup the Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Using the OneTouch III

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Maxtor OneTouch Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Retrospect Express HD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

OneTouch Button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Restoring from Your Backup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Maxtor OneTouch Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Erase Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Maxtor OneTouch Utilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Sync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Security Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

RAID Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

RAID Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Naming Your OneTouch III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Backup and Restore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Storing Audio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Naming Your OneTouch III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Editing Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Storing Audio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Connecting and Disconnecting Your OneTouch III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Editing Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Security Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Connecting and Disconnecting Your OneTouch III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Security Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

© 2006 Seagate, Seagate Technology. Maxtor and the Maxtor stylized logo are registered trademarks and Maxtor OneTouch and Maxtor DriveLock are trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC. Other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Changes are periodically made to the information herein which will be incorporated in revised editions of this publication. Seagate may make changes or improvements to the product(s) described in this publication at any time and without notice. Seagate Technology, 920 Disc Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066 U.S.A


The Maxtor OneTouch Manager features include: – Security settings to password-protect your critical data

Thank you for selecting a Maxtor product. The new Maxtor OneTouchTM III, Turbo Edition, is the high performance, large capacity external storage solution designed for creative professionals needing the disk-striping speed of RAID 0 for intensive disk-access applications or the security of RAID 1 for automatically mirroring data. The OneTouch III Turbo Edition comes preformatted for Mac and can boot the Mac operating system directly from the Turbo drive. It also features award-winning Maxtor OneTouch™ backup, data synchronization between two or more computers, cool operation and modular design for easy stacking. This user’s guide will help you setup your drive and includes helpful tips for performing backups and getting the most out of your new Maxtor OneTouch III, Turbo Edition.

– Power management features to conserve energy when your Maxtor OneTouch III isn’t being used – Diagnostic utilities to check the health of your Maxtor OneTouch III, Turbo Edition – Customizing the OneTouch button to open a frequentlyused program – Using Retrospect Express to back up and restore data.

About this Guide The following symbols and conventions are used in this guide: Bold

Used for menu, command, and keyboard selections you make and screens you will see. Helpful information about a particular topic.

The Maxtor OneTouch III, Turbo Edition, features: – RAID 0 disk striping – RAID 1 automatic data mirroring – Triple interfaces: FireWire 800, FireWire 400, and USB 2.0 – Maxtor OneTouch™ button - the simple way to backup your files – EMC® Retrospect® Express software – Maxtor DriveLock™ security feature password-protects the contents in case of loss or unauthorized use – Boot your Mac operating system directly from the drive – Synchronization of data between 2 or more computers – Simple Maxtor user interface for drive management, security and backup scheduling.


Important information to prevent problems and ensure that you are successful in using the drive.


System Requirements

Before installing, review the solution features in Figure 1.

– FireWire 800 requires Mac OS X 10.2.8 or higher and FireWire 800 (9-pin) equipped computer


– Apple G4 processor or greater

1. OneTouch Button 2. Status Light 3. Power Switch 4. Power Connector 5. FireWire 800 Port 6. FireWire 400 Port 7. USB 2.0 Port

– Mac OS X (10.2.8 or later) – 128MB RAM (256 recommended) or more as required by operating system – Internet connection (for system updates) – CD-ROM drive

Interface Requirements Maxtor recommends using the included power supply and interface cables for proper drive operation. – FireWire 800 or FireWire 400 port – USB 2.0 or 1.1 port USB 1.1 is slower than USB 2 or FireWire.

FireWire 800 9-pin to 9-pin FireWire 800 (1394b) cable. FireWire 400 6-pin to 6-pin FireWire 400 (1394a) cable.

FIGURE 2 INCLUDED IN PACKAGE 1. Backup Solution 2. Power Adapter 3. FireWire 800 Cable 4. Quick Start CD

Many laptop computers, have a smaller 4-pin FireWire port requiring a special 4-pin to 6-pin FireWire cable. This is not included, but can be purchased from your local computer store.

USB 2.0 ‘A’ to ‘B’ USB cable.

Installation Software Maxtor OneTouch™ III Logiciel d’installation, Installationssoftware, Software di installazione, Installationsprogram, Software de instalación, Installatiesoftware, Asennusohjelma, Software de Instalação,

Includes: – EMC® Retrospect® Express HD (Win) – EMC® Retrospect® Express (Mac) – Maxtor OneTouch Drivers – Maxtor OneTouch Manager – Maxtor OneTouch User Guide (English) WINDOWS English Français Deutsch Español Italiano

MACINTOSH English Français Deutsch

© 2005 Maxtor Corporation and its Licensors. Maxtor and the stylized Maxtor logo are registered trademarks, and Maxtor OneTouch is a trademark, of Maxtor Corporation. EMC and Retrospect are registered trademarks of EMC Corporation. U.S. patents 5,150,473 and 5,966,730. Other patents pending. Other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. All rights reserved.10/05 PN: 20310900



The ‘A’ connector, typically, plugs into your computer and the ‘B’ connector plugs into your drive. If your computer has a different type of USB connection, you can purchase the correc type of cable from your local computer store.

Though this model has both USB and FireWire interfaces, it is only possible to use one interface at a time.



Maxtor Product Support

Please handle your new Maxtor OneTouch III with care!

Maxtor Corporation provides a comprehensive product support section on its web site, including the latest software drivers, product specifications, a complete troubleshooting section, and the Maxtor Knowledge Base.

Follow the precautions listed here or you could damage your drive and void the product warranty. Review the Maxtor Limited Warranty for more information. Follow these precautions to prevent data loss – Do not bump, move or drop the drive while in operation. – Do not remove the interface cable or power cord without first disconnecting the drive properly through the operating system. – Do not set any liquids or drinks on or near the drive. Liquids will damage the internal electronics. – Do not open the drive enclosure. This can cause loss of data and will void the product warranty.

Maxtor USA Support Visit www.maxtorkb.com for the following information: – Search the Hard Drive Knowledge Base We store all resolved problems and FAQ’s in our knowledge base. Search by product, category, keywords, or phrases. – My Stuff Login to modify or view your FAQ update notifications or update your personal profile. – Most Popular Help Topics Top five most frequently asked questions. – Software Download Download installation and diagnostic programs for your hard drive or external storage device. Maxtor Worldwide Support Visit www.maxtor.com and click worldwide support or contact us for product support outside of the USA.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION Installing the OneTouch III NOTE: Please install the Maxtor OneTouch software before connecting the OneTouch III drive to your computer. You must first install this software in order to use the OneTouch button and other OneTouch III features.

Step 1 – Install the Software 1. Turn on your computer. 2. Insert the Maxtor Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the Install CD icon will appear on your desktop.

Click OK to add the OneTouch Manager to your Mac’s dock or click Cancel if you wish not to do so. 10. When finished, you are notified that the installation was successful. Click Restart. Important Installation of the Intel Update is recommended for all Mac users running OS X 10.3.9 or higher. To install the Intel Update 1. Double-click the Install CD icon located on your desktop. 2. Double-click the Intel Update folder. 3. Select your language (e.g., English). 4. Double-click the OneTouch™ MacIntel Update package file.

Double-click this icon to get started 3. Double-click on the OneTouch III folder. 4. Select your language (e.g., English). 5. Double-click Install Retrospect Express. 6. If prompted, enter your Username and Password to authenticate. Click Continue. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

NOTE: Depending on your Finder View preferences, this file may only appear to be called Maxtor OneTouch™. This is normal. 5. You will see a window notifying you that “This package contains a program that determines if the software can be installed…”

7. The License Agreement screen appears. After reading the License Agreement, click Accept. 8. The Install Retrospect Express screen appears. Maintain the Easy Install and Install Location as their default settings. When you are ready, click Install. 9. The Setup Status window appears briefly. During the installation, you will see the following:

Click Continue.



11. When ready to start the installation, click Upgrade.

7. A window opens providing information regarding the Update Installer. Click Continue.

12. You are notified that, “Installing this software requires you to restart your computer when the installation is done…”

8. Review the Software License Agreement and click Continue. 9. You are prompted to confirm this Software License Agreement. Click Agree to proceed. 10. Select a Destination (e.g., Macintosh HD) for the installation. Click Continue.

Click on Continue Installation. 13. At this point, the MacIntel Update installs to your system Note: This may take a few minutes to finish. 14. When finished, you are notified that the installation was successful. Click Restart. After restart, eject the Maxtor Install CD from your computer.

15. The License Agreement screen appears. 16. Proceed to Step 2 – Connect the Drive.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION Step 2 – Connect the Drive The Maxtor OneTouch III connects to your computer using either a FireWire or USB interface. Make sure you know which interface is available on your computer. Please install the software BEFORE you connect the drive. Connecting the Power 1. Plug the round female connector from the power adapter into the drive’s power connector.

Connecting with a FireWire 800 Cable Do not plug a FireWire cable into the drive when a USB cable is already connected to the drive. This drive will only operate with one interface at a time.

1. Plug one end of the FireWire cable into an available FireWire 800 port on your computer or to any other FireWire 800 device that is connected to your computer. FIGURE 4 CONNECTING TO A FIREWIRE 800 PORT

2. Plug the two-pin female connector on the power cord into the power adapter. FIGURE 3 CONNECTING THE POWER

3. Plug the standard electrical plug from the power adapter into your power source. 4. Turn on the Maxtor OneTouch III using the power switch on the back of the drive. The light on the front of the drive should illuminate.

2. Plug the other end of the FireWire 800 cable into an available FireWire 800 port on the back of the drive. Once connected to your system, the Maxtor OneTouch III will mount on the desktop.

3. Proceed to Step 3 – Setup the Drive.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION Connecting with a FireWire 400 Cable Do not plug a FireWire cable into the drive when a USB cable is already connected to the drive. This drive will only operate with one interface at a time.

1. Plug one end of the FireWire cable into an available FireWire 400 port on your computer or to any other FireWire 400 device that is connected to your computer. FIGURE 5 CONNECTING TO A FIREWIRE 400 PORT

Connecting with a USB Cable Do not plug a USB cable into the drive when a FireWire cable is already connected to the drive. This drive will only operate with one interface at a time. The Maxtor OneTouch button, Power management, and OneTouch Settings utility program are not supported for USB on the Macintosh. You may, however, use your drive as external storage and utilize the Retrospect software to maintain backup copies of your files and complete system.

1. Plug the larger end of the USB cable into an available USB port on your computer. FIGURE 6 CONNECTING TO A USB PORT

2. Plug the other end of the FireWire 400 cable into the FireWire 400 port on the back of the drive. Once connected to your system, the Maxtor OneTouch III will mount on the desktop.

2. Plug the smaller end of the USB cable into the USB port on the back of the drive. Once connected to your system, the Maxtor OneTouch III will mount on the desktop.

3. Proceed to Step 3 – Setup the Drive. 3. Proceed to Step 3 – Setup the Drive.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION Step 3 - Setup the Drive The Maxtor OneTouch III is shipped with a Macintosh File Structure. No partitioning or format preparation is necessary if you want the drive to remain as a striped (RAID 0) volume.

Prepare Your Maxtor OneTouch III 1. Select your system drive in the Finder and select Get Info from the File menu. Write down its capacity, it is listed here as “Capacity: xxx.xx GB�. Open the Apple Disk Utility program (located in the Applications/ Utilities folder).

NOTE: If you want to configure the OneTouch III, Turbo Edition with a mirrored (RAID 1) volume, please go to the RAID Settings section to initially prepare the drive. Setting Up Bootable Backup with the OneTouch Button The following steps will provide you with a complete bootable backup of your Macintosh computer.

2. Select your Maxtor OneTouch III drive in the list and click on the Partition tab.

NOTE: Bootable backup works with FireWire only. When finished, you will have a backup of your entire computer, as well as the ability to start up your computer from your Maxtor OneTouch III drive. Before you begin, make sure the Maxtor Install CD is NOT in your CD-ROM drive. The bootable backup option requires either using the entire OneTouch III drive for the backup copy or creating a dedicated disk partition for the backup copy. If you wish to store any files on the OneTouch III drive that are not included on the system drive you plan to copy, they must be stored in another partition on the OneTouch III drive.

NOTE: The following steps will erase everything that currently exists on your Maxtor OneTouch III drive. Check your drive carefully to make sure there are no files on it you wish to keep.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION 3. Click on the Volume Scheme pull-down menu and select two partitions.

5. Click the Options… button. You are prompted to choose a Partition Scheme for your Bootable Backup Partition:

Click GUID Partition Table if creating on an Intel-based Macintosh computer. -or4. Select the first partition in this list and type in the capacity of your system drive (you checked in step #1 above or more if your OneTouch III’s capacity allows it) to the Size field. In the Name field, enter the name Bootable Backup.


Click Apple Partition Map if creating from a PowerPCbased Macintosh computer. Click OK. 6. The remaining space will be allocated to a second partition that can be used for general storage. Enter the name Data.


To Disable FileVaulting 1. Open System Preferences. This is usually located in the System Dock.

The System Preferences window is displayed.

2. Click on Security.

8. A warning message will appear.

9. Click the Partition button when you are ready. After the partitioning process is completed, Quit the Apple Disk Utility.

3. Click the Turn Off FileVaulting button, then quit System Preferences.

10. You should now see the two partitions as drive volumes on your Desktop.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION To Adjust Permissions 1. Select the “Maxtor Bootable Backup” drive. Then from the Finder, select File and Get Info.

NOTE: Click Register Later to perform this task at a different time or click Already Registered if you have done so with a previous product or have installed this software more than once.

2. From the drive's Info window, click Ownership & Permissions.

3. Remove the check from Ignore ownership on this volume. Type in your password and close the info window. OneTouch Button Setup Press the OneTouch button. You will see the following:

Enter the appropriate information in the form provided. – If you have an Internet connection, click E-mail – Click Print to create a hard copy of this form – Click Register Later if you wish to continue without registering.

Click Register Now.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION Once the registration information has been completed, press the OneTouch button. The Maxtor OneTouch Setup opens.

Step 2: What do you want to copy? Click the All Files, bootable backup copy.

Click Next.

Click Next.

Step 1: Where do you want to copy from? Select your Macintosh boot volume (usually called Macintosh HD).

Step 3: Where do you want to put your backup copy? Select the volume/volumename associated to the OneTouch III.

Click Next.

Click Next.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION A warning will open – recommending a partitioning scheme for the OneTouch III.

A congratulations screen is displayed.

Click Proceed. A second warning will appear – informing you that the Ignore Ownership & Permissions needs to be disabled.

Click Finish to close the setup program, or Click Start Now to immediately start the backup.

Click Proceed.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION When finished, you will have a copy of your Mac OS and all applications and data on the OneTouch III. To boot from your OneTouch III, access System Preferences - usually located in the System Dock.

Click Restart once again when asked to confirm your choice. The system will then reboot. After restart, you will notice that the system is now booted from the OneTouch III.

The System Preferences window is displayed.

Click Startup Disk. The following is displayed:

Select the volume associated with the OneTouch III and click Restart.



Maxtor OneTouch Manager Your Maxtor OneTouch III includes a utility that allows you to:

Once installed, you can use your new Maxtor OneTouch III in the same way you use the other drives on your computer. Some of the basic ways you can use your new drive are: – Move or copy files or folders from your other drives, CD-ROMs, or other storage devices.

– Find out more information about your drive – Customize your OneTouch button to open a different application or synchronize folders – Control power management settings for your drive

– Within virtually any application, save files to and open files from the new drive.

– Enable password security to restrict access to your Maxtor OneTouch III drive

– Store video files, games, spreadsheets, and other commonly used files.

– Run diagnostic tests to troubleshoot potential hardware problems with your Maxtor OneTouch III drive.

– Store copies of important files from your desktop or laptop computer.

Opening the OneTouch Manager Utility Click on Maxtor OneTouch Manager located in your dock.

In this chapter, you can learn how to use the advanced features of the Maxtor OneTouch III, including: – Sync and System Rollback – Power management features – Security settings

NOTE: If you did not opt for icon placement in your dock during the installation, go to the Applications folder on your Macintosh and open the Maxtor OneTouch Manager.

– Diagnostic utilities – Customizing the OneTouch button – Using Retrospect Express to back up and restore data. The Maxtor OneTouch Manager window will appear.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION Features What’s New – click this and you’ll travel to Maxtor’s website where you can learn more about the OneTouch III’s new features.

Other Features Drive Information – displays drive volume information, free space available, serial number and firmware revision of the drive. Diagnostics – checks the health of your OneTouch III drive. Backup – launches Retrospect Express Directory. Restore – launches Retrospect Express Directory. Settings – allows you to customize the OneTouch button, tune performance, and apply password security. Sync Now – allows you to synchronize folders from your Mac to the OneTouch III.

Maxtor Support - whoever thought that they could be just one click away from online technical support? By clicking on the Maxtor Support button, you will be transported to Maxtor's Knowledge Base.

Drive Information This tool displays the selected OneTouch III’s volume information, free space available, serial number and firmware revision of the drive.

Click the Information icon.



The diagnostic test will launch immediately.

Click Close when finished to return the OneTouch Manager’s main window.

A status bar will appear as well as the notification, “The drive is now being tested.”

Diagnostic If you suspect there may be problems with your Maxtor OneTouch III drive, you can run the diagnostic test.

When finished, a message will appear indicating “The drive passed its most recent diagnostic test.”

Click the Diagnostics button.

If the test finds your drive to be defective, it will display a Return Material Authorization (RMA) diagnostic code you will use to return your drive for replacement under warranty.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION Backup This feature launches the Retrospect Express Directory. From there you can use Retrospect to create Backup and Duplicate scripts.

Click on Backup to create a Backup Script.

Click the Backup button.

Click on Duplicate to create a Duplicate Script.

This will launch the Retrospect Express Directory.

NOTE: It is recommended that you store all Backup and Duplicate scripts created to a volume other than that where your Bootable Backup Copy is stored. Failure to do so may result in lost data. Please go to Maxtor’s Knowledge Base for more information regarding the creation of Backup and Duplicate scripts.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION Restore This feature launches the Retrospect Express Directory. From there you can restore data from Backup and Duplicate scripts created other than the Bootable Backup Copy created earlier. Click the Restore button.

Disaster Recovery In the event of disk failure or data corruption, you can restore your system from your OneTouch III. Connect the OneTouch III containing the bootable back to your Mac and apply its power. Turn on your Mac and immediately press and hold the Option Key. A screen will display showing bootable volume available. Click on the OneTouch III’s bootable backup volume and click the right arrow. The system will then boot from your external drive. If prompted, authenticate with your Username and Password.

This will launch the Retrospect Express Directory. Click Restore to restore from a backup set’s folder or volumes to a disk or folder.

Click the Automate tab.

NOTE: Please go to Maxtor’s Knowledge Base for more information regarding the restoration of Backup and Duplicate scripts.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION The Scripted Retrospect operations window is displayed.

Click Edit. A Script window will appear showing the configuration about the bootable backup script.

Click Source. Select your external drive as the Source and click OK.

Click the Scripts button. The Scripts window appears. Select the Maxtor OneTouch (Duplicate) script.

You will see the following window indicating that the Source and Destination are the same.

This is temporary and will be corrected in the next step.



Close the Script Window.

You will be asked to save the changes to your script. You will see the following. Choose the internal drive as the Destination.

Click Save. Press the OneTouch button to restore your OS, applications and data to your internal drive. Once the Restore process is complete, use Apple System Preferences to change your Startup Disk to boot from the internal disk. Click OK. You will be asked to confirm your change.

Click Replace.


NOTE: After returning to the internal drive as the boot disk, access Retrospect Express and edit the Maxtor OneTouch script. Change the Source to the Internal Disk and the Destination to the OneTouch III.


OneTouch Button By default, pressing the OneTouch button will launch Retrospect to perform your Backup (e.g. Bootable Backup Copy) to the OneTouch III. However, you can customize the OneTouch button so that it will open an application or file of your choice or synchronize data between folders configured through the Sync feature. To Synchronize Folders with the Touch of a Button: NOTE: This option will only work if you have already setup the Sync feature. Click the Synchronize button. Close the OneTouch Manager. Press the OneTouch button. Your selected folders will automatically synchronize from your internal drive to the OneTouch III.

You will see the following:

To Open an Application 1. Click on the Open button. 2. Browse your Mac and select the application you wish to associate with the OneTouch button. In this example, Calculator was chosen.

The Settings tool allows you customize the OneTouch button, tune performance, and apply password security to your OneTouch III. Click Set Action.



Security You can set a password for your Maxtor OneTouch III drive. Every time your drive is on and connected to your computer, including when you start or restart your computer, or when you turn off your drive and turn it back on, you will need to enter your password or the answer to your secret question, which you set up when you create your password, in order to use your drive. If you have forgotten your password, you can attempt to re-enter it or to recover it, by answering your secret question. You are allowed 5 attempts before you must turn off your drive and turn it back on, at which point you can try an additional 5 times. If you are not able to recover your password, the only other way to unlock the drive is to erase all of its contents.

Close the OneTouch Manager. Press the OneTouch button and your selected application will open.

Setting your Password 1. Click Security. You will see the following:

To return to default settings: Click the Backup button. Close the OneTouch Manager. Press the OneTouch button. Your Maxtor OneTouch script will launch.

2. Enter and re-enter a Password. Your password must contain at least six characters and one digit.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION For further security, you may also choose a secret question (from the list provided) and type in the answer.

Changing your Password 1. Click Security.

If you do not want to choose a secret question and answer, go to step 5.

2. Enter your current Password.

3. Choose a Secret Question. 4. Enter and re-enter an answer to the question. 5. Click Set Password or Set Password and Q/A, if you chose a secret question and answer. You will return to the original security screen. Close the Maxtor OneTouch Manager. Upon system restart with the OneTouch III connected/ powered on,

or Enter the answer to the question. 3. Enter and re-enter a New Password. You may also choose a secret question (from the list provided) and type in the answer. If you do not want to choose a secret question and answer, go to step 5. 4. Choose a Secret Question.

or If the OneTouch III is power cycled. You will be prompted to authenticate. Type in your password for the OneTouch III or in the example below (if applied), type in the answer to the question to unlock the drive.

5. Enter and re-enter an answer to the question. 6. Click Change Password and Q/A. You will return to the original security screen. Close the Maxtor OneTouch Manager.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION Disable Security If you decide you want to disable the password you created, follow these steps:

Erase Drive If all attempts to recover your password fail and you need to erase your drive, follow these steps:

1. Open the Maxtor OneTouch Manager utility and click Security or click Open Utility from the Maxtor screen that asks you for your password. 2. Enter your Password. 3. Click Disable Security. 1. Click Security. 2. Click Password Unknown. 3. Click Erase Drive. The Authenticate window will open. 4. Enter the Name and Password for your computer and click OK. A window will appear, asking you to confirm “...that you intend to destroy all data on this drive.� 5. Type the 5-digit number and click Erase Drive. You will return to the original security screen. Close the Maxtor OneTouch Manager. The default setting for the Security setting is disabled. NOTE: See Set Password if you ever wish to re-enable password security in the future. 6. The Erase procedure will begin.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION 7. When completed, a message will appear stating that the drive is erased.

Sync The Sync feature will allow you to synchronize folders between your internal disk and your OneTouch III. After this feature is enabled, you can connect the OneTouch III to another Macintosh computer running the OneTouch Manager software and synchronize the files/folders from the OneTouch III to this other Macintosh. 1. Click the Sync tab. You will see the following:

Click OK. 8. Remove and reapply power to the drive. 9. When the erase process is complete, a window will appear with the message that the disk is unreadable.

10. Click Initialize. The Apple Disk Utility will open. Do not turn off your computer or your drive during the erase or formatting process.

Click the add (+) button located in the lower left corner. 2. You will be asked to select your Sync-My-Mac Source.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION In this example, the user's iTunes folder was selected. After making your selection, click the Add Sync button.

6. You will be prompted with the following:

3. The following is displayed:

Click OK. NOTE: If this screen does not appear, NOTE: Repeat steps 1-3 to add more that one (1) folder in your Sync-My-Mac Source list. Once all folders have been selected, click the Save Snyc Set button. click on the SyncMyMac icon located in the dock. 4. You will be asked to select a destination for your Sync Set. 7. The synchronization process starts.

Select the OneTouch III volume to save your Sync Set and click the Set Destination button. 5. You will return to the main Sync screen. Click Sync Now.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION 8. When finished, click OK. 9. Close the OneTouch Manager.

caused by a system interruption. In the event that you see the following window:

You may select a local disk on your computer to store folders that were originally copied to your OneTouch III using Sync on another computer. Every time you move your OneTouch III between computers, Sync will automatically compare the folders on your OneTouch III to the ones on your computer to look for files that have changed. If any files have changed, it will ask you if you would like to replace the older files with the newer versions. To Verify the Contents of Your Sync Set 1. Open the volume containing your Sync Set in the Finder. 2. Browse to the MaxSync folder.

click OK to synchronize this data.

To Manually Sync Folders There are three (3) ways to manually sync folders: Using the OneTouch Manager Screen Launch the OneTouch Manager and click Sync Now.

3. You will see the contents of your Sync Set. Sync Set File Structure Your synchronized folders reside in your selected volume in a folder called MaxSync. Within this folder, there are two (2) subfolders: – Tilde (~) Folder – Contains your synchronized files/ folders on the OneTouch III drive. – OT_MS_W Folder – Contains data that was not properly synchronized to the OneTouch III drive. This can be

Using the Sync Screen Click the Sync button then click the Sync Now button.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION Using the OneTouch Button on Your OneTouch III Refer to “OneTouch Button” earlier in this section for additional information. You only need to perform this customization once. WARNING: It is recommended that you store all Sync Backups created to a volume other than that where your Bootable Backup Copy is stored. Failure to do so may result in lost data. Please go to Maxtor’s Knowledge Base for more information regarding the creation of Backup and Duplicate scripts.

Editing Your Sync Set Removing Folders from your Sync Set. 1. Click the Sync tab. You will see the following:

RAID Settings By default, your OneTouch III Turbo Edition is configured as a striped (RAID 0) volume. In this configuration, the OneTouch III software combines the capacity of both enclosed hard drives – giving you one large, fast disk. However, if one drive fails, you will lose all data stored. To protect your data, you can mirror (RAID 1) the drives in your OneTouch III Turbo Edition. This configuration provides you with a backup of your data. In the event of a single disk failure, your data is secured on the second drive. The only drawback to a RAID 1 is the loss of disk space. A RAID 1 configuration will decrease the overall capacity of your OneTouch III Turbo Edition by 50%. 1. Launch the OneTouch Manager and click on the Settings button.

Click the minus (-) button located in the lower left corner. or If you wish to reverse your choice, click Revert to add the folder back to your Sync Set. 2. When changes have been made, click Sync Now to synchronize your folders from your Mac to the OneTouch III drive. When you delete an item from the Sync list, it is automatically deleted from the OneTouch III drive’s MaxSync directory. The original files/folders will remain on your Macintosh system.



To Configure a RAID 1 Volume 1. Click on the RAID 1 for Safety button. NOTE: The space reported will vary depending on the capacity of your OneTouch III, Turbo Edition. WARNING: Changing the RAID configuration will erase all data on your OneTouch III, Turbo Edition. Maxtor recommends that you backup any/all data on the OneTouch III before proceeding. 2. To continue, click Erase. 3. You will see the following:

Click the RAID tab. 3. The RAID Settings window is displayed.

Type the number displayed in the left field (in this example, the number is 27024- although this number is random and will vary on your system) in the right field provided.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION MACINTOSH INSTALLATION Once you have entered the number, click the Erase Drive button. 4. If prompted,

This process will take approximately 30 – 60 seconds, depending on the capacity of the OneTouch III, your Macintosh OS version, and the interface cable connecting the OneTouch III, Turbo Edition to your Macintosh. 6. Once the RAID has been set, you will see the following:

type your User Name and Password to authenticate, then click OK to proceed. Click Initialize to proceed. 5. Your OneTouch III, Turbo Edition will temporarily disconnect from the system.

7. Once initialized, launch the Apple Disk Utility to format the volume.

Once formatted, your OneTouch III, Turbo Edition is setup as a mirrored RAID 1 volume.

Click OK to continue.



Security Lock

Your untitled Maxtor OneTouch III drive appears in the same way as other drives on your desktop. Follow these steps to name the drive.

Your new Maxtor OneTouch III includes a security locking slot on the back of the drive. The slot is compatible with most security locking cables.

1. On your desktop, click the name of the new drive’s icon. The text will be to highlighted. 2. Enter a name (for example “Maxtor”) for your Maxtor OneTouch III and press Return.

Storing Audio Using your computer as an audio jukebox is a very popular application. This allows you to store and play thousands of your favorite songs. You can also create and manage an audio library from your Maxtor OneTouch III.

Security Lock

Editing Video Using a computer to capture and edit video recorded with a digital camcorder is quickly becoming popular. Digital video files are typically very large, using about 13 GB per hour of video content. Maxtor recommends connecting your drive using the FireWire interface for optimal results.

Connecting and Disconnecting the OneTouch III The FireWire and USB interfaces allow you to hot swap your Maxtor OneTouch III; that is, connect and disconnect the drive while the computer and your drive are turned on. To connect the OneTouch III to your computer 1. Make sure your Maxtor OneTouch III is turned on and the light is illuminated. Connecting your computer to a drive that is not powered on can cause your computer to behave erratically or freeze. 2. Plug the FireWire or USB cable into your Maxtor OneTouch III and your computer. After a moment, the computer will recognize that your drive is connected and the drive icon will appear on your Macintosh desktop. To disconnect the OneTouch III from your computer From the desktop, drag your Maxtor OneTouch III icon to the Trash. The drive will disappear from the desktop. Disconnect your Maxtor OneTouch III from the computer.



About this Guide The following symbols and conventions are used in this guide:

Thank you for selecting a Maxtor product. The new Maxtor OneTouchTM III, Turbo Edition, is the high performance, large capacity external storage solution designed for creative professionals needing the disk-striping speed of RAID 0 for intensive disk-access applications or the security of RAID 1 for automatically mirroring data. The OneTouch III, Turbo Edition, also features award-winning Maxtor OneTouch™ backup, data synchronization between two or more computers, cool operation and modular design for easy stacking. This user’s guide will help you setup your drive and includes helpful tips for performing backups and getting the most out of your new Maxtor OneTouch III, Turbo Edition. The Maxtor OneTouch III, Turbo Edition, features: – RAID 0 disk striping – RAID 1 automatic data mirroring – Triple interfaces: FireWire 800, FireWire 400, and USB 2.0 – Maxtor OneTouch™ button - the simple way to backup files – EMC® Retrospect® Express HD software – Maxtor DriveLock™ security feature password-protects the contents in case of loss or unauthorized use – System Rollback – rolls back your PC system settings to a better point in time while keeping data current – Data synchronization between 2 or more computers. The Maxtor OneTouch Manager features include: – Security settings to password-protect your critical data – Power management features to conserve energy when your Maxtor OneTouch III isn’t being used – Diagnostic utilities to check the health of your Maxtor OneTouch III, Turbo Edition



Used for menu, command, and keyboard selections you make and screens you will see. Helpful information about a particular topic. Important information to prevent problems and ensure that you are successful in using the drive.

Components Before installing, review the solution features in Figure 1. FIGURE 1 SOLUTION FEATURES 1. OneTouch Button 2. Status Light 3. Power Switch 4. Power Connector 5. FireWire 800 Port 6. FireWire 400 Port 7. USB 2.0 Port


Interface Requirements

1. Backup Solution 2. Power Adapter 3. FireWire 800 Cable 4. Quick Start CD

Maxtor recommends using the included power supply and interface cables for proper drive operation. – FireWire 400, IEEE 1394, i.LINK or FireWire 800, IEEE 1394, i.LINK port – USB 2.0 or 1.1 port Installation Software Maxtor OneTouch™ III Logiciel d’installation, Installationssoftware, Software di installazione, Installationsprogram, Software de instalación, Installatiesoftware, Asennusohjelma, Software de Instalação,

Includes: – EMC® Retrospect® Express HD (Win) – EMC® Retrospect® Express (Mac) – Maxtor OneTouch Drivers – Maxtor OneTouch Manager – Maxtor OneTouch User Guide (English) WINDOWS English Français Deutsch Español Italiano

MACINTOSH English Français Deutsch

All references to Windows 2000 actually refer specifically to Windows 2000 Professional. Retrospect Express does not work with the Server editions of these operating systems. USB 1.1 is slower than USB 2 or FireWire.

© 2005 Maxtor Corporation and its Licensors. Maxtor and the stylized Maxtor logo are registered trademarks, and Maxtor OneTouch is a trademark, of Maxtor Corporation. EMC and Retrospect are registered trademarks of EMC Corporation. U.S. patents 5,150,473 and 5,966,730. Other patents pending. Other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. All rights reserved.10/05 PN: 20310900

FireWire 800 9-pin to 9-pin

System Requirements – FireWire 800 requires Windows 2000 or XP operating system and FireWire 800 (9-pin) equipped computer

FireWire 400 6-pin to 6-pin FireWire 400 (1394a) cable.

– Pentium III, 500 Mhz equivalent processor or higher – Windows® 2000 Professional, XP Professional, or XP Home Edition – 128MB RAM (256 recommended) or more as required by operating system

Many laptop computers, have a smaller 4-pin FireWire port requiring a special 4-pin to 6-pin FireWire cable. This is not included, but can be purchased from your local computer store.

USB 2.0 ‘A’ to ‘B’ USB cable.

– Internet connection (for system updates) – CD-ROM drive ‘A’


The ‘A’ connector, typically, plugs into your computer and the ‘B’ connector plugs into your drive. If your computer has a different type of USB connection, you can purchase the correct type of cable from your local computer store. Though this model has both USB and FireWire interfaces, it is only possible to use one interface at a time.



Maxtor Product Support

Please handle your new Maxtor OneTouch III with care!

Maxtor Corporation provides a comprehensive product support section on its web site, including the latest software drivers, product specifications, a complete troubleshooting section, and the Maxtor Knowledge Base.

Follow the precautions listed here or you could damage your drive and void the product warranty. Review the Maxtor Limited Warranty for more information. Follow these Precautions to Prevent Data Loss – Do not bump, move or drop the drive while in operation. – Do not remove the interface cable or power cord without first disconnecting the drive properly through the operating system. – Do not set any liquids or drinks on or near the drive. Liquids will damage the internal electronics. – Do not open the drive enclosure. This can cause loss of data and will void the product warranty.

Maxtor USA Support Visit www.maxtorkb.com for the following information: – Search the Hard Drive Knowledge Base We store all resolved problems and FAQ’s in our knowledge base. Search by product, category, keywords, or phrases. – My Stuff Login to modify or view your FAQ update notifications or update your personal profile. – Most Popular Help Topics Top five most frequently asked questions. – Software Download Download installation and diagnostic programs for your hard drive or external storage device. Maxtor Worldwide Support Visit www.maxtor.com and click worldwide support or contact us for product support outside of the USA.



If, for some reason, the Maxtor screen does not appear: – Click the Windows Start button and then click Run.

NOTE: Please install the Maxtor OneTouch software before connecting the OneTouch III drive to your computer. You must first install this software in order to use the OneTouch button and other OneTouch III features.

Step 1 – Install the Software

– Click Browse and find the drive named Install CD.

– Open Install CD, open Launch and click OK.

If you receive a message that you do not have sufficient privileges to complete the installation, you may not have the Administrative Privileges required to install the software. To determine if you have these rights:

The Select Language screen will appear (same screen as shown in step 1).

– Click the Windows Start button and choose Control Panel.

3. Select your language. The main menu will appear next.

– Double click the User Accounts icon. – If your account Logon is displayed at the bottom of this window with the description: Computer Administrator, you have the correct administrative privileges to install and run this software. If your system shows another type of account status, contact your IT/Systems Administrator for further assistance. 1. Turn on your computer. 2. Insert the Maxtor Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive. After a few seconds, the Maxtor Select Language screen will open.



6. The License Agreement screen will appear.

5. The InstallShield welcome screen will open. After reading the License Agreement, click Yes. 7. The Choose Destination Location screen will appear. In the Destination Folder section of the screen, you can see where the Maxtor software will be installed. If you wish to change this, click Browse and choose a new location.

Click Next.

When you are ready, click Next.



10. The Retrospect Express HD Installshield Wizard will appear automatically.

9. The InstallShield Wizard Complete window will appear. 11. You may see a message that the Microsoft.NET software will be installed on your computer.

Click Finish. No intervention is necessary during this process.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 12. The Retrospect Express HD welcome screen will appear.

14. The Customer Information screen will appear. Enter your User Name and Organization. Make your choice and

Click Next. 13. The License Agreement screen will appear. After reading the agreement, select “I accept...” and click Next.

Click Next. 15. The Setup Type screen will appear.

Choose the Recommended option to install all of the Retrospect Software. Make your choice and click Next.



18. A message appears asking you to restart.

Follow the on-screen directions to restart your computer. 19. The Welcome to Maxtor OneTouch Setup screen will appear and a Maxtor OneTouch shortcut icon will appear on your desktop.

Click Install. 17. After the software is installed on your computer, the message “InstallShield Wizard Completed” will appear.

20. Eject the Maxtor Install CD from your computer. 21. Proceed to Step 2 – Connect the Drive.

Click Finish.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION Step 2 – Connect the Drive The Maxtor OneTouch III connects to your computer using either a FireWire or USB interface. Make sure you know which interface is available on your computer. Please install the software BEFORE you connect the drive. Connecting the Power 1. Plug the round female connector from the power adapter into the drive’s power connector.

Connecting with a FireWire 800 Cable Do not plug a FireWire cable into the drive when a USB cable is already connected to the drive. This drive will only operate with one interface at a time.

1. Plug one end of the FireWire cable into an available FireWire 800 port on your computer or to any other FireWire 800 device that is connected to your computer. FIGURE 4 CONNECTING TO A FIREWIRE 800 PORT

2. Plug the two-pin female connector on the power cord into the power adapter. FIGURE 3 CONNECTING THE POWER

3. Plug the standard electrical plug from the power adapter into your power source.

2. Plug the other end of the FireWire 800 cable into an available FireWire 800 port on the back of the drive.

4. Turn on the Maxtor OneTouch III using the power switch on the back of the drive. The light on the front of the drive should illuminate.

3. Proceed to Step 3 – Setup the Drive.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION Connecting with a FireWire 400 Cable Do not plug a FireWire cable into the drive when a USB cable is already connected to the drive. This drive will only operate with one interface at a time.

1. Plug one end of the FireWire cable into an available FireWire 400 port on your computer or to any other FireWire 400 device that is connected to your computer.

Connecting with a USB Cable Do not plug a USB cable into the drive when a FireWire cable is already connected to the drive. This drive will only operate with one interface at a time.

1. Plug the larger end of the USB cable into an available USB port on your computer. FIGURE 6 CONNECTING TO A USB PORT


2. Plug the other end of the FireWire 400 cable into the FireWire 400 port on the back of the drive.

2. Plug the smaller end of the USB cable into the USB port on the back of the drive.

3. Proceed to Step 3 – Setup the Drive.

3. Proceed to Step 3 – Setup the Drive.



3. Click Format.

1. If the Welcome to Maxtor OneTouch Setup screen is still visible, click Cancel to close it. Your computer may require a restart to complete the hardware installation. 2. The Maxtor OneTouch III FireWire 800 drive is shipped with a Macintosh file system. The Windows XP and Windows 2000 operating systems use an NTFS file structure. Your drive must be re-formatted for the NTFS file system in order to work properly with your Windows operating system. The Format Drive window will appear and you will have the opportunity to format your drive with the NTFS file system.

Your new drive will appear in the same way as your other drives, with a letter assigned to it by the operating system. The assigned letter will vary depending upon the number of other drives connected to your computer.

4. Push the OneTouch button. The Retrospect registration screen will appear. This is necessary for Windows 2000 and XP users.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 5. To register immediately, enter your information in the registration form provided and click Register.

6. Once you’ve made your selection, the Retrospect Welcome screen will appear, displaying the automatic backup settings for your computer. Retrospect Express HD will back up all the files on your computer to your Maxtor OneTouch III drive every day at 10 PM.

If you do not wish to register now, click Register Later. If you have already registered, click Already Registered. In order to register, you must be connected to the internet.

7. If you would like to start your first backup immediately,

By registering, you will have the option of receiving product updates, special offers, and important information about other data storage solutions from Maxtor.

Click Backup Now. 8. To close Retrospect Express HD, click the ‘X’ located at the upper right corner of the window. You can back up manually, at any time, by pressing the button on the front of your drive. Your hardware and software installation is now complete. See “Using the OneTouch III” on the following page for information about using your drive and using Retrospect Express HD.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION Using the OneTouch III Retrospect Express HD Understanding Restore Points The first step to backing your files is to create a restore point. A restore point is simply a snapshot of your files based on a specific date in time. It contains all the files and folders you select to back up, as they exist at the time that you back up. A restore point can be anything from a few files and folders to every file on your computer. Each time you back up, Retrospect Express HD adds a new restore point to your backup drive; thereby preserving copies of backed-up files and folders from multiple points in time. If there is not enough free disk space to add a new restore point, Retrospect Express HD automatically deletes older restore points to make room for new ones.

Opening Retrospect Express HD You can open Retrospect Express HD from either the Start Menu: – Start ➔ Programs ➔ EMC Retrospect ➔ Retrospect Express HD 1.1 From the System Tray

or – Right-click the red Retrospect Express HD icon.

You can restore individual files and folders from any restore point back to your computer. You can also restore your entire computer to its state at the time a restore point was created.

Running an Immediate Backup Though comprehensive backups can be scheduled to run at predetermined times, you can launch them at any time by doing one of the following:

Once you set up a backup, you can start it at any time by pressing the button on your Maxtor OneTouch III. You can also schedule backups to take place automatically on specific days of the week.

– Press the OneTouch button - this will launch your backup immediately

In the “Restoring your computer” section, later in this chapter, we will show you how to restore all the files on your computer in the event that your system is damaged or completely erased.

– Open Retrospect Express HD and click Back up now.


– Right-click on the Retrospect icon located in the System Tray and select Back up now from the pop-up menu.

MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION Comprehensive Backups vs. Duplicates Retrospect Express HD can perform both backups and duplicates. Select “Comprehensive Backup” to set up or modify your backup settings. Select “Duplicate” to set up or modify your duplicate settings. – Comprehensive Backup: Backing up your computer on a regular basis is the best way to protect your files. When you back up, Retrospect Express HD creates a restore point and saves it on your Maxtor drive. A restore point contains all the files and folders you selected to back up, as they existed at the time of the backup. Each time you back up, Retrospect Express HD adds a new restore point to the drive; thereby preserving copies of backed up files and folders from multiple points in time. If there is not enough free disk space to add a new restore point, Retrospect Express HD automatically deletes older restore points to make room for the new one. You can restore individual files and folders from any restore point back to your computer. You can also restore your entire computer to its state at the time a restore point was created. Once you set up a backup, you can initiate it at any time by pressing the OneTouch button on your Maxtor drive. You can also schedule backups to run automatically on specified days of the week.

Duplicates are saved in the standard Windows file format, so you can view and interact with them just like any other file (using Windows Explorer, for example). Once you set up a duplicate, you can initiate it at any time by pressing the OneTouch button on your Maxtor drive. You cannot schedule duplicates to run automatically. Comprehensive Backups There are three (3) types of comprehensive backups: – My Entire Computer – Let me choose specific files and folders – Let me choose files by type. Comprehensive Backups - My Entire Computer This option provides you with the capability to backup your entire PC to a Restore Point. This is the default comprehensive backup setting. In the future, after using other Comprehensive Backup/Duplicate options, you may return to using this option. Here is its setup procedure: 1. Launch Retrospect Express HD.

2. The main menu opens.

– Duplicate: When you duplicate, Retrospect Express HD copies the selected files and folders from your computer to the “Retrospect Duplicates” folder on your Maxtor drive. Each time you duplicate, Retrospect Express HD replaces the entire contents of “Retrospect Duplicates”. The only files and folders available are those from the most recent duplicate. If you modified a file since the last duplicate, the older version will be lost. If you deleted a file from your computer, it will be deleted from your Maxtor drive when you duplicate.

Click Setup.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 3. Select the type of backup – click on the Comprehensive Backup button.

5. Select the disk(s) you want to save your backup to; this would be the OneTouch III. Click the checkbox that corresponds with your Maxtor OneTouch III.

Click Next. 4. A screen will display asking you what you would like to back up. Click the My Entire Computer button.

Click Next. 6. Select the days and the time that you wish to schedule automatic backups to run.

Click Next. Click Finish.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 7. You will return to the Retrospect Express HD main menu.

8. Retrospect Express HD will now backup your entire computer at the scheduled date and time. Comprehensive Backups – Let Me Choose Specific Files and Folders This option provides you with the capability to backup your entire computer to a Restore Point. This is the default comprehensive backup setting. In the future, after using other Comprehensive Backup/Duplicate options, you may return to using this option. Here is its setup procedure:

3. Select the type of backup – click on the Comprehensive Backup button.

Click Next. 4. A screen will display asking you what you would like to back up. Click the Let me choose specific files and folders button.

1. Launch Retrospect Express HD.

2. The main menu opens.

Click Next.

Click Setup.



Click Next. 8. Select the days and the time that you wish to schedule automatic backups to run.

6. Place a check in the boxes associated with folders you wish to backup. Click Finish. 9. You will return to the Retrospect Express HD main menu. Retrospect Express HD will now backup your selected files at the scheduled date and time. Duplicates – Let Me Choose Files and Folders 1. Launch Retrospect Express HD.

Click Next.

2. The main menu opens.

7. Select the disk(s) you want to save your backup to; this would be the OneTouch III. Click the checkbox that corresponds with your Maxtor OneTouch III.

Click Setup.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 3. Select the type of backup – click on the Duplicate button.

Click Next. 4. A screen will display asking you what you would like to duplicate. Click the Let me choose files by type button.

6. Uncheck the boxes you do not wish to backup.

Click Next. 7. Select the disk(s) you want to save your backup to; this would be the OneTouch III. Click the checkbox that corresponds with your Maxtor OneTouch III.

Click Next. 5. You will see the following:

Click Finish.

By default all boxes are checked. PAGE 50

MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 8. You will return to the Retrospect Express HD main menu. Retrospect Express HD will now duplicate your selected files on demand as needed.

3. Click Comprehensive Backup.

Click Next. Revising Your Backup Settings 1. Open Retrospect Express HD.

4. A screen will display asking you what you would like to back up. For this example, click the My Entire Computer button.

2. The Welcome Screen will appear. It should identify when the next scheduled backup is to take place.

Click Next. Click Setup to make changes to your backup.


5. Select the disk you want to save to – the OneTouch III.

MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION Optional: You can allocate how much of the OneTouch III you wish to use for your backup(s). To do this:

Select the days and the time that you wish to schedule automatic backups to run.

Click on the words “all available.”

By default, your comprehensive backup will run daily at 10:00 PM. This will launch a drop-down menu. Click on the triangle to open the menu.

6. Change the days of the week or the starting time of your backup.

Click Finish. Select from the options and click Next.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 7. If available disk space was adjusted, disk space will be reclaimed.

Restoring from Your Backup At times, your critical data may be corrupted. Fortunately, Retrospect Express HD provides you with the ability to restore your crucial files. The following procedure will walk you through the steps to restore your Entire Computer. Prerequisites: – A prepared (partitioned/formatted) hard disk – Installation of your Operating System including all previous loaded Service packs and critical updates – Installation of EMC Retrospect Express HD.

8. You will then return to the main Retrospect Express window where your changes will be displayed and will go into effect at your next backup.

Procedure: 1. Open Retrospect Express HD. 2. The Welcome Screen will appear – with the next scheduled backup displayed.

3. Click Restore.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 4. From the Select window, click the Restore button.

Place a check in each box containing data you wish to restore. Use the search field to find specific files. Click Next. 7. You will now be asked where you wish to restore your files to. You have two options: Their original location, or the following location: Desktop\My Documents\My Restored Files\Restore 1 (default).

Click Next. 5. Select a restore point from which you wish to recover your data.

Make your choice and click Restore. 8. You will be asked to confirm that you want to overwrite the disk Click Next. 6. Retrospect Express HD will now scan your computer.

Check the Overwrite entire disk box and click Restore.



12. Upon reboot, the Retrospect Helper will launch and perform various tasks. No user intervention is necessary.

13. When finished, you will be prompted to restart again.

10. At this point, the restore will begin. Click OK. Your system has been restored. Understanding the Restore Points Window

11. When finished, you will be prompted to restart your computer.

The restore points window shows a calendar with the date in bold for the days that restore points were created. It will also list all the restore points in ascending order in a list box.

Click OK.

When you select a date on the calendar, the list of restore points will automatically scroll to show all those that are associated with that speciďŹ c date. The latest backup on that date will be highlighted. The drive for the restore point will also be shown. A green icon will appear before the date if the backup was successful, a yellow icon if the backup succeeded with some non-fatal errors, and a red icon if the backup failed. If you manually cancel a backup, it is considered a fatal error.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION If the restore point has a yellow or red icon, you can rightclick the restore point to show the operation log, which will show you more information about the error. Locking, Viewing Logs and Deleting Restore Points

Viewing Restore Point Logs There may be times that you want to see what may be causing problems with various restore points. You can accomplish this through viewing a restore point log. 1. Open Retrospect Express HD.

Locking Restore Points Retrospect Express HD's Grooming Technology manages your restore points by automatically adding the latest restore points and removing the oldest. However, there may be times that you do not want certain restore points removed from your system. In order to prevent restore points from being deleted, you must lock them.

2. Click Restore. 3. Highlight a restore point that you wish to use to view and click the View Log button located in the upper right corner of the restore point screen.

1. Open Retrospect Express. 2. Click Restore. 3. Highlight a restore point that you wish to use to lock your data and click Lock located in the upper right corner of the restore point screen.

Log Contents:

4. To unlock a restore point, simply repeat this procedure and the restore point will be unlocked when you click Lock again.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION Deleting Restore Points Retrospect Express HD provides you with the ability to manually delete restore points. To manually delete a restore to point.

5. When a restore point is deleted, Retrospect Express HD will reclaim the disk space. This process can take a long time. Do not turn off your computer until the process is complete.

1. Open Retrospect Express HD. 2. Click Restore. 3. Highlight a restore point that you want to remove and click the delete button (the red X) located in the upper right corner of the Restore window.

Restore Files in a Duplicate Restoring files from a Duplicate is as easy as copy and paste. 1. Access your Maxtor OneTouch III.

4. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the restore point.

2. Double-click on the Retrospect Duplicates folder.

Click OK.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 3. Locate the folders you need to restore to your system. To do this, simply highlight them and drag them to your computer.

Automatic Backup This feature will launch scheduled Comprehensive Backups of your computer. By default, the Automatic Backups option is turned On. To Turn Off Automatic Backup This can be done two ways: Launch Retrospect Express HD and click the Off button in the lower right of the Welcome screen.

The System Tray Menu The Retrospect Express icon located in the System Tray can provide the following:

– Provide information about the Retrospect Express Software

Right-click the Retrospect Express HD System Tray icon and click on Automatic Backup to remove the checkmark - turns it off.

– Launch Retrospect Express HD – Perform an immediate Backup or Duplicate of your PC – Turn On/Off the Automatic Backup feature – Exit.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION To Turn On Automatic Backup This can be done two ways: Launch Retrospect Express HD and click the On button in the lower right of the Welcome screen.

Maxtor OneTouch Manager You can access the OneTouch Manager by double-clicking its desktop shortcut.

This launches the OneTouch Manager.

Right-click the Retrospect Express HD System Tray icon and click Automatic Backup to add the checkmark - turns it on.

NOTE: Serial Number entries will be populated with your Maxtor OneTouch III’s information. NOTE: When your Retrospect is set to run Duplicates, Automatic Backup is disabled.

The OneTouch Manager program contains a myriad of utilities that help you protect your data. Along with Retrospect Express HD, the OneTouch Manager provides the following: – Access to Maxtor’s Web-based support – Security through Maxtor’s DriveLock and System Rollback – File Sync – Access to Retrospect Express HD via Backup and Restore – Disk diagnostics to monitor the health of you OneTouch III – OneTouch settings control the DriveLock feature, including Power Management, and OneTouch button customization.



Maxtor OneTouch Utilities The Settings Utilities contains many features that allow you to adjust and down times, adjust performance, said password level security, and customize your OneTouch button. Press the SETTINGS button to access these utilities. Adjust Power Setting This feature allows you to spin down your Maxtor OneTouch III during times of inactivity. By default, the OneTouch III's spin down time is 1 hour. To adjust the setting: 1. Click the Settings button. This will open the Settings for My Maxtor OneTouch menu.

What’s New – Click this and you’ll travel to Maxtor’s website where you can find out all about the OneTouch III’s new features.

2. Click the Adjust Power Setting button. 3. You will see the following:

Maxtor Support - By clicking the Maxtor Support button, you will be transported to Maxtor's Knowledge Base.

4. Click the triangle to display options located in the dropdown menu.



7. At any time, you can return to the Adjust Power Setting menu and adjust the spin down time to meet your needs. For example, if you wish to return the drive back to its original default setting, you can access the Adjust Power Setting menu.

Click Apply. 6. You will be notified that the Power Setting has been adjusted. Click Default. 8. Click Apply followed by OK and your Maxtor OneTouch III's power settings will return back to its original spin down time of 1 hour.

Click OK.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION Customizing the OneTouch Button This feature allows you to change the way that the OneTouch button responds when you press it. By default, Retrospect Express HD launches when you press the OneTouch button.

5. Browse your computer and select an application that you would like to associate with the OneTouch button.

To Customize Your OneTouch Settings: 1. Click the Settings button. This will open the Settings for My Maxtor OneTouch menu. 2. Click the Customize OneTouch button. 3. You will see the following menu:

In this example, the Windows Calculator program is shown. 6. After the name of the application has populated the Browse field,

Note that the Maxtor OneTouch button is set by default to launch a backup. 4. To associate the button so that it launches an application, click the Application button.

Click Apply.

Click Browse.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 7. You will be notified that the OneTouch button settings have been customized.

Click OK. You can also customize the OneTouch button so that when pressed, you will launch the Maxtor Sync program. To do this:

4. To associate the button so that it launches an application, click the Synchronize folders using Sync button.

Click Apply. 5. You will be notified that the OneTouch button settings have been customized.

1. Click the Settings button. This will open the Settings for My Maxtor OneTouch menu. 2. Click the Customize OneTouch button. 3. You will see the following menu:

Click OK.

Note that the Maxtor OneTouch button is set by default to launch a backup.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION Security Settings This feature allows you to password-protect your Maxtor OneTouch III so that in the event that the drive is lost or stolen, no one will be able to access its data unless they provide either the password or if added, the answer that you provided to a secret question.

Optional but Recommended You can also provide an answer to a secret question for greater protection in the advent that your password gets lost or stolen. 4. Click the Choose a Question drop-down menu.

Set Password 1. Click the Settings button. This will open the Settings for My Maxtor OneTouch menu. 2. Click the Adjust Security Setting button.

Select a question. In this case, “Where were you born?” was selected. 5. Enter the Answer to the secret question and re-type the answer to the secret question. 3. In the fields provided, enter a password and re-enter your password. The password must be at least six or more characters in length and include at least one digit (for example “abcdef” would not be a valid password; “abcde1” would be a valid password.”

Click Apply.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 6. You will be prompted with the following:

your password or provide the answer to the secret

Click Confirm. 7. You'll be notified that a password has been set on the OneTouch III.

question. 9. If the proper information is entered, you will see the following:

Click OK. 8. From now on, every time you restart your computer and the OneTouch III is attached, or when you turn off your drive and turn it back on, you will be prompted to enter


Click OK and your Maxtor OneTouch III will be accessible.

MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION Change Password 1. Click the Settings button. This will open the Settings for My Maxtor OneTouch menu.

4. Enter your current Password or click the Secret button to see the following:

2. Click the Adjust Security Setting button. 3. You will see the following:

Click Next. 5. Create a new password following steps 3 - 7 in Set Password. Click Change Password.

Disable Security 1. Click the Settings button. This will open the Settings for My Maxtor OneTouch menu.

2. Click the Adjust Security Setting button.



5. You will be informed that security has been disabled on your Maxtor OneTouch III.

Click Disable Security. Click OK. 4. You will be prompted to enter your password. You can always re-create a password on the OneTouch III. Refer to the Set Password procedure for more information.

Unlock Drive Though not widely used, the Unlock Drive feature can be accessed without having to turn off your OneTouch III or restarting your computer. To use this option: 1. Click the Settings button. This will open the Settings for My Maxtor OneTouch menu. 2. Click the Adjust Security Setting button. Click OK or you can click the Secret button and provide the answer to the secret question.

3. You will see the following:

Click Unlock Maxtor OneTouch.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 4. You will be prompted to enter your password.

6. You will be informed that your Maxtor OneTouch III has been unlocked.

Click OK. 5. Or you can click the Secret button and provide the answer to the secret question.

Click OK.

Click OK.



3. You will see the following warning:

If you have forgotten your password, you can attempt to reenter it or to recover it by answering a question that you setup originally when you created your password. You are allowed 5 attempts before you must turn off your drive and turn it back on, to try again at which point you can try an additional 5 times. If you are not able to recover your password, the only other way to unlock the drive is to erase all of its contents. 1. Click the Settings button. This will open the Settings for My Maxtor OneTouch menu. 2. Click the Adjust Security Setting button. You will see the following:

WARNING: The Erase Drive feature is Data Destructive! Click Confirm to proceed. 4. You will be prompted with the following:

Click Erase Maxtor OneTouch.



6. Remove and reapply power to your Maxtor OneTouch III. Upon doing so, you will be prompted to Format the drive.

NOTE: This process can take up to 3 hours to complete. 5. When finished, you will be notified that the drive is erased. NOTE: Refer to Formatting Procedures for more information.

Click OK.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION RAID Settings By default, your OneTouch III, Turbo Edition is configured as a striped (RAID 0) volume. In this configuration, the OneTouch III software combines the capacity of both enclosed hard drives – giving you one large, fast disk. However, if one drive fails, you will lose all data stored. To protect your data, you can mirror (RAID 1) the drives in your OneTouch III Turbo Edition. This configuration provides you with a backup of your data. In the event of a single disk failure, your data is secured on the second drive. The only drawback to a RAID 1 is the loss of disk space. A RAID 1 configuration will decrease the overall capacity of your OneTouch III, Turbo Edition by 50%.

To Configure a RAID 1 Volume on the OneTouch III 1. Click the RAID 1 – Redundancy button. WARNING: Setting up this RAID configuration will erase all data on your OneTouch III. Maxtor recommends that you backup any/all data on the OneTouch III before proceeding. Click Next. 2. You will see the following:

1. Launch the OneTouch Manager and click the Settings button. 2. Click the RAID Settings button. 3. The RAID Settings window is displayed.

Click the Continue button. 3. The progress window appears.

Click OK to proceed. Your OneTouch III, Turbo Edition will be configured as a mirrored (RAID 1) volume. This process will take 30 – 60 seconds, depending on the capacity of the OneTouch III.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 4. When finished, you will be prompted to format your OneTouch III.

Backup and Restore The Backup and Restore features of the Maxtor OneTouch Manager program are shortcuts that enable you to access Retrospect Press HD from the OneTouch Manager interface. Accessing Backup The Backup option can access Retrospect Express HD so you can edit your backup settings. You can also launch a backup from here as well. 1. Click the Backup button.

Once formatted, your OneTouch III, Turbo Edition is setup.

Click Edit My Backup Settings. 2. This will launch Retrospect Express HD and take you to its Welcome screen.

Click Setup to make changes.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION 3. You can also launch a backup from the screen.

Accessing Restore The OneTouch Manager’s Restore option provides a quick path to Retrospect Express HD’s Restore menu. 1. Click Restore. You will see the following:

Click Back Up Now. A timer will open from your system tray notifying you that Retrospect Backup will begin in 20 seconds. This screen notifies you that Retrospect Express is currently running and cannot be launched from this window. If it is closed, you will see the following window:

When it reaches zero (0), the backup will start.

From here, you can select a Restore Point and proceed with the rest of the restore process.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION Sync You may select one or more folders on your computer to sync to your OneTouch. Whenever a file changes in one of the folders on your computer, it can be automatically copied to an identical folder on your OneTouch. You may select folders on one local disk (C: or D: for example) and any folders within your My Documents folder. You can sync folders between multiple computers. This makes it convenient for you to move files between a computer at work and a computer at home.

To Edit Sync Settings Click the Sync button. You will see the following:

Click the Sync button. You will see the following:

Select other folders that you wish to Sync with your Maxtor OneTouch III and click Apply.

Click Set Folders. Check the folders that you wish to sync between your computer and the OneTouch III.

Click Apply.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION Checking the Status of Your Sync Click the Sync button. You will see the following:

Automatic Sync The Automatic Sync feature can be turned on or off. By default, this setting is On. To turn Automatic Sync Off Click the Sync button then click the Off button in the upper right corner of the Sync screen.

Click Sync Status. The status of your last Sync will be displayed. Automatic Sync is now Off.

Click OK.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION To turn Automatic Sync On Click the On button located in the upper right corner of the Sync screen.

To Sync Files Between Multiple Computers 1. Sync your files from your original computer to your Maxtor OneTouch III. 2. Disconnect your Maxtor OneTouch III. 3. Connect your OneTouch to the destination computer. The Sync Settings screen will appear. 4. Select the local disk on the destination computer to store the synchronized folders from your OneTouch.

Automatic Sync is now On.

Every time you move your Maxtor OneTouch III between computers, Sync will automatically compare the folders on your Maxtor OneTouch III to the ones on your computer to look for files that have changed. If any files have changed, it will ask you if you would like to replace the older files with their newer versions. To Manually Sync Folders There are two (2) ways to do this: Using the Sync Screen 1. Click the Sync button.

2. Click Sync Now. Using the Button on your Maxtor OneTouch III See Customizing the OneTouch Button for more information.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION Rollback You can use rollback to undo changes to your computer and restore its software and settings to a previous state, based on a date in the past called a “Restore Point.� Think of a restore point as a snapshot of your system.

Rolling Back Your System You may select a date in the past and a restore point to restore. During the rollback process, your computer will shut down. When your computer reboots, the rollback will be complete.

It's good to create a restore point if you are about to make a major change to your system, like installing new software or making major changes to your computer's settings. Rolling your computer back to a previous restore point will not cause you to lose any of your current work, like documents, email or web browser bookmarks. Creating a Restore Point

Undoing a System Rollback If, after you roll back your system, you decide that you want to go back to your previous system state, you may undo the rollback you just completed.

You may either create a restore point manually or set a regular time for a restore point to be created automatically.


MAXTOR ONETOUCH III TURBO EDITION WINDOWS INSTALLATION Naming Your OneTouch III Your untitled Maxtor OneTouch III drive appears in the same way as your other drives, with a new drive letter assigned by the operating system. The assigned letter will vary depending upon the number of other drives connected to your computer. Make a note of this drive letter. Its a good idea to name your new drive so it’s easy to identify later when you use it for backing up your files. 1. Open the My Computer icon. 2. Right-click your Maxtor OneTouch III icon and select Properties. The Properties window will open. 3. In the Label section at the top of the window, enter a name. For example: “Maxtor.”

Storing Audio Using your computer as an audio jukebox is a very popular application. This allows you to store and play thousands of your favorite songs. You can also create and manage an audio library from your Maxtor OneTouch III.

Editing Video

To disconnect the OneTouch III from your computer 1. Double-click the Windows Unplug or Eject Hardware icon in your system icon tray. A list of device choices appears. 2. Select your Maxtor OneTouch III and follow the on-screen directions to eject the drive. The system will display a message saying that you can safely remove the drive. 3. Disconnect your Maxtor OneTouch III from your computer. Your system may not allow you to disconnect the drive. In this case, you may need to close all open applications and documents or shut down your system completely to disconnect the drive safely. WARNING: Removing the Maxtor OneTouch III from your computer without disconnecting it properly through the operating system can result in lost or damaged files.

Security Lock Your new Maxtor OneTouch III includes a security locking slot on the back of the drive. The slot is compatible with most security locking cables.

Using a computer to capture and edit video recorded with a digital camcorder is quickly becoming popular. Digital video files are typically very large, using about 13 GB per hour of video content. Maxtor recommends connecting your drive using the FireWire interface for optimal results.

Connecting and Disconnecting Your OneTouch III The FireWire and USB interfaces allow you to hot swap your Maxtor OneTouch III; that is, connect and disconnect the drive while the computer and your drive are turned on.

Security Lock

To connect the OneTouch III to your computer 1. Make sure your Maxtor OneTouch III is turned on and the light is illuminated. Connecting your computer to a drive that is not powered on can cause your computer to behave erratically or freeze. 2. Plug the FireWire or USB cable into your Maxtor OneTouch III and your computer.


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