Iclei ko no 10 gangdong gu

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For Achieving a Sustainable Eco-city

Eco-friendly Urban Agriculture in Gangdong-gu, Seoul 2020 Project (2009 ~ Present) ICLEI Korea Office, Case Study Series No.10


Urban agriculture refers to the cultivation or growing of crops by utilizing land, building or other living spaces in urban areas. Residents of an urban agriculture city can not only get products by utilizing spare spaces, but can also perform activities like experiential farming, learning about nature, making and sharing foods from vegetable gardens, and helping the environment. Urban agriculture is also effective for making a green ecosystem in cities and lowering air temperature in downtown to prevent the heat island phenomenon, which could help prevent global warming. Based on these benefits, urban agriculture has recently attracted wide attention from both home and abroad. Gangdong-gu, a district of eastern Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea, has pursued urban agriculture as a core project following the 2010 pledge of Lee Hae-Sik, who was then inaugurated as the chief of Gandonggu Office. In March 2010, the district opened eco-friendly urban vegetable gardens followed by in November of the same year Korea’s first bylaw on the activation of and support for eco-friendly urban agriculture. In March 2011, Gangdong-gu was designated a “special district for eco-friendly urban agriculture” and a master plan for “operating 2020 eco-friendly urban agriculture” was released. To implement the project, the municipaloffice has pursued more than 10 projects like eco-friendly vegetable gardens in the city, a local food

Population 463,321 (December 2016) Area 24.6 square kilometers Annual budget KRW 482.5 billion (2016)

system, a training session for urban farmers, and preparation of the related system and organization since 2010; moreover, it has steadily developed urban agriculture by finding new and necessary projects. Urban agriculture through the use of vegetable gardens has led to the diffusion of a culture of sharing with and social consideration of the disabled, multicultural families and North Korean defectors. Gangdong-gu has formed a community through a farming festival and related activities that have led to an eco-friendly food system for stable production, consumption of safe food items and the creation of green jobs. A variety of urban agriculture projects has been started to promote more resident participation. Based on the perception that urban agriculture is a must now, Gangdong-gu dreams of becoming a green community under the slogan “One Vegetable Garden for One Family” by 2020.

Case Study  Background of Implementation, Progress, and Status Background Urban agriculture is considered a promising project that benefits city dwellers in boosting public health, the environment, education and revitalization of the community. For coping with environmental problems like global warming and the heat island phenomenon, demand for building a benign cycle of natural resources continues to increase. As the economic and environmental effects of an urban agriculture are seen in Kleingarten, Germany, and Havana, Cuba, urban agriculture is attracting global interest. Gangdong-gu is a district in eastern Seoul with an area of 24.58 square kilometers, 40.32 percent of which is a green belt, or 9.91 square kilometers. Farming land covers 2.73 square kilometers with 305 farming families. Thus based on its regional background, Gangdong-gu declared its vision for a sustainable eco-city at an early stage and has implemented plans to revitalize its environment. Regional conditions as mentioned above have been reflected in Mayor Lee HaeSik'selection pledges; he began to implement urban agriculture as a publicly pledged project after his 2010 inauguration.

Gangdong-gu ICLEI Member Since Aug. 20, 2014

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Implementation System Gangdong-gu modified its organization to implement urban agriculture steadily, systematically, professionally and sustainably. On January. 1, 2011, the Municipal Government set up Korea’s first urban agriculture team among local governments in the country. In November of the same year, a department-level organization (with 13 members in three teams) was created. Each unit project has since been operated under a system of resident-government governance.

Progress Soon after his inauguration in July 2008 as head of Gangdong-gu Office, Mayor Lee began to pursue urban agriculture as a publicly pledged core project. From April 2009 Seoul's first eco-friendly school feeding began in 5 elementary schools under an interactive program for ecofriendly agriculture to change the eating habits of children accustomed to instant and processed food. In March 2010, Korea’s first urban vegetable garden was opened in Dunchon-dong and in November the same year, the nation's first bylaw on the activation of and support for eco-friendly urban agriculture was enacted. In March 2011, Gangdong-gu was designated a special district for eco-friendly urban agriculture and the project dubbed “2020 eco-friendly urban agriculture” was announced. The district's “A Vegetable Garden for Every Household by 2020”means all households of Gangdong-gu (about 190,000) will get a vegetable garden by 2020 for them to enjoy an eco-friendly life. Overview of Gangdong-gu’s Project “A Vegetable Garden for Every Household by 2020”

Period 02 Transition Preparation Period 2011~2012 01 2009~2010 · Operated eco-friendly public vegetable gardens on larger scale · Distributed box vegetable gardens as demonstration · Ran urban agriculture Academy · Operated direct transaction distribution system as demonstration · Set up urban agriculture governance

· Operated eco-friendly experience farm · Formed eco-friendly urban vegetable garden in Dunchon-dong · Enacted bylaw on eco-friendly urban agriculture · Built eco-friendly deciduous leaf disposal facility · Started a project supporting production of eco-friendly produce


Development Period 2013~2014

Period 04 Settlement 2015~2020

· Expanded public and box vegetable gardens · Enlarged eco-friendly local food system · Founded urban agriculture support center · Built urban agro-park

· To achieve goal of “A vegetable garden for every household (est. 190,000)” · To set up an eco-friendly local food system · To establish urban agriculture of natural circulation type · To make urban agriculture ubiquitous

 Detailed Content of Projects Urban Agriculture Changing the City / Expansion of Space – PR Ⓐ Operation of Eco-friendly Urban Vegetable Gardens In March 2010, Gangdong-gu leased private land at 118-1 Dunchon-dong, which was in a development-restricted region within a greenbelt, and parceled it out for use as public urban vegetable gardens of 226 accounts for the first time in the first year; the number of accounts every year is gradually rising. Online recruitment is on a first-come, first-served basis (90 percent) and personal application (10 percent for senior citizens age 65 or older and the disabled). The project’s classification is a direct operation vegetable garden (on government-owned land) and private operation vegetable garden (cooperation vegetable garden and vegetable garden community). Phase Targets for Implementing ‘A Vegetable Garden for Every Household’ Project

Classified Urban V.G. accounts

Step 1 - 2

Step 3

Step 4















Ⓑ Distribution & Operation of Box, Rooftop, and Tiny-space Vegetable Gardens A box vegetable garden cultivates produce in an eco-friendly farming way as a part of an urban greening project, utilizing boxes or similar things at places such as the rooftops of buildings, balconies or yards. Gangdong-gu has parceled out box vegetable gardens to residents since 2011 after providing advanced education and distributing a manual on such gardens for them to easily understand how to grow crops. A rooftop vegetable garden is built at public organizations with rooftop boxes, compost barns, shelters and farming tool racks. A spare space vegetable garden is built at a remnant space in a common residential area for use as a base of a community.

Ⓒ Indoor & Outdoor Vegetable Garden Yard After beginning with urban agriculture for food crops, Gangdong-gu expanded to floriculture and horticulture so that residents can easily find and apply a broad range of crops around their daily lives. This project intends to activate urban agriculture by expanding residents' contact points through a variety of urban agriculture. Another objective is to train gardeners trained in the care of indoor and outdoor vegetable gardens and build a system in which both types can be built at low cost in association with floriculture farmers in the district's jurisdiction. Residents can build a vegetable garden yard after training themselves or can help neighbors build vegetable gardens at low cost as leisure, hobby or social work.

ICLEI KOREA Case Studies No.10


Ⓓ Operating Portal Site for Urban Agriculture Gangdong-gu Office has a portal site for urban agriculture (www.gangdong.go.kr/cityfarm) that plays a mentor role for urban farmers by providing information on urban agriculture. The Municipal Government is striving to find and develop user-oriented content by creating and uploading video training materials by season, crop and field and operating groups for reporters specializing in urban vegetable gardens and homepage monitoring.

Urban Agriculture Changing Environment / Resource Circulation & Biodiversity Ⓐ Implementation of Resource Circulation-type Urban Agriculture Gangdong-gu is seeking a resource circulation type of urban agriculture. Its recommendation is to fertilize organic materials generated in a city like fallen leaves and food waste for use at vegetable gardens and reuse recycled containers used for daily living as much as possible at box vegetable gardens. For building an urban agricultural system with a virtuous cycle, facilities for fallen leaves treatment and worm farming were installed in 2010. In 2015, a so-called virtuous cycle center for urban agriculture was opened to conduct education, testing, and research on the virtuous cycle of urban agriculture resources. In 2016, bins for using eco-friendly food waste as fertilizer were provided to tiny space vegetable gardens, multi-unit dwellings, schools and apartment buildings so that food waste generated from those places can be used at nearby vegetable gardens after being made into fertilizer.

Ⓑ Operation of Native Farms to Ensure Food Safety Gangdong-gu Office is distributing native seeds based on resident interest and with their participation. This project is being carried out by volunteer residents, with the resident club (Gangdong Native Seeds Keepers) doing the main jobs. Other aims include conservation of hereditary resources of the country’s valuable native crops and cope with public fears over genetically modified foods(GMO). Native seeds are collected and then sent to native farms or distributed to residents via the native seeds library so that residents can return after multiplying process. This way, each urban farmer can naturally participate in this campaign while engaging in his or her own farming.

Ⓒ Operation of Eco-friendly Urban Bee Farming With high ratios of greenbelts and green areas as regional features, Gangdong-gu has optimum conditions for bees to grow and develop because it strictly bans the use of pesticides in eco-friendly farming based on the rule of the three-zero farming method. Ten beehive boxes were installed at a community vegetable garden (8,975㎡) in Sangil-dong in April 2013, which was the first step for urban bee farming. As of 2016, about 30 beehive boxes installed at a community vegetable garden in a park in Myeongil-dong are being directly managed with services from contracted and public workers, meaning an education program on urban bee farming is being offered to Gangdong-gu residents. And the collected honey there is sold at Singsing Dream, a direct sales market of the Gangdong-gu Urban Agriculture Support Center. The ensuing growth in tax revenue means more is given to education program participants or used for PR for the district.

Urban Agriculture Protecting Public Health / Health City - Local Food Ⓐ Eco-friendly Local Food System The Gangdong-gu Urban Agriculture Support Center since its opening in 2013 has run an outdoor direct transaction market, experiential class on an eco-friendly farming home and a happy dinner table with stories; it also distributes vegetable garden containers, seeds, and farming tools and materials, and sells products cultivated at vegetable gardens. The goal is to establish communities for urban agriculture participants to promote a culture of communicating and sharing with neighbors. Since 2013, Gangdong-gu has operated Singsing Dream, a direct sales market for food to widen public understanding of eco-friendly farming, revitalize the community and stimulate the district's economy in the course of realizing “PGCG - Produce from Gangdong, Consume in Gangdong.” Singsing offers fresh and safe food items systematically at low cost, stimulates the area economy by securing a stable sales channel for farmers and minimizes the volume of greenhouse gas generated through the long-distance transportation of produce. In July 2016, the member tally exceeded 7,700 and plans are in force to set up more direct sales stores for eco-friendly products and extend the supply of food materials to feeding facilities of schools and childcare organizations.

Ⓑ Direct Transaction Market for Eco-friendly Produce Gangdong-gu opened an "acorn" market for urban agriculture participants to introduce and sell their produce. In operating an outdoor direct transaction market, a resident-government governance system was established so that administrative and financial support could go to residents to allow them to regularly hold the outdoor market creatively while having fun.

Ⓒ Urban Agriculture Park An urban agriculture park opened in 2013 offers children opportunities for an eco-friendly experience in urban agriculture through the vegetable garden (mini rice paddy); it is also a community space for healing and experiencing traditional farming culture throughout the four seasons. The park provides information and PR on eco-friendly urban agriculture, a farming culture experience is given through the display of traditional farming tools, and a small library on urban agriculture utilizes discarded public telephone booths.

ICLEI KOREA Case Studies No.10


Life-changing Urban Agriculture / Education and Urban Agriculture Ⓐ Eco-friendly Urban Agriculture Festival Gangdong-gu began hosting an urban agriculture festival in 2011 and the event is now held in June every year to promote eco-friendly urban agriculture started in 2010, share the results and passion of eco-friendly urban agriculture with residents, and expand and realize sustainable values. In 2016 the festival was expanded to an urban agricultural expo to attract residents’ participation through unique contents and ideas.

Ⓑ School Vegetable Gardens As of 2016, school vegetable gardens were operational at 22 elementary, five middles and two special schools (area of 20~250㎡ for each school) for cultivating an upright character and a sense of community within children through experience at an eco-friendly vegetable garden. Programs linked to school subjects are conducted through the commission to civil groups related to urban agriculture, and the building of spare spaces, rooftop- and box-vegetable gardens and farming material support for each school provide a real education and gives urban agriculture activists meaningful jobs.

Ⓒ Programs for Enjoying Eco-friendly Farming Culture Seasonal programs and events closely related to Korea’s traditional customs and farming lives are held. They start at urban vegetable gardens worked on by urban farmers to understand the wisdom of Korean ancestors who recognized yearly weather and progress of farming and comprehend traditional farming culture through seasonal customs. Since 2012, a sheaf-burning big garden on a full moon night in January (sheaf burning and five-grained rice ball eating) and a winter solstice big garden (sharing red bean soup and making hand hot packs with red beans) are held every year.

Ⓓ Eco-friendly Urban Farmers School for Training Activists Most failures experienced by urban farming-participating residents who do not farm as their livelihood result from a lack of professional farming knowledge and effective ways of preventing and controlling the damage by blight and harmful insects. This is understandable as the participants have had few or no encounters with such dangers in urban areas. Thus Gangdong-gu began providing training to urban farmers who cultivate vegetable gardens from 2011 for spreading eco-friendly urban agriculture. Programs on urban agriculture provided by Gangdong-gu are classes in urban vegetable garden farmers and urban bee farming, a bee farming interactive program for children, classes in eco-rice paddies, native seeds, resource circulation, traditional food fermenting and medicinal herb vegetable garden, training for gardeners at indoor and outdoor vegetable gardens and a field trip to an urban agriculture site.

Ⓔ Operating Eco-friendly Farm Interactive Center An eco-friendly farm interactive center was opened on May 27, 2015, in a space covering 2,420㎡ within Gangil Vegetable Garden to provide children with opportunities to feel nature and realize sustainable environmental conservation. The center’s operators are the district office, resident groups and an association of eco-friendly produce farmers in the area under a resident-government governance system. This program strives to help children learn about food habit improvement and attitude toward living harmoniously with nature.

Ⓕ Three-generation Park Vegetable Gardens This project begun in 2016 builds places in parks for first- (senior citizens facility), second- (urban agriculture activity group) and thirdgeneration (childcare center and kindergarten) members to get together. The aim of this project is for the three generations to jointly manage vegetable gardens within parks and build a community culture by running communication programs.

 Results and Accomplishments Effect of Reducing Greenhouse Gas via Differentiated Eco-friendly Urban Vegetable Gardens Reductions in CO₂ emissions have resulted from a decrease in produce supplied from long distances and expanded operation of the local food system through eco-friendly urban vegetable gardens and Singsing Dream, a direct transaction market for eco-friendly products. Results of CO₂ Reduction from Operation of Urban Vegetable Gardens





No. of Accounts CO2 Reduction

Vegetable Garden




28,762kg 27,652kgCO₂

Mini Rice Paddy




Urban Agricultural Park




Box Vegetable Garden




Rooftop Vegetable Garden.




Including 500 accounts by dong (neighborhood) resident center Ecological rice paddy and observation V.G.

ICLEI KOREA Case Studies No.10


Awards ■2011 · Republic of Korea Green Management Grand Prize, sustainable development sector, government prize (Minister of Environment Prize) · ‌ Manifes to Excellent Case Competition, public pledge implementation sector, top prize · ‌ 8th Regional Industrial Policy Grand Prize, Excellent Prize · ‌ 6th Republic of Korea Eco-friendly Grand Prize · ‌ LivCom Awards International Convention, whole city sector, Silver Prize · ‌ EcoRich City, Green resident movement sector, excellent local government prize (Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs Prize)

■2012 · Republic of Korea Green Management Grand Prize, government prize · Local government association convention of Korea, China, and Japan, presented "Eco-friendly urban agriculture" · Green Growth, EcoRich City, green growth committee chair prize · 7th Republic of Korea Eco-friendly Grand Prize · Local Autonomy Management Exhibition, environment sector, top prize · Public and Chronic Civil Affairs Sectors, excellent case presenting convention, excellent prize (eco-friendly mini rice paddy) · Green City Made and Cultivated with Residents Seoul, top prize · One Atomic Power Plant Reduction Evaluation Grand Prize (eco-friendly urban agriculture)

■2013 · 8th Republic of Korea Eco-friendly Grand Prize · 2013 Ccity Ggrand Pprize

■2014 · 9th Republic of Korea Eco-friendly Grand Prize · 2014 Seoul Urban Agriculture Sector Autonomous Ward Evaluation, dubbed Most Excellent Ward

■2015 · Austria Energy Global Award, urban agriculture sector · 10th Republic of Korea Eco-friendly Grand Prize · 2015 Seoul Ccity Uurban Aagriculture, dubbed Most Excellent Municipality

Social Consideration of Disabled, Multicultural Families and Families with Multiple Children based on Vegetable Garden Operation A vegetable garden with an eco-friendly theme was built for families targeted for social consideration in Amsa-dong and Gangil-dong. The venue has the meaning of a “Social Consideration Vegetable Garden” in which the disabled and families with multiple children engage in farming; the vegetable garden for sharing allows residents to farm together and distribute harvests to those in need. Those participating in these garden projects are 12 families of North Korean defectors, mentally disabled persons with 97 accounts of vegetable gardens for their adaptation program, 130 families with disabled members, 20 multicultural families and 19 families with multiple children. Gangdong-gu seeks to revive the values of eco-friendly urban agriculture, like killing three birds with one stone, by using abandoned land to make vegetable gardens to revive the earth and environment and spread a culture of sharing.

Establish PGCG System of Eco-friendly Local Foods Local food is regional produce not transported from a long distance. The criteria differ from country to country, but the goal is to build a regional network for produce cultivated within a 50㎞ radius. Gangdonggu has run a direct transaction market for eco-friendly produce (Singsing Dream) since opening its Urban Agriculture Support Center in 2013. After running the food campaign “Produce from Gangdong, Consume in Gangdong (PGCG), Gangdong-gu supplies fresh and safe food items (tested for pesticide residue) systematically and at low cost through Singsing Dream.” To secure stable sales’ channels for farmers of eco-friendly produce, the district is raising the number of nationally certified eco-friendly farmers of safe produce. In the context of securing safe food items and lightening the burden on cultivating farmers, Gangdong-gu is the lone Municipality in Seoul to back certified and eco-friendly agriculture farmers with subsidies for purchasing eco-friendly farming materials and certification fees with funds from the municipal's budget.

Creation of Green Jobs Gangdong-gu’s vegetable gardens are creating jobs for senior citizens. The Gangdong-gu project called “Business Group for Urban Vegetable Gardens” has jobs for senior citizens by utilizing vegetable gardens prepared by the ward. Different from market-driven projects for job creation that provides public jobs whose labor costs are fully subsidized, this type using the business group for urban vegetable gardens builds an independent foundation by creating revenue. Job creation is also fueled by training urban agriculture professionals through sustainable and productive public works that match Gangdong-gu’s characteristics. From 2010 to 2013, 670 man-days were provided to regional community and public works by time and place. Graduates of the urban agriculture academy are hired as monitors for box vegetable gardens, mentors for public vegetable gardens and instructors at eco-friendly experiential farms; the number of such hires goes up every year. The March 2014 establishment of the so-called social cooperative ‘urban farming story’ promotes groups for vegetable garden autonomy and public mentoring activities for urban vegetable gardens. In addition, the number of social and economic organizations such as a cooperative for social dining that supervises eco-friendly eating and food market, and a bee farming cooperative that manages education and jobs in bee farming, are on the rise.

 Lessons Learned and Tips in Benchmarking Advance Efforts for Improvement of System and Policy (including By-law Enactment) For supplying healthy and safe food to the residents, cultivating personal emotions, reviving regional communities from isolation by promoting eco-friendly urban agriculture and building a sustainable ecological city by expanding eco-friendly green space, the 「By-law on the Activation of and Support for Eco-friendly Urban Agriculture in Gangdong-gu, Seoul Metropolitan City」 was enacted on Nov. 10, 2010. In 2011 the district's representative to the Green Growth Committee of the presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae (Blue House) gave a presentation on urban agriculture tasks. Participation of the action officer in charge of Gangdong-gu’s urban agriculture in legislating the process of the Urban Agriculture Act, which took effect in 2012, the bylaw and project implementation have contributed much to the enactment of the law on urban agriculture.

Continuous Practice - 18 Projects as of 2016 Since the bylaw’s enactment in 2010, relevant projects have been steadily implemented and expanded under Gangdong-gu’s 2020 projects for eco-friendly urban agriculture. Along with the continued implementation and expansion of existing projects such as eco-friendly urban vegetable gardens, local food system and eco-friendly urban agriculture expo, the setup of the Farm-mix Center and operation of three-generation park vegetable gardens were added as new projects in 2016. These opportunities allow more ward residents to participate in urban agriculture and promote wider recognition of urban agriculture.

ICLEI KOREA Case Studies No.10


Eco-friendly Vegetable Gardens for Social Contributions ICLEI’s mission is to start and support local government movements around the globe for practical improvement of e n v i r o n m e n t- f o c u s e d sustainability based on accumulated local activities.

Urban agriculture is not just the production of products in a city but an eco-friendly operation under a resource circulation way for boosting eco-friendliness. It also seeks biodiversity of urban life through urban bee farming and distribution of native breeds and operates eco-friendly vegetable gardens adhering to the three-zero principles of no synthetic agricultural chemicals, chemical fertilizers and vinyl mulching, as well as practicing resource circulation-type urban agriculture by utilizing food waste and fallen leaves as compost. Vegetable gardens are also being cultivated not by the individual but by the community, as in the general management of vegetable gardens from seeding and weeding to harvesting. Vegetable gardens are used for social contribution purposes by donating half or more of their harvests and providing education on the urban agriculture field experience, horticultural treatment, and seed gathering.

 Future Tasks Conversion to Privately Led Urban Agriculture The case study series of ICLEI’s Korea Office is supported by ICLEI Korea member local governments and seeks to find and introduce sustainable development policy and project cases for such governments. The aim is to share this series with everyone working in each area of Korean society for sustainable development, including local governments and Local Agenda 21. For more information on the case study series, please contact Kang Jeongmuk, Manager of Policy & Knowledge Management Team.

For increasing the cultivation area of urban agriculture in Gangdong-gu and promoting urban agriculture that is privately led, promotion of businesses for urban agriculture villages and social enterprises are needed, in addition, to supporting the establishment of an urban agriculture cooperative. Moreover, residents should be encouraged to continually participate and guide private vegetable gardens into becoming eco-friendly.

Institutional Supports by Central Government Urban agriculture projects should be funded by increasing the related budget based on institutional support from the government. For example, the securing of urban vegetable gardens should be mentioned in a law on urban development planning and another on parks. And the area of farmland should be increased by including urban vegetable gardens in the farmland lease and consignment business within the farmland bank system, and a tax regulation is needed in which credit is given to the social contribution cost when an urban farmland is provided as a vegetable garden.

Budget & Finances The budget for urban agriculture consists of the city subsidy (10 percent), the ward’s contribution (80 percent) and national subsidy (10 percent). The budget invested every year in urban agriculture since 2012 is about a billion won. Among various projects being operated in relation to urban agriculture, the portion of implementation and operation of eco-friendly urban vegetable gardens is the largestat about 20 percent. In 2016, new projects were added to existing ones like the opening of the Urban Agriculture Farmmix Centerand the operation of three-generation park vegetable gardens.

References Gangdong-gu (2014), "Eco-friendly Urban Agriculture 2020 Project" 2014, Master Plan for Implementing Activation of Eco-friendly Urban Agriculture Gangdong-gu (2014), Building Distributing Plan of Box- and Rooftop Vegetable Gardens for Realizing Gangdong-gu Eco-friendly Urban Agriculture 2020 Project Gangdong-gu (2014), PGCG Eco-friendly Local Food System

(031-255-3257, jeongmuk.kang@iclei.org)

Gangdong-gu (2015), White Paper on Urban Agriculture Gangdong-gu (2016), "Gangdong-gu Eco-friendly Urban Agriculture 2020 Project" 2016, Master Plan for Implementing Activation of Eco-friendly Urban Agriculture Gangdong-gu (2016), Results of Implementing Sustainable Climate and Environment City in 1st Half of 2016 Written by Soonkeum Han, Professional Officer, & Jihee Kim, Program Manager, ICLEI Korea Office Edited by Kang Jeongmuk, Manager of Policy & Knowledge Management Team, & Jihee Kim, Program Manager (English Version) Edited by Ko Hyejin, Program Officer, Policy & Knowledge Management Team. We also thank Seong-ho Ju, Head of Urban Agriculture Promotion Team; Deok-sik Gang, Head of Urban Agriculture Planning Team; and Cho Myeong-Seok, Officer of Urban Agriculture Department, Gangdong-gu Office, Seoul Metropolitan City.

Local Governments for Sustainability, ICLEI Korea Office #320, Duham Park, 126, Suin-ro, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (16429) Tel : 031)255-3257 Fax : 031)256-3257 Email : iclei.korea@iclei.org www.icleikorea.org / www.iclei.org www.facebook.com/ICLEI.KOREA.ORG / Twitter ID : @ICLEIKOREA

www.icleikorea.org / www.iclei.org

ICLEI Korea Office Case Study Series No. 10 •Published date : Sep. 1, 2017 •Publisher : Park Yeon-hee •Writer : Soonkeum Hanand Jihee Kim •English editor: Ko Hyejin •Published by ICLEI Korea Office

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