Web tools and Social Media for business associations
Anastasia Baklan
East Invest 2, Azerbaijan, 2016
The plan 1. Web-sites
2. Social media
3. E-mail newsletters
4. Online-surveys
5. Infographics
Web-tools are the possibility to... •
To start your advocacy campaign without a great expanses
To promote the association's achievements and to attract the partners
To minimize the risk of incorrect interpretation of information flow
To create a databases for the joint implementation of the future projects
Do you have a website of your organization right now?
Problem of the communication campaign start In the start of advocacy activities there is a need to present the ideas of business community somewhere for the public.
But how could you guarantee that information would be interpreted correctly, if stakeholders have no chance to verify information through the Google-search?
Solution To create the simple webrepresentation of the BSO (or coalition), where description of the goals, tasks, events, the 
 team of advocacy campaign 
 and contacts for the feedback will be placed.
Possible services for web-page creation • In the Internet you can find a list of the possible services for web-page creation absolutely for free • To make a web-page there you will don't need any specific knowledge of programming or design
• The main thing is to prepare a good content and spend an hour to fill it in the form of the web-site
How many it could cost?
Social Media
Social networks for advocacy campaigns • Facebook, LinkedIn
• Google+
• Youtube, Vimeo
• Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr
• Issuu, SlideShare
• Blogs
Results of assessment on communication channels among business associations in Armenia
Results of assessment on communication channels among business associations in Georgia
Facebook • Keep Facebook posts short and conversational, and include an image whenever possible.
• The most effective way to communicate on Facebook account is to post regularly.
• Ask people to share your content through Facebook.
• Make sure the content is branded with a logo.
Facebook • Include links on Facebook to direct people back to the website of organization.
• You can easily create events on your Facebook page and invite your Facebook friends, who can then invite their friends, and so on.
• But the most important is to not waste your time all day watching the Facebook timeline!
Пример страницы Национальной платформы МСБ
Для распространения информации можно использовать смежные тематические группы и сообщетсва
«Поделиться в группе»
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Youtube - video content for free
Issuu www.issuu.com • Issuu is the leading digital publishing platform delivering exceptional reading experiences of magazines, catalogs, and newspapers.
• All you have to do is upload your documents and you'll be publishing in a minute.Or you can use Issuu to create a personal library and follow publishers you want to.
• Formats: PDF, DOC, PPT
E-mail newsletters
Newsletters • E-mail newsletter could be provided directly in the text message or in attachment as a PDF-file
• MailChimp - a useful tool for newsletters (design your messages online, with a simple panel, free of charge)
• MailChimp also help to provide monitoring of your newsletters: who open your letter, which links are more popular etc
Statistics provided by MailChimp
Free services to create online-surveys
• Google-forms
• SurveyMonkey
• PollDaddy
• Survio
• CreateSurvey
Polldaddy (survey for the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine provided by the National SME Platform)
Disadvantages of online-surveys •
Not every potential participant of the survey could has access to the Internet (it depends on the target audience)
During conducting the onlinesurveys not all of the participant will come to the end of application form
Online-surveys on this stage will never give you the "whole picture" of the market because it could not be representative
Free services for creating infographics • Google Developers
• easel.ly
• Piktochart
• Infogr.am
• visual.ly
• Venngage
• Dipity
To "look through" list
• Squarespace for the website
• MailChimp for newsletters
• Polldaddy for surveys
• Issuu for presentations
• Pictochart for infographics
The final task: write down a short plan from 3-5 communication instruments that you will be able to use in the work of your organization during 2016
And have a nice day!
Thank you!
Anastasia Baklan Center for International Private Enterprise
National SME Platform (Ukraine)
+38 093 460 87 03
+38 044 279 00 76