Bristol Public Forum Meeting Presentation

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Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC): Police Public Forum 4th November 2015

Chief Superintendent Jon Reilly

A day in the life of Bristol Local Policing 49 reports of antisocial behaviour

25 reports of domestic abuse

10 missing persons

416 Incidents reported to our call centre in 24 hours

6 dwelling burglaries

25 arrests

115 reported crimes

Mission & Vision To make the communities of Avon and Somerset safe and feel safe The communities of Avon and Somerset will have the highest levels of confidence in our delivery of policing services

Service Promise

We will respond to your requests for service in the right way

New Operating Model Prioritisation of Threat, Harm, Risk New call scripting On-line services You will have access to police services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

We will listen to ensure we tackle issues that matter most to you

Neighbourhood forums, NHW, Beat Surgeries PCC’s Priorities Stop and Search Independent Advisory Group

We will endeavour to prevent crime and protect you from criminals

Crime trends Offender management Diversion schemes

We will endeavour to prevent crime and protect you from criminals

We will endeavour to prevent crime and protect you from criminals

Crime trends Offender management Diversion schemes

We will keep you informed and updated

Internet and social media Newsletters and leaflet drops Victim care

We will treat you professionally, with fairness and respect

Feedback & Audit Body-worn cameras Our Values

Our Values

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