Woady Yaloak Herald and Haddon Community Learning Centre Winter Course Guide 2020

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Gardening Beautification Works Begin at the

Term 3 Course Guide Inside

Northern/Haddon Community Learning Centre

The long awaited works to update the grounds at the Centre have finally begun. All the overgrown shrubs and weeds have gone and now there is a clean slate to develop. The plans have been drawn up by local landscaper Sonia van Dorssen and we are all looking forward to seeing them come to fruition. These works will make a great difference to the look of the centre, and surrounds and we are very excited to have a new face to be enjoyed by all of our community. Thanks to David Collins and grant funding by Golden Plains Shire. Volunteers will be employed in assisting in planting of the area.

Photos by Gwen Pyke

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Haddon Community Learning Centre’s quarterly FREE community newspaper

Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Term 3, 2020

Some of the latest activities at the Haddon Community Learning Centre It is so wonderful to have some groups back in the Haddon

Community Learning Centre. after the enforced COVID restrictions The Embroidery Group of lovely ladies from Ballarat enjoy their Wednesday morning get togethers to stitch away at various individual projects. And the sewing classes and drop-in sessions have started again on Friday mornings from 9.30 am. Classes will stop for the school holidays but will begin again straight after, along with the Monday night Quilters group that meet at 6.30pm. If you would like any information call the Haddon Community Learning Centre on 5342 7050.

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Term 3, 2020

LOCAL PROFILE - ERIN DERN Hi Everyone, My name is Erin Dern, and I am the coordinator of the Haddon Playgroup, which is held at the Haddon Community and Learning Centre. I am a 33 year old mother of 2 boys, aged 10 years and 18 months (and have another on the way). I am a qualified Disability Support worker, but am currently not working, as I am spending my days doing the most important job, being a mum. I was also previously running the “Little Woady’s” music program for preschool aged children and have met some amazing families and children, forming great bonds and friendships along the way. I am involved in the Beaufort Football Club as a team manager and have a passion for all things football. Some of my other favourite activities are reading, crochet, music, spending time with my family, and being in my garden with my succulents. As challenging as life in the Covid-19 world has been, it has allowed us to reconnect with our children and families in a way that has been very special. We have been trying our best to relish this time at home playing, sharing and learning new things daily. It is often a little messy, but as we have learnt, messy play is such a vital part of growing up and offers a sensory exploration and valuable learning Photo: Moonies Dam. experiences. We have been creating, experimenting, singing, dancing, reading together, solving problems, sharing ideas but most importantly we have been continuing to share kindness and friendship. If you haven’t done so already, we would love to connect with you and your little people aged 0-5 years by joining our playgroup family.. We share activities, craft ideas, discussions, play based learning, useful information, and of course story time. It is also useful for new mothers as a social outlet. It is very common for mothers to feel a little isolated when they are at home with young children, and being able to have “adult conversations” and talk things over with others in the same situation, can be of enormous help with boosting self esteem and confidence.. Find our group “Haddon Playgroup” on Facebook, or email erinleefoster@gmail.com for further information. For the next few weeks at playgroup, in craft we will be exploring flowers, plants and nature. We would love to see what you can create at home. You can do this by sharing your pictures with us on the Haddon Playgroup Facebook page. The Very Noisy Bear’ is our focus story for Playgroup and over the next few weeks we will explore this story and see if Bear’s friends can help him find the perfect instrument to play! You can read along with us or find the book and watch the story on YouTube!

Bear is invited to join a band of musicians in the woods rather than complain about the noise they are making. His attempts at mastering the instruments cause havoc and even when he is given the mike his attempts are extremely loud. However, the band like the effect, and rehearsal ends. But Bear is so heartened by his success that he steals away to play the violin. If you are looking for more activities the new winter booklet is available online. So ump over and sign up to the mailing list: https://www.playgroup.org.au/playgroup -at-home/ And July is Science Month for Playgroup so come join in online. 

Erin Dern.

Garry Mann

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Term 3, 2020

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Term 3, 2020

Linton Recreation Playground Open Again Good news for Linton locals! The Linton Recreation Reserve Playground is open again following required works, which were completed recently. These works included replacing the old soft fall with new mulch and installing new seats, hooks and chains to the swing set. If you are planning on heading out to this or any other playground in Golden Plains Shire, please remember to practice social distancing and wash hands before and after play.

Inspirational Quote: Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak. ~Thomas Carlyle

45 Brooke Street SMYTHESDALE Phone: 5318 5750 24 Hours 7 days a week For all your animal health requirements BIG or small Hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm Saturday 9.00am – 12pm Email: smythesdalevet@gmail.com Facebook: Smythesdale Animal Hospital Page 5

Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Term 3, 2020

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Term 3, 2020

ST ARNAUD RAILWAY STATION PUBLIC GALLERY RE-OPENING HISTORICAL, EXOTIC, UNUSUAL, RETRO AND CURIOUS COLLECTIONS EVERY private collection has many stories attached to them and Joy Bryce’s brass collection is no exception, and will feature among a Collections Exhibition opening at the Arnaud Railway Station public gallery this Saturday 27th June at 2pm. A display of vintage and classic cars from the North Central Car Club will surround the 1878 heritage listed building at the opening, casting scenes reminiscent of the station at an earlier time when it was the transfer hub of the North Central Victorian town. A collection of saddlery tools and buckles brought from England by Robert John Sloane, whom established a saddlery business in in St Arnaud 1871, will also feature among the historical collections on display in the main gallery. Other items include hand plaited stock whips created by leather craftsman, David Hines, restored pedal cars, dolls, antique lace, barometers and many other exotic, unusual, retro, and curious treasurers belonging to private col- Photo above: Joy Bryce with one of her favorite brass swans. lectors at St Arnaud. Joy’s fascination for brass began as a young girl watching her mother polish silverware and brass items around their home. She began collecting brass ornaments to do honor to her memory and also for the thrill of searching for rare finds at swap meets. Her past time has incidentally rubbed off on some of her friends and family as they also began fossicking for brass objects to give to Joy. Joy says one of the advantages of being a collector is that no-one ever wonders what to give you as a gift. “I love them, especially the ones that have been given to me, they represent so much kindness and each one has their own unique story,” said Joy. HOW TO GROW VEGIES FROM SCRAPS

Scraps that can regrow entire new plants fairly quickly include spring onions, celery and sweet potatoes. But it is very important to use heirloom or organic garlic and other produce when growing from scraps to ensure they haven’t been genetically modified to stop them regrowing. Use only ‘certified seed potatoes’, which are free from diseases such as brown rot. Some veggies you can grow from scraps Spring onions - Probably the easiest to grow, the white butt of a spring onion and its roots can become the source of new green shoots. Drop the roots into a glass of water and simply wait a week or so for the new shoots to appear. Keep the roots submerged and

change the water weekly. When the plant is about 10 centimetres long you can transfer it to a pot or your garden. They grow all year round and prefer full sun. They will grow well in a pot if kept moist and weed free by mulching. Lettuce - Buy organic lettuce with roots still in place and plant the root base in the garden or pots. Plant year round in a sunny position. Plants will take eight to 10 weeks to mature. Sweet potato - Place the tip of a tuber suspended by toothpicks from the top of a jar into water and watch it shoot a vine. Cuttings can be taken from the vine and planted in soil. Best planted in spring, four weeks after the last frost (in frost-prone areas), sweet potatoes thrive in loose crumbly soil in a sunny position. They will take four to six months to mature, depending on climate.Page 7

Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection OLD TYRES – A FIRE HAZARD YOU CAN REMOVE


Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) says with weather easing and fire restrictions lifted in some areas, farmers conducting hazard reduction burns should also consider removing any stacks of old tyres on their land. EPA South West Region Manager Carolyn Francis says a pile of waste tyres is a fire hazard and a threat to the environment. “You can stockpile up to 40 tonnes or 5,000 standard passenger tyres without needing a permit from EPA, but there are common sense reasons for most property owners to get rid of old tyres,” Ms Francis said. “A stack of waste tyres is a pile of chemicals waiting to burn; it doesn’t catch fire easily but if it is overrun by fire it will generate

toxic smoke, and burning tyres can be very difficult to extinguish,” she said. Any abandoned stockpile of waste tyres is also an environmental hazard; providing a breeding ground for vermin while the tyres begin to decay and contaminate the soil and groundwater. “Past practices of using old tyres to contain soil erosion or around newly planted trees are no longer accepted, and it’s illegal to burn or just dump them,” Ms Francis said. EPA urges landholders to inspect any tyre stockpile and make a decision to eithr manage it properly for the good of your farm and your community or send the tyres for recycling or legal disposal in landfill. EPA’s website has good advice on how tyres can be used on farm land or other private property, at: www.epa.vic.gov.au/-/media/epa/ files/publications/1652.pdf The tyre stockpile regulations are also available online, at: ref.epa.vic.gov.au/business-and-industry/guidelines/wasteguidance/storage-of-waste-tyres-in-victoria If you suspect someone is illegally stockpiling or dumping waste tyres, contact EPA’s 24-hour pollution hotline on 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842) – the offenders can face a fine of more than $8,000, or hundreds of thousands if the case goes to court.

Term 3, 2020 EPA ADVICE ON WOOD HEATERS AND SMOKE It’s cold outside and for many Victorians that means a trip to the woodyard and firing up the wood burning heater. Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has some simple steps to minimise how smoke can impact on your health. It’s important for people to understand how their heater operates and to use appropriate fuel. This will be specified in the heater’s operating manual and by using the correct fuel your heater will run more efficiently. It’s a good idea to have your flue professionally checked and cleaned before winter begins to ensure it’s clean and free from obstructions. This will help prevent flue fires, unnecessary smoke, and ensure the heater operates correctly. Never burn household rubbish, driftwood, treated wood or painted wood. It is sure to pollute the air and it can produce toxic gases. Whilst the impact of a single wood heater may be small– the cumulative impact on air quality, particularly through autumn and winter, is significant – but many of the air pollution problems associated with wood heating can be prevented or minimised by operating your heater correctly. Tips on reducing smoke pollution • Only purchase a wood heater that is certified to the Australian Standards AS/NZS 4012:2014 and AS/NZS 4013:2014 • Ensure your heater is installed by a licensed person in accordance with the Building Act 1993. • Before winter have your flue professionally checked and cleaned. • Refer to the manufacturer's operation manual for instructions specific to your wood heater model. • Burn only dry, seasoned, good burning and untreated wood. • Get a hot fire going quickly with plenty of paper and small kindling. • Keep the air controls set high enough to keep the fire burning brightly. • Never overload your wood heater with too much wood. • Never leave your heater to smoulder overnight. This starves the fire of oxygen, producing more smoke and air pollution. • Go outside and check the chimney occasionally for smoke emissions. • Consider the wellbeing of your neighbours. • If you are concerned about the impacts of wood heater smoke on air quality, consider using other forms of energy for heating that produce less smoke, such as energy efficient gas or electric heaters. Tips on buying firewood • If buying wood to use immediately, always buy dry, seasoned, good burning and untreated wood, preferably hard wood. • Refer to your heater manufacturer’s operation manual to identify the correct fuel to purchase. • Because unseasoned wood has a high moisture content it is hard to ignite, slow to burn and produces more smoke and less heat. It can cause your heater flue to clog up more quickly. • You can save money by purchasing unseasoned firewood in early spring and storing it in a well-ventilated shed or other covered area until winter. Freshly cut wood should be stored for at least 8 to 12 months prior to use. It is best to stack wood in a crisscross pattern to allow air flow. To read more about how smoke can affect your health, go to epa.vic.gov.au/for-community/environmental-information/airquality/wood-smoke-air-quality/wood-smoke-pollution

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Term 3, 2020 BOILED APPLE SPONGE 500grams apples

1 tablespoon butter or substitute ½ cup Self Raising Flour 1 egg BACON, VEGETABLE AND LENTIL SOUP

1 tablespoon Sugar

Photography by Ben Dearnley

Peel , core and slice apples, put into saucepan with a little

Super-healthy vegetables bathe in a bowl of tangy bacon and lentil soup in this easy winter warmer. Ingredients (serves 4)

• • • • • • •

water but do not cook at this stage. Make sponge by rubbing butter into flour.

1 tablespoon olive oil

Beat egg with sugar and mix into flour.

400g packet chopped vegetable soup mix (see note)

Put mixture over apples and place lid on saucepan.

4 rashers shortcut rindless bacon, chopped

Cook gently for30 minutes.

1 cup red lentils

Serve with custard or clotted cream.

3 large tomatoes, chopped. 3 cups salt-reduced vegetable stock


100g green beans, trimmed, chopped 2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves Method



flakes or mothballs around the inside of the shed. Mice don’t like

Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add vegetable mix and bacon. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 to 5 minutes or until vegetables start to soften. Add lentils, tomato, stock and 2 cups cold water. Cover. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to medium-low. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes, adding beans in the last 5 minutes of cooking, or until lentils are tender. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in parsley. Serve. Notes Chopped vegetable soup mix usually contains carrot, celery, parsnip and swede. You can find it in the refrigerated section of the supermarket's fruit and vegetable aisle.

To keep mice out of your shed, hang socks filled with naphthalene the smell and will stay away. IN THE GARDEN For a safe garden spray that’s effective against earwigs, slugs, snails and slaters, mix 1 teaspoon of eucalyptus oil with 500 ml soapy water. Spray around the base of plants. It is better if it is not stored. Blowflies do not like Basil. Try growing it in pots wherever they

gather. This will work to repel Mosquitoes as well. IN THE HOME To control ants try sprinkling talcum powder on their trails. Crushed garlic is another (though smellier) option. To deter silverfish wipe your shelves down with either lavender or eucalyptus oil. They do not like garlic or Epsom salts either.

GOLDEN GROWERS PROJECT Golden Plains Shire Council recently launched its new online resource hub dedicated to inspiring families to grow and cook PORK CHOPS WITH ORANGE

From CWA Esk Valley Cookbook 4 Pork Chops 1 tablespoon of fat or oil Salt and pepper to taste 1 tablespoon vinegar ½ cup orange juice 2 tablespoons brown sugar 2 tablespoons orange marmalade Brown chops in oil on both sides. Season with salt and pepper. Combine all other ingredients and pour over chops. Cover and simmer for 45 mins or until chops are tender. Remove chops to a warm plate and spoon sauce over.

with more vegetables: Golden Growers.

The Golden Growers page features a series of ‘how to’ videos showcasing tips and tricks on growing, preparing and cooking with a range of vegetables, recipes, and content submitted by community members and Council’s partner organisations. Visit the Golden Growers page at goldenplains.vic.gov.au/ goldengrowers Do you have an idea of something you would like to see on the page or have a vegetable-packed family recipe that you would like to share? Contact the Council’s Health and Wellbeing team at 5220 7111 or email: felicity.antony@gplains.vic.gov.au.

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Hand Sanitiser

Precautions We have all been advised that we should carry hand sanitiser for times when the washing of hands cannot be managed. One thing we all have to remember is that the alcohol content of sanitiser makes it very flammable, and it should be used and stored carefully. The reports of spontaneous combustion in cars has yet to be confirmed, but we need to remember how quickly a car heats up on hot days as the bottles they are in will heat up in a hot car and also can cause issues with sunlight. It is wise to err on the side of caution and remember that any fluids in plastic/glass bottles should be stored out of direct sunlight at all times.

Make Your Own Hand Sanitiser 1 cup (250 ml) Isopropyl Alcohol 1 tbsp. (20ml) 3% hydrogen peroxide 1 tsp (5ml) Glycerine, or Aloe Vera Gel 2.5 tbsp (55 ml) Distilled water Add all ingredients to a clean container and gently combine Transfer to clearly labelled bottles for use.

Term 3, 2020 Lions Club of Haddon and District

Community Auction Cancelled The Haddon and District Lions Club regretfully wishes to notify residents of Haddon and surrounding areas that due to the uncertainty as a result of the ‘Corona Virus’ and the restrictions, the Haddon Lions Community Auction {White Elephant Sale}, normally held on the Sunday of the Ballarat Show, has been cancelled for 2020 . -- As this is a major Fund raising Project for the Lions Club please keep it in mind, and hopefully it will be held again in 2021 Since the Haddon Lions club’s inception, it has contributed , with funds raised by its own efforts and with the assistance of local, state and federal government grants, established the Lions Park and Hall on the Woady Yaloak River in the centre of Haddon. It has also made numerous donations to local, national and international causes. The club holds meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at the Haddon Lions Hall, Please phone for more information: 5342 4498. New members required and welcomed. Please consider joining them.

The Woady Herald is a FREE publication for the more than 1,200 people who live in the Woady Yaloak District. ADVERTISE & SUPPORT US - CONTACT THE HERALD ON 5342 7050 OR VIA EMAIL - admin@haddonlearning.org.au

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How to enrol

Winner of Grampians Learn Local Legend Award

We take enrolments Tuesday to Friday between 10 am and 4.30 pm.

Welcome to Our Term 3, 2020 Course Guide Focus on Art and fun courses this term We want to welcome everyone back to the centre for Term 3 after our enforced period of closure to the public. We do hope for better days than we have had and that finally many of you can venture out and come join in some fun activities or learn a new skill to assist you with your job or look for work. Please note, because of the COVID 19 restrictions enrolments for classes and activities are going to be much more limited than

Please note that your booking is not secured until full payment is made or a suitable payment arrangement is made with the Centre Manager. Payment for all classes due at least one week prior to commencement. HOW TO ENROL  In person at the Haddon Community Learning Centre office 396 Sago Hill Road, Haddon.

 By telephone on 5342 7050  By email: manager@haddonlearning.org.au CONDITIONS OF ENROLMENT

 Fees become due at the time of booking. Places will not be held

normal so you must book early. For this term we are concentrating on artistic pursuits to keep you busy during the colder months. Marita Reynolds will be joining us again for one of her very popular pencil drawing workshops. Marita’s workshops fill up quickly and bookings are essential. We are also running another course in fluid art, where you can learn

  

the art of paint pouring, and learning all the different effects you can create. You can walk away with your own abstract masterpiece! We are also having another workshop that was very popular in Term 1 using alcohol inks. Some of the effects are absolutely amazing.! And for those that would like to follow up on this, we are then offering an advanced workshop to further your skills in this beautiful art form.

Mosaics are on the agenda again this term, and the creation being made this time is a bird feeder/birdbath. You will be learning all the skills needed to make your own for your garden. Later in the year we will be running a series of workshops on Ceramics. There are 4 sessions, on offer making a different item every week, culminating with a Christmas decoration. You have the option of doing one or all of the workshops depending on your interests. We are also running a course on Environmental Studies, which involves both theory and practical sessions. There is also an online option available if you prefer. Computers and the internet have become so much a part of our lives - We have many computer courses on offer, from advanced

right through to and including some free sessions for over 50’s under the Be Connected program. In these uncertain times it is important to be able to keep in touch, and we can teach you how. We can also show you how to shop on line with confidence and how to recognise sites that may not be safe.

unless fees are paid or a deposit received and payment plan arranged. Payments due at least one week prior to course commencement. Refunds cannot be given once a class has commenced or at least 5 business days’ notice is provided as we are committed to pay course costs. Refunds will be given if the class is cancelled for any reason. Prospective students should be aware that some courses/ activities may not proceed if there are insufficient numbers to cover operational costs. Concession rates apply where indicated and only on presentation of a current concession card.

 Notification will be given only when classes are cancelled or rescheduled. Please assume that the course will proceed unless otherwise notified. If you are concerned or have any queries, please contact the House. Please talk to us about fees and payments if they cause any problems. We are committed to equitable access for all and may be able to assist. you.

People of all abilities are welcome at all suitable programs. The Northern Community and Haddon Learning Centre is fully accessible. HCLC respects your right to information privacy and any information we collect and hold is kept in accordance with information privacy laws. The Haddon Community Learning Centre aims to provide a range of educational, social and recreational activities to suit a range of tastes and interests. While all effort is made to proceed with advertised activities it is not always possible if enrolments do not generate the funds required to cover the costs of tutors and room hire. Please note that business and corporate rates may differ from the prices included in this program. Please check with the Manager for these rates. We can tailor a course to your business needs and we are always happy to discuss this with you.

We are always looking for tutors to offer classes at the centre. If you feel that you have something to share we would love to hear from you. And of course, if there are courses you would like to do that are not currently on our program, please give us a call or send us an email

Cheers, Joan,

The Haddon Community Learning Centre acknowledges the ongoing funding and support made available by State Government of Victoria (Adult & Community Further Education (ACFE), the Department of Health & Human Services, DEECD, & the Department of Planning & Community Development).

Exploring Computers *FLEXI LEARN ESSENTIAL COMPUTERS LEVEL 1 This course is designed to provide flexibility with learning options for you. It can be done fully in class, partly, or all online in your own home when you want. Topics can include computer essentials, cloud applications such as "Dropbox," Google Drive, Microsoft programs, and/or photo editing programs; useful for personal, business, marketing and social media platforms such as Facebook. This course allows flexibility to give time to cover topics where you may need extra help with, or that you specifically want to cover, so give us a call to discuss! DAY:

*DO YOU NEED HELP WITH A PARTICULAR COMPUTER ISSUE OR TOPIC, BUT DON’T HAVE TIME FOR A FULL COURSE? We offer tailored computer training on a casual basis. Come for one or two sessions or however many you need. We can offer help with individual Microsoft Office programs from simple functions such as setting up a Word template to sorting data and creating graphs in Excel, editing, inserting and formatting photos, research via the internet, and getting the most out of your email - you tell us what you need and we will work out a plan to help. DAYS: DATE: TIME: FEES:

Wednesday to Friday Commencing July 22nd. Any time during opening hours -11am to 4 pm $28.00 per one-hour session. ESSENTIAL SKILLS TO START YOUR OWN BUSINESS OR BOOST YOUR CAREER

In these short workshop sessions learn how to write for and best use social media to help your business, organisation or community group. Learn some simple steps to enable you to build an effective social media strategy, about ‘Google Analytics’ and tips on how to promote your brand and create applicable and targetable content for your market. These sessions are suitable for anyone who is involved with or interested in starting a small business, organisation or community group. No prior knowledge of marketing is required. DAYS: DATES: TIME: FEES:

Fridays 7 August 10 - 2.30 pm (BYO lunch as we will work through) $56.00

Are you interested in any of the following sessions then call us. Skills for work -

Build a CV - Write a cover letter - Create an online professional profile - Interview skills - Introduction to email - Presentation skills - Spreadsheets for beginners. FEES & CHARGES Adult Education classes that are subsidized by Adult Community & Further Education are marked with the *. We are required to charge a student contribution consistent with Ministerial directions on Fees & Charges. Other fees are to assist us to pay for tutors, amenities and all other costs involved in running courses. For further information please speak to the Manager.


Available on Mondays and Tuesday afternoons. You will be supported by an understanding and patient tutor. Other days/times may be available - please check. Commencing July 20 1 pm ~ 4.pm. (Tuesdays 2 ~ 4 pm—10 sessions). $115.00 ($55.00 + $60.00 Amenities & resources Fee) $90.00 concession fee) for eligible concession funded students. $5.00 member discount.

*FLEXI LEARN ESSENTIAL COMPUTERS LEVEL 2 This course follows on from our Level 1 computer class, or is suitable for the much more advanced learner You will gain more confidence and knowledge in becoming competent with the more advanced features of MS Office applications that may include email. Alternatively, in using online free applications such as “Google drive,” Google Docs or touch typing, etc. DAY: DATES: TIMES: FEES:

Mondays and Tuesday afternoons. Other days/times may be available - please check. Commencing July 20 1 pm ~ 4.pm. (Tuesdays 2 ~ 4 pm—10 sessions). $115.00 ($55.00 + $60.00 Amenities & resources Fee) $90.00 concession fee) for eligible concession funded students

Always phone and check as other dates/times for computer classes may be available—especially if we sufficient interest. We can also provide group training for local businesses and organisations. Call us to discuss pricing and availability.

Free Seniors Programs

VIDEO CHAT FOR SENIORS DON’T BE AFRAID TO GIVE IT A GO! CONNECTING WITH OTHERS Interested in learning more about to make free video calls and to

connect with your family and friends? Do you know about or how to use FaceTime or Snapchat? This workshop will help you learn about some of the ways you can stay in touch. While these appliCOMPUTING SUPPORT FOR 50 & OVER SENIORS

cations cannot take the place of in-person interaction, video

We'll help you get signed up to the Be Connected website, and offer in-person support for your queries relating to the internet and technology. So are you interested in gaining new skills and experiences to enrich your life? The ‘Be Connected’ program is a FREE Australian Federal government initiative that is designed to help people 50 and over to achieve this through being able to comfortably go online. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never touched a mouse, keyboard or tablet before, let us help you be able to do so safely: You can ask for assistance for your technology issues. Some of the topics covered include:  Learn the basics and realise the full potential of going online  Talk more often with family and friends who live far away  Learn how to shop safely and securely on line,  Find old friends or make new ones who share your interests and hobbies  Learn to use Skype.  Explore YouTube, your favourite music, films and T.V.  Keep up to date with what’s happening in around you  Set up a myGov account so you can access Medicare, the Australian Tax Office, Centrelink and more.

calling can supplement your social interactions when visits with

Call us to book your 2 FREE sessions to get started now. DAY: DATE: TIMES:

Wednesdays/Fridays Open from 21 July 11.00 am -12 noon or 2.00 - 3.00 pm



family and friends are not possible, or if they are too infrequent. Video calling can allow you to stay connected with your loved ones and share important events such as birthdays, holidays, or family gatherings. It provides a more visual experience that is not available through traditional phone conversations-- for example, you can experience the joy of watching grandchildren open gifts, showing off their artwork, even when they are many miles away. Or

they help you to update friends on local events, or to catch up with someone after time apart. DAY: DATE: TIMES:

Friday 31 July 2020 1-2.30 pm



NOW YOU HAVE AN IPAD WHAT NOW? IPADS/TABLETS FOR BEGINNERS (An advanced class is available on request if sufficient student numbers) If you have struggled with computers, why not try a tablet as they are much easier to use? Try before you buy with one of ours, or learn how to use your own tablet. The course will provide you with basic and beyond everyday skills to get the most out of your device. DAY: Fridays (check as other dates & times may also be available) - or get a group together!

DIGITAL HEALTH WORKSHOP - OPEN TO ALL AGES The internet is a great place to gain information for your health and wellbeing. But how do you know where to find trustworthy, reliable information? Join us for FREE sessions to learn about and explore websites and applications you can use to help you with your health and well-being information. Call us to book your FREE session now. DAY: DATE: TIMES:

Friday 31 July 11.00 -12 noon (you can book other dates)




July 31 2020 1 pm ~ 3.30 pm.


$80 for eligible concession students.

If you have an Android tablet give us a call as if we have sufficient students a special Android tablet class can be arranged.

Accredited Certificate Short Courses PROVIDE FIRST AID (1 DAY) - HLTAID003 PROVIDE FIRST AID This course complies with workplace health and safety regulations. Formerly First Aid Workplace Level 2, and includes CPR training. First aid is the initial care of a sick or injured person. First aid training can save lives in the critical time before emergency services or medical help arrives. The aims of First Aid Training are to: Preserve life, Protect the unconscious person, Prevent further injury, Promote recovery. On enrolment (one week beforehand) a workbook will


Wednesday 16 September 9 - 3 pm - light lunch included $130.00 full fee - this includes your practical assessment. This one day course is structured to meet the needs of people who have not previously completed food safety training or would like to update their knowledge in light of the many changes over the past few years. The course is suitable for anyone handling or preparing food in any capacity (employed or voluntary). There are no prerequisites. As part of the assessment, you are required to handle food ingredients and ready to eat food items. This part of the assessment will occur during the preparation of lunch. PLEASE NOTE: If you have any special dietary requirements, you will need to supply your own food


We provide several nationally accredited food safety courses in association with a registered training organisation. Hospitality & Retail: Cafes, Restaurants, Schools, Take-aways, etc.  Food Safety Level 1 – SITXFSA001  Food Safety Level 2 – SITXFSA002  Food Safety Supervisor Combined – SITXFSA001 & SITXFSA002 Community & Health Services: Aged Care, Childcare, Hospitals.  Food Safety Level 1 - HLTFSE001 

Food Safety Level 2 - HLTFSE007 and HLTFSE005

Food Safety Supervisor (all 3 units) HLTFSE001, HLTFSE007 HLTFSE005

Food Safety Training now has two components: a series of questions to assess the student’s knowledge and an assessed workplace practical skills assignment. You can do your certificate online and start any time and also have the convenience of finishing it in your own time. If you don’t have access to a computer, you can complete this part of the course in the Centre’s computer lab. The workplace assignment is completed on the job, in a real or simulated workplace environment, and observed by a suitably qualified 3rd party observer. Simply come into the centre and fill in the enrolment form and pay the fee. We will then email you a link to commence the course online. The cost will depend on the level of certificate and whether you need to use the Centre's kitchen as a simulated workplace with an assessor. Level 1 cost is $95.00 Call us for more details. NB: ALL ABOVE ACCREDITED COURSES REQUIRE YOU PROVIDE YOUR USI NUMBER. WE CAN ASSIST YOU WITH THAT IF YOU REQUIRE.

be given for the ‘Theory Component’- it must be completed before the class and brought on the day. On the day you will learn and complete practical testing and you will also be assessed on the information you completed from the workbook. PLEASE NOTE: * No Workbook - No Participation* All students need to be physically able to perform ‘two minutes of uninterrupted’ CPR to achieve the CPR and/or first aid competency First Aid Certificates remain current for 3 years, however you are required to undertake CPR annually to ensure currency. DAY: DATE: TIME: FEES:

Monday 14 September First Aid 9 am - 5 pm CPR only 9 am - 12 noon $140.00 (TBC)

Please note we need a minimum of 8 people for these classes to be conducted. And all students require a USI number for all

first aid certificate courses. CPR COURSE ONLY HLTAID001 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Learn how to perform CPR - includes the use of an automated external defibrillator. CPR certificates are current for 12 months and must be updated annually. DAY: Monday DATE: 14 September TIME: CPR only 9 am - 12 noon FEES: $75.00

Special Interest Training Courses *LEARNING CAN BE FUN FOR EVERYONE

Have fun! Plan an Event! You will gain knowledge in a variety of employability skills that will increase your confidence and ability to work in a team by organising some community events for Adult Learners’ Week that

*INTRODUCTION TO NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES LEVEL 1 NOW AVAILABLE WITH ONLINE SESSIONS This course will include practical and theory based activities. You will become familiar with a broad variety of topics covered including an overview of nature, plant ecology, birds, insects, animals, fungus, soil and geology. You will develop essential knowledge, understanding and appreciation of our natural environment in a great learning experience but also in enjoyable sessions that will get you outside and into our wonderful habitat. You will be on location in Scarsdale. Some of the topics include:  Biosecurity in relation to weeds, pests, OHS, and field hygiene  Plants - orchids, grasses, shrubby, annual wildflowers and what they support, what else they do - protect soil, provide habitat identify and classify. Weeds.  How to record nature and the importance  Interactions between plants and animals and their environment  Better understanding of ‘back yard’ habitat  Understand field assessments & recording of data entries online, keeping permanent records online  Value of volunteering to learn more  Career opportunities in the field DAY: DATE: TIMES: FEES TUTOR:

Tuesdays (11 sessions) - ONLINE OPTIONS July 28 9.30 am ~ 11.30 pm $85.00 - for eligible ACFE funded students Bill Elder

LITERACY AND NUMERACY ASSITANCE Do you need help with your reading, writing or basic mathematic skills? Then come have a private chat with us. We can help with session to build your literacy and numeracy skills. This help is particularly suitable for those who have always struggled or experience interrupted schooling/education and who now wish to make a change to improve their skills to assist in gaining confidence that can help with further employment and study opportunities. Come and have a chat to our friendly staff to see how we can help. Call 5342 7050 to make an appointment and let us help you.

We can assist you with one of our courses and can come to other areas if you have a group of participants in need of training. We have smaller classes and knowledgeable and dedicated tutors to help you along your path to achieve your goals. Call us now on 5342 7050 to discuss and secure your place and take that first step.

happens from September 1 - 8th ., 2020 at the Haddon Community Learning Centre. Through practical hands on experience participating in volunteer work catering at the monthly community meals. You will develop skills in event management, hospitality, catering, digital media & technology, photography, creative design, marketing. This course has a wide range of career pathways to paid or unpaid work or to further pre-accredited or accredited study. You can get you Food Safety Certificate as well if required. Great on your resume! DAY:



August 6th




$85.00 - for eligible ACFE funded students

Music UKULELE FOR BEGINNERS It’s fun, portable, cheap, and very musical! Let Bill show you how easy it is. You don’t have to have any musical skills. You will learn the basic techniques to get you quickly playing the ukulele: fingering chords, simple strumming patterns and some nifty tricks to make you sound like an expert musician. Traditional as well as contemporary tunes will be used to explore these techniques. DATE: August 3 DAYS: Mondays (other times may be available) TIMES: 10-11am COST: $90.00 - GST inclusive (6 lessons) You will need to bring your own instrument - if you don’t have one and want to learn, just give us a call as we may be able to organise one or two. Maximum of 10 students.

Special Interest & Training Courses ADULT LEARNERS WEEK 1 - 8TH SEPTEMBER Adult Learners Week is an international festival of adult learning and is celebrated with hundreds of events and activities across Australia promoting the benefits of learning. You’re never too old to learn digital skills. Through our “Be Connected Program” for over 50’s to all other computer and digital devices courses for any age over 16 and not attending school, we can help you! We are *”YOUR CREATIVE SELF "WORKS" A CHANCE TO TRY VARIOUS ART AND CRAFTS! This is a very special ‘come try a variety of 'arts and crafts’ course that will allow you to gain practical skills in various medium.

Are you thinking of developing skills to operate your own small art/ craft business? Want to know what type of art/craft activity will be suit your skills? Then this course is for you! You will produce a variety of different items and learn various techniques including, drawing, acrylic pouring, textiles, digital technology, even a cooking session. You will be taught by qualified and practicing local teachers/artists in this exciting new opportunity! View some of the arts classes on offer within this course guide. Choose the classes you may want to try and we will draw up your learning plan. Depending on the courses you chose there will be some materials cost to tutors but the course itself will be at a special study discount if you are eligible. The course is open for anyone from 16 years.. The full course is limited to eight eligible funded learners. This will offered at a VERY SPECIAL PRICE to start in August. Call to book now! FERMENTING MADE SIMPLE BOOK NOW FOR THIS WORKSHOP IN TERM 4 Kimchi, Sauerkraut, Lacto-fermented Pickles and Wild Fermented Kombucha and Sourdough Mother. What is fermented food? Do you know they are good for your gut health? How is it made? What types of ferments are there? Chances are, you have eaten fermented foods before and did not realise it. Many traditional food preserving methods are actually fermented such as olives and pickled onions are lacto-fermented. Sourdough bread, yoghurt, vinegar, even beer and wine. In this workshop you will learn to make five simple ferments on the day and take them home so you can continue to ferment for years to come.. Anyone can learn make simple ferments and move to a healthier lifestyle. This workshop includes a light lunch will be provided including local breads, ferments, cheeses, preserves and pickles. DAY: DATE: TIME: FEES:

Saturdays October 10th 11 am - 2 pm $120.00

NB: Students to bring five jars (one very large, minimum 1 litre), and an apron and a cooler bag) if it is warm. Book early as places will be strictly limited.

proud to offer the opportunity to build your digital skills and confidence, and open up new employment and career opportunities. FREE: COME TRY ANY ONE COMPUTER SESSION FOR FREE DURING THIS WEEK. FREE ONE YOGA SESSION ON OFFER - come and try it out!

Book now on 5342 7050 as places available will be limited. CHEESEMAKING AT HOME Cheesemaking is a simple skill anyone can learn. Labneh, Ricotta, Camembert and Halloumi are easy to make in your own home. It only takes a little knowledge to become a master and the superior handmade flavour will impress anyone. Each participant will take three cheeses home as well as recipes and your own cheese mould so you can make many more in the future. You will never waste yoghurt again once you know how to make Labneh. Ricotta can be made in five minutes and is delicious drizzled with honey. Age your Camembert in your own environment to create a cheese that is as unique as yourself. Once you eat Halloumi crafted with your own hands you will never bother with the rubbery, inferior ones from the supermarket again. A light lunch of spanakopita and baked camembert will be provided and we will taste test ricotta and halloumi once it’s freshly made. Please bring with you - 3-4 containers to take your cheeses home and an apron and a cooler bag if the weather is warm. (Some spares will be available if required). DAY: DATE: TIMES: COST:

Sunday 13 September 11 am - 2 pm $130.00 Bookings are essential phone 03 5342 7050 PLACES WILL BE STRICTLY LIMITED - MINIMUM 6

Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Term 3, 2020


Explore your inner creativity with fun activities decorating fired earthenware using a variety of techniques with fired glazes. Best of all no previous artistic experience is required. Workshop 1: Dot painting design on a coaster or tile. Alternative techniques will be stencilling, or tracing. DAY: DATES: ber TIME: FEES:

Saturday or Wednesday 10 October or 21 Octo9 - 1 pm $38.00

Workshop 2: Bubble painting on small plate. Totally cool and awesome fun! DAY: DATES: TIME: FEES:

INK INTENSE PENCILS AND PERMANENT FINE LINE MARKERS Landscape scene or image of your choice Using ink intense pencil and permanent fine line markers , create landscape image or an image of your choice. The day will be divided into sections, starting with composing your image , then working with a limited palette of ink intense pencils , learning to mix and create colours of your choice to use in your image. Learning different pencil techniques will also be included in this session. All materials supplied. If you have a set of Ink intense pencils, please bring them with you. DAY: DATES: TIME: FEES:

Saturday 5 September 1 - 4 pm $55.00

Minimum 4 students required.

Wednesday or Saturday 4 or 7 November 9 - 1 pm $38.00

Workshop 3: Elements & flux on a cup/mug. Alternative technique will be Sticker fun. DAY: Wednesday or Saturday DATES: 18 or 28 November TIME: 9 - 1 pm FEES: $38.00 Workshop 4: Christmas Theme - various Christmas figurines, plates, cups or bowl to paint. DAY: DATES: TIME: FEES:

Wednesday or Saturday 2 or 5 December 9 - 1 pm $38.00

Costs include all materials, use of tool and firing of pieces. All pieces will need to be fired and will be available for collection from the Centre 2 weeks after workshop. Please note these workshops are open to16 years and over.


With Shellabelle O’Connor Learn to make a beautiful abstract painting. In this workshop, you will learn the step-by-step techniques to the art of acrylic pouring

fundamentals. It is painting without a brush! You will discover the essential tools and supplies you will need, an explanation of what they do, and why you need them. Workshop includes: Preparing canvas, mixing paints, use of additives, titling canvas, paint layering. Bring your apron and wear your old clothes because you will be doing hands on work. All materials provided by the tutor DATE:

August 29



TIMES: 10 - 2pm COST:

$56.00 - GST inclusive .

Minimum 4 students and maximum number rules also apply.

Page 19

Let’s Create

Arts & Crafts


ADVENTURES IN ACRYLICS With Kate Wise Are you interested in learning how to paint with acrylics? Would you like to practice techniques for creating a landscape, seascape, botanical or abstract artwork? This will be a small group where you can work at your own pace. So whether you want step by step guidance, or you already have a painting on the go,

this is the class for you. Winter is the ideal time to get together (while physical distancing, of course) to enjoy some adventures in acrylics.

Alcohol inks are fast-drying, highly pigmented, alcohol-based inks that are great to use on any hard, non-porous surface including glass, metal, plastic, ceramic, stone, leather and polymer clay. Once the ink is applied, the alcohol evaporates, leaving the dye behind. Once alcohol ink dries, it can be re-wet with rubbing alcohol (91% Isopropyl Alcohol), allowing for unique and versatile effects that cannot be achieved with water-based products like acrylic paint. Alcohol ink is waterproof, adding to its durable properties. Materials for introduction class will cost $30.00 paid directly to the tutor on the day. This will include a glass Vase, yupo paper, tiles, paint. Students will usually finish two tiles, 1 glass vase and a number of yupo paper samples.


What to bring: An apron or wear your painting clothes, acrylic


paints and brushes if you have them plus an old sheet to protect your work surface. The tutor will provide practice paper and 2 small canvases for each participant. There will be spare brushes and paint for you to use if you can’t bring your own. If you have photos, or a painting project that you want to work on then please bring them along. DATE:

September 9th or 12th


Wednesday or Saturday


1 - 4 pm


$55.00 - GST inclusive


14 or 15 August Friday or Saturday 1- 5 pm $80.00 (plus $30.00 materials cost - GST inclusive

Welcome back Ros to continue the ‘alcohol ink’ journey with some advanced techniques to tempt you. Find the creative magic within you with these art techniques that Ros will impart. DATE: DAYS: TIMES: COST:

21 or 22 August Friday or Saturday 1- 5 pm $80.00 (plus materials cost TBA - GST inclusive).

What are alcohol inks? Alcohol inks are fast-drying, highly pigmented, alcohol based inks that are able to be used on any hard, non-porous surface including glass, metal, plastic, ceramic, stone, leather and polymer clay. They are waterproof, thus making them very durable. These dye-based inks are transparent and extremely vibrant in colour.

Learn to make a basic mosaic bird bath. In this 2 day workshop. You can place your completed top on the ground, a suitable flat surface or a purchase a pedestal for it to rest on. The workshop includes your birdbath top, tiles, use of tools, adhesive and grout. You will learn how to: • Prepare surfaces • Cut tiles • Design layout • Adhere tiles • Mix grout • Grout tiles DATE: 1 and 8 August (2 days) DAYS: Saturdays TIMES: 1 - 4 pm COST: $96.00 - GST inclusive Most materials and use of tools provided GST - Please note where courses have assistance in employment or are study related, GST may not be applicable.

Alcohol ink art pieces by Rosslyn Bosnar

Special Programs Chat and Chew Luncheons Return It is our pleasure to welcome you back to the resumption of our chat and chew luncheons. Because of the constraints of social distancing due to COVID-19, and in the interests of public safety, we have to adopt a different format for the coming months of the year. We will be holding two sessions, the first on the 3rd and the second on the 4th Thursday of the month, but these will be strictly limited to 15 people. The places will be allocated on a ‘first come’, ‘first served‘ basis and bookings are essential. Our first meal back will be our annual Christmas in July celebration but we will be holding it in August, on the 20th and 27th. The cost for the ‘Christmas in August’ luncheon will be $15.00 pp and it will return to $12 in September. We would love you to join us for some fun and fellowship. Call 5342 7050 to book now.

Special Interest Groups HADDON QUILTERS GROUP ~ MONDAY NIGHTS This lovely group has been enjoying getting together and working on their projects. They also make quilts for the cancer unit in Ballarat. So join in, enjoy the company and if you don’t know how to quilt then learn from the group. Enjoy some time to chat, sew and share your enjoyment of quilting. Join any time during the term; you will be made very welcome. Tea, coffee and bikkies provided. DAY: Mondays DATES: 20 July TIME: 6.pm ~ 8.30 pm FEES: $3.00 per session (free tea & coffee) - Inclusive GST FACILITATOR: Kerri Hunter


The computer lab has ten PC’s & 1 Mac and audio visual facilities and is served by a spacious rest area with tea and coffee making facilities. Call us to book on 5342 7050 Please note: Payment for all classes are due one week (unless otherwise stated) prior to commencement. Places cannot be held if payment has not been received. This ensures people on our waiting lists do not miss out.

If you are interested in a course enrol now to avoid disappointment. If dates/or times do not suit you please ask as often we are able to arrange an alternative.

Let’s Create Sewing & Patchwork EXCITING NEWS FOR NOVICE OR EXPERIENCED SEWERS! *SEW WITH CONFIDENCE” COURSE Join experienced tutor Maree in this course especially designed to teach you the basics and beyond of garment construction and to build your confidence and skills. During the course you’ll build up a portfolio of samples that may help you gain paid or volunteer employment, start your own homebased business, or go on to study for a Certificate III in Fashion Design and Technology, Certificate III in Clothing and Textile Production or a small business course. DAYS: DATE: TIMES: FEES:

Fridays (other mornings may be available) Call to express your interest 17 July 9.30 am ~ 12.30 pm $165.00 - 11 sessions ($15.00 a session)


Suitable for all age groups - BYO PROJECTS - anything you like Need help with a sewing/patchwork/quilting project? Or do you have an unfinished item, or many not completed? Do you lack confidence, want to buy a new machine or overlocker but don’t know what to choose or how to use them? Or do you just want to make one special piece or item for yourself or a for gift? Then come see Maree and she will help you with all of these issues. DAY: DATE: TIMES: FEES

Fridays 17 July 9.30 am ~ 12.30 pm Only $15.00 per lesson - inclusive GST

PLEASE NOTE: You need to bring a working sewing machine and usual dressmaking equipment; scissors, dressmaker’s pins, machine needles, threads, etc. Your needs and requirements will be discussed further at your first session. For more information please phone 5342 7050. (NB: We do have two sewing machines and one overlocker available for use).

Special Events STYLE WORKSHOPS With style guru Anne Walley We are very pleased to announce that we have the delightful and very talented Anne Walley coming to the centre to present some of her wonderful sessions on Saturday August 8. The sessions are as follows: Talk 1: 10am - 12pm The Marriage of Fabric & Pattern - create the clothes that suit your body & your lifestyle. Lunch 30 min. Talk 2: 12.30 - 2.30pm. Taking the correct measurements for Sewing garments that you feel good wearing. Break 30min Talk 3:


Your Sewing Action Plan to create clothes you will wear and feel equipped for your lifestyle.. Handouts will be provided on the points covered in the talks. Cost: Only $65.00 - light lunch included! Seats extremely limited. BOOK NOW!

Well Being, Health & Exercise RELAXING YOGA AT HADDON - HATHA STYLE Yoga is designed for males and females of any age and fitness level to make a start on improving how you feel. It's a great lowimpact way to keep your mind and body moving, while having the added benefits of reducing stress, increasing bone density, building muscle strength and increasing your flexibility. Accredited Byron Yoga Centre teacher, Alana Rushton, will invigorate your health in one hour sessions every week and always includes a relaxing meditation at the end of class. She can cater to both new and regular clients to make sure that stretching, strengthening and feeling good is accessible to absolutely anyone. Hatha yoga is movement to music, and all you need is to wear comfy clothing, bring a water bottle and a yoga mat (or there is spares if you need). DAY: Wednesdays DATE: 15 July - 18 September TIMES: 10 - 11 am and evenings at 6.30 - 7.30pm COST: Pay on the day $15 cash per class (Seniors and Concession $12). TUTOR: Alana Rushton BOOKINGS: Please note: Bookings are required the day before by text to Alana Rushton 0422288545 or mrs.alana@hotmail.com

MONDAY YOGA - MUMS AND BUBS WELCOME We are excited to be offering another term of yoga for you on Monday afternoons with Glenys. These sessions are also open to all including mums and bubs(3- 18 months).  get strong with yoga  positive interaction (with your baby if participating)  meet other mums and socialise DAYS: DATES: TIME: FEES:


Every second Monday - can be every Monday if we have enough interest. 13 July 12.50 pm ~ 1.50 pm $15.00 per session Free tea / coffee provided afterward.


General Interest & Special Groups What is Your Interest? Do you want to form a social group, art, book club, photography, sewing, patchwork, knitting, crochet, cooking, movies, music, singing? We can give you a hand to get started and we have nice spaces available for you to use at low cost. Give us a call to discuss how we may be able to help.

The Community Vegie Patch

Do You Have a Skill to Share?

Check the community vegie-patch working towards self sufficiency Facebook page for information, meeting dates and events coming up: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ the.community.vegiepatch/ Keep an eye out for information and latest news will be on the Facebook page.

Children's Programs We are always interested in hearing your ideas about what you may want in regards to children's programs, please contact us if you have the relevant skills and qualifications to conduct your own sessions at the Centre, or if you have any ideas about activities you would like to see return as unfortunately our previous presenter has returned to work and unable to conduct any sessions presently. We would be very keen on music, dancing and art for children if there were anyone willing to give them a try in Term 4. Contact the manager via email: manager@haddonlearning.org.au Or via phone - 5342 7050.

If you have any course requests, or ideas, or a skill you would consider teaching then call us for a chat. Phone 5342 7050.

Gift Vouchers ~ Make a great gift Gift vouchers are available for any amount and they will cover the tuition cost of any course we run at the House – a great gift idea for someone who has everything! Please enquire at the office. NB: Voucher doesn’t cover cost of materials fees.

Library The Community Learning Centre has a library of pre loved books, videos and DVD’s available to borrow or swap. Take some, leave some, or relax and have a read, while enjoying a coffee in the lounge area. We also have a collection of LARGE PRINT, and TALKING books, for those who are vision impaired or just prefer this type of book. Donations of good quality books and magazines are always gratefully accepted. Please note we are unable to accept educational texts or instruction manuals.


Haddon Playgroup - Play, Share, Connect & Grow A new Haddon Playgroup has been started and welcomes new members. Please come and join them. Look up the Haddon Playgroup on Facebook. Day: Thursdays (School Terms) Please note commencing 4th Term - TBC Sessions: 11am -1 pm Venue: Haddon Community Learning Centre Cost: $4.00 per session Phone: Erin 0413 631 101

PUBLIC INTERNET & COMPUTER ACCESS Is available between 10 am till 3 pm - only when computer classes are not being conducted. You are strongly advised to ring to check on availability prior to attendance.


Full colour per A4 page $4 Monochrome per A4 page $1


Single side Single side


$1.50 per page

30 cents Double side 50 cents 60 cents Double side $1.00


$2.50 per page


$2.00 for the first page and $1.00 each for subsequent pages (local/ interstate). International P.O.A.

Above services available 10 am - 3.30 pm daily.


The computer lab has PC’s & 1 Mac and audio visual facilities and is served by a spacious rest area with tea and coffee making facilities. Call us to discuss your requirements or book on 5342 7050.

Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection LINTON MANNIBADAR ROAD UPGRADE Residents and visitors will enjoy a safer, smoother journey on the LintonMannibadar Road, following the completion of the Golden Plains Council’s significant upgrade project. The Linton-Mannibadar Road works featured the widening and sealing of the existing 5.5km of narrow sealed road, extending from the Rokewood-Shelford Road towards Linton. The $1.4 million project was funded by a $933,000 grant from the Victorian Government’s ‘Fixing Country Roads’ program and $466,666 from the Federal Government’s ‘Roads to Recovery Program.’ Mayor Cr Owen Sharkey said Council is delighted to deliver the much-desired road upgrade. “Residents of the north-west of Golden Plains Shire who regularly travel Linton-Mannibadar Road will certainly experience the difference following the completion of this key road project. With 5.5km of wider sealed road, it provides a safer, better travel route for all vehicles, including those from the surrounding farms. “Delivering this important $1.4 project with Federal and State Government grants has allowed Council to redirect its road budget to additional works across the Shire. “The upgrade was the top priority on the Mannibadar Community Plan 2017-2020 and Council is pleased to have completed this project for the benefit of our local communities.”

Term 3, 2020 The Woady Yaloak HERALD is published each term as a project of the Haddon Community Learning Centre. Registration No. 12494 Haddon Community Learning Centre 396 Sago Hill Road, Haddon 3351 Tel 5342 7050 Fax to 5342 7013 Email: media@haddonlearning.org.au —————————— Write for The Woady! Anyone is welcome to submit articles, photos and reports for publication. We would really love to put together a regular team of 3-4 people so do get in touch if you are interested. We’d love to hear from you. Send items to The Editorial Team, Woady Yaloak HERALD by mail, fax or email or deliver to Haddon Community House by the deadline. DEADLINE FOR TERM 4 ISSUE FRIDAY 18 September 2020 Preferred format is MS Publisher, typed or clearly printed, sent as an email attachment, on a computer disk, fax or post. NO PDF files please without prior discussion and consent of the Editor. Send photographs by post or as an email attachment. If photo to be returned, send with a stamped SAE and put name/address on back. If you would like to advertise your business, please contact the editorial team to discuss your needs. ———————————————– Disclaimer. Any group or person may submit items for publication, preference may be typed or in a recognised computer format. Items must include name, address and telephone number of the sender. The Editor reserves the right to edit for length, clarity or legality any item or not to publish any item considered inappropriate. Views and comments expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of any member of the Woady Yaloak Herald or the Haddon Community Learning Centre unless acknowledged as such. Products and services listed or advertised in the newspaper should not be considered as endorsements. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of editorial content, HCLC takes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Send any items or questions to: media@haddonlearning.org.au Haddon Community Learning Centre

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Term 3, 2020

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Term 3, 2020


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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Term 3, 2020


Haddon Badminton Club Meets every Monday 7pm at the Haddon Recreation Hall during the school term for competition.

Contact Kirk Baine (0411215448) or Tamara Supple (0423871703)


    

Fire Extinguishers—Supply, Install & Servicing Fire Blankets—Supply, Install & Servicing Fire Hose Reels—Supply, Install & Servicing First Aid Kits—Supply, Install & Restocking Smoke Alarm Testing www.jimstestandtag.com.au

 

131 546  

Safety Switch (RCD) Testing Emergency Lighting & Emergency Exit—Service and Discharge Testing Inspection and Testing & Tagging of Electrical Appliances Including 3 Phase Equipment www.jimsfiresafety.com.au

Locally Owned and Operated

Wala Animal Sanctuary Can You Help? Specialises in wildlife rescue and caring and has a permit for a maximum of 50 animals. Wala is self funded so monetary donations and supplies such as burn cream, etc., even if out of date, building materials, woollen blankets, animal food, including bird seed, hay or straw, hutches and aviaries, fruit, etc gratefully received.

Contact: Karen on 0409 137323


Chat and Chew luncheons will be now be held on the third and fourth Thursday of the month at 12.30 pm. New conditions will be in place so that we can comply with social distancing rules, each session will be now limited to a maximum of 15 people per session, on a first come first serve basis. These will recommence in August with a late Christmas in July theme. The cost will be $15, with the following months being $12. We will continue to host the local luncheons in this format so that these popular community get togethers can continue to operate. We hope regular and new community members will come along and join us for a “Chat and Chew” very soon. We require an RSVP by the Tuesday lunchtime of the third week in the month so as we know numbers for catering and therefore cut down on any over, or under supply and wastage. This also assists us to continue to be able to subsidise the cost of the meals provided. Please phone us on 5342 7050 to book your place asap. Page 28

Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Term 3, 2020

Mayor’s Message ~ July Time flies or time crawls – for most of us, time in isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic was a strange experience. Fast forward two months and we can now see the light at the end of the COVID tunnel. As many return to our daily routines, here at Council we’ve been very pleased to be able to reopen playgrounds and recreation parks, libraries and campgrounds over the past month. It’s an optimistic start to see our families and community groups come back together – at a social distance, of course. As we are heartened by these new steps forward, we are also acutely aware that there are many people in Golden Plains who are facing a tough road back to normal. We understand that some people will need an extra helping hand, and that’s why Council created its new Financial Hardship Policy for residents and businesses. If you need some extra time to make payments or you’re trying to get your businesses back up and running, please call Council for a confidential chat. It may not be a call you’d usually make but these are unusual times – and it may be that we can offer the help you need. In the meantime, please know that Council is working to get the rest of our services and facilities back in action, when allowed by the Victorian Government directives. Both the State and Federal Governments have committed to funding infrastructure to create jobs and boost the economy, and we are making sure that Golden Plains is on the list. We’re off to a very positive start with $500,000 from the Regional Infrastructure Fund, $1.33 million from the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund, $100,000 for ICT Technology, and 20 new local jobs for unemployed people under the Working for Victoria program. Over the coming months, we’ll continue to seek support for the COVID-19 recovery in Golden Plains and we’ll be reporting back to our residents. In our country and in our communities, it’s great to be reopening the doors and yet, we appreciate that this is just the start of getting back to normal. As I have previously written, Golden Plains is full of supportive people and strong communities. The COVID-19 pandemic has once again shown this to be true and together we will work through this recovery and return to the life we love in Golden Plains.

~ Wanted ~


Mayor Cr Owen Sharkey














vertising in all publications.










NOTE: ADVERTISEMENTS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED UNTIL INVOICES ARE PAID IN FULL For more information email media@haddonlearning.org.au or call Joan 5342 7050

The Woady Herald is a FREE publication ADVERTISE & SUPPORT US

*Non-Profit Community Groups are eligible for free ad-

All prices are GST inclusive

Page 29

Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

WHAT, WHERE AND WHEN JULY 1-31st 12th 12-18th 17th

Dry July Term 3 Begins National Diabetes Week National Pyjama Day (and fundraiser)

20-25th National Farm Safety Week - is held each year to raise awareness of farm safety issues across Australia. 31st

Term 3, 2020

SMYTHESDALE COUNTRY MARKET THIRD SATURDAY OF THE MONTH 9.00 AM - 1.00PM Presently expected to reopen September 2020 To be confirmed.

International Day of Friendship.

AUGUST 1st Virtual Golden Plains Farmers Market - 8.30 - 12.30pm. 3-9th

Dental Health Week


Genes for Jeans Day - www.jeansforgenes.org.au


Book Lovers Day


World Elephant Day - https://worldelephantday.org


Left Handers Day


Red Nose Day


Son’s and Daughter’s Day


17-23th Keep Australia Beautiful Week 20th

First session Chat n Chew - 12.30 pm Christmas in August $15.00pp - 2 course meal. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL - held Haddon Community Learning Centre.


Senior Citizen’s Day


Second session Chat n Chew - 12.30 pm Christmas in August $15.00pp - 2 course meal. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL - held Haddon Community Learning Centre.


Daffodil Day - www.daffodilday.com.au/event/



daffodil-day/home SEPTEMBER 1-8th Adult Learners Week 1-30th Save the Koala Month - www.savethekoala.com/howto-help/save-koala-month 1-7th Legacy Week 5th

Virtual Golden Plains Farmers Market - 8.30 - 12.30pm.


Father’s Day.


Women's Health Week - ww.womenshealthweek.com.au


R U Ok Day

17th 18th 29th

Chat n Chew Luncheon - $12.00 pp - 12.30 pm School Term 3 ends National Police Remembrance Day

OCTOBER 5th Term 4 begins

SCARSDALE CWA The Scarsdale CWA welcome new members to their branch who may wish to join them. For more information, contact Anne Wilson on 5342 8311.

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Term 3, 2020

The Yarning Place Bus To Visit Haddon Community Learning Centre We are pleased to announce that the “Yarning Place� will visit Haddon on Wednesday July 29th at 10.00 am till approximately 3pm or later depending on demand. Due to COVID social distancing we do need you to book a time so as you are not waiting around too long also and/or you can visit their website and order anything you need and Lance will bring them up. They have 72 different yarns in the shop and over 200 patterns They would like to know what yarns, patterns, accessories you are interested in so as they can bring stock you want to view as they can only carry less than a third of what they have in their store in the van. So do check the website (https://yarningplace.com.au/ ) and let them know, or the Centre know (5342 7050 or email manager@haddonlearning.org.au) your requests. See you there!

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Term 3, 2020

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