Woady Yaloak Herald March 2012

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Woady Yaloak SINCE 1977


A Project of the Haddon and District Community House A FREE publication for the more than 11,000 people who live in the Woady Yaloak District. The Woady Yaloak Herald is delivered to households in Haddon, Nintingbool, Cardigan Village, Smythes Creek, parts of Alfredton and is generally available for collection at General Stores in Smythesdale, Scarsdale, Ross Creek, Linton, Cape Clear, Snake Valley and through the Woady Yaloak campus.

March 2012 Issue Number 248

The Woady Yaloak Herald is also available online in full colour at www.hchouse.org


Chris Rigg above enjoying his visit to the Ballatat airport to view the huge USA aircrane Delilah organised by his son. Below (L to R) Haddon Lions President Greg Crick, Air Crane Pilot Geoff Shelton, and Lion Chris Rigg

Delilah, one of two Erickson Aircrane’s contracted by Victoria this fire season, arrived in Victoria in December and was based at the Ballarat Airport for the 2011/2012 summer fire season. The Haddon Lions Club visited the airport to view the huge aircrane on Wednesday evening (February 22nd). See more on inside

Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection Immunisation Program 2012

The Woady Yaloak HERALD is published monthly (except January) as a project of the Haddon and District Community House Inc. Registration No. 12494

Haddon & District Community House 396 Sago Hill Road Haddon 3351 Tel 5342 7050 Fax to 5342 7013 Email: woadyherald@gmail.com —————————— Send items to The Editorial Team, Woady Yaloak HERALD by mail, fax or email or deliver to Haddon Community House by the deadline. DEADLINE FOR April ISSUE IS FRIDAY March 23rd Preferred format is MS Publisher, typed or clearly printed, sent as an email attachment, on a computer disk, fax or post.

NO PDF files please without prior discussion and consent of the Editor

Send photographs by post or as an email attachment. If photo to be returned, send with a stamped SAE and put name/address on back. If you would like to advertise your business, please contact the editorial team to discuss your needs. ———————————————– Disclaimer. Any group or person may submit items for publication, preference may be typed or in a recognised computer format. Items must include name, address and telephone number of the sender. The Editor reserves the right to edit for length, clarity or legality any item or not to publish any item considered inappropriate. Views and comments expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of any member of the Woady Yaloak Herald or the Haddon & District Community House unless acknowledged as such. Products and services listed or advertised in the newspaper should not be considered as endorsements. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of editorial content, HDCH takes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. SPECIAL DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES FOR APRIL EDITION DUE TO EASTER BREAK IS FRIDAY 23RD

Visit www.hchouse.org to see the Woady Herald in full colour CONTENTS Lions Club visit to Ballarat Airport

Immunisation Program 2012 & New Teachers at Haddon Primary IWD celebrations, Haddon, Piggoreet Walk

Golden Plains Arts Trail 2012 Featured Artist; Anne Langdon National Green Corps Jobs, The Dales Landcare Woady Yaloak Creek Community Project photos Grampians Grape Koala Project Update, Million Paws Walk, Fishing Tons of Runs -New book, Grampians Great Escape Haddon Community House Program Learn Local - latest courses at Haddon Community House Depression - information poster, Haddon Primary Activities News from the Well , Cardigan Village Protest NBN Tower, Geelong Ballarat Railway 150th Celebrations, Twilight at Turtle Bend, Carbohydrate Counting for Type 1 Diabetes Cookery Nook Special Fun Corner Local Community Groups Directory Community Notice Board Trades & Services What, Where & When; Golden Plains Regional Library information, Golden Connections, Shire Office locations, School Terms

March 2012

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Irish Blessing: Lucky stars above you, Sunshine on your way, Many friends to love you, Joy in work and playLaughter to outweigh each care, In your heart a song- and gladness waiting everywhere All your whole life long!

Haddon 12.30pm - 1.00pm at the Community House, 396 Sago Hill Rd, Haddon (1st Tuesday of the month) 6th March & 3rd April Linton 11.15am - 11.45am in Council Chamber, Sussex St, Linton. (1st Tuesday of the month) 6th March & 3rd April Bannockburn 10.30am - 11.30am at Bannockburn Family Services Centre, 2a Pope St, Bannockburn (last Tuesday of the month) 27th March & 24th April Rokewood 10.00am - 10.30am Community Health Centre, Ferrars St, Rokewood (1st Tuesday of the month) 6th March & 3rd April

Welcome New Teachers at Haddon Primary Haddon Primary has two new teachers at the school so we would like to extend to them a warm welcome. They are Miss Lauren Pitson and Miss Loretta Liston. We are sure they will make a very positive contribution to the students and to the Haddon PS community. Irish Blessing Like the warmth of the sun And the light of the day, May the luck of the Irish

TO ADVERTISE IN THE WOADY HERALD CONTACT US ON: 5342 7050 It pays to advertise where your audience lives. Great rates and you are targeting your potential market directly and more effectively. As we are a not-for-profit organisation, all proceeds go back to your customers - the local community. *We Need Your Help Please help us improve your community newsletter. We need to know your stories and achievements. Help us by letting us know what is happening in our area. Information, photos, suggestions of content would be greatly appreciated. We can only make this newsletter as good as the information we receive. Whenever you utilise the services of our valued advertisers, please mention that you heard about them in the Woady Yaloak Herald.

The Woady Yaloak Herald is a member of the

Community Newsletter Association of Victoria

The Haddon & District Community House is committed to providing a free publication to the community and an avenue for residents to contribute to its content and production.

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012

International Women’s Day Celebrations at Haddon

International Women's Day will be celebrated again this year at the Northern Community Centre, Haddon, on Thursday 22nd March beginning at 7 pm. We are delighted to announce that special guest speaker will be Lynne McLennan, the Chief Executive Officer of the UFS Dispensaries, Director of Ambulance Victoria and Chair of Management Committee at Leadership Ballarat and Western Region and that is just a few of her many roles! Lynne is an amazing and a wonderful inspiration to all women, is very engaging and always delights the audience. So don’t miss this very special evening. Last year the centre was packed, so get there early! There will also be other great speakers and demonstrators including Pam Farey, Linton’s amazing artist; Kay Reardon who will chat and demonstrate her ‘Fabulous Fabric’ dyeing; Eve Hay, from the ‘Up Where We Belong’ koala tree planting project and Cassandra Bailey with ‘Fashion Design’ and how easy it is to do patternmaking. There will be some great displays and supper and all for just a gold coin donation to go towards a women’s charity. This is our local celebration of the “Wonder of Women” everywhere and everyone is invited. We would just ask you to please RSVP by the 19th March to give us an idea about catering please. We hope to see many of you there on the night! This event is proudly sponsored by the Haddon Community House and the Golden Plains Shire. Phone 5342 7050 to confirm your attendance.

2012 Piggoreet to Grand Trunk Walking Trail At only $10 per head for a fully conducted walk, interesting tales and entertaining company. We meet at the Courthouse at 9:30 AM on Sunday the 22nd of April 2012. Wear sensible, comfortable walking shoes and apparel. Lunch: B.Y.O. food and drinks (items can be transported for you). Morning and afternoon tea provided at the Courthouse. Tea and coffee available at lunchtime. BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL. Contact Margaret: 5342 8418. Book now and don't be disappointed.


Advertisers of the Month Big Fela’s Auto Electrical Pay for the job not a lifestyle



0437 431 332

45 Louise Court Haddon, 3351 0458 923 500 5342 4330 Page 3

Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection Featured Local Artist: Anne Langdon Participant in the Golden Plains Art Trail April 2012. Anne Langdon is a local Artist living and making Art in Smythesdale. She is primarily a Printmaker and Painter initially attending life drawing classes which set Anne on her artistic journey. A journey that has been life changing both emotionally and artistically. Anne is a passionate Artist that uses her life experiences and the natural environment that surrounds her to produce thought provoking images, using watercolour, acrylics, silk screen and relief prints and etchings using solar plate and a low toxic technique. Her work expresses a quality of workmanship that is to be admired. Anne constantly challenges herself, which leads her to experimentation and the development of ideas. Anne’s love of drawing lends itself to her figurative – dreamlike style, producing prints, paintings and collages with a textural quality. Anne has also experimented with the textile medium and ceramics, utilising her printmaking skills to silkscreen works on fabric and utilising clay to produce jewellery and quirky sculptures. Over the past 25 years Anne has been involved in many exhibitions being both group and solo. Her life goal is to be recognised in the Art World. Anne’s next exhibition in 2012 will be a solo exhibition at the Hamilton Regional Art Gallery. Anne is participating in the Golden Plains Shire Arts Trail 24th – 25th March with her studio open to the public. As part of the weekend Anne will have in place a working canvas on which visitors can contribute. To view more of Anne’s work either contact Anne on 03 53428019 or email: art@annelangdon.com. Or visit Anne’s website at www.annelangdon.com. Anne is also in collaboration with other printmakers at www.goldfieldsprintmakers.weebly.com/

“Solace”- by Anne Langdon

March 2012

“Brighter Bluebird”

"Regeneration" Gallery on Sturt are holding a fundraising exhibition and silent auction in March 2012, with proceeds being donated to the Ballarat Regional Integrated Cancer Centre Wellness Centre. Gallery on Sturt curator Leigh Tweedie and solo artist Xersa are the driving forces behind the exhibition, silent art auction and raffle. Exhibition runs 10th – 24th March, Silent Auction Saturday 17th March at 7pm. Gallery On Sturt is located at 421 Sturt Street, Ballarat. For further information please contact: Leigh Tweedie, on 5331 7011, email info@galleryonsturt.com.au or visit www.galleryonsturt.com.au

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012

National Green Jobs Corp National Green Jobs Corp is a $76.2 million Federal Government funded project which gives Youth the opportunity to gain a Certificate II in Conservation Land Management, a 6 month supervised course. Unfortunately the funding dried up on December 31st 2011, with no further funding available from the Federal Government. With assistance from the Golden Plains Shire the project has been able to be extended for a short time. The youth are led by Mr. David Leviston of CVGT and operate throughout the Golden Plains Shire undertaking a range of diverse Land Management tasks, such as: Habitat protection and re-vegetation activities. Natural resource management. Weed Control and Walking Track construction and restoration. Fence Repairs. Flood Restoration. Gardening and Landscaping. Plantation Management Erosion Control and Community Projects. Mr. Leviston stated ‘This Project has given Youth the opportunity to not only gain employment in LandCare Management, but has also given Youth the necessary confidence, pride, work ethic, mateship and team building required in the workplace’. The Golden Plains Shire has been a Partner in this venture and has contributed greatly to the program. Shire involvement has been instrumental in connecting Community Groups and Friends of Groups, to the NGJC, therefore achieving community based outcomes. Dale Smithyman and Bram Muller of the Golden Plains Shire have contributed significantly to the Project. Currently, funding is required to keep this worthy project operating, without this type of Community input, not only does our environment suffer but also does the opportunity for our Youth to have the chance in gaining skills and therefore long term employment. 7th February 2012 The Dales Landcare The Dales Landcare group is a community based initiative in conjunction with the Smythesdale Progress Association, of which both are ran and manned by local volunteers. The group who in conjunction with the DSE, the Golden Plains Shire, The Woady Yaloak Catchment Group and the Smythesdale Progress Association, are passionate patrons of the Woady Yaloak Waterway. The aim of this group is to enhance the local environment via Landcare Management and Flood Restoration. Current Projects include the control of rabbits, weeds, salinity and erosion in and around the Woady Yaloak Creek System. The group will also be targeting gorse, blackberry and hawthorn and repairing fencing along the creek. Karen O’Keefe of the Woady Yaloak Catchment Group will be co-ordinating efforts of local Landcare groups within the Golden Plains Shire, to bring together local knowledge and manpower, therefore linking these groups to obtain effective outcomes. One such effort will be to work towards reparation of the Swing Bridge at Scarsdale. If funds can be secured, the swing bridge area along with a picnic ground, could be linked into the Rail Trail as an added attraction. David Madden and Jim Brown of the Golden Plains Shire have indicated that funds could be made available for this venture, more work towards investigation of this project is underway. A ‘Gorse Control Project’ will be underway shortly with funds to assist private land holders along the Woady in an eradication program. This program is a Dales, Shire, DSE, Woady Yaloak Catchment Group, Progress Assoc partnership. Other gorse control in the area of the Woady is being undertaken by the ‘National Green Jobs Corp.’ They have also finished repairing fencing at the Equestrian Centre and weeding at the Smythesdale Cemetery. A tree planting program is also being considered for the Snake Valley Road entrance of the Woady Yaloak Creek Community Project. An important part of the work being carried out is the control of the rabbit population. Pindone carrots will be used to bait the rabbits, this is a safer alternative to 1080. Work along the Woady Yaloak Creek system is an on going project, Volunteers are always welcome to assist in their area. By calling Karen on 0409 599-482 and offering your help, she could direct you to a participating Landcare Group. Another of the current initiatives is the restoration of the walk way which connects Whites Road and Snake Valley Road at Smythesdale, which was first established some four years ago. The walk follows the picturesque winding stream of the Woady Yaloak Creek. After the September 2010 and January 2011 floods, much is needed to re-instate fencing and re-established the walking path. Youth led by Mr. David Leviston of National Green Jobs Corp will assist with the task. Help from the Golden Plains Shire by way of gravel for the walk way, will give the community better access to the site. With funds provided via a Grant from the Corrangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA) during their “25th year of Landcare”, the Community will be able to carry out the necessary repairs. On going maintenance is required to keep the walk way free of weeds, this can only be done with Community Involvement. The Scarsdale Smythesdale CFA assist with control burn-offs weather permitting. If you wish to offer some of your time to this important project, you could contact the following Community based groups: The Dales LandCare group contact: Dianne and Michael Moylan 5342-8629.The Smythesdale Progress Association: Dennis Ross 0418 503-938

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012

Dianne and Michael Moylan of the Dales Landcare Group

Woady Yaloak Creek Community Project Photos of the walk way which connects Whites Road and Snake Valley Road at Smythesdale, the walk follows the picturesque winding stream of the Woady Yaloak Creek.

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012

UPDATE “KOALA'S ~ UP WHERE THEY BELONG COMMUNITY PROJEC” We have had such wonderful donations since our feature in the last issue. Two hundred trees have been so generously donated by Roger Thomas of BEN Community Indigenous Nursery. Avalon Nursery, Haddon has also kindly donated 50 mixed habitat trees suitable as ‘koala’ trees and they have kindly offered a special deal with every habitat koala tree purchased at Avalon nursery you will receive a discount on tree guards and stakes (they come in a sets normally $1.20 they will sell to you for $1.00). So go purchase some trees in the Haddon and District area from Avalon Nursery and start planting now, lets create a corridor to get the koalas back to this area. More generous donations were received from Jenny Ryle from Buninyong Leigh Catchment group who donated one hundred tree guards and their planting trailer. And Robert Amor from Napoleons Landcare has donated second hand stakes. Phil Kinghorne of the Landcare Group, Lal Lal has donated tree guards, stakes and weed killer. Brian Hanrahan, Landcare President, Lal Lal has offered to have trees planted on his property in Warrenheip on the 6 th of September, 2012. To undertake the plantings we will have the help of the Warrenheip and the Bungaree Primary Schools. We thank all these wonderful people and also send a big thank you to all the other fantastic people who have been involved in the project so far; those who phoned, emailed and texted about planting. You are all amazing! Thank you to all the people who were interested in having trees planted on their properties but unfortunately due to the amount of interest, we are unable to supply any more trees at this time. If we can obtain more donations of suitable trees we will then be able to offer then again. However we want to strongly urge you to go and purchase suitable trees from your local nurseries such as the Avalon Nursery in Haddon. They know what trees will suit your local areas and are grown locally at a reasonable cost. A Few Facts About Koalas In 2008 the AKF estimated that there were no more than 2000 in the wild in the Ballarat, Clunes, Daylesford and surrounding district and that only 15% of koala habitat was left. Koalas only eat a few types of trees, and then they only eat the new fresh tips, not the old leaves. Suitable Trees fo Koalas The Manner Gum, Tasmanian blue gum and Mess mate are the three main feeding trees. The first two are quick growers. The stringy bark and swamp gum they will nibble on if needed, but they prefer the above. RSPCA Million Paws Walk The 17th Annual RSPCA Million Paws Walk is being held on Sunday 20 May and is the BIG day out for animal lovers. Whether you have pets in your family or not, you're invited to join the pack and walk with tens of thousands of people and their furry friends in one of 18 great walks across the State to help raise vital funds for the RSPCA. This year, people who register and fundraise for the event will have the opportunity to win a new Mitsubishi ES Lancer proudly donated by Eastside Mitsubishi. More details to come soon. Online registrations open 20 February at www.millionpawswalk.com.au or call 03 9224 2222.

Are you interested in Fishing? Following interest from a number of fishing people in the area, an invitation is extended to meet with a view to getting together socially to share fishing stories, information, tips etc.. Open to people with or without boats, fishing in the sea or inland. To be held at Haddon & District Community House on Wednesday 19th March at 7.00pm. All Welcome Tea and coffee provided. Contact Helen Wade, 5342 4764 or Mobile 0419 230 300


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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012

Century-makers from the local park to Test-match cricket Have you ever made a century in a cricket match? Was it scored in under-age competition for your local city or suburban team, your school, or in one of the many church competitions throughout the land? Or, in a rural match amid a glorious Grampians backdrop, a dusty oval in the Mallee, or in a far-flung Gippsland cricket outpost? If you are a cricket centurion, there is every chance your name will be listed in a publication called Tons of Runs, an amazing record of centuries throughout the length and breadth of Australia since records were first kept—at all levels of the game, for both men and women. Paul Daley, remarkably, has produced a book designed to the highest publishing values, where approximately 100,000 centuries are listed. Tons of Runs is a must read for any cricket lover, especially those who have raised their bat to the applause of the teammates when reaching those mystical three figures. But it’s not only a book of statistics. Over 125 pages of high-class cricketing action shots and premiership photographs help to round out this fascinating tome. And so do the stories, legends and yarns about the century-makers; Neil Harvey, for instance, who scored dual centuries (101 and 141) as a thirteen year old for Fitzroy in a final in 1942. Just six years later, the apprentice engineer answered the call for national cricket duty. Be regaled by the feats of Charles Eady, the prolific Tasmanian cricketer, whose epic innings of 566 for Break O’Day against Wellington (1901/02) remains the highest individual score on Australian soil. All of Donald Bradman’s on-shore centuries are listed, and these amount to 151. You’ll even learn about The Don’s tons for the Australian Army during the war. One, would you believe, was made at Frankston. The hundreds made in Kerry Packer’s World Series Cricket are freely assimilated into the national tally, as are those scored in the Eighths and Ninths by regular weekend cricketers. The readership will enjoy pouring over the many 100s made by famous AFL footballers during their off-seasons: Jimmy Bartel, Bill Brownless, Gavin Wanganeen, Ken Fletcher, Craig Bradley, Peter Bedford and Dale Weightman, to name some high profile sporting all-rounders. Haydn Bunton, perhaps the greatest Australian Rules footballer of all, was a prolific centurion in his youth throughout the Albury District, and he quickly made his presence felt with Fitzroy Cricket Club upon reaching The Big Smoke. Bill Ponsford, selected in the Australian Team of the Century, was just one of many who believed Bunton was bound for cricket glory if he stayed the course. In view of three Brownlow Medals and three Sandover Medals, few could argue with Bunton’s choice of football over cricket. Skim the listings for 100s made by actors, public servants and politicians of note, or pick out someone you think may be listed. In this manner, readers may be pleasantly surprised to learn of Henry Bolte’s century-making habit in country Victoria. Tons of Runs is the result of three years of painstaking research by author Paul Daley—a sporting project that involved writing to every cricket club and association to request its record of century-makers. His moving and well-crafted tribute to the nation’s cricket club volunteers, be they secretaries, presidents, archivists or statisticians, reveals insight into what fuels the game in this country. However, as the initial approach to the clubs was purely invitational, don’t blame your club or Paul if your name is not listed in the book. Send in details of your ton(s) and make sure you are listed in the updated and revised First Edition. Tons of Runs, a high quality 780-page cricket publication, is available for $80 plus postage from www.tonsofruns.com The author is pleased to sign, date and personalise copies on request. For further information contact Paul Daley at: pd@tonsofruns.com.au Grampians Grape Escape Celebrates 21 years of Home-grown Wine and Food Indulgence The Grampians Grape Escape will celebrate 21 years of fine food and wine indulgence with a bumper festival planned for May 5 and 6 at Halls Gap Village Oval. A record crowd of 8,000 people are expected to attend the two-day spread of magnificent local food and wine on show by 100 of Western Victoria's finest producers. Foodies will be treated to wine, beer, olive and lavender products, ice-cream, preserves, gourmet sausages and pies, cookies, cakes and gluten-free food; as well as lentils, fresh fruit and berries and organic produce, yabbies, duck, venison, turkey, beef, lamb, pork honey, teas and herbs. Celebrity chef Adrian Richardson will draw the crowds to his twice-daily cooking demonstrations in the main marquee and former Hamilton lad-gone-global-butcher-and-cook Lee Christmas will be guest chef in the Grampians Produce Group tent. Melbourne performer Monique Brumby will delight the crowd on Sunday and popular Hamilton band Buddha in a Chocolate Box will play both days. Other weekend highlights will include the Grampians Winemakers Inc's Barrique Auction and Festival Dinner, and Grampians Produce's Culinary Challenge and Junior Cupcake Competition featuring 2011 Junior Masterchef runner-up Jack Lark. There'll also be other hands-on children's cooking activities like the Bubble Muffin Kids Cooking Club. Festival Director David Wheaton said the Grampians Grape Escape continued to grow and meet the needs of local and visiting foodies and families. "Producers in the Grampians Pyrenees continue to be strong leaders in unique, diverse and inspiring produce," Mr Wheaton said. "With home-crafted and organic produce in popular demand these days, we are excited to offer this quality experience in the heart of the Grampians National Park." Tickets are available now online. For further information go to www.grampiansgrapeescape.com.au.

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012 396 Sago Hill Road, Haddon 3351  5342 7050 Fax 5342 7013 Office Open Tuesday- Friday 10.00 - 3.30 pm coordinator@hchouse.org

COMPUTERS COURSES - INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS ~ Wednesdays - $55.00 PLUS $55.00 amenities fee (Concession $90.00). NB: Other times available if minimum numbers of students attained. Mornings from 9.30 am till 12.30 pm and evenings 7pm - 10 pm. Duration 8 weeks. BEYOND BASIC COMPUTERS ~ A program for those with some knowledge beyond total beginner’s. Monday mornings 9.30 am -12 pm (8 week course). Tuesday mornings 10 - 1pm. (7 week course). INTRODUCTION TO PUBLISHER & POWERPOINT - Monday afternoons from 1 pm till 4 pm (7 weeks).$50.00 PLUS $50.00 amenities fee. (Concession $80.00) per 7 weeks. Program x 3 hours per week. N.B. Please phone if you require different times for any computer courses listed. Other days/dates will be available, please check with the House first term course program out now! For all computer classes casual attendance enquiries are welcome, cost $16.00 per session, dependant upon availability. Get started with Excel classes available. INTRODUCTION TO MS OUTLOOK (available) INTRODUCTION TO MYOB - March 22nd 10 ~ 2 pm, Thursdays, 5 sessions. $100.00/$80.00 concession. ABC OPEN PROJECT FROM CAMERA TO COMPUTER Friday March 30th - 1 pm ~ 3pm. Get those photos off your camera and onto your computer and learn how to do basic edits and upload to Flickr. Join the ABC competition too! INTRODUCTION TO CHILDCARE SERVICES - Course for exploring the requirements of working in childcare. INTRODUCTION TO HAIRDRESSING - Fabulous course on hairdressing covering cuts, layers to colours and foils! Cost $130.00 for 24 hours course. INTRODUCTION TO BEAUTY SERVICES - Interested in beauty and nails? Then learn from practical sessions in make-up and beauty services. INTRODUCTION TO INTERIOR DESIGN - Have you always liked decorating? Do you need help with knowing what goes with what and where. This course will help you and maybe kick start a career with a professional designer. ACCREDITED COURSES: Certificates will be issued to successful applicants. COMBINED LEVEL 2/CPR ~ Evening, courses over 2 weeks6 pm to 9 pm, or Saturday (1 day), 9 am to 5 pm. CPR first 3 hours(CPR only costs $70.00). We need minimum 10 participants to operate course. One day course at Smythesdale March 23rd. Cost $130.00 for full course($70.00 for CPR). FOOD HANDLER’S COURSE - Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures/Food Safety Level I $111.00 (or you can study online). Let us know of your groups requirements. We need 7 to run this course in house or use the online option solo. CERTIFICATE II IN HAIRDRESSING - Begins Term II. Get an accredited certificate in hairdressing. You must ring to express interest, only few places left. CERTIFICATE II IN BEAUTY SERVICES - Begins Term II ring to express interest.

CERTIFICATE II IN CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT - Being considered for Mondays or Fridays - but other days maybe available - phone to express interest. CERTIFICATE II IN APPLIED FASHION DESIGN - Fridays 10 am - 4 pm. Some of the other courses on offer include:  FUNKY FABRICS - March 9th or March 17th, 10 am - 2 pm. Learn quick & easy dyeing method for items from socks, ribbons, laces to t-shirts. Great fun!!!  PATCHWORK/ SEWING CLASSES - Your choice of 5 quilt patterns suitable for beginners to advanced are available or your own choice of pattern along with sewing classes with your choice of project. Available Wednesdays  CHEESEMAKING - March 24th Book early! *NEWSLFLASH ~Telstra Connected Seniors * FREE CLASSES ~ TO INCLUDE ~ Mobile Phone, Email, Internet, Online Shopping & Banking, Photo Sharing & Other Attachments. Taking Photos/ Videos on Mobile Phone, Personalising Mobile Phones, Information Searching. Create Your Own Website. Fantastic opportunity, don’t miss out! (Open to all ages) OTHER COURSES: YOGA, TAI CHI, ZUMBA COOKING CHINESE CHILDREN & FAMILIES Haddon Playgroup, in 2012 will meet on Friday mornings 10.30 am. $3.00 per family. New memberships available. Little Woady’s Storytime ~ Little Woady’s,L’il Boppers March 9th to 30th March. Places are strictly limited and you will need to register for these events. PUBLIC SERVICES Public Internet and computer access@ $3 per hour Printing - Colour $3 per page, mono $1.00 per page Photocopying (double sided)A4 30 cents, A3 50 cents  Laminating A4 $1.50, A3 $2.50  Binding A4 $3.00 for up to 30 pages.  Fax Service $2.00 first page, $1.00 additional pages local and interstate, international p.o.a.  Library/Book Swap, including a large variety of large print and talking books, videos, dvd’s.  Drop in centre (all welcome). Help yourself to coffee and tea, donations very welcome.  Woady Yaloak Herald . Free classifieds and affordable advertising. Your local community newsletter.  Greeting Card Sales - See cards at front desk.  Information & Referral  Volunteer placements - the house is keen for volunteers, please phone for details. EFTPOS & CREDIT CARD FACILITIES AVAILABLE People of all abilities are welcome at Haddon & District Community House. We acknowledge the ongoing support of Adult and Community Education and the Department of Planning and Community Development.

The Haddon and District Community House aims to provide a variety of educational , social and recreational activities to suit a range of tastes and interests. Whilst all efforts are made to proceed with advertised activities it is sometimes not possible if enrolments do not generate the funds required to cover the costs of tutors and room hire. Do you have some time to spare and would like to help out your community? The House is seeking volunteers to help out with day to day tasks and activities. There are a range of tasks that will suit an array of skills and abilities and we love a friendly face! We offer training and support. Call 5342 7050 for information .

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

Learn Local in 2012

March 2012

Term I I Course Brochure out April

EXCITING NEW COURSES NCLUDING MORE CERTIFICATE COURSES BOOK EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! It is hard to believe that the we are already midway through the first Term! The next terms course planning is in progress now. And we have exciting news with new courses such as the Telstra Connected Seniors being available. Though marketed for senior persons they are open to all if you are struggling to come to grips with new technology such as that mobile phone, email and Internet. This is an exciting opportunity to partake of free courses that will be on offer under these sessions so don’t miss out, book early to avoid disappointment. Introduction to Hairdressing course has been operating and will be available once again in Term II. This course goes beyond the basics of hair care, including basic styling and cutting techniques. You will learn skills in how to cut and style men's, ladies and children's hair, also braiding, special occasion styles, blow waving, perming, how to apply foils. You will also gain knowledge of OHS, customer service, and good work practices and much more. It is a pathway to further studies in Certificate II and Certificate III in Hairdressing and/or Certificate II in Beauty Services. And the great news is that we now have those Certificate courses on offer at the Community House to begin in Term II and there are only a few places left so book now if you want to secure a place. All these Certificate courses will be available each term provided we meet minimum student numbers so this flexibility is a real bonus for being able to begin your career studies at any time of the year. A second course of ‘Introduction to Beauty Services’ will be available after we were booked out for the first one. You will need to book in as soon as you can. This course will include a variety of beauty services such as make-up, how to apply, product knowledge, hygienic preparation, contouring and framing the face. It will also include learning how to do a manicure & pedicure. Some other topics that may be included are nail/nail art and waxing (subject to availability). This course can lead to further studies in Certificate II in Make-up Services or Certificate III in Beauty Services, Certificate II in Nail Technology. We now have on our scope Certificate II in Beauty Services so you can then consider undertaking that course once you feel more confident. With our new Certificate courses: Certificate II in Hairdressing and Certificate II in Beauty Services you will need to phone the house to book and then when minimum student numbers are reached we will organise an appointment for you to assess your eligibility for funding assistance. There are a number of options and our partnered Registered Training Organisation will assist you in every way they can to make it possible for you to be able to undertake the training you require for a pathway to your career choice and work opportunities. The Introduction to Interior Design is another exciting course on offer, conducted over several weeks it will cover basic interior design principles. The course is expected to cover learning about affordable styling, colour matching and selection, rug placement and accessories, workplace communication, visual design components, decoration products, retail displays, research, how to analyse and apply colour, advise customers, recommend home and home improvement products and services, customer relations, OHS. Pathways to further studies for this course include further studies in Certificate III in Interior Decoration (Retail Services) or Certificate IV of Interior Decoration, or positions as interiors retail sales assistant, or assistant in an interior decoration consultancy. Want to try Fashion Design or Retail Services? Then we offer those certificate courses also. As well as Certificate II in Conservation and Land Management. This course is also suitable for men and women and if you have an interest and would like to look at a career in conservation this will give you the skills required to go down that pathway. We will also have on offer an Introduction to Childcare Services starting second term that will lead to a Certificate III in Children's Services course if you wish to participate. This is a great opportunity to see if a career in children’s services is right for you before you commit to the long Certificate course. The course will provide an overview to those who are interested in childcare & may like to undertake work in the childcare services setting. Another totally new course will be “Using Social Media to Grow Your Business.” This introduction to Social Media Marketing course will introduce the advantages and disadvantages of social media marketing and how to plan a social media marketing strategy. It will introduce the main social media tools & how they work, how to set up and develop a business blog, the do's and don'ts with social media marketing. We will look at Facebook as free advertising to promote and market your business. Using Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin, and learning how to integrate your marketing strategy for community building & engaging. And have you been out of the workforce for some time or who have not been able to get work? Then our new course called “Grow Your Work and Life Skills” will be a perfect way to help you start gain confidence and prepare for the transition. The course will encompass resume writing, interview techniques and skills, communication skills, personal grooming, self esteem and confidence building, motivation and goal setting. Phone 5342 7050 to book now. The Summer Course Guide is still available and provides a more detailed overview and detailed information about courses on offer and enrolment information. You can pick up a copy by visiting us at 396 Sago Hill Road, Haddon, or ringing 5342 7040. Office hours are from 10 am to 4 pm, Tuesday through Friday.

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March 2012


Can’t sleep

Irritable, angry or bad tempered

Increased alcohol consumption

Lost your appetite or not feeling well

Feeling at the end of your tether?

What can Help Exercise (if not sure what you can do, speak to your GP) Are you getting enough sleep at night? Can you add more healthy foods into your diet? Realistic goals write them down, do a plan Talk to someone you trust

Ongoing stress can often be a precursor for depression. Depression is an illness that can affect any of us and can be impacted through many different issues; relationship breakdown, physical health issues, financial concerns & isolation. Depression is a treatable illness, however the earlier an intervention takes place then the higher likelihood of a quicker recovery

Professional Support Counsellor in your community or your local GP Mensline (free telephone counselling) 1300 78 99 78 The Men & Family Relationships Service (CAFS) Ballarat –5337 3333 This service can provide support for men and their families around relationship conflict, separation, parenting concerns, family violence, stress, depression and anxiety. This service is free.

Haddon Primary School Active School Activities On Friday March 30, starting at 11am, the whole school will be walking around the Haddon Lion’s Park circuit as part of their commitment to being an Active School. Each class has a target number of laps to walk in the allocated time and all children are encouraged to participate and display the ‘You Can Do It Skills of ‘Getting Along, Confidence and Persistence.’ Students may wear casual dress but must be sun smart by wearing a hat and shoulders covered. Runners must be worn. All students will receive fruit and a drink at the conclusion of their laps. The day will conclude with a whole school assembly at 1pm in the carpet area of the hall, after which children will be dismissed for the term break. Parents are very welcome to join their children and walk a few laps. As this is a Victorian Government school day, secondary students, who should be at school, will not be permitted to participate.

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection At the Well, Smythesdale NEW – Physiotherapy Service to Commence at Smythesdale Ballarat Community Health will be providing a Physiotherapy service at The Well each Tuesday afternoon from the start of March. Physiotherapists can treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions such as neck and back pain, arthritis, fractures and tendon injuries, and can also treat neurological conditions such as stroke and Parkinson’s disease. Clients can be referred by a health professional or can self refer. All referrals must go through Ballarat Community Health’s intake process ph. 5338 4500. Fees are negotiable according to income and ability to pay, based on HACC service guidelines: Low income $8, Medium income $13, High income $32. Living Longer, Living Stronger – NEW TIME Physiotherapist Margaret Frederick has now taken over delivering Living Longer Living Stronger at The Well, at the new time of 11.00am – 12.00 Noon each Tuesday. The cost remains $3 per session. This strength training program is designed for people over 50 years of age. Contact Ballarat Community Health on ph. 5338 4500 to book a consultation with the Physiotherapist prior to starting the program. First Aid Course – Friday 23rd March Senior Level 2 (HLTF A402B), 1 day course - Cost: $130 (CPR update only: $65). Minimum numbers required for course to go ahead. To book or for further details contact Clare at The Well on ph. 5321 1500. FREE Hearing Screenings On Friday 13th April Australian Hearing will hold a free hearing screening day at The Well. To book in for a screening contact Clare at The Well on ph. 5321 1500. Cardigan Village Group Fights Against the Proposed Site of an NBN Tower A group of concerned community members at Cardigan Village have raised health and safety issues particularly in regards to their children’s future where NBN towers are being proposed in residential areas and near to schools. These are some of the concerns they have raised with their research about the tower proposed for their community. The World Health Organization has admitted that these towers ‘may’ cause cancer in humans and that there ‘needs” to be a long term research done on this topic. The Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Institute states, “it is an Internationally recognized precautionary Standard that Cell Towers are to have a 500 metre safety zone around them when they are being placed near a School, Playground, Daycare Centre or other Childcare Facility, or homes with small children. It has been reported that there have been companies who have had these towers removed from buildings or have had to close top floors because their employees have produced cancer after these transmitters were installed People who live in close proximity to these towers may experience symptoms like headaches or migraines, problems sleeping, memory issues, muscle tiredness and aching, stinging in the eyes and burning sensations on the skin. If you have concerns you can receive further information register at: wincomm1@hotmail.com Write to the NBN Co and your local members for information as well.

March 2012 Geelong to Ballarat Railway 150th Celebrations On Tuesday 10th April 2012 marks the 150th anniversary of the official opening of the Geelong to Ballarat Railway. A recreation of the inaugural 1862 trip made by dignitaries will leave from Geelong at 10am. The stations along the line will provide places to view the heritage train as it passes on its historic run. Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th will provide everyone in the community the opportunity to catch a heritage train between Geelong and Ballarat. The old stations of Bannockburn, Meredith, Lal Lal, Navigators and Yendon will have a range of information and displays and there will be Devonshire teas at Bannockburn and an open house at Meredith. For more information go to visitgoldenplains.com.au. Twilight at Turtle Bend On 24 March 2012 the Twilight at Turtle Bend celebration will host Grammy Award winning Peter Rowan and his internationally acclaimed Bluegrass Band. Direct from the USA, the Peter Rowan Bluegrass Band have been described as the finest and best credentialed bluegrass band ever to tour Australia. Four brilliant musicians performing work from their recently celebrated recording, ‘Legacy’ will provide a highlight to an extraordinary night’s entertainment. With an ethos of providing exposure and opportunities for new talent, Twilight at Turtle Bend is proud to announce the addition of newcomers, Jack Gramski and Jamie Pye to the 2012 line up. The event will provide a rare opportunity for Bluegrass and Folk music fans to be entertained in a uniquely beautiful setting. The annual celebration has become a showcase of local and international artists and will once again host the magical lantern parade, a highlight of the night’s proceedings. For more information contact Marita Seaton on 5281 5188 or email turtlebendevents@gmail.com or visit Carbohydrate Counting for Type 1 Diabetes Have you or your child got Type 1 Diabetes? Are you looking for ways to improve control? Are you on a pump or multiple injections? Join our 3 week group to learn more about: • What is carbohydrate? • How counting carbohydrate can improve control • Counting carbohydrates on food labels • Hands-on carbohydrate counting practice • Apps and web sites to help count carbohydrate Dates: March 15th, 22nd and 29th 2012 September 5th, 12th and 19th 2012 Time: 6.30-8pm at Sebastopol Community Health Centre, Vickers St, Sebastopol Cost: $3 per week Bookings Essential: call Ballarat Community Health to book your place on 5338 4510 or call Carmen for more information.

Irish Joke: Jimmy-Joe acquired an injury whilst tap dancing? He broke his ankle when he fell into the sink.

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

It’s St Patricks Day 17th March - here are some St Pats Recipes to help you celebrate! Irish Cream Cheesecake For Crust: 3/4 cup SAO or Water Cracker Crumbs 1/2 cup Rolled Oats 1/4 cup light brown sugar, packed 1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted 1/2 teas Vanilla Extract For Filling 2 cups Whipping Cream 175g Semi Sweet Chocolate 2 pkts Cream Cheese at room temperature 3/4 cup Sugar 1 tabs Cornflour 1/2 cup Irish Cream Liquer 2 large Eggs 1 tabs Egg White 1 1/2 cups whole almonds lightly toasted 1/3 cup sugar 1/4 cup Honey 1/2 teas Cinnamon 1/2 teas Salt

March 2012

Irish Sausage and Potato Pie 12 Pork sausages 115g Unsalted Butter 2 large Onions, finely sliced 175g Bacon 225g cabbage finely shredded 1.5kg Potatoes 2 tabs soft thyme leaves 450ml Double Cream 300ml Fresh Beef Stock 2 Bay Leaves 2 Egg Yolks Salt & Pepper Method: Preheat over to moderate. Heat a non stick frying pan and add sausages and gently fry until just browned. Remove from the pan and slice on the diagonal, lengthways into three. Meanwhile heat a large frying pan add 55g of the butter and once melted add the onions. Cook onions gently for 10 minutes or until soft and translucent. Remove from the pan and set aside. Add the bacon to the frying pan for 3 - 4 minutes until golden and crispy. Add the cheese with 2 tablespoons of water. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes or until the cabbage is soft but still holding little texture. Drain off any fat, remove from the pan and set aside.

Rub a large gratin dish liberally with 25g butter. Place a layer of sliced potatoes in the bottom of the dish. Season with salt Method: and pepper and a sprinkling of the thyme. Top with a layer of For Crust: preheat oven to moderate and grease a 9� springsliced sausage, them a layer of cooked onion. Top with anform pan. Pulse crackers and oats in food processer until other layer of potato and then a layer of the cabbage. Top oats have been roughly cut. Add melted butter and vanilla with a layer of sausage and another layer of onion and finally extract and pulse until an even texture. Press into bottom of a layer of sliced potato. Pour the cream and stock into a pan prepared pan and bake for 7 minutes. Allow to cool while and add the bay leaves. Place over a gentle heat and bring to preparing filling. just below boiling point. Allow to cool slightly, then our over For Filling: Reduce oven temperature to 160 Heat cream to the egg yoks and whisk to combine. Pour over the sauce and just below a simmer. Pour hot cream over chopped chocolate potato pie. You want the liquid to just cover the top layer of and whisk gently until smooth and set aside. In a bowl using potatoes. Dot over the remaining butter and cover with boil. electric beaters beat cream cheese until fluffy, scraping the Place the dish on a baking sheet and cook for 1 3/4 hours or sides of the bowl often. While beating slowly pour in sugar, until top is golden. Serve with garlic bread. beat in cornstarch. Slowly pour in irish cream and beat in eggs one at a time. Pour chocolate mixture into cheesecake filling and blend well. Put filling into pan and bake for 30 minHappy St Patrick's Day! utes. Without opening the oven door, turn off the oven and leave cheesecake in oven for another 30 minutes. Remove, let cool to room temperature then chill overnight. For Brickle Almond Garnish: Preheat oven to moderate. Whisk egg white until frothy. Add remaining ingredients and toss until almonds are evenly coated. Spread onto baking paper on tray and toast for 20 minutes until sugar has browned. Put into food processor to chop. Remove cheesecake from springform pan and place on serving plate. Press ground brickle into sides and chill until ready to serve. Irish Joke: It was Paddy and Seamus giving the motorcycle a ride on a brisk autumn day. After a wee bit, Paddy who was sitt'n behind Seamus on the bike began to holler ..."Seamus ... Seamus ... the wind is cutt'n me chest out!" "Well, Paddy my lad," said Seamus, "why don't you take your jacket off and turn it from front to back ... that'll block the wind for you." So Paddy took Seamus' advice and turned his jacket from front to back and got back on the bike and the two of them were off down the road again. After a bit, Seamus turned to talk to Paddy and was horrified to see that Paddy was not there. Seamus immediately turned the bike around and retraced their route. When after a short time he came to a turn and saw a bunch of farmers standing around Paddy who was sitting on the ground. "T'anks be to heaven, is he alright?" Seamus hailed to the farmers. "Well," said one of the farmers, " he was alright when we found him here .. but since we turned his head back to front .. he hasn't said a word since!"

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

It’s that time of year where there are lots of cheap fruit and veggies or you may have some out of your garden so why not make some jam or pickles? Mixed Mustard Pickles Around 2.7kg Mixed Vegetables (Cauliflower, Zucchinis, Onions, Carrot, Corn, Green Tomatoes, Cucumber etc) 3/4 cup Plain Flour 2 Cups Sugar 1 Tabs each Mustard, Curry and Tumeric 2.1 Litre Vinegar Large handful of Salt Method: Chop vegetables finely and cover with water in a large pot and sprinkle with a handful of salt. Bring to the boil and cook until soft. Strain discarding water. In the pot bring vinegar and sugar to the boil, stirring until sugar dissolved. Mix flour, mustard, curry and turmeric together with some of the vinegar. Add to boiling vinegar and boil steadily until cooked and thickened. Return vegetables to the pan and cook a further 5 - 10 minutes. Bottle in to hot sterilized jars and seal.

March 2012

Tomato Sauce (the old fashioned way) (Suitable for Gluten Free) 9kg Ripe Tomatoes - chopped 4 tabs Salt 1 teas Whole Pimento 2 dess Whole Cloves 1 1/2 teas Pepper 2 Large Onions 3 Large Apples 4 cloves Garlic 5 cups Vinegar 4 tabs Salt 680g Sugar Method: Boil tomatoes until tender with onions and apples. Strain thoroughly with a mouli. Return to pan with sugar , salt vinegar and bring to boil. Tie the whole pimento and cloves in a muslin bag and float in pan. Boil sauce approximately 3 hours or until thick. Add pepper half and hour before sauce is cooked. Remove muslin Bag. Bottle into hot sterilized jars and seal. Sweet Cauliflower Pickles

Zucchini Pickle Suitable for Gluten Free

1.8kg Zucchinis - chopped 680g Sugar 2 Onions Chopped 2 Red Capsicums Chopped 1 teas Tumeric 4 teas Mustard 4 teas Curry 4 teas Salt 4 cups Vinegar 2 tabs Cornflour Method: Boil all vegetables till tender in water. Strain. Add vinegar, sugar and spices and bring to the boil, add corn flour and cook for a further 15 minutes or until thick enough. Bottle into hot sterilized jars and seal. Tomato Relish Suitable for Gluten Free 2.7 kg Ripe Tomatoes 1350g Sugar Method: Peel tomatoes by dipping into boiling water. Chop peeled tomatoes and onions and place in a plastic bowl and sprinkle with salt and leave overnight. Next morning strain liquid off tomatoes and onions. Put in pan with 700 ml white vinegar reserving a little vinegar to mix flour and spices with. Add 680g Sugar and boil for 20 minutes until tender. Mix flour and 1 1/2 tabs curry, mustard and cornflour and add to the boiling relish stirring until thick. Boil for a further 20 minutes or until thick. Bottle into hot sterilized jars and seal. NB: if you like your relish spicy you can add a couple of hot chilies to the relish.

1360g Cauliflower 1360g Chopped onions 8 cups Vinegar 5 cups Sugar Large cup Plain flour 4 tabs Mustard 1 teas Curry Powder 1 teas Tumeric 2 handfuls Salt Method: Cut cauliflower and onion, sprinkle with salt and leave over night. Next day just bring to the boil and drain off liquid. Add vinegar and sugar. Bring to boil and add other ingredients stirring constantly. Boil for 15 minutes. Bottle into hot sterilized jars.

Pickle & Relish Tips

   

Cider vinegar is most often used, but white vinegar can be used. Choose high-grade vinegar of 5 percent acid. Never dilute vinegar more than is indicated in recipe. For a less-sour product, add more sugar. Sugar helps keep pickles firm. Use granulated white sugar unless the recipe specifies brown sugar. Hard water may prevent brined pickles from curing properly; use soft or distilled water for best quality Tomatoes are much easier to peel I you drop them into boiling water for a minute or two. If relish mixture appears to be too during cooing reduce it down by leaving the lid off the pot. Use stoneware, glass, enamel, stainless steel, or foodgrade plastic containers and utensils. Do not use aluminum, brass, copper, zinc, galvanized, or iron utensils.

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March 2012

Fun Corner

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012

LOCAL COMMUNITY GROUPS DIRECTORY Community groups are asked to ensure that this information is accurate and up to date. Please notify the Editor of any required changes.

HADDON Bunkers Hill Action Group Contacts Geoff Sykes 5342 4162 & Sandy MacLaren 5342 4552 Haddon Badminton Club HRC, Beginners welcome. Sec/ Treas. Trudy Cuttler 5342 4969 President, Nathan Reid 5339 2939. Haddon Church of Christ Weekly service Sundays, 10 am, at Haddon Rec Centre. Contact Fran Starbuck 5343 2435 Haddon Concert Band Practice at 7 pm Tues - HLC Sec. Vincent McDonald 5344 9542 Haddon & District Community House:  5342 7050 Fax 53427013 email info@hchouse.org Occasional Childcare Ph 53424531 Haddon Cricket Club Paul Hodgetts 7 Harrow St Wendouree 3355 Vic Phone: 5337 3855 Haddon & Smythes Creek Fire Brigade Meets 8 pm 1st Thur at fire shed Capt. Graeme Morris 0409171115

Haddon & Smythes Creek Fire Brigade Auxiliary Meets 1.30 pm, last Wed each month at Haddon Fire shed, contact Simone Morris 5342 4616 Haddon Jnr Football, AusKick Andrew Dunn 5342 4024 Mob 0409 210 214 Haddon Kindergarten Tracey Stalker Director: 5342 4817 Haddon Landcare - info David Cuttler 5342 4969 Haddon Lions Club meets 7.30 pm, 2nd Wed meeting at LCH, & 4th Wed - dinner. Pres. Greg Crick 4344 8292 Sec. Leon Sherwood, 5342 4267 Haddon Neighbourhood Watch Area Co-ordinator Geoff Herkes 5342 4686 Haddon Play Group Wed. 9.30 11am. Cost $3 per family. at Community House. Contact: Christine 0431 451 836 Haddon Primary School. Principal Mary-Anne Moody tel 5342 4487 or 5342 4885 Haddon Recreation Centre Hall Ph 5342 4277 Enquires c/- Haddon School ph 5342 4885 Haddon Tennis Club. Contact Shaylee Young 0448806 359 Haddon Town Plan Group Sec: John Simpson (Sec) 5342 4514

Justice of the Peace (JP) Michael Tubb, phone 5342 4395 MARES Inc. Contact Catherine Ross 0429 630 719 or current info at mares2008@live.com.au Melbourne Tramcar Preservation Association. Sago Hill Road, Haddon. Tony 5342 4642 Northern Community Centre Contact: Belinda Hynes on 5342 7000 Woady Yaloak Athletic Club Based at Haddon. Program details contact Peter Luke 5342 4995

River of Life Ministries Services Sun 10.00 am at Happy Valley Hall. Tel 5344 7413 Scarsdale Presbyterian Church Services every Sunday 8.45am Tel 5334 28509 Scarsdale Town Hall. Users/hirers contact Belinda Lee,  5342 8500 Dales Landcare (Scarsdale and Smythesdale) Contact Dianne & Michael Moylan Tel 5342 8629 Smythesdale Catholic Church St Mary’s Mass Sat 7.30 pm weekly. Fr John Keane PP. ROSS CREEK Tel 5344 7360 Smythesdale Recreation Reserve Ross Creek House Craft Group. Secretary Mick Ellis 5342 8523 Meets Wednesdays 10-12am at Chair Brad Gray Ross Creek Hall Contact: Lenny Bookings Alan Patton Ph: 53428134 5342 0042 Smythesdale Homecomer’s Ross Creek Playgroup Assoc. (est. 1923) Fridays 9.30 - 11.00 am at RCH Secretary: Don McMaster Michelle Armstrong 5342 0715  5335 8662. President: Reid Ross Creek Public Hall Macgill  5342 8563 Info & booking: Stewart Cullen Smythesdale Rural Fire Brigade 0403 339 604 Alwyn Parker 5342 8481 Ross Creek Landcare Group  Auxiliary: Veronica Perry 5342 8382 meets bimonthly RCH Contact 2nd Tuesday of the month. Heidi Radovics 5342 0719  All welcome.! Ross Creek Scrapbooking Group Smythesdale Cricket Club Day and evening groups meeting monthly. Contact Manya 5342 0076 Mick Ellis 5342 8523 Smythesdale Adult Riders Club Ross Creek Tennis Club President: Jacquie Smith 5340 6521 President: Tanya Cullen Secretary: Ian Milne 5344 8440 0418 586 528 Smythesdale & District Pony Ross Creek Reserve Committee Club. Contact Shane Simpson Chairperson-Stewart Cullen (President) on 5342 4411 0403 339 604 Smythesdale Cemetery Trust SMYTHESDALE/ PO Box 21 Scarsdale 3351 SCARSDALE Secretary Rosemary Angus “The Well” Smythesdale 5342 8855 Business, Health & Community Smythesdale Playgroup Hub Phone: 5321 1500 Contact: Ruth 5342 8752 Illabarook Football Smythesdale Public Gardens (at Smythesdale) Neale McKay Committee: President Dennis Ross 0417 138 075 5342 8676, Secretary Bill McNeill Illabarook Junior Football 5342 8752 (at Smythesdale) Chris Baker Smythesdale Progress Assn. 5342 8600 Secretary Bill McNeill 5342 8752 Illabarook Netball President Dennis Ross 5342 8676 (at Smythesdale), Seniors and Smythesdale Sporting Club Juniors Lee Prentice 0419 362 159 Mick Ellis 5342 8523 Newtown Cricket Smythesdale Tennis Club Leo Griffin 5342 8598 Barb Mittag 5336 0404 Scarsdale Community Woady Yaloak Equestrian Centre, Co-ordinators Lords Road, Smythesdale. Kath Bellette 5342 8763 President Liz Sayers ph 53 428 479 Prince of Wales Masonic Lodge or mobile 0408 585 919. (Smythesdale) 2nd Sat at 7.30 pm Woady Yaloak Historical Soc. (not Jan) Sec Phillip Perrin Smythesdale Meetings - 3rd 5342 2238 Sunday of the month 1.30 pm. Scarsdale Country Women's Assn Open Days:- each Wed 10.00 am (CWA) Sec: Maxine De Jong 3.30 pm & last Sun 1pm - 4.30 pm 5342 8619 email: wyhs@vic.chariot.net.au

Phone Society & leave a message on 5342 8754 or Margaret on 5342 8418 Woady Yaloak Kindergarten Inc. Pitfield Rd. Scarsdale Director Monica Wain Tel/fax 5342 8615 Woady Yaloak Rec. Facility - at Smythesdale, Secretary Mick Ellis Ph:5342 8523. Bookings Officer Allan Patton Ph: 5342 8134

CAPE CLEAR CFA including Berringa. Craig Cook , Secretary: 5342 2448 Cape Clear Recreation: oval & hall Bookings: Robyn Smith 5342 2286

DISTRICT Diggers Retreat, Vietnam Veterans Information and Support Service. Sebastopol  5336 0663 Enfield Forest Alliance Jim Brown 5342 0727 Heidi Radovics 5342 0719 Golden Woady Senior Citizens Inc (for over 55s) meet every Thursday at 2 pm, Linton Reserve. President Doreen Ringin 5344 7474, Sec Lilian Hobson 5314 9559 Grenville Cricket Association Contact Col McKenzie 5342 2203 Linton & District Bowling Club President Craig Grenfell, 0409 956 326 Secretary Heather Lindsay 5344 7284 Pyrenees Shire Council Office in Beaufort tel 5349 2000 Snake Valley Community Newsletter, David Johnson 0418 175 431 or email luxuryoverdose@aapt.net.au Woady Yaloak Primary School Principal Robert Dixon  Ross Creek Campus 5342 0478  Scarsdale Campus 5342 8514  Snake Valley Campus 5344 9274 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Call Denny on 53424281 or 0419666860 or Michael on 5342 4395 Please check your groups listing and advise of any changes, promptly. The info rma tion provided s only accurate if groups regularly update their information.

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012

COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD Haddon & District Lions Club ...is seeking new members to be part of worthwhile community activities & friendly social occasions. You are welcome to come along to one of our meetings to get to know us. Membership Enquires Craig Garrett - 5342 4350


Smythesdale Seniors Social Group We meet at the new hall each second Tuesday at 1.30pm. We play cards, go out for lunch and trips. Come along and have fun. For more information phone Laurel or Jim on 5342 8857 LINTON & DISTRICT BOWLS CLUB

All general enquires for the Linton & District Bowling Club should go to the Secretary Heather Lindsay ph. 5344 7284, email brba@tpg.com.au

Ballarat TOWN Club is a weight loss support group for those wishing to make life long changes to attain and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. We meet Tuesday night at the Uniting Church corner Grevillia Rd and Webbcona Pde Wendouree between 6:30pm and 8:00pm. For further information Chris  5339 6147 or 0438 260 456 Chris  43080233 GOLDEN WOADY SENIOR CITIZENS INC.

Activities include lunches, indoor bowls, cards and outings

New members made feel most welcome. Come along and join us!

For more details or for bookings please contact:Lillian Hobson on 5314 9559

SCARSDALE TOWN HALL HIRE Main Hall, Supper Room / Meeting Room for hire. For further information contact Belinda Lee at the Scarsdale Shop on 5342 8500

LINTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY Meetings are held at the Resource Centre on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:30pm. Open Days are on the 2nd Sunday of each month from 1-4pm. Work groups are every Monday from 2-5pm (except meeting days and public holidays).

WOADY YALAOK HISTORICAL SOCIETY is located at ‘The Well’, Smythesdale.. Pop in for a visit.

NEED HELP? Beyond Blue Phone 1300 22 4636 or check out their website: http://www.beyondblue.org.au/ Mensline 1300 789 978 Life Line 13 11 14 Relationships Australia 1300 364 277 Kids Help Line 1800 551 800 Nurse on Call 1300 60 60 24


Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012

COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD Catholic Parish of Linton Fr John Keane, Parish Priest

5344 7360 Easter Mass Times April 5th Holy Thursday April 5th Linton 7.30 pm April 6th Good Friday April 6th Linton 3 pm April 7th Easter Vigil April 7th Linton 7.30 pm April 8th Easter Sunday April 8th Skipton 9 am Snake Valley 10.30 am

Mass Times St. Mary’s Smythesdale Saturdays at 7.30 pm on March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st. St. Peter’s Linton every 2nd Sunday at 9:00 am - March 11th & 25th St. Brigid’s Snake Valley Sunday’s once a fortnight at 10:30am.. March 4th, 18th and April 4th St. John’s Skipton every Sunday - check local times. You’re all welcome

Anglican Church Each Sunday, we gather to worship God and enjoy each other’s company in either Snake Valley or Linton. The service goes for about an hour and finishes with morning tea. At Snake Valley we have a Kids' Club (Sunday School) and we use a mixture of traditional hymns and modern songs. The emphasis is on friendship and all are welcome! Linton: 1st & 3rd Sundays: 9.00am Snake Valley: 2nd& 4th Sundays: 10.00am More details: Phone Alice Knight 5344 7332

Haddon Church of Christ Golden Plains Northern Community Centre 396 Sago Hill Road, Haddon

Service and children’s church every Sunday at 10 am at the Haddon Recreation Centre Contact for information Fran Starbuck Ph 5343 2435 Great Youth nights Elyse Wakefield Ph 5342 4750


Service every Sunday starting New time 10 am Mrs. Joyce Daniel ~ 5342 8509


We welcome all parents or carers with children aged 0-5. We meet at the Ross Creek Hall each Every 2nd Friday morning between 9:30 – 11:00am during school term. Each week includes a different art, craft or cooking activity. We have many toys and games for the kids to play with by themselves or with friends. There is even a roller coaster! For more information or an activities brochure phone Andrea 5342 0045. HADDON PLAYGROUP NEW MEMBERS WELCOME

Haddon Playgroup meet at the Northern Community Centre on Friday mornings from 11.00 am till 12 .30 pm. It is not just the children who have a great time and learn new things, parents and carers also enjoy playgroup.  they make new friends and meet new people  they share their problems and successes with others  they learn more about child development and new activity ideas for home  they are able to spend time playing with their children  they have FUN! Cost $3.00 per family, BYO snacks. Contact  Christine 0431 451 836

SMYTHESDALE PLAYGROUP Every 2nd Friday morning 9.30-11.am

RIVER OF LIFE MINISTRIES Pastor Iris Etheridge Invites you to join them in worshipping the Living God

Where? Old Happy Valley Hall, Happy Valley Crossing Rd, Happy Valley New time of 10.00 am Sundays Enquiries to Pastor Iris on 53447413 or 53447477

Recreation Reserve Function Room ALL WELCOME

Come along and have some fun with other mum’s and kids More Info: Ruth  5342 8752 LINTON PLAYGROUP Every Monday ~ 1.30 am - 3.30 pm Linton Recreation Reserve, Phone Kristy: 0419 116 788

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012

TRADES AND SERVICES BALLARAT VETERINARY PRACTICE 1410 Sturt St Ballarat Tel 5331 1533 1329 Howitt St Wendouree Tel 5339 2266 Equine Clinic Miners Rest Tel 5334 6756

Visits clients’ homes in Haddon and Ross Creek on 2nd & 4th Tuesday, monthly Large & small animal consultation. Appointments 5334 6756

Agents for:

Digital full colour & b/w copiers, printers, faxes (03) 5331 2129

Fax 5331 2511

27 Peel Street North, Ballarat, 3350

Digital copiers and equipment

Saturday & Sunday 8.30am to 4.00pm

Open 8.30 am to 5.00pm

  

Large range of quality stock Native tubes and shrubs Roses & advanced trees

41 Kopkes Rd, Haddon Ph 5342 4519


Renewal, Removal & Repairs Tractor with Front End Loader Munro Post Driver Slashing & Clean Ups

 Contact: Chris Briody

Mobile: 0409 011 755 AH: 5342 0850

P & M EARTHWORKS Bulldozer & Excavation Hire


New Dams

 Clearing of Gorse & Black-

Clean Outs

berry bushes etc.

House Sites

 All general earthmoving


Peter Chettleburgh 91 Finches Road, Smythes Creek 3351  5342 5335 or 0408 415 569 Fax 5342 5334 FREE QUOTES

Federal Member for Ballarat


Catherine King MP

Standing up for our community Phone Fax Email Web

1300 131 743 or 03 5338 8123 03 5333 7710 catherine.king.mp@aph.gov.au www.catherineking.com.au

Authorised by Catherine King MP, 5 Lydiard Street North, Ballarat VIC 3350.

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012


MG & BM FENCING for all your town and farm fencing  Horse

Yards & Cattle Yards  Post & Rail  Farm Fencing

 Gates  All

size jobs

 Michael 0409 579 414 or 53448203

D & G BAKER EARTHMOVING SMYTHESDALE 10 Mtr Tipper, Bobcat with Trencher 5 Tonne Excavator with Augers

Please phone Daryl on

0488 428008 or AH: 5342 8008 Locally owned and operated

Registered Domestic Builder DB-U 33342

Twomey Building

Ballarat & Surrounding Districts

New Homes, Extensions, Renovations, Your Plans or Ours

Specialising in sustainable and energy efficient design & construction Kane Twomey Nintingbool, 3351 www.twomeybuilding.com.au

Mobile: 0418 505 808 Phone: 5342 4741 Email: kane@twomeybuilding.com.au

Western Highland Removals Furniture Removalist Victoria & Interstate 20 yrs experience

Terry Smith 0439 859 230

Ken Knowles Painting 10 Miners Hut Road, Haddon Workshop: Shed 4, 22 Ballarat-Carngham Road, Delacombe B/H Mobile .... 0418 523 594 Ph/Fax .............. 5335 7799 AH Ph ................ 5335 7799 Free Quotes - Domestic - Commercial No job too BIG or small

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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012



0437 431 332


0407 501 870 Grass Slashing

Gorse Mulching Reasonable Rates Phone for a Free Quote


Domestic Road works Pools Spas Stock Garden water

     

Soil Scoria Pine bark Crushed rock Gravel Sand

Phone: Cliff on


Murdock (Len) McDonald Phone: 0439 655 475 or 5344 7388 Email: gorsegrass@iprimus.com.au

Moira Psychic Medium Spiritualist Church Demonstrator 30 mins—$30 60 mins—$50 CD recording included and satisfaction guaranteed or your money back Reiki also available Tel 0487 803 074 Page 22

Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection

March 2012

TRADES AND SERVICES RIDE-ON MOWER & CHAINSAW REPAIRS PAUL DAVIS WILSONS ROAD, HADDON PHONE: 0400 233 135 Over 30 years experience. Repairs to most makes and models. RIDE-ON MOWERS CHAINSAWS PUSH MOVERS BRUSHCUTTERS “With our EXCELLENT RATES you will SAVE MONEY” Pick up and delivery of ride-on mowers available. Chainsaw Sharpening, Bar Dressing - from $6.00. New chains available. P & SK DAVIS PTY. LTD. - ABN:28 153 364 044

SMYTHES COUNTRY BUTCHERS Friendly Service with all your Beef, Lamb, Pork & Chicken requirements catered for by Peter & Karen.

37a Brooke St Smythesdale. Phone 03 5342 8425


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Woady Yaloak HERALD ~ Your Local Connection


March 2012



MARCH 6th 9th to 12th 12th 7th 15th 22nd 24th, 25th 24th 30th 30th

Immunisation, NCC Haddon & Linton A Festival of Quilts, Ballarat Mining Exchange 10 am - 5pm Labor Day Public Holiday ‘Doing Business With Council’ Information Sessions - Woady Yaloak Rec Centre 7-8.30pm Chat and Chew luncheon, 12.30 pm Northern Community Centre International Women’s Day celebration, Northern Community Centre, 396 Sago Hill Rd., Haddon at 7 pm. Gold coin donation for charity. Golden Plains Art Trail Twilight at Turtle Bend ABC Open Project workshop, Haddon Community House. 1pm - 3pm ~ free workshop limited places book now. Haddon Primary Active School Activities End of term

APRIL 6th 8th

Good Friday Easter Sunday

Grand Finale of the “150 years Celebration” to be held at the Scarsdale Hall on the last day of the Arts Trail 25th April

2012 School Term Dates Term 1: 2nd February to 30th March Tern 2 : 16th April to 29th June Term 3: 16th July to 21st September Term 4: 8th October to 21st December

Golden Connections Community Transport Shopping Trips to Ballarat: Every Wednesday Pickups at Linton, Scarsdale, Smythesdale, Haddon.

GREAT VALUE AND SERVICE For further information or home pick up contact Golden Plains Shire 1300 36 30 36 A $5 contribution is requested

Haddon, Northern Community Centre

Wednesday March 14th & 28th 3 - 4pm

Ross Creek* SebastopolSmythesdale Rd, outside Primary school

Wednesday March 14th & 28th 1 -1.45 pm (No service during school holidays)

Scarsdale* Lismore/Scarsdale Rd, outside Primary school

Thursday March 1st, 15th & 29th 11.15 - 12 noon

Smythesdale outside Business, Health & Community Centre

Thursday March 1st, 15th & 29th 9.00 - 10.45

Linton outside Shire Offices

Thursday March 1st, 15th & 29th 1 - 2.30 pm

Cape Clear Lismore/Scarsdale Rd., opposite P.O.

Thursday March 1st, 15th & 29th 3 - 3.45 pm

(No service during school holidays)

* not visited in school holidays. Note: no service on public holidays

Geelong Regional Library Service provides this service Enquiries to (TEL) (03) 5272 6010 (FAX) (03) 5272 6036 E-mail: info@geelonglibraries.vic.gov.au Web: http://www.geelonglibraries.vic.gov.au

Shire Office Locations

1300 36 30 36

2 Pope Street BANNOCKBURN Sussex Street LINTON

(03) 5220 7111 (03) 5344 6444

Community transport - bus hire, bookings, information.

5220 7144

Email address: Shire: Web page for the Shire:

enquiries@gplains.vic.gov.au www.goldenplains.vic.gov.au

Roads & Works

5220 7111

Ranger/Animal Control

5220 7111

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