Chiuyee's Portfolio
About Me ME
Name Ng Chiuyee Nationality Malaysian E-mail Tel 0987 452 348
2014 Bachelor of Planning and Design Industrial Design National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,Taiwan 2008 Diploma of Science Department Kluang Chong Hwa High School, Kluang, Malaysia
3D Autodesk 3DSmax Solidworks Keyshot 2D Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Language Chinese English Malay German
Product Design
/Chicha Tea 07 /InteracTable 12 /At ease 14
Graphic Design
/DM design 18 /Postcard design 19 /Name card design 20 /Poster design 21 /T-shirt design 22
Hanmade craft
/Demolition letter knife 26 /Wooden flower 27 /Chalk carving -- Knot 28 /Chalk carving -- Water 29
Brand design
/Travel 32 Notebook 33 Camera Strap 34 Small pouch 35
/DSLR camera 38 /Film camera 48
Product design Chicha Tea InteracTable Tetrisgather At ease
Product Design
Chicha Tea
|| About Chicha tea People in Taiwan are used to buy a cup of cold tea at beverage shops. However, the tea of some shops is not guaranteed. Since there are so many kinds of tea grown in Taiwan, we hope people could brew the tea by themselves starting from choosing tea leaf. Therefore, we designed travel tumbler for cold-brew tea. There are two different types of travel tumbler, one is called Peace Piece and another one is called Green Grin.
Product Design
Product Design
Flow path Step 1
Chicha Tea
Peace Piece is for those who take their time enjoying
making tea and are very strict about brewing tea of best flavor. We add some experiences of tea culture like smelling tea with nosing cup, watching tea leaf spread in the tumbler, and sharing tea with their family or friends. Here we use double-glazing bottle to keep the cold temperature because the taste will become mouthpuckering (bad) if the tea gets warm. Before coldbrewing tea, people usually grab the tea leaf of “proper amount.” So we use this collector to weight the tea leaf in order to make stably best flavor. We found out that the best proportion of water and the tea leaf is 100 to 1.5. After adding water in the tumbler, put the collector on the water. It will float on the water. Then fill it with
Leaf collector
Drinking cup
Double-glazing tumbler
After tea leaves stretch
The throat of drinking
keeps the temperature
adequately in the tumbler,
cup narrowes to keep the
and makes the tea a
the leaf collector can
smell of tea completely in
better flavor.
easily gather them.
the cup.
Step 2
Chicha Tea
Open the tumbler top and put proper amount of
Let the tea collector floating on the water in the tea
water into the double-glazing tea tumbler.
tumbler and fill it with tea leaves.
tea leaf until the water poured into it to make it sunk and spread the tea leaf out in the tumbler. When tea leaf is all over in the tumbler, people
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
usually have to prepare another bottle to store the filtered tea. But we could gather the tea leaf easily by a simple move of turning the tumbler upside down. The outside radius of the collector is just a little smaller than the inside radius of the tumbler so that there won’t be tea leaf left. The reason to separate the tea and the leaf is that if the leaves keep soaked in the tea, the taste will be pucker. And there’s a drinking cup on the top of tumbler. Its throat is narrowed to keep the smell of tea
When tea leaf is enough, the tea collector will sink
When tea is ready, turn the tumbler upside
Turn the tumbler back, so the tea and tea leaves
Fill the drinking cup with tea on the tumbler
which is the same designed of traditional nosing
and spread leaves all over the tumbler.
down to let tea collector sink and gather the tea
will be separated easily and conveniently.
top for enjoying individually or for sharing to
leaves onto the tumbler top.
Product Design
Product Design Flow path Step 1
Green Grin is designed for those who live a fast-paced life, Chicha Tea
Step 2
like students or office workers. This kind of people have no
Chicha Tea
enough time to wait for 3-4 hours just to brew a cup of cold tea. Therefore, we use grinder to grind the tea leaf into powder to shorten the time to about 5-30 minutes. And the range of time differs from the different flavor the users choose. Here is a flavor setting that shows light, medium, or thick flavor. It’s like a timer that will tell when the tea is ready. The best proportion of water and the tea is also 100 to 1.5, which is enough when Bunny is full. And we also could separate the tea and the leaf by a simple move of turning the tumbler upside down.
Put tea leaves into leaf storage and add proper
Press the buttons outside the grinder to catch
amount of water into tea tumbler.
Bunny from tumbler top.
Flavor setting
Leaf storage
Flavor setting is for users to
Grinder grinds tea leaves into
U s e rs c a n e n j o y t h e i r f re s h
Bunny can be easily filled
select flavor as light, medium,
powder in order to reduce the
grinded and cold-brewed tea
by the powder and will close
and thick which differ by time.
time of cold-brewing tea.
by taking out tea leaf with leaf
automatically with a new
Step 4
Step 5
Rotate grinder to grind leaves into Bunny. When
Revolve the flavor setting on tumbler to select
When flavor setting stops, turn the tumbler
Turn the tumbler back, so the tea and leaves
Bunny is full, press the buttons to release.
flavor as light, medium, and thick.
upside down to let Bunny stuck on the top.
will be separated. Then it is time for enjoying.
Product Design
Product Design
|| About Interactable
This table provides a space for kids to gather and draw together. The egg-shaped color pens will build a bridge between two kids while roll along the track. After drawing, they can tear down the paper and build up a scenery.
Let the kids to improve their Interactive, sharing and cooperative
Using process
ability by using this product.
Putting the agg-shaped color pen into the hole, it will roll along the track and pass the pen to another one. Through this kind of track, the kids can learn about interacive.
Ferris wheel
Color pens
Drawing paper
It is a egg shaped color pen, fix the kid's hand, comfortable to hold
There is many kinds of theme, aim to increase diversity. The punched
it.There is a notch in the middle, easily to open the cap.
paper let the kids tear down their works easily.
After tearing down their works, they can put the patterns on the frame. This is one of the cooperative's part. Though putting those pattern together, certainly can increase their relationship.
Increase interactive between two kids by passing their color pen 012
|| About At Ease
Product Design
Most of the people will directly use knife surface to carry those chopped ingredients, which much save time. But the food would easily roll from the surface to the ground. It is an idea, which trying to add a block like a cap on the knife flank.
At Ease
How to use
1. 3. 2. 4.
ang le 10 0째
1.Pick up the knife cap
3.Down to the back of the knife
The cap could be a supporting pillars. Between the knife frank and the cap, there is an angle about 100째. And the cap could
2.To extend to
raise up the knife while placing the knife on the table. The knife won't stick on the chopping block anymore.
4.Adjust suitable length to the
Graphic design DM design Postcard design Name card design Poster design T-shirt design
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
It is a kind of a DM which design for a shop selling traditional cake,
鴛鴦大餅 斤
地址 台南市東
區大學路 段 號 網址 電話 傳真 中央工廠 台南市安平 工業區新愛路 號
鋪滿香味 濃郁的黑 白芝麻搭配層次 分明的薄餅皮, 軟 的麻糬融合在 綿密可口的烏豆沙 餡內,再加上獨 門工法香味撲鼻的 肉鬆和歸仁紅土 碎蛋黃的四重奏口 感 有甜與鹹的黃 金比例 ,是小時候大餅的 招牌大餅
近年來復古時尚風 潮興起,漢餅不 僅只在嫁娶時禮贈 ,小時候大餅令 人 難忘的數十種好口 味,也被用來 當作伴手禮在朋友 間互贈而成為 一 種新的流行。
The Pure Shop
外皮鋪滿香白芝麻 搭配肉餡的綿密 烏豆沙餡 再融入軟 的麻糬餡 口感 飽滿十足。 在酥鬆的 千層酥皮包覆 之下,呈現出黃金 比例的組合。 由 於全程使用植物油 , 素食者也可以 享用。
introduction, etc.
一百多年來,小時 候大餅承接了無 數的婚嫁人家訂製 委託,最嚴謹的 高規格承接,小時 候大餅的品質與 口碑,總能不負所 託,讓顧客送禮 送得榮耀又體面。 即便到了今日, 面對眾多特殊需求 ,小時候大餅都 能悉心達成。
This DM included types of the cake, campany information,
紅豆產於南方,鮮 紅圓潤,晶瑩似 珊瑚,是台灣、日 本、客家、原住 民在年節時必製作 的應景甜點。製 成口感綿密的頂級 紅豆內餡,搭配 產自濁水溪流域圓 糯米捶打製成之 特選麻糬,包覆在 酥鬆清香的手工 千層餅皮之中。
「越是單純的食材 ,越能呈現手工 製餅的與眾不同」 ,以麥芽糖、胚 芽、奶油等素材手 工揉製出,只精 選單純的幾種原味 食材,暖洋洋的 烘烤出當年唐山過 台灣的傳統簡樸 ,一口咬下酥鬆爽 口。
named "dabing" .
pure 小時候大餅
早在民國 年 當時的祖 宗李氏因 看不慣貧苦人民的 飢餓 而研發出具有飽足 感的大餅來發放給 大家 隨著時代的推進 家族產業漸漸沒落 第三代突然想起了 以前小時 候大餅的美味 徒然覺得可以再把 它拿出來賣 經過研發與改良後 就一直賣到了現在 而現在的大餅 不但保留了當初小 時候大餅的味道 也多了幾個口味來 符合現代人的需求
彩紋大餅 鴛鴦大餅 漢式大餅 雙喜禮盒 彌月大餅 壽宴大餅
|| About DM Design
斤 鋪滿香味濃郁的黑白芝麻搭配層次 分明的薄餅皮, 軟 的麻糬融合在 綿密可口的烏豆沙餡內,再加上獨 門工法香味撲鼻的肉鬆和歸仁紅土 碎蛋黃的四重奏口感 有甜與鹹的黃 金比例 ,是小時候大餅的招牌大餅
小時候大餅 tel : 06-4722 8847
台南市東區大學路 段
品牌故事 早在民國 年 當時的祖宗李氏因看不慣貧苦人民的飢餓 而研發出具有飽足感的大餅來發放給大家 隨著時代的推進 家族產業漸漸沒落 第三代突然想起了以前小時候大餅的美味 徒然覺得可以再把它拿出來賣 經過研發與改良後 就一直賣到了現在 而現在的大餅 不但保留了當初小時候大餅的味道 也多了幾個口味來符合現代人的需求
產品種類 彩紋大餅 鴛鴦大餅 漢式大餅 雙喜禮盒 彌月大餅 壽宴大餅
斤 近年來復古時尚風潮興起,漢餅不 僅只在嫁娶時禮贈,小時候大餅令 人 難忘的數十種好口味,也被用來 當作伴手禮在朋友間互贈而成為 一 種新的流行。
聯絡我們 地址 台南市東區大學路 段
網址 電話 傳真 中央工廠 台南市安平工業區新愛路
斤 紅豆產於南方,鮮紅圓潤,晶瑩似 珊瑚,是台灣、日本、客家、原住 民在年節時必製作的應景甜點。製 成口感綿密的頂級紅豆內餡,搭配 產自濁水溪流域圓糯米捶打製成之 特選麻糬,包覆在酥鬆清香的手工 千層餅皮之中。
「越是單純的食材,越能呈現手工 製餅的與眾不同」,以麥芽糖、胚 芽、奶油等素材手工揉製出,只精 選單純的幾種原味食材,暖洋洋的 烘烤出當年唐山過台灣的傳統簡樸 ,一口咬下酥鬆爽口。
一百多年來,小時候大餅承接了無 數的婚嫁人家訂製委託,最嚴謹的 高規格承接,小時候大餅的品質與 口碑,總能不負所託,讓顧客送禮 送得榮耀又體面。 即便到了今日, 面對眾多特殊需求,小時候大餅都 能悉心達成。
外皮鋪滿香白芝麻 搭配肉餡的綿密 烏豆沙餡 再融入軟 的麻糬餡 口感 飽滿十足。 在酥鬆的千層酥皮包覆 之下,呈現出黃金比例的組合。 由 於全程使用植物油, 素食者也可以 享用。
|| About Postcard Design This is a set of postcard. This can be divided into four individual pieces
postcard. It is aim to "share" with someone, to disseminate. "The pure shop" is one of the high-class barber shop, which have Stylish Scenery courtyard. By using this form of publicity may improve the quality.
|| About This Name card Design
Graphic Design
There is three types of name card design which is specially design for "Fat Cat Story",
Graphic Design
a modern coffee shop. By using a small piece of cake and a big circle to increase the connection, the meaning. One kind of spread concept.
Fat Cat Story
隨ćŠ&#x; / Graduation Exhibition
|| About This Poster Design
|| About This Poster Design
Here is a farmer market's poster. By using the fruits and vegetables as
This poster is for graduation exhibition. It is just only the excersice, not
background is the direct way of expression that there will have a farmer
the comfirn one.
market someday.
|| About T-shirt Design
Graphic Design
It is a design about one of the indigenous people in Taiwan -- Tao or Yami. In Tao's Culture, they are
Graphic Design
quite respect the Flying Fish Festival. It is an important pay homage to Taos.
They had attach and cherish to each creature's life, tried to protect the environment.
Tao's T-shirt Design
Tao's T-shirt Design
Imagery of the Flying Fish
Main totem of the Taos black, red, white
front back
Handmade craft Demolition letter knife Wooden flower Chalk carving -- Knot Chalk carving -- Water
Handmade Craft
Handmade Craft
Demolition letter knife
Wooden Flower
|| About Demolition letter knife It is a feather shaped demolition letter knife. By using this kind of shape, as in the earlier, people use dove to sending their letter.
|| About Wooden Flower
Yearning for feather's lightness. Streamlined let
It is a petal shaped's magnet, kind of stationery.
the feather more attractive. Woman are beautiful and gentle, just like the petals. The beauty of petal not only the bee knows.
Handmade Craft
Handmade Craft || About Chalk Carving -- Water Water is equal to life. If there is no water, there will be no existence of life.
Chalk Carving Knot
Chalk Carving Water
|| About Chalk Carving -- Knot By sing four chalks to carved different styles of knot.
Knot; represents unity. The essence of cooperation also a kind of manifestation of strength.
Brand design About Path Notebook Camera strap Small pouch
Brand Design
Brand Design
|| About Path - Travel This is a group design. We re-interpretation of the significance of
|| About Notebook
the trip. Travel, we summed up to the collection and recording.
We had increase more storage space. That you can collect more items, such as postcards, namecard, etc.
So we design some travel's peripheral products. Maybe a small
Make the stuff collection more easier.
step could be a trip. There are 4 different colors front cover. Simple grid in the inside pages.
The beautiful and quiet of the city could be found out by walking
Except the grid that also have a mileage for you to write down how many
though the street or alleys. This could be considered as a kind of
miles you'd walk. And, in the last page there have a small envelope for
physical and psychological travel definitely.
you to collect something small and secret.
Brand Design
Brand Design
|| About Camera Strap A special pouch for your camera lens cover or battery. In order to prevent your beloved missing. There should have some thoughful design.
There are 4 colors of strap. The small pouch can be easily take off or put on. The strap can be easily adjust too.
|| About Small pouch Such as a useful pouch. It is simplicity and personality.
Photography About life DSLR camera Nikon D5100
About Life Nikon D5100
About Life Nikon D5100 The moment of the rising sun Tell you that a new day is about to begin
What a beautiful flower It can make you energetic
About Life Nikon D5100
About Life Nikon D5100
A beuatiful blue sky and coconut tree There is a small life on the leaf The mysteries of the universe
About Life Nikon D5100
Old style buiding Mixing with rice bran It seems that dirty, but I don't think so
About Life Nikon D5100
Hardworking to fishing Do not afraid to the great storms
About Life Nikon D5100
About Life Nikon D5100
The most beautiful moment is doing things conscientiously
Grandpa of my friend Unadorned earthy Using his own hand to build up the family
Photography About life Film camera Yashica MG-1
About Life Yashica MG-1
About Life Yashica MG-1
Old styled fan Even though rusted already but it is still beautiful
Pushing a small car to selling in the market It is so hard for a old lady
About Life Yashica MG-1
About Life Yashica MG-1
It is the truth smile I loved this very much Eventhough she is facing to a stranger she still smile to me
The sky is going to rain
About Life Yashica MG-1
What a beautiful sunshine and tomatoes It shows that how fresh the tomatoes are
About Life Yashica MG-1
A hot air balloon made by pieces of paper
About Life Yashica MG-1
A gift From the farmers
Black and white White and black Any zebra over there
About Life Yashica MG-1