News From the Oracle

Page 27

Mythological Creature la llorona Continued.....

Once she realized what she had done, she succumbed to such profound grief that she spent the rest of her days wailing by the river in search of her children. Another version has the regretful Maria flinging herself into the river where she drowns as well. Yet another has a drunk maria coming home, drowning her children, and then being cursed for her neglectfulness to search for them for all of eternity. Whatever the version she is always in white and always wailing. The origins of the legend are uncertain, but it has been presented as having pre-Hispanic roots. La Llorona is thought to be one of ten omens foretelling the

Conquest of Mexico and has also been linked to two Aztec goddesses who could be linked to La Llorona. The first is Ciuacoatl (Snake-woman), described as ‘a savage beast and an evil omen’ who ‘appeared in white’ and who would walk at night ‘weeping and wailing ’. She is also described as an ‘omen of war ’. This goddess could also be linked to the sixth of ten omens that are recorded in the Aztec codex as having foretold the Conquest: the voice of a woman heard wailing at night, crying about the fate of her children.


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