News From the Oracle Issue #5

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News From the Oracle Issue #5

3 November 2021

Featured Article:

Shadow Working

More articles:

The Story of Loki Scrying With Runes History of Druids

& much more

13 Sisters of Delphi Elder High Priestess


Elder High Priestess High Priestess

Table of Contents

Feature: Shadow Work


The Oracle Says...


Power Items


Lady Gloriana

Magical Poetry


Recipes,Spells & Potions



Scrying: Runes


High Priestess in Training

Britannica Lady Belissama Lady Gaea

Lady Makara Thalassadorite Morningstar

Mythology: The Story of Demeter, Kali,Loki, Hades 56-68 Classifieds


History of: Druidism


Tarot Cards


Oracle Cards


Witchy DIY


Celebrations: Moon Phases


Mythic Creature: The Merrow, The Garcanah 86-88

Lady Nephthys Luna Rain Lady Metsaema

Members Wings of Tiamat Lady Danu Lady Aranyani 2

Iria Lima Lady Atira

Folk Lore: Story of Re


Celtic Legends: Macha, Tír na nÓg,


Elements: Water


Demons: Asmodeus


Archangel: Michael


Congratulations 117 3

Feature Shadow Working

Shared By: High Priestess, RavensThorn

Yeah, even they have a shadow self toobut they probably work hard on it in their own way. We all experienced times when our shadow self emerges and comes to the surface. Times when we let our anger and emotions slip, we” fly off the handle” and show our darker side.

The dark goddess and shadow work

each of us has a shadow self, a part of us that we suppress and hide away from our conscious living. The shadow self is separate from our unconscious, but it is part of it. But what is the shadow self and why do we need to work on it? Psychiatrist DR. Carl Jung described the shadow self as the” darker side of the personality,” containing all the negative human emotions such as rage, anger, jealousy, hate, greed, selfishness and desire for power. Everyone has these traits within them, even the person who seems St Leanne would never say a mean word to anyone.

We’re told to suppress it, to ignore it, that it’s not nice or desirable. Yes, we’re not told HOW to deal with it. Mainstream religion uses prayer and faith in the Divine (God) to remove these” sinful” behaviors from us and to act more divinely.

Shadow Working Continued....

the aspect of the shadow self has been projected onto the dark goddess, and in turn, and upon women as well as the personification. ancient goddesses such as Lilith portray what has been projected as the shadow self, which when expressed, has been castaway, shunned and expelled instead of recognized, acknowledged and healed. Everyone has a shadow self, and the personification of that shadow self can be seen as the Dark Goddess. The mythologies of dark goddesses can relate to what we experience in our current and past lives. Women may have a particular affinity an understanding, a connection to the dark goddess and the struggles that she has faced; the persecutions, the denial, the suppression and feeling disregarded. The dark goddess is often feared for it’s unknown exactly what she is capable of, only accept that her wrath is unmistakable, and we equate it to opening Pandora’s box. If we choose to do shadow work , we can use the help of the dark goddess to help light the way such as with the torches of Hekate who helped Demeter find her daughter Persephone in the underworld. as much as shadow work shouldn’t be taken lightly, neither should working with a dark goddess for any work (including shadow work).

This seems more like a form of abstinence and” hopeful wishing ” which in turn seems to suppress the emotions and not work through them.

The Dark Goddess, Woman & the Shadow Self

dark goddess has been personified as the shadow self for millennia, as something that mankind should turn away from an suppressed. Her wild nature and darker side have been turned into something fearful, scary and evil (in the highs of the mainstream faiths).



Shadow Working Continued....

Get to Know the Dark goddess.

if you choose to work with a dark goddess, like any other deity, take time to get to know the goddess before proceeding to do any work with them. Research their legends and mythology ’s, their lineages, their pantheon, their culture and perhaps even explore a bit of the language from where they are from. (But, don’ t worry, you don’ t have to become fluent or even know a lot, just maybe enough to recognize the language or know what it is.) next, spend time in meditation and prayer with the goddess and make daily offerings. Find what offerings are usually made to that goddess or follow your intuition or psychic impressions about what the goddess you’re working with would prefer. Spend time as often as you can to give attention and focus to the goddess. Meditate with the goddess, speak to her an listen for any insight, wisdom or advice. The more you do so, you’ ll develop a connection with her and see her influence more in your life. After you feel comfortable enough and feel that you have an established relationship, you can begin working with the goddess (this goes for any deity and for any type of working .) This can take a few weeks or even a few months until you feel ready Remember, try not to rush the process.

The Dark Goddess & Shadow Work

working with the dark goddess for shadow work can be helpful to allow you to go deeper into your psyche. If you use tarot and or another divination tool, you can combine it with your session with the dark goddess that you’re working with for the shadow work . Ask your goddess and your cards or divination tool about what you should work on currently for shadow work .


Shadow Working Continued....

if you don’t have divination methods, spend time in meditation or use automatic writing to find your answer. After you have an answer, prepare to dig deeper. You can use cards, divination tools, meditation to ask more questions, even if it’s just asking “why ” to the answer you first received. Have a journal for only shadow work which you can write a prayer or invocation to your goddess on the first page. This prayer or invocation can be used to begin each of your sessions. Try to record as much as you can from each of your sessions. If you use tarot or Oracle spreads, write them down in your journal to keep track of the prompts and answers. If you spend time in meditation, try to write or record your session for any insight that might be received that you can review later. When working what they got us during any working, such as shadow work or magical workings, be sure to thank your goddess afterwards. Leave an offering if possible. If you’d like to go deeper in your shadow work , there are a variety of resources if searched online for journal and tarot reading prompts to enhance your shadow work .

Shadow Work and Mental Health

Working with the Dark Goddess can be difficult for some people who have a history of mental health issues, such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD or any physical or emotional trauma. However, the Dark Goddess can be healing at the same time.


Shadow Working Continued....

Yet often this healing can come at a cost-like the saying, “it gets worse before it gets better.” shadow work can also be triggering for people who have mental health concerns as digging deeper into the unconscious and psyche can bring up painful memories and emotions. Personally, the Dark Goddess represents healing when it comes to understanding my own mental health concerns. For many, she can be reassuring that you’re not alone during the darkest times of your life (especially during times when you feel no one understands what you’re going through.) However, when doing deep work with the Dark Goddess, shadow work should be done with care and caution. Knowing your limits is important. You always have a say in what you want to uncover and what you want to leave alone. Sometimes our minds will block us from uncovering something and sometimes our minds will block out a memory to save us the pain and agony. Shadow work can also be about “making peace with our inner demons” so they don’t overrule and control us. Sometimes we have to bring healing to issues that never got resolved and therefore bring up anger, hatred and bitterness. If you have mental health concerns or a history, take time to understand your own mental health. Know your limits, what you’re OK with an not OK with, and set boundaries with yourself and the Goddess, on what you want to work on or don’t want to work on. If there’s something you really can’t deal with and aren’t ready, set that intention. You have the right to do so.

The Dark Goddess & You

Working with the Dark Goddess is something that takes time to develop an understand, but the more you work with the Dark Goddess, you’ ll begin to understand yourself better. Shadow work does that as well, so that you can understand why you act a certain way, say and do what you do. Can’t stand a certain behavior in someone else? It may say more about you than them. If you choose to work with the Dark Goddess in magical practices and/or shadow work , and if you haven’t done so previously, take time to slowly enter into the dark , deep depths of these waters. Dark Goddesses are known for creating chaos, so take caution when asking for their help. Learn to be specific, but have boundaries and above all (as with any deity ), show gratitude and respect to them. As you do so, they will offer their wisdom and guidance. Blessings to you on your spiritual journey.

The Oracle Says.......

Dear Oracle,

I’ve been following the pagan path for about 10 years, but I’ve yet to find my familiar. I don’t seem to really click with animals at all. Is there something I can do to help? How do I find my familiar if animals do not seem to like me?

_____Curious in Nebraska

Dear Curious in Nebraska, There are a few techniques you can use to discover you’re familiar. The first one is paying attention to your dreams. Our dreams are intimately connected to our waking lives, so every time you see an animal in yours, write it down the next morning. Is there any particular animal that comes up again and again?

That could be your familiar. Second think about your past connection with certain animals. You’re familiar may have been your favorite animal from your childhood. Could have been a pet that you had as a child. Or it could be a wild animal that you find particularly beautiful. Third, meditate and ask your guides to lead you to your familiar. Try to consider how one animal may have an influence in your life. Spend a few minutes journaling after your meditation about what comes up for you. Please keep us informed and let us know what you discover, and if you indeed are connected with your familiar.

Good luck to you curious in Nebraska And blessed be .

Blessed Be Sister, ....… The Oracle 8


Power Items

Power Animal

The owl

For most people, an owl is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. It represents knowledge and mental transformation. Also, It’s a symbol of a new beginning and transformation. An owl is a reminder that you may start a new chapter in your life. If you are drawn to owls particularly and their traits resonate with you, you are not alone. Owls are unusual in that they possess mysterious abilities that some consider superpowers, which are unique in the animal kingdom. Owls represent several qualities because of their rare traits.

Owl Spirit Animal – Meanings & Symbolism

One of the traits is independent thinking. The owl is an independent hunter, but they will roost with other owls not just to mate but to also stay warm and learn about good hunting grounds. If the owl resonates with you, you are most likely a person who enjoys your independence and working on your own. You may even enjoy living alone but you still enjoy the stimulation of being with others occasionally.

Owls are truly magnificent animals. The mysterious bird has been a subject in the myths and folklore of cultures for centuries worldwide. They are deeply involved in mythology and spiritualism. An owl is often called the Night King as a skillful hunter covered by the darkness of the night sky.

When the owl is your spirit guide, you need to remember to stay true to your ideas, even when facing skepticism. In other words, don’t let outside opinions ruffle your feathers.

• Wisdom • Keen Insight • Courage • Agility • Independent Thinking • Observant Listening • Powerful Intuition • Supernatural Powers

Owls exist for their own purposes. They are not here for us. However, they have much to teach us. Here’s a list of commonly shared owl meanings and symbols in both modern and ancient cultures.

The owl spirit animal represents the free thinker, the oddball, and the ideal entrepreneur. Owls see what others do not. They have unusual skills that can cause jealousy in others. Yet, they hold to their ideas and visions, despite the negativity and harassment from cynics.


Power Items

Power Animal continued...

Always seize opportunities. While owls have been described as having superpowers, they are known to not be the best nest builders.

Yet, perhaps it’s not so much a lack of skill as it is that nest building takes a needless amount of work? After all, why build a nest from scratch when there are so many other existing possibilities? Owls are known to take the nests that other birds have built. For instance, great horned owls will use vacant nests in trees or on cliffs that were built by hawks, crows, or magpies. Other owls will nest in hollows in trees, which occur naturally or have been drilled out by woodpeckers. As their name suggests, burrowing owls will nest in underground tunnels that have already been dug by ground squirrels, prairie dogs, badgers, or other burrowing animals. Still, other owls nest in humanmade structures, such as abandoned buildings or the rafters in barns, hence the name “ barn owl.”

Is there too much energy in your home? For some of us, the owl spirit animal selected us to remind us that we are over-investing in our homes. Perhaps we’re putting too much time, money, and energy into our homes at the expense of the rest of our lives. The owl guide reminds us that a vast, wonderful world of relationships and places to explore exists beyond our home. Owls are also symbols of courage and protection. While owls are pioneers when it comes to finding a nest, once they are there, they will fiercely protect it while they raise their owlets. Male owls will find and advertise a territory that is theirs. But the female owl will select the actual nesting spot. Then together, the owl couple will defend their nest for several months, particularly when they have young owlets to look after.

Additionally, If the owl spirit animal resonates with you, you could be a continuous traveler who loves staying in different people’s homes just for the variety. You might not be the type of person to buy a piece of land so you can build your dream house. Why go to all that work when there are so many other gorgeous structures that have already been built? Or possibly you love hotel life and the ease and convenience it provides. 11

Power Items

Power Animal continued... This could be a sign that you need to better protect your important relationships, whether they be your nuclear family (including sacred family time), your significant other, or even very close friends. The owl spirit guide reminds us of what quality time with loved ones truly means. The owl spirit animal also asks you whether you are prioritizing your important relationships.

Owls show tremendous courage when protecting their nests. They will attack other birds of prey, and they are not above attacking people. In other words, put those near and dear to you first. The owl spirit guide reminds you to put your family and other close relationships first, above all else. Your children will only be young for so long, and while they are still vulnerable, you must protect them at all costs and from any potential threat. In addition to healthy family relationships, a close friend is one of the greatest gifts one can hope for in life. The owl spirit guide reminds you to take good care of your close friends. The owl spirit guide also reminds you to reaffirm your boundaries. If an owl makes him or herself known to you, it could be a sign that you need to reaffirm boundaries, whether social, psychological, spiritual, or physical.

Are you giving enough quality time to your significant other? Have you ensured that life at home is secure and serene? Are you giving enough of yourself? The human world is full of distractions. The owl spirit animal reminds us to get back to basics. The owl’s almost supernatural eyesight is why they are symbols of wisdom and insight. You can imagine that having this kind of vision and being able to see in nearly every direction gives them a view of life that we can only imagine. The owl power animal reminds you to see a situation from all sides, as there are always multiple points of view on any given topic. A truly evolved and intelligent person has the capacity to view a matter from different perspectives. In addition, having this insight gives a person the ability to understand how history impacts the present and could influence the future. The owl spirit animal also reminds us to tap into your reserves of intelligence, our


Power Items

Power Animal continued... insights, and the gift of perspective. This is where true wisdom lies. Another mystic ability that owls possess is having very vivid memories. This is undoubtedly one of the other reasons they are symbols of wisdom. The owl can create a mental map of their territory, which enables them to fly safely and take advantage of the nighttime world, and then find their way home. This is yet another way that the owl spirit animal serves as a guide, and how owl people have been chosen to guide others. The owl power animal reminds you to hold on to your memories and to share them, in stories, memoirs, or songs. If the owl has made themselves known to you, he or she may be asking you to explore whether you are tapping into your unique aptitudes. Owls have evolved to be successful all over the world because they use all their natural gifts to thrive. Human beings also come into this world with a unique combination of aptitudes that sets them apart from others. You may have better-listening skills than others, you may be more empathetic, or you may have a knack for quantitative analysis. The key is to understand your natural abilities and to use them. They are your gifts to the world. If the owl spirit has called to you, you can be an observant listener. You may have an aptitude for music, languages, or accents.

You may also be able to decipher the truth from lies when words flow out of another person’s mouth. The owl spirit animal hears and knows things, even when they cannot be seen. The owl teaches us to look past the surface and to listen to what is going on. If the owl is your spirit animal, you may have a mysterious sense of insight that others might describe as psychic. You can see what others do not, and you are aware of those which others are not. You may even have the gift of prophecy. If you have such abilities, it is your purpose and challenge in this lifetime to bring others along with you, to guide them in the darkness so they can see the light. With the owl, you also get the gift of hope. The owl can see light where others feel lost in the darkness. After all, this is what a lightworker does here on Earth. Your calling is to “show people the light,” to tenderly help them find their way.


Power Items

Power Animal continued...

Power Items

Power Animal continued...

The owl totem is a symbol that represents the protective attributes of this unique bird. Thus, the owl totem serves as a helpful symbol for manifesting more wisdom, protection, and intuitive insights in your life.

The owl power animal tells you to move with grace in this world, to avoid causing a commotion, and to protect your privacy. Perhaps you’re being too boisterous or dominating the conversation. Or you may be over-sharing. It may be time to utilize more discretion in your activities. With the owl, you are reminded not to squander your gifts. To fully utilize your abilities and reach your maximum potential on the Earthly plane, you must hone your skills. This involves practice. When we look at great artists, musicians, athletes, surgeons, or other successful people, we might think they come upon their success by luck and their natural gifts. Certainly, those qualities play a role. However, dedication to craft, the ritual of practice, and continual improvement is what sets the experts apart from everyone else.

In addition, the owl totem will help you exert more independence in your life and help you to gain the types of insights you get from spending time alone. While many of us have not had the opportunity to see an owl in the wild, we can still get to know them through the work of wildlife biologists, filmmakers, artists, and owl protection organizations who can help us understand them better.

On a spiritual level, the owl can teach you about your purpose in this lifetime, as well as help you to find answers when you seek them. We are all here to learn, and the owl can guide us in understanding which direction to take in each situation, as well as what we can learn from a given experience.

What does it mean when you see an owl?

If you see an owl, it can have various meanings, depending on what you’re going through in your life at that time and what you’re thinking about right before you see one. Sometimes you must explore a little, even do some research, to unearth answers.

A power animal can inspire you with its most dynamic traits. So, if you want to transform an area of your life, meditate on the attributes that the power animal represents. Summon the owl power animal when you: • Need to have your wits about you in a situation or when you need to decide, and you don’t want to miss any critical details. • Want to sharpen your intuition and have a stronger connection to your spirit guides. • Wish to hone your protective instincts and reaffirm boundaries to protect those and that which you love and hold dear. • Want to be more insightful and intelligent about how you live your life.


Only you can truly know if the owl is one of your power animals. According to Native American tradition, your spirit animals choose you in a profound life experience, through a vision quest, or through a special kinship you have with them. This is particularly true in my experience. My father passed away in November of 2020. A few hours after he had passed away, an owl began hooting as my daughter and I were reminiscing about him. I knew then that my father was okay and was still my protector.


Power Items Flower

restore youth to those who were aging. The chrysanthemum seems to be an allpurpose medicinal plant, being offered as a cure for everything from dizziness and poor vision to hypertension and the common cold.


When autumn rolls in, most of the flowers in our gardens are dying off, but the chrysanthemum is just beginning to bloom. Found in an array of colors from whites and purples to bright yellows and reds to rustic oranges and browns, the chrysanthemum is a popular fall flower, and has a rich history of folklore and myth behind it. Although they ’re primarily ornamental – and don’t have much a very flowery smell at all – they ’ve been used in medicine and magic for a long time. In some areas, the term marigold is used interchangeably with chrysanthemum, but the marigold and chrysanthemum are actually both part of the daisy family. They do look an awful lot alike – the corn marigold, which is chrysanthemum segetum, strongly resembles what we think of as chrysanthemums. The Chinese cultivated chrysanthemum around three thousand years ago – herbalists brewed the blossoms into a tea that was rejuvenating, and said to

From a magical standpoint, these fall beauties are associated with the sun itself, and are thus often associated with fire. In some traditions, they ’re a centerpiece for funeral decorations or grave memorials, most likely because they ’re blooming around Samhain. Not only that, you can dry the heads and use them in loose-leaf incense blends. Often associated with protection, particularly of the metaphysical sort, chrysanthemums come in handy when working with the spirit world.

Power Items

Flower--Chrysanthemum continued If you’re using color magic around your home, try white for purification and healing, the red or purple varieties for passion and power, pink for romance, or yellow and orange for the fiery energy of the sun. Chrysanthemums can also be woven into a wreath or hoop for protection – hang it on your door or window, place it on the altar, or even let it dangle from your rearview mirror. If you’re feeling really fancy, make yourself a floral crown from chrysanthemums and brightly colored ribbons, and wear it to your favorite Pagan event! Wigington, Patti. “Chrysanthemum Folklore & Magic.” Learn Religions, Aug. 26, 2020, chrysanthemum-folklore-and-magic-2562015.

Metaphysical Properties of Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum is masculine in nature and resonates with the energy of the Sun and the element of fire. Chrysanthemum has been used for burial rituals and is a suitable decoration for Samhain and for ancestral altars. The dried flower heads of chrysanthemum can be burned during house blessing ceremonies.

Chrysanthemum for Healing

In Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum is called Ju Hua and is used in formulas to dispel heat. An infusion of dried chrysanthemum petals has been used as a tea to lower high blood pressure brought on by stress and as an eyewash to relieve redness and pain from eyestrain. You can also place the whole flower over your eyelids for the same purpose or make a warm compress of the petals.

Author Ellen Dugan says, “In ancient times Greeks would wear garlands of chrysanthemums to keep away those dreaded “evil spirits.” For the modern Garden Witch, the mum is a fabulous, protective fall flower that wards the home and keeps away wandering ghosts.” Keep in mind that because mums come in a variety of shades and colors, you can utilize different colors of the flower for a wide range of purposes.



Power Items

Flower--Chrysanthemum continued Chrysanthemum tea can also be used as an aid to a detox regimen and to help support the immune system in its fight against the common cold and other respiratory infections and fever. It is rich in antioxidants. It is also used to relieve insomnia due to stress or anger. Chewing a few leaves per day is said to give relief from migraines. The fragrant yellow chrysanthemums are favored for healing purposes.

Culinary Uses for Chrysanthemum

All varieties of chrysanthemum have edible flower petals, but only Chrysanthemum coronarium has edible leaves, which have a mustard-like flavor when young and are popular in Asian cuisine. Chrysanthemum flower petals are used in herbal teas and added to salads for a splash of color. Chrysanthemum flowers and greens are rich in antioxidants and many beneficial minerals.

Power Items Associations


Chakras - Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra Zodiac - Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius Element - Air Numerical Vibration - Number 6 Typical colours - Colourless, blue, brown, orange, grey, yellow, green, red - pink

Healing with Topaz

Communication, Love, Good fortune, Good health, Attraction Topaz soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, re-motivates and aligns the meridians of the body – directing energy to where it is needed most. It promotes truth and forgiveness. Topaz brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health. It is known as a stone of love and good fortune. It releases tension, inducing relaxation. Topaz promotes openness and honesty, self-realisation and self-control. It aids problem-solving and assists in expressing ideas. Stabilises the emotions, making you receptive to love from all sources. Topaz aids digestion and combats eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia. It fortifies the nerves and stimulates the metabolism.

Element - Air Numerical Vibration - Number 3 Blue Topaz is a 4th Anniversary gemstone. Blue Topaz brings truth and wisdom. It aids in clear communication. Blue Topaz helps in bringing body, mind and spirit into union. It assists in recognising where you have strayed from your own truth.

Yellow Topaz

Chakras - Solar Plexus Chakra, Third Eye Chakra Birthstone - November Planet - Jupiter Element - Air Yellow Topaz is a 23rd Anniversary gemstone. Yellow Topaz strengthens faith and optimism. It assists in recognising your own abilities, instills a drive toward recognition and attracts helpful people. Bestows charisma and confidence with pride in abilities. Yellow Topaz regenerates cellular structures and is beneficial for nervous exhaustion and insufficient combustion of nutrients. It treats the liver, gallbladder and the endocrine glands.

Colour Healing with Topaz

In addition to the generic healing properties of Topaz , specific colours have additional attributes:

Blue Topaz

Chakras - Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra Birthstone - December 18


Power Items

Power Items


Herb---sage Continued

In 812AD, Charles the Great ordered sage to be planted in all medical gardens and made it mandatory that it be grown in any monastery garden, something which apparently still stands today.

Where Does the Name “Sage” Originate From?

Sages’ botanical name (Salvia Officinalis) derives from the Latin word “salvere” which means “ to be saved”. The “Officinalis” part of the name refers to the plants’ prolific medicinal uses, as the word “Officina” refers to the traditional storeroom in monasteries where herbal remedies were stored. Officinalis is a name given only to plants which have an extremely well established medicinal or culinary value.

Other Common Names for Sage


Sage is one of the most commonly recognized magickal herbs. It’s used for smoke cleansing, protection and purification. It’s associated with the air and earth elements and is ruled by Gemini while being associated with the Gods Jupiter and Zeus.

The History of Sage

Sage, officially named Salvia Officinalis, is a member of the mint family and is native to the Mediterranean region. It’s a healing herb which has been used since ancient times to increase fertility, dispel negative influences, ward off evil and much more. The Romans even called it a “ holy herb” and they included it in many of there religious practices. They also cooked with it as the believed it would help them digest fatty foods better.

Galan etc) all wrote about the healing properties of sage and its use as a diuretic, an aid for ulcers, a herb which helped to stop wounds bleeding and a remedy for sore throats. Discorides even went so far as to claim that sage was one of most appreciated and important herbs of all time. In France, sage grew prolifically and was often drunk as a tea. The Chinese realised the healing prowess of sage began trading the French sage tea for their own tea. They believed that the sage tea was so valuable that they were willing to trade 4 pounds of Chinese tea for 1 pound of Fench sage tea. They appreciated the medicinal properties of the sage tea and believed that it would relieve stomach and digestive issues as well as aiding the nervous system while treating cold and joint pain. They also used it to treat typhoid as well as kidney and liver issues.

• • • •

Garden sage Kitchen sage True sage Common sage

The Medicinal Sage • • • • •

• • • • •

Benefits of

High in vitamin Full of Great for oral May help to menopause Positively function treatment and other disorders. May lower blood sugar It can help with Helps to skin and can wounds May help to control anxiety May help to ease pain and swelling associated with tonsilitis

During the Middle Ages, many old herbalists (Pliny, Dioscorides, 20


K and Iron antioxidants health ease symptoms of impacts cognitive and may be a for Alzheimer ’s neurological cholesterol and levels inflammation promote healthy aid in healing

Power Items

Power Items

Herb---sage Continued

Herb---sage Continued The Magickal Properties of Sage

Sage is a powerful magickal herb which has been used for hundreds of years a cleansing and purifying herb. Its magickal energies make it a great choice for protection spells and it’s also powerful when used in money and abundance spells.

The Uses of Sage in Magick • • • • • • • • •

Wisdom Healing Protection Purification Clarity Abundance (particularly money) Dreams Psychic protection Intuition

What are the Benefits of Burning Sage

Burning sage is a very old practice which is thought to cleanse and purify the air and space where the sage is being burned. This may be rooted in the fact that most sage has antimicrobial properties and even the smoke may be beneficial in keeping infectious bacteria away. Burning sage is a natural insect repellent and it may help to prevent things like dust and mites from causing allergic reactions. Spiritually speaking, smoke cleansing with sage is a way of clearing out any spiritual impurities and negative energies. It can help to connect you to the spirit realm and is said to strongly enhance intuition. In some traditional cultures, such as Native American culture, burning sage is used to achieve a healing or trance state. Certain varieties of sage contain a mildly psychoactive substance which may be why it aids people in reaching a trance state and connecting with the spirit realm. Again, be careful how you approach the use of sage here, cultural appropriation is never ok .

Correspondances of Sage

Planets: Jupiter and the Moon Zodiac Sign: Gemini Deities: Jupiter and Zeus and the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess Elements: Air and Earth

The Difference Between Common Sage, White Sage and Clary Sage There is a lot of conflicting information about what form of sage to use for smoke cleansing and this stems from the idea that common sage is extremely different from white or clary sage. It should be noted, however, that clary sage, white sage and common sage are all different varieties of the sage plant.

White sage is commonly found in smudge sticks as this is an old Native American custom that has been adopted by western cultures. This is actually quite problematic and “smudging ” is considered cultural appropriation by many. There are many Native American people who oppose the westernisation of “smudging ”. The use of white sage has actually become a bit of a problem with over-harvesting negatively affecting the amount of wild white sage that it’s available. It’s being illegally harvested at huge rates and conservationists are concerned about its survival.


Burning sage is also a way of cleansing specific tools and objects. If you’re interested in crystal witchcraft, for example, you may use sage to cleanse your crystals before beginning any magickal work with them. The same goes for any tools you might use in your spell work , such as an anthame or special candle. A bonus of burning sage is that it can help to ease the effects of anxiety and may soothe stress while improving your mood and the quality of your sleep.

How to Make Sage Tea

Sage tea is really easy to make, all you need is some fresh or dried sage leaves and away you go! • • • • •

Boil water Add 4-5 sage leaves to a mug Fill the mug with boiling water Steep the sage leaves for 3-5 minutes Add a small amount of honey to taste (sage can be quite bitter ) • Add a slice of lemon • Enjoy!


Power Items

Herb---sage Continued How to Grow Sage

While sage will grow almost anywhere, it performs best when planted in direct sunlight with good drainage. To • • •

grow sage you’ ll need: Full sun Well-drained soil Allow soil to dry out before watering, sage is used to having dry soil and doesn’t mind waiting a little between waterings. If it wilts, a little water will perk it right back up again (it’s a Mediterranean plant after all and it’s often very hot and dry there). • Depending on what variety of sage you plant, the bushes can grow relatively large. Plant them about 50cm apart to make sure that they have enough room to grow. • Sage likes to be planted with strawberries, tomatoes and carrots. • If you want to help your pollinator bee friends out, let a sage bush or two go to seed. The purple flowers are heaven for pollinators and will attract them in droves. •

Power Items

Witch Tools Chalice

In spiritual practices, the chalice represents the Goddess herself. It is a symbol for the womb and the element of water. It is an important magical tool that is a symbol of faith and is a very sacred representation of the Divine Feminine. In witchcraft, the chalice is one of the four primary tools used in rituals. The others include a pentacle, wand and a sword known as an athame. The chalice, also known as a goblet, represents the open womb when held upright. It is a vessel for receiving blessings. Inverted, it represents birth and bringing forth one’s creative power. This sacred vessel serves a variety of purposes and is used for concecrating the circle, spell casting, and scrying. During rituals and celebrations, drinks from the sacred chalice are often shared among coven members to symbolize unity and create stronger bonds. In many rituals, an athame (sword) is dipped into liquid held in the chalice, representing the union of the God and Goddess into a perfect whole of creation. It is similar in premise to the Yin/Yang symbol that represents both distinction and unity between genders. Both are vital and necessary for completion of the whole.


Choosing a chalice for your practice is something that should be approached with great reverence. It is important to feel a strong connection with the vessel

you pick . Chalices run the gamut, from very simple, to incredibly ornate. They can be made from precious metals like silver which are often cost prohibitive. Other options include beautiful and durable stainless steel and even stone. Often they have sacred symbols carved, painted or embossed onto the cup or base. The addition of the symbols (usually a Goddess, triple moon or pentagram) can help enhance your practice. When seeking out a chalice, allow your intuition to guide you. What draws you to the piece and why? You want your ritual tools to become like an extension of yourself, so choose well. Your chalice should be appealing, but also sturdy and well crafted. You will want to keep it for years to come and may even decide one day to pass it down. Your chalice should also be manufactured with safety in mind. Ensure the chalice you choose is made from food grade materials if you plan to drink from it. Not all ritual items are created equal and you don’t want to ingest anything potentially harmful. What is a chalice? A chalice is just a fancy word for a cup But when we talk about chalices in witchcraft and magic, we generally mean ceremonial goblet used in rituals and spells. Although often silver, you can use a wine glass, ceramic drinking vessel or even something carved from stone.


Power Items

Witch Tools

Chalice cont...

Power Items

Symbol---Eye of HOrus

You don’t need to spend a lot on a chalice. I find really gorgeous ones (along with many other things for witchcraft) at thrift stores and consignment shops. Or, use one passed down from an older member of your family. Many people use and save silver goblets from their wedding ceremonies.

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol known all around the world. It symbolises healing, protection, rejuvenation, rebirth, resurrection and wholeness. The symbol combined art, anatomy, science and mythology. It is sometimes called the all-seeing eye as a reference to the third eye.

In binding rituals.


In handfasting ceremonies.

She managed to do so and asked Thoth, Anubis and Nephthys to help resurrect him. Osiris came back to life but Seth heard of his resurrection and killed him a second time. Isis, hid her pregnancy from the terrible God and gave birth to Horus who later wanted to avenge his father ’s death.

For scrying.

During one of their battles, Seth hurt Horus, took his eye and tore it into six pieces. Thoth, the God of writing and magic with the help of Hathor healed Horus. Horus defeated Seth in a final battle.

If you have a small coven, and it doesn’t weird you out to drink from the same cup, chalices are an exquisite way to seal the bonds of sisterhood. Choose a blended wine, pass the chalice around the circle, and have each member pledge their friendship to the people next to her. Add a “unity chalice” in place of the unity candle at a handfasting ceremony The couple each pours some wine into the same chalice, and then they each drink from it.

Fill your chalice with water, then add dragon’s blood ink or another dark ink to the water. Take it outside under the full moon and use it exactly as you would use a scrying mirror.

Horus, the sky God was the son of Isis and Osiris. The latter was killed by Seth, the God of violence and chaos. Isis was left in agony but was determined to retrieve the 14 body parts of her husband that were cut by Seth.

The legend of the Eye of Horus was born.

Pro tip.

Mathematics and the Eye of Horus:

Float candles.

• • • • • •

If you plan to burn loose incense or use herbs during your ritual, use your chalice as a vessel for them. It makes it easier to access them and avoids the unnecessary awkwardness of stopping to unscrew a jar in the middle of your moon circle ceremony. If you are working with the energies of fire and water, floating candles inside a chalice makes an effective way to blend these elements. For added magical punch, consider floating the candles in homemade moonwater.

To cleanse gemstones.

Leave your gemstones or crystals in your chalice with water and place in the moonlight overnight to cleanse and charge them.

As a symbol, the eye contains six parts which were given a series of numerical values with a numerator of 1 and dominators to the power of 2. They are linked to our five senses except for one part which is associated with thought and wisdom. The The The The The The

right side of the eye is 1/2 (smell) pupil is 1/4 (sight) eyebrow is 1/8 (thought and wisdom) left side of the eye is 1/16 (hearing ) curved tail is 1/32 (taste) teardrop is 1/64 (touch)

The fraction adds up to 63/64, the missing part is said to represent the magical power of Thoth.

Just be sure you know your stones! Some dissolve in water!



Power Items

Symbol---Eye of HOrus

Magical Poetry

The Brain and the eye of Horus:

This part of the brain is linked to emotions and memories. It controls and coordinates everything from the movements of the fingers to the heart rate. The Eye of Horus depicts the secret areas of the brain that hold the potential for each human to attain enlightenment. We already mentioned that it is also called the all-seeing eye or the third eye which is represented by the pineal gland located at the centre of the brain. It stays dormant until the soul reaches a certain spiritual level. Ancient Egyptians believed that it was primordial to nurture our limbic brain so that the third eye would lead us to spiritual awakening.

Lessons from the Eye of Horus:

The symbol shows us what to change in our body to improve our spirit. Understanding how the limbic system works will help us heal or reshape our brain. This system is composed of the: • Hypothalamus controls emotions • Hippocampus relates to memories and helps you understand the environment • The amygdala helps coordinate response to things in your environment that trigger an emotional response • Damage to this system stems from trauma like enduring or witnessing abuse, neglect or violence which can result in depression, rage, PTSD and anxiety. Ancient Egyptians concluded that relaxing the limbic system would heal and reshape our brain. The first step towards change is to look inward and read everything about this system.


The Eye of Horus depicts the secret part of the brain connected with our emotions. To reach inner peace and live a meaningful life, it is essential to understand the limbic system. Source: la-bibliothèque/the-eye-of-horus-and-our-brain-ce1d7b82a62a


Mother Earth unknown author

Enlighten What’s dark in me, Strengthen what’s week in me, Mend what’s broken in me, Heal what’s sick in me, And lastly Revive whatever peace and love has died in me.


Magical Poetry

Shared by High Priestess, Lady Gloriana

The tragedy of Loki and Freyja It happened in the world called Asgard Never heard by human ears The history of one heart, scarred And moved by love and fear It’s the story of a liar Loki was his name His heart of ice catched fire The goddess Freyja was to blame But he failed to tell her And she moved on alone; Now listen to what occured In front of mighty Odins throne: At that time the gods assembled To feast upon their victory Many goddesses hearts trembled The cause was Lokis flattery But beautiful Freyja, angered by this Stood up and stopped the flatterer Lokis pride got hurt and he hissed And with terrible words, he hurt her:

Magical Poetry Tragedy of Loki and Freyja cont....

And before anything could be spoken He left; a lonely god again The bonds between them were broken A lie, told to hide the loving man But even gods sometimes surrender To a mighty enemy, love or regret He still was drawn to the other gender To the woman he couldn’t forget He arrived at her chamber Thoughts of apologie on his mind Just to learn that Odin sent her To a location undefined And Lokis world again was grey As he cried into the wind “Why did you need to take her away Just because once I sinned?”

“Why do I need to shut my mouth When your legs are wide open? Of all the people here I doubt You’d find one whom you haven’t loved then!”



Magical Poetry Cont

Shared by: High Priestess, RavensThorn

Magical Poetry Cont Shared by High Priestess, Lady Gloriana

Kali Ma Written By Brianna

With her three eyes and many arms Kali Ma leaned in to tell me the secret of this year. She told me with regret and hate filling my life- I wouldn’t be getting anywhere. She said with trust and loyalty- one day I’ll find my back again. To a live that’s full of love and hope instead of sadness and sin. The Dark Mother- the Goddess of destruction and creation told me she, herself, was the bearer of contradictions. She said we all fall apart and there are ways to get back up if we just open our eyes. Instead of filling our self with doubt and questioning the truth instead of the lies. So within the Ocean of Blood I have been created by Kali Ma- and I will sooner than later be destroyed by her power. But before the year is up she has given me the truth to rise up and fight her. I will change for myself and I become one with the truth’s that lie within me. I will remember the good instead of the bad so it doesn’t destroy all of me. I will wear red as gypsies must do when their funeral is near. I will let Kali Ma devour me and send me home without fear. I will wear pride knowing I have found the truth and let the lies go. I will be at peace when I have figured out everything I needed to know.



Magical Poetry Cont

Shared by: Brittanica

What Sees the Owl by Elizabeth Sears Bates

His velvet wing sweeps through the night: With magic of his wondrous sight He oversees his vast domain, And king supreme of night doth reign. Around him lies a silent world, The day with all its noise is furled; When every shadow seems a moon, And every light a sun at noon. How welcome from the blinding glare Is the cool grayness of the air! How sweet the power to reign, a king, When day his banishment will bring! For him the colorless moonlight Burns brilliant, an aurora bright; The forest’s deepest gloom stands clear From mystery and helpless fear. He sees the silver cobwebs spun, The dewdrops set the flowers have won, The firefly’s gleam offends his sight, It seems a spark of fierce sunlight.

Magical Poetry Cont

Shared by: High Priestess, Lady Gloriana

“All Souls Night” Loreena McKennitt

Bonfires dot the rolling hillsides Figures dance around and around To drums that pulse out echoes of darkness Moving to the pagan sound

Bonfires dot the rolling hillsides Figures dance around and around To drums that pulse out echoes of darkness Moving to the pagan sound

Somewhere in a hidden memory Images float before my eyes Of fragrant nights of straw and of bonfires Dancing till the next sunrise

Standing on the bridge that crosses The river that goes out to the sea The wind is full of a thousand voices They pass by the bridge and me

I can see the lights in the distance Trembling in the dark cloak of night Candles and lanterns are dancing, dancing A waltz on All Souls Night

I can see the lights in the distance Trembling in the dark cloak of night Candles and lanterns are dancing, dancing A waltz on All Souls Night

Figures of cornstalks bend in the shadows Held up tall as the flames leap high The green knight holds the holly bush To mark where the old year passes by

I can see the lights in the distance Trembling in the dark cloak of night Candles and lanterns are dancing, dancing A waltz on All Souls Night

I can see the lights in the distance Trembling in the dark cloak of night Candles and lanterns are dancing, dancing A waltz on All Souls Night

Clear winter nights when he so bold, “For all his feathers, is a-cold,” Sees the Frost-spirit fling his lace, And fashion icicles apace. At his weird call afar and faint A sleepy echo, like the quaint Last notes of some wild chant, replies And mocks his solitude—and dies. 34


Magical Poetry Cont

Shared By: High Priestess, RavensThorn Meet Your Shadow Self — A Poem Nav Aulakh

Follow your excitement, your joy, they say and in your highest vibration You’ll make space for life to send you gifts that were beyond your imagination Just don’t be fooled by false perfection or run away from harsh truths and darkness, Because this is also where we find our greatness. The new you awaits, this transformation will awake Unknown gifts and hidden truths will start to radiate. Yes, jealousy feels like a nemesis, I’m struggling to see the benefit Its bitterness causes chaos, makes life unbearably reckless Feeds off this mind like a vicious devil, but why do I feel like the one who’s evil? Or does her discomfort remind me that I’m only human? The other face of inspiration? Just breathe and let her flow and soon enough you’ll come to know, The mask that steals your glow, shows up, so you can let her go. Isolation is starting to suffocate me because of my inability To open up, express, and let them see what’s underneath. You see it’s my vulnerability that I mistake for being so weak Dark demons will be exposed, afraid of raw truths that do withhold. Anger must be my loyal friend then, A valid emotion, I sense. Said to fuel inspiration, give rise to inner revolutions. Keeping this rage within can’t be the answer and my only solution, It’s true that destruction can make space for and birth evolution And the freedom to release does feel like liberation. It’s time to break free from this illusion, step into radical unification. You see, resentment is a bitch sometimes Rising up after brewing forever inside And all these feelings I’ve tried so hard to hide, feel as though they’ve intensified. There’s no escape now, nowhere to run or hide, even though that’s something I’ve tried. It works for a while, Until the wrath of her storm can no longer be ignored. She’ll come after you with more force to start this internal war. Am I feeling overwhelmed yet? You bet! I’m still learning what it’s like to accept, To not judge these emotions so much and see the power that lies inside these gems. Negative versus positive, can we remove these so-called labels, please We’re the ones who made them up, setting expectations none of us really need. It’s time to embrace every version of you You see, your darkness is exactly where you’ll find your truth. Let it in, so it can reunite with the one inside they call your inner light. And remember you’re the one who decides, how it shows up in your life. 36

Magical Poetry Cont

Shared By: High Priestess, Lady Gloriana

OAKWYSE UTTERS AN OGHAM CHARM “Beginning of Birch, to lead the way, Magic of Rowan, this charm to say, Protection of Alder, in the deep, Passage of Willow in dream of sleep; Integration of Ash between the worlds, And so the Ogham Charm unfurls. “Chastity of Hawthorn, purging well, Door of Oak, where many dwell, Balance of Holly, in battle strong, Wisdom of Hazel, Salmon-song; Apple’s Choice, abundance brings, As this Charm of Ogham sings. “Intuition gives the Vine, While Ivy’s Spirals intertwine; Cleansing Broom sweeps spirits clean, For Fate of Blackthorn to be seen; Renewal of Elder turns aside All that may with Death abide. “Vision of Fir is true and tall, And Gorse now sweetly Gathers all; Healing Heather, grounding fast, Aspen warding, Shields at last; Yew Eternity portends, Though this Charm of Ogham ends. “Community of Grove instructs all hearts, Delight of Spindle, insight imparts; Secret of Honeysuckle guards the way, Where ancient Knowledge of Beech holds sway; The power of this Charm shall be As Vast and endless as the Sea.” 37

Magical Poetry Cont

Shared By: High Priestess, RavensThorn

Magical Poetry Cont

Shared By: High Priestess, Lady Gloriana

The Haunted Palace BY EDGAR ALLAN POE

In the greenest of our valleys By good angels tenanted, Once a fair and stately palace— Radiant palace—reared its head. In the monarch Thought’s dominion, It stood there! Never seraph spread a pinion Over fabric half so fair! Banners yellow, glorious, golden, On its roof did float and flow (This—all this—was in the olden Time long ago) And every gentle air that dallied, In that sweet day, Along the ramparts plumed and pallid, A wingèd odor went away. Wanderers in that happy valley, Through two luminous windows, saw Spirits moving musically To a lute’s well-tunèd law, Round about a throne where, sitting, Porphyrogene! In state his glory well befitting, The ruler of the realm was seen.



Magical Poetry Cont The Haunted Palace cont.... And all with pearl and ruby glowing Was the fair palace door, Through which came flowing, flowing, flowing And sparkling evermore, A troop of Echoes, whose sweet duty Was but to sing, In voices of surpassing beauty, The wit and wisdom of their king. But evil things, in robes of sorrow, Assailed the monarch’s high estate; (Ah, let us mourn!—for never morrow Shall dawn upon him, desolate!) And round about his home the glory That blushed and bloomed Is but a dim-remembered story Of the old time entombed. And travellers, now, within that valley, Through the red-litten windows see Vast forms that move fantastically To a discordant melody; While, like a ghastly rapid river, Through the pale door A hideous throng rush out forever, And laugh—but smile no more.


Magical Poetry Cont

Shared By: High Priestess, RavensThorn

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening BY ROBERT FROST

Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.


Magical Poetry Cont

Shared By: High Priestess, RavensThorn

November Orange pumpkins full and round… Corn stocks gathered on the ground... Blue skies clear and autumn-bright… Harvest moons and frosts at night… Leaves ranked high in great big piles… November sites bring thankful smiles.


Magical Poetry Cont

Shared By: High Priestess, RavensThorn

November The striped and shapely Maple grieves the loss of her Departed leaves. The ground is hard, As hard as stone. The year is old, The birds are flown. And yet the world, Nevertheless, Displays a certain Loveliness The beauty of The bone. Tall God Must see our souls



Frutta Martorana


Italian All Souls’s Day Hazelnut Chocolate Torrone Ingredients

5 mins

200 grams dark chocolate, roughly chopped 200 grams white chocolate, roughly chopped 400 grams Nutella cream 150 grams hazelnuts, toasted and peeled



CALORIES 1230 kcal


18 oz . almond flour 18 oz . sugar, powdered 4 oz . egg whites, pasteurized 10 drops almond extract powdered food coloring, (can also use liquid or gel) vanilla extract


Combine almond flour and powdered sugar in a large mixing bowl. Add in egg whites and almond extract. Mix for a minute with a wooden spoon. Use your hands to make a homogeneous dense mass. Use fruit-shaped molds to form the Frutta Martorana. Let them dry on wax paper for 24 hours, so that they hold their shape when trying to paint them. For the food coloring, mix 1 drop of vanilla extract and 1/2 cup of water into a clear cup so you can see the colors clearly. This will be the base for each color you would like to ‘ paint’ with. Mix up each color you would like to use in different cups.‘ Paint’ each fruit as desired and let dry. Serve and enjoy.


30 Fruit-Shaped Molds Cake Painting Brushes Mixing Bowl Wooden Spoon Wax Paper You can add stems to the fruit by using some cut from fake flowers, or you can also use clove stems as well. You can replace pasteurized egg whites with ½ cup of water. If you intend to use water, you should combine powdered sugar and water in a small pan. Bring to a boil and remove from the heat. Stir in almond flour and mix well until you

PREP TIME 20 minutes

COOK TIME 4 hours



1. Melt 200g of dark chocolate in a bain – marie. Keep the water just below simmering point. Wait for the chocolate to melt. Remove the chocolate from the heat but not from the bain – marie. Pour half of the melted chocolate into the plumcake mold and spread it on all the sides and bottom. Place the mold upside down on a plate into the fridge and cool rapidly, for about 5-10 minutes. 2. When done waiting, spread the remaining 100 g of melted-darkchocolate on the mold. Once again, place the mold upside down on a plate. Let cool by placing it in the fridge.

plumcake mold (20×10 cm)

3. Melt the white chocolate and the Nutella (together ) in a bain – marie. Once melted, add the hazelnuts and stir, removing all of it from the heat. Then pour the hazelnut cream into the plumcake mold coated with the dark chocolate (previously prepared). Place the mold back into the fridge for at least 4 hours. To take the torrone off the mold, take a knife and pass it between the edge of the mold and the dark chocolate. Then flip the torrone onto a plate. Let it rest at room temperature for an hour before serving.

obtain a smooth and homogeneous dough. 44




Soul Cakes


175 g butter room temperature (3/4 cups) 175 g white granulated sugar (1 cup) 3 egg yolks medium size 450 g flour (3 5/8 cups) 2 tsp mixed spice 70 g raisins (1/2 cup) 6-7 tbsp milk 2 tbsp powdered sugar for dusting (optional)

INSTRUCTIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Preheat the oven to 190 C / 374 F. Add butter to the large bowl. Add sugar. Using hand mixer or stand mixer, mix butter with sugar. Add egg yolks and mix again. Sieve flour in egg, butter and sugar mixture. Sieve spices on top of the flour. Mix all ingredients in a bowl with a spatula. Gradually add milk , combining with a spatula until the dough comes together. Transfer the dough to the silicone mat or surface, dusted with flour. Knead the dough with hands until well combined. Add half raisins, and knead them in the dough. Add more raisins while kneading the dough. Roll the dough with a rolling pin about 1/4 inch or 0.6 cm thick Cut the round shape cookies with the cookie cutter. Transfer the cookies to the baking tray, layered with parchment paper. Leave the space between the cookies. Cut the cross on each cookie. Bake 15-20 minutes until golden • Bake another batch of cookies. Let them cool for 10 minutes. Dust the cookies with powdered sugar. • • • To make mixed spice, combine 1/2 tsp or each ground spice: cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg. • Soul cakes will keep up to 4 days in air tight container at room temperature.


Goddess Tea

Ingredients 1 tablespoon dried white peony (Paeonia lactiflora) Root 1 tablespoon dried shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) Root 3-5 Dried rose (Rosa spp.) buds 2 cups water Cashew or coconut milk Raw honey to taste


Spells & Potions A Spell to Release the Past Also known as the cord-cutting ritual, this spell helps release emotional, mental and spiritual ties that rob you of growth, peace and happiness. By using the power of your calm, clear mind and amplifying it, this spell helps end any unwanted relationships and ties in your life, leaving no harm behind if performed correctly. It doesn’t have to be directed towards another person – you can also release any part of your own energy that is ridden with doubt and darkness, such as harmful habits or negative beliefs. The most important part of this sacred ritual is staying true to yourself. While you perform it, allow yourself to feel any feelings that come up in your heart, and allow the resulting energy to become the foundation of your work . If you wish, you can also call for help from any friendly spirits or deceased relatives (preferably those you worked with before). To perform this releasing spell, acquire the following items: • Three candles: one red (representing your passion for life), one white (representing the purity of your intentions), and one blue (representing wisdom and calmness) • A bundle of fresh basil • A deep glass bowl filled with rain water (if you don’t have access to rain water, filtered water is a suitable alternative) This is how to perform the spell to cut cords and release your past: • Light the candles – first, the white one , focusing on the divine pure light; then, the blue one, appreciating the wisdom of the universe; and finally, the red one, finding the passion within. • Place basil in the bowl, and wash your face with the basil water. • Clear your mind, focus and say the following: Cutting cords, releasing ties For my past, it’s just goodbyes Blow the candles and take as much time as you need to meditate and reflect on the ritual.

Spells & Potions November

in November, as we prepare to sink into the dark time of the year and attend to our inner work , we can hang on to a small, bright star to guide us as we travel our inner landscape. Since those around us will be swept up in the same natural flow and since this time of year can be stressful, we can also shine that small but brilliant light outward. The act of blessing offers light to the giver as well as the recipient. Blessing is a way of channeling and bestowing (or directing ) as in a ritual) or informally(as in when we say, “ have a good trip!” ). they can be given silently and secretly. They can take the form of words, songs, rattling, smudging or touch. Because they are easy to bestow, it is easy to overlook the power of blessings. A small or kind word can turn someone’s day around. If magic is creating change in the world in accordance with your will, then those acts are magic. Blessings are just that: powerful magic that can change the world. This month we can become walking blessings as we move among our fellow humans, spreading the magic of peace (or whatever gift you prefer to give), and we can do it as easily as breathing or flicking a finger. You can create a simple movement that release is a blessing without anyone even noticing, similar to the instant magic techniques taught by Christopher Penczak .

Create an Instant Blessing Gesture

I find the blessing “may all beings be at peace” very useful (especially when standing in long lines or stuck in traffic), so that’s the example given here, but you can give any blessing you want. You can also make the initial casting more elaborate, using candles or crystals or whatever represents or corresponds to the energy of the blessing you want to give. For the hand gesture, you can research different mudra’s for inspiration. Just remember to pick a simple gesture that you can do easily and discreetly. Part of the fun and joy of this practice is feeling like a secret fairy godmother. Stand (Or sit) so that you feel comfortable, balanced, and grounded. Think of a short way to express your blessing, like” may all beings be at peace.” decide on your hand gesture. I hold my thumb and index in an “OK” sign and then flick my index finger. You could just use the OK sign or the peace sign, or even the Vulcan “ live long and prosper ” Gesture. Close your eyes and draw the energy to fuel your spell. Say the words out loud as you do your hand gesture, keeping your hands naturally by your side. Do this three times. Now your gesture is charged. Whenever you sense that those around you need your blessings, silently make your gesture and feel the good feels that come from doing really useful magic.



Spells & Potions

Spells & Potions

Call Your Power Back Many of us struggle to speak out or to have our voices heard, so we must call our power back . . . Back from all the places and people we’ve given it away to, back from where it’s been taken from us, back from all the times we’ve been shushed or silenced, back from when we’ve been mansplained to, back from all the times we’ve felt less than, and all the times we’ve been worried that we’re too much. • Make a triangle with your hands by placing the tips of your thumbs together and the tips of your first fingers together. This is called a Yoni Mudra; yoni means sacred temple in Sanskrit. We place that mudra on our womb space, or lower abdomen. We stand with our feet slightly apart, bent at the knees, and then we close our eyes, place our attention at our third eye and say out loud three times: “I call back my power now.” • Between each call, visualize a bright white light coming up through the soles of your feet, through your knees and into your womb space. Let it rest there before calling in the next one. • When you’ve done this three times, hold your power there. Then repeat three times: “It is safe for me to be powerful.” The mudra seals in the power. We bring our hands to our hearts and say: “So mote it be.”

Releasing Negative Attachments I release all things from the past that have caused any negative attachments. I prepare and welcome new changes, new Lessons and new adventures. I welcome new opportunities to grow Emotionally, mentally and spiritualy.



Spells & Potions


A Witch’s Kitchen Blessing Blessed Be the kitchen of air, fire, water, and earth. Be warmed by the sacred light of the Goddess and Horned one. May all that is created here by means both magical and mundane bring nourishment, healing, sustenance and cause harm to none. With love and peace, joy and magic. Be now and always filled. So, mote it be.

By: Brittanica

Runes Runes are an ancient form of oracle used by those seeking advice. Runes have a long history, dating back to ancient use by Germanic and Nordic tribes, and are still widely used today. Symbols have always been a part of magical systems throughout the world. They can be thought of as a tool for communicating visually, rather than verbally, with the energy of the Universe. Runes are magical symbols that have both visual and verbal functions. They were used by the Germanic people of ancient Europe as an alphabet. Runes have been used in artifacts such as spears, shields, rock carvings and giant stones in addition to magic. Inscriptions on weapons and jewelry became talismans. Carvings today are used within magical formulas, prayers, invocations, and symbol magic. The word “rune” means mystery, whisper, or secret. Runes can be made of different materials like wood, pebbles, crystals, bone, and metal however most are made of stone and feature a symbol for the runic alphabet. One of the oldest alphabets are known as the ‘Elder Futhark’ from the old Germanic runic alphabet. The Elder Futhark contains 24 runes and the first six spell out the word ‘ futhark’. A few examples of the Elder Futhark are: • • • • • • •

Fehu, F – means domestic cattle or wealth Uruz, U – means a wild ox Thurisaz, T – means a thorn or a giant Hagalaz, H – means hail Ansuz, A – means an ancestral god Raidho, R – means wagon or chariot Kenaz, K – means a beacon or torch

One of the main uses for Runes today are in divination. There is evidence that suggests some ancient Germans used runes for divination as well. People that were seeking answers from the realms would carve symbols into strips of wood cut from a fruit tree. The strips were then scattered onto a white cloth. The reader of the symbols would pick up three of the strips at random with guidance from the gods and then interpret their meanings. Additionally, runes are said to contain the secrets of the Universe in Nordic myth. The secrets can be glimpsed and even utilized by those who understand their meanings. Each runic character has a name with a meaning, such as Gebo ( gift), Sowilo (sun), and Laguz (water). The names are not necessarily literal when used in divination and other runic magic. The meanings associated with runes are rooted in metaphors 52




runes cont...

and mysterious associations. For example, drawing Ehwaz (horse) in a reading is not likely to refer to an actual horse. Ehwaz symbolizes the qualities of faithfulness and trust, which a relationship between a rider and a horse is required. However, it can also refer to movement or travel. Dagaz (dawn) is not necessarily about the time of day, but instead could represent breakthrough, transformation, and hope. Each rune serves as a bridge between the human mind and the ethereal realm of divine wisdom that the runes inhabit. We come to an understanding of the energies of the rune by contemplating both the symbol itself and the implications of its name. Another widely practiced form of rune magic is the use of runes in magical inscriptions. Traditionally, the runic symbols are carved into objects to create talismans for luck and protection. The objects could be jewelry, drinking glasses, wallets and even houses. Anything of value that you want to empower or protect with magical energy. Runic talismans can be created to achieve a specific magical goal as well. For instance, landing a job or a new relationship. In this case, the runes are carved into a ‘tine’ which is usually a strip of wood or bark . Carving is the traditional method, but runes can also be painted or drawn onto a surface to create a talisman. The intention needs to be direct and there needs to be sufficient care and concentration while creating the runic shapes.


The Three Rune Layout

The three-rune layout is a simple cast that’s ideal for beginners. With this cast, you should randomly select three runes from your rune bag and place them on the table in front of you. Rune one should be on the right, rune two in the middle and rune three on the left hand side (so they should be in the order 3, 2, 1). •

Rune 1 represents the overview, or your situation or query.

Rune 2, in the middle, represents a challenge.

Rune 3 represents a possible course of action that could be taken.

The Five Rune Layout

runes cont...

and turn them over as you read them or put them face up straightway. The idea of this layout is that three runes in a horizontal position (rune 2, 1 and 5) represent your past, present and future. The rune below the central rune (4) shows what elements of the problem or issue need to be accepted, whilst the rune to the right of the center (3) shows what help you could receive in relation to your problem or issue.

The Nine Rune Cast

In Norse mythology, nine is a magical number, so it’s appropriate to have a nine-rune cast. This cast is best used if you’re trying to determine where you are in your spiritual path and what the next stages or opportunities could be and it’s a cast where you can really put your intuition to good use. When you’re trying this casting method, you need to think about your spiritual yearnings, randomly pick nine runes out of your rune bag and hold them for a moment or two. Then scatter them onto your rune cloth. It’s generally regarded that the runes nearer the center relate most to the current situation, whereas those lying on the edges are less important. If runes are close together or touching each other, then they may be complementing influences, whereas runes that are on opposite sides of the cloth represent opposing influences. Your attention should first go to the runes that have landed face up – it may help to note these down, so you can refer to them and study them in detail later. Then turn around the ones that landed upside down and read them, keeping them in their same position. These latter runes are believed to represent outside or future influences and could highlight potential new possibilities. When you’re interpreting the runes and what they might mean, make good use of your intuition. This is one rune casting where there aren’t hard and fast rules and it’s very much down to your own interpretation. For a deeper understanding of the meaning behind the symbols, visit Sacred Wicca for a fascinating description.

With the five-rune cast, or five rune layout, the aim is to select five runes, one at a time, and lay them down on the cloth in specific places. The first rune should go in the middle, with the subsequent runes forming a cross shape around it. Rune two should go on the left of the center (west), rune three on the top (north), rune four at the bottom (south) and rune five to the right (east). You can either lay them face down 54



By: High Priestess, Lady Gloriana

The Story of Demeter

Demeter was one of the oldest gods in the ancient Greek pantheon. As a goddess of agriculture, she guaranteed the fertility of the earth and protected both farming and vegetation. This close connection with the earth was inherited from her mother Rhea. Demeter was probably a reincarnation of local mother Earth goddesses, commonly worshipped in rural communities in Bronze Age Greece. The sanctuary at Eleusis is dedicated to both the goddess and her daughter Persephone. This was the location of the famous Eleusinian Mysteries. From Eleusis, the idea spread across the Archaic and Classical Greek worlds that Demeter would protect her worshippers in the afterlife. To the Romans, the goddess remained popular and was known as Ceres.

Demeter ’s Family

Daughter of Kronos and Rhea, sister of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, and Hestia, Demeter was the mother of Persephone and Iacchus (both with Zeus) and Pluto, the god of wealth (with the mortal Cretan Iasion, who was subsequently killed by a thunderbolt from a jealous Zeus). She also adopted Demophon, the Eleusinian prince, who gave the human race the gifts of the plough and knowledge of agriculture. Demeter was also pursued by Poseidon, and to escape his attentions, she changed into a mare; however, Poseidon too changed into a horse and their resulting offspring was Arion, the winged horse ridden by Hercules. Demeter and Persephone were very often paired together and sometimes even referred to as a single goddess with a dual aspect. The duo was often referred to as ‘the Two Goddesses’ and the Demeteres (two Demeters). THE STORY OF DEMETER & PERSEPHONE WAS PERHAPS SYMBOLIC OF THE CHANGING SEASONS & THE PERENNIAL CHANGE FROM LIFE TO DEATH.

Demeter & Persephone

The most important mythology surrounding Demeter was the story of the rape of her daughter Persephone (also known as Kore in Greek and Proserpina by the Romans) by Hades, the god of the Underworld. One day Hades fell in love with Persephone as soon as he saw her and so carried her off in his chariot to live with him in Hades, the Greek underworld. In some accounts, Zeus had given his consent to the abduction, the location of the crime being traditionally placed in either Sicily ( famed for its fertility ) or Asia. 56


The Story of Demeter Continued...

Distraught, Demeter searched the earth for her lost daughter and though Helios (or Hermes) told her of her daughter ’s fate, she, nevertheless, continued her wanderings until she finally arrived at Eleusis. It was here, disguised as an old woman, that the goddess cared for Demophon (or Triptolemus), the only son of Metaneira, the wife of Keleos (or Celeus), king of Eleusis. To reward the family for their kindness, Demeter set about making Demophon immortal by placing him on a fire every night. However, when Metaneira saw this she raised an alarm. In response, Demeter revealed her true identity and demanded a temple be built in her honour. This was the beginning of the celebrated sanctuary of Eleusis in Attica. Once the temple was completed, Demeter withdrew from the world and lived inside it; at the same time, she created a great drought to convince the other gods to release Persephone from Hades. As the drought claimed ever more victims, crops withered (illustrating Persephone’s mastery over agriculture), and there was so little food that mortals could not even offer their sacrifices to the gods, Zeus finally persuaded Hades to release his ill-gotten bride. Before giving her up though, the wily Hades put a pomegranate kernel in the girl’s mouth, knowing its divine taste would compel her to return to him. In other versions of the myth, Persephone could have been released if she had not eaten anything in the underworld during her captivity, but at the last moment, Hades gave her a pomegranate seed. Finally, as a compromise, it was decided that Persephone would be released but that she would have to return to Hades for one-third of the year (or in other accounts one half ). In gratitude for the return of her daughter, Demeter was said to have sent the prince Demophon to teach humanity the cultivation of grain and other tricks useful for agriculture.

Eleusis & the Eleusinian Mysteries

The story of Demeter and Persephone was perhaps symbolic of the changing seasons and the perennial change from life to death, to life once more, or, in other words, the changes from summer to winter and the return of life in spring. An alternative view of more modern historians is that the disappearance of Peresphone is symbolic of the practice of burying seeds in the summer so that they did not dry out before they could be sown in the autumn. The cycle became one of the rituals of the sacred Eleusinian Mysteries; indeed the symbols of the cult were ears of grain and a torch - symbolic of Demeter ’s search for Persephone and a reminder that the rituals at Eleusis were carried out at night. Eleusis became the most important sanctuary to Demeter, and the site has a religious connection and related monuments dating back to the Mycenaean civilization of 57


The Story of Demeter Continued...

the 15th century BCE. From c. 600 BCE the Eleusinian Mysteries became an official ceremony in the Athenian calendar, and Eleusis became a truly pan-Hellenic site under the Athenian dictator Peisistratus (r. 550-510 BCE). In the 5th century BCE Pericles, the Athenian statesman (l. 495-429 BCE), oversaw the construction of a new Telesterion (Initiation Hall and temple), then the largest building in Greece. The site continued to attract pilgrims and worshippers well into Roman times with emperors Hadrian (r. 117-138 CE) and Marcus Aurelius (r. 161-180 CE) aggrandising Eleusis. The sanctuary ’s fortunes declined significantly following the decree of Theodosius I (r. 379-395 CE) to close down all pagan sites in 379 CE, and Eleusis was destroyed around 395 CE following the invasion of the Visigoths. THE PRECISE DETAILS OF THE ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIES HAVE TO THIS DAY REMAINED JUST THAT, A MYSTERY. Unfortunately for us today, because all initiates were bound by a sacred oath not to reveal details of the Eleusinian Mysteries, they have to this day remained just that, a mystery. We do know that, from the 6th century BCE, the ceremonies were held twice a year. The first step in the initiation process was known as the “ Lesser Mysteries” and held every spring. The more important “Great Mysteries” were held in the autumn over nine days. Only Greeks could be initiated, although this was later expanded to include Roman citizens. We also know details of some of the outdoor activities, and there was a procession led by the priestess of Demeter along the Sacred Way from Eleusis to the agora of Athens and another return procession led by a symbolic chariot of Iacchus. There were ritual and communal cleansing and purification ceremonies carried out in the sea at Phaleron, the representation or re-enactment of the myths involving the two goddesses, animal sacrifices ( pigs), and the interpretation of sacred texts by priests, the mystagōgoi. There was also probably drinking, music, dancing, and general revelry involved, as attested by Greek pottery scenes of the rites which show initiates holding the “ bacchus” or sacred rod. Closely associated with fertility and agriculture, the mysteries probably brought worshippers good fortune and, perhaps most important for most participants, the promise of a better afterlife.


The Story of Demeter Continued...

the 4th century BCE, a temple was constructed in her honour at Dion. Other notable sites of worship included Andania in Messenia, Lykosoura in Arcadia, and, perhaps most curiously, at Phigaleia, also in Arcadia, where a cult statue of the goddess was placed in a cave which had a horse’s head, probably in reference to Demeter ’s amorous encounter with Poseidon. Many southern Italian city-states, especially in Sicily, had important cults to Demeter where she was often associated with civic duties, a link also seen in her worship at Thebes. Besides the mystery cult, at Eleusis during the Archaic and Classical periods there was the Eleusinia, an important biannual games where the prizes were sacred grain. The Thesmophoria, meanwhile, was an all-female autumn festival in Attica to honour Demeter. Designed to generally promote fertility, the festival saw pigs thrown into pits or caves and left to putrefy; their remains were then mixed with seeds before sowing. Although not particularly informative about the festival itself, Aristophanes (c. 460 c. 380 BCE), the master of Greek comedy, wrote the play Thesmophoriazusae (411 BCE) where, during the festival, women take advantage of the traditional exclusion of men and debate the elimination of Euripides (c. 484-407 BCE), one of the great writers of Greek tragedy. There was, too, the Haloa, another largely all-female winter festival in honour of Demeter and Dionysos, the Kalamaia, and the Proerosia festivals.

Demeter in Art

In ancient literature, Homer in The Iliad describes the goddess as ‘golden-haired’, and Hesiod in his Theogony and Works & Days, describes her as ‘ bounteous Demeter ’, ‘well-garlanded’, ‘ hallowed’, and ‘reverend’. Demeter rarely appears in the visual arts before the 6th century BCE and then she is usually shown with Persephone. In Archaic and Classical art she is often seated, wears a crown of grain and holds a torch (signifying her search for her lost daughter) or a sceptre, a poppy (the flower that grows so abundantly in untended wheat fields) or simply stalks of grain. In her role as a goddess of fertility, Demeter is also sometimes present in scenes depicting the birth of Athena. From Eleusis, there are surviving relief panels showing both Demeter and Persephone which once adorned the sacred buildings at this her most important sacred site. Source:

Other Places of Worship

Demeter had sanctuaries across the Greek world in most city-states. Homer mentions that the goddess had a precinct named after her at Pyrasos. From the 8th century BCE there was a particularly noted sanctuary and temple to Demeter on Naxos. In 58




The Story of kali Weapon

Scimitar, Sword, Trishula (Trident)


Kali Puja, Navaratri Consort, Kalantaka Kali’s earliest appearance is when she emerged from Lord Shiva. She is the ultimate manifestation of shakti and the mother of all living beings. She destroys the evil in order to protect the innocent.

Kali Sanskrit; Also known as Dakshina Is a Hindu Goddess, who is considered to be the master of death and time. She is also said to be the Parvati, that is the supreme of all powers, or the ultimate reality. Kali is the goddess of time, creation, destruction, and power.


Parvati, Mahakali, Durga Mahavidyas ,Devi, Mahadevi


Cremation grounds (but varies by interpretation) Manidvipa Mantra Jayanti Mangala Kali Bhadra Kali Kapalini Durga Shiva shama dhartri Swaha Sudha Namostute, Om kring kalikaye Namo namaha

Overtime, Kali has been worshiped by devotional movements and tantric sects variously as the divine mother, mother of the universe, Adi Shakti, or Parvati. Shakta Hindu and Tantric sects additionally worship her as the ultimate reality or Brahman. She is also seen as the divine protector and the one who bestows Moksha or liberation. Kali is portrayed standing on Lord Shiva, with her right foot forward. Her skin color appears to be dark , and she is wearing a Garland of 50 skulls, denoting 50 letters of Sanskrit alphabet.

The Story of kali Continued... Kali is the feminine form of “time” or “the fullness of time” with the masculine noun “ kala”, Which is a name of Lord Shiva. By Extension, time as” changing aspect of nature that bring things to life or death”. The homonym Kali (appointed time) is distinct from kala(black), but these became associated through popular etymology. She is called Kali Mata (“the dark mother ” ) and also kali which can be read here either as a proper name or as a description “the dark blue one”. Kali is also the feminine form of kala (the epithet of Shiva) And thus the concert of Shiva.


although the word Kali appears as early as the Atharva Veda, the first use of it as a proper name is in the Kathaka Grhya Sutra. According to David Kinsley, Kali

is first mentioned in Hindu tradition as a distinct goddess around 600 AD, “and these texts usually place her on the periphery of Hindu society or on the battlefield”. she is often regarded as the Shakti or Shiva, and is closely associated with him in various Puranas.. her most well-known appearance is on the battlefield in the 6th century Devi Mahatmyam. The deity of the first chapter of Devi Mahatmyam is Mahakali, who appears from the body of sleeping Vishnu as goddess yoga nidra to wake him up in order to protect brahma and the world from two demons, Madhu and Kaitabha. When Vishnu woke up he started a war against the two demons. After a long battle with Lord Vishnu when the two demons were undefeated Mahakali took the form of Mahamaya to enchant the two auras.

She is four armed, holding a Kharag, in her top left arm, denoting strength. In her lower hand, she is holding a severed head denoting ego, which Kali hates. Both of her right hands are in Abhay mudra, denoting she is a kind mother, who protects and nurtures her children. She is completely naked, denoting that she is above this material world.




The Story of kali Continued...


Shared By: High Priestess Lady Gloriana

The Story of Hades

Despite being one of the most famous gods of the Greek pantheon, Hades was not an Olympian god, despite being brother to Zeus, for Hades was the Greek god of the Dead, and his domain was not in the mortal realm, but was in the Underworld. Hades was of course so feared, and revered, that his name would become synonymous with his domain.


Hades was the son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, making the god brother to Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Poseidon and Zeus. Cronus though was fearful of his position as supreme ruler, and to avoid a prophecy about his own downfall, Cronus would swallow each of his children when they were born. Hades therefore was imprisoned in the stomach of his father.


Zeus was the only sibling to escape imprisonment, and when he had reach maturity on Crete he would return to free his siblings. Zeus was helped by Rhea and Gaia, and Cronus was presented with a potion that was said to be an invincibility potion, but instead made the Titan regurgitate the imprisoned siblings. Zeus would lead an insurgency against his father, and in the war that followed, the Titanomachy, Hades would play a prominent role. It was during the war that Hades was presented with a Helmet of Darkness by the Cyclopes, this helmet would make the wearer invisible. When the two demons were enchanted by Mahakali Vishnu killed them. in later chapters, the story of two demons who were destroyed by Kali can be found. Chanda and Munda attacks the goddess Durga. Durga responds with such anger it causes her face to turn dark , resulting in Kali appearing out of her forehead. Kali’s appearance is dark blue, gaunt with sunken eyes, and wearing a tiger skin sari and a Garland of human heads. She immediately defeats the two demons. Later in the same battle, the demon Raktabija is undefeated because of his ability to reproduce himself from every drop of his blood that reaches the ground. Countless Raktabija clones appear on the battlefield. Khalid eventually defeats him by sucking his blood before it can reach the ground, and eating the numerous clones. Kinsley writes that Callie represents” Durga’s personified wrath, her embodied fury. 62

It was a helmet that Perseus would make use of later, but during the Titanomachy Hades would wear it, and it was he who brought the war to a close, for Hades would sneak into the encampment of the Titans and destroy their weapons and ammunition.


Victory meant that the cosmos now needed to be divided between the three sons of Cronus. The division was undertaken by the drawing of lots, and so Zeus became lord of heaven and earth, Poseidon received the earth’s waters, and Hades was given the Underworld.



The Story of Hades Continued...


The Story of hades Continued...

Today, it is common to think of the Greek Underworld as Hell, and indeed the name Hades is often used in place of the word hell, but the ancient Greek realm was more than hell, for whilst it contained Tartarus, the hell pit, it also included the Elysian Fields, paradise.


The dead would be judged as to how their lives had been led, and eternity might be spent in Tartarus, the Elysian Fields or the nothingness of the Asphodel Meadows. The soul of the departed were therefore the population of Hades’ realm, but the god let the judging be done by others, and instead the god simple appreciated the fear and reverence that his position gave him.

Theseus and Pirithous would travel together to the Underworld when Pirithous decided that he wanted Persephone to be his wife. Hades though was well aware of the plans of the pair, and when they sat down to eat with the god, Hades would ensnare them both within stone chairs. Theseus would eventually be released by Heracles, but Pirithous would remain imprisoned for eternity.

Sometimes Hades was thought of as being Death, but in Greek mythology there was a separate god for this role, Thanatos, a son of Nyx.

Heracles was actually in the Underworld undertaking one of his labours, a labour which involved the kidnapping of Cerberus, but rather than simply take the guard dog, Heracles would ask the permission of the god. Hades agreed to the request as long as Cerberus was not hurt during the attempt.


Hades had no intention of spending eternity in his domain alone, and so the Greek god of the Underworld sought out a suitable queen. Hades would set his eyes upon a daughter of Zeus and Demeter, the goddess Persephone. Persephone though would not go willingly to the Underworld, and so instead, Hades decided to abduct her. Demeter was distraught when her daughter went missing, and the goddess neglected her work , and the world suffered a sever famine. Zeus would eventually order Zeus to release Persephone, but Hades was easily going to give up his bride. Hades would therefore trick Persephone into eating some pomegranate seeds; and whoever eats in the Underworld is bound to it. So Persephone would be forced to spend the autumn and winter period, and the upset Demeter would limit crop growth at this time; but Persephone would spend spring and summer with her mother, and crops would grow.


Most people today tend to equate Hades with Satan, but that was not the god’s role in Greek mythology. Hades would sit upon his ebony throne, with a sceptre in one hand, and two-pronged fork nearby. When seen travelling, Hades would also be seen in a black chariot pulled by four coal black horses. Arguably though his most famous symbol though, was his guard dog, Cerberus, the three-head offspring of Echidna.

Hades would rarely leave his domain, and so stories of the god in Greek mythology were often based around visitors to his realm; and even though no living person was supposed to leave the Underworld, many did.

Hades was also merciful when Orpheus came and asked for the return of his wife, Eurydice. The pair would be reunited as long as Orpheus did not look back during the exit from the Underworld, but the Greek hero did glance back , and so lost Eurydice until he himself died. Hades was a feared god of the Greek pantheon, but he was also regarded as a fair one, for he provided a balance to life, and of course everyone died.

Key Takeaways: Hades

Alternate Names: Zeus Katachthonions (Zeus of the Underworld), Epithets: Aïdes or Aïdoneus (The Unseen One, The Invisible), Plouton (the Wealth-Giver ), Polydegmon (The Hospitable), Euboueus (Wise in Counsel) and Klymenos (the Renowned) Culture/Country: Classical Greece and Roman Empire Primary Sources: Homer Realms and Powers: The Underworld, ruler of the dead Family: Son of Kronus and Rhea, brother of Zeus and Poseidon, husband of Persephone





Shared By: High Priestess Lady Gloriana

The Story of loki Purpose

Loki didn’t have a traditional role as many other gods. Instead, he served as more of a sidekick , using his mischievous nature to both deter and assist other gods.


Origin: Norse Role: God Symbol: Snake Parents: Farbauti and Laufey Wife: Sigu Other Names: Loke, Loder, Lokkju, Lopter

Who Is Loki?

In Norse mythology, Loki was known as the sneaky and trickster God. He caused endless trouble for both mortals and gods but there were times when he used his trickery for good. He lived in Asgard and was often found with Thor or Odin. He enjoyed mischief and can be found in many myths living up to his reputation.

Something that makes Loki different from other gods is that historians have been able to explain the meaning of his name. When it comes to Norse mythology, many of the gods have an obvious source of origin. The accepted suggestion comes from the Viking Age. The noun “Loki” means “ knot” or “ tangle” which could symbolize Loki’s ability to snag other ’s plans. It could also be linked to Loki’s ability to make nets.

Legends and Stories

Loki can be found throughout many Norse myths, either helping the gods in their quests or causing them headaches along the way. The following myth focuses on a punishment Loki received for his mischief.

The Myth of Loki

The Norse gods spent most of their time in heaven, enjoying the splendor that surrounded them. They did on occasion look down and check in on the men and giants that roamed the earth. Once, Loki opened up a crack to heaven, which allowed the giants to reach up and take the apples of eternal life that grew in 66


The Story of loki continued.... heaven’s orchard. With the crack open, Time was able to enter heaven and leave all the gods with wrinkles and gray hair. But Loki apologized and the gods believed he would never do something so reckless again. There was a god named Baldr and he was the most beautiful of the gods. He was known for his purity and embodied all things good. Everyone loved Baldr and no one could imagine any harm coming to him. But Baldr began to have dreams that he would suffer a terrible and violent death. Baldr ’s mother, Frigg, was upset by the premonitions her son was having so she set out to demand a promise from all living things. She asked every creature and plant to never hurt her son. The move was impressive and admired by the other gods. With all living things in unison, Frigg knew no one would harm her son. The gods turned this into a game. They would throw rocks and weapons at Baldr, yet all the items would either disintegrate or drop before Baldr ’s feet. He was never harmed. While the other gods were amused by this, Loki found it all very irritating. He made sure that no one knew how he felt but he couldn’t stand so much perfection. So, Loki, being a shapeshifter, changed himself into an old woman so that he could talk with Frigg without her knowing she was talking to Loki. He commented on how amazing Baldr was and how he seemed to be invincible. It was then that Frigg admitted she skipped one plant when asking for her son’s protection. The plant was mistletoe and because it was so small and appeared to be harmless, Frigg had skipped it. This was all Loki needed to know. He headed to earth and grabbed some mistletoe. He came across Hod, a blind god, and asked him why he had never thrown anything at Baldr like the other gods did for fun. Hod replied that because he was blind and had no weapon, he never saw much of a reason to join in. Loki handed over the mistletoe and told Hod that he would guide his hand. Hod, thinking nothing of the so-called weapon, agreed. 67


The Story of loki continued....


The mistletoe struck Baldr in the neck and instantly killed him. Loki immediately began to laugh, giving away his guilt, so he began to run. But the gods knew what had happened and caught him. They came up with a fitting punishment. They removed the intestines of one of Loki’s sons and used it to tie up the god on a rock in a chamber. There was a cobra that would drip burning venom on Loki’s face for the rest of all eternity. Loki’s wife, Sigu, demanded that she be allowed to stay with her husband. The gods relentingly agreed. Sigu would stand with a bowl to catch the venom but she would sometimes have to leave to dump it out. During this time, Loki would contort in pain as the venom dripped on his face. This is the Norse explanation for earthquakes.


Loki’s father was a giant named Farbauti and his mother was Laufey, who was believed to be a goddess or a giantess. Loki and the giantess Angrboda had a relationship. Their children were Hel, the goddess of the underworld, Jormungand, the giant serpent who would slay Thor, and Fenir, a wolf.


Loki was married to Sigu, and together they had a son named Nari. As a shapeshifter, Loki also became the mother of Sleipnir, Odin’s horse.

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Loki was jester-like in appearance, with many artistic representations showing him dancing and sneering. His nose is often depicted as large. You’ ll find several variations of Loki, as he was a shapeshifter and could alter his appearance as desired.


The main symbol associated with Loki is a snake, as it represents his cunning and mischievous behavior. Source: www.legendsofireland/ loki


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History of The Druids

Shared By:High Priestess, Lady Gloriana

Who were the Druids?

Their legacy is the most enduring and most mysterious. Today the word “druid” conjures thoughts of magic, wizardry, and spiritualism, but in ancient times the definition of Druid was much broader. During the Iron Age, the Druids made up the higher-educated tier of Celtic society, including poets, doctors, and spiritual leaders. The legacy of this last group is the most enduring and the most mysterious.

History of The Druids cont...

Educated ancient leaders marks four major periods of history that relate to Celtic and Druid spirituality: • The prehistoric period saw tribes from Europe moving westwards towards Britain and Ireland as the Ice Age retreated. These people had considerable knowledge of astronomy and mathematics and great engineering skills. The megalith building culture developed at this time, and this period saw the rise of great mounds like Newgrange and circles of stone like Stonehenge.

25,000-year history of rebirth

• Next came the period of documented history, when classical writers left behind written works about the Celts and Druids. The Celts had “a highly sophisticated religious system, with three types of Druids: the Bards, who knew the songs and stories of the tribe, the Ovates, who were the healers and seers, and the Druids who were the philosophers, judges, and teachers.”

Candidates for initiation would crawl into the caves to be reborn into the light of day. This theme of death and rebirth remains a continuing thread in the spiritual practice of Druidry throughout the centuries.

• The third period, which lasted for a thousand years, began with the coming of Christianity. During this time, Celtic and Druid spirituality was preserved by the Christian clerics who recorded many of the old stories and myths conveyed by the Druids, who mostly converted to Christianity. St Patrick also recorded all of the old Druid laws of Ireland, thereby preserving information on the ethics and social structure of the pre-Christian Celtic culture.

The earliest evidence of the Druid spiritual tradition is from 25,000 years ago and is found in caves in Europe, such as the Pinhole caves in Derbyshire in England, the Chauvet or Lascaux caves in France, and the Altamira in Spain, which feature paintings of wild animals on their walls.

This practice of seeking rebirth within the Earth can be seen around 3000 BC when great mounds were built in which initiates would sit in darkness waiting to be “reborn” with the light. One example is Ireland’s Newgrange in Co Meath, where a shaft is oriented to the winter solstice sunrise, filling the chamber with light at dawn. This spiritual tradition continued four and a half thousand years later into the sixteenth century when Christian clerics transcribed the key text of Druid spirituality from oral tradition. The text speaks of “ the spiritual and magical training of a Druid, in which he is eaten by a Goddess, enters her belly, and is reborn as the greatest poet in the land.”

Origins of the term “druid”

• The fourth and final period began in the sixteenth century with the “rediscovery” of the Druids and their Celtic heritage by European scholars. Along with the translation and printing of classical Druid texts, scholars discovered their ancestors were far from the savages the Church made them out to be. During this period of “Druid Revival” groups and societies were established to study Druidry and Celticism, and cultural festivals celebrating their languages and traditions sprang up throughout Europe. This period of revival has grown into a renaissance which continues to this day.

The word “Druid” derives from the Latin “druidae” and from Gaulish “druides”. It is also thought to stem from a Celtic compound of “dru-wid” - “dru” (tree) and “wid” (to know), which reflects the importance of trees in Celtic spirituality and symbols. The Old Irish form was “drui”, and in Modern Irish and Gaelic the word is “draoi” or “druadh” (magician, sorcerer ).



Tarot of the Month The emperor

the emperor holds ankh, the Egyptian symbol of life, and in his left is an orb representing the world over which he rules. Behind his throne looms a tall, impenetrable mountain range, signifying that he is backed by a solid foundation but resistant to making any changes unless he deems it necessary. beneath the pigs flows a small river, giving some hope that despite his tough exterior, he is still an emotional being-it will just take a lot of digging and trust to open him up to his softer side.

Upright Tarot card meaning Keywords Upright:

authority, establishment, structure, a father figure.


domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, inflexibility.


“a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”-John C. Maxwell (motivational speaker) “He that cannot obey, cannot command.” -Benjamin Franklin


If The Empress is the Mother archetype of the Tarot deck , The Emperor is the Father. He sits up on a large stone throne, adorned with four Rams’ heads (symbolic of his connection with Aries and the planet Mars). in his right hand,


As the father figure of the Tarot deck , the Emperor suggests that you are adopting this fatherly roll (regardless of whether you are male or female), providing for your family, and protecting and defending your loved ones. You may be the breadwinner or the’ rock’ for those who rely on your stability and security. Similarly, the Emperor represents a powerful leader who demands respect and authority. Status, power and recognition are essential to you, and you are most comfortable in a leadership role where you can command and direct others. As a leader, you rule with a firm but fair hand. You have a clear vision of what you want to create, and you organize those around you to manifest your goal. You listen to the advice of others, but you prefer to have the final say. Conflict doesn’t scare you, and you won’t hesitate to use your power to protect 72

Tarot of the Month The emperor Cont.....

those you care about. And in return, those people will repay you with the loyalty and respect you deserve. Claim your authority as a leader and influencer and don’t let others put you down. The Emperor reflects a system bound by rules and regulations. You create law and order by applying principles or guidelines to a specific situation. Create calm out of chaos by breaking down any problem into its parts and then mapping out the actions you need to take to resolve it. Be systematic, strategic and highly organized in your approach, and stick to your plan until the end. The Emperor card also signifies world knowledge and expertise. Through the course of your life, you have gained valuable wisdom in life experience, and now you enjoy offering guidance, advice, and direction to someone who might benefit from it. You might be a teacher, coach, boss, or just a good friend who likes to take what you have learned and pass it on so that others can be wise and as powerful as you.

your field and that you have the discipline and commitment to see things through Speak with authority on your area of expertise and no others will listen to what you have to say. You are now more likely to speak up rather than shrink into the background and escape the public eye. It will serve you well to be extremely organized at work , to plan ahead and set up structures to manage your efforts. You may be drawn to a work environment that offers a solid and dependable source of income, somewhere you feel secure and can be part of an established institution. This card lends itself to a government organization, a large hierarchy, or even a financial or legal institution. Career paths for the Emperor include a general manager or business leader, university lecturer, executive coach or mentor, accountant, program manager, builder, engineer or business owner.

Career, Work and Finances

In a career reading, The Emperor can represent a leader, boss, or mentor who is powerful and well-established. This person will be your advocate, so long as you stay loyal to him and do as he asks. The Emperor can also signify success at work and may even mean a promotion to a leadership position. If you have presented yourself as successful, strong and influential, you will go far. You need to show that you are a talented expert in


Tarot of the Month The emperor Cont.....

Financially, you may be wise to invest in conservative or well-established initiatives period now is a time when you need to exercise self-discipline and control over how you manage your finances.

Personality types

The Emperor is an authoritative an imposing figure who loves to be the boss. He is robust, reliable and dependable, but can also be stubborn, aggressive and demanding. His masculine traits typically mark him as the alpha male of the group. The emperor personality keeps his guard up to make sure that everyone around him knows he is in control and will never fully show his emotions.

Relationships and love

The Emperor represents an established, committed relationship. He can be’ husband material’ given his loyalty, stability and self-discipline-but- do not expect him to buy you roses or show any romantic inklings! he is highly practical and will focus on making sure the relationship is working at a pragmatic level. The Emperor often seeks to assume a traditional, masculine role in a relationship, where he can be the provider and the ‘rock’ for both of you. Most of the time, this gives you strength and comfort, but he may teeter on the border of becoming overbearing and authoritative, in which case you will have to win back some power in the relationship. Nonetheless, the Emperor as a partner looks out for you and takes the lead-qualities many look for in a long-term relationship. If you are looking for love, then the Emperor may signify that a more stable figure is coming into your life, and you can expect a significant and committed relationship to develop.


The Emperor suggests that you are a religious person with a high level of commitment and discipline towards your spiritual practice. You may be a regular churchgoer or someone who has practiced religion or spirituality for most of your life, thanks to your self-discipline. You may also find a male mentor who can give much-needed spiritual advice.

Well-being and health

be logical about your health. Order and discipline may be helpful in addressing any current issues. For example, write your symptoms, track them, and then see if something in your life corresponds with them. Look out for any male health issues, particularly around fertility, stress and anxiety. Given the fact that the Emperor likes to be in control and take the lead, sometimes he may just take on too much and burn himself out. 74

Tarot of the Month The emperor Cont.....

Reversed tarot card meaning

The reversed Emperor calls on you to assess your relationship with power, control, authority, responsibility and discipline. Are you expressing too much or too little of these elements in your life right now? Are they working for you or against you? in the reversed position, the Emperor can be domineering and rigid in his thinking. The card can suggest an over-use and abuse of authoritative power surrounding you. It could originate from you or from another person, often a boss, partner or father figure. And it may be the cause of deep insecurities or father issues from childhood. Consider the role that power plays in your life. Are you asserting your power and dominance in a way that leaves others feeling powerless? Are you giving away your personal power to please someone else, often of father-figure or a person in authority? Seek to find a solution where you lead from a place of personal power and enable others to do the same. Power can be equally and constructively distributed-you don’t need to take it from others, nor do you need to give yours away. The reversed Emperor may be a sign that others look to you as their leader or as an expert in the field, but you are shying away from the role. You may fear being seen as a leader, instead preferring to hide in the shadows or stay out of the spotlight. There may be other ways you can make an impact and influence the world, such as authoring a book or training others to reach a bigger audience. Sometimes the reversed Emperor asks you to stand up to authority. You may feel fed up with an overbearing boss or a hierarchical organization and feel compelled to enter a more flexible and adaptive environment. maybe you aspire to be your own boss and work independently by starting up your own business. Or you may seek a career where you have greater flexibility and creativity in how you complete your work . You are sick of having to always work within the confines of a particular structure or way of doing things, and you want to break free from it. When the reversed Emperor pops up in a tarot reading, pay attention to your commitment to your goals and your self-discipline to get the job done. If you are struggling to see any real outcomes, check that you have a plan in place, a routine to support it, and the dedication to see it through. You may need to get a little tough on yourself and do the uncomfortable work you’d prefer to avoid. But if you can harness the positive, upright energy of the Emperor, your efforts will lead to success. In a relationship reading the reversed Emperor suggests that you may be in an unequal partnership and it’s making you unhappy in the long term. Your significant other has become overbearing, possessive, dominating and authoritative. While you may have been looking for a partner to take care of you and offer a stable foundation for the future, those qualities have gone too far, and it seems as though much of your independence and freedom have been taken away. This dynamic is putting a strain on the relationship and preventing a flow of energies between you. 75

Oracle of the Month

Witchy Do It Yourself

Enchanted Map oracle

By: High Priestess, Lady Gloriana

Things you will need. • • • • • • • •

Fairy Door

-Popsicle sticks -Crafting paint. -Hot glue gun and sticks. –Unfinished natural wood slices. –L-brackets -Foraged sticks. –Sheet moss. -Odds and ends for decorating (beads, pinecones, dollhouse wreath, whatever).

Step 1 Life is an adventure, and often, new opportunities will arise that you won’t know how to deal with. This is one of those times. You’re required to trust that this new phase will reveal wonders and miracles as you step into unknown territory. Imagine that you are not only a path finder, but a path maker. Whatever your inquiry, trust that you’ ll be safe. Stay aware as you discover new and marvelous territories and valuable treasures.

You’re faced with a dilemma or a fork in the road and must make a conscious choice regarding the next right action. Whatever that choice is, you must take responsibility for it—yet you needn’t be afraid. You may not have all the answers right now, because the way ahead can’t be known until you’ve embarked and traveled a few steps. Trust your intuition. Ask for a sign from Spirit and you will be led to the right path. If you remain conscious and aware, your choice will be the right one at this time. Life is always about learning. Success lies in choosing consciously, guided by intuition and Spirit. 76

• Lay 5 popsicle sticks lengthwise together. Make sure there are no gaps. • Place 2 sticks crosswise as picture below and glue the crosswise sticks in place.

Step 2

• After the hot glue cools completely, paint the door. I used several layers of different colors to achieve a more dimensional, textured look . It’s okay to be sloppy! I actually like it to be a little haphazard. Looks a little more rustic that way.

Step 3

• Glue the foraged sticks onto the part of the crosswise popsicle sticks that stick out. • Keep adding sticks until the protruding popsicle sticks are completely covered.

Step 4

• Make the stairs. Hot glue 2 pieces of natural wood slices on top of each other, slightly off center. I like to use a slightly smaller one for the top step. • Hot glue the stairs to the door with an l-bracket.

Step 5

• Add bits of sheet moss in the crevices of the sticks to hide any remaining popsicle stick that shows through. • You can also add pinecones, glitter, beads, whatever you want.

Step 6

• This is the fun part! Use your imagination to decorate the door. I made a wreath from a slice of an old paper towel roll, some natural twine and some dried lavender from the garden. I used a large crafting bead for the door knob, and some old teardrop-shaped jewelry beads for the “ hinges” on the door.


November Celebration’s

Witchy Do It Yourself

By: High Priestess, Lady Gloriana

Yule Log A Yule Log is a part of Yule or Christmas traditions in many European cultures. Like most traditions it has pagan roots. A large wooden log (usually oak or ash) is decorated, sacred and then placed into the open hearth. There are different customs in each region. Some say that the Yule Log is a protective amulet that brings prosperity. For others it is simply a festive christmas decoration with practical uses. In some regions the Yule Log is an actual tree, carefully chosen and burned on Christmas Eve accompanied by prayers. Others hand down the elaborately decorated Log from one generation to the next.

Materials Used: 1 wood log evergreens different cones candles glue gun bow and ribbons

New moon

Shared By: High Priestess, Lady Gloriana

Every month, the Universe gives us a little present—one so small it may be easily missed. (Some may even go as far as to call this gift “ hidden,” as it’s mostly invisible from the Earth for a few hours.) This lovely present is, of course, the new moon, and it happens every 28-30 days. In astrological terms, the new moon is one of the moon’s many phases—specifically, the one where the moon and sun align. The sun shines behind the moon, blocking us from its view. The new moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle and often brings with it an array of new beginnings. This leaves new moons feeling like a particularly ideal time for self-reflection, course correction and goal-setting.

Rituals To Try During The New Moon 1. Set a Worthwhile Intention

Put a little hot glue on the wood an press the evergreens on top of it. Take care not to cover the holes for the candles. It is easier if you cut your branches into little pieces and add them one by one. Pine Cones are essential! At least I think so. Add some glue to the flat end of the cone and press it down on the wood until the glue hardens. Then it is high time to add the candles! You can additionally secure them with some hot glue if you want. I added some more smaller cones behind and in front of the candles. Just glue them right on top of the green branches with a lot of hot glue. As a final touch you can add a pretty bow and some ribbons. to your yule log. It is a perfect craft to do with your kids. Spend a nice afternoon outside and collect different materials like cones. Then decorate the yule log in the evening and explain the meaning of the log or tell each other christmas stories. 78

Take some time to craft intentions that are clear, concise and as specific as you can make them. Think: “Obtain a new job that brings me fulfillment, with a higher salary than I currently have.” Or: “ Pass the bar exam on my next try.” These intentions are clear and specific. Not only will they inform the universe of your aspirations, but they ’ ll also keep you focused on what it is you’re really after.

2. Light a Candle

Lighting a candle on the darkest night of the month signifies our desire to bring just a little more light into our lives. Ask the universe to shine light on you during this new moon and all the ones that follow it. You can also take this ritual a step further by charging your candle with an intention you wish to manifest during this moon cycle. Simply hold the candle, summon feelings of gratitude and love, and ask the universe for what it is you want. Light the candle, and allow it to burn out on its own.

3. Begin Something New

The new moon is the most fertile day of the lunar cycle each month. If there was a perfect time for initiating anything new, it would certainly be the new moon! Start a new class. Apply for that job. Ask that person on a date. Start anything and everything you feel passionate about. Now is the perfect moment to begin anew.

4. Go on a First Date

Speaking of starting something new—a first date is a wonderful activity for a new moon. The universe is brimming with energy and possibility—the perfect time to plant the seeds for a new relationship. 79

November Celebration’s

New moon continued.... 5. Make a List

Remember those intentions we talked about earlier ? Well, if you want to supermagnify them, make a whole list of all the details you’d like the universe to consider when bringing you your heart’s desire. Say your intention was to find a new job. Where will your office be? What will your hours be like? What will your boss be like? What kinds of projects will you work on? The same goes for love.

What type of relationship do you want? What do you do with your partner for fun?

November Celebration’s

New moon continued.... What To Avoid During A New Moon 1. Quitting Something You Care About

A new moon is about creation. Of course, sometimes you have to let go of habits, people and situations that no longer suit you. However, deciding to give up on anything you truly care about on a new moon may prove to be a waste of energy. Funnel your energy into starting, not stopping (save the full moon for that).

2. Avoiding New People

New moons are notorious for bringing people into our lives. Often these newcomers bring us lessons our souls crave. Don’t miss out on these. When you encounter someone different or outside your usual type during a new moon, be open and curious. Try to learn about them. You never know what joys or ideas they may bring.

Make it as detailed as you can. The idea is to create an image in your mind of what this new situation will look like when you get there, so you can stay focused on what’s truly meaningful to you.

3. Declining Unexpected Invites

The new moon is the optimal time for setting a sacred space in your home to make your own magic. Cleanse the energy of the place where you’ ll be meditation, manifesting and self-reflecting. Get the junk of the world out—and keep it out. In time, when you enter that space, your body and mind will know it’s time to make magic. Make sure after you’ve set it up, you keep it clean and tidy to avoid bad vibes.

4. Spending Time with Energy Suckers

6. Create a Sacred Space

7. Make Your Own Ritual

If you’re thinking of salt circles and witches over a cauldron, just remember that although these rituals certainly exist, that’s not necessarily what we’re talking about here. Making your own ritual is simply a matter of creating a set of practices you commit to doing during every new moon. It could be as simple as meditating, taking a yoga class, or writing a list. Or, it can be as elaborate as creating a space, making a crystal grid, taking a cleanse bath or smudging your entire apartment.

Speaking of meeting new folks, a new moon is a great time to get out of the house. Since a new moon is great for meeting new people, consider saying yes to any (and all!) random invites that come your way. This is a no-no in general, but it can’t always be avoided. But. Since new moon energy is so incredibly special, shun any energy-drainers and do so unabashedly. You want to harness all the positive and creative energy flowing around you; none of it should be sacrificed. Simply said, don’t let others kill your vibe.

Whatever it is, make sure it incorporates taking a moment to reflect and plant a few seeds of intention. Taking periodic pauses can help you avoid venturing too far down a path that’s not aligned with your heart. Use the new moon as a reminder to stop, access and maneuver to your dreams.



November Celebration’s

November Celebration’s

full moon

full moon continued....

Full Moons and New Moons are both good times to form an intention—basically a tweet for your spiritual life that acts as a guiding force for your magick . For a Full Moon intention, you can either focus on something you want to call into your life (because a Full Moon is the peak of the lunar cycle) or something you want to let go of (because each day after the Full Moon, the lunar light shrinks, reflecting your own ability to let shit go).

An affirmation to support your intention may be: I am a rich witch; I am an abundant witch; I receive with ease. An affirmation to release negative beliefs may be: I release all negative beliefs that limit my ability to be prosperous.

Choose something specific you want, and write it down. Once you have your intention, you can make a charged symbol, known as a sigil, to begin your manifestation (aka asking the universe for what you want and being open to receiving it).

Once you have your intention, you can use it to charge a white or silver candle (white is for attraction, and silver is for lunar magick). Here’s how:

• Write out your intention: “I’m a rich witch, and I receive an extra thousand dollars a month with ease.” • Cross out any repeating letters, so you’re left with: i m a r c h b t n d e v x o u s l w • If you want, you can also cross out the vowels. You’d be left with: m r c h b t n d v x s l w • Grab a pen and paper and write out whatever letters are left, overlapping them and turning them into a visual symbol to represent your intention. The less this looks like an actual word, the better ! Get creative! • Draw a circle around the finished product. You’ve got yourself a sigil. • Charge this sigil by focusing on your intention as you do anything that raises your energy—like jumping around, hula hooping, chanting, singing, dancing, or masturbating (hello, you’re practicing sex magick now). At the peak of your ~activity~, look at your sigil and picture yourself sending energy into it. Then rest in the afterglow as you visualize what it would feel like to come true. • After you’re done charging your sigil, destroy it! You can tear it up, throw it out, burn it up, or bury it. It’s in your subconscious now and it’s doing its job, even if you’re not aware of it. Just like sigils, you can use a Full Moon affirmation either to call something in or to release any limiting beliefs you have. Choose your affirmation carefully, because you’re going to be saying it for two whole weeks.

Say your affirmations three times each, every day for the two weeks following the Full Moon, and watch your life transform. P.S. You can turn both of these into sigils as well.

• Either write out your intention or create a sigil. • If you like, carve a sigil or a word representing your intention into the candle. (This is optional.) • “Dress” the candle by spreading oil or honey (for sweetness) from the base of the candle to the tip. If you’d like, place various herbs on a paper towel or plate and roll the candle in them. Select herbs that match your intention, like lavender for healing, mint for money, roses for love, bay for protection, or chamomile for relaxation. • Take a moment to meditate on your intention. • Place the candle in a candle holder or on a plate (melt the bottom of the candle first to make it stick), and light it. • Read your intention or affirmation out loud. • Charge the candle by letting it burn all the way down. Do not blow it out—snuff the flame if you need to, and then relight it when you can focus on your intention. • Dispose of any excess wax in a garbage can at an intersection (the modern witches’ crossroad!) to disperse the energy. • lifestyle/a36200187/full-moon-ritual/



November Celebration’s

November Celebration’s

The waning moon is the period when the moon appears to be growing smaller and smaller in the sky. This is the entire period between the full and new moons so it lasts about two weeks, give or take a few days. Just like the waxing moon, we can break the waning moon down into several smaller phases: the waning gibbous moon, (the slightly lumpy phase just after it’s full), the last quarter moon, (when it’s a halfcircle again), and the waning crescent moon, (when it’s a sliver, just before the new moon). The energy of the waning moon overall is about releasing and letting go.

The waxing moon is the period when the moon appears to be growing larger and larger in the sky. This is the entire period between the new and full moons so it lasts about two weeks, give or take a few days.

waning moon

This is when you want to be releasing the ideas, patterns, behaviors, situations, and even people who are no longer serving your highest good. In some ways, the waning moon phase is the ultimate self-care phase, when we are really focused on our inward needs and innermost thoughts and feelings. After the Full Moon, we enter the ‘waning phase’ in which energies are conducive to repelling, banishing and destroying that which is unwanted. Use this phase to perform spells and rituals aimed at minor banishings and cleansings, whether in physical terms or bringing closure to something that hasn’t been working for a while. To realise what those are, this is a wonderful time for introspection and gaining clarity on what is no longer in alignment with your goals. If you’ve encountered an obstacle or ‘ bump in the road’ as you work towards your goals, this is the perfect time to overcome it. Use spells that aim to boost you over hurdles that may tempt you to give up. The same goes for any transitions that you might be in midst of – make the best of these energies to smooth out any wrinkles and make the process flow with more ease. As we get closer to the Dark Moon phase, energies are more suitable for performing bigger banishings, like getting rid of anything that has been draining your energy. Whether it is dropping a dead-end project or ending a relationship or friendship that is harmful – focus your spells and rituals on the deliberate dropping of anything that you no longer desire. 84

waxing moon

The waxing moon phase is actually made up of the waxing crescent moon, (when it’s a small sliver), the first quarter moon, (when it’s a half circle), and the waxing gibbous moon, (when it’s a slightly lumpy shape, just before it’s actually full). Although there are some slight nuances between these different phases, the energy of the waxing moon overall is about taking action. The Waxing Crescent Moon is the phase of the lunar cycle in which the Moon grows. Energies are highly magnetic, making it a good time to perform ‘constructive’ magic – calling in what you want from life and reality, whether those are projects, plans or emotional states and behaviours, like more self-love, compassion, a positive attitude, courage, etc. The energy of the Waxing Crescent is all about going within and ‘ pulling ’ out what you want more of before you start thinking and envisioning what you want to bring forth from the external world. While the New Moon is about going within and bringing out, the First Quarter Moon is all about attraction from the external world. It is the optimal time for performing magic that aims to draw things in, whether it is a person ( partner, friend, client) or success, money, etc. Also, this is a very conducive time to call back lost objects. Still in the ‘constructive’ magic phase, the energies of the Waxing Gibbous Moon are great for giving that extra push to something you’ve been working on but may have been stagnating. If you are struggling with lack of motivation to finish a project or stick to a routine, make use of these energies to give you a push and help you overcome temptations and resistance. 85

Mythological Creature The Merrow

Shared By: High Priestess, Lady Gloriana

According to Gaelic legend, the Merrow frolicked in the frigid waters near the rugged Irish coastline…these sea fairies were women from the waist up, and fish from the waist down. Although there were also male Merrow, they were far less attractive and irresistible than their female counterparts…in fact, they were believed to be monstrous, ugly beings with bright green hair ! The male Merrow abducted hapless sailors and kept them enslaved below the sea! Understandably, the female Merrow tended to prefer the company of human men, rather than pairing off with their own kind…The females also had green hair (in a softer, prettier shade of that color), or long, golden tresses…they always wore enchanted caps which allowed them to swim far beneath the sea’s surface and to live safely underwater. Beautiful And Alluring…The Merrow Enticed Human Beings… The beautiful songs the Merrow sang lured others to them – just like the Sirens of Greek mythology, they used music to entice humans. These mermaids were mostly kind, but occasionally, they would lash out at sailors or anyone else who startled them at the wrong moment. The Irish were suspicious of these sea fairies, who could be violent or friendly by turns…they could be dangerous foes. Tales of violence (such as pulling the arms and legs off of their victims) were not uncommon… According to the Gaelic myths, human men would see the beautiful female Merrow on the shores, and they would become smitten with them, despite the risks…some would try to steal their cohuleen driuth (magic caps), so that they could not go back underwater. Many marriages (some less than ideal, given the method of “wooing ” ) were thusly arranged between Merrow and man… The Merrow who lived with men on the land (by choice or by necessity), would often tire of their new circumstances. In time, these charming creatures would grow homesick for the sea, and the lucky ones, who still had their magic caps, would find a way to return… Other female Merrow would sometimes lure desirable men with their sweet voices and their magical wiles, and then take them under the waves to live amongst their own fairy kind. They would dwell together in a bewitched state, sometimes for years and years… The powerful magic of the Merrow grants them a special place in Gaelic mythology… 86

Mythological Creature The Gancanagh

The Gancanagh, or Gean Cánach ( pronounced Ghan-Canna), is widely acknowledged throughout Ireland and Scotland. Also known as the Love-Talker, his legend outside of the Celtic lands is often confused with that of another infamous sexual creature, the Incubus. But there are a few key differences that make the Gancanagh more devious… and infinitely more dangerous to the mass female population. Firstly, an Incubus is said to be a hideous, night-stalking demon. Dating back to 3000 B.C., the Incubus seduces women while they sleep. The women who actually survive the attack usually either, A) go insane and commit suicide, or B) give birth to equally-hideous demon children (who then go on to commit horribly demonic acts, not the least of which involves eating their Mother). Secondly, and still a pretty terrifying trait worth mentioning, an Incubus will become enraged in the presence of a human male figure, taking it as a sexual threat/ competition for its intended victim (no matter the male’s age or actual relation to the woman). Therefore, a human male who is unfortunate enough to encounter an Incubus in the course of their nightly dalliances usually either, A) flees, driven insane by terror, or is B) killed outright. Over two thousand years ago, the Gancanagh made a name for himself skulking around lonely glens, lakesides, campfires, and hills. Not confined to the night (as an Incubus is), and dressed in his upper middle-class Irish or Scottish finery, he’d catch scent of a young human female. Following her, watching her, he’d listen in on her innermost thoughts and desires. Then, as if by magic, he’d suddenly appear, leaning casually against a rock or tree, with a clay or wooden pipe (non-lit) pursed in his full, pouty lips. To describe him as handsome would be a vast understatement, for both his face and body would somehow exactly match the ideal man of this maiden’s dreams! The air would shimmer around him, enveloping them both in a sweet, intoxicating mist, drawing her ever closer. She’d hold her hand out to him…if she could but touch him, and prove this is only the sweetest dream… And it’s then that the Gancanagh would spring the fatal trap. One touch of his skin… just one touch… renders the woman instantly, insatiably, and irreversibly addicted to him. At that moment she becomes his possession, his to do with as he wants (and he usually wants repeatedly, often, and in the most inappropriate of locales). The Gancanagh wouldn’t care if that very morning the young maiden was as pure, pious, and virtuous as the driven snow. She was now his slave, and each moment spent together was another piece of her own will (and good name) gone. Could other people see this Gancanagh? Yes. But to those not under his spell, he would appear as an absolutely ordinary stranger. Indeed, for the men who might have previously been wooing that maiden, his power over her would be completely 87

Mythological Creature the gancanagh continued......

unexplainable, confusing, and maddening. For the girl’s family, there would be shame and horror at her actions and behavior. And for the rest of the town (and into the surrounding villages, depending on how rigorous and scandalous the exploits), the girl was now an outcast. Shunned as a harlot, a floosy…and all the other charming terms that usually accompanied those. Another chilling, yet telling, trait of the Gancanagh that sets him apart from an Incubus is this Fae’s absolute delight at sharing a raunchy, bawdy bit of gossip, bragging, and jokes with other men. Oh, how he loves to boast about his conquests, and goad other men into doing the same! But what would become of the girl? I’ m afraid her fate was sealed with that first touch. Aside from shape-shifting, this particular Faerie’s “gift” is a type of toxin secreted through his skin. If a sexually-mature female comes into contact with it, they ’re done for. Instant, total, hopeless addiction, for which there is no cure. When the Gancanagh becomes bored, and he quickly does, he disappears…. literally. Leaving the poor lass obsessed, thinking of nothing but him. The rest of her short life is spent in an increasingly frantic search, pining for her lost love, and driven to progressively more destructive fits of utter madness and paranoia. Finally, interested not in food, drink , nor sleep…the girl will die of a broken heart. As the centuries have passed, tales of the Gancanagh still surface in Ireland and Scotland, though this Faerie has had to alter both his appearance and habits to fit the times. In the early days, he kept to the outskirts, forest and glens, drawn to campfires, clutching his pipe in his perfect teeth. Oddly, the pipe was never lit, as it was said this Fae did not like the smell of tobacco smoke, but the pipe was thought to make him look more debonair during those times. Today, the pipe might be replaced with a cigarette. However, since smoking has become a bit of a no-no, the modern Gancanagh might have done away with that identifier altogether. Since this clever creature has survived this long, he’s no doubt discovered how coffee shops and pubs draw women like moths to the flame. And, since his appearance to the general public is so mundane, he might have even have taken to blending into the pulsating, drink-and-lust-filled human presence of night clubs to hunt his prey. “Beware the tunes that touch your heart. The Gancanagh will play the soul Beware, sweet lass, don’t crave his art He’ll pierce your heart and leave a hole.” –Anonymous

Folk Lore The Story of Re

Shared By: High Priestess, Lady Gloriana

“there arose out of the darkness a great shining egg, and this was Re.” In the beginning, before there was any land of Egypt, all was darkness, and there was nothing but a great waste of water called Nun. The power of Nun was such that there arose out of the darkness a great shining egg, and this was Re. Now Re was all-powerful, and he could take many forms. His power and the secret of it lay in his hidden name; but if he spoke other names, that which he named came into being. “I am Khepera at the dawn, and Re at noon, and Atum in the evening,” he said. And the sun rose and passed across the sky and set for the first time. Then he named Shu, and the first winds blew; he named Tefnut the spitter, and the first rain fell. Next he named Geb, and the earth came into being; he named the goddess Nut, and she was the sky arched over the earth with her feet on one horizon and her hands on the other; he named Hapi, and the great River Nile flowed through Egypt and made it fruitful. After this Re named all things that are upon the earth, and they grew. Last of all he named mankind, and there were men and women in the land of Egypt. Then Re took on the shape of a man and became the first Pharaoh, ruling over the whole country for thousands and thousands of years, and giving such harvests that for ever afterwards the Egyptians spoke of the good things “which happened in the time of Re”. But, being in the form of a man, Re grew old. In time men no longer feared him or obeyed his laws. They laughed at him, saying: “Look at Re! His bones are like silver, his flesh like gold, his hair is the colour of lapis lazuli!” Re was angry when he heard this, and he was more angry still at the evil deeds which men were doing in disobedience to his laws. So he called together the gods whom he had made - Shu and Tefnut and Geb and Nut - and he also summoned Nun. Soon the gods gathered about Re in his Secret Place, and the goddesses also. But mankind knew nothing of what was happening, and continued to jeer at Re and to break his commandments. Then Re spoke to Nun before the assembled gods:



Folk Lore

Folk Lore

The Story of Re continued....

The Story of Re continued....

“Eldest of the gods, you who made me; and you gods whom I have made: look upon mankind who came into being at a glance of my Eye. See how men plot against me; hear what they say of me; tell me what I should do to them. For I will not destroy mankind until I have heard what you advise.” Then Nun said: “My son Re, the god greater than he who made him and mightier than those whom he has created, turn your mighty Eye upon them and send destruction upon them in the form of your daughter, the goddess Sekhmet.” Re answered: “Even now fear is falling upon them and they are fleeing into the desert and hiding themselves in the mountains in terror at the sound of my voice.”

So he gave his command: “Bring before me swift messengers who will run upon the earth as silently as shadows and with the speed of the storm winds.”

“Send against them the glance of your Eye in the form Sekhmet!” cried all the other gods and goddesses, bowing before Re until their foreheads touched the ground. “...and her chief delight was in slaughter, and her pleasure was in blood.” So at the terrible glance from the Eye of Re his daughter came into being, the fiercest of all goddesses. Like a lion she rushed upon her prey, and her chief delight was in slaughter, and her pleasure was in blood. At the bidding of Re she came into Upper and Lower Egypt to slay those who had scorned and disobeyed him: she killed them among the mountains which lie on either side of the Nile, and down beside the river, and in the burning deserts. All whom she saw she slew, rejoicing in slaughter and the taste of blood. Presently Re looked out over the land and saw what Sekhmet had done. Then he called to her, saying: “Come, my daughter, and tell me how you have obeyed my commands.” Sekhmet answered with the terrible voice of a lioness as she tears her prey: “By the life which you have given me, I have indeed done vengeance on mankind, and my heart rejoices.” Now for many nights the Nile ran red with blood, and Sekhmet’s feet were red as she went hither and thither through all the land of Egypt slaying and slaying. Presently Re looked out over the earth once more, and now his heart was stirred with pity for men, even though they had rebelled against him. But none could stop the cruel goddess Sekhmet, not even Re himself: she must cease from slaying of her own accord -and Re saw that this could only come about through cunning. 90

When these were brought he said to them: “Go as fast as you can up the Nile to where it flows fiercely over the rocks and among the islands of the First Cataract; go to the isle that is called Elephantine and bring from it a great store of the red ochre which is to be found there.” The messengers sped on their way and returned with the blood-red ochre to Heliopolis, the city of Re where stand the stone obelisks with points of gold that are like fingers pointing to the sun. It was night when they came to the city, but all day the women of Heliopolis had been brewing beer as Re bade them. Re came to where the beer stood waiting in seven thousand jars, and the gods came with him to see how by his wisdom he would save mankind. “Mingle the red ochre of Elephantine with the barley-beer,” said Re, and it was done, so that the beer gleamed red in the moonlight like the blood of men. “Now take it to the place where Sekhmet proposes to slay men when the sun rises,” said Re. And while it was still night the seven thousand jars of beer were taken and poured out over the fields so that the ground was covered to the depth of nine inches -- three times the measure of the palm of a man’s hand-with the strong beer, whose other name is “sleep-maker ”. When day came Sekhmet the terrible came also, licking her lips at the thought of the men whom she would slay. She found the place flooded and no living creature in sight; but she saw the beer which was the colour of blood, and she thought it was blood indeed -- the blood of those whom she had slain. Then she laughed with joy, and her laughter was like the roar of a lioness hungry for the kill. Thinking that it was indeed blood, she stooped and drank . Again and yet again she drank , laughing with delight; and the strength of the beer mounted to her brain, so that she could no longer slay. At last she came reeling back to where Re was waiting; that day she had not killed even a single man.


Folk Lore

The story of Re continued....

Then Re said:

“You come in peace, sweet one.”

And her name was changed to Hathor, and her nature was changed also to the sweetness of love and the strength of desire. And henceforth Hathor laid low men and women only with the great power of love. But for ever after her priestesses drank in her honour of the beer of Heliopolis coloured with the red ochre of Elephantine when they celebrated her festival each New Year. So mankind was saved, and Re continued to rule old though he was. But the time was drawing near when he must leave the earth to reign for ever in the heavens, letting the younger gods rule in his place. For dwelling in the form of a man, of a Pharaoh of Egypt, Re was losing his wisdom; yet he continued to reign, and no one could take his power from him, since that power dwelt in his secret name which none knew but himself. If only anyone could discover his Name of Power, Re would reign no longer on earth; but only by magic arts was this possible. Geb and Nut had children: these were the younger gods whose day had come to rule, and their names were Osiris and Isis, Nephthys and Seth. Of these Isis was the wisest: she was cleverer than a million men, her knowledge was greater than that of a million of the noble dead. She knew all things in heaven and earth, except only for the Secret Name of Re, and that she now set herself to learn by guile.

Folk Lore

the story of re continued.... But he could find no words; his lips trembled and he shuddered in all his limbs, while the poison spread over his body as the Nile spreads over Egypt at the inundation. When at last he could speak , Re said: “Help me, you whom I have made. Something has hurt me, and I do not know what it is. I created all things, yet this thing I did not make. It is a pain such as I have never known before, and no other pain is equal to it. Yet who can hurt me?-for none knows my Secret Name which is hidden in my heart, giving me all power and guarding me against the magic of both wizard and witch. Nevertheless as I passed through the world which I have created, through the two lands that are my special care, something stung me. It is like fire, yet is not fire; it is like water and not water. I burn and I shiver, while all my limbs tremble. So call before me all the gods who have skill in healing and knowledge of magic, and wisdom that reaches to the heavens.” Then all the gods came to Re, weeping and lamenting at the terrible thing which had befallen him. With them came Isis, the healer, the queen of magic, who breathes the breath of life and knows words to revive those who are dying. And she said: “What is it, divine father? Has a snake bitten you. Has a creature of your own creating lifted up its head against you? I will drive it out by the magic that is mine, and make it tremble and fall down before your glory.” “I went by the usual way through my two lands of Egypt,”

Now Re was growing older every day. As he passed across the land of Egypt his head shook from side to side with age, his jaw trembled, and he dribbled at the mouth as do the very old among men. As his spittle fell upon the ground it made mud, and this Isis took in her hands and kneaded together as if it had been dough. Then she formed it into the shape of a serpent, making the first cobra -- the uraeus, which ever after was the symbol of royalty worn by Pharaoh and his queen.

answered Re, “for I wished to look upon all that I had made. And as I went I was bitten by a snake which I did not see -- a snake that, I had not created. Now I burn as if with fire and shiver as if my veins were filled with water, and the sweat runs down my face it runs down the faces of men on the hottest days of summer.”

“...the venom of its bite coursed through his veins...”

“Tell me your Secret Name.”

Isis placed the first cobra in the dust of the road by which Re passed each day as he went through his two kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt. As Re passed by the cobra bit him and then vanished into the grass. But the venom of its bite coursed through his veins, and for a while Re was speechless, save for one great cry of pain which rang across the earth from the eastern to the western horizon. The gods who followed him crowded round, asking: “What is it? What ails you?”


said Isis in a sweet, soothing voice. “Tell it me, divine father; for only by speaking your name in my spells can I cure you.” Then Re spoke the many names that were his: “I am Maker Heaven and Earth.”


Folk Lore

the story of re continued.... he said. “I am Builder of the Mountains. I am Source of the Waters throughout all the world. I am Light and Darkness. I am Creator of the Great River of Egypt. I am the Kindler of the Fire that burns in the sky; yes, I am Khepera in the, morning, Re at the noontide, and Tum in the evening.” But Isis said never a word, and the poison had its way in the veins of Re. For she knew that he had told her only the names which all men knew, and that his Secret Name, the Name of Power, still lay hidden in his heart. At last she said: “You know well that the name which I need to learn is not among those which you have spoken. Come, tell me the Secret Name; for if you do the poison will come forth and you will have an end of pain.” The poison burned with a great burning, more powerful than any flame of fire, and Re cried out at last: “Let the Name of Power pass from my heart into the heart of Isis! But before it does, swear to me that you will tell it to no other save only the son whom you will have, whose name shall be Horus. And bind him first with such an oath that the name will remain with him and be passed on to no other gods or men.” Isis the great magician swore the oath, and the knowledge of the Name of Power passed from the heart of Re into hers. Then she said: “By the name which I know, let the poison go from Re for ever!” So it passed from him and he had peace. But he reigned upon earth no longer. Instead he took his place in the high heavens, traveling each day across the sky in the likeness of the sun itself, and by night crossing the underworld of Amenti in the Boat of Re and passing through the twelve divisions of Duat where many dangers lurk . Yet Re passes safely, and with him he takes those souls of the dead who know all the charms and prayers and words that must be said. And so that a man might not go unprepared for his voyage in the Boat of Re, the Egyptians painted all the scenes of that journey on the walls of the tombs of the Pharaohs, with all the knowledge that was written in The Book of the Dead, of which a copy was buried in the grave of lesser men so that they too might read and come safely to the land beyond the west where the dead dwell.

Celtic Legends

Macha, Goddess of the Horses Shared By: High Priestess, Lady Gloriana Background

Macha was an Irish war goddesss, strongly linked to the land. Macha was the wife of Crunniuc. She, was thought to be one aspect of the triple death-goddess, the Morrigán (the “Great Queen” or “Phantom Queen” ), consisting of Macha “ Raven”, Badb “Scald Crow” or “Coiling ”, and Nemain “ Battle Furey ” Macha is associated with both horses and crows. They often appeared at the scene of a battle disguised as a raven or other bird, and took a decisive role in the battle. There were three elements in Macha: the first was the maternal reproductive part, the second the agrarian element and the third was the element of sexual fertility. All three parts combined to form a mother goddess figure based on war and fertility. As Goddess of the land, they are said to be cognate with Ana or Danu, and Macha is said to the one of the Tuatha de Danann.

Tales of Macha

The most famous part of the Macha legend was the race in which she ran while pregnant. It was said that she went to the house of Cruind, a farmer, and circled on the flagstones outside his house three times before entering the dwelling and embarking on an affair with him. Macha became pregnant and later in a conversation with the king of Ulster, Cruind boasted that Macha could outrun any horse. The king demanded to see this put to the test despite the protestations of Macha. She appealed for a delay until she had given birth but the king refused and she was forced to compete. One version of the tale states that she died after the race, giving birth to twins. In her drying pain and anger, she curses the men of Ulster to nine times nine generations, that in their time of worst peril they should suffer the paid of child birth.


Macha combined many elements, some associated with mother goddesses, such as the power to offer fertility. She also was able to take such gifts away, leaving suffering behind.



Celtic Legends Tír na nÓg

Shared By: High Priestess, Lady Gloriana

What is Tír na Nóg?

Many years ago, people believed that there existed a land of eternal youth. According to legend, if a person made it to Tír na nÓg, they ’d remain the same age that they were at the time when they entered. It was thought that the land of eternal youth existed somewhere in the western sea and it was here that those brave enough to find it would discover a land of immense beauty that only a select few would ever experience.

The Story of Oisin

The story of Oisin and Tír na nÓg is one of the most popular tales from Irish folklore. Now, if you’ve never heard of Oisin before, he was the son of the great Irish warrior Fionn MacCumhaill. Oisin was a revered poet and he was a member of the Fianna. It was on an outing to hunt deer with the Fianna that this story all begins. Oisin and the Fianna were resting after a busy morning of hunting in County Kerry when they heard the sound of an approaching horse. They looked up and saw a woman riding a beautiful white horse. The beauty of the woman stunned the group of men into silence.

The Daughter of Tír na nÓg

It became clear that this was no ordinary woman. She was dressed like a princess and she had long flowing hair. As she got closer, Fionn sensed that something was a miss. Jumping to his feet he shouted for the woman to halt and state her business. She replied to say that her name was Niamh, the daughter of the King of Tir na nOg. She went on to explain that she had heard of a valiant warrior named Oisin who she wanted to propose an adventure to – she wanted Oisin to return with her to the land of Tír na nÓg. Fionn was taken aback . This mysterious woman who came out of nowhere on a white horse wanted to take his son to a land of eternal youth where he’d never see him again? Not a chance!

The Land of Youth

Oisin was drunk with love. He had never seen a woman like this. He glanced over at his father and Fionn knew immediately that this would be the last time that he lay eyes on his son. Oisin said his goodbyes and left Ireland with Niamh. The pair travelled over land and stormy sea for several days and night, without stopping. Niamh’s horse travelled fast and Oisin thought little of those that he left behind. Eventually, the pair arrived back to Tir na nOg where a massive celebration awaited. The King and people of Tír na nÓg had prepared a feast for Oisin’s arrival and he immediately felt at home. Tír na nÓg was everything that he imagined it would be. Oisin was admired by many in Tír na nÓg. He told incredible stories of his time with the Fianna and he had won the hand of the most beautiful woman in the land. 96

Celtic Legends Tír na nÓg continued....

Three Hundred Years in the Blink of an Eye

Before long, Oisin and Niamh had wed. Time went by quickly in Tír na nÓg and although Oisin missed his family back in Ireland, he had no regrets about his new life in this magical land. Oisin lost track of time quickly. Three years in Tír na nÓg was actually three hundred years back in Ireland and beyond. He was happy, but he eventually began to get pangs of homesickness. One night, Oisin sat down with Niamh and expressed his longing to return home. Although she didn’t want him to leave Tir na nOg, she understood. She gave him her magical white horse and explained how to get back to Ireland. It all seemed straightforward to Oisin. Then Niamh gave him one final warning. If Oisin’s feet touched the ground in Ireland or if even one toe was set down on Irish soil, he would never be able to get back to Tir na nOg.

Oisin’s return to Ireland

Oisin left Tir na nOg in good spirits. In his head, he was only away for three years. He looked forward to seeing his family and friends once again. However, when he eventually arrived back to Ireland, he was shocked. Everything had changed. His father, the Fianna and all of his friends and family had disappeared. Oisin was in a state of distress when he saw a group of men in the distance trying to move a large rock . He rode over to the men and offered his assistance. Now, Oisin hadn’t forgotten what Niamh told him back in Tir na nOg. He knew that he must not touch Irish soil. So, he decided that if he angled himself in the horse’s saddle he could still help move the stone. The group pushed and pushed and the stone began to slowly give way. It was then that the saddle tore apart and Oisin fell straight onto Irish soil.

The end in sight

Oisin hit the ground and he immediately knew that he was doomed. The horse fled and he felt himself begin to shrivel. It was as if his body was ageing three hundred years in the space of seconds. Oisin quickly became the oldest man in Ireland. The men around him panicked. They decided that the only thing to do would be to bring Oisin to a saint. And what saint is mightier than Ireland’s Patron Saint, Saint Patrick . Saint Patrick sat with Oisin and listened to his story. He explained to Oisin that time worked differently in Tir na nOg. He explained that his father, the great Fionn, and everyone that he knew had long since passed. Oisin was inconsolable. He cursed Tir na nOg and the misfortune it had brought him. Oisin continued to age rapidly and, before long, he passed away.


Elements water

Water Element Magic Symbol

Water is the element of intuition, emotions, and wisdom. A powerful element for spiritual awakenings, growth, and healing.

Water Element Correspondences and Magical Properties Season: Autumn Spiritual Intentions: healing, trust, psychic abilities, harmony, emotional, unconscious, kindness, dreams, cleansing, nurturing, empathy, lunar energy Crystals, Stones, and Metals: aquamarine, pearl, moonstone, ocean jasper, selenite, fluorite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, blue topaz , silver, mercury Herbs and Botanicals: water lily, seaweed, algae, lemon balm, gardenia, willow tree, chamomile, fern, mugwort, roses, myrrh, night-blooming flowers (jasmine, evening primrose, Casa Blanca lily ) Time of day: Dusk or Twilight Cardinal Direction: West Day of the week: Monday and Friday Tools and representation ideas: container of water, seashells, frogs, aquatic creatures (dolphins, crawfish, octopus, beaver, squid, fish, eel, turtles, sea horses, etc), pearls, water fountain, mermaid, chalice or cauldron, nymph, blue candles, sea glass, sirens, coral, sea salt, Moon Water, water element symbol Colors: Blue (light and dark), white, turquoise, teal, seafoam green, light grey, silver

Moon phase: Full Moon

Water Element Spell, Ritual, and Inscription Ideas

• For friendship • Create magical water (rainwater, moon water, solar water, rose water, lavender water, etc.) for your altar, to consume, or to use in your spiritual practice • Hydromancy (Water Scrying ) • Ritual baths • For divination, clairvoyance, or psychic abilities • Releasing sigils or intentions down a river or stream • Freezer spells • Spell bottles containing magical water • Reversing spells • Dream Magic • To aide in sleep • Moon Magic

Mythical Demons Asmodeus

Who is Asmodeus?

Asmodeus is one of the “seven princes of hell,” a demon whose wickedness is matched only by his talent. He specializes in spreading lust, and he doesn’t just prey on common people. Kings, queens, and even divine beings have been affected by his touch!

Physical Description

Asmodeus may be the “ prince of lust,” but his looks aren’t exactly tantalizing! He is a monstrous creature with three heads: one like a sheep, one like a bull, and one like a man. The man’s face may sound like the most normal, but with pointed ears, a hooked noise, jagged teeth, and a fire-breathing mouth, this “ human” characteristic is perhaps the most ghoulish of all! All of Asmodeus’s heads are crowded above one chest, which resembles a man. At the waist, his body undergoes another bizarre transformation, giving him the brightly-feathered legs of a rooster and the scaly tail of a serpent. As if Asmodeus isn’t strange and disturbing enough, the demon rides an equally weird steed: a lion with the wings and neck of a dragon. Some later myths have cut back on Asmodeus’s horror-box of physical traits. They describe him as a young man with an attractive face. He can be picked out of a crowd by his pronounced limp, and if you were to catch him without his clothes


By High Priestess Lady Gloriana

on—not hard to do, considering that lust is his specialty—you would find that he had one rooster leg.


Asmodeus is a powerful demon. He is considered one of the “seven princes of hell,” a position that requires a great deal of cunning and cruelty to obtain. Each of the “seven princes of hell” is responsible for spreading one of the “seven deadly sins.” Asmodeus specializes in lust. In some cases, he fans the flames of lust. For example, he is connected to Solomon’s wife, Bath-sheba, and may have been responsible for amplifying her infamous sex-appeal. He is also a husband (or son) of Lilith, the “mother of all succubi.” In other cases, Asmodeus preys on people who succumb to lust. For example, he plagued a beautiful virgin named Sarah, killing seven consecutive grooms who wanted to marry Sarah and enjoy her body. Although lust is Asmodeus’s bread and butter, he dabbles in other sins as well. He is said to lord over numerous gambling houses. And he delights in revenge. He will never miss the opportunity to fuel a grudge or help concoct violent plans for vengeance. Later, Asmodeus was given a more lighthearted and playful personality. True, he was promiscuous and fond of a game of 99

Mythical Demons




Shared By High Priestess,Lady Gloriana

dice, but he didn’t have the evil intentions that one would expect from one of hell’s seven princes.

Spirit of

Justice, Fate, Destiny, Humility, the Military


Most scholars agree that Asmodeus is derived from Aeshma-daeva, a wrathful demon who appeared in Persian Zoroastrianism around the 9th century BCE. Later, the Jewish and Christian faiths built off of Aeshma-daeva’s infamy, creating a new demon called Asmodeus.




Parent God Siblings Lucifer, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Metatron, Barachiel, Ariel, Camael, Merkabah, Jophiel, Anael, Remiel, Sariel, Raziel, Azrael, Zadkiel, Cassiel, other Angels

In the Talmud and the Testament of Solomon (3rd century BCE), Asmodeus appears as one of the demons who was forced to help build Solomon’s temple. Unfortunately, Asmodeus proved to be too powerful for this slavery, and when his roving eye fell on Solomon’s beautiful wives, he decided enough was enough. He hurled Solomon 400 miles into the desert, then disguised himself as the king and took over his palace—as well as his wives. Eventually, Solomon returned and drove the demon out.


Jude Easterman

In the Book of Tobit (400 AD), Asmoedus appears again as an evil demon who kills several of Sarah’s husbands, only to be driven away by the Angel Raphael. Later, Jewish and Christian theologians included Asmodeus in their categorization of demons. He showed up in important books, including Dictionnaire Infernal, where he was given his high ranking among the demons of hell.

Modern Appearances

Asmodeus faded out of popular culture centuries ago. He made his last stand during the 17th century, when Spanish and French playwrights reduced him to a sort of “genie in a bottle” role, a fun companion for a midnight romp. Today, only the most serious theologians could tell you who this obscure demon is. Source:


Elaine Belloc, Cal Belloc


Saint Michael the Archangel, Michahel, Mîkhā’ēl, Who is Like God, Who is Equal to God, Mikail, Right Hand of God, Protector of the Jewish People, Guardian of the Catholic Church, Archangel of Faith and Justice, Archangel of Mercy, Angel of the Sword, Unyielding Archangel, Archangel of Annihilation, Miguel


God, Heaven, Seven Archangels, Heavenly Host, The Four Great Archangels (Leader)

Physical description Race

True Archangel

Gender Male 100

The most powerful of the angels? The one who defeated most of the Great Old Ones? You mean my brother Michael, the one bound me to... this, the ancient black abyss, the only place where you get stripped of God’s word. Listen worm, I don’t care if you call him here, in fact, I’d be glad if you did, I’d love a little family reunion. „ — Lucifer. Michael is one of two oldest True Archangels that created by God and the twin-brother of Lucifer. He is the field commander of the army of God, the Heavenly Host.


Michael is one of the first archangels in existence, and being one of the oldest angel, he is also the most powerful of



michael Continued.....

them all only bested by Lucifer, Satan, and Metatron. Michael’s authority over the angels is strong and firm, with many angels holding him in high regard and great respect. Michael’s status in the army of Heaven is seen as a Viceroy or an Archistrage as well, but he’s mostly seen as the commander of Heaven’s army. He is also a saint and thus carries the title “Saint Michael The Archangel.”

In female form, Michael appears as a slender woman with ten wings in total, and is bigger than a giant in stature. She has pale skin and long white hair, but her face appears as light itself, nearly too bright to look at. It can be seen that she has blue lips and the same eye colour as her daughter Elaine. She wears a white dress with a cross symbol in the middle, silver gauntlets on her hands, and a halo


However, she is seen to be able to shrink her size to a human size. While this size, Michael appears as a beautiful young woman of slender figure with average height. She has very pale skin, large light blue eyes which can turn orange and long silver hair reaching her waist. Her bangs cover her right eye as to keep her angelic eye under wraps. When viewed through Anael’s eyes, the true form of Michael appears as a bright blue-white aura surrounding his body. His wings turn into pure white/ bright blue light, and Michael is able to see both corporeal and incorporeal entities at will.

Michael appears as an adult of an average height with darker brown hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. Unlike in the paintings and photos of Michael, his is not as muscular as he is thought to be. Michael also has 12 golden white wings that glow as bright is the sun itself if not brighter, which he can retract at will when on Earth when asked by God himself On some occasions, his eyes are genuinely seen in a perpetually sad manner when genuinely angered or happy. He is usually seen wearing a white hoodie covering a black shirt and an orange stripe along navy blue pants. He also is seen wearing a blue vest over a white shirt and brown pants. When Michael is in a human vessel for a long time, the Archangel prefers to dress in clothes that go with his style like an overcoat over the clothes. Sometimes he changes into a brown or dark suit. However, Michael is almost never seen using a human vessel and prefers to use only one of his human forms.


As the general and prince of the heavenly host, he is a firm leader and wise to his decisions, he is also a great tactician and a skilled commanding officer. He is also a highly charismatic leader and capable of endearing, boasting the morale, and earning genuine respect to those who serve under his command. He is also compassionate towards his siblings and is a devoted follower and servant of God and will do anything commanded at him to the absolute best. 102


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Michael lacks any of the prejudice and bigotry that a lot of angels bear towards demons and fallen angels due to his immense kindness despite possessing some disdain towards their filthy behaviors, and is perfectly willing to show kindness to or even befriend them, where he showed courtesy and politeness. Being the archangel who embodies the concept of justice, fairness, and the patron saint of soldiers, he possess a strong sense of fair, righteous, yet firm and moral sense of justice, and is deeply compassionate towards his duty and also especially towards the people who experience mistreatment, injustice, and cruelty, and he possesses great disdain and animosity towards to people possess any form of abhorrently acts or unjust behavior towards the innocents. He also hates people who perverts justice and those who hypocritically uses justice as an excuse and validation for them to use unnecessary violence and unjust actions, for their own hypocrisy, benefit and means to the end. And that he shows animosity and visible disgust to any who violates and foolishly uses the power and authority of justice for their selfish and “self-righteous” beliefs of what’s right or wrong, and deems who’s innocent or guilty/sinner. Some angels fear Michael due to his status and authority, however, when he detects this he states that it is not he that they should fear, but God, being clear that he is not exactly fond of being looked at with fear. He is not one to tolerate

insubordination, and is vocal with those who attempt to act in such a manner. He is quick to anger in the face of possible betrayal and can be quite aggressive in combat. Uriel explains that this is due to the fact that Lucifer, his own brother, betrayed their Father and their family, and this left Michael scarred and possibly paranoid. Michael’s relationship with humans is rather complicated at best. While he does not hate them like Lucifer does, he does view them as inferior and will not hesitate to be cruel towards them in the face of disrespect, yet he does not display Lucifer ’s arrogant behavior to their presence and often appeared to them as a strong and humble servant of God. Unlike his brother Gabriel, Michael will only defend the humans and the Earth itself if God commands him to do so. As time goes by, he becomes less critical and stern to them, and showing genuine concern and compassion for their wellbeing, specially towards the innocents who suffer great pain, agony, and turmoil in the hands of the merciless and remorseless ones. Despite his kindness, Michael can be merciless towards evil, wicked, and dishonorable people, as shown when Michael outright stated that he will show no mercy to anyone who showed sinful or blasphemous acts just to obtain their selfish and pointless needs. His judgement is quick , yet fierce and frightening, while maintaining his calm and level-headed composure.



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Despite this, Michael is a heroic celestial being as his indomitable willpower, lawfully absolute loyalty and refusal to give up even under seemingly insurmountable odds (most notably when he faced the combined might of Lucifer and Satan, then later beings such as the Scarlet King , or Nyarlathotep, without hesitation, persisting against them until he finally gained the upper hand) that allows people such as Dante to trust the archangel, and respect him as an ally. He is impeccably loyal to his father, and takes his duties with utmost seriousness, expecting the same from the angels and his brothers. His loyalty is so great, that he is willing to sacrifice himself in order to defeat his brother Lucifer or Satan, believing it to be his destiny, that was written down by God, to lay down his life for the sake of creation. Dante describes Michael as a “daddy’s boy” seeing as how he is willing to do anything to please his father and goes on to say that in contrast Lucifer is more of a “momma’s boy ” since he relishes in being spoiled by Barbelo, their mother. His loyalty is so great that he personally serves as Jesus Christ’s guardian and protector during his time and mission on Earth to save humanity from their eternal damnation. He is revealed to be the angel that protected Jesus from behind the scenes and sidelines, during His test on the desert by Satan, and the angel that appeared to Jesus and encourage Him, when He prayed in the garden where one of His acolytes betrayed Him.

“ The Archangel Michael, a holy force against evil. „ — Castiel.

Powers and Abilities

As one of the first angels and one of the True Archangels, Michael is extremely powerful, being able to even best Lucifer and cast him into Hell. He is strong enough to even combat and destroy some of the Outer Gods. Aside that being the Archangel who is the general & supreme commander of the heavenly host, he is strong enough to command the whole armies of Heaven, and he is considered superior in power to even chief pagan deities of every pantheon, being capable of rivaling even the second generation primordial gods and cosmic entities. He is however, not strong enough to defeat or match Satan in a fight (especially in an exhausted state due to fighting Lucifer for too long ), as the demon could easily best him along with Merkabah and Metatron. According to Lucifer himself, there is a reason why most of the demons of Hell feared Michael above all the angels in Heaven, that even the overlords and nobles of hell act cautious in his presence, and once he showed himself in front of the demons, they ’ ll flee in terror and fear, knowing how powerful Michael is.



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Transcendent Archangel Physiology:

Being God’s supreme commander & general of the Heavenly Host and also one of the first true archangels of the heavens, Michael is considered as an angelic being of holy power along with Lucifer. His power is considered to be utterly fearsome as it’s that which no angel or any other lesser true archangels could ever hope to overcome or even equal. This gives him the highest rank among the hosts of Heaven and even the potential to rule the entire universe, single-handedly with unchallengeable authority, or to even go as far as to having one’s own creation, equal to the already existing one. He is essentially in the absolute pinnacle of all angels. The only known beings who can rival him are his siblings, specifically Lucifer.

Immense Power:

Being a true archangel Michael’s power is in the highest caliber in the angelic court. He possess incredible supernatural powers, unchallenged dominion over aspects of their celestial domain and other angels, and tremendous supernatural abilities in both domains. Michael is one of the most powerful beings in creation, possessing a tremendously vast supply of incalculable power that is almost unlimited, surpassing that of his siblings and is equaled only to his siblings and is equaled only by Lucifer himself (though it is implied that Lucifer is more powerful), and exceeded only by Satan, Metatron and his Father, God. Michael possesses

authority and incalculable power second only to the Trinity of God Himself.

Limitless Power:

As the supreme commander and one of the first chief archangels of heaven, Michael possesses ultimate power which allows him to achieve anything and everything without any limit. He therefore have unlimited means at his disposal, and capable of fighting both Lucifer and Satan on an equal grounds (despite being in overwhelmed by Satan in his dragon form), long enough for Merkabah to assist him.

Supernatural Condition:

As one of the first Archangels and supreme commander of the Heavenly Host, Michael is physically and mentally vastly superior to many beings in the multiverse. He possess a supernatural condition, capabilities/attributes/aspects drastically beyond what is naturally possible. This mainly includes a supernatural physical and mental condition. Michael’s mental and physical condition is blatantly more powerful than other people of the universe, reaching into the high superhuman territory. His daughter inherited most of Michael’s supernatural traits and abilities, that she more superior than most of Lucifer ’s offsprings.

Immeasurable Supernatural Strength: Michael possess unfathomable and terrifying raw and physical might, 105


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capable of rivalling cosmic entities and surpasses the Deities in themselves. In one strike, he can tear the earth in half, and can cause several shockwaves and earthquake without putting much effort or power on it.

imbued into it, dealing even more damage to unholy or evil enemies. The amount of power capability Michael can use with this ability is absolutely unlimited, merely preparing it can cause fear in his opponents.

Due to his immeasurable might, Lucifer stated that it is one of the reasons why most of the demons and other malevolent entities in of Hell feared Michael and the Seven Archangels above all the beings in Heaven. As one of the strongest angels in existence and Leader of the Seven Archangels, Michael possesses tremendous supernatural physical strength that allows him to easily move stars, shatter planets with his bare hands, and is stronger than and able to easily overpower other angels with his might.

Heaven Manipulation:

Absolute Embodiment:

Afterlife Transport:

Being a True Archangel, Michael embodies the state of being complete or absolute as the living manifestation and embodiment of God’s power. Because of Michael’s absolute nature he is free from any thing that would be deemed superfluous or wasteful. This translates to his being as one of the high ranking Archangels without any major weaknesses or limitations.


Michael can strike his targets with a far superior force/ blow, usually resulting in a One Hit Kill against almost anything. When used by Michael, this ability has an Arch-angelic aspect

As a True Archangel and one of God’s Favorited children, Michael can control the Abrahamic Heavens and everything within, including the angelic beings that may reside there with the exception of Metatron.

Heaven Lordship:

Michael has one of the highest authorities and duties in heaven a place where angels come together as well as the souls of good people in perfect peace and joy.

As a True Archangel of Heaven, Michael can transport any people he favors into Heaven, as such Michael promises the people that he does favor into Heaven. He has even been seen being able to take multiple people to Heaven alive, as shown with Enoch, with his authority.

Nigh-Absolute Invulnerability:

As a primordial angel, Michael’s durability is so immense to point that it borders in a near absolute/transcendent invulnerability. He is strong enough to take on full blown attacks from his opponents without taking any damage or minor scratch. 106


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Michael is one of the very few powerful angels that are immune to almost all kinds of damage, be it physical (internal or external), mental, spiritual, and even conceptual. He can be immune to all damages except for one or more exceptions (mainly his Archangel siblings). And the only beings who is capable of hurting or killing him are his siblings, being his equals.

resources, energy, or other items for an immensely extended amounts of time, far longer than regular beings.

Transcendent Immortality:

Immeasurable Supernatural Speed & Reflexes:

As an Archangel that predates the dawn of Creation, Michael is an immortal being. Having been lived, since the time of Creation or even before it and the creation of Man. He is one of the many primordial (angel) entities that are far older than the world. Killing him is nearly impossible and the only ones that are capable of doing so are beings who are equal or perhaps greater than him in power. Michael possesses near-complete immortality: as he don’t age and can be seen to his mid teens or late teens with a young physique/ features, he can rapidly heal from wounds, and will essentially live forever. However, there are exceptions to their immortality, with some factors being able to harm and ultimately kill him.

Supernatural Endurance:

He is glaringly, obviously and super/ unnaturally more enduring than other beings in the universe because his capabilities are pushed beyond the natural limits; making Michael able to work longer/survive without supplies,

Supernatural Stamina:

Michael’s stamina is glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally greater than other beings, it is very immeasurable that he can endure and withstand even longer periods of battles without tiring.

Michael can move in a blink of an eye with god-like light speed, and his reflexes are considered superior than any fighter in the heavens (with the exception of Gabriel who is a little faster than him). He can so fast that his enemies could barely managed to keep or catch up to him. And when he empowers himself with light elements, he can move in glowing blur of light, that not even Lucifer could barely keep during their fight in Heaven. Whenever he appears, Michael moves in glowing light that could blind even higher ranking demons.

Holy Presence:

Michael possess a very strong divine presence that embodies’ God’s power and light. His presence cam cause a world wide changing in the surrounding, when he appeared in Hell/Underworld to confront the invading armies of devils, his presence makes even the bloodthirstiest demons and monsters, to shiver in fear, terror, and uneasiness. 107


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Lucifer once claimed that there is a reason why Michael is feared above all the angels in Heaven, by many demons of Hell, that even higher ranking demons are afraid of him. Once Michael showed himself, the demons will flee in terror, and the only one who can face him is Lucifer/Satan.

Unlimited intelligence:

Having been living for countless billions of millennia, Michael knows almost everything in existence, being capable of possibly see one timeline or universe, or have just small patches of information that are missing or blocked out. Thus allowing him to keep his sense of free will and uncertainty. He also knows the existence of the younger beings that lived since ancient times, having the knowledge on a cosmic levels, he greatly surpassed all angels in sheer intelligence and wisdom, with the exceptions of Lucifer, Gabriel, Raziel, Azrael, Metatron and Remph.

Cosmic Awareness:

As an Archangel that watch over the cosmos, he has near absolute knowledge over the running system of all life in the universe. He is capable of sensing danger or something that affects the cosmic balance without being hindered by thoughts of the others. Michael has also the awareness, capable of sensing people from far distances of the universe, similar to Heimdallr ’s eyes. It extends towards the Underworld,

where he watch over Lucifer ’s and Satan’s workings in the shadows, along with the Underworld gods of the other pantheons.

Master Magician & Sorcerer:

Michael is possess extreme proficiency and mastery over magics and spells, he can performed feats that no angel could do. His superior skills allows him to perform superior and advance type of holy angelic magic spells, and white arts with great ease. He is also proficient enough to do ancient magics, wards, and rune symbols. It is powerful enough to fend off even demon kings and any other higher ranking demons and monsters, and can create powerful barriers than can be use as a protection, damage negation, or healing properties. And being fighting demons and many malevolent being since ancient times, Michael is one of the few angels and archangels, more skilled enough to lift and remove a curse, without the caster ’s awareness. He possesses nearly all forms of magic that exist in the world at a level of mastery that the Magic Gods could only dream of. He could perform various magical rites and rituals, many of which had been lost to even the gods. He is capable of creating new and intricate magic spells, capable of wide-area of mass destruction, within seconds with little efforts. He also showed the power capable of forcefully to a certain degree change the structure of other Pantheons’ Magic Systems to his will with little 108


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problems, something that greatly shocked the Magic Gods as something like this went directly against the laws of magic themselves. His skills are also equally rivalled only by Lucifer/Satan, Azazel, and Gabriel. Some of the magic Michael is mainly seen using are via below.

Magical & Mystic Arts Mastery: Michael is one of few Angels, capable of performing and possesses high level of mastery and proficiency over any kinds of existing mystic and magical arts, since time immemorial. He can perform supernatural feats & phenomena, cast severe and deadly curse, chant highly and ancient advance enchantments and incantations, high knowledge over evocation and complex rituals, and even forbidden spells that very few beings are aware of.

Immense Magic Power:

As the Leader of the Seven Archangels, Michael possesses an extraordinary amount of magic power which surpasses almost all other beings in Heaven. His power is so monumental, that it cannot be measured by normal means. Michael has mastered almost all types of magic, but he admits that he loses to Gabriel in Angel magic. He also mentions that the only categories he is completely unrivalled in are Time and Light magic, and that curtain entities could potentially surpass him in Darkness and Spatial magic.

Mana Zone:

Mana Zone is a skill that allows a mage to manipulate the mana in an area around themselves. Thus, Michael can gather together and utilize more magic than he would be able to normally. Offensively, this mana can be funnelled into spells to increase their size, number, and range. It can also be used to launch attacks in any direction and from any direction within the zone. Spells can be created all-around a target to keep them from escaping, within an enemy ’s spell to destroy it, or behind a target to catch them by surprise. His mana zone is mainly seen is his Light Magic, Time Magic and Life Magic.

Ultimate Magic:

This magic technique requires Michael to become acquainted with the origin of souls and to physically draw closer to mana. Michael is then enabled to embody all of his magic and create a spell that is unique to each individual. These are incredibly powerful spells, capable of combatting Demon Kings and Demon Lords. The vast amount of magic required for this technique limits it to only the most powerful of Angels.

White Arts:

Being a True Archangel of the Heaven’s, Michael can utilize the White Arts; a form of magic typically used for helping other people by healing the mind, body or soul. Practitioners of this type of magic tend to focus toward assisting others, purifying evil spirits, dispel curses, medical 109



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potions and respect all the rules about what is forbidden and not. They are also capable of using offensive magic, though this comes with strict restrictions most of the time.

Elemental Magic:

As an Archangel, Michael can utilize different elements as a form of magic. He can use different spells to formulate their elemental quantities and energies for many uses.

Angel Magic:

Being an Archangel, Michael possess extreme understanding of the Angel Magic System used by the Angels and Fallen Angels, he possesses immense skills in this specific kind of magic. that could only be rivalled by his former boss. He can effortlessly cast one Angelic spell after another with little-to-no effort.

Creation Magic:

As an Archangel, Michael can utilize magic to create anything out of certain materials or magical energy, in any shape or form even with any kind of materials or even entities.

Destruction Magic:

As an Archangel, Michael can utilize powerful and yet very dangerous spells which can unleash unstable magical energies which can destroy entities, and other powers.

Time Magic:

As an Archangel, Michael is able to perform/cast a rare variety of magic spells and feats that manipulates time itself to a degree. Two time magic spells he is mainly seen using are via bellow:

Binding Magic/Time Magic: Chrono Stasis:

With his hands in front of them with the palms facing upward, Michael spreads his arms and manifests a sphere around the target. The sphere has a ring around its orbit with Roman numerals on it. Michael is able to generate multiple spheres to restrain several targets, for a sphere could only contain a single person. Those trapped within the sphere experience a time loop, reliving a moment in time continuously in such a way that they are rendered immobile. Michael is mainly seen using this to end battles extremely quickly, while protecting the human to not damage them to hard.

Mana Zone: Chrono Stasis Grigora:

After taking control of the surrounding mana, Michael creates an area in which any enemy spell is automatically caught with Chrono Stasis. This spell is even capable of catching extremely fast magic, like Light/Lightning Magic. This spell does not require any movement from Michael.


Light Magic:

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As an Archangel, Michael is able to perform a legendary form of magic that allows Michael to cast magical spells through light. Michael mainly uses this magic attribute to generate and manipulate light. To travel long distances in a short amount of time, he shapes light into a large arrow that turns into a beam of light along which he flies. In combat, he uses explosive bursts of light and swords made of light. Some of the light magic spells he is mainly seen using are via bellow:

Mana Zone/Light Magic: Lamp of Avior Gloria:

After taking control of the surrounding mana, Michael unleashes multiple concentrated blasts of light. This ability was powerful enough to obliterate an entire Continent with ease.

Light Magic: Light Shaft of Divine Punishment:

Michael concentrates light between his hands until it builds into a large sphere. The light is released in a column of light too fast and widespread to avoid. This spell is powerful enough to obliterate multiple Archdemons with ease.

Light Magic: Arrows of Judgment:

Michael releases his magic power in a sphere around themselves. As the sphere expands, it flattens out and is shaped

into countless blades of light. Once complete, the blades rain down on and automatically target those below. Michael can also take hold of a blade and use it for a close-range attack . This spell is powerful enough to wipe out an entire army of Demons with ease.

Life Magic:

As an Archangel, Michael can utilize powerful spells which can bring anything Michael sees fit to life, such as a statues, toys, even such as furniture and rubble.

Holy-Fire Magic:

As an Archangel, Michael is able to perform a legendary form of magic that allows Michael to cast magical spells and feats through holy fire.

Fire Magic:

As an Angel, Michael is able to perform a legendary form of magic that allows Michael to cast magical spells and feats through fire, be it fire-based spells themselves or using fire itself as the fuel for casting magic.

Restoration Magic:

As an Archangel, Michael can utilize a form of magic that returns broken living/ non-living targets to their optimal state such as infusing life energy into a living being in order to heal it or giving it back its vitality or restoring life in the environment, such as forests or animal life, reconstructing ruins or destroyed buildings, etc. 111



Sword Magic:

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As the Angel of the Sword and wielder of The Sword of Michael, Michael is able use a form of magic that allows them to cast magical spells dealing with swords and similar forms of blades. Unlike Magic Sword, where Michael gains powers from a sword, it is Michael himself who possesses the power, not the sword. It is this type of magic that is Michael’s swords’ ultimate technique, and is one of his ultimate, most powerful spell.

Ultimate Magic/Sword Magic: Seven Archangel’s Empyrean Guard: Conquering Eon:

Michael holds the Sword of Michael aloft and has it absorb the magic of his allies. He then swings the sword down and unleashes the collected power in a single slash. The resulting attack is powerful enough to disintegrate two of the highest-ranked demons Lucifer and Satan, leaving behind their bodies unconscious for five whole hours, as well as annihilate a section of Pandemonium and latter on Flinders Rangers.

Enoch Magic:

The most ancient and powerful form of Angelic Magic, personally created by him and Lucifer (before his infamous Fall). As a Pure Archangel, he could use his Ohr as a substitute for his life-force, using them to cast magic spells and rituals that could easily destroy entire countries within mere seconds.

Enochian Wards:

He could create Enochian wards capable of surrounding an area as big as Texas from the detection of his fellow Angels, Fallen Angels, and Demons alike, as well as protecting the area from demonic energy-based or angelic/divine energybased attacks. When during the spar with Cassiel, he created layers upon layers of Enochian upon the walls of his base, thus hiding it away from the Seraph’s eyes.


Michael can instantly teleport himself from one place to another without occupying the space between. the two dimensions. Usually he appears as a glowing endless form of light in the sky, that is said to be rival or more brighter than the light of the sun itself.


He is powerful enough to performed a powerful sealing spell (albeit with the assistance of his siblings) that could seal powerful entities like the Darkness. He can bind his opponents just by using silent incantations, with great ease without the victim having aware of it, until it was already too late .

Divine & Pure Elements Manipulation:

Being a primordial archangel, Michael can create, shape and manipulate holy elements that are highly effective against the supernatural, such as demons, fallen angels and/or even his angelic brethren. 112

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He would be able to do all kinds of holy things with their unique type of element, which in question, can range from trapping and/or immobilizing to outright banishing or killing supernatural threats.

Furthermore, his divine elements may have other properties and abilities, such as healing, resurrection, summoning angels and/or spirits of the deceased from Heaven to the material plane. His pure and divine elemental powers are is that of a beneficial/pure nature; that which strengthens, enhances and causes anything/everything he come across to flourish, representing the sustaining and preserving side of nature, which in turn ignores most of the common limitations and weaknesses of his normal elemental varieties. In essence, his elemental powers is also about solely controlling the positive powers of nature itself.


He is one of the few and first Archangels to still possess their Ohr, a type of ancient and primordial angelic energy only existed in the Angels personally created by God from His own divine light and power.

Pure & Spiritual SanctionPhotokinesis:

Being renowned as one of the first allpowerful and primordial archangel, Michael is capable of creating, shaping and manipulate light/photons formed from one’s soul/spirit, divine and pure. Due to being comprised of spiritual, pure,

and sacred power (and his status as an Archangel), his light/photons aren’t only stronger than usual light/photons use by other angels, but also have the power to affect one’s soul in varying ways, causing lethal damage against malevolent entities (specially devils), and can blind his opponents to attack them from their blind spot. As a True Archangel and herald of God, Michael possesses nearly infinite power over light itself. He has demonstrated before the events of the history the ability to create countless light spears to rain down on his opponents. Michael could generate and manipulate pure light - an immensely dangerous element that could greatly harm Evil Gods and creatures of darkness and evil alike. His power over the light element is great enough to be capable of manipulating the light created by his enemies, as shown when he caused the light spears wielded by the rouge Fallen to explode, killing all of their wielders instantly. When manifesting his true power and divine form as an archangel with 12 golden white wings, Michael can cast a very powerful stream of light, capable of rivaling the light of the sun. His light is said to be personally powered by God Himself, and that he embodies God’s light, being His trusted general and supreme commander of Heaven’s army.




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Illumination Holy White Light -

Like all archangels and Arcuthas, Michael is able to summon, generate, create, release, or radiate an overwhelming, divine, blinding white light from his hand that is capable of obliterating anything from other living things to entire cities and structures. He can use the light offensively and bring light with his presence. With this power, he can destroy a portion of Heaven

Light Constructs:

Unlike most other Angels, who can only create one light spear at a time, he could generate countless light spears and shoot them like arrows without showing any signs of exhaustion. He could create countless spears of lights in the sky, making them rain down on his opponents and he can also create a gigantic spear of light that can change its form into many arrows of light.


His light can be use to heal both allies and opponents alike, due to his divine status Michael can’t just heal normal, severe, or critical wounds, but can also restore their lost stamina and life-force. Reverting them in an optimal state. His skills in healing, however are not as strong as his brother Raphael (who is known as the Archangel of Healing ).


Michael is capable of flying with his 12 golden white wings, being empowered by God’s light.

Golden Steel Wings:

Michael can also use his golden wings as a very strong and dangerous weapon against devils, fallen angels, and other malevolent beings. Being empowered by the light of God Himself, his wings are said to be one of his renowned weapons, capable of killing and defeating powerful beings, like the kings and nobles of hell (consisting of those who served under Lucifer & Satan).

Advanced Combat Skills & Powerful Master Combatant:

His level of combat skills & powers are the undisputed masters of all forms of combat, including natural and supernatural fighting skills and infinite strength and stamina. He have immense offensive and defensive abilities unsurpassed by any other fighters in the Heavens; he also possess a vary high level of intellect which he use to plan his attacks with a more cautious, careful, and intelligent way.

Powerful Martial Artist:

As the supreme commander of the heavenly host, Michael’s battle prowess in martial arts is considered unrivaled making him the strongest angel in existence, his fighting skills is consists of divine and tranquil combat. Also Michael’s great strength and immense durability is a great asset to him when fighting other super powered beings, most of his fights are a brawling contest, but when called for it, he 114

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employed his incredible martial abilities and skills to take out opponents quickly and efficiently, while remaining calm and level-headed. The only being who is considered his rival is Lucifer.

Master Tactician & Strategist:

Being the supreme commander of the Heavenly Host, Michael is an extremely skilled tactical commander, having countless millennia worth of combat experience. He is the one that leads the Heaven in victory during the War in Heaven. He is a very analytical, cautious, observant, calm, and composed angel, making plans and countermeasures first, before engaging their enemies. Michael is capable of outsmarting even the likes of Lucifer and Satan, even using their own cunning strategies against them, while remaining calm and level-headed.


The Archangel Michael, like the other archangels, was created during or even before the dawn of Creation, the famous “ Let there be light”. Michael and his brothers roamed the vastness of space alongside God hunting the spawn and descendants of Azathoth who had escaped from the Creator during the Primordial Wars. This was considered by the archangels as one of the greatest moments in their long lives, or even the best, or even the best, when “only ” they shared the Creator ’s love. After God created humanity, He ordered all divine beings to bow to the humans, something that Lucifer, Satan, Samael

and Iblis did not accept, which triggered a revolution in Heaven. After countless battles, Michael managed to expel the Morning Star from of Paradise and launch it on Earth, leaving a large crater in the ground. This was the greatest and better feat of the Archangel Saint Michael among humans and even angels. He leads God’s armies against Lucifer ’s forces during his uprising. Michael appears as “one of the chief princes” who in Daniel’s vision comes to Gabriel’s aid in his contest with the prince of Persia.

Myths and Legends

Michael is also described there as the advocate of the Children of Israel and as a “great prince who stands up for the children of your people”. In Hebrew, Michael means “who is like God”, However, it does not mean that one should confuse him with being like God, instead it implies that no one is like God. In this way, Michael is reinterpreted as a symbol of humility before God. In Islam, Michael serves as one who delivered bounty and sustenance to all living things as commanded by God. In late medieval Christianity, Michael, together with Saint George, became the patron saint of chivalry, and of the first chivalrous order of France, the Order of Saint Michael of 1469. In the British honors system, a chivalry order founded in 1818 is also named 115


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for these two saints,( the Order of St Michael and St George. St Michael is also considered in many Christian circles as the patron) saint of the warrior. Police officers and soldiers, particularly paratroopers and fighter pilots, regard him as their patron. He is also a patron of Germany and of the City of Brussels. Roman Catholics (refer to him as Saint Michael the Archangel and also simply as Saint Michael). Orthodox Christians refer to him as the Taxi-arch Archangel Michael or simply Archangel Michael. The New Thought Movement refers to Michael as Christ Michael.

Quotes “

At that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. „ — Daniel, Chapter 12. “

... Oh God... Please forgive your pathetic servant... Forgive me for being so weak... Forgive me for failing to fulfill your will... For failing to summon you here to Earth... For failing to bring your divine compassion to all those that seek it... „ — Michael. “ Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by

Thank You

the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. „ — To Michael.

“ Look, Michael’s birthday is coming up and I’m sure you all understand what it means. I need to gift him a present. And I know the relationship between me and Michael hasn’t been good since, the last few eons or so, but I really want him to have the best birthday present possible. Now, I assume you’ve all read that book I asked you to last week, and my gift is kinda similar to what happen in the book. I want to give my darling brother Michael a cult of his own. Not just an ordinary cult, I’d never do that to my family, but a sex cult. A murderous innocent-killing, child-raping, animal-fucking, depraved terrorist cult who do all of this heinous acts in the name of the great archangel Valentine Michael Smith. Trust me, he will love it. „ — Lucifer’s birthday present to Michael. “ His name means “Who is Like God” and is one of the archangels. When Lucifer rebelled against God, the great strategist Michael was the one to defeat and trap Lucifer. He is well known for many other spectacular deeds, and to this day has a strong following in Europe. „ — A note about Michael.


Thank you wonderful ladies for your help in working on this magazine!!!

Elder High Priestess, RavensThorn Elder High Priestess, Lady Glorianna Britannica


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