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Popular Crystals
There are literally hundreds of stones out there to choose from, but which ones you opt to use will depend on your intent. Select crystals and gemstones for use based upon their correspondences, or attributes, and you won’t go wrong. You can also use birthstones in magical workings. Each month of the year has its own birthstone - and each stone has its own magical properties. Keep in mind that when you get a new crystal or gemstone, it’s not a bad idea to cleanse it before your first use.
Divination Tools
There are many different methods of divination that you may choose to use in your magical practice. Some people opt to try many different types, but you may find that you’re more gifted in one method than others. Take a look at some of the different types of divination methods, and see which one - or more! - works best for you and your abilities. And remember, just like with any other skill set, practice makes perfect! You don’t need all of these different divination tools cluttering up your workspace - figure out which one or two you’re more interested in, and work from there. Nearly every tradition of Wicca (and many other Pagan paths, as well) uses the pentacle. Not to be confused with the pentagram (a five-pointed star), the pentacle is a flat piece of wood, metal, clay, or wax inscribed with magical symbols. The most commonly seen symbol, however, is the pentagram itself, which is why the two terms are often confused. In ceremonial magic, the pentacle is used as a protective talisman. However, in most Wiccan traditions it is seen as representative of the element of Earth, and can be used on the altar as a place to hold items that are going to be ritually consecrated. You can make your own, or buy one commercially. Clichéd as it may sound, the wand is one of the most popular magical tools in Wicca, as well as in some ceremonial magic traditions. It has a number of magical purposes. A wand is used for the directing of energy during a ritual. Because it’s a phallic symbol it is used to represent male energy, power, and virility. Representative of the element of Air (although in a few traditions it symbolizes Fire), the wand can be used to consecrate a sacred space, or invoke deity.

“There are wands of glass, copper, silver and other metals, but the “classic” material is still wood. Various woods have different magickal associations and uses. It is very common for a “Wand Witch” to have many wands of various types in his/her magickal closet. Witches who do not use athames often use a wand instead.”
https://www.learnreligions. com/magical-tools-for-paganpractice-4064607

Popular Crystals
Are you interested in using crystals and gemstones in your magical workings? There are literally hundreds of stones out there to choose from, but which ones you opt to use will depend on your intent.
Agate typically appears as a brown or gold stone, and is found with bands across it. Variations such as moss agate appear with green or blue colors. Connected to the element of Earth, agate is related to the brow chakra and matters of the mind. Use it in workings related to energy, depression, and mental health. A popular use for agate in magic is to use in rituals relating to discovery and truth, memories and healing, and overcoming feelings of loneliness or sadness. Carry agate with you if you’re feeling stressed out, or place one under your pillow at bedtime so you’ll have more energy during wakeful hours.

Amethyst is actually a form of quartz crystal, and appears in a wide range of purple and violet colors. Associated with water, it is also connected to the water signs of Pisces and Aquarius. Use amethyst in healing rituals related to the crown chakra, such as treating depression or anxiety, mood disorders, and stress relief. On a magical level, amethyst comes in handy for sharpening the mind and enhancing our intuitive powers. It can also help with cleansing and consecration of sacred space. The ancient Greeks carried to help avoid drunkenness, so if you’re heading out for a night of shenanigans, carry amethyst to prevent yourself from overindulging

Amber isn’t a gemstone, but a resin formed by hardened tree sap. It appears in shades of yellow and orange, although a few odd colors, like green or red, are sometimes seen. The color clues us in that amber is associated with fire and the energy of the sun. Use amber in workings related to the throat chakra, magic regarding clarity and confidence, and rituals of protection and strength. If you need a little magical boost when it comes to communication and your career, wear a piece of amber around your neck, or put it at your desk to keep away the office gossips.
Bloodstone, also called Heliotrope, is a green speckled stone which includes shades of red and gold. It’s tied to the element of fire, and related both to the planet Mars and the sun. Use bloodstone in magical workings related to general healing, as well as fertility and abundance, both physical and financial. When it comes to matters of matters the body, this stone is often associated with (as you might imagine) the health of the blood–in particular, menstrual cycles and the circulatory system. If you’re trying to conceive, tuck a bloodstone under your bed, or keep one in your wallet to draw abundance your way.

The reddish/orange stone known as carnelian is often streaked with white, and its colors are reminiscent of the rich landscapes of the American southwest. Use carnelian in rituals that involve grounding, because it is indeed associated with the element of Earth.
Its healing powers are used in treatments of impotency and infertility, and in some cases it is believed to stop excessive bleeding, such as nosebleeds. On a magical level, carnelian comes in handy for magical shielding, or as a talisman against psychic attack. You can keep carnelian with your other crystals and stones to keep them safe from negative influences.

They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, and this sparkly stone has long been associated with marriages and engagements, but it can also be used in rituals treating fertility problems and reproductive health, including sexual dysfunction.
Tied to both air and fire, with a strong link to the sun, diamonds are typically clear but are sometimes streaked with yellow. It’s rare to find one that’s truly flawless. Diamonds can also be used for workings related to astral travel and scrying, meditation, and intuition.
Hematite is one of the bestknown gemstones to use in magical workings. Also called Paint Ore or Iron Rose, this shiny silvery gray stone is tied to the element of fire and the planet Saturn, as well as the sun itself. Use hematite for healing rituals related to inflammation and blood disorders, as well as treatment of infection and fevers. One of hematite’s most common usages is that of protective magic, especially when it comes to homes and property; for this reason, it’s very popular in Feng Shui. It’s also an excellent stone to carry for willpower, confidence and problem solving, as well as psychic awareness. You can also place hematite stones around your doors and windows to keep away negative influences from the outside.

For thousands of years, jade has been a symbol of pure love, serenity, innocence and truthfulness. This pale green stone - sometimes appearing white, gray, or even pink -- is connected to the element of earth, and to balancing the humors of the body. It’s also associated with healing of the internal organs, such as the spleen and liver.

Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli, or Lazurite, comes in many different shades of blue, from pale to deep. It’s often seen spotted or banded, depending on the region from which it comes. The color is a reminder that lapis is connected to the element of water. Use lapis to treat depression and lift the spirits, as it is connected to the brow chakra and disorders of the brain. For a magical boost, incorporate it into workings involving altered consciousness, trancework, meditation, and connection to the gods of your tradition. Lapis lazuli was a popular stone in Egyptian funerary art and sarcophagi.

As its name implies, moonstone is tied to the lunar deities, in particular, any goddess with a triune or triple aspect. Diana, Selene, and Hecate are often associated with moonstone. This stone can be used in workings related to female reproduction, menstrual cycles and childbirth.
On a magical level, include moonstone in rites having to do with wisdom and intuition, womens’ mysteries, and goddess-centric ceremonies. Carry moonstone in your pocket if you’re feeling jittery, and it will help to get your body’s natural rhythms back in order.

The glassy black stone known as obsidian is actually a volcanic byproduct. Naturally, because of its origins, it’s tied to the element of fire. Obsidian can be used to draw toxins away from the body, and is sometimes placed along the base of the feet during energy work, as a method of pulling toxins downwards.
In a magical setting, use obsidian for scrying and intuition, as well as workings involving womens’ mysteries and the subconscious.

Connected to the heart chakra, rose quartz is often associated with love and relationships. Use it in workings connected to love or even friendship, both giving and receiving love, as well as relief of emotional issues and drama. Of note is the fact that over time, rose quartz will fade if it’s left out in the sun.
Unlike rose quartz, white quartz is often clear, although it sometimes appears as an opaque shade of white. Connected to all four of the classical elements, the clear varieties of white quartz can disperse light in any color, which connects this stone to all seven of the chakras. Use white quartz in any healing ritual, workings connected to the divine, intution or spiritual growth and development. The tiger’s eye stone is so named because of its brownish-tan or gold colors with black banding. Connected to the element of fire, the tiger’s eye is often used to enhance overall energy and general physical health. Use this stone in rituals related to self-confidence, courage and protection. Carry a piece in your pocket, along with an amethyst and hematite, to filter out the negativity of people who are trying to harm your reputation.

Turquoise appears in various shades of blue, and often appears speckled or banded with black or white streaks. Associated with the element of water, turquoise is often found in the art and jewelry of the Native American tribes of the Southwest. Use this stone in treatments of stomach disorders, eye ailments, and even broken bones. It also comes in useful for general chakra alignments. In magical workings, turquoise is incorporated into rituals to bring about wisdom and intuition.
https://www.learnreligions. com/magical-crystals-andgemstones-2562758