Olympic Games

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PURPOSE OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES The Summer and Winter Olympics are major international events, where thousands of athletes participate and compete against each other. Summer and Winter Olympics are held alternatingly every two years. The Olympics bring athletes together from different nations and allow them to communicate and show friendship. It allows countries to forget about previous conKlicts and form a bond. Not only, is it beneKicial for different countries to communicate, but it also allows athletes to improve and compete in their certain sport. In addition, the Olympics games are a tradition from the ancient Greeks, where it originated.

HISTORY OF OLYMPIC GAMES Historical documents can trace the Olympic games back to 776B.C, however back then only several city states and kingdoms of Greece participated. The Olympic games were dedicated to the ‘Olympian’ or Greek Gods and were held in ancient Olympia. According to legend, and the most popular myth, it was Heracles who established the Olympics games and decided they were going to be held every four years. Also, he build the Olympic stadium in honor to Zeus, god of the gods. In 393A.D, the Olympic games were declared as a pagan cult and banned from taking place. The revival of the Olympic games happened in the 19th century after the Greek War of Independence from the Ottoman Empire. From then different countries wanted to turn this into global event and it was hosted every four years by different countries.


The popularity of the Olympic Game attracts tourists and trade for the hosting nation.

Sport facilities used for the Olympic Games can be used for citizens and other events after the Olympic games are over.

The business for hotels, restaurants, etc. have an increase in income.

Organizers make a profit from the game.

Transportation is improved for the Olympics (better quality and more quantity).

The building for the Olympic games provides a lot o jobs for the hosting nations citizens.

The Olympic games boost the economy.


Hosting the Olympic Games is becoming more expensive and more difficult to make profit from it.

Any problems relating to the Olympic Games means the organizers can loose money.

Terrorists often target the Olympic games. This means security must be top priority for Olympic games.

The infrastructure of the city must be well-developed for the increase in tourism.

HUMAN INTEREST STORIES Background: In 1968, Mexico City was the first Latin American city to ever host the Olympic games. After the Mexican Revolution, Mexico City was left in a perilous state and was ready to prove itself by hosting the Olympics. A few months before the games would begin, there was the Tlatelolco massacre in which the government suppressed a protest by sending troops, which killed 200-300civilians. After such an unfortunate start the Olympics continued without any difficulties. Black Power Salute: African-American, 200 meter sprinter, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, gave a fist-in-the-air black power salute to honor the civil right struggle in the United States. In addition, both of the 200 meter sprinters wore long black socks and a black scarf for the civil war struggle.

HUMAN INTEREST STORIES Věra Čáslavská Věra Čáslavská is a Czechoslovakian gymnast who strongly disagrees with the Soviet invasion in 1968 on Czech Republic which occurred a month before the Olympic games in Mexico 1968. She won the gold medal for floor and the silver in beam, even though most people felt she deserved the gold in beam as well. She placed a higher score than the Soviet gymnast and as the Soviet anthem was played she protested and looked down and away.

CONTROVERSIES The 1972 Summer Olympic games held in Munich were overshadowed by the Munich massacre. The 1972 Olympics were supposed to present the new, democratic and optimistic Germany compared to the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin under Nazi regime influence. The massacre occurred on September 5th, by eight Palestinians who were part of a terrorist group called ‘black september’. The group broke into the Olympic village and took 11 Israeli athletes, coaches and officials as hostages. Two of the hostages were killed since they tried to resist being taken into hostage and the others were killed by a grenade and machine gun after a failed rescue attempt. Three Palestinians survived but were taken hostage and imprisoned in Germany. However, they were released in exchange for a Lufthansa jet in 1972. Israel launched a counterterrorism campaign known ‘Operation Wrath of God’ which targeted to kill anyone associated with ‘black september’. In the process, two of the released hostages were killed and only one survivor, Jamal Al-Gashey, still lives today, who is believed o take refuge in an African country.

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