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We would like to welcome you to our 2nd online sale and thank you for taking the time to view our offering.
This year we left our comfort zone and decided to complete a few items on Duane’s bucket list, one of them was to show cattle again. We entered Farm Fair International in Edmonton and also Agribition in Regina. Even though the Edmonton show almost killed us, as we drove home every night, getting to bed at midnight and then up again by 4, we would do it again in a heart beat. At the Edmonton show, our daughter Trina and her two oldest, helped us groom, feed and show the animals. Then we took these same two grandkids, Tianna and Weston to Regina where they again went above and beyond to assist us in caring for our livestock. I would say for Duane and I, it was the best experience ever, our grandkids made the week fly by and they said they would love to do it again in 2023.
We also met some wonderful fols at both shows, our fellow breeders and then lots of other breeders. There are a lot of humble, beautiful people out there are we are so thankful that we were able to meet them all and share ideas learning as we went. Everyone was willing to help. That says a lot!
We hope that you will be able to come and have a look at our bulls and heifers, prior to the sale. Just give us a heads up and stop by. We can be reached on our land line at 780-374-2174 or Duane’s cell 780-679-7197.
Duane and Bev Ronsko
R.R. # 1 Daysland, AB T0B1A0 • 780-374-2174