H.E.L.P. | Thesis Book Final

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Synopsis 4 Research 8 Creative Development 22 Vision for the future 56 Conclusion 60


"We must build dikes of courage to hold back the flood of fear." Martin Luther King, Jr.

Brief As a new federal agency with the combined experience of FEMA and the resources and skills of the Military, Human Emergency Lifeline Provider (H.E.L.P.) is the top leader in situational crisis support. H.E.L.P. governs all individual agencies and non-government agencies, with responsibility in direct communication efforts in times of need. H.E.L.P. seeks to address their needs for a comprehensive Brand Identity, a defined Brand Strategy and clearly defined communication tools and collateral.



Specs The directive includes the development of a communication system that will effectively connect all agencies nationally with continued global support. Request includes: Identity Materials Logo Letterhead Uniforms T-shirts Hats Fleet Identification Marketing materials and More

The key factor in the success of H.E.L.P. will be instant mobilization applications utilizing the most current technology. This must include on-site communication with all involved agencies, victim identification, and tracking & reuniting families. H.E.L.P. is greatly inspired by the design of the UN’s blue helmet.


Purpose of Campaign 10 Industry Forecast Objective Overview Competitive Landscape 12 Competitive Analysis SWOT Analysis Design Research Outcomes 16 Brand Position Target Audience Persona Sketch & Identity Analysis Survey Research & Analysis


Industry Forecast In 1990, the United Nations General Assembly called upon its members to urge international communities to develop and implement changes to be more predictive of natural disasters and emergencies by study, analysis, and development of construction and frameworks. The International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction was established to devote energy to be prepared and ahead of the disaster as best possible. This meant developing sound building structures to withstand devastating earthquakes, educating the public on how better to prepare for disaster, and developing communications to reduce the vulnerability of many areas in the path of devastation (UNISDR, 2012). This program developed many of today’s emergency response policies the world over. H.E.L.P. confirms its pledge to support the works of UNISDR and the continued efforts of many organizations globally.



Objective Overview H.E.L.P. is a community leader. Being visible, advocating for resources, and building communication platforms is key essential to the development of H.E.L.P.’s brand identity. Value: Character: • Adaptability

• Honesty

• Capability

• Communication

• Approachability • Helpful

• Hopeful • Trustworthy

• Delegation

• Commitment • Intuitive

• Inspiring

As H.E.L.P. is established to create communicative policy and develop a cohesive approach to uniting all agencies in times of emergency, there is great need to create an encompassing system to structurally identify H.E.L.P. personnel, the level at which subsets of personnel follow chains of command, and the protocols to follow in dealing with local, national & international crisis.


Competitive Analysis


Human Emergency Lifeline Provider

1 2 3 4 5 6

Provides Humanitarian Relief in Disasters Utilizes Resources to Offset Loss

Programs for Preparedness Complete Government Backing Provides Communication Traffic

Not Dependent on Charity Donations

Onliness Statement: The only federal agency who’s elevation exceeds the positioning of emergency response services.



1, 2, 3 Similarities to Competitors

• Provides Humanitarian Relief in Disasters

• Utilizes resources to offset loss

• Programs for preparedness

Differences from Competitors

• Blood donation centers/programs

• Established in war time

• Not dependent on government money

Onliness Statement: The only agency to focus relief efforts by way of blood drives and monetary donation drives through volunteers and donors.

1, 2, 3, 4, 6 Similarities to Competitors

• Provides Humanitarian Relief in Disasters

• Utilizes resources to offset loss

• Programs for preparedness

Differences from Competitors

• Sanctioned by Presidential Executive Order

• Part of Homeland Security

• Government backing, with regulations

Onliness Statement: The only agency to “centralize federal emergency functions” (FEMA, 2016).


SWOT Analysis Human Emergency Lifeline Provider (H.E.L.P.) is a government agency backed and financed by the federal government. As it is a federal program it has several strengths and weakness that can affect its success. It is dependent on funds and policy development by the government. It must over-see nongovernment organizations, of which rarely communicate with one another in times of need. H.E.L.P. also depends on the political climate as much as it focuses on the earth’s changing climates. Both of which affect the operations of the organization. There are many opportunities for H.E.L.P., as it will be first to technological development, will be able to unify local, international and global NGOs, and create new forms of communication and deployment tactics. H.E.L.P. is constantly aware of its threats that include terrorists actions, government procedures with funding, the time and urgency of emergency deployment, the changing features and potential breakdowns of technology, and the need for available and plentiful man power in times of need. The most important aspects of this analysis for the successful branding and development of H.E.L.P. includes government involvement and development, the opportunities to develop new technology and communications processes, and the partnership of NGOs for better international and global positioning.



• Government Funding • Tactical Deployment • Military Support • Umbrella for NGOs • Latest in Technology

• Government Dependent • Complacent NGOs • Political Positioning • New Program • Communications

• New Forms of Comm. • Tech Development • Partnerships w/NGOs • Global Support • International Unity

• Terrorist Sanctions • Government Funding • Urgency • Tech Breakdowns • Man Power


Brand Position As emergency response teams are deployed, there are several perceived factors of the acceptance of these services. Cultural, economic, and political factors can all control the market positioning of companies like H.E.L.P. The analysis of vulnerability based on these factors is crucial to development and positioning. “Requiring concerted and coordinated efforts of government, UNsystem organizations, the world’s scientific and technical community, volunteer organizations and educational institutions, the private sector, the media, and individuals at risk. Vulnerability assessment..[is] essential” (United Nations IDNDR, 1992).



Target Audience Persona Kevin - 35 yo male - Salt Lake City, UT Computer Technician by trade, avid prepper and survivalist by hobby. He’s a college graduate, works at a well known tech agency, and doesn’t have a family to worry about when he is off on adventures. Behaviors:

• Purchases Prepper Gear

• Practices Survival Skills

• Volunteers as a First Responder

• World Traveler

• Carries Trusty Pocket Knife

• Social Media Active

• Political Climate Aware

Kevin frequently finds himself teaching others how to be better prepared. He seeks adventure in practicing new techniques of survival. He has been afraid of earthquakes since he was little, and attributes his survival and prep work to a large earthquake he experienced as a young kid. He wants others to be diligent in preparing for the inevitable and disastrous.


Sketch & Identity Analysis The logo for H.E.L.P. must present characteristics such as: approachable, reliable, communicative, trust, and honesty. It also needs to speak emergency response, deployment, diplomacy and authority. It must remain a beacon of hope in the time of crisis. The explorative processes reviewed five logo versions, of which #4 was found to be less of the softer side of the characteristics. However, it was found to have higher rated numbers for the recognition of being an emergency response, deployment, diplomatic and authoritative mark. With further exploration of #4, the final was found to have provided the beacon of communication that the brand must strongly stand for.




Survey Research & Analysis In the survey of 39 people, great insight into the needs of the target market was found. 28.95% of respondence were not prepared for a natural disaster 20.51% or respondence were not prepared for an emergency crisis 50% of respondence were not prepared for a terroristic threat Overall, the results showcased the needs of preparedness materials and means for eduction on the matter. Respondence who were most prepared, identified that they read articles, practice survival skills, purchase & gather emergency essentials, and volunteer for NGOs. The astounding statistics however, support that many people are not preparing themselves for the onset of emergency crisis.




Brand Strategy Brand Narrative Media Mix Brand Development Logo Typography Color Texture Visual & Verbal Tone Identity Systems Fleet Personnel




Creative Development

Brand Narrative

The rise of the waters was inevitable. Rocked by a crippling earthquake, the small island was buzzing with cries and screams, as thousands of lives were uprooted. Time is crucial when emergencies strike.


The swift reliable services of Human Emergency Lifeline Provider seek to provide communicative and approachable emergency response. Through delegation and team work, H.E.L.P. provides fast response deployment. Honesty and trust mirror the mission of the organization.

Media Mix

Internet Advertising & Information • Website • Resources Database • Digital Banner Ads • System Registration • Education Connection • Prep Blog

Technology Based Applications • Mobile Website • Mobile Resources Database • Digital Banner Ads • App System Registration • Education Connection • Prep Blog

Web & Internet is a high saturated media. According to the Internet World Statistics (2015), 313.9 million people in North America used the internet. That's 87% of the total population for the region.

According to Monica with Pew Research (2015), ownership of tablets is 45% of adults in America. Having mobile technology is increasingly important in times of need.

H.E.L.P. website will direct users to register for emergency identification systems, provide emergency preparedness information and direct users to other resources.

H.E.L.P. mobile application will direct users to register for emergency identification systems, provide emergency preparedness information and direct users to other resources.



Mobile Based Applications & Emergency System Warnings • Mobile Website • Social Media Dissemination • App Identification System • Mobile Emergency Preparedness • Comm./Broadcast Systems

Branding, Print Media & Advertising • Brand Identification • Personnel Identification • Fleet Identification • Preparedness Literature • Educational Materials • Community Newsletter

"68% of U.S. adults have a smartphone, up from 35% in 2011" (Anderson, 2015). With global positioning and adaptive mobile connections, smartphones are the fastest device for information dissemination and GPS tracking.

Print is relevant and tangible that will out last other means. "Print materials

H.E.L.P. mobile application provides users with quick reference material in emergencies, access to connecting with loved ones, staying informed through emergency broadcast systems, and GPS location services.

and prospects a brand experience that can’t be replicated online" (Modern Litho, 2014). H.E.L.P. will provide materials that can be accessed easily. An emergency preparedness brochure can be packed with a kit. Uniforms must be printed for identification of personnel. Advertising in trade and prepper magazines is key for disseminating information.


Brand Development 28

"Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution."

Kahlil Gibran


Logo The logo utilizes three of the primary color palette hues. The heartbeat symbolizes the pulse that a community has as one. The communication beacon symbolizes the purpose and work that the agency has at its core objective.

Single Color Variations

Tagline with heartbeat mark



Transparent Logo

Animated Logo


Color The primary color palette of H.E.L.P.

Brand Primary Color Palette

reflects the sustainability and approachability that the

RGB | 120-156-62 CMYK | 59-22-100-4

brand stands for.

RGB | 171-209-80 CMYK | 37-0-88-0

Green symbolizes growth and harmony. As the color of

RGB | 88-89-91 CMYK | 0-0-0-80

nature, green also conveys an emotional correspondence to safety.

RGB | 186-186-187 CMYK | 27-22-22-0

Gray symbolizes intelligence. It is used to establish longevity and carries emotional correspondence to authority.

The secondary Color Palette is established for personnel identification and agency support level. Orange offers emotional support

Blue establishes trust and honesty. It offers security and confidence in taking the


RGB | 241-90-41 CMYK | 0-80-95-0 RGB | 247-148-30 CMYK | 0-50-100-0

in times of crisis and despair.

lead in difficult times.

Secondary Color Palette | Used for Levels of Personnel

RGB | 38-34-98 CMYK | 100-100-25-25 RGB | 63-65-154 CMYK | 90-89-0-0


EXO 2.0

Typography The use of Exo 2.0 reflects the strength and nature of the brand. Its bold and versatile weights allow for a simple hierarchy in Headers, Subheads, Body, and Quotes. It is a contemporary geometric san serif typeface that conveys technologic feelings while still presenting an elegant and timeless design.

Exo 2.0 Extra Bold | Header Exo 2.0 Semi Bold | Subhead Exo 2.0 Regular | Body Exo 2.0 Light | Quotes & Citation Texture Grunge, camo, and earth elements will be used as textures to enhance the brands expression and tone. The use of distressed cement overlaying H.E.L.P.’s distinct and unique camo pattern mimics the situations in which the brand would find themselves in and supporting relief efforts among.


Visual & Verbal Tone The work of H.E.L.P. will be very emotional and toiling for both responders and victims. The tone should reflect an uplifting and hopeful voice. It should leave people with a feeling of possibility, support and approachability. It should never reflect on the tragic aspects of devastation. The imagery of the brand should convey a sense of urgency and need, with the undertone of hope. All images will be presented in muted or desaturated black and white photography, with the overlay of texture or solid color to reflect one of three brand color palettes. Each color palette used will identify which level of agency the material is supporting.




Identity Systems 36


Fleet Identification



H.E.L.P. utilizes airborne fleet vehicles over ground transportation. With increasing flexibility in drone systems and the capabilities of helicraft, their usage increases survival rates exponentially. In emergency and crisis, seconds not minutes count. There are several ways drone technology can be useful. • Reconnaissance (Before, During & After)

• Integrity Assessment (Structural)

• Supply & Infrastructure Delivery

• Frontline Detection & Control

• Deployed Tactics in Unreachable Locations

• Hazard Environment Analysis

• Search & Rescue

• Risk & Response Analysis

• Logistic Analysis


Personnel Identification The use of a two pattern uniform assists in identifying all personnel between their agency level and deployment areas.

All Command Response Personnel will utilize the brand’s staple color palette for uniform and identification items.

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Personnel will be identified by the secondary level color of orange. The use of an orange color palette assists in making them stand out among debris and other emergency response NGO personnel.

Volunteer Personnel will be identified by the tertiary level color of blue. The use of a blue color palette assists in making them stand out among debris, other emergency response NGO personnel, and allows them to be approachable and trustworthy.




Media Assets Supply Assets Drone Supply Delivery Collateral Shipping Communications Mobile Application Crucial Connector™ Unique Promotional Items Recruitment Materials Marketing Materials Convention Banners Media Advertising Print Digital




Drone Supply Delivery All drone shipments will be delivered via identifiable and labeled corrugated plastic shipping crates. Lightweight and packable crates will deliver supplies and needed materials from supply caches and emergency command sites to specific locations based on crisis needs, personnel manpower, and situational response expectancy.

Collateral Shipping Collateral deliveries will be shipped to regional offices, recruitment events, and marketing conferences & events, using corrugated cardboard packaging boxes. These boxes are labeled with the primary color palette for quick identification of branded materials.




Mobile Application H.E.L.P. will establish a system for mobile support, personnel identification, and civilian status registration. The application will allow volunteers to register for deployment and receive mission briefing and instructions.

CRUCIAL CONNECTOR™ The protocol system of civilian registration will allow all government agencies access to identify missing and unaccounted for persons. Real-time on-hand information will be verified and acknowledged by federal identification processes. Facial recognition software will be used on-site to assist in speedy recovery and identity of crisis victims. The system also utilizes existing emergency broadcast and dissemination programs for alerts and instructions during an emergency. Mobile applications are accessible to all civilians. Access to all features of the app are by paid service. All monies from the app purchase are used for system upkeep; making the app self-sustaining in technology.


Unique Promotional Items As a promotion to kick off the agencies programs and educational endeavors Crucial Connector™ gear will be handed out. These materials and items will be handed out during civilian events like prepper conventions, home improvement expos, and local community events like festivals. The Crucial Connector™ First Aid Kit is branded using the EMT level identity system. The aluminum canteen is branded using the H.E.L.P. greens. Each item will be given to patrons when they register their families information using Crucial Connector™ technology software.




Crucial Connector™ Kit Emergency Essential kits will be packaged and available for purchase. Each kit can be personalized for either individual needs or family needs. These, among other Crucial Connector™ Gear, are available through the webstore or mobile app.


Recruitment The majority of manpower comes from civilian volunteers. They are provided resources and training for the assistance of deployment during emergency crisis. As a promotional sign-up package, each volunteer would receive branded H.E.L.P. materials that include a casual polo, camo baseball cap, and volunteer credentials lanyard. They are provided two sets of complete uniforms needed for their missions, (1) Urban Set and (1) Suburban & Regional Set, emergency preparedness & safety gear, and access to Crucial Connector™ systems. Their commitment as a volunteer is recognized in measurements of service. Each cumulative year would build government benefit towards bonuses in retirement, and access to other government services.




Convention Banners When representatives are participating and marketing at conventions, community events, and educational opportunities, the banners will be utilized to bring awareness of the agency name. They are compelling and tell a story that many will want to find out more about. The pop-up banner is the most compact and economic, as it packs well, is portable and does not take much to assemble for display.



Media Advertising H.E.L.P. will utilize print media for brand awareness and volunteer interest. The campaign will feature the fire rescue crewman among the devastated fields. The compelling visual is striking and drive the call to action “Visit www.helpcrucial.org�. Print ads will be placed in transit terminals and preparedness trade magazines.


Social Media As social media is the top used technologies to date, Facebook will be the secondary web connection; the first being the agency website. Social media will connect many preparedness advocates and their followers. Promotions for winning UPI and other materials will run via the FB page. Other preparedness materials can be downloaded using the documents feature and traffic can be directed to other websites. The use of transmedia would be successful using social media as the platform.



Digital Advertising Banners H.E.L.P. branded web banners will be placed on direct traffic sites like blogs, vlogs, and targeted group pages. Banners ads can generate a great deal of traffic given the right promotion and call to action.


With the industry of preparedness only ramping up, the future for H.E.L.P. has man tracks that it can take. The future positioning of the agency must include educational preparedness initiatives with expected outcomes in regional training and certification of all personnel and civilians. As the continuing work of the UNISDR, H.E.L.P. will write and establish process for infrastructure and development as new technological and structural advances are discovered.

Vision for the Future

This complete campaign for H.E.L.P. is to establish stronger communication with authorities and civilians in the event of natural disaster, emergency crisis, and terroristic threats. Its success is dependent on the establishment of a volunteer manpower and the cooperation of government officials and agencies, and nongovernment agencies. The need for reliable and swift recovery efforts is vital. The established brand will be a beacon of hope for all of humanity. The continued efforts to develop strong relationships will only make Human Emergency Lifeline Provider the first call “WHEN TIME IS CRUCIAL�.


Designer Info

Sean Childers-Gray 801.725.2513 sean.childersgray@gmail.com

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