Ronaldo or Messi, who is your pick?

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Cristiano Ronaldo vs Lionel Messi

These two names can not be m ore familiar to us. Ronaldo and Messi, the most skilled, famou s and loved names in the footb all community, are the most su ccessful players ever, having many sports endorsements. Ma

ybe because of their huge succ ess and numerous crazy fans al l over the world, the comparis on between them never stops. And recently as the Russia Wo rld Cup ends, this comparison comes to a new summit, touchi ng off a new wave of hot debat es. Actually it’s hard to quantify j ust how far apart Real Madrid’ s No.7( now he is not there) an d Barcelona’s No.10 were on t he day. And I’m just going to t alk about my own interpretatio

ns and preference.

Firstly, let’s turn to the latest e vent, the World Cup. Unfortun ately, both of their national tea ms didn’t go further, but as for personal performances, Ronald o is undoubtedly the one more catching, scoring three goals at the first game, while Messi see ms to be a tragic figure in Russ

ia, not even scoring his penalty. But his leadership in the natio nal team is still hard to ignore. Secondly, I want to talk about t heir personal life. As for this p art, I believe Ronaldo could be the more disputable one. He ha s a son, but nobody knows wh o is the boy’s mother, and his r omantic relations with other gi rls have always been the focus of press. In the contrast, Messi has a very warm and happy fa mily. He and his wife are child hood sweetheart. They have th

ree sons, and I like the oldest, Thiago,very much, who is very cute and lovely.

Finally, I want to talk about the ir own controversies. Just like gold can’t be pure and man ca n’t be perfect, both of them ha

ve caught in tax evasion. And Ronaldo had been related to an alleged rape, which was prove d to be fake news later. Actuall y, for fans these news could ne ver weaken their love for these two greatest players, in additio n Ronaldo and Messi have con tributed much to philanthropy, helping many people out of pli ght. So maybe a little bit subje ctive, I think these controversi es won’t affect the whole.

As for the question who is my preference, I must say it’s Mes si. His life story always spurs me on and makes me believe t he existence of miracle. And I even purchase some Oofos’ eq uipment with discount in couponbirds, starting my daily exercises. It’s health that provi des possibility for success, isn’ t it?

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