Service Manual Table of contents
0.1.000 Table of contents Title
Date of issue
Table of contents
1.0.000 1.1.000 1.2.000 1.3.001 1.3.002 1.3.003 1.4.000 1.5.000
Sub group index "General" Foreword and explanations Safety guidelines Tightening torques Conversion charts Tapping holes Conservation guidelines Material weights
05.2007 10.2007 02.2008 02.2010 01.2009 05.2007 02.2010 01.2010
2.0.000 2.1.000 2.2.000 2.3.000
Sub group index "Tools and work instructions" Special tools Repair welding Assembly instructions
08.2007 03.2010 08.2007 01.2009
3.0.000 3.1.000 3.1.001 3.2.000 3.2.001 3.3.000 3.4.000 3.5.000
Sub group index "Technical data and Maintenance guidelines" Technical data Technical data Maintenance and inspection schedule Maintenance and inspection schedule Maintenance and inspection guidelines Adjustment check list Inspection and adjustment tasks
10.2007 01.2010 01.2010 02.2009 01.2010 01.2010 01.2010 01.2010
4.0.000 4.1.000 4.1.001 4.2.000 4.3.000 4.4.000
Sub group index "Engine" Data page Data page Fan and cylinder arrangement Installation kit Liebherr- Diesel particle filter Installation and check list for Diesel particle filter
01.2009 01.2010 01.2010 01.2010 01.2009 01.2009
5.0.000 5.1.000 5.2.000 5.3.000
Sub group index "Coupling, splitterbox" Data page Coupling Splitterbox
03.2007 01.2010 06.2007 10.2007
6.0.000 6.1.000 6.2.000 6.2.001 6.3.000 6.3.001 6.4.000 6.5.000 6.5.001
Sub group index "Travel hydraulic" Data page Design Design Function Function Repair work and troubleshooting Component arrangement Component arrangement
10.2007 01.2010 10.2007 02.2010 02.2010 02.2010 10.2007 08.2007 05.2007
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TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
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Service Manual Table of contents
Date of issue
7.0.000 7.1.000 7.2.000 7.2.001 7.3.000 7.3.001 7.4.000 7.5.000
Sub group index "Working hydraulic" Data page Design Design Function Function Repair work and troubleshooting Component arrangement
10.2007 01.2010 10.2007 03.2009 03.2009 03.2009 10.2007 10.2007
8.0.000 8.1.000 8.2.000 8.3.000 8.3.001 8.4.000 8.5.000
Sub group index "Steering hydraulic" Data page Design Function Function Repair work and troubleshooting Component arrangement
10.2007 01.2010 08.2007 03.2009 03.2009 10.2007 08.2007
9.0.000 9.1.000 9.2.000 9.2.001 9.3.000 9.3.001 9.4.000 9.5.000 9.5.001
Sub group index "Brake hydraulic" Data page Design Design Function Function Repair work and troubleshooting Component arrangement Component arrangement
10.2007 01.2010 08.2007 01.2010 03.2009 01.2010 10.2007 05.2007 01.2010
Sub group index "Hydraulic components" Var. displacement pump / Travel pump – Travel hydraulic Var. displacement motor/ Travel motor - Travel hydraulic Regulating pump - Working hydraulic Regulating pump - Working hydraulic Fixed displacement pump Gear motor – fan drive Steering aggregate Proportional control valve block Black / white control valve block Black / white control valve block Brake cylinder Valves Cylinders
05.2007 03.2007 03.2007 06.2007 01.2009 05.2007 10.2007 05.2007 03.2007 02.2010 02.2010 02.2010 02.2009 02.2009
Sub group index "Electrical system – Diagrams and components" Component description Component description Function list Function list Fuses, notes Circuit diagram Circuit diagram Component arrangement Component arrangement Control lever Calibration of the electronic load display Calibration of the electronic load display DMS Sensor installation
05.2007 01.2010 01.2010 01.2010 01.2010 01.2009 01.2009 01.2009 01.2009 03.2009 01.2009 06.2007 10.2007 10.2007
Page No.
10.0.000 10.1.000 10.2.000 10.3.000 10.3.001 10.4.000 10.5.000 10.6.000 10.7.000 10.8.000 10.8.001 10.9.000 10.10.000 10.11.000 11.0.000 11.1.000 11.1.001 11.2.000 11.2.001 11.3.000 11.4.000 11.4.001 11.5.000 11.5.001 11.6.000 11.7.000 11.7.001 11.8.000
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TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual Table of contents
Date of issue
12.0.000 12.1.000 12.1.001 12.2.000 12.2.001 12.3.000 12.4.000
Sub group index "Electrical system - Descriptions" Evaluation software Travel hydraulic LinDiag Evaluation software Travel hydraulic LinDiag Software Working hydraulic control Bodem Software Working hydraulic control Bodem Service-Code list Software PDL – Diesel particle filter
01.2009 01.2010 01.2010 01.2010 02.2010 02.2010 01.2010
13.0.000 13.1.000 13.2.000 13.3.000 13.4.000 13.5.000 13.6.000
Sub group index "Axles / tires and gear shafts" Data page Design Disk brake Differential Wheel hub and steering axle Gear shafts
10.2007 01.2010 01.2010 01.2010 04.2007 02.2009 06.2007
14.0.000 14.1.000 14.1.001 14.1.002 14.2.130 14.2.131 14.2.132 14.3.000 14.3.001 14.4.000 14.5.000
Sub group index "Main frame installations" Level regulation Level regulation Level regulation Stabilizer / side offset Stabilizer / side offset Stabilizer / side offset Cooler arrangement Cooler arrangement Engine mount Battery installation
03.2007 03.2009 02.2010 02.2010 03.2009 02.2010 02.2010 05.2007 05.2007 08.2007 03.2007
15.0.000 15.1.000 15.1.001 15.2.000
Sub group index "Tank arrangements" Hydraulic tank Hydraulic tank Fuel tank
03.2007 10.2007 03.2009 08.2007
16.0.000 16.1.000 16.2.000 16.3.000
Sub group index "Operator’s cab, heater, air conditioning system" Operator’s cab Heater and blower Air conditioning system
03.2007 08.2007 08.2007 01.2009
17.0.000 17.1.100 17.1.101 17.1.130 17.1.131 17.2.100 17.2.101 17.2.130 17.2.131
Sub group index "Telescopic boom" Design and function Design and function Design and function Design and function Repair instructions Repair instructions Repair instructions Repair instructions
06.2007 10.2007 06.2007 06.2007 06.2007 02.2008 02.2008 03.2010 03.2010
18.0.000 18.1.000 18.2.000 18.3.000 18.4.100 18.4.130 18.4.131
Sub group index "Working attachment" Tool coupler Forklift Bucket Aerial work platform Aerial work platform Aerial work platform
10.2007 01.2009 08.2007 03.2010 02.2010 02.2010 02.2010
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TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
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Service Manual Table of contents
Date of issue
19.0.000 19.1.000 19.1.001 19.2.000 19.4.000 19.5.000 19.6.000 19.7.000
Sub group index "Special equipment" Industrial control Industrial control Rear axle steering Quick coupler Reversible fan Towing hitch device Telescope - Leak oil line
03.2010 03.2009 03.2009 06.2007 04.2007 03.2009 01.2010 03.2010
20.0.00 6.3.000 6.3.001 7.3.000 7.3.001 8.3.000 8.3.001 9.3.000 9.3.001 11.4.000 11.4.001 14.1.000 14.1.001 14.1.002 14.2.130 14.2.131 14.2.132 18.4.100 18.4.130 18.4.131 19.1.000 19.1.001
Sub group index "Additional documentation" Schematic Travel hydraulic Schematic Travel hydraulic Schematic Working hydraulic Schematic Working hydraulic Schematic Steering hydraulic Schematic Steering hydraulic Schematic Brake hydraulic Schematic Brake hydraulic Circuit diagram Circuit diagram Schematic Level regulation Schematic Level regulation Schematic Level regulation Schematic Stabilizers and side offset Schematic Stabilizers and side offset Schematic Stabilizers and side offset Schematic Aerial work platform Schematic Aerial work platform Schematic Aerial work platform Schematic Industrial control Schematic Industrial control
10.2007 02.2010 02.2010 03.2009 03.2009 03.2009 03.2009 03.2009 01.2010 01.2009 01.2009 03.2009 02.2010 02.2010 02.2010 02.2010 02.2010 02.2010 01.2009 03.2009 03.2009 03.2009
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Service Manual
General Sub group index - General
1 General 1.0.000 Sub group index - General Foreword and explanations .............................................................................. 1.1 Safety guidelines ............................................................................................... 1.2 Charts ................................................................................................................. 1.3 Tightening torques ..........................................................................................................1.3.001 Conversion charts...........................................................................................................1.3.002 Tapping holes .................................................................................................................1.3.003
Conservation guidelines ................................................................................... 1.4 Material weights................................................................................................. 1.5
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
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Service Manual
General Foreword and explanations
1.1.000 Foreword and explanations 1
For information This manual contains technical data, design and functional descriptions, work and adjustment instructions as well as numerous drawings, functional views and illustrations for the LIEBHERR – Telescopic loader. This manual should simplify competent customer service of our products. However, it does not replace expert and qualified user training and attendance of our factory training classes. Generally valid basic information is not listed. Refer to separate documentation for operational and spare parts information. The manual will be updated and expanded as necessary when changes occur in series. Note! This symbol is used in the manual for very important notes. For all tasks on the machine, accident prevention guidelines and safety guidelines must be strictly observed. Note! This manual is solely for the own use of the registered owner and may not be duplicated or copied, complete or in part, nor passed on to a third person and remains the property of LIEBHERR-Werk Telfs GmbH. All rights reserved - Printed in Austria. We reserve the right to make changes of technical details on the machine in comparison to the information and illustrations in this manual. Written and published by LIEBHERR-Werk Telfs GmbH., Technical Documentation Dept.
Explanation of layout To make it easier to find certain information and to simplify filing of updates, the following structure was developed:
Main group
Sub group
Type group
Page No.
6.3.130 - 1/2 Components (item) groups acc. to index
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Structure of main group according to sub group index
Structure based on telescopic boom type (13) and updates (0)
Continuous running number and complete pages within the model group
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Service Manual
Foreword and explanations
For the 3-digit type group number, the last number provides information regarding updates, whereby the two other numbers provide information about the type of machine, for example 000 and no additional machine serial number limitation means that the document is valid for all TL machine. for example 100/130 and no additional machine serial number limitation means that this document is valid for a TL 10 meter boom / TL 13 meter boom. for example 001/101/131 is a supplement which is valid from a certain machine serial number. Changes are issued with the same number, but with a later date. Updates have new numbers. If a page is valid only for a certain machine group, then this is noted in the header.
Itemization variations This symbol denotes a standard listing. This symbol means:“ The prerequisite must be met“. The maintenance personnel must first fulfill the described prerequisites, for example, to bring the machine in working position, to be able to carry out the steps described thereafter. This symbol denotes an activity step. The maintenance personnel is to become active on this point and carry out the described activity. This symbol denotes a result. The maintenance personal is alerted that there is a result after an activity step, for example after pressing the test button, the LED lights up.
This note shows that a detail view of an illustration is shown rotated by a given angle, as compared to the actual installation position (in this case 180°). We hope that with the enclosed information we have taken yet another step to improve the service on the LIEBHERR telescopic handlers, crawler dozers, crawler loaders and pipe layers.
LIEBHERR-Werk Telfs GmbH. Technical Documentation
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TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
General Safety guidelines
1.2.000 Safety guidelines 1 Introduction Prior to and during the performance of tests, inspections and repairs, the following safety guidelines must be observed: Any type of work may only be carried out by qualified expert personnel or under their guidance and supervision. Qualified expert personnel are persons, who, based on their specialized training and experience, have sufficient knowledge in the area of telescopic handlers and the specific technology of our machines in particular and who are familiar with all applicable laws and general work protection regulations, accident prevention guidelines, regulations, guidelines and generally approved rules concerning technology so that they are able to evaluate if the earthmoving equipment is safe to operate and if the necessary work can be performed without endangering themselves or third persons. Always adhere to the adjustment values noted in the LIEBHERR documentation when performing adjustment work. At the delivery of a machine, the operating personnel must be trained using the current operating instructions. The safety guidelines noted in the instructions must be particularly observed. These safety guidelines must also be observed during inspection, adjustment or repair work. However, there are special repair and / or inspection work which require qualified personnel to follow another procedure than that noted in the safety guidelines. In such cases, qualified personnel or individuals performing the work under the supervision of such personnel should assure that additional safety precautions necessary to insure the safety of those involved in the repair and/ or third persons are taken. Such items of repair and/ or inspection work include, but are not limited to the following: -
Opening the engine compartment doors while the engine running to carry out tests and / or adjustments. In these cases, it should be ensured that the cab door is properly secured during the entire duration of the work to prevent it from closing unexpectedly and / or inadvertently. Care should be exercised to assure that there will be no inadvertent or unintended contact of any part of the body with any moving and / or heated components. Wear only tightly fitted clothing (no scarves, no tie, no wide sleeves, etc.).
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
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Service Manual
Safety guidelines
Danger notes in this manual In the description of work, which can cause dangers for man or machine, the required safety measures are described in this manual. They are denoted with the following notes:
Danger! Warns that certain working procedures without appropriate precautionary measures can result in fatal injuries. Warning! Warns that certain working procedures without appropriate precautionary measures can result in severe bodily injuries. Caution! Warns that certain working procedures without appropriate precautionary measures can result in bodily injuries or damage to the machine. Following these notes does not relieve you from observation of additional regulations and guidelines! The following must also be observed: -
the safety regulations valid for the jobsite.
those issued by the legislature "Traffic regulations“.
the guidelines issued by trade associations.
copyright by
1.2.000 - 2 / 4
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
General Safety guidelines
Safety guidelines in these Operating instructions The detailed descriptions of the following safety guidelines are in the Operating instructions of the machine and must be strictly observed. 1
Destined use
Signs on the machine
Safety guidelines
General safety guidelines
Crushing and burn prevention
Fire and explosion prevention
Machine start up safety
Engine start up safety
Machine operating safety
Machine parking safety
Machine transporting safety
Machine towing safety
4.10 Machine maintenance safety 4.11 Safety guidelines for welding work on the machine 4.12 Safety guidelines for working on the attachment 4.13 Safety guidelines when loading the machine with a crane 4.14 Safe maintenance of hydraulic hoses and hose lines 4.15 Safety guidelines for maintenance work on machines with hydro accumulators 4.16 Roll over protection (ROPS) and falling object protection (FOPS) 4.17 Attachment and components 4.18 Safe operation for material handling 4.19 Protection from vibration 4.20 Safety guidelines for operation with quick coupler adapter (optional)
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
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1.2.000 - 3 / 4
Service Manual
General Tightening torques
1.3.001 Tightening torques The preload values and tightening torques noted in the chart have been taken from the VDI guidelines 2230 of July 1986. Installation preload values FM and tightening torques MA for shoulder studs with standard metric or fine thread per DIN ISO 262 and DIN ISO 965 T2 (replacement for DIN 13 part 13) and wrench sizes for hex head screws with shaft DIN EN 24014 (replacement for DIN 931 part 1) or socket head screws DIN EN ISO 4762 (replacement for DIN 912) -
The chart values are valid for screws with black or phosphated, zinc plated and DACROMET 500. Screws and nuts with black, phosphated or zinc plated, lightly lubricated. Medium friction value G = 0,12.
Note! Any tightening torque values and/ or tightening procedures noted in drawings / parts lists, instructions or component descriptions must be adhered to and given preference over factory standards. Beginning with grade 10.9, the use of lock washers does no longer provide any safety action. Always use correctly sized torque wrenches – the torque value according to the chart should be within the upper third of the existing range. When using impact wrenches, care must be taken so that the torque values are not exceeded. Check before and intermediately with a torque wrench.
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
copyright by
1.3.001 - 1 / 4
Service Manual
Tightening torques
Preload values FM based on grades in N
Metric standard thread M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39
Preload values and tightening torques with standard metric thread according to factory standard WN 4037 I
x 0,7
4 050
6 000
7 000
x 0,8
6 600
9 700
11 400
9 400
13 700
16 100
13 700
20 100
23 500
x 1,25
17 200
25 000
29 500
x 1,5
27 500
40 000
47 000
x 1,75
40 000
59 000
69 000
55 000
80 000
94 000
75 000
111 000
130 000
x 2,5
94 000
135 000
157 000
x 2,5
121 000
173 000
202 000
x 2,5
152 000
216 000
250 000
175 000
249 000
290 000
230 000
330 000
385 000
x 3,5
280 000
400 000
465 000
x 3,5
350 000
495 000
580 000
410 000
580 000
680 000
490 000
700 000
820 000
Tightening torques MA based on grades in Nm 8.8 2,8 5,5 9,5 15,5 23 46 79 125 195 280 390 530 670 1000 1350 1850 2350 3000
10.9 4,1 8,1 14,0 23,0 34 68 117 185 280 390 560 750 960 1400 1900 2600 3300 4300
12.9 4,8 9,5 16,5 27,0 40 79 135 215 330 460 650 880 1120 1650 2250 3000 3900 5100
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Wrench size, (x) = according to DIN931, for Socket head Hex head screw screw mm Inch mm Inch 7
(17) 16
(11/16) --
(19) 18
(3/4) --
(22) 21
(7/8) --
(32) 34
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
General Tightening torques
Preload values FM based on Tightening torques MA grades in N based on grades in Nm
Metric fine thread
8 9 10 10 12 12 14 16 18 18 20 22 24 24 27 27 30 30 33 33 36 36 39 39
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
Preload values and tightening torques with fine metric thread according to factory standard WN 4037 I
x1 x1 x1 x 1,25 x 1,25 x 1,5 x 1,5 x 1,5 x 1,5 x2 x 1,5 x 1,5 x 1,5 x2 x 1,5 x2 x 1,5 x2 x 1,5 x2 x 1,5 x3 x 1,5 x3
18 800
27 500
32 500
24 800
36 500
42 500
31 500
46 500
54 000
29 500
43 000
51 000
45 000
66 000
77 000
42 500
62 000
73 000
61 000
89 000
104 000
82 000
121 000
141 000
110 000
157 000
184 000
102 000
146 000
170 000
139 000
199 000
232 000
171 000
245 000
285 000
207 000
295 000
346 000
196 000
280 000
325 000
267 000
381 000
445 000
255 000
365 000
425 000
335 000
477 000
558 000
321 000
457 000
534 000
410 000
584 000
683 000
395 000
560 000
660 000
492 000
701 000
820 000
440 000
630 000
740 000
582 000
830 000
971 000
530 000
750 000
880 000
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
8.8 24,5 36 52 49 87 83 135 205 310 290 430 580 760 730 1110 1070 1540 1490 2050 2000 2680 2500 3430 3200
10.9 36 53 76 72 125 122 200 300 440 420 620 820 1090 1040 1580 1500 2190 2120 2920 2800 3820 3500 4890 4600
12.9 43 62 89 84 150 145 235 360 520 490 720 960 1270 1220 1850 1800 2560 2480 3420 3300 4470 4100 5720 5300
Wrench size, (x) = according to DIN931, for Socket head Hex head screw screw mm Inch mm Inch 13
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Service Manual
Tightening torques
Tightening torque for screws to mount SAE flange (not part of factory standard WN 4037 I) Listing according to LFR Quality service 2QA 6 051 00 as of Oct. 2001
Flanges and half flanges for high pressure (Norm 62)
Flange nominal size
Screw size
½" ¾" 1" 1 ¼" 1 ½" 2"
M8 M 10 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 20
31 62 108 172 264 350
-45 70 120 170 250
-65 110 180 250 450
Half flange for low pressure (Norm 61)
Flange nominal size ½" ¾" 1" 1 ¼" 1 ½" 2" 2 ½" 3" 3 ½" 4" 5"
Tightening torques in Nm for screw grade 10.9 Flat flange without Flange with Half flange reinforcement rim reinforcement rim
Tightening torques in Nm for Screw grade 8.8 Screw grade 10.9
Screw size M8 M 10 M 10 M 10 M 12 M 12 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 16 M 16
22 44 44 44 76 76 76 122 187 187 187
31 62 62 62 108 108 108 172 264 264 264
Tightening torque for oil drain plugs on travel gear (40 km/h) (not part of the factory standard WN 4037 I)
Plug Thread size M 26x1,5
Tightening torques in Nm 40+10
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TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
General Conversion charts
1.3.002 Conversion charts by
To obtain
To obtain Multiply inch
sq. inch
sq. feet
sq. yard
sq. mile
cu. inch
cu. feet
cu. yard
cu. inch
cu. feet
short t
ft. lbs.
Ground pressure
lbs. sq. inch
lbs. sq. ft.
lbs. cu. inch
lbs. cu. ft.
ft. / min
(°Cx1,8) + 32
Unit of measure
Compression Speed Temperature
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
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Service Manual
General Tapping holes
1.3.003 Tapping holes 1
Tapping holes for metric ISO standard threads Thread size M1 M 1,1 M 1,2 M 1,4 M 1,6 M 1,7 M 1,8 M2 M 2,2 M 2,3 M 2,5 M 2,6 M3 M 3,5 M4 M 4,5 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M 10 M 11 M 12 M 14 M 16 M 18 M 20 M 22 M 24 M 27 M 30 M 33 M 36 M 39 M 42 M 45 M 48 M 52 M 56 M 60 M 64 M 68
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
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Thread size Ø Diameter limits max. min. 0,785 0,729 0,885 0,829 0,985 0,929 1,160 1,075 1,321 1,221 1,346 1,258 1,521 1,421 1,679 1,567 1,838 1,713 1,920 1,795 2,138 2,013 2,176 2,036 2,599 2,459 3,010 2,850 3,422 3,242 3,878 3,688 4,334 4,134 5,153 4,917 6,153 5,917 6,912 6,647 7,912 7,647 8,676 8,376 9,676 9,376 10,441 10,106 12,210 11,835 14,210 13,835 15,744 15,294 17,744 17,294 19,744 19,294 21,252 20,752 24,252 23,752 26,771 26,211 29,771 29,211 32,270 31,650 35,270 34,670 37,799 39,129 40,799 40,129 43,297 42,587 47,297 46,587 50,796 50,046 54,796 54,046 58,305 57,505 62,305 61,505
Drill bit Ø 0,75 0,85 0,95 1,1 1,25 1,30 1,45 1,6 1,75 1,9 2,05 2,10 2,5 2,9 3,3 3,7 4,2 5 6 6,8 7,8 8,5 9,6 10,2 12 14 15,5 17,5 19,5 21 24 26,5 29,5 32 35 37,5 40,5 43,0 47,0 50,5 54,1 57,6 61,6
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Service Manual
Tapping holes
2 Thread size M 1 x 0,2 M 1,1 x 0,2 M 1,2 x 0,2 M 1,4 x 0,2 M 1,4 x 0,25 M 1,6 x 0,2 M 1,8 x 0,2 M 2 x 0,25 M 2,2 x 0,25 M 2,5 x 0,35 M 3 x 0,35 M 3,5 x 0,35 M 4 x 0,5 M 4,5 x 0,5 M 5 x 0,5 M 5,5 x 0,5 M 6 x 0,75 M 7 x 0,75 M 8 x 0,75 M8x1 M 9 x 0,75 M9x1 M 10 x 0,75 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1,25 M 11 x 0,75 M 11 x 1 M 12 x 1 M 12 x 1,25 M 12 x 1,5 M 14 x 1 M 14 x 1,25 M 14 x 1,5 M 15 x 1 M 15 x 1,5 M 16 x 1 M 16 x 1,5 M 17 x 1 M 17 x 1,5 M 18 x 1 M 18 x 1,5 M 18 x 2 M 20 x 1 M 20 x 1,5 M 20 x 2 M 22 x 1 M 22 x 1,5 M 22 x 2 M 24 x 1 M 24 x 1,5
Tapping holes for metric ISO fine threads Hole Ø Diameter limits max. min. 0,821 0,783 0,921 0,833 1,021 0,983 1,221 1,183 1,185 1,129 1,421 1,383 1,621 1,583 1,785 1,729 1,985 1,929 2,201 1,121 2,721 2,621 3,221 3,121 3,599 3,459 4,099 3,959 4,599 4,459 5,099 4,959 5,378 5,188 6,378 6,188 7,378 7,188 7,153 6,917 8,378 8,188 8,153 7,917 9,378 9,188 9,153 8,917 8,912 8,647 10,378 10,188 10,153 9,917 11,153 10,917 10,912 10,647 10,676 10,376 13,153 12,917 12,912 112,647 12,676 12,376 14,153 13,917 13,676 13,376 15,153 14,917 14,676 14,376 16,153 15,917 15,676 15,376 17,153 16,917 16,676 16,376 16,210 15,835 19,153 18,917 18,676 18,376 18,210 17,835 21,153 20,917 20,676 20,376 20,210 19,835 23,153 22,917 22,676 22,376
Drill bit Ø
Thread size
0,8 0,9 1 1,2 1,15 1,4 1,6 1,75 1,95 2,15 2,65 3,15 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,2 6,2 7,2 7 8,2 8 9,2 9 8,8 10,2 10 11,1 10,8 10,5 13 12,8 12,5 14 13,5 15 14,5 16 15,5 17 16,5 16 19 18,5 18 21 20,5 20 23 22,5
M 24 x 2 M 25 x 1 M 25 x 1,5 M 25 x 2 M 26 x 1,5 M 27 x 1 M 27 x 1,5 M 27 x 2 M 28 x 1 M 28 x 1,5 M 28 x 2 M 30 x 1 M 30 x 1,5 M 30 x 2 M 30 x 3 M 32 x 1,5 M 32 x 2 M 33 x 1,5 M 33 x 2 M 33 x 3 M 35 x 1,5 M 36 x 1,5 M 36 x 2 M 36 x 3 M 38 x 1,5 M 39 x 1,5 M 39 x 2 M 39 x 3 M 40 x 1,5 M 40 x 2 M 40 x 3 M 42 x 1,5 M 42 x 2 M 42 x 3 M 42 x 4 M 45 x 1,5 M 43 x 2 M 45 x 3 M 45 x 4 M 48 x 1,5 M 48 x 2 M 48 x 3 M 48 x 4 M 50 x 1,5 M 50 x 2 M 50 x 3 M 52 x 1,5 M 52 x 2 M 52 x 3 M 52 x 4
copyright by
1.3.003 - 2 / 2
Hole Ø Diameter limits max. min. 22,210 21,835 24,153 23,917 23,676 23,376 23,210 22,835 24,676 24,376 26,153 25,917 25,676 25,376 25,210 24,835 27,153 26,917 26,676 26,376 26,210 25,835 29,153 28,917 28,676 28,376 28,210 27,835 27,252 26,752 30,676 30,376 30,210 29,835 31,676 31,376 31,210 30,835 30,252 29,752 33,676 33,376 34,676 34,376 34,210 33,835 33,252 32,752 36,676 36,376 37,676 37,376 37,210 36,835 36,252 35,752 38,676 38,376 38,210 37,835 37,252 36,752 40,676 40,376 40,210 39,835 39,252 38,752 38,270 37,670 43,676 43,376 43,210 42,835 42,252 41,752 41,270 40,670 46,676 46,376 46,210 45,835 45,252 44,752 44,270 43,670 48,676 48,376 48,210 47,835 47,252 46,752 50,676 50,376 50,210 49,835 49,252 48,752 48,270 47,670
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
Drill bit Ø 22 24 23,5 23 24,5 26 25,5 25 27 26,5 26 29 28,5 28 27 30,5 30 31,5 31 30 33,5 34,5 34 33 36,5 37,5 37 36 38,5 38 37 40,5 40 39 38 43,5 43 42 41 46,5 46 45 44 48,5 48 47 50,5 50 49 48
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
General Conservation guidelines
1.4.000 Conservation guidelines 1
General All parts of a construction machine are exposed to corrosion, especially when the machine is taken out of service. Corrosion can be compared to wear. However, the effects of corrosion can greatly exceed that of mechanical wear and shorten the service life of the affected parts significantly. For that reason, for longer shut down, the machines and its components must be preserved according to certain guidelines. In general, these guidelines are tiered according to the following times: Taking the machine out of service – for an unknown duration Shut down of the machine Shut down for up to 2 months Shut down for up to 12 months Shut down for longer than 12 months Return to operation The required measures are graduated depending on the different time frames. The conservation measures cannot be strictly standardized and they must be shorted or lengthened depending on the assessment of necessity (such as environmental influences). Such influences are, for example: Placement location of machine (for example in unprotected surrounding, in closed areas, protected by a roof, temperate surrounding) Type of climate (for example extreme temperatures, location in water / near the coast, etc.) Note! For conservation for sea transport, special guidelines must be observed, which are not included in these instructions. Refer to the special operating instructions.
Taking the machine out of service – for an unknown duration If a machine is taken out of service for a longer period of time without conservation, then it must be operated in intervals not to exceed 14 days, to prevent abnormal corrosion and its effects. Before putting the machine back into service, check all oil levels and correct them, if necessary. Always carry out the specified daily maintenance work before putting the machine back into service. In addition, carry out the time limited maintenance work according to the inspection schedule and additional Diesel engine Operating instructions no later than the specified intervals. Put the machine into operation according to the Operating instructions and operate it until the Diesel engine and the hydraulic system has reached the specified operating temperature in the hydraulic tank and in the coolant circuit. Actuate all functions of the travel, working hydraulic as well as functions of additionally installed hydraulic components and alternately operate them over a period of approx. 20 minutes. The hydraulic cylinders must be extended and retracted over their full stroke length. When turning the machine off, retract all hydraulic cylinders fully, if possible, and fill the fuel tank. If the machine is parked on soft ground, park the machine on wooden planks or similar and secure it to prevent it from rolling off. Check the batteries and remove them and recharge them, if necessary. Check the electrical contact points and grease them, if necessary.
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
copyright by
1.4.000 - 1 / 6
Service Manual
Conservation guidelines
Shut down of the machine Preparations for shut down Park the machine on horizontal, dry and solid ground and secure it to prevent it from rolling off. Lower the working attachment to the ground level so that there is no longer any residual pressure of the hydraulic. Clean the machine diligently according to the procedure outlined in the Operating instructions. The machine must be completely dry before starting the conservation measures. Dry electronic components and damp areas on the machine with pressurized air. If freezing temperatures are expected for the intended duration of shut down, then the fuel tank must be filled with winter fuel. Then start the Diesel engine and let it run for some time to bring the winter fuel into the fuel circuit. Then add enough fuel to the fuel tank until it is full. Note! When a conserved machine is moved for loading or transport, then the conservation protection on the piston rods of the cylinders will most often be removed by the scraper ring. For that reason, if the machine is transported, the conservation of the piston rods must be rechecked after loading and carried out again, if necessary. Note! Despite completed conservations measures, the machine must still be inspected in certain intervals and touched up, if necessary. This is within left to the discretion of the operator, but these inspections should be carried out regularly (monthly), especially in aggravated conditions (cold, heat, near the coast, etc.).
Shut down for up to 2 months Required tools / Service items Description Optical charge tester
Id. No. See section 2.1
Description To check the battery condition and the antifreeze in the coolant
WAXOYL 120-4 Anti corrosion wax
Ballistol Spray Corrosion protection Dehumidification capsule
Spray can 500ml Long term protection for up to 2 years Application area: Door locks Prevents infiltration of moisture over an extended period of time
Check the entire machine for damage and remedy, if necessary. Check the machine for paint damage and remedy, if necessary. Take care of any maintenance work which would fall within the timeframe of the planned shut down. Due to the UV exposure of the components, synthetic materials, such as plastic parts, hoses, rubber etc. must be covered with suitable aids. Electrical components, contact points and plug connections which are not sealed must be sealed with conservation wax „Waxoyl 120-4“.
copyright by
1.4.000 - 2 / 6
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
General Conservation guidelines
Apply a thick layer of conservation wax „Waxoyl 120-4“ to cover ball joints, hinges, blank parts and exposed piston rods. (Do not protect ball bearings with Waxoyl!) Place a dehumidification capsule into the central electric box. Protect all door and container locks with „Ballistol Spray“. Set the battery master switch (if present) to position „0“ and then remove the batteries. Check the battery acid level and add distilled water, if necessary. Always store the batteries in a cool and dry area. Check the load current regularly every 6 weeks and recharge, if necessary. Close the exhaust outlet with an air and watertight cover. Pay attention to any additional guidelines for special components or special local conditions.
Shut down for up to 12 months Carry out all measures according to paragraph 3.1. In addition, the following is required: Clean the Diesel engine externally. Drain water from the fuel tank or condensation of the Diesel engine prefilter (see Operating instructions). Add commercially available Diesel fuel to the fuel tank until it is completely full. If the shut down is during the cold time of the year, fill the fuel dank with winter Diesel fuel (Winter Diesel fuel is suitable up to a temperature of -22°C / -7.6°F). Then start the Diesel engine and let it run for some time to bring the winter fuel into the fuel circuit. Then add enough fuel to the fuel tank until it is full. Check the coolant to ensure it has sufficient corrosion and antifreeze protection - at least 50% corrosion inhibitor antifreeze fluid (for guidelines refer to the Operating instructions). Seal the entire machine (Diesel engine, hydraulic aggregates, main frame, tank, travel gear / axles, equalizer bar, working attachments, etc.) with preservation wax „Waxoyl 120-4“. (Amount of preservative agent: An area of approx. 5m² can be treated with one liter Waxoyl) Note! The following points must be observed when applying the corrosion inhibitor wax: Observe a drying time of 3 hours. Ambient temperature at least +15°C / 59°F. Use protective equipment (breathing protection, safety glasses, respirator, etc.). The solvents of the anti corrosion wax are flammable! (Do not smoke and avoid open flames!) Cold resistant to a temperature of -40°C / -40°F. Release the chain tension by relieving the tension cylinder (see Operating instructions). Check the machine monthly and reapply conservation protective measures if necessary.
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
copyright by
1.4.000 - 3 / 6
Service Manual
Conservation guidelines
Shut down for longer than 12 months Carry out all measures according to paragraph 3.1 and 3.2. In addition, the following is required: Note! If a shut down for longer than 12 months is scheduled, then contact the Service Dept. of the Diesel engine manufacturer. Close off all openings, such as air filter, exhaust pipe, vent openings on components, etc. airtight. The vent for the fuel tank (if present) must remain open for safety reasons! Rub the rubber seal of the cab and containers with talcum powder, close the doors. If the cab is not installed, cover the operator’s platform properly. If necessary, remove the operator’s seat. Cover the instrument panel and protect it.
4 4.1
Return to operation After a shut down of 2 months Remove the dehumidification capsule from the electronic box. Check the fill levels and lubricate the machine according to the Operating instructions. Install the batteries and clean / grease the battery terminals. Open the exhaust outlet. Drain water from the fuel tank or drain any condensation of the Diesel engine prefilter (see Operating instructions). Clean anti corrosion wax from ball joints, hinges, blank parts and exposed piston rods. Put the machine back into service as outlined in the Operating instructions. Before working with the machine, check all functions of the machine and remedy and defects immediately. Carry out a thorough visual inspection on the machine. Actuate all functions of the travel, working hydraulic as well as functions of additionally installed hydraulic components and alternately operate them over a period of approx. 20 minutes. The hydraulic cylinders must be extended and retracted over their full stroke length. Observe any additional guidelines for special components or special local conditions.
After a shut down of 12 months Carry out the items according to paragraph 4.1. Take an oil sample of the hydraulic oil and send it in for analysis. Carry out the scheduled maintenance and inspection work on the machine before putting it back into service. On the Diesel engine, mechanically actuate the AGR flap (exhaust return) and the engine brake flap and check for easy movement. Grease the V-belts! Use a high pressure cleaner with steam (at least 120°C) as well as 5% additive of solvent (such as petroleum) to clean the anti corrosion wax from the machine and aggregates. (Caution when walking on surfaces, there is a danger of slipping due to the wax residue.) Check the V-belt of the Diesel engine and replace it if necessary. Carry out a Diesel engine test run: Increase the Diesel engine rpm only slowly to ¾ of the high idle rpm until the operating temperature is reached. Check the oil pressure display immediately after starting the Diesel engine. Check the vacuum display of the air filter. Adjust the chain tension to suit the application (see Operating instructions).
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1.4.000 - 4 / 6
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
General Conservation guidelines
After shut down of longer than 12 months Complete all items outlined in paragraph 4.2 and 4.1. Note! After a scheduled shut down of longer than 12 months contact the Service Dept. of the Diesel engine manufacturer. Remove all covers and closures, which were installed for conservation measures. Turn the Diesel engine manually a few turns (use the turning device - flywheel – see Special tools). Start the machine and bring it to operating temperature. After the machine was brought to operating temperature, change all lube and service fluids as well as filters according to the Operating instructions Check the entire machine for function and for leaks. If necessary, carry out any time limited maintenance work at this time.
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
copyright by
1.4.000 - 5 / 6
Service Manual
General Material weights
1.5.000 Material weights Material Anthracite coal
spec. weight1) kg/m3 fest 1600 590 - 890 2970 1900 1280 2200 1900 2020 1540 3170 2790 2730 2130 - 2900 2610 2170 1690 1900 2260 860 2020 1840 2080 1660 1840 3260 1370 2670 3030 1600 1900 2080 2020 1930 2230 2520 1660 2940 2610
Loosening in % 35 35 8 52 33 35 35 35 26 26 23 75 75 64 18 69 12 12 12 12 54 22 24 24 17 19 17 44 67 18 12 12 13 26 12 10 67 33 68 49
Loosening factor 0,74 0,74 0,93 0,66 0,75 0,74 0,74 0,74 0,79 0,79 0,81 0,57 0,57 0,61 0,85 0,59 0,89 0,89 0,89 0,89 0,65 0,82 0,80 0,80 0,86 0,84 0,86 0,69 0,60 0,85 0,89 0,89 0,88 0,79 0,89 0,91 0,60 0,75 0,59 0,67
spec. weight kg/m3 loose 1190 1100 550 - 830 1960 1420 950 830 1630 1510 1600 1250 1810 1660 1660 1810 - 2450 1540 1540 1930 1510 1690 2020 1560 1660 1480 1660 1420 2540 2790 950 1600 2580 1420 1690 1840 1600 2400 1720 2020 1510 1250 1750 130 520 1750
- raw - washed Ash bituminous coal Basalt Bauxite, Kaolin Bituminous coal - raw - washed Carnotite, Uranium ore Soil - dry hardened - wet loosened - clay Gypsum - broken - ground Granite - broken Hematite, iron ore Limestone - broken - ground Gravel - damp - dry - dry 6-50mm - wet 6-50mm Coke Loam, clay - seasoned - dry - wet Clay with gravel - dry - wet Magnetite, iron ore Topsoil Natural stone - ground Pyrite, iron ore Sand - dry, lose - damp - wet Sand with clay - lose - compressed Sand with gravel - dry - wet Sandstone Slate Slag - broken Snow - dry Sand with clay - lose Trapp rock - broken Weathered rock 2790 42 0,70 1960 75% rock, 25% soil Weathered rock 2280 33 0,75 1720 50% rock, 50% Soil Weathered rock 1960 24 0,80 1570 25% rock, 75% Soil 1) The actual values depend on the moisture content, the grain size and the compression. Testing is required to determine more exact values.
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
copyright by
1.5.000 - 1 / 2
Service Manual
Tools and work instructions Sub group index – Tools and work instructions
2 Tools and work instructions 2.0.000 Sub group index – Tools and work instructions Special tools .................................................................................................. 2.1 Repair welding ............................................................................................... 2.2 Assembly instructions .................................................................................. 2.3
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
copyright by
2.0.000 - 1 / 2
Service Manual
Tools and work instructions Special tools
2.1.000 Special tools General The following section is divided into three sections: 1 Special tools - Maintenance 2 Special tools - Repairs 3 Special tools for in-house manufacture Special tools for maintenance are a must-have to carry out the maintenance and inspection schedule. In addition, some tools are necessary aids for troubleshooting. Special tools for repairs are only required in case of a repair of the affected components. Special tools for in-house manufacture can be made in-house as necessary. The drawings to make them are made available by the manufacturer.
1 1.1
Special tools Maintenance Diesel engine
Id. No.
Turning device for flywheel JDE83
To adjust the valve clearance, install on the flywheel housing
Adjustment pin JDG1571
Is required together with JDE 83 to adjust the valve clearance.
To hold the flywheel TDC to adjust the injection pump. Digital rpm gauge „Shimpo“
Reflective tape
7364 284
6140 632 01
To measure the rpm with reflective tape Test range: 6-8300 rpm Accuracy: 1 rpm Use with Shimpo rpm gauge
Optical charge tester
To check the battery charge condition and the antifreeze in the coolant
V-belt test unit „Krikit2“
To check the V-belt tension
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
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2.1.000 - 1 / 14
Tools and work instructions
Service Manual
Special tools
Hydraulic system
Description Vacuum pump 12V cpl. with accessories Consisting of:
Id. No.
For faster bleeding of hydraulic system, by enclosing the PVC hose, a slight excess pressure can be produced.
Vacuum pump with electrical cable, PVC hose inside diameter 5mm, Fitting
Temperature gauge
Test range: -18°C - +260°C
Difference pressure test set 230V Consisting of:
7025 376
Test unit Multi-Handy 2045 2 pressure sensors 0-600 bar 2 Mini test connections 2 test cables 12m long KFZ connector cable Data cable Power unit
Accuracy: 1% of the scale end value
Scale pressure gauge 0-10 0-25 0-40 0-60 0-100 0-160 0-250 0-400 0-600 0-1000
To measure pressure, pressure peaks and pressure difference and suitable for data transfer to PC
5002 865 7361 289 7361 288 5002 867 5602 903 7361 286 7361 285 7500 002 7361 294 4601 115
All pressure gauges are glycerin filled
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2.1.000 - 2 / 14
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
Tools and work instructions Special tools
Description Pressure gauge connection R½
Id. No. 7002 436
Test fitting, cpl. R6L R 10 L R 12 L
7409 916 7406 864 7409 918
To seal at pressure tests, a square seal ring, Id.No. 7409 794 must be used.
Union nut and compression ring are affixed on the test fitting.
7615 321 5608 462 7407 071 7406 865 7409 720
Screw coupling M 16x2
7407 070
Test hose NW 2 1000 mm 1500 mm 4000 mm 5000 mm
7002437 7002475 7009134 7363732
Hook wrench 45 50 mm 58 62 mm
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
To connect to additional test points in the machines
Screw coupling M 8x1 M 10x1 M 12x1.5 M 14x1.5 R¼
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
7403366 7900282
To connect shorter test lines or for connection between test connection and pressure sensor
To keep loss of pressure during tests to a minimum, shorter test hoses are preferable
To loosen / counter when adjusting the pump regulating range Use with socket wrench HPV
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2.1.000 - 3 / 14
Tools and work instructions
Service Manual
Special tools
Id. No.
Socket wrench for grooved nut HPV
To loosen / counter when adjusting the pump end stop
Use with hook wrench Groove ø 45.5 +0.5mm
Socket wrench for 0position grooved nut HPV
To loosen / counter when adjusting the hydraulic zero position Groove ø 32 +0.5 mm
Angle screwdriver Size 22
To close off high pressure connections
Test plates For SAE flange 1/2 A 90mm B 32mm C, r 5mm For SAE flange 3/4 A 90mm B 40mm C,r 5mm For SAE flange 1 A 90mm B 44mm C,r 5mm
For cap hydraulic tank
10355369 Material: Ground spring steel 7370092
Round off end of the plate (simplifies installation, avoids damage to the seal ring)
Or to be made in-house
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2.1.000 - 4 / 14
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
Tools and work instructions Special tools
Electrical system
Id. No.
LinDiag Diagnostics Consisting of:
To adjust the travel hydraulic, read out the Service Codes and for troubleshooting on machines in exhaust stage Tier2 and Tier3
Data carrier with latest software version Dongle for LinDiag 7 9124.01.750 Adapter cable for LH-ECU-UP/CR
USB - Adapter
Intermediate adapter from serial to USB Is only required for notebooks without serial connection
Bodem Software with copy protection plug for USB connection
To adjust the working hydraulic, read out the Service Codes and for troubleshooting on machines
Bodem Data cable
To adjust the working hydraulic
Flash tool Working hydraulic controller (is not required for adjustments
To transfer updates to the working hydraulic control
Digital multi meter cpl. with cable and bag
10297212 10035410
Voltage (V)Amperage (A)Resistance ( )and Frequency (Hz)tests
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
copyright by
2.1.000 - 5 / 14
Tools and work instructions
Service Manual
Special tools
Id. No.
Optical charge tester
LMB Magnet
see Pt. 1.1 Diesel engine 10354217
To check the battery condition and the antifreeze in the coolant For calibration mode of electronic load display Already included on tool box.
Mechanical component groups
Id. No.
Feeler gauge
To measure the wear on the brake disks (service brake))
2 2.1
Special tools - Repair Diesel engine Note! The special tools for Diesel engine repair are listed in the Diesel engine workshop manual.
copyright by
2.1.000 - 6 / 14
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
Tools and work instructions Special tools
Hydraulic system
Id. No.
Socket wrench Valve sleeve
For repair of variable motor HMV To remove and install the valve sleeve of the directional valve See section 10.2 Position 73
Mandrel thrust ring
For repair of var. pump HPV or var. motor HMV
HPV 75
HMV 210
For the installation of the hot thrust ring on the drive shaft. See chapter 10.1 or 8.2. Position 11
For repair of var. pump HPV or var. motor HMV
Mandrel [1] and protective sleeve [2] for shaft seal ring HPV 75
HPV 75
HMV 210
HMV 210
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
For pressing in the radial shaft seal ring to push over the drive shaft (in connection with the corresponding protective sleeve) See section 10.1 or 10.2 Position 12
copyright by
2.1.000 - 7 / 14
Tools and work instructions
Service Manual
Special tools
Id. No.
For repair of var. pump HPV or var. motor HMV
Installation aid for seal ring on oil guide pipes Pos.1 HMV 210
The tool is used to install the O-rings on the oil guide pipes
Pos.2 HPV 75
See Section 10.1 Position 46 or section 10.2. Position 45
Spindle device for swash plate mount
For repair of var. pump HPV or var. motor HMV With this device, the swash plate mount can be lowered targeted onto the pump housing at installation.
Centering pins for swash plate mount
For repair of var. pump HPV or var. motor HMV
HPV 75
HMV 210
The guide pins are used to guide the swash plate mount at assembly with the pump housing. minimum 2 each maximum 4 each required
copyright by
2.1.000 - 8 / 14
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
Tools and work instructions Special tools
Id. No.
Centering device for swash plate mount
For repair of var. pump HPV or var. motor HMV Device to affix the oil guide pipes at installation of swash plate mount 2 each required
Note! The special tools for cylinder repair are listed in the spare parts list.
Electrical system
Id. No.
Crimper for MATE-N-LOK Crimp contacts
Remarks To make proper crimp connection on MATE-N-LOK plug connections
For 1,5 mm² For 2,5 mm²
7367025 7366314
Removal tool AMP for MATE-N-LOK Crimp contacts
Spare insert
Installation tool AMP for MATE-N-LOK Crimp contacts
To insert the pin and bushing contacts in MATE-N-LOK plug connectors
Hand Crimper for „Deutsch“ plug connector
To make proper crimp connections
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
To remove crimp contacts from plug connector
copyright by
2.1.000 - 9 / 14
Tools and work instructions
Service Manual
Special tools
Id. No.
8503633 8503632 10114733 885563714 10114732 To remove pin and bushing contacts in „Deutsch“ plug connectors (alternate)
Removal tool Cannon for Deutsch crimp contacts (alternate) AWG 12 AWG 16 AWG 20
8145674 8145673 8503630
Crimper AMP AMP Certi-Lock
Removal tool AMP AMP 726 503-1
To remove pin and bushing contacts in „Deutsch“ plug connectors
Removal tool Cannon for „Deutsch“ crimp contacts AWG 4 AWG 8 AWG 12 AWG 16 AWG 20
Crimper ESA 0760 CRB 0560
7409781 7409782
Insulating pliers, cpl. Type 5011-26
To crimp the „JUNIOR POWER TIMER“ contacts
To remove contacts from the „JUNIOR POWER TIMER“ housing
To crimp insulated 0.5 -6.0 mm² cable shoes, for example cable connectors CRB 0560 also windshield wiper motor
To insulate the 0.75 mm² electric cable
Spare cutter: 1.5-6.00 qmm 0.15-2.5 qmm
7409788 7409789
copyright by
2.1.000 - 10 / 14
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
Tools and work instructions Special tools
Id. No.
Removal tool METRI-PACK
To remove connector clamps on central plug of engine electronic ECU
wide narrow
7091022 7091023
Mechanical component group
Id. No.
To install and remove the operatorÂ’s cab to gain access to the hydraulic tank
Screw swirl
To install and remove the 1350kg ballast weight.
2 each required See section 2.3 Installation instructions. Installation aid Ballast weight
see Pt. 3 Tools for in-house manufacture
To remove and install the 625kg ballast weight to equalize the center of gravity 2 each required See section 2.3 Installation instructions. This tool can also be used as an alternate for the screw swirl 10490498.
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
copyright by
2.1.000 - 11 / 14
Tools and work instructions
Service Manual
Special tools
Telescopic boom
Id. No.
Spacer for the telescopic cylinder (13m)
Device to keep two cylinders of the 13m telescope apart for repair
To install and remove tilt cylinder
Open ended box wrench
The wrench is ground at the opening to be able to install hoses on the solenoid valves
Pin puller
To pull the two pins from the cylinder bearing – telescopic cylinder 1 of 13 m telescope
Or to be made in-house
External bleeding of telescopic cylinder Hydraulic hose
Flange half SAE 3/4“ Hex head screw M10x35 10.9 Hose fitting
(TL 4xx-13 F/N xxx6000 9500) 2 each required
4 each required
(TL 4xx-13 F/N xxx-9501 ) can also be carried out with the aid of the already installed hose by using the fitting
Pulling device
To replace the hose on the 13m telescopes from TL 4xx-13 F/N xxx9501
copyright by
2.1.000 - 12 / 14
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
Tools and work instructions Special tools
Special tools for in-house manufacture Note! The following dimensions are given in millimeters [mm].
Pin puller To pull the two pins from the cylinder bearing – telescopic cylinder 1 of the 13 m telescope. See also section 17.2 Repair instructions.
Fig. 1 Pin puller
1 2 3 4
Guide rod Hex fitting Impact sleeve Allen screw M8x30 8.8
5 Hex nut M20 6 Washer ISO 8738 20 7 2x Washer DIN 433 8,4
Note! Affix the hex nut Pos.5 with three weld points.
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
copyright by
2.1.000 - 13 / 14
Tools and work instructions
Service Manual
Special tools
Installation aid for ballast weight To remove and install the 625kg ballast weight. Is used to equalize the center of gravity, since it is not located in the center. The angle equalized the distance, so that the ballast weight can be installed / remove without jamming.
Fig. 2 Installation aid for ballast weight
copyright by
2.1.000 - 14 / 14
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
Service Manual
Tools and work instructions Repair welding
2.2.000 Repair welding Caution! In principle, prior to beginning any welding work on the telescopic handler, disconnect the electronic boxes and various electronic components (see Operating instructions). In addition, the ground terminal of the welding unit must be connected directly to the blank work piece, which is to be welded.
Preparation of cracked part Clean the cracked area to remove paint, grease and any dirt. To prevent the crack from extending during the preparation and welding process, the end of the cracks should be drilled out with a drill (at least 8 mm Ø). Then the crack should be ground, chiseled, or arched out to an angle of approx. 60° . Be certain that the edges are clean and extend through the full cross section of the material, without exceeding the space of 1 mm in the lower part. On larger grooves, a welding safety should be installed.
Fig. 1-1 Ground out / drilled out crack
Certain materials must be preheated to approx. 150°C Special preparations are necessary when preparing a crack in manganese steel. This material cannot be prepared with a chisel or planing machine, due to its hardness and peen hardening. We suggest that the crack is prepared with a slow running and water-cooled grinding wheel to prevent overheating. Note! Another possibility to prepare cracks and remove high alloy welding seams is the use of cutting electrodes of the type UTP 82 AS.
Preparation of a weld The area to be welded must be fee of grease, paint, oil, moisture and dirt. During rain, the area to be welded must be covered sufficiently. Materials with a thickness above 15 mm and high carbon steel (carbon content more than 0.22 %) and difficult to weld steel, the material must be preheated to approx. 80°- 200°C. Preheating is also necessary when the component temperature at the start of the welding work is below +5°C and when the construction of the repair part prevents the welding stress to be released.
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F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600
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Tools and work instructions
Service Manual
Repair welding
Treatment of electrodes Use only dry electrodes for welding. Electrodes with damaged coating and rusted electrodes may not be used any longer. Electrodes must be stored in a dry room with a minimum temperature of 15°C. Open electrode packages must be carefully closed and stored after the welding work is complete.
Welding technique The welding of material with the required electrodes (see chart under paragraph 7) is carried out according to DIN 1912. The adjustment of the welding current dictated by the different thicknesses of the electrodes can be taken from the chart of the electrode package. Beginning with material thickness of 8 mm, butt welds must be made in several layers. The weld is applied in several beads. Wide butt welds are filled with several side by side beads, with the last layer covering the center. The electrode should meld evenly without creating burrs and peaks. The valley or crater, which is created when changing electrodes must be filled in and overlapped with the next electrode. To prevent cracks in those craters, care must be taken that they are properly filled in. If the crack extends towards the outer edge of the material, slap may be trapped or burn holes may be created. To prevent this, the following aid may be used: tack apiece of sheet metal to the outer edge of the material. The welding seam begins now at the sheet metal in the direction of the arrow. After the welding is completed, the sheet metal is removed and the edge of the material is ground smooth. The welding seam must be cooled off slowly and should therefore be protected from rain and wind.
Fig. 4-1 Crack running to the outer edge of the material / Prepared crack
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TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600
Service Manual
Tools and work instructions Repair welding
Reinforcement of welding seam If the crack of the material is due to on overload or abuse, a reinforcement plate should be welded over the crack. The selection of the correct reinforcement plate is based on the construction and load factors of the component to be repaired. For that reason, only general recommendations can be made as to the size and shape of the reinforcement plates.
Shape of plate The crossover or connection between the reinforced and not reinforced part should be as gradual as possible, this means that the size of the plate should be selected in such a way that new or unacceptable high stress in the repaired part is avoided. Plates with sharp corners (such as a rectangular plate) may not be used.
Fig. 5-1 Reinforcement plate against clean pulling / bending and alternating loads
Plate thickness The thickness of the reinforcement plate should be up to 2/3 of the thickness of the material to be reinforced.
Material quality of the plate The material properties (yield and tensile strength, etc.) of the reinforcement plate should be equal to the material to be reinforced.
Installation of the reinforcement plate The welded area of the crack should be ground so it is smooth and level. The size of the plate must be selected in such a way that the longer sides of the plate extend into the connecting construction of the material to be reinforced. The plate should also overlap the crack on each side by at least 20 mm. The correct position and fit of the reinforcement plate is achieved by clamping and spot welding.
Welding the reinforcement plate The reinforcement plate should be welded on by running a welding bead alternately on both sides. The welding should always start in the middle of the plate and run towards the outside. Be certain to observe that each welding seam has proper run out.
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600
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Tools and work instructions
Service Manual
Repair welding
Welding direction
Fig. 5-2 Welding directions
The size of the welding run "a" is figured out in reference to the thickness "k" of the repair plate. Use formula: a=0.5 k Up to a welding run "a" of approx. 3 mm, a single run can be made, however, as a general rule, a double run should be preferred. Above a welding run "a" = 3 mm, the first run provides excellent penetration between the reinforcement plate and the basic material. Subsequent runs are added on top of the first run.
Fig. 5-3 3- or 1- layer welding seam
After the welding is completed, clean the welding seam as necessary and grind out the run between the reinforcement plate and the basic material.
Selection of correct welding electrodes For repair welding, only lime based (Kb) electrodes should be used, and as a rule, the electrodes (additional material) should be "softer" than the basic material. Exceptions to this ruse should be observed. Note! To reach the theoretical welding quality, the work must not only be performed in a professional manner, the electrode manufacturerÂ’s guidelines must be strictly observed as well. Caution! Welding of vertical-down welds is not permitted for steel components!
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TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600
Service Manual
Tools and work instructions Repair welding
Steel chart
Weldable, low alloy special steel with high wear resistance, a tensile strength of 1250 N/mm² and a yield strength limit of 1000 N/mm²
C 0,27% Si 0,7% Mn 1,6% Cr 1,4% Mo 0,6%
Q St E 380 N
Fine grain structural steel poured at special low turbulence with a guaranteed minimum tensile strength of 500 - 640 N/mm² and minimum yield strength limit of 380 N/mm² Highly abrasion resistant steel with a tensile strength of 1720 N/mm²²
C 0,18% Si 0,5% Mn 1,6%
Special steel
St 52 - 3 S355J2G3 LH 690
Structural steel poured at low turbulence with a guaranteed minimum tensile strength of 510 N/mm² Tempered fine grade structural steel with a C 0,18% Si 0,50% tensile strength 770 - 940 N/mm² and a Mn 1,5% Mo 0,5 % yield strength limit of 690 N/mm² Ni 1,5 % Lightly alloyed with V, AI and Cu
Welding chart for arc welding
Item per EN 499: E42 5 B 4 2 H5 For example: Böhler FOX EV 50
per EN 757: E 69 6 Mn2NiCrMo B 4 2 H5 for example: Böhler FOX EV 85
per EN 1600: E 18 8 Mn B 2 2 For example: Böhler FOX A 7
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
C = 0,3% Mn = 0,7% Si = 0,5% Cu = 0,65% Mo = 0,3% V = 0,05% C 0,22%
F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600
Description E = Arc welding 42 = 500-640 N/mm² tensile strength 5 = Value for notch impact strength B = basic shielded 4 = Value for run out and type of current 2 = Value for welding positions H5 = maximum hydrogen content E = Arc welding 69 = 760-960 N/mm² tensile strength 6 = Value for notch impact strength Mn2NiCrMo = Chemical composition B = basic shielded 4 = Value for run out and type of current 2 = Value for welding positions H5 = maximum hydrogen content
E = Arc welding 18 = 620-770 N/mm² tensile strength 8 = Value for notch impact strength Mn = Chemical composition B = basic shielded 2 = Value for run out and type of current 2 = Value for welding positions
Analysis values in % / Application C = 0,07, Si = 0,5, Mn = 1,1 For connection and applied welds, especially for steels with low purity and higher carbon content. Weldable with DC current, Electrode on Plus terminal (+). No vertical seams. C = 0,05, Si = 0,4, Mn = 1,5, Cr = 0,4, Ni = 2,0, Mo = 0,5 For welds, which require high tenacity and crack resistance, use for highly alloyed fine grain steel. Very low hydrogen content in welding material. Weldable with DC current, Electrode on Plus terminal (+). No vertical seams. C = 0,1, Si = 0,7, Mn = 6,5, Cr = 18,8, Ni = 8,8 For connections between different alloyed and difficult to weld steel Weldable with DC current, Electrode on Plus terminal (+). No vertical seams
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Tools and work instructions
Service Manual
Repair welding
Welding chart for metal inert gas weld with solid wire electrodes
Item per EN 440: G4Si1 For example: Böhler EMK 8
Per EN 12534: G3CrNi1Mo For example: Böhler X 70 - IG
per EN 12072: G 18 8 Mn For example: Böhler A7 IG
Description G = G = Metal inert gas weld with solid wire electrodes 4 = 500-640 N/mm² tensile strength Si = Chemical properties 1 = Value for run out and type of current
G = Metal inert gas weld with solid wire electrodes 3 = 900 N/mm² tensile strength CrNi1Mo = Chemical composition
G = Metal inert gas weld with solid wire electrodes 18 = 580-730 N/mm² tensile strength 8 = Value for notch impact strength Mn = Chemical composition
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Analysis values in % / Application C = 0,1, Si = 1,0, Mn = 1,7 For connection and applied welds, especially for steels with low purity and higher carbon content. Weldable with DC current, Electrode on Plus terminal (+). Shielding gas: Argon + 15-20% CO2 or 100% CO2 No vertical seams C = 0,1, Si = 0,6, Mn = 1,6, Cr = 0,25, Ni = 1,3, Mo = 0,25, V = 0,1 For welds, which require high tenacity and crack resistance, use for highly alloyed fine grain steel. Weldable with DC current, Electrode on Plus terminal (+). Shielding gas: Argon + 15-20% CO2 or 100% CO2 No vertical seams C = 0,08, Si = 0,9, Mn = 7,0, Cr = 19,2, Ni = 9,0 For connections between different alloyed and difficult to weld steel Weldable with DC current, Electrode on Plus terminal (+). Shielding gas: Argon + max. 2,5% CO2
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600
Service Manual
Tools and work instructions Installation guidelines
2.3.000 Installation guidelines 1
General Described in this section are installation notes for various components, which must be observed at reinstallation in case of a repair.
2 2.1
Installation notes Equipment The threaded bores required to take on the 625 kg ballast weight are located outside the center of gravity of the weight. For that reason, the weight can get stuck at removal. To avoid this, the installation aids X (see section 2.1 Special tools) must be used. Because there is a risk of damage to the machine, the chains must be spread with the assistance of a suitable aid.
Fig. 2-1 Removal – Ballast weight 625kg
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600
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Tools and work instructions
Service Manual
Installation guidelines
Travel hydraulic
Variable displacement pump Since the installation notes refer to the positions in the sectional drawing, they are described in section 10.1 „Variable displacement pump – Travel hydraulic“.
Variable displacement motor Since the installation notes refer to the positions in the sectional drawing, they are described in section 10.2 „Variable displacement motor – Travel hydraulic“.
Gear pump The double gear pump is accessible via the cover on the inside of the main frame. Raise the telescope and secure it with the aid of the hoist support. Remove the cover plate At installation of the fixed displacement pump – double gear pump, the following must be observed: Clean and grease the sealing surfaces on motor and pump. Seal the sealing surfaces with liquid seal.
Fig. 2-2 Double gear pump
In addition, it must be observed that the distance between flange and gear is at least 0.5 mm.
Collector block When removing or replacing the pressure filter, pay attention to the flow direction (marked on the filters) at installation. When removing or replacing the check valve (cold start valve) 57, pay attention to the opening direction at installation. The correct flow direction is marked on the valve.
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TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600
Service Manual
Tools and work instructions Installation guidelines
Fig. 2-3 Installation of the pressure filter on the collector block
Working hydraulic
Telescope Since the installation notes refer to the positions in the sectional drawing, they are described in section 17.1 „Design and function“ or 17.2 „Repair instructions“.
Industrial control - Boom suspension Warning! Before starting any maintenance and repair work on the stabilizing module of the emergency down screw 252 (covered by a plug) back it out by 2-3 turns to relieve the pretension of the pressure accumulator 256 to the tank (connection T). Before putting it back into service, adhere the screw with Loctite.
Fig. 2-4 Pressure accumulator
The pretension of the pressure accumulator is reestablished when the telescope is raised.
Electrical system
DMS Sensor – rear axle See section 11.8 „DMS Sensor installation“.
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600
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Tools and work instructions
Service Manual
Installation guidelines
Main frame
Variable motor mount Observe the correct arrangement of the components at installation. Tighten the hex head screws 5 with a tightening torque of 350 Nm.
Fig. 2-5 Variable motor mount and installation of RPM sensor B2
Installation of RPM sensor Tighten the impulse sensor with 30Nm. Secure the sensor with Loctite to prevent it from twisting. With the aid of shims, adjust the distance between the RPM sensor B2 and the perforated plate 10.
Cab mount See section 16.1 „Operator’s cab“.
Stabilizers Secure the screws 24 at installation with Loctite.
Fig 2-6 Installation of stabilizers for 13m telescopic loader
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TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600 F/N xxx-6600
Service Manual
Technical data and Maintenance guidelines Sub group index – Technical data and Maintenance guidelines
3 Technical data and Maintenance guidelines 3.0.000 Sub group index – Technical data and Maintenance guidelines Technical data................................................................................................ 3.1 Maintenance and inspection schedule ........................................................ 3.2 Maintenance and inspection guidelines...................................................... 3.3 Adjustment check list ................................................................................... 3.4 Inspection and adjustment tasks ................................................................. 3.5
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
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Service Manual
Technical data and maintenance guidelines Technical data
3.1.000 Technical data TL43510
Diesel engine Type Version Rating according to ISO 9249 Nominal RPM Low idle RPM
High idle RPM RPM Displacement l Oil quantity incl. filter l Oil quality / viscosity Max. permissible machine incline all directions Firing order Coolant / DCA 80 L Fuel tank capacity l Fuel usage approx. l/h
D504 T 4 cyl. In-line, water cooled, turbocharged 80 (109 PS) 2400 1050 (with working hydraulic on) 850 (with working hydraulic off) 2450 4.5 12 See operating instructions 30° 1 3 4 2 See operating instructions 125 5 - 15
Splitterbox Type Version Ratio Oil quantity Oil quality / viscosity
4519.02 Spur gear 1-stage i 0,8974 l 1,7 See operating instructions
Hydraulic system Variable pumps Travel hydraulic Type Max. flow - Qmax l/min Operating pressure (M1 / M2) pmax bar Tandem gear pumps replenishing Cooling circuit / fan drive Size Max. flow replenishing - Qmax l/min Operating pressure (SP) pmax bar Max. flow - fan drive - Qmax l/min Operating pressure (electronically regulated) - pmax bar Gear motor fan drive Size Operating RPM RPM Variable motor Travel hydraulic Type Regulating pump Working hydraulic Max. flow - Qmax Stand-by pressure (HD) Operating pressure (HD) pmax
Type l/min bar bar
Hydraulic tank capacity Circuit, additionally Oil quality / viscosity
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
9500 9500 9500 9500
HPV75 - 02 203 420 28/ 11 65 20 26 180 8 presently 2000 / 2600 HMV 210 (25 km/h) A10V 045 120 35 300
l 95 l 95 See operating instructions
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Technical data and maintenance guidelines
Service Manual
Technical data
Electrical system Operating voltage Batteries Alternator Starter Central fuse Individual fuses
V 12 Ah 170 12 V,65 A kW 4,2 A 125 See operating instructions Front axle
Front axle Planetary gear (axles) Axle ratio, total Oil quantity in axle casing - front axle Oil quantity in wheel head front axle Oil quality / viscosity and oil change intervals Service brake / parking brake front axle Tires
(45% Self locking differential) Type 212 / 415 / 709 i 1:6 1:26.25 See Operating instructions See Operating instructions See Operating instructions Type Disk brake See section 3.4
Rear axle Rear axle Planetary gear (axles) Axle ratio, total Oil quantity in axle casing rear axle Oil quantity in wheel head rear axle Oil quality / viscosity and oil change intervals Rear axle Tires
(0% Self locking differential) Type 212 / 416 / 710 i 1:6 1:26.25 See Operating instructions See Operating instructions See Operating instructions No brake See section 3.4
Steering Regulating pump Max. flow Steering / Servostat Steering cylinder Priority valve
Type l/min Type Type
A10V 045 120 LAGU 250/ 125 Synchronous cylinder LPS 160
Brake system Supply via regulating pump working pump
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3.1.000 - 2 / 4
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
9500 9500 9500 9500
Service Manual
Technical data and maintenance guidelines Technical data
9129 9424 9477
9559 9839 9929
10565 10866 10913
General Travel speed Normal range III Reduced range II Reduced range I
km/h 0 km/h 0 km/h 0
Max. traction Depending on ground conditions
25 16 8
kN 56
Basic machine Overall height (without beacon) Overall length to front carrier Overall width via standard tires Height over rear Wheel base Rear overhang Track width Ground clearance (center of vehicle) Width over supported stabilizers Turning radius via tips of forklift prongs Turning radius via tires Operating weight Basic machine Basic machine with standard forklift Basic machine with standard bucket
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
kg kg kg
2500 5810 2364 1710 2950 1130 1970 440 3150 5150 3850
8593 8857 8941
Standard forklift LH (various fork prongs) Fork prongs dimensions Max. prong distance Operating weight Load carrying capacity (depends on prongs) Standard bucket LH Bucket width Bucket capacity Operating weight Load capacity
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000 F/N xxx-6000
9500 9500 9500 9500
100x50 125x50 100x50 100x50 x1100 x1100 x1100 x1100 mm 955 955 955 955 kg 266 295 266 301 kg 3500 4500 3500 4200
mm m³ kg kg
2450 1 347 1800
2450 1 347 1800
2450 1 347 1800
2450 1 347 1800
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3.1.000 - 3 / 4
Service Manual
Technical data and Maintenance guidelines Technical data
3.1.001 Technical data TL43510
Diesel engine Type TL 4xx-xx F/N xxx-9501 10999 TL 4xx-xx F/N xxx-11000 Version Rating according to ISO 9249 kW Nominal RPM RPM Low idle RPM RPM High idle RPM RPM Displacement l Oil quantity incl. filter Oil quality / viscosity Max. permissible machine incline all directions Firing order Coolant / DCA 80 L Fuel tank capacity l Fuel usage approx. l/h
D 504 TI CD 4045 HF 287 4 cyl. In-line, water cooled, turbocharged 84 (114 PS) 2400 1050 2430 4,5 See operating instructions See operating instructions 30° 1 3 4 2 See operating instructions 125 5 - 15
Splitterbox Type Version Ratio Oil quantity Oil quality / viscosity
4519.02 Spur gear 1-stage i 0,8974 See operating instructions See operating instructions
Hydraulic system Variable pumps Travel hydraulic Type Max. flow - Qmax l/min Operating pressure (M1 / M2) pmax bar Tandem gear pumps replenishing Cooling circuit / fan drive Size Max. flow replenishing - Qmax l/min Operating pressure (SP) pmax bar Max. flow - fan drive - Qmax l/min Operating pressure (electronically regulated) - pmax bar Gear motor fan drive Size Operating RPM RPM Variable motor Travel hydraulic TL 20-25 km/h Type TL 40 km/h Type Regulating pump Working hydraulic Max. flow - Qmax Stand-by pressure (HD) Operating pressure (HD) pmax
Type l/min bar bar
Hydraulic tank capacity Circuit, additionally Oil quality / viscosity
TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-9501 F/N xxx-9501 F/N xxx-9501 F/N xxx-9501
HPV75 - 02 203 420 28/ 11 65 20 26 180 8 2000 HMV 210 ICVD GT-S1N-233V-094 A10V 045 120 35 300
l 95 l 95 See operating instructions
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3.1.001 - 1 / 4
Technical data and Maintenance guidelines
Service Manual
Technical data
Electrical system Operating voltage Batteries Alternator Starter Central fuse Individual fuses
V 12 Ah 170 12 V,75 A kW 4,2 A 125 A See operating instructions Front axle
Front axle (20-25 km/h) Front axle (40 km/h) Planetary gear (axles) Axle ratio, total (20-25 km/h) Axle ratio, total (40 km/h) Oil quantity in axle casing - front axle Oil quantity in wheel head front axle Oil quality / viscosity and oil change intervals Service brake / parking brake front axle Tires
(45% Self locking differential) 212 / 415 / 709 212 / 797 1:6 1:26,25 1:17,50 See Operating instructions See Operating instructions See Operating instructions Type Disk brake See section 3.4 Type Type i i i
Rear axle Rear axle (20-25 km/h) Rear axle (40 km/h) Planetary gear (axles) Axle ratio, total (20-25 km/h) Axle ratio, total (40 km/h) Oil quantity in axle casing - rear axle Oil quantity in wheel head rear axle Oil quality / viscosity and oil change intervals Service brake rear axle (20-25 km/h) Service brake rear axle (40 km/h) Tires
(0% Self locking differential) 212 / 416 / 710 212 / 798 1:6 1:26,25 1:17,50 See Operating instructions See Operating instructions See Operating instructions No brake Type Disk brake See section 3.4
Type Type i i i
Steering Regulating pump Max. flow Steering / Servostat Steering cylinder Priority valve
Type l/min Type Type
A10V 045 120 LAGU 250/ 125 Synchronous cylinder LPS 160
Brake system Supply via regulating pump working hydraulic
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TL 435-10 TL 445-10 TL 435-13 TL 442-13
F/N xxx-9501 F/N xxx-9501 F/N xxx-9501 F/N xxx-9501
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