Insider News nsin
View pictures on page 13 from
Frozene Hayes’ musical event held at St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church on Friday, May 6, 2011.
Volume 1 No. 5
May 15-31, 2011
ospel Fest Choral Arts G
Left Photo: Pastor Frank James II performs at the Choral Arts Gospel Fest held at Greater Mt. Eagle Church, Saturday, May 7, 2011. Frank and his wife Yolanda James were the featured vocalists for the event. Right center photo: Richard Thurman, a member of Greater Mt. Eagle choir, joins members of the Choral Arts during their combined performance “Hosanna, Hosanna”. The Choral Arts
Photos by Ken Lumpkin
Society, which is in its 21st season, is one of Southeastern Wisconsin’s finest choral organizations. Since its inception by founder and Artistic Director, James Schatzman, it has been Racine’s finest chorus, striving for excellence and higher artistic standards with each performance.
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What’s the secret to preparing healthy soul food? A better question yet, is it possible to eat soul food that is healthy? Yes, it’s possible to transform your classic soul food favorites into modernized healthy dishes. If you are an avid eater of soul food, I know what you’re thinking. Yeah, you can make the food healthier, but will it lose its flavor and taste? Don’t worry. Put your fears and wondering mind to rest. With a little knowledge and commitment, you can prepare healthy soul foods that are flavorful. and deliciously satisfying. Many African Americans and ethnic food connoisseurs have abandoned the traditional methods of preparing soul food. Because everyone is so health conscious these days, cooking and eating healthy soul food has become more than just a fad. This revolutionary change has come about due to health concerns associated with the way our parents and grandparents prepared food. Gone are the days of cooking with lard or hydrogenated vegetable oils and seasoning with pork products.
Southern Style Oven Fried Catfish Ingredients 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 1/2 pounds catfish fillets, cut into serving pieces 1 cup cornmeal 2 teaspoons Creole seasoning 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon white sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 tablespoon hot pepper sauce or water Directions 1.Preheat an oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Grease a 13x9 glass baking dish with the oil, and set aside. 2.Rinse the catfish fillets, and pat dry. In a shallow bowl, combine the cornmeal, creole seasoning, paprika, sugar, and black pepper. Combine the eggs and hot sauce or water in a another bowl. Dip the fillets in the egg mixture, dredge in the cornmeal mixture, and arrange in the baking pan. 3.Bake for 15 minutes, or until cooked through and golden brown. Turn once during cooking. Place catfish on a paper-towel lined plate, and serve immediately with additional hot sauce.
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Professional chefs, dietitians, and nutritionists have researched and found viable solutions to allow you to cook healthy soul food. These solutions to healthy eating have brought about many modernized cooking recipes. A few examples are shown to the right. Enjoy!
Thereisaneedtomanagehealthcarecosts By Wendy Arnone As the state budget debate continues, the need to manage health care costs remains a focal point. This should not be a surprise, considering health care costs comprise nearly 30 percent of Wisconsin’s state spending each year. There is a critical opportunity for managing health costs: working together so people become more active and educated health care consumers. Research shows that properly informed individuals who are engaged and encouraged to practice healthier living see a dramatic improvement in their health – helping restrain costs in the process. Also, programs and services that make managing personal health simpler can have a real impact on reducing health care costs. Fortunately, many health plans, hospitals and care providers, and employers have introduced new initiatives to help people better manage their health care benefits. Individuals can easily access up-to-date online personal health records that provide simple and secure health histories, and the most recent information on treatments and prescriptions. UnitedHealthcare, for example, makes such records available to all its plan participants through myuhc.com. Hospital performance rankings – also available online – enable people to gauge the quality of care available in their community. One example is the
Wisconsin Hospital Association (www.wicheckpoint.org) website, which ranks hospitals for performance and patient satisfaction based on criteria such as death rates, infections, a variety of common procedures and patient-safety practices. The federal government’s “Hospital Compare” website (www.hospitalcompare.hhs.gov/) provides similar information, and private organizations such as the nonprofit “Consumers’ Checkbook” use government statistics along with their own research to compare and rank hospitals. In order to take full advantage of these Page 3 The Insider News Wisconsin, May 15-31, 2011
resources, understanding health care terminology is critical. Consumers can learn the ABCs of health care (HMOs, PPOs, HSAs, etc.) by visiting www.healthcarelane.com. This virtual town’s “residents” provide easy-to-understand information about common health insurance terms, wellness programs and healthy lifestyles, and how to use online health tools and calculators. Better information can lead to improved health, and many health plans are developing targeted programs to offer improved coordinated care for people with specific illnesses. UnitedHealthcare, for example, now offers a health plan designed to help the rapidly growing numbers of diabetes and pre-diabetes patients manage their conditions while lowering their costs. The first-of-its-kind Diabetes Health Plan requires participants to comply with evidence-based guidelines for treatment of their illness. Participants who meet their plan’s required guidelines receive significant savings on out-of-pocket expenses such as lower copayments for related doctor visits and even free diabetes supplies. Better health translates to both personal and financial health. At a time when Wisconsin and states across the country are trying to balance budgets while maintaining critical services, the correlation between better health and cost savings could not be more important. Wendy Arnone is president and CEO of UnitedHealthcare of Wisconsin.
I’M WITH SPIKE: “MADEA’S BIG HAPPY FAMILY” IS NO LAUGHING MATTER FOR INTELLIGENT BLACK WOMEN byYasmeenMuqtasid Nationwide(BlackNews.com) —AtfirstIthoughtSpikeLeewasjust hatin’butaftergoingtoseethelatest installmentoftheMadeafranchiseby TylerPerry–I’vegottoshoutitloudand proudthat“I’mwith Spike.”Don’tgetme wrong–TylerPerryis EXTREMELYgifted. Healsoseemstobea veryniceperson,generousandkind-hearted.Don’tknowhim– butfromwhatweall seeofhiseveryday characterthere’snodoubthehasmany admirablequalitiesandanimpressive workethic. Withthatsaid,Imustalsosay–that upuntilSaturday,April23,2011,Iwasa hugeMadeafan.Ifirstfellinlovewith theTylerPerryMadeaphenomenonafter seeingtheMadeaGoestoJailplayatthe KodakTheater.Ithoughtthecharacters werefunny,yetrespectableandthemessagewasrichwithspiritualundertoneson theimportanceoffaithandfamily.SoI wasmorethanexcitedtoseethelatest Madea’sBigHappyFamilyflick.I plannedforweekstoseethefilm,purchasingadvanceticketsandevenarrived anhourpriortoshowtimetobeatany crowds.Ihadeagerlyawaitedthismuchneededcinematicbreakfromreality. However,realityiswhatgavemea classicMadeaslapinthefaceasIsat throughanexcruciatingstorylinefullof back-to-backblackfemalecharactersthat weretheepitomeofthemostpopular “angry,annoying,nagging,loud,unattractive,beat-down-your-man,”stereotypesof blackwomen.Themoviedepictsallof ourworststereotypesonBarryBonds steroids.Ifoundthesestereotypestobe extremelydreadfulandfranklyIwassurprisedthattheywerecomingfromTyler Perry–whoIhadpreviouslythoughtdid anicejobofcreatingpositiverolesfor blackwomen. Unfortunately,anyearlierpositive femalerolesPerrydidcreate–nowseem liketheywerejustafigmentofmyimaginationafterseeingthefirsthourof Madea’sBigHappyFamily. Letmeexplain.Therewastheobese, weed-smokingauntieBamwhojust couldn’tgetenoughofahightosatiate herappetite–totheoverweight,coldcreamwearingdaughterTammy,whois sodownonhermanevenafterhebrings herbeautifulflowersfortheiranniversary,tothissamecouple’sRobinHarris Bébé’skidsthatcontinuouslyreferto theirdadas“punkass.”Thenthere’sthe prettyKimberly,whoplaysthecoldhearted,career-hungrysisterthattreats herhandsomehusband(Mr.OldSpice) withspitefuldisdainfornoreason.Andif thatwasn’tenough,Kimberlyisalso depictedasanunfitandunlovingmother whoiscrueltohersweet-faced18-month oldson. Really,TylerPerry?Areblackwomen thatbad?Apparentlyso–becauseitdoesn’tletuphere.
Byron’scharacter,a.k.a.Bow-Wow, hassomeextremebaby-mamadramawith hisfasttalkin’,burgerpimpin’,ghettoexgirlfriendknownasSabrina.She demandschildsupportbutspendsiton BabyPhatinsteadofformula.Notto mentionBowWow’scurrentgirlfriendin thefilmplayedbyLaurenLondon–who encourageshimtohitthestreetsagain andtostartsellin’becausehis$10an hourjobain’tcuttingitforhergold-diggingventures. DidIalsomentiontheover-used “1.800.choke-that-ho”joke–whichwas notevenfunny.ThankstothisPerry script–kidsallacrossAmericawillbe chanting,“dial1.800.Choke-a-ho.” Ifittakesallofthesenegativeimages andfouldialoguetotelltheeventual moralofthestoryabouttheimportance offaithandfamily,Iamnotwillingto traveltheroadanymoretoseewhatever lightmightpossiblybeattheendofthe TylerPerry-Madeatunnel.Fornow,we arewithSpikeonthisTylerPerrymovie –thiswasstraightbuffooneryonparwith EddieMurphy’sNorbitandMartin Lawrence’sBigMama’sHouse. It’snowonderwhysomanyblack womenaresingleandnotgettingany proposalsfromthesamementhatthey havebirthedandraisedwhenweare characterizedinsuchanegativelight.It isthesehatefulanddemeaningimages thatstainthemindsofmanymenand youngboys(blackornot)toseeblack womenasundesirablematesandless valuablethanotherwomen. Blackwomenbetterwakeupandsmell theproverbialcoffee–becausetheyare notprofitingfromthesetypesofhurtful imagesbroadcastedtotheentireworld. Thisisespeciallytrueforthe42percent ofblackwomenthathaveneverbeen marriedandneverwillgetmarried.Itis anevenmorepressingissueforourblack daughterswhoarenextinlinetobesingleandlonelyifweasblackwomencontinuetostandinsilenceandsupportour owndemise. AndwhyisitthatBlackwomenare theonlywomenwhohaveanegative stereotypeaboutthemselvesthattrans-
latesintoundesirability?Thecommon Asianfemalestereotypeisthattheyare submissive–butintheeyesofmostmen –thisisseenasagoodqualityforawife. Whitewomenhavethestereotypeofthe dumbblonde–butthisisviewedas comedicfirstandforemost,andthen thereistheassumptionthatifshe’s blonde–thensheisautomaticallyconsideredbeautiful.Lastly,Latinawomenhave thestereotypethattheyare“sexually spicy”andcatertotheirman’severyneed –andwhileIamsurethatmostLatinas findthisextremelydegrading–itdoesn’t hurttheminthecontextofdesirability amongmen.Afterall,beingdesiredbya manwholovesyouiswhatmostwomen ultimatelywant. Blackwomenaretheonlywomenwho sufferfromstereotypesthatsaytheyare unattractiveacrosseverydimension.This
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iswhythesenegativestereotypesperpetuatedinTylerPerry’slatestfilmhavetobe identifiedandconfronted.Aslongaswe continuetoallownegativeimagesof whatitsupposedlymeanstobeablack womantogoontheairunchallenged– wewillcontinuetoseesuchpainful remindersofoursilence.Iamreminded oftherecentStateFarmcommercialwith theblacksmart-talkinggirlonthecorner poppinghernecktoherboyfriend.Better yet,ifwestandbyandsaynothing,we willsurelygetasequeltotheinfamous 2011SuperBowlPepsiMaxcommercial oftheblackoverweight,bug-eyed,unattractivewifewhosehusbandfantasizes aboutthefitcutewhiteblondeonthe parkbench. Everysingleunpleasantandspiteful mediaimageofblackwomencontributes towhatnowisanever-growingtrendand intentionalseparationofblackmenwith blackwomenthroughoutmainstream advertisementsandtelevisionprograms. Perhapsifthemajorityoftheimagesof blackwomenwerepositivethenthisall wouldnotbeasmuchofanissue–but thatisnotthecase.Therearetoomany imagesonthebigscreenthatstillportray blackwomenasdespicableanddifficult. PleaseTyler,stoptellin-this-vision.Black womenhavesufferedenoughfrommedia mockery. YasmeenMuqtasidisthefounderof BlackWomenMatter,Inc.,whichisdedicatedtoupliftingandencouragingblack womenandgirlswithpositivemediaand informationthatenrichestheirlives,reinforcestheirvalueandempowersthemto betheirabsolutebest.FormoreinformationortojointheBlackWomenMatter movement,sendanemailtoinfo@blackwomenmatter.com.
SHEPHERD’S GUIDE St.PaulMissionary BaptistChurch 1120 Grand Ave. Racine, Wis.
262-632-1467 www.stpmbc.org
Sunday School 9:15 AM Sunday Worship Service 7:45 AM & 10:40 AM
Bishop Lawrence L.
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Class 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM Dinner - 5:30 PM
Christian Faith Fellowship Church Racine, Wisconsin Pastors Willie & Patricia Scott 262-631-0196 Worship with us at: Sunday Worship Service • 10:00 AM Sunday School • 9:00 AM
Wednesday Bible Study • 6:30 PM
Senior Pastor
Gilmore Middle School’s Auditorium 2330 Northwestern
ZOE OUTREACH Ministries 2130 Racine Street Racine, WI 619-3027
Christian Tabernacle Baptist Church 1201CenterSt,Racine,WI53403
(262) 880-6521
Pastor Keith Evans, upper right photo, pastor of Greater Mt. Eagle MB Church, attentively watched as his choir performed during the Choral Arts Gospel Fest held at Greater Mt. Eagle Saturday, May 7. Left photo: Founder and Artistic Director, James Schatzman, applauds members of the chorus moments after they finished a joint performance with the Mount Eagle Choir. Pastors Frank and Yolanda, who were the featured vocalists, performed several gospel selections composed by African-American songwriters.
Come Worship With Us: Sunday Worship Service 11:00 AM Bible Study Wednesday 6:00 Pm - 8:00 PM
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Melvin Hargove Pastor Sunday School - 8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Sunday NA Meeting 6:30 PM Community Dinner 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday: Midweek Worship 6:15 a.m.- 8:15 p.m. Thursday NA Meeting 6:00 PM
GOP Blows It Again With Official’s Animal Depiction of President Obama byEarlOfariHutchinson OrangeCounty,CaliforniaGOP CentralCommitteememberMarilyn Davenport’semailblastdepicting PresidentObamaandhisfamilyasmonkeyswassick,vile,anddisgusting.But thatwasnottheworstpartofit. Evenher witless,dunderheaddefenseof thephotoas justa“joke,” wasnotthe worstpartof herslureither. Theworstpart wasthereactionofGOP officialstoit. Thelocal partychair, ScottBaugh, appropriately blasteditas“it dripswith racism”andsaidthatsheshouldresign. Heclaimed,though,thatthebylawspreventhimfromexpellingDavenport. Buthedidnotcallforachangeinthe by-lawstomakeexpulsionpossible,or evenindicatewhenorifhewouldmove tocensureDavenport. Totheircredit,someformerGOPstate officialsdidcallforherexpulsion.But censureorexpulsion,therecordstands thatnoactionofanykindhasbeentaken
againstDavenpor Thenon-actionpaledincomparisonto thereactionofotherGOPofficialswho eitherdownplayeditas“muchadoabout nothing”asDavenportbrandeditor defendedher. Davenportisnotsomeloosescrewed, ravingTeaPartyharanguer.She’samemberingoodstandingofthepowerful andwell-connected OrangeCounty GOPparty machine. InDemocrat leaningCalifornia, thisisnotinsignificant.Orange Countyisoneof thereddestofred countiesin Southern California,anda traditionalbastion ofGOPconservatismandGOP votes.TheOrangeCountyGOPhasand canstillmustertensofthousandsofvotes forGOPlocal,state,congressionaland presidentialcandidates.GOPpresidential candidateshavebeatasteadypathtothe countyfordecadestosecurevotesand money. Davenportforherparthasadamantly saidshewon’tresign.Shewouldnothave dugherheelsinonstayingatherparty postifshewasn’tconfidentthatshehad
thebackingofmorethanafewparty members. ThoseGOPDavenportcheerleaders aren’tjustinOrangeCounty.Otherparty officialsessentiallyblewoffthecontroversyasanon-issue.Thisstrikestothe GOP’scontinuingdenial,subtleorflat outstokeoftheracialfires. Davenportunderlinedherdespicable depictionofPresidentObamawiththe caption“”Nowyouknowwhynobirth certificate.” Thisisjustthecrude,stupid,version ofwhatwouldbeGOPpresidentialcandidateDonaldTrump’sbeenparrotingwith hismediagrabbingandTeaPartyappealingcrusadetobaitPresidentObamaon hisbirthcertificate. It’sworkedbecausepollsconsistently showthatasignificantminority,possibly amajority,ofGOPrankandfilerscling tothefalse,discredited,andbogusbelief thatObamaisafakeAmericancitizen. Trumpwouldnothavegottentofirst basewithhisbirthcertificateployifthese millionsdidn’tgivecredencetoit. Thecontroversyhashadenoughjuice toevendrawObamaintoit.Inarecent interviewhemademorethanaveiledreferencetoitwhenhesaid“we’renotreallyworryingaboutconspiracytheoriesor birthcertificates.” TopGOPpossiblepresidentialcontendershaveeitherbeenmumonthe issue,sentmixedmessagesaboutthe issue,orasinthecaseofMichele BachmannandSarahPalin,gavetacit
credencetothefraudulentissue.Despite themediaridicule,Trumphasn’tbacked awayoneinchfromtheissue. Inapeprallyspeechtoaswooning TeaPartythronginBocaRaton,Florida heagainquestionedObama’scitizenship. Trump’sslurdidn’tdampenthe applauseorenthusiasmofthecrowd.Nor hasitdampenedtheenthusiasmforhim frommillionsofothers.Inthelatest nationalpollofthenamesofthepotential GOPpresidentialcandidatescommonly bandiedabout,Trumpobliteratedthe field.Secondplacevotegetterformer ArkansasGovernorMikeHuckabeewasa distantsecond,garneringtenpercentless Please turn to page 11 ofthestrawvotethanTrump. Astrawpollthatatthisstageofthe presidentialderbytellsnothingaboutwho theGOPvoters,partyregulars,andparty moneybackerswillultimatelydecideon. Itwon’tbeTrump.Butthat’shardlythe point.Thefactthatapoliticalnon-entity canworkupthekindofmaniaandmedia attentionthathehasonthestrengthof virtuallyoneissue,namelyObama’s birth,tellsmuchaboutthecrazedstateof millionsofGOPvoters. Davenport’sslanderousemaildepiction ofObamaandfamily,herrefusaltosee anythingwrongwithit,andthefoot-drag byGOPlocalandstateofficialsin Californiatosayordoanythingaboutit speaksvolumesforGOPleaders. Trump,
Celebrated Actress Tasha Smith Shows her versatility in JUMPING THE BROOM BySandraVarner:Specialforthe InsiderNewsWisconsin TashaSmithsatdownwiththe Insider’sCelebrityColumnist,Sandra Varner,todiscussherroleinthenew romanticcomedy,“JumpingtheBroom.” InBROOM,Smithdisplaysherversatilityasaskilledactorwhocancaptivate audienceswhethersheiscastasabrash, in-your-face,no-nonsensetypetoawise, easy-goingbestfriendwithacalmpersonality. AsShondainBROOM,wealsogetto seehercougar-appeal. Justannounced,SmithwillstaralongsideMichaelJaiWhiteinTyler’sPerry’s latestTVconquest,ForBetterorWorse, onTBS,slatedforbroadcastthisfall. Perry’sBetterorWorsefollowstheupsand-downsofmarriedlifeforMarcus (White)andAngela(Smith),twocharacterswhooriginatedinthefeaturefilms WhyDidIGetMarriedandWhyDidI GetMarriedToo?Additionalcast membersareforthcoming. Thisenergizedladyjustkeepson going,settodirectherfirstfeature, “SoulTies,”Smithsaystheybeginproductionthismonth.
Our conversation follows -Sandra Varner (Talk2SV): You
showed a kinder and softer side in this film; unlike your character in the Why Did I Get Married film franchise… Smith:Yeah,well,wehave things(actingroles)thatwe knowhowtodosoyoudothat inwhateverplaceyougetan opportunitytoplaysuchacharacterasateammemberonthe set.Withthisfilm,ourdirector Salim(Akil)wasverypassion abouthowhesawmycharacter, Shonda.Forme,IjustlovewhatI dosotobeabletoshowanotherside ofme--that’sprobablythesideofme thatI’mmostathomewith--thecalmer sidethat’snotalwaysgoingahundred milesperhour.Certainmoviescallfor thatkindofenergyandifthatpartof youworksalongwiththeotherdynamics,thenyouwanttoplayitandyou wanttoutilizethatpartofyourinstrument.It’sasifyouareamusician, there’sacertaintunethatyouknowhow tohitbutyoudon’talwaysneedit.SoI didn’tneedit,IwasabletohitsomethingelseandthankGoditworked. Talk2SV: I would suggest that you probably have a lot to say about marriage and relationships; did you relate
to aspects of this story. Smith:Yes,Ican.I’manewlywed.I justgotmarriedDecember9,2010,and Ithinkloveisgreat.Whenitcomesto theleadcharactersinthisfilm,Jason (LazAlonso)andSabrina(PaulaPatton), theymetandweretogetherforsix months;theytrustedtheirlove,organically.Manytimes,wethinkwe’vegot towaittwoorthreeorfouryearstoget married.Yes,insomecases,ittakes wisdomtodothatbutattheendofthe dayyoustillhavetotrustyourheart, trustGodanddon’tshyawayfroma unionthatisonlygoingtoblessyou. Talk2SV: Many people other than
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African Americans are coming away from this film with a reflection of black people that maybe they didn’t have. Jumping the Broom is layered with nuance and cultural history. What do you think is most prominent in the story that people will find new and refreshing? Smith:Familyunitybecauseeach individualfamilyhadtheirownbond andtheirownconnection;also,the importancethatmarriagehastoeach family.Manytimes,wemaynotnecessarilyseeallofthefamilymembers showhowmuchtheylovetoshareinthe opportunityfortheirlovedonestofind thatkindoflove.Inthisfilm,thewhole familycomesouttobeapartofitand thatwasawonderfulthingtoexperience inthisfilm;thefactthatmarriage broughteveryonetogether.
L-R: Gloria Rogers: President of the Racine Branch NAACP, Medalists: Floyd Harmon, Lataisha Dismuke, Dejah Warren & Samadhi Hamilton; and Geraldine White, ACT-SO Chairperson
Racine NAACP ACT-SO Chooses Medalists & National Representatives
TheRacineBranchoftheNAACPACT-SOprogramhelditslocalconteston SaturdayApril30thandchose6medalists:Three(3)Bronze,Two(2)SilverandOne (1)Gold.LataishaDismuke,whoreceivedaGoldmedalintheMusic; Vocal/ContemporarycategorywillcompeteintheNationalACT-SOCompetition,July 21-24,2011inLosAngeles,CA.ShealsocompetedinPoetryandreceivedaBronze medal.OtherwinnerswhowillattendtheconventionareFloydHarmon,whowonthe SilverMedalinBiology/Microbiology,DejahWarrenwhowontwomedals:aSilverin Music:Vocal/ContemporaryandaBronzeinMusicInstrumental/Contemporary, SamahdhiHamilton,whowontheBronzeinMusic:Vocal/Contemporary,and ChristopherRogers,willparticipateintheOratorycompetition.
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from page 3 aberrations.TheypubliclyechothesentimentofawideswathofAmericansabout PresidentObama,andthatsentimenthasnothingtodowithanypoliticalcriticismof hispoliciesorcriticismofhimontheissues.Davenport’sracialbelligerenceon Obamaandtheparty’sofficialinactionaboutitisjustproveagainthattheGOPblows everychanceitgetstoshowthatit’sObama’spolicies,andnothisrace,thatistheir onlyconcern. Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. He is associate editor of New America Media. He hosts a national Capitol Hill broadcast radio talk show on KTYM Radio Los Angeles and WFAX Radio Washington D.C. streamed on The Hutchinson Report Newsmaker Hour on blogtalkradio.com and wfax.com and Internet TV broadcast on thehutchinsonreportnews.com. Follow Earl Ofari Hutchinson on Twitter.
The Insider News Wisconsin is a community based newspaper published in Racine, Wisconsin. The newspaper covers a variey of events that highlight lifestyles in the African-American comunities in Southeastern Wisconsin. The Insider News Wisconsin is a free publication, printed on the 1st and 15th of each month and is distributed in over 107 locations. All inquiries about advertisement or news should be made five to seven days before the 1st and 15th of each month.
Yolanda James, President/CEO Dadra Lockridge, Account Representative Julius Gails, Staff Photographer
3001 Douglas, Avenue • Racine, Wisconsin 262.681.2345 Page 11 The Insider News Wisconsin, May 15-31, 2011
Racine County Announces 2011 Summer Youth Employment and Training Program highschoolcredits.Theone-weekorientationwillbefollowedbyfiveweeksof workexperienceandongoingtraining. Duringthatperiod,eligibleparticipants canearn$7.25to$10.00anhour. Employersandyouthinterestedinthis year’sE3programcanlogonto www.wdc.racineco.comtolearnmoreand submitanapplication.Youthapplications arealsoavailableattheRacineCounty WorkforceDevelopmentCenter,1717 TaylorAvenue,Racine,WIor496 McCannaParkway,Burlington,WI.All participantapplicationsmustbereceived byMonday,May16at5:00p.m.,and worksiteapplicationsaredueonFriday, May27at5:00p.m. “Thecounty’spartnershipswitharea educatorsandcommunityleadersin developingtheprogram’svision,goals, andstructurewerevitallastyearandwill beessentialin2011,”saidAliceOliver, WorkforceDevelopmentCenterManager. “Thisyear,weexpecttoexceedour ‘HigherExpectations’intermsofthe qualityofworksitesandthecaliberof youngpeoplewhowillbecome‘work ready,worksmart,”saidOliver. Thisyear’spartnersincludeRacine UnifiedSchoolDistrict,BurlingtonArea SchoolDistrict,EducatorsCreditUnion, GatewayTechnicalCollege,Racine County,UWParkside,UnitedWayof RacineCounty,Opportunities IndustrializationCenter(OIC)ofRacine County,RacineFamilyYMCA,andCity ofRacine. Foradditionalinformationregarding theprogramcontactMarkMundl 262.638.6621
Diverse business relationships are an important part of an evolving community. That’s why we’re dedicated to the success and advancement of minorityand women-owned businesses. Diverse businesses not only contribute to our supply chain and business strategies, but also to the communities we serve. From architectural and construction services to financial and legal services, minority- and women-owned businesses provide the resources needed for us to evolve together.
Visit www.wisconsinenergy.com/supplier to learn more about participating in the We Energies Supplier Diversity Initiative.
Racine–RacineCountyExecutiveJim Ladwig announced todaythatthe Racine County Workforce Development Center (WDC)is accepting applications forits2011 Summer Youth Employment andTrainingProgram,nowcalled“E3” (“Employ,Enrich,Engage”).“TheE3 programwasverysuccessfulin2009and 2010,andwearedelightedtobeableto continueitin2011,”saidLadwig.“Iam lookingforwardtoseeingtheinnovative ideasfromprivateandnonprofitemployersthatwillmakethisyear’sprogram evenbetter.” Thisyear,WDCanditspartnerswill providesummeremploymentopportunitiesfor100to150RacineCountyyouth aged16to24.Applicationswillbe acceptedfromyouthseekingworkexperienceandfromemployerswantingto hostparticipants. Newtothisyear’sprogramisaneighthourunpaidvolunteercomponent. Anothercomponentisanintensiveoneweekorientationtohelpyouthlearnthe skillsneededforsuccessintheworkplace.Duringthatperiod,eligibleparticipantswillbepaidastipend.Students whocompletetheprogramwillearn0.5
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SHEPHERD’S GUIDE Greater Mt. Eagle Greater St. Luke’s Baptist Church Missionary Baptist Church SundaySchool • 9:00AM SundayWorshipService• 10:45AM BibleStudy(Wed.) • 6:00PM WordofLife(YouthProgram)(Thur. ) •6:30PM
Sunday School 9:15 am Sunday Worship 11:00 am Bible Class (Wednesday) • 6 pm
Pastor Keith Evans
“AGodGlorifying,Christ Centered,Spirit-Filled Church” 929 State Street • Racine, Wisconsin 53404
The Community
Pastor Jessie Summerall
1326 State Street 632-4146
Gospel Mission Ministries
helps celebrate 30 Years of Music Top photo: The Douglas Singers, a female gospel quartet, electrified the audience during the celebration of Frozene Hayes’ 30 years in the Gospel Music Ministry, held Friday, May 6, at St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Racine. Left: members of the audience clapped their hands to the sounds of Min. Percy Gray, featuring Joshua’s Troop. Nearly 200 people attended the celebration to give the national recording artist well wishes. Below: Hayes gives her approval to the artist that performed a special song in her honor.
Prayer Service (Thursday) • 6 pm
SeArChinG TOGeTher MiSSiOnAry BAPTiST ChurCh Rev. Willie Riley, Senior Pastor 262.633.4421
82521stStreet•Racine Sunday School Worship Service Mid Morning Worship Service Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study Wednesday Dinner Wednesday evening Bible Study Saturday Morning Prayer
9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 noon 5:30-6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m.
Trinity United Missionary Baptist Church 306-5th Street, Racine, WI
Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Prayer Service (Wed.) 5:00 PM Bible Class & Prayer (Wed.) - 6:00 PM
262.635.1994 email: tumbcc@ameritech.ne t
Page 13 The Insider News Wisconsin, May 15-31, 2011
Pastors Breon and Karen Norton 945 N. Memorial Drive • Racine, WI 53403 262.634.3156 Sunday Service • 1:30 p.m. Wednesday • 7:15 p.m. Friday Prayer and Praise Dance • 7:15 p.m.
26th Annual EIP & 12th GEAR UP Recognition Banquet held at Infusino’s Topphoto:MichellePayne,astudentatMcKinley MiddleSchool,showsherfatherRonnyPayne,theplaqueshereceivedforhavingthe highestGradePointAverageasa6thgraderintheprogram.Notshownishermother MichelleHudson.Leftphoto:RacineCountyBoardSupervisorDonnieSnow,who wastheeventkeynotespeakercongratulatesTameishaGage,a10thgradestudentwho attendsParkHighSchool.ShereceivedanAwardofAchievementforhavinga2.5to 2.9cumulativegradepointaverage,participatinginatleast50%ofEIP/GEARUP activities,havinggoodattendance,andbeingpunctualatschool.Rightphoto:Xavier Anderson,an11thgradestudentatParkHighSchool,iscommendedforhissuccessin theEIP/GEARUPprogram. TheEarlyIdentificationProgramfocusesonstudentsingrades8-12byrecognizing achievementsandidentifyingpotentialacademicproblemsbeforetheyarise.Itemphasizesacademicparticipation,parentalinvolvement,andcurriculumguidanceforthe students.TheEIPprogramalsoassistsstudentswithobtainingfinancialaidandcollegeplacement.Studentsarealsoencouragedtoparticipateinavarietyofpre-college programsofferedstatewide. ThefederallyfundedGEARUPprogramprovidesearlyinformationtostudentsin grades6to12andtoparentsaboutcollegeoptions,requiredcourses,andfinancialaid. Page 14 The Insider News Wisconsin, May 15-31, 2011
Page 15 The Insider News Wisconsin, May 15-31, 2011
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Page 16 The Insider News Wisconsin, May 15-31, 2011