Insider News MLK Edition

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Is yet another minority business a target of the City of Racine for its license? A local Black tavern owner is wondering if and why he has become the latest target for closure. He states that during the ten years he has operated, there have been very few complaints that he is aware of about his business or his patrons. He added, “My patrons are primarily middle age or older. I have always considered myself and my business to be a contributing member of the community, willingly sponsoring such things as municipal sports teams and holding events such as our annual pig roast.” But recently he was shocked to be informed by a friend that his business had become a subject for discussion at a City Council meeting. Two weeks after that conversation, he received notice of that fact from the city. Prior to that notice, he goes on, “I have never been contacted by anyone complaining of my business or the way that it is operated and if anyone had such a complaint it would have been a simple matter to share that with me. Certainly the alderman for my district, Q.A. Shakoor ll, could have brought this to my attention and given me the opportunity to discuss it.” In a referral to the Public Safety and Licensing Committee, Alderman Jim Kaplan and Alderman Q. A. Shakoor ll, asked that the committee check into the affairs of the lounge on behalf of Maria Cartagena, whose complaint has not been publicly revealed. Cartagena, the plaintiff, was not present at the Monday Nov. 25 meeting, yet the committee voted to have the bar owner appear at their next meeting to discuss alleged events resulting in police calls. A review of the police calls list for the business under scrutiny shows that the greater percentage of call was produced outside of or near the bar. Interestingly, the list of police calls on record for Gordon Auto Parts, an auto parts store in the neighborhood, shows more calls than the bar in less time and of a more violent nature.

Neckboneolgy When it comes to taxpayer’s money, there isn’t a limit to the amount the city will spend to close a black bar.

Alderman Jim Kaplan Several Black and minority bar owners have become quite alarmed in recent years. They are concerned that they are being targeted to be closed, freeing their liquor licenses to be sold to newly opening white businesses. It’s easy to see why they are concerned. In a six-year period, 14 bars or clubs that are minority owned, or owners that cater to a minority cliental were closed and the city committee revoked eight licenses. During the same period of time none of their white counterparts were forced into closing or any license revoked. Even with police evidence of more serious crime in white owned establishments. In the past six years it has been almost exclusively minority bars that have had “side agreements “ imposed against them-

Alderman Q. A. Shakoor ll some before their bars were ever opened. Claiming “fragility of the neighborhood” or “concentration of licenses” in an area are used to discourage minorities. Along with unreasonable requests for security systems and equipment upgrades, the City has successfully stonewalled minority business owners from new license applications. The most controversial and costly to the taxpayers was the closing of African American clubs located in the 500 block of 6th Street namely Park 6. It cost well over $80,000 dollars, for the city to relentlessly go after its owner Thomas Holmas until it was able to close the club that catered to a young urban audience. When it comes to taxpayer’s money, there seems to be no limit to the amount the city will spend to close a Black bar.

In fact, many minorities feel that their business license was their livelihood, which was taken and given to others. In the past three years several white clubs have opened in areas soon after minority establishments were closed. The city and their stakeholders by their past and current actions have opened a dangerous door for trouble to walk through. For the owner currently under review, his business is more than his livelihood, it has been a well-recognized and accepted part of the community for some 20 years now. Why, after all that time, is it suddenly a subject of discussion by the City Council? It is time for the city to end its discriminatory practice of targeting minority businesses while ignoring the problems associated with those that are owned by others..

Black Employee Fired After Her Boss Said Her Braids Look "Ghetto" Katherine Lemire, a former special prosecutor for the New York Police Department, says that she was removed from her job at Michael Stapleton Associates for standing up for a black colleague who had braids in her hair. Lemire says that she spoke up on behalf of her work mate, Chanissa Green, after one of the vice presidents of the company issued a statement saying that women employees are not allowed to wear braids in their hair. According to the allegations, here's what he said: “When someone like me... sees someone with a style like that, we think ghetto – not professional. I’ll tell you what’s beautiful: my daughter, with blond hair and blue eyes." Lemire, who has filed a lawsuit, says that the probe into the discrimination was botched by the company and another employee was also fired as a result. But the company is denial. In a recent statement to the Daily News, company official George Harvey said, “MSA categorically denies that Ms. Lemire was subjected to any retaliation. The complaint... is full of inaccurate and baseless allegations. The company intends to vigorously defend this case." Via her lawsuit, Lemire is seeking back pay, compensation for damages and corporate reforms Page 3 Racine Insider News, January 2014

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Three Reasons We Celebrate Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. By: Reverend Mark Freeman

On the 95th day of the year 1968, the African-American community was deeply shaken by the assassination of its most endeared leader, the Reverend. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The effects of that seminal moment continue to reverberate throughout the nation and the world to this very day. Interestingly, there are some people who still wonder and wage strenuous debate about why the nation observes and celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day? President Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law in 1983, but it was not observed until three years later. At first, some states resisted observing the holiday as such, giving it alternative names or

combining it with other holidays. It was officially observed in all 50 states for the first time in 2000. It took thirty-two years from the actual death of Dr. King, for this nation to mandate and recognize the overwhelming will of it citizens. Dr. King was the chief spokesman for nonviolent activism in the civil rights movement, which successfully protested racial discrimination in federal and state law. He is unfortunately; frozen in time by most, with the words “I Have A Dream.” However, the central theme of that particular speech was to highlight the promissory note written to the peoples of this nation which continues to be returned marked, insufficient funds. To relegate King to being merely a dreamer, tremendously reduces the essence of the man and misses the extraordinary depth and passion that drove him and ultimately cost him his life. Those of us, who are students of Dr. King and have invested time into studying his works and writings, recall the address he gave four years after the famed “I Have A Dream” speech. On August 15, 1967 Dr. King presented a lecture to the officers and members the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) entitled: The Crisis In America’s Cities: An analysis of social disorder and a plan of action against poverty, discrimination and racism in urban America. Dr. King outlined in specific detail the same issues that plague our communities today, including discrimination in housing,

employment, war and morals, riots, poverty and the “so-called” war on poverty. Fifty years later the discourse has not moved forward much, if at all. In fact, the residents of Racine experience all of those dynamics on a daily basis. According to published reports, we have the dubious distinction of having the absolute highest unemployment rate in the entire state of Wisconsin. Therefore, the residuals are manifested in more crimes being committed, recidivism, gentrification and an overall feeling of despair. To that end, I submit there are at least three reasons we should be adamant about observing the Martin Luther King, Jr., Day holiday. Please note, the “we” I refer to is obviously those of African-American descent but also includes Hispanics, Latino, Native American and all those who have been historically disenfranchised. The truth of the matter is poor doesn’t have a color nor is it quarantined to a particular ethnic group. Firstly, we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr Day to remind us about what he did for our country. Some have argued the distinction of a nationally recognized holiday should be reserved for individuals who have held elected office. However, that argument implodes with the mention of “Columbus Day.” If ever there was a person more undeserving he would undoubtedly rank among the top tier. Secondly, we reflect on the ultimate price paid in blood, sweat and tears, by so many, for us to have the liberties we enjoy today. While Dr. King was the most

Racism Exists Locally In Racine Wisconsin the perception still seems to exist among the majority that the Racine Journal Times is an informative, investigative source of journalism. I disagree with that perception. The editorial board continues to ignore the real issues that plague our community. Their recent editorial on a bus incident in Janesville, Wisconsin, involving a conflict based on race demonstrates what I believe. They felt compelled to weigh in with an opinion that was completely unsupported by any investigative journalism. While the board admitted their belief that “racism is still a serious problem in our state and nation,” they continue to overlook it as an issue in Racine. It is the belief of many of the rest of us that the Racine Journal Times does not have to venture to Janesville to find examples. Following the editorial board’s opinion would take us back to the days of “Leave it to Beaver.” Beaver and his family were not racist, they was just oblivious to all social issues involving race and culture. The board should abandon its pep club approach to journalism and take a hard look at the issues and wrongs that plague the city of Racine. Racine is not unique and is certainly not utopia. Page 5 Racine Insider News,January 2014

prominent name connected to the civil rights movement, the contributions of the African in America who gave their lives dates all the way back to Crispus Attucks on through Harriet Tubman to Nat Turner and Marcus Garvey. Countless thousands made the ultimate sacrifice to secure our freedom here in this land. As a result, when we take the time to reflect we remember and honor all of the ancestors who have gone before us to prepare the way to freedom’s land. Thirdly, we rededicate ourselves to the continuation of Dr. King’s philosophy of peace, love and justice. Sadly, there are many who quote King but do not carry the tenets he espoused in word and deed. It is not enough to recite his speeches and not adhere to the convictions that held him to the course. It is futile to memorize talking points and not be motivated to talk to passersby about their significance. You must take responsibility for the neighborhood where you reside, vote for those who will represent you in the public square and hold accountable those who have been entrusted to speak truth to power. As a Father, Pastor, Mentor and Friend I am reminded “King Day” is not a day off but a day on. It is a day to instruct, inform, engage and empower. It is not a time to be lethargic, lackadaisical nor lazy. Rather and instead it is a day to help refine future leaders, shed light on injustice and look toward a bright and glorious future. Thank You Reverend Dr. King, Jr.

“Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom� Is A Must See Film Movie critics are saying that Idris Elba did a stellar job as Nelson Mandela in the new film "Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom". The film, released on Christmas day, is the official story of Nelson Mandela who was in prison for nearly 30 years. It tells the story of his journey in the country of South Africa as a youth and into his elderly years (from birth to marriage to imprisonment to presidency). Critics say the movie is extremely well produced, and features two excellent lead performances. And, Elba, the star of the film, has received all kinds of accolades for his performance. The Boston Globe says the film is "sincere, honorable, and perfect for showing to the kids. It’s one long teachable moment." The film also features a theme song called "Ordinary Love" by U2 that is being featured on the film's soundtrack. It is the first song from the popular group since 2010. The film also stars actresses Noamie Harris as Winnie Mandela (his 2nd wife), and Terry Pheto as Evelyn Mase (his first wife). Directed by Justin Chadwick, the 146-minute film is rated PG-13 for intense violence, disturbing images, sexual content, brief strong language.

Church Member Move Into New Sanctuary Members of Christian Faith Fellowship Church braved inclement weather for the first service held in their new church, located 3303 Nichoklson Road. The church was founded eight years ago and has held their Sunday services in several locations throughout the city. Shown is Pastor Willie Scott cutting the ribbon at the entrence Sunday, December 15, 2013

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Reid’s Hold 5th Annual Christmas Party Auther Reid, left, owner of Reid's New Golden Gate Funeral, 1910 Taylor Ave, Racine, WI, presented Elder Jettie Cornette, pastor of Greater Grace Church, The New Golden Gate 2013 Master Builder Award. The award was given to Cornette for reconstructed of the Reid’s Racine location. Right Photo: Auther and Mary Reid, (standing left) are shown with Racine attendees at the couple annual Christmas Party held in Milwakee December 5, 2013. Over 500 people attended the event which the couple hosted.



The Insider News sorted through a dozen names of strong black men in our community before choosing our “Man of the Year.” 2013 marks 50 years since Dr. King made his famous “I Have A Dream” speech. At that time no one in America or in Racine could dream that a brown face young boy, from the streets of the inner-city, would grow up to live out his dream and become this city’s first African American police chief. In fact, at the time when King made his famous speech, our Man of the Year, was not born yet. Art Howell exemplifies the many reasons Racine has to be proud of the progress the nation has made in civil and economic rights for African-Americans since the March on Washington. However, like the ‘Eye of Providence’ that sits atop the unfinished pyramid on the Great Seal of the United States, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Dream” sees a nation still struggling to make sure young people of every color can be born free of poverty, get an education, and still move up and achieve their American dream. We, the Insider News editorial board, see Howell in that spirit of King and other great Americans and believe that better days for this country lie just foot steps ahead of us. There is nothing wrong with the truth that we as a nation are still at work toward achieving true equality. Howell is part of a constant experiment of democracy and a constant reminder that we all can live up to the ideals expressed by the Founding Fathers of equality for all. Civil rights leaders often dodge the question “How far have we have come in 50 years?” They don’t want to acknowledge how much has changed for fear that others will think race is no longer a factor. Race is obviously still a factor when one looks at the rates of unemployment, poverty, infant mortality, incarceration and life expectancy. But telling the truth about the great strides made in the last 50 years to achieve Dr. King’s vision of the sons of slaves and sons of slave owners sitting together, judging each other on the basis of character and not skin color, is an inspiring story that we are reminded of in our new police chief.

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Church Calender for the Month of December Abundant Life Christian Center Ministries – 3433 Douglas Ave (262) 637-5433 Pastor Elliott & Josette Cohen Sunday Worship Service @ 11:00 AM Christ Baptist Church – 1034 West Blvd (414) 217-5055 Pastor Daryn David Crenshaw Sundays Worship Service @ 9:30 AM

10:45 AM12:30 PM Glenn Lakes

4421 Pastor Willie Riley Sunday School @ 9:00 AM; Sunday Worship Service @ 10:30 AM Second Baptist Church – 3925 32nd Ave, Kenosha, WI 53144 (262) 652-1692 Pastor Lawrence L. Kirby, II Sunday Worship Services @ 7:45AM & 10:30 AM; Sunday School 9:15 AM-10:15 AM

Christ Chapel Missionary Baptist Church – 825 Park Ave (262) 633-4277 Pastor Mark D. Gates Sunday School @ 9:00 AM; Sunday Worship @ 11:00 AM

St. Paul Baptist Church – 1120 Grand Ave (262) 632-1467 Bishop Lawrence L. Kirby Sunday School @ 9:30 AM; Sunday Worship Service @ 7:45 AM & 10:45 AM Saturday January 18 @ 8:00 AM 23 Annual Martin Luther King Breakfast “Making the Dream a Reality one Student at a Time” Guest Speaker: Dr. Lolli Haws Superintendent Unified School District Miracle Center 1100 Grand Avenue Racine Tickets $10.00

Christian Faith Fellowship ChurchRacine – 3001 Carpenter Ave (262) 6310196 Pastors Willie & Patricia Scotts Sunday Worship Service @ 11:00 AM Christian Tabernacle Baptist Church – 1201 Center St (262) 880-6521 Pastor Tommie Knuckles Sunday Worship Service @ 11:00 AM Church of God Revival Center 722 6th Street (262) 633-2044 Pastor Dorothy Jackson Sunday Worship Service @ 11:00 AM Dominion Church of God MPGT – 402 9th St (262) 637-5585 Bishop Kelvin Weatherspoon Sunday Worship Service @ 11:00 AM Faith Christian Fellowship Church 1200 Racine St (262) 637-6220 Bishop Sheila Neinhaus Sunday School @ 9:00 AM; Sunday Worship Service @ 10:30 AM Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church, 1529 Elizabeth Ave, North Chicago, IL 60064 (847) 473-1610 Pastor Eugene Roberson Sunday Worship Service @ 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM; Sunday School @ 9:00 AM Greater Mt. Eagle Baptist Church – 929 State St (262) 637-1606 Pastor Keith T. Evans Sunday School @ 9:00 AM; Sunday Worship Service @ 10:30 AM Greater St. Lukes Baptist Church – 1326 State St (262) 632-4146 Pastor Joe Pipes Sunday School @ 9:00 AM; Sunday Worship Service @ 11:00 AM Kingdom Dominion Outreach Ministry – 1840 Howe Street (262) 7482870 Pastor Larry E Brown Sunday Worship @ 10:30 AM Wednesday @ 6:00 PM Bible Study Loving Arms Outreach Ministries – 2711 Sheridan Rd, Suite 209, Zion, IL (847) 975-6106 Bishop Dr. Michael L. Hargett, Sr. Ph.D. Monday January 6 @ 7:00 PM Men’s Fellowship Monday January 13 @ 7:00 PM Women’s Fellowship Tuesday January 7 14 @ 7:00 PM Basic Bible Study Wednesday January 8 15 22 @ 12:00 PM Noon Prayer Service Friday January 3 10 17 7:00 PM-10:00 PM Faith It Out Youth Night Saturday January 4 11 18

Minister Della Buckley Insider News Religious Editor (262) 456-1264 Insider News: (262) 822-1331 Nursing Home Sunday Sunday January 5 12 @ 11:30 AM Worship/Holy Communion Sunday January 19 @ 11:30 AM Youth Day & Holy Communion Sunday January 26 @ 4:00 PM Family & Friend Day Service Mt. Sinai Institutional Baptist Church – 2401 Argonne Drive North Chicago, IL (847) 689-4422 Pastor Gerald Wilcoxon Sunday Worship Service @ 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM New Beginning of Faith Church – 2711-19th St (262) 818-1265 Pastor Prentiss Robbins Sunday Worship Service @ 12:30 PM North Shore Faith Community Church - P.O. Box 8812, Gurnee, IL 60031 (877) 770-5157 Pastor Rosemarie Green, M.Div. Sunday Worship Service @ 11:00 AM New Brighter Day Baptist Church – 1225 25th Ave, Kenosha (262) 552-8090 Pastor Joseph L. Thomas Sunday School @ 9:00 AM; Sunday Worship Service @ 11:00 AM Sunday January 19 Following 11:00 AM Worship Celebrating Dr. Joseph Thomas Birthday Sunday January 26 @ 3:00 PM NBD Rally Day

New Omega Baptist Church – 5731 Northwestern Ave, Racine, WI (262) 6344655 Pastor Fred L. Richmond Sunday Worship Services @ 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM; Sunday School @ 9:00 AM Sunday January 5 after morning worship Popcorn Candy & Chips Sales Sunday January 12 5 after morning worship Popcorn Candy & Chips Sales Friday January 17 Dr. MLK Celebration Southeastern Wisconsin Baptist Pastors Fellowship Sunday January 19 @ 3:00 PM Annual Ushers and Nurses Day Sunday January 26 5 after morning worship Popcorn Candy & Chips Sales The Final Hour Ministries – PO Box 242 North Chicago IL 60064 (847) 9120596 Apostle Michael White Jr. Daily Prophetic Word: Let us Pray For You – Faith Will Do It Every Time!! The Final Hour Ministries School of The Prophet! (Class Began January 15, 2013) through September 16, 2013 Reconciliation Ministries International – 2200 Mt. Pleasant St, Racine, WI 53404 Apostle Norris & Prophetess Michelle Johnson Sunday School @ 9:00 AM; Sunday Worship Service @ 11:30 AM Searching Together Baptist Church – 825 21st St, Racine, WI 53403 (262) 633-

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United Faith Missionary Baptist Church – 1327 Blake Ave (262) 632-1327 Pastor Gregory Daniels Sunday School @ 9:00 AM; Sunday Worship Service @ 10:45AM The Vine Ministries – 1500 Washington Ave (262) 498-8868 Pastor James Ford Sunday Worship Service @ 11:00 AM Tuesday @ 6:00 PM Bible Study Wayman African Methodist Epsicopal Church – 424 N. Memorial Dr Pastor Ernest J. Garrison Sunday School @ 9:00 AM; Sunday Worship Service @ 10:30 AM

Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union Engaged

NBA star Dwyane Wade and actress Gabrielle Union are now engaged. He proposed to his longtime girlfriend this past week, and she reportedly quickly accepted. They posted the news via Twitter and Instagram while they were attending a team Christmas party. Wader posted "She said YES!!!" to his accounts, and also posted a picture of Gabrielle wearing a large diamond solitaire on the ring finger of her left hand. It will be the second marriage for both Union, 41, and Wade, who is 31. So far, no date has been announced. Wade has spent his entire basketball career with the Miami Heat since he was drafted in 2003. He and his team have won three championships, including last year's big win with Lebron James. Union is a long-time actress that has starred in several films including Bring It On and Think Like A Man, along with the BET series Being Mary Jane


1120 Grand Ave. Racine, Wis.


Bishop Lawrence L.

KIRBY Senior Pastor

Pastors Willie & Patricia Scott

Christian Faith Fellowship Church Racine, Wisconsin 262-631-0196

Sunday School 9:15 AM Sunday Worship Service 7:45 AM & 10:40 AM Wednesday Prayer & Bible Class


11:00 AM and 6:00 PM Dinner - 5:30 PM

Pastor Tommie Knuckles

2130 Racine Street Racine, WI 619-3027

Melvin Hargove Senior Pastor Sunday School - 8:30 a.m. Sunday Worship - 10:00 a.m. Sunday NA Meeting - 6:30 p.m. Tuesday Corporate Prayer - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Studies - 12 p.m. & 6:15 p.m. Wednesday Community Dinner - 4:30-5:30p.m. Thursday NA Meeting - 6:00 p.m.

SEARCHING TOGETHER MISSIONARy BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Willie Riley, Senior Pastor 262.633.4421

Greater Mt. Eagle Baptist Church

Christian Tabernacle Baptist Church

“A God Glorifying, Christ Centered, Spirit-Filled Church”

1201 Center Street Racine, Wis. 53403 (262) 880-6521 Come Worship with us at: Sunday Worship Service 11:00 AM Bible Study Wednesday 6:00 Pm - 8:00 PM

Rev. Keith Evans Pastor

Sunday School • 9:00 AM Sunday Worship Service • 10:45 AM Bible Study (Wed.) • 6:00 PM Word of Life (Youth Program) (Thur..) • 6:30 PM

Pastor Joseph L. & First Lady Thomas

New Brighter Day Baptist Church 1225 25th Ave., Kenosha, WI


825 21st Street • Racine Sunday School Worship Service Mid Morning Worship Service Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study Wednesday Dinner p.m. Wednesday Evening Bible Study Saturday Morning Prayer

9:00am - Sunday School 10:00am - Sunday Service at 3001 Carpenter Ave. (off Durand Ave ,West of Memorial Drive) Midweek service Tuesday at 6:30pm at other location: call for more information 631-0196 PO Box085576 • Racine, WI 53408

9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 noon 5:30-6:30 6:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m.

Joseph L. Thomas, Pastor Sunday School - 9:00 a.m. - Sunday Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. Tuesday Prayer Service - 6:00 p.m. Bible Study - Tuesday 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

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Trinity United Missionary Baptist Church 306-5th Street, Racine, WI 262.635.1994 email: Rev. Buddy Vinson Senior Pastor

Sunday School - 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Prayer Service - (Wed.) 5:00 PM Bible Class & Prayer (Wed.) - 6:00 PM

Dr. Martin Luther King would have been a big supporter of Obamacare if he was alive Ahead of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, President Obama said that Martin Luther King, Jr. would like his signature law, the Affordable Care Act. "I think he understood that health care, health security is not a privilege, it's something that in a country as wealthy as ours, everybody should have access to," Mr. Obama said in an radio interview with the "Tom Joyner Morning Show" that aired Tuesday. "And starting on October 1, because of the Affordable Care Act -Obamacare -- anybody who doesn't have health insurance in this country is going to be able to get it at an affordable rate." Republicans lack votes to defund Obamacare Obama: Obamacare "used to be a Republican idea" On October 1, open enrollment is slated to begin for the new, state-based health insurance exchanges. The exchanges are online marketplaces where consumers will be able to purchase private health insurance plans, with coverage beginning in 2014. The administration and state officials are currently engaged in outreach campaigns to encourage people -- especially young, healthy people -- to join the exchanges. The law, however, still faces strong opposition. Some of its biggest opponents in Congress, including Sens. Mike Lee, RUtah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, are partici-

The Racine Insider News is a community based newspaper published in Racine, Wisconsin. The newspaper covers a variety of events that highlight lifestyles in the African-American communities in Southeastern Wisconsin. The Insider News Wisconsin is a free publication, printed on the 1st and 15th of each month and is distributed in over 100 locations. All inquiries about advertisement or news should be made five to seven days before the 1st and 15th of each month.

Office: 262.822.1331 For Advertisement/Stories call Jennifer Gallagher, Manager 262-930-7004 Photo coverage of your event 262.822.1331 Located: 3001 Douglas, Avenue Racine, Wisconsin

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pating in a tea party "Exempt America from Obamacare" rally in Washington next month. In a White House blog post earlier this week, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius similarly tied King's legacy with the Affordable Care Act. "When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke at the March on Washington, he described a 'fierce urgency of now,'" Sebelius wrote. "A half century later, Dr. King's words have renewed meaning... Because of the Affordable Care Act, we are one step closer to fulfilling the promise, freedom, and opportunity for millions of Americans to live a healthy, secure life." President Obama will deliver a speech on Wednesday at the Lincoln Memorial to commemorate the anniversary of the March on Washington. "All I can do on an occasion like this is just to celebrate the accomplishments of all of those folks whose shoulders we stand on and then remind people that the work is still out there for us to do, and that we honor his speech but also, more importantly in many ways, the organization of the ordinary people who came out for that speech," he told the Tom Joyner Morning Show. "We honor them not by giving another speech ourselves -- because it won't be as good -- but instead by just doing the day-to-day work to make sure this is a more equal and more just society."

Worship Services @ 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM; Sunday School @ 9:00 AM Sunday January 5 after morning worship Popcorn Candy & Chips Sales Sunday January 12 5 after morning worship Popcorn Candy & Chips Sales Friday January 17 Dr. MLK Celebration Southeastern Wisconsin Baptist Pastors Fellowship Sunday January 19 @ 3:00 PM Annual Ushers and Nurses Day Sunday January 26 5 after morning worship Popcorn Candy & Chips Sales

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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