Acne Studios. House of art & culture (concept store)

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Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015

Table of content

- Summary of the proposal addressed to the CEO of our brand p. 1 - Introduction p. 2 - Concept description p. 3 - visual analyze p. 4 - Models & designs p. 8 - Budget & materials p. 13 - Conclusion p. 16 - References p. 17

Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015

Dear CEO of Acne Studios As you may have heart Sønderborg municipality is planning on making a bigger renewal of the harbor region in Sønderborg. In that regard we have got the opportunity to open a new Acne store at a very attractive location- the store will be placed in a busy environment with lots of tourist and locals visiting the harbor, the shops and the facilities that will be placed in this location; the store will also be placed facing the waterfront. Our idea is to mainly make the Acne store in the typical Acne store style but with the small twists that we will make it possible to sit in a lounge area, at the store, and order styles - on an IPad - that we do not have in stock at the physical store- and furthermore to make some exhibitions from different kind of artists, which will be a part of the store’s interior. By making these changes we also believe, that we can extend Acnes target group, so that our store will appeal to a larger group of people than the other Acne stores. We want the appearance of the store to fit right into the location at the harbor- and therefor we want to make the store front only using glass windows as well as the roof will be made as one big glass roof. The front windows will be made so that they bring an industrialand harbor feel to the store and the combination of the very open front and roof- and our lightning in the store + our use of color contrast will make the whole experience of visiting Acne studios in Sønderborg to an implement in the whole experience of visiting the harbor.


Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015

Introduction Acne Studios started in 1997 as creative collective ACNE focused on graphic design, film production and advertising / magazine. Jonny Johansson the designer of Acne studios made 100 pair raw denim jeans to give his friends. Johansson strategy this time was to get somebody cool wears it in front of his colleagues. And it worked, designers, filmmakers, hipsters’ kids who hung out with Johansson admired him. Here the whole thing started and they quickly started to add other products to the collection. Since that acne studio has open stores around the world as china, United States, France, Belgium, Australia, Germany etc. Acne Studios is an expensive and unique clothing store for both men and women. When you are walking in to an acne studios store, you will get a special feeling, just in the way the use their inventor. It is very minimalistic but with a combination of cold and warm together. Acne store is normally not that big, and very simple. In our Acne studios store have we chosen to make it an Acne House, to do it different from the others acne store. First of all Acne House will be a lot bigger than we are used to see at Acne, and beside the size of the store we will bring a lot of art and also use the Acne Paper in our concept to do it more special and unique from the other stores. We think it will be good for Sønderborg to get some more expensive and more unique stores and we defiantly think that Acne House will fit perfectly in to the Sønderborg Harbor. As we also is talking about in the project is that we have some details in the store that connecting the store with the sea, and in that way it is more fluent between the sea and the store. Another thing that we are looking at is that Sønderborg Harbor is going to get a lot of tourist from other countries around the world and many of them probably know acne from their countries, and then Acne House will be a new experience for them in what they are use to.


Retail Design Concept description ‘’Acne Studios is a Stockholm based fashion house with a multidisciplinary approach. Through founder and Creative Director Jonny Johansson’s interest in photography, art, architecture and contemporary culture, an alternative path has been found, turning Acne Studios into a well-respected creator of ready-to-wear, magazines, furniture, books and exhibitions.’’ *1 As mentioned above from these wise words from Acne Studios’ website, Acne Studios offer ready-to-wear clothes in all their stores today, and that’s actually mostly all they offer for sales – but they creates more than just that. We will make a store that connects all these things they are creator of. Our concept is to make as mentioned in the introduction an Acne house/store with art and culture in the DNA of Acne Studios. We will bring Acne’s magazine ‘’Acne paper’’ into the new concept store. The new concept store will be called ‘’Acne Studios – House of Art & Culture’’. This new concept store will offer Acne Studios clothes as all the other Acne Studios stores do, but they will also offer more than that. They will offer customers do read their magazine

Issued on 8th of October 2015 Acne Paper for free inside the store, and offer it for sale or some times gives it for free, when customers buy a good amount of clothes. The price today for an Acne Paper magazine is 100 DKK, and is published approximately 4 times a year. In their stores today, Acne Studios has a very clean and unisex visual expression. Their stores don’t look exactly like each other, as many other brands make sure of. So Acne Studios’ visual expression is a bit more though to analyse, but there are things that go through their store anyways. Their mannequins are the same in mostly all their stores, their choice of a raw materials and unisex expression. In their choice of colours they don’t have that many colours, but they have always one, two or maximum three strong dominate colour inside the store. The dominant colour differs from some of the stores to the others. The most used dominant colour they use is a nude salmon pink. This colour is the colour we have put into our store. Their choice of materials is mostly raw materials as iron, glass, wood and so on, which we also have made sure to use in our store. In this new Acne Studios concept store ‘’Acne Studios – House of Art &


Culture’’, we have made a more warm and esthetical visual expression, to make sure that the Acne Studios’ costumers automatically tend to spend more time inside the store than they normal would do in a clothing store. We want the costumers to feel inspired, relaxed and feel that they get this extra ordinary service experience. They can shop from the Ipads at the lounge area by themselves or by help from a sales assistant. If a costumer wants guidance to find a full outfit and help from a sales assistant, the sales assistant can bring a cup of coffee to the customer to the lounge area. Then the sales assistant can show some styles, and if the customers pick some styles, then the sales assistant can bring it to the customer to try it on immediately or order it for free to the store. This extra ordinary service could easily make the walk-in-costumer into customers that returns. When the customer feel than they gets more than just the tangible product, they are probably also willing to spend more money. Our choice of all the materials, fixture, furniture and so on is of a high quality and good design to match the retail sales price of the clothes. Acne Studios’ target group are people with a good income and with a sense for luxury, good design and quality.

Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015

Visual Analyze

Acne store Paris and Tokyo


Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015

Visual Analyze

Acne store Paris and Tokyo


Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015

Visual Analyze

Acne store Facade

Acne store Facade


Issued on 8th of October 2015

Retail Design Visual Analyze

Acne store Facade


Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015

Models & Design

Building. The store is a two level floor plan, which has a sky roof and a window faรงade. The building material is made of a white cladding. The sky-roof has a slightly toned blue color, which will not have an effect on the insight lighting. The window faรงade is build by black squared industrial window lots. In front of those there will be planted bushes. The entrance is located on the left side of the build and is made of two big folding doors. On the side of the building they will be an emergency exit leading to the second level of the store. An elevator will also be visible from the outside.


Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015

Models & Design

Ground floor. The herringbone floor on the lower level is made out of wood which has been painted green in a rustic feel so it wont look like one solid color. The flooring has lacquering which gives it a shine. You will meet the counter right as you enter the building. The counter is made out of wood, which has a treatment that makes it looks old in a light way. As well as the counter there will be made a wall out of long sticks in the same material as the counter with a 3D logo in white on to give a contrast the pink end-wall. The interior for hanging of cloth will be made of iron, which is cut out in a grid. There will also be glasses displays for accessories as well as tables made of the same material as the interior for the clothes. The stair will be made of a foundation material and will be painted the same pink color as in the end-wall and will be holding two dressing rooms underneath/ inside it. The dressing rooms has green and soft carpet floors with the walls in the same wooden material as the counter and will have a big mirror as well as seating and spot lights. The lighting on the ground floor will be very simple white lights, which holds fluorescent lights.


Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015

Models & Design

Second level. Will hold the same elements as the ground level although the floor will be made of the same foundation material as the stairs and will be in a white color instead of pink. The lighting as well as the ground floor will also be white with fluorescent lights although there will in the middle over the opening be placed big spot lights in order to bring enough light all the way down to the ground floor. The railing around the opening will be made of glass. The same interior-style objects as the ground floor will go through on the second level as well with glass displays, iron grids and tables. The counter will be the same as the one on the ground floor although with a iron grid in the back instead of the wood. There will be two dressing rooms located in the back left corner with opening in the top in the same pink as the stairs and end-wall. The dressing rooms will have the same interior as the ones under the stairs with a green soft carpet, wooden walls and a big mirror with spotlights. Also located on the second level is a lounge area in front of the dressing rooms with a two sofas and chairs ins same wooden material as the counter and leather for the soft spots. Also near the lounge area will be a long shelf, which holds a coffee area.


Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015

Ground Floor

Second Floor


Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015


Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015

Budget & materials Onetime expenses (to make/open the store): Labor: Craftsmen/artisan incl. VAT and some raw materials: 390,000 DKK Electrician incl. VAT: 50,000 DKK Outside additional options: Roof: 0 DKK (the owner of the building has sponsored the roof to add value to the building and area) Interior: Floor (herringbone parquet wood flooring): 350,000 DKK Fixtures (iron, glass and wood): 100,000 DKK Furniture (2 x couches, lounge chairs, chairs and hangers): 100,000 DKK Lamps: 14,000 DKK 8 x iPads: 8 x 2500 DKK = 20,000 DKK 3 x Nespresso coffee machines: 3 x 850 DKK = 2,550 DKK Plants: 5,500 DKK Decoration: (sponsored and borrowed) = 0 DKK Painting and art (sponsored and borrowed): 0 DKK Total onetime expenses = 1.032.050 DKK

Annual costs over the first year: Store rent: 1200 DKK at year/each square meter x 450 square meters = 540.000 DKK/per year Savings - maintenance of the store (deductible): Expected 20,000/per year Staff wages: Store manager 28,000 DKK/per month (12 x 28,000 DKK) = 336,000 DKK/per year Full time employee 20,000 DKK/per month (12 x 20,000 DKK) = 240,000 DKK/per year 3 x sales assistants at 10h at week payed 110 DKK per hour ((3 assistants x 44 weeks) x 10 hours x 110 DKK = 145,200 DKK/per year Total staff wages = 721,200 DKK/per year Insurance: 24,500 DKK/per year Professional industrial cleaning: (Wash of floor inside, windows and roof outside) (5h each week x 44 weeks) x 300 DKK incl. VAT = 66,000 DKK/per year Accountant: (Acne Studios pay for all accountant expenses, and not the individual store) 0 DKK/per year Marketing: (Acne Studios pay for all marketing expenses, and not the individual store) 0 DKK/per year Website: (Acne Studios pay for all website expenses, and not the individual store) 0 DKK/per year Software expenses (freelance software help): Expected 5,000 DKK/per year Business license: (Abolished by the transition of year 2014 to 2015) 0 DKK/per year Office supplies: (Gift wrap, ribbon, tape, pens, paper, shopping bags, receipt roll etc.) Expected 45,000 DKK/per year


Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015

Training and meeting costs: Expected 8,000 DKK/per year Other expenses: (Coffee, toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning products etc.) Mobile phones and Internet: Expected 9,600 DKK/per year Software expenses: Expected 6,000 DKK/per Credit card terminal: 4 items x 269 DKK per month = 12,912 DKK/per year Security service (service guard by G4S): 1299 DKK per month = 15,588 DKK/per year Video surveillance and alarm service by G4S: (Video surveillance 499 DKK per month + alarm service 554 DKK per month) (499 DKK + 554 DKK) x 12 = 12,636 DKK/per year Total annual costs = 940,976 DKK Opening stock value: (Available for sale the first expected first few months) Clothes: 100 styles at 10 items at an average value at 1500 DKK 1000 items x 1500 DKK average retail sales value = 1,500,000 DKK Acne Paper magazine: 200 items at a value at 100 DKK = 20,000 DKK Total opening stock value = 1,520,000 DKK


Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015


Issued on 8th of October 2015

Retail Design

Conclusion We have concluded that even though our store is expensive it is possibly to make it the way we want. The problem is that we are afraid that our products are to expensive for Sønderborg, and that the profit will not be big enough, to make up for our expenses. We think that our store will be able to have a positive income in the season, because of all the tourist traveling to Sønderborg, but when the season ends and there is no more tourists in town, it will be difficult to attract the same amount of people to the store. Furthermore we are afraid that Acnes regular target group is to narrow for Sønderborg, and that it is a too unknown brand to be placed in Jutland. And besides that, we are also afraid that Acne is too expensive for the regular target group in Sønderborg, because of the salary between Sønderborg and Copenhagen.


Retail Design

Issued on 8th of October 2015

References Websites: Articles: Guidance from companies: Steen B. Laursen, Teknisk direktør, Sønderborg Havneselskab A/S.


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