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SCCMA Environmental Health Spring Series 2021

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SCCMA Environmental Health SCCMASCCMA Spring SerieEnvironmental HealthEnvironmental Healths 2021Spring SeriesSpring Series 20212021

Joi pre n the SCCMA and fellow physicians for a 4-part CME webinar series on environmental health to sented on Thursday evenings in the spring 2021. A variety of topics will be covered that are rela Join the SCCMA and fellow physicians for a 4-part CME webinar series on environmental health to be presented on Thursday evenings in the spring 2021. A variety of topics will be covered that are related to Join the SCCMA and fellow physicians for a 4-part CME webinar series on environmental health to be presented on Thursday evenings in the spring 2021. A variety of topics will be covered that are related toSCCMA Environmental Health Spring Series 2021 be ted to understanding the human impacts of environmental health issues. Experts will discuss not only problems we face, but also innovative solutions to promote health and well-being for our patients, understanding the human impacts of environmental health issues. Experts will discuss not only the problems we face, but also innovative solutions to promote health and well-being for our patients, understanding the human impacts of environmental health issues. Experts will discuss not only the problems we face, but also innovative solutions to promote health and well-being for our patients, SCCMA Environmental Health Spring Series 2021 the ourselves and oourselves andourselves and ur planet. our planet.our planet. TheTheThe �rsfirstfirstt topitopictopic c willwill bewill bebe ClimClimateClimate ate Change onChange on EarthChange on Earth EartDay,Day, h DaAprilApril y, April22, with22, with22, Dr.Dr. with Dr. SantoshSantosh Santosh Pandipati, aPandipati,Pandipati, Maternal-Fetala Maternal-Fetala Maternal-Fetal Medicine SpecialiMedicine Specialist,Medicine Specialist, st, whowho willwho will will disdiscussdiscusscuss how chow climatehow climatelimatechangechangechange affectsaffects reproductiveaffects reproductive reproductive health along with the internationally renowned energy expert Amory Lovins, founder of Rocky Mountain Institute, discussing large scale solutions including energy e�ciency. This will be followed in May and June with discussions on Technology and Children, Children’s Environmental Health and Food and the Environment. Save the Dates and visit the SCCMA.org website “Upcoming Events” on the front page to registe April 22, 6pm - Climate Change May 6, 6pm - Technology and Kids health along with the internationally renowned energy expert Amory Lovins, founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute, discussing large scale solutions including energy efficiency. This will be followed in May and June with discussions on Technology and Children, Children’s Environmental Health and Food and the Environment. Save the Dates and visit the SCCMA.org website “Upcoming Events” on the front page to register. April 22, 6pm - The Earth Has a Fever: A Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician’s Perspective on the Climate Crisis May 6, 6pm - Technology and Kids: May 20, 5:30 pm - Children ' s Environmental Health health along with the internationally renowned energy expert Amory Lovins, founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute, discussing large scale solutions including energy efficiency. This will be followed in May and June with discussions on Technology and Children, Children’s Environmental Health and Food and the Environment. Save the Dates and visit the SCCMA.org website “Upcoming Events” on the front page to register. April 22, 6pm - The Earth Has a Fever: A Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician’s Perspective on the Climate Crisis May 6, 6pm - Technology and Kids: May 20, 5:30 pm - Children ' s Environmental Health Join the SCCMA and fellow physicians for a 4-part CME webinar series on environmental health to be presented on Thursday evenings in the spring 2021. A variety of topics will be covered that are related to understanding the human impacts of environmental health issues. Experts will discuss not only the problems we face, but also innovative solutions to promote health and well-being for our patients, ourselves and our planet. The first topic will be Climate Change on Earth Day, April 22, with Dr. Santosh Pandipati, a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist, who will discuss how climate change affects reproductive health along with the internationally renowned energy expert Amory Lovins, founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute, discussing large scale solutions including energy efficiency. This will be followed in May and June with discussions on Technology and Children, Children’s Environmental Health and Food and the Environment. Join the SCCMA and fellow physicians for a 4-part CME webinar series on environmental health to be presented on Thursday evenings in the spring 2021. A variety of topics will be covered that are related to understanding the human impacts of environmental health issues. Experts will discuss not only the problems we face, but also innovative solutions to promote health and well-being for our patients, ourselves and our planet. The first topic will be Climate Change on Earth Day, April 22, with Dr. Santosh Pandipati, a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist, who will discuss how climate change affects reproductive health along with the internationally renowned energy expert Amory Lovins, founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute, discussing large scale solutions including energy efficiency. This will be followed in May and June with discussions on Technology and Children, Children’s Environmental Health and Food and the Environment. Save the Dates and visit the SCCMA.org website “Upcoming Events” on the front page to register. the r.

May 20, 5:30 pm - Children ' s Environmental HealJune 3, 6:00 pm - Food and the EnvironmentJune 3, 6:00 pm - Food and the EnvironmentSave the Dates and visit the SCCMA.org website “Upcoming Events” on theApril 22, 6pm - The Earth Has a Fever: A Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician’s Perspective on the th front page toClimate Crisis register. June 3, 6:00 pm - Food and the Environment May 6, 6pm - Technology and Kids: May 20, 5:30 pm - Children ' s Environmental Health June 3, 6:00 pm - Food and the Environment

April 22, 6pm - The Earth Has a Fever: A Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician’s Perspective on the Climate Crisis May 6, 6pm - Technology and Kids: May 20, 5:30 pm - Children ' s Environmental Health June 3, 6:00 pm - Food and the Environment

PartPart 1-1- TheThe EarthEarth HasHas a a Fever:Fever: A A Maternal-FetalMaternal-Fetal

MedicineMedicine Physician’sPhysician’s PerspectivePerspective onon thethe ClimateClimate


Part 1-Climate chang Date: Thursday, April Time: 6pm Date: Thursday, April Time: 6pm e 22,22, 20212021 Date: ThursLocation:Location: day, April 22, 2021Virtual Zoom WebinarVirtual Zoom Webinar Time: 6pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar CME: 1 unit Audience: Members of the SCCMA and the CMA Part 3- Children’s Environmental Health Date: Thursday, May 20, 2021 Time: 5:30 pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar CME: 1 unit Audience: Members of the SCCMA and the CMA Part 3- Children’s Environmental Health Date: Thursday, May 20, 2021 Time: 5:30 pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar CME: 1 unit Audience: Members of the SCCMA and the CMA Part 3- Children’s Environmental Health Date: Thursday, May 20, 2021 Time: 5:30 pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar Part 1- The Earth Has a Fever: A Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician’s Perspective on the Climate Crisis Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021 Time: 6pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar CME: 1 unit Part 1- The Earth Has a Fever: A Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician’s Perspective on the Climate Crisis Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021 Time: 6pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar CME: 1 unit Audience: Members of the SCCMA and the CMA CME: 1 unitCME: 1 unitCME: 1 unitAudience: Members of the SCCMA and the CMA Audience: Members ofAudience: Members ofAudience: Members ofthethethe SCCMA and the CMSCCMA and the CMASCCMA and the CMA A

PartPart 2-2- TechnologyTechnology andand ChildrenChildren

Date:Date: Thursday,Thursday, MayMay 6,6, 20212021 Time:Time: 6pm6pm Part 2- Technology Location: Virtual Zoom CME: 1 unit Location: Virtual Zoom CME: 1 unit and Chi WebinarWebinar ldren Date: Thursday, MaAudience: Members ofAudience: Members ofy 6,thethe 2021SCCMASCCMA andand thethe Time: 6pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar CME: 1 unit Audience: Members of the SCCMA and the Part 4- Food, Water and the Environment Date: Thursday, June 3, 2021 Time: 6pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar California Medical Association Part 4- Food, Water and the Environment Date: Thursday, June 3, 2021 Time: 6pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar California Medical Association Part 4- Food, Water and the Environment Date: Thursday, June 3, 2021 Time: 6pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar Part 2- Technology and Children Date: Thursday, May 6, 2021 Time: 6pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar CME: 1 unit Audience: Members of the SCCMA and the California Medical Association Part 2- Technology and Children Date: Thursday, May 6, 2021 Time: 6pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar CME: 1 unit Audience: Members of the SCCMA and the California Medical Association CMA CME:CME: 1CME: 1 1 uniunitunit t AudiencAudience:Audience: e: Members of theMembers of the SCCMembers of the SCC SCMAMA CMandandA athethend theCMACMA CMA

Part 3- Children’s Environmental Health

Part 3- Children’s Environmental Health Date: Thursday, May 20, 2021 Time: 5:30 pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar CME: 1 unit Date: Thursday, May 20, 2021 Time: 5:30 pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar CME: 1 unit Audience: Members of the SCCMA and the CMA Audience: Members of the SCCMA and the CMA

Part 4- Food, Water and the Environment

Part 4- Food, Water and the Environment Date: Thursday, June 3, 2021 Time: 6pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar CME: 1 unit Date: Thursday, June 3, 2021 Time: 6pm Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar CME: 1 unit Audience: Members of the SCCMA and the CMA Audience: Members of the SCCMA and the CMA

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