Air Quality Control Agency of Lansing MI Addresses Complaints

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Air Quality Control Agency of Lansing MI Addresses Complaints of Radon Problems in U.S. Homes and Promotes National Radon Awareness Week 2011

(1888PressRelease) News and Reviews: October 17­24 is Radon Action Week. Air Quality Control Agency of Lansing Michigan discusses the issue of "radon resistant new construction" codes. Violations of the code have lead to numerous complaints against builders in recent years. "Many builders simply refuse compliance even with the threat of being de­certified, sued, fined, or de­licensed" states Air Quality Control. Lansing­East Lansing, MI (1888PressRelease) October 17th ­ 24th is National Radon Awareness Week in North America. Many homeowners are unaware of this invisible hazard that may be lurking in their basement. However, the reality of the matter is that radon could be a problem in any home and the only way to find out is to perform a test. The test is fairly simple and only costs a few dollars, so there is no reason not to do it. Radon has been around as long as the Earth has, so it's not something that is new. However, scientists discovered the dangers of radon as a household carcinogen only within the past couple of decades. Therefore, radon is not a "well­ known" cancer risk factor. Ironically, radon is the second most common cause of lung cancer. Only cigarette smoking causes more lung cancer deaths than radon gas. In a recent interview with James Gelina, a radon mitigation specialist with Air Quality Control Agency, I discovered a major loophole in America's construction practices. Gelina explained that his company installs over 10,000 radon reduction systems every year throughout the U.S. Many of these homes are less than 10­years old! I asked him if there are things that builders could do differently to prevent radon from getting into the homes they build. This was his response: "Several years ago, EPA published a guide that illustrates ways of building homes that will reduce radon entry and facilitate easier installation of radon mitigation systems when elevated levels are discovered. The problem is, many builders don't follow these guidelines." To say the least, this information shocked me! If there are fairly inexpensive ways of building homes that are "radon resistant" why aren't builders complying? "Some states are enforcing the guidance by making it part of their building codes, especially in zones 1 and 2 on the EPA radon map. Those are the areas that are at the greatest risk," added Gelina. "According to Radon Resistant Construction Code, all homes in this area must be built with radon resistant features. Unfortunately, many contractors are simply not complying." In some states, a builder's license is at risk with such violations and negligent disregard for the law. A contractor could face lawsuits, citations, delicensure (revocation of certification,) fines, cancellation of permits, judgments, and other legal action from regulating agencies if they violate the law or fail to comply with national, state, and local codes. The bottom line is this: Whether your home is new or old and regardless of the geographic location of where you live, you should test your home for radon gas. October 16th ­ 23rd is Federal Radon Action Week which gives you a good excuse to go out and purchase one of these kits. The only way that you will know if your family is at risk is to perform this simple test. If you test shows radon levels of 4 or higher, consider having a radon mitigation system installed by a reputable radon company like Air Quality Control Agency. In most cases, you can have the problem fixed in one day and for less than $1,000.

Hopefully, the regulators will also take action soon and start enforcing the radon building codes. Contractors and builders should not be allowed to rip off the public and put families at risk of radon induced lung cancer. It's our duty to complain and report them to the regulators when we discover these types of violations. To learn more about American Radon Testing Week, go to or call 1­800­667­2366. Air Quality Control Agency is also offering special discounts for radon testing and radon remediation services for the following states: Colorado, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, Virginia, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. Visit or call 1­800­NO­RADON. Trackback URL:­qualitycontrol­agency/air­quality­control­agency­of­lansing­mi­ addresses­complaint­pr­342816.html ###

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