Bill Hionas says Debt Crises in Europe and US

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Bill H ionas says Debt Crises in Eu rope and US are as M uch Political as Economic (1888PressRelease) Europe continues to be the main focus for investors and financiers.

(1888PressRelease) - MIAMI, FL - Suggestions abound that '2012 will see the death of Europe', or some similar dire forecast, making the financial markets extremely nervous, to say the least. Unfortunately, it seems this is as much a political crisis as an economic one. There are possible solutions to Europe's debt problems, just as there are to the problems the US faces with its budget deficit. Unfortunately, the solutions would be exceedingly unpopular with the citizens of the affected nations and would almost certainly guarantee that the political leader responsible would never be re-elected. Consequently, leaders are reluctant to take such measures. "We have seen three European governments fall in as many weeks," says Bill Hionas. "Austerity measures will be met with rioting in the streets, understandably so. Many European countries currently enjoy a short working week, up to six weeks' paid vacation and generous retirement benefits. Losing this lifestyle and possibly accepting tax hikes, pay cuts and job losses on top is hardly likely to engender support from the masses." The situation in the US is not so very different. The super committee was unable to reach agreement because neither side would budge on what they consider to be key issues. As with Europe, politicians are putting themselves, and the parties they represent, ahead of the general good. Many financial experts are foreseeing a recession for Europe, and this could easily spread globally. In that event, precious metals will become the ultimate safe haven for wealth protection as investors watch many currencies depreciate in value. Gold has served as an insurance policy for decades and has always performed well during times of economic turmoil. About Bill Hionas: Bill Hionas is CEO of Pan American Metals of Miami, LLC, a group of traders, investors and account executives that combines many years of experience to help clients invest in bullion. PAMM provides an individual investment service and is based in Miami, Florida for convenient access to both North and South American investors. Website: http:/ /; http:/ / Press Contact Debbie Bailey Executive Administrator Pan American Metals of Miami, LLC Email: dbailey ( @) investpanam dot com Website: http:/ /; http:/ / Trackback Url : http:/ /


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