Enconn POE technology breakthrough carries high power(30W) over coaxial cable
(1888PressRelease) EnConn's latest product, "ecopower130TR". it's high power POE extender over coaxial cable. It can provide 30W output power to PD equipment over 300 meters coax cable. (1888PressRelease) When PoE (Power over Ethernet) was firstly ratified by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) in 2003 as 802.3af, it provided capability of 15.4W power to remote PD (power device). In 2009, the IEEE ratified another high power version as 802.3 which provides 25.5W. These two standards allowed PoE applications to become popular and promising. Many interesting and novel PoE applications have been developed since then... Some PoE applications include security sureillance and access control such as PoE network security cameras, IP telephones, wireless LAN access points, RF ID readers, computing and where an Ethernet device has been applied. Users of these systems have now learned that it is more pratical to use a PoE device if it has both 'higher power' and 'long distance (more than 100 metres) in characteristics. But, the truth is, in most cases today, with auxillary functions such as IR lights and/or heaters for a security camera, the power suply over ethernet may not be sufficient to support all functions for a normal operation. Enconn has developed a breakthrough technology based on coaxial cable to deliver high power (>30W) and long range of up to 300m to feed remote PD devices. This new technology uses an external 40W PSE which is compatible with 802.3 at or preat version or even non standard 802.3af, a pair of ecopower130T and 130R as extended PoE transmitter and receiver, and coaxial cable with low DC resistance. The resistances of RG6 and RG11 coxial cables are at a low DC resistance of around 3.7 and 2.4 ohm per 100m. Compared to normal Cat5e copper cable at 10 ohm per 100m, the low resistance of coaxial cable will consume about 1/3 power only at the same current load. This allows the Enconn Ecopower 130T/R support to transmit and receive Ethernet signals accompanied with high power > 30W up to 300m and performs 3 times higher than any other PoE extenders currently available in the market according to the company. The simplicity of Enconn's PoE extender overcoaxcable results in the advantages of low maintenance costs in supplying higher power and carrying transmission signals simultaneously over Ethernet. Enconn claim that they are the very first comany and manufacturer to have announced and successfully made a PoE extender to deliver PoE for such long distance with such a high power supply. "We are further ahead than other PoE extender units using this technology. Our PoE
extender overcoaxcable is a 'true' PoE extender as it is not a repeatertype extender that is normally found in the market today', said Dr. Lee, General Manager of Enconn Inc. "This means there are no other devices other than cable between the PSE (power sourcing equipment, Poe term) and PD (power device)." For more information, please mail to us or visit http://www.enconn.com Trackback URL: http://www.1888pressrelease.com/enconnpoetechnologybreakthroughcarrieshighpower 30wpr336772.html ###