Exhibit Spaces Available for State Bar of Arizona Convention (1888PressRelease) More than 1,500 attorneys expected to attend largest legal event held annually in Arizona. PhoenixMesa, AZ (1888PressRelease) December 19, 2009 Exhibit spaces are now available for the State Bar of Arizona annual convention from June 911 at the Renaissance Glendale Resort & Spa. About 1,500 attorneys are expected to attend the convention, the largest inperson legal event held annually in Arizona. Attorneys are target markets for many businesses that support the legal profession. With an average annual income of $137,000, attorneys also are an excellent target market for consumeroriented businesses that are seeking good customers with disposable income. Exhibitors may purchase either of two packages: a $950 Economy Package for firsttime exhibitors or a $2450 Value Package. The 2010 convention will feature a Wednesday lunch event where vendors will be able to mingle with members. Every exhibitor will receive a complimentary ticket to the Wednesday lunch. Additional tickets may be purchased for a discounted price of $15. Booth spaces are assigned on a firstsold, firstreserved basis, with the purchasers of the Value Packages given priority. This offer expires Feb. 5. For more information on exhibits, please contact State Bar Advertising Sales Director Drew Williamson at 6023407230 or Drew.Williamson ( @ ) staff dot azbar dot org dot About the State Bar The State Bar of Arizona is a nonprofit organization that operates under the supervision of the Arizona Supreme Court. The Bar includes approximately 16,000 active attorneys and provides education and development programs for the legal profession and the public. Since 1933 the Bar and its members have been committed to serving the public by making sure the voices of all people in Arizona are heard in our justice system. Did You Know? The State Bar of Arizona has a Speakers Bureau. To request a speaker for an event, visit: http://www.azbar.org/LegalResources/speakers.cfm. http://www.azbar.org Trackback URL: http://www.1888pressrelease.com/bar/convention/exhibitspacesavailableforstatebar ofarizonaconventionpr172862.html ###