Fido's New Year's Resolutions

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Fido's New Year's Resolutions (1888PressRelease) Paul Owens, known as the "original" Dog Whisperer, offers Fido­ friendly New Year's resolutions for you and your dog. Los Angeles­Long Beach, CA (1888PressRelease) December 29, 2009 ­ If your dog wanted to make some New Year's resolutions, like us humans, he'd probably come up with a list of ways to clean the slate of bad habits that have crept in throughout the previous year and get started on the path toward a healthier, happier life. But that's not the way dogs operate. According to professional dog trainer Paul Owens, "Dogs live in the moment; but if they could make New Year's resolutions, they would find ways to get three things­more play, more exercise, and more affection." Owens has been training dogs for 35 years. Since the publication of his first book ten years ago, he has become known as the "original" Dog Whisperer and is considered a leading proponent of positive, non­violent dog training methods. This New Year's, Owens has taken it upon himself to speak for all dogs everywhere to help them get what they want by offering us humans a revolutionary new approach to dog training which he has dubbed "habit training." Owens' newest book, "The Dog Whisperer Presents Good Habits for Great Dogs" (Adams Media), promotes this new method. Owens says, "It's all about making the training process easier. A couple of years ago, the thought hit me that people might be much more motivated to spend time training their dogs­and have fun doing it­if they didn't THINK about training but simply made it part of their everyday life; that is, training becomes a habit rather than a chore." The gentle and soft­spoken dog trainer says, "Habit training is based on the same nonviolent methods I've always taught, but with a greater emphasis on remolding human habits first­then the dog's behavior follows suit. It turns dog training into more of a natural, go­with­the­flow process rather than a competition between you and your dog." Owens continued, "After all, it's our own bad habits that helped form our dogs' bad habits in the first place." Tongue­firmly­in­cheek, Owens says the new book, "The Dog Whisperer Presents Good Habits for Great Dogs," is the world's first self­help book for dogs and their humans. He says that this new training approach has proved to be much easier for his clients and that it can quickly resolve problems such as barking, bolting out the door, jumping, begging at the table, and lunging on walks. For example, if your dog is prone to bolting out the door as soon as it is opened, a new human habit of throwing a treat on your dog's bed just before opening the door is a simple solution. After a few repetitions of this, your dog will wait for the treat to be

thrown instead of even thinking of bolting out the door. Eventually, you will wean him off of treats and your dog has learned a new habit of waiting instead of bolting. As this becomes a habit for the human, the dog learns the new habit of sitting and staying whenever the door is opened. Owens says, "It's easy. With habit training, your new habits will cause your dog to automatically do what you want him to do. In essence, you both get what you want because you've both formed new habits." He continued, "These Fido­friendly 2010 New Year's resolutions will allow you to spend less time dealing with bad habits like barking, jumping, and lunging on walks. And then you'll find yourself automatically providing those things that Fido really wants­the play, exercise and affection that make him believe you're the best human on the planet." Paul Owens' latest book is "The Dog Whisperer Presents Good Habits for Great Dogs" (Adams Media). As an added bonus for the reader, each book purchase includes a free online dog training seminar­allowing first­hand access to one of America's most trusted experts on nonviolent dog training. Owens has also written "The Dog Whisperer" and "The Puppy Whisperer" and is featured on the DVDs, "The Dog Whisperer: Beginning & Intermediate Dog Training for Puppies and Dogs" and "The Dog Whisperer: Vol. 2­Solving Common Behavior Problems for Puppies and Dogs." PAUL OWENS IS AVAILABLE FOR INTERVIEW Please contact Beth Gissinger at 508­427­6757 or Beth.Gissinger ( @ ) fwmedia dot com PHOTO CREDIT: Harvey Branman, Photography As An Art, Burbank, CA Trackback URL:­s­new­year­s­resolutions­pr­174486.html ###

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