HATC HE Dit.com Launches F ree Family Calendar Phone App Now Available on the Android M a rket
(1888PressRelease) Online family management dashboard www.HATCHEDit.com announces the addition of a FREE Android App. Families can now easily share and coordinate their schedules on the go.
(1888PressRelease) - Westfield, NJ - Free, social collaboration tool www.HATCHEDit.com is proud to announce the launch of the site's complementary Android Phone app, available now, free of charge on the Android Market. HATCHEDit.com allows site members the freedom to coordinate family schedules and other aspects of family life, and the Android mobile phone app now makes this possible "on the go". Executive tools for the Family CEO - Because your family is your business "Not only does the family CEO have to manage and coordinate everyone's schedule, but she usually has to do it on the go - I know I do! Our HATCHEDit.com mobile app provides executive tools that cater to the needs of today's modern family," says Kirsten Bischoff, Founding Partner of HATCHEDit LLC. Bischoff points out that as a single mother she often relies on other family members to pick up her daughter from afterschool activities. "I'm so lucky to have that kind of support and now the mobile app makes communicating schedules more fluid and less intrusive on everyone else's lives. My dad can view my calendar on his phone and see where and when my daughter needs to be picked up. It also allows me to make sure that all of the important contact information is at his fingertips, the app even lets him generate driving directions to where he needs to be. My 12 year old daughter also gets to contribute to her schedule, and can make sure I see way in advance when friends' birthdays and bat mitzvahs are coming so I don't schedule her into any tournaments on those weekends." The first version of the HATCHEDit.com Android phone app includes a color-coded family calendar, a family address book, and personalized blog and news feeds where you can track and easily jump to your favorite sites. "The HATCHEDit.com user base has grown rapidly since we launched in September. Those users have been very enthusiastic about finally having a real, mobile tool for managing their families," says Founding Partner Megan Brown. "My own New Year's Resolutions always include a focus on being more organized and so we're really proud that we were able to make the Android version of the phone app available in advance of The New Year. We have also targeted a "very early" 2012 release for the initial version of the iPhone app." Brown and Bischoff say the phone app will be updated early in 2012 to include all aspects of the HATCHEDit.com website - including the inspiration board and the group chatting feature. In this first iteration users can not only manage their family calendars, but they can track and catch up on their favorite blogs (the site pre-populates feeds of such well known bloggers as ThePioneerWoman.com, Dooce.com, and SmittenKitchen.com). Members can also add their own
blog feeds as well as their favorite news feeds. "I have the two Patch.com news feeds for my local town and the neighboring town - and those keep me up to date on what I need to know locally. Its a quick way to read through what's going on when you're stuck somewhere for a few minutes like a doctor's waiting room, or waiting for your kids to get out of sports practice." About HATCHEDit.com HATCHEDit.com is free, social networking tool and interactive calendar is designed to help the family CEO manage the business of their family. HATCHEDit.com strives to help families achieve a better work-life balance. Mom to Mom The site is the brainchild of two moms, Megan Brown, a former executive at JP Morgan, and Kirsten Bischoff, a former senior editor at a hedge fund trade publication. Their goal is to enable both working and stay-at-home moms to use www.HATCHEDit.com to organize and collaborate in a more fluid way, sharing important information with the people they interact with daily in managing their families' needs, including spouses, grandparents, au pairs, close friends, etc. Trackback Url : http:/ /www.1888pressrelease.com/calendar/2012/hatchedit-com-launches-free-family-calendarphone-app-now-pr-360537.html ###