Maxwell, Turner & Associates receives high ratings and reviews (1888PressRelease) Maxwell, Turner & Associates has recently passed the 2010 Financial Recovery Assessment Review (F.R.A.R.) with Flying colors!! Grading Above Average in all categories including recovery rate, consumer relations, complaints response and other important categories. Fresno, CA (1888PressRelease) April 01, 2010 Maxwell, Turner & Associates, Inc. a consumer and commercial asset recovery firm principally located in Fresno Calif. has just recently passed the 2010 Financial Recovery Assessment Review (commonly referred to as the F.R.A.R) with high markings in all major categories. The F.R.A.R. is an annual inspection of several thousand financial recovery institutes throughout North America. Companies are graded on several key aspects of debt collection spanning 10 categories. Recovery Rate, Customer Support, Remittance, Employee training, FDCPA procedure, Attorney Forwarding, and Complaint Resolution are among the key categories. The agencies are graded on each category and sub category and the totals are tallied for an overall score. This score is then divided by the total number of categories graded against and a FRAR percentage is given to the company. Maxwell, Turner & Associates placed in the 90th percentile for the 2010 Financial Recovery Assessment Review for the second year in a row reclaiming its spot along with the premier agencies in the industry. Categories where Maxwell, Turner & Associates excelled were complaints resolution, recovery rate, attorney forwarding, and its remittance procedures. Members of Maxwell, Turner & Associates complaints resolution teams and customer support staff were awarded with the Best of Class Award their lighting quick response time to resolving debtor and clients issues. Areas where MTA required improvement were its dunning notices uniformity. A return to grace for the team at Maxwell, Turner & Associates. For more information about Maxwell, Turner & Associates, please visit them on the web at Trackback URL: reviepr197822.html ###