Obamacare Written by Amateu rs, Reform Law M ust be Completely Revamped Says Physician Group
(1888PressRelease) Healthcare reform legislation can only be successful if its authors are primarily physicians; 85% of America's physicians choose not to be members of the AMA, and they support America's Medical Society in opposing Obamacare. Lawyers, politicians, and government-paid organizations like the AMA failed in 2010. Now it's time to let healthcare professionals re-write a workable reform law.
(1888PressRelease) San Diego, CA - "Having Washington politicians and lawyers write Obamacare is like me designing an airplane," says Saint Louis Cardiologist and America's Medical Society Board Member, Doctor Glenn Davison, "it just doesn't make sense." Medicare is poised to cut over 27% across the board to physicians starting January 1, 2012. Thanks to Obamacare and deals cut between the AMA and the White House, there is no sustainable budget to support adequate physician care for the elderly. Doctors will not be able to maintain the current level of care and services to the Medicare population. Healthcare reform and the budget crisis is a complex business, but the nation's fastest growing medical group, America's Medical Society (AMS), says the answer to avoiding cuts, and reforming health care without Obamacare, has always been within the purview of doctors. AMS has said from the beginning that proper reform cannot be expected from rationing boards, indiscriminate payment cuts, the creation of over 150 new government agencies, and the scapegoating of physicians for political gain. "There is definitely waste and fraud in medical care in the United States," says AMS Founder and President, Doctor Adam Dorin, "but it's fraud by hospital administrators, insurance companies, 'bad apple' physicians and other providers in ways politicians just don't understand-and wouldn't know where to look to remedy." Politicians and lawyers cannot understand the complexities of practicing medicine to know where the fiscal problems, waste, and fraud really lie. Furthermore, they lack the 'insider status' to be able to effectively navigate successful re-engineering of the nation's medical system. "Fraud and abuse also takes unique forms," notes AMS Board Member, Doctor Richard Willner. "Physicians undergoing hospital peer review have less rights than criminals-traditional due process and evidence-based prosecuting does not follow Constitutional standards within medical institutions. For example: the nation's largest hospital/health care law firm is dubiously represented on the board of the National Practitioner Data Bank; and, the AMA (literally a tool of the federal government) receives over $70 million dollars annually for billing code copyrights that should be free to all providers on the Internet. These obvious conflicts of interest, and so many more similar injustices, are examples of unfair manipulations of our medical delivery system for the self-aggrandizement of a select few--and you can bet they cost taxpayers countless
billions of unnecessary dollars each year." The most intelligent way to reform health care, says Dorin, a practicing anesthesiologist, "is to allow physicians and nurses exclusively to revamp the medical system, to simplify the doctorpatient relationship so that patients work out payments with physicians directly in a competitive free market system (with insurance reimbursement paid directly and exclusively to patients themselves), and to root out unique inequities in health care that only insiders can fully appreciate." America's Medical Society (AMS) is a rapidly growing non-profit organization created to give voice to the 85% of practicing American physicians who, by choice, are not members of the AMA; AMS members are looking for new leadership to solve our nation's complex healthcare delivery problems (more at www.AmericasMedicalSociety.com). Trackback Url : http:/ /www.1888pressrelease.com/medical-fraud-and-abuse/affordable-care-act/obamacarewritten-by-amateurs-reform-law-must-be-completely-pr-357899.html ###