What happened to the land of opportunity?

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What happened to the land of opportunity Announcing solutions to our Challenged, Global, and United States, Unemployment Discuss the “job summit” in Washington, D.C, how to meet the “Challenges of Unemployment”, and promote solutions to the problem. (1888PressRelease) December 03, 2009 ­ Is the United States the land of opportunity anymore? Maybe we have a fundamental structure, which allows for the freedom of ideas; however, did the United States sell out to corporate conglomerates aligned to global resourcing needs? I wasn’t invited to the “job summit” down in Washington, D.C to discuss how to meet the “Challenges of Unemployment”, so I am writing this press release as an analyst consultant, and solutions provider to promote my services and solutions. First, what happened to the pre­election rhetoric from President Obama, and the YouTube approach, and interviews with ‘the people’? Is that just a great approach to win elections, but not to figure out our high unemployment? AP Writer, Christopher S. Rugaber stated that on December 3rd, the Obama administration is to hold a “jobs summit” at the White House that will gather economists, academics and corporate executives to consider how the government can spur job creation. What about us, we the people, aren’t we invited to this party? A government/media moderated YouTube approach wasn’t just a great approach to have an open forum to get to know the presidential candidates, but could also be used to encapsulate solutions from, we the people, the general public opinions regarding high unemployment, and other challenges. Yes, it can be argued that in previous implementations, the individuals selected to be incorporated in moderated YouTube discussions were selected, in part, on entertainment value, but this concept could be crafted to be inclusive of ‘out of the box’ thinking, not just for entertainment value, but for contributions valuable to problem solving. I’m questioning the classic committee approach, where we have an idea on the floor of a ‘selected’ general body of ‘experts’, and those experts, from the ideas discussed, may achieve funding for their own self­interest ideas, and/or spur off several sub­committees to discuss the ideas brought out from the original discussion. Here’s just one example of this antiquated, and flawed approach. Recruiters, and job boards, may have traditionally helped connect the resources with the roles; however, it seems like this approach may be archaic, and the industry of recruitment may be threatened as a whole from networking platforms. I received a call the other day from a talented recruiter, and he didn’t have any job opportunities for me, however, through my business network platform, I was able to provide him both candidate and hiring manager contacts. Did Obama invite executives from the recruitment industry to this “jobs summit”, and if so, will they protect their own previous self­interest job placement board recruitment platforms, and try to block progress, or try to work as a collective toward evolutionary ideas. I hope our moderators of these

discussions can differentiate between the progressive ideas and the ‘best darn buggy whips’ just before the automobile. In a previous press releases regarding the AMBIS platform, I’ve compared it to the ‘E­ Bay for Services’, and yes, E­Bay did come out with, and spin off their own services platform; however, there are challenges with that platform, just to mention one, it’s a globally focused resource tool, and not a specifically American Expertise Market. Our unemployment market, make no mistake, is a wealth of opportunity to any corporate entity, or government who leverages those resources. Yes, I said, the people who are unemployed are actually a wealth of resources. Every day the world gets bigger and bigger, and more human bodies means more people to provide and receive services, whether those people’s needs for services are being bought and sold, and facilitated through business or governments, the needs for services will only increase, therefore the markets to provide those resources are broken. Companies trying to tap this ‘wealth’ of resources, the talented unemployed, are also trying methods of “advisory” exclusionary tactics, to advise consumers trying to filter through the noise, who to select for their services; however, in the AMBIS Service, the customer service rating history of the expert, the ‘virtual word of mouth’ breeds confidence. If I wanted to get a local electrical contractor today, I would ask around in my neighborhood, and the AMBIS Service follows the same philosophy. Refined Internet Search engines are also not a final means to curtailing unemployment, and may also follow the same exclusionary path. We need to provide a means to easily transfer our schooled professionals to the workforce, and as I’ve mentioned in previous press releases, AMBIS, is focused on the American Skilled Worker, and a simplified way of connecting the service provider with the consumer. In one example a University can use the AMBIS service to facilitate the transfer of the student to employed professional. AMBIS technology is based on mobile platforms, because we believe in the mobile workforce. The speeds of our mobile networks may sometimes inhibit our customer's ability to use our application. When we had previous hikes in unemployment, presidents put our country to work with public works projects, such as bridges and highways. We do live in a world with new skills, but why not put a works project together for the ‘information highway’.Cellular technology, 3G, 4G...NG, in terms of bandwidth, may not come close in the near term to what consumer’s can use and purchase today for a Wireless Router that can achieve up to 300 Mbps. Sure, we may need to get coalitions involved to define and regulate Wireless access protocols for call/data transfer between Wi­Fi hotspots, what we would now consider cellular towers; however, will that happen? Broadband companies are competing to build out their own Wi­Fi hotspots. Some broadband / phone companies, who have a vested interest in the copper, land line technology, are gradually porting over to broadband fiber optics and Wi­Fi hotspots, but not nearly as fast enough, excuse the pun. This type of public works project can help unemployed workers rapidly build out these networks. The benefits are not just to build

one of the fastest networks on the planet, and reemploy thousands in the process; however, as they say business moves fast and by our human nature, we are impulsive, and that also makes us impulsive at buying sometimes. If I’m not in an area with Wi­Fi , and I want to download an application for my mobile device, or a large song, I may wait till I get home to download it or I might even have a second thoughts about the purchase. Some may say that’s a good thing, and we don’t want to be impulsive buyers, but I say one impulse of listening to a song, or hearing about a new app, downloading it at the fastest speed possible, may spark another creative thought in that individual, and they in turn may produce some other products and/or services for society. The proper management structure, alignment of resources, and technology, can help us all achieve. Ian Roseman Creative Problem Solver, Architect, Implementer, and Active Job Seeker AMBIS Software LLC http://www.ambis.biz Trackback URL: http://www.1888pressrelease.com/jobs­employment/job­market/what­happened­to­the­ land­of­opportunity­announcing­solutio­pr­169169.html ###

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