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Bp lonDon 2012 paRtneRsHIp


Bp lonDon 2012 paRtneRsHIp
BP is proud to be an Offi cial Partner of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
From 27 July to 9 September 2012, London will host the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games and BP will play a central role throughout.
As a London-based company for over 100 years, BP is proud to be a partner and supporter of London 2012.
For the past four years, BP has been deeply committ ed to the London 2012 Games, helping to deliver them successfully and responsibly. And for BP, leaving a positive legacy when the Games are over is just as important as the preparations.
BP is dedicated to fuelling the success of London 2012 and we are contributing in many tangible ways: • As the offi cial oil and Gas Partner, we are providing advanced fuels and engine oils for the 5000 offi cial Games vehicles, demonstrating the mix of existing and emerging technologies that represent the best mobility energy solutions for the next 10 to 15 years. • As a Sustainability Partner and the offi cial Carbon
Offset Partner with Target Neutral, we are off sett ing the carbon footprint of many national teams including Team GB,
Paralympics GB and Team USA. We are also off ering to off set for free the carbon emissions of all spectator journeys to the Games, aiming to set a world record. • BP is supporting athletes in their preparation while bringing the Games to millions of people through its forecourts. BP is partnering with the National Olympic and National Paralympic
Committ ees of nine countries, supporting over 60 elite athletes in their preparations. • BP is also supporting a host of programmes in our role as
Premier Partner of the Cultural olympiad and London
2012 Festival. Building on its 30-year support of arts and culture in the UK, BP is helping to involve millions of people in London 2012. Furthermore, the BP-supported Young Leaders
Programme has given 100 young people the chance to make a positive diff erence to their lives and communities, through coaching and personal development. As the offi cial oil and Gas Partner for London 2012, BP will provide advanced fuels and engine oils for over 5,000 offi cial vehicles, fuel for generators and the liquefi ed petroleum gas (LPG) for the Games’ catering needs. • BP’s London 2012 vision is to use the power of the Games to inspire progress and to provide real solutions for a lower-carbon future. Showcasing a mix of existing and emerging technologies and practices for fuels and mobility, BP will demonstrate the most effi cient and progressive solutions for today and the next 10-15 years. • The Games fl eet will be fuelled with BP Ultimate – fuels that demonstrate outstanding improvements in engine cleanliness and protection, driving bett er effi ciency and emissions. They will also be supplied with Castrol’s leading range of lubricants, including the latest advanced diesel engine lubricant for
BMW - Edge - which is protecting engines, enhancing fuel and emissions effi ciency and driving down the costs of fl eet operation. • BP will demonstrate the huge potential of advanced biofuels.
We will be announcing more information about the biofuels at a later date.
• BP will ‘showcase’ in the Olympic Park – and in our wider London 2012 partnership programme - the many practical and progressive steps that BP and our partners are taking to transform the effi ciency of mobility – and how individuals can play their part. As a Sustainability Partner and the offi cial Carbon offset Partner with Target Neutral, BP will play a key role in helping to deliver a lower-carbon Games.
• BP runs a major not for profi t programme aimed at encouraging individuals to reduce, replace or neutralise (off set) their carbon emissions from travel via BP Target Neutral. BP will also create an off set off er for all ticketed spectators helping them to reduce and off set their emissions from travelling to the Games. www. bptargetneutral.com As a Premier Partner of the Cultural olympiad and London 2012 Festival, BP will continue its ongoing commitment to UK arts and culture. BP is working with LOCOG and its arts and cultural partners to help deliver several programmes that will inspire young people and will encourage the UK to get involved with London 2012: • London 2012 Open Weekend supported by BP: Open Weekend is an annual highlight of the Cultural Olympiad and an opportunity for the UK to actively mark the countdown to the London 2012 Games at arts, cultural and sporting events across the UK. Open Weekend 2011 (22-24 July) involved over a thousand events and a million participants in celebration of one year to go. htt p://www.london2012.com/get-involved/openweekend/ • Tate Movie Project: BP is supporting the Tate Movie Project, with Legacy Trust UK and the BBC. The Tate Movie Project is the fi rst of its kind; an animated fi lm made by and for children across the UK. With the talents of Aardman Animations, the project hopes to involve over a million 5 – 13 year olds. The fi nished fi lm, “The Itch of the Golden Nit” was screened in Trafalgar Square on 23 July 2011 and at Vue cinemas across the
UK in August. htt p://www.tatemovie.co.uk • The Olympic Journey: The Story of the Games: A BP collaboration with the Royal Opera House and The Olympic Museum in Lausanne. The exhibition will be created and staged at the Royal Opera House for the duration of the Olympic Games next summer from 27 July to 12 August 2012. It will include unique artefacts, graphics, fi lm and audio from The

Olympic Museum in Lausanne being shown in London for the very fi rst time, and promises to be a highlight of the London 2012 Festival, the fi nale of the Cultural Olympiad. htt p://www. bp.com/genericarticle.do?categoryId=2012968&contentId=706886 0

• BP Portrait award: next Generation: The Next Generation programme is focused on giving young people aged 14-19 free opportunities to learn about portraiture under the tutelage of previous BP Portrait Award winners. In 2011 and 2012 the programme will expand beyond the capital, with Summer Schools taking place at venues across the UK. An interactive website is also being developed, with behind-the-scenes insights in to the BP Portrait Award exhibition as well as interviews with artists and a look at the judging process. htt p://www.npg.org. uk/whatson/exhibitions/bp-portrait-award-2010/bp-portraitaward-next-generation3.php • Shakespeare's theatre of the world: In the run-up to next year’s Games, the British Museum will present The BP exhibition ‘Shakespeare’s theatre of the world’. This major exhibition will provide a unique insight into the emerging role of London as a world city in 1612, as seen through the eyes of Shakespeare. Objects, quotes and performance will bring Shakespeare’s London to life; exhibits include jewels, paintings, maps and one of the few surviving fi rst folios of Shakespeare’s plays. www.britishmuseum.org BP is supporting the Young Leaders Programme. In bidding for the 2012 Games, London 2012 made a commitment to deliver a project to support 100 young people on an intensive personal development programme. The aim was for them to play a signifi cant role in the delivery of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The London 2012 Young Leaders Programme (YLP), supported by BP, is designed to give a group of disadvantaged young people the chance to make positive change to their lives. This will be achieved by participation in a number of remarkable volunteering opportunities between April 2010 and the end of the Games in September 2012. htt p://www.london2012.com/youngleaders BP is also inspiring young people through the Enterprise Trading Game and Roadshow. The Game is a work-related learning game that off ers students the opportunity to put enterprise, maths and business skills into action through an exciting simulation of real-life oil trading. The Roadshow is a one-day schools roadshow focusing on maths and enterprise, delivered in all areas of the UK by the time of the Olympic Games in 2012. htt p://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle. do?categoryId=9036379&contentId=7067216 BP is supporting 6 outstanding British athletes as they prepare for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games: Jessica Ennis; Lizzie Amitstead; Shelly Woods; Richard Whitehead; Stef Reid and William Sharman. BP will be helping them to reduce their carbon footprint as they prepare for the Games using the Target Neutral framework of Reduce-Replace-Neutralise. To fi nd out more about BP’s athletes, go to www.bp.com/london2012. Our London 2012 partnership will allow us to excite and incentivise our business partners and customers through innovative, distinctive off ers and experiences, which are creating value for BP and our partners. An example is the Legends Collection, which will help BP to raise valuable funds for the British Olympic and Paralympic Associations.

The Olympic Games are the ultimate demonstration of human sporting endeavour, bringing together extraordinary athletes from around the world. We believe that the athletes and the Olympic movement embody the values that we wish to see demonstrated in BP – safety, excellence, respect and courage. We also believe that success comes from working as one team – the athletes will be supported by the energy of a number of people who will help them to achieve their best.
For more information on BP’s London 2012 activities, go to www.bp.com/2012