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2009-2014 Pei-Hsuan,Kuan's PORTFOLIO 官佩萱作品集

Resume 個人簡歷

04 - 07

Communication Design 視覺傳達設計

08 - 51

Product Design 產品設計

52 - 63

App Design App 設計

64 - 71

Design Activities 設計活動

64 - 71

Introdution 關於我

Pei Hsuan, kuan

The Educational Background



Aug 10 / 1990 Chayi / Taiwan Email / chau521711@hotmail.com guanchu79801@gmail.com

2009 - 2012 / B.S. degree National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Industrail and Communication Design Major in Industrail Design

2013 - Now / M.S. degree National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Industrail and Communication Design Major in Communication Design


Awards 得獎記錄

2012 2012 Reddot Product Design / Industrail Design / Finalist Yodex Exhibition, Taiwan (2012) / Industrail Design / The 3rd Place

2011 Android User Interface Design Competition / The First Place APP STAR Competition / The Second place

2008-2010 Uneec Applied Design Award (2009) / Product design / Finalist Chiayi City Student Art Competition / Commercial design / The first Place Natoinal Student Art Competition / Painting / Excellent work


Design Experience 設計經歷

2013 Escort: Safety Wayfinding Signage Design Exhibition / Designer Cheng - Loong Paper Design Exhibition, Taiwan / Exhibitors International Summer Design Workshop (SDW) / Communication / The First Place

2012 Qiao Design Studio / Internship Kaohsiung PIER-2 ATR CENTER /1000 Birds Design Exhibition / Project Designer Young Creative Expo, Taiwan (2012) / Exhibitors Taiwan Designer's Week / Tea Party / Internship Taiwan Designer's Week / ‘‘ FLOW ’‘ Design Exhibition / Exhibitors Yodex Exhibition, Taiwan (2012) / Press Conference / Representative team of NTUST Industrail Design


2011 1/2 Espresso Exhibition / Designer Yodex Exhibition, Taiwan (2011) / Foresight Program / Exhibitors TTD Taiwan Tech Design Exhibition / Exhibition Planning Team

2009 - 2010 33 Cafe' / Stamps and Design


Communication & Graphic Design 視覺傳達設計


Escort :Safety Wayfinding Signage Design Exhibition 緊急避難場所指引視覺系統設計展

Bamboo Shoots in Taiwan 臺灣常見竹筍圖鑑

Natural Farm 視覺規劃與包裝設計

DEAR YOU 版畫創作個展

1/2 Espresso 版畫個展


01 Escort : Safety Wayfinding Signage Design Exhibition 引路 / 緊急避難場所指引視覺系統設計展 Concepts Establishing a Wayfinding Signage system will result in a population’s heightened understanding and awareness of emergenc y and safet y infor mation. The wide public distr ibution of aesthetic and func tional design visuals will infor m and train people to immediately recognize signage information and assist them to respond to different emergenc y situations with reduced confusion, a nx i e t y a nd s tre s s. “ E s co r t: S a fe t y Way fi n di ng Si gnage D esign Exhibition” is a par tial result from the Shelters and M ater ials M anagement Projec t, Wor ld D esign Capital Taipei 2016: Adaptive City effort. The VID team is pleased to present this design exhibition, which focuses on the creation of a concise, uniform and aesthetically pleasing and informative visual signage design system. This exhibition focuses on t wo signage system phases; the Normative and the Featured phases. The Normative phase features existing national public signs, while the Featured phase, an extension of the Normative, presents a n i n d e p e n d e n t Wa y f i n d i n g S i g n a g e s y s t e m . V i s i t o r s attending this exhibition are invited to view and to become acquainted through simulation activity with this u s e r- f r i e n d l y co m m u n i t y - b a s e d e m e rg e n c y a n d s a fe t y Wayfinding Signage Design system.




Way finding System



Way finding System



Visual System




02 Bamboo Shoots in Taiwan / Infographic of Taiwan familiar bamboo shoots 臺灣好筍 / 臺灣常見竹筍圖鑑 Concepts Ta i w a n i s w a r m a n d h u m i d a n d r a i n y a m o n g f o u r seasons; it has the ideal environment for bamboo p l a n t a t i o n . I t ’s o n e o f t h e a r e a s w h e r e t h e m o s t diversified species of bamboos. Bamboo shoots grown in Taiwan have become the representative local food ingredients and thus, through this infographics, we would like to promote the bamboo plants and to enlighten the public with more relevant knowledge. “Bamboo Shoots in Taiwan” introduces you common bamboo species in Taiwan. The realistic approach in illustrations gives the diagrams of each species of b a m b o o s a t c o m p a r a t i ve d i m e n s i o n t o h e l p yo u t o identify them in real life.The bamboo symbols help to reinforce the characteristics of each species of bamboos. You will be able to easily learn the relevant knowledge of bamboos and memorize their characteristics.


The introduction of growing season and the cultivation sites of each species of bamboos allows the readers to compare the relationship between bamboo growth and the climate through 24 types of climate classification in China and the indication of climatic features. A the same time, the geographical distribution of bamboos in counties and cities around Taiwan indicates the ideal site of Taiwan for bamboo plantation. The above information broadens the readers’ knowledge and helps you to shop the right local bamboo shoots at the right time and right places.




Production Season

The 24 types of climate classification in Chinese 7







Exterior appearance

Color and skin textures


03 Natural Farm / Graphics, Logo and Package Design 自然田 / 視覺規劃與包裝設計

Concepts Th e “ N at u ra l Fa r m” l o c ate d i n N a n' a o, Ta i wa n . Fa r m e r s c u l t i v a te c ro p s w i t h t h e “n a t u ra l a gr i c u l t u ra l m e t h o d ” instead of fertilizer and chemicals. They cooperate with the nature make the products more primitive. The engraving package of “Natural Farm” mainly described the handmade generating process of the produce, and the scenery of farmlands with crops growing lively.We would like to express our wish by this design- live in a symbiotic lifestyle with environment, and generate healthy crops. Concept / Designer : Pei-Hsuan, Kuan / I-Chen, Huang



Graphic Design 01 02 03 04 05

01 Natural Rice / The scenery of farmlands lying under the hills, and the picture of rice growing in natural status without weeding or using insecticides. Although the rice is not perfect, it gives a primitive and reassuring feeling. 02 Natural Rice Bran / To use Taiwan's traditional grinding machine to grind a nutrient and precious rice bran powder. 03 Natural Puffed Rice / Bang! Rice cakes machine's voice sounded and baked the national snack - Puffed-Rice Cakes. 04 Natural Puffed Rice Powder / The flour made of puffed-rice cakes, which can also be brewed or into the dish and good for both children and adults to enjoy! 05 Shine On Peanut /05 Sunshine -Roasted Peanuts: Fried peanuts under the sun by the riverbank. Taste the flavor of sun.



Graphic Design 01 02 03

01 Natural Rice Wine / The Pale ground color stands off the rising steam, presenting the fresh distilled, clear rice wine. 02 Natural Rice Vinegar / The dark background brings out the water drops, presenting the long-term fermented rice vinegar. 03 Crisp Radish / Spread the carrot separately on the bamboowoven plate; dry them in the sun with patience. Once the surface turn into deep yellow, the harvest moment has come.





04 DEAR YOU / The block print book 官於,你我他 / 版畫圖文書

Concepts My hometown is in the countryside of Taiwan.I grew up in a tradional family, with lots of members.At the same time, we are so close to each other. In 2010,I found many photos with memorable and interesting stories in my parents' childhood.I would like to re co rd t h e s e p re c i o u s m e m o r i e s by my s k i l l e d way. Th e re fo re, I m a d e t h e b l o c k p r i nt b o o k to ex p re s s t h e emotions and record every wonderful moment.




Graphic Design - Book Edit & Design



Graphic Design - Book Edit & Design


05 1/2 Espresso / Block print Exhibition in coffee33 1/2 Espresso / 版畫個展

About the exhibition 33 Café is a self-roasted coffee shop in suburb of Chiayi city. From 2009 to 2011, several shop stamps have been made for 33 Café. The ''1/2 Espresso'' engraving individual exhibition, with 5 engraving works designed for the topic of coffee shop and held the first session in the coffee shop, is my first personal public exhibition.

展覽簡介 咖啡店 33 號是位於嘉義市郊的自家烘培咖啡店。 2009-2011 年,陸續為咖啡店 33 號設計數款店章。 2011 年 8 月 以 咖 啡 店 為 題 設 計 5 幅 版 畫 作 品, 以 合 作 形 式 舉 辦 店 內 的 第 一 場, 也 是 我 個 人 第 一 場 公 開 展 覽 —1/2 Espresso 版畫個展。 Exhibition / 33 Cafe' & Kuan Pei Hsuan Concept / Designer : Kuan Pei Hsuan Photography / 33 Cafe' & Kuan Pei Hsuan Copywriting / 33 Cafe' & Holly Lin & Kuan Pei Hsuan


Graphic Design - Block Print Exhibition


Exhibition Concept At the early state of founding, 33 Café was running in the breakfast restaurant owned by the founder ’s mother. Every morning they provided free coffee for costumers. Once, the founder asked me if I want a cup of coffee, while I refused b e c a u s e I w a s n o t a l l owe d to i n t a k e to o m u c h c a f fe i n e. However he served me a special blende latte with only 1/2 espresso inside, which was really moving to me. It was my first try of drinking coffee, having no idea about dark roast, light roast, bitterness or acidity. But I did taste the heart of considering and the hope of sharing. In this case, 1+1 will definitely bigger than 2. Therefore I name the exhibition as “1/2 Espresso”, and took 33 Café as my exhibit topic.


Graphic Design - Block Print Exhibition

2011 2010 2009


Graphics The works in ''1/2ESPRESSO'' exhibition mainly portray how the owner wonder,and they believe; to share pure, mellow cafe with much more people, and make them be touched.


Graphic Design - Block Print Exhibition

01 02 03 04

01 / Sharing lights up the coffee. 02 / ROCK'N ROLL'S STYLE 03 / We look forward to make a cup of coffee for you in the 33 Cafe' . 04 / Roasting Coffee Beans



Graphic Design - Block Print Exhibition




Graphic Design - Block Print Exhibition

01 02 03

01 / To engrave 02 / To print 03 / To be air-dried






Graphic Design - Block Print Exhibition


Product Design 產品設計


FOLDY / The street sweeper for Taipei 掃街工具車


06 FOLDY / The street sweeper for Taipei FOLDY / 城市掃街工具車 Concepts There are more than 7200 street cleaners in Taipei. Their working carts are often left in the streets after use, which is accountable for our disorganized streetscape. Therefore to change our city, these sweepers' ought to be educated first. The main idea is to change traditional trash can’s enclosed space to frame structure. This not only prevent stagnant water, but also made the cart as light as possible with aluminum alloy. The purpose is to purify our city by storage the cleaning carts in the gathering spotafter work. Accessories are designed to collect cleaning tools and personal belongings.In enhancing the efficiency and the universality of cleaning tools, we seek to replace the manpower sweepers with mechanical ones, which ultimately result in Foldy, a light and handy street sweeper designed especially for the cleaning in sidewalks and narrow parking spaces.

Designer: Pei-Hsuan,Kuan / Ya-ya Chen Advisor: Fang-Wu,Tung / Rock Wang Special thanks: Pacific-cycles / City yeast


Product Design - FOLDY the treet sweeper


Problems Discribtion In Taipei, there are no regulations for the dustbin men to put the street sweeper as they got off their duties. Therefore, locations such as the parking lots, neighbors by wire poles and security office might be their choices. However, the reflective attached to the sweepers made them looked weird. In addition, due to unfavorable for arrangement and inappropriate operating design, the cleaners always need to assemble the car t on their own to feed the needs.

Design Position

Embellish the cityscape Industrial Corporation Development


Increase the benefits of Urban Management Reform the street sweeper

Raise the professional identification of street cleaner


Transfer Taipei into a design city



Product Design - FOLDY the treet sweeper

To redesign the way of putting away rubbish can, personal belongings and the cleaning utensils.

We try to simplify the design to make moving the rubbish out of the rubbish can become easily.

To enhance the identification of street cleaners, we redesign the CIS system for Department of Environmental Protection.


Concept The main idea is to change traditional trash can’s enclosed space to frame structure. This not only prevent stagnant water, but also made the cart as light as possible with aluminum alloy. The purpose is to purify our city by storage the cleaning carts in the gathering spotafter work. Accessories are designed to collect cleaning tools and personal belongings.

+ Mechanical Sweeper & FOLDY In enhancing the efficiency and the universality of cleaning tools, we seek to replace the manpower sweepers with mechanical ones, which ultimately result in Foldy, a light and handy street sweeper designed especially for the cleaning in sidewalks and narrow parking spaces.


Product Design - FOLDY the treet sweeper


Design Features

01 / Redesigned for Department of Environmental Protection, the CIS features dotted line and cycling arrows. 02 / Foldable frame makes it efficient to roll the cart, and easy to put a trash bag on it. The rubber on the edge of the frame helps the cleaner to tighten the bag. 03 / The broom and dustpan are held on the frame. It is


easy to pick and place back due to the magnet inside. The handling bar are made of soft fabric which is able to be replaced. 04 / Tackle pack for the street cleaners: ready to be brought with cleaners, carrying all their belongings. A reflective bar is also on it for precaution. 05 / The alumnus at the bottom holds the trash bag, with hollow structure for water to go through when being cleaned.Three wheels make it more easy to move with it, equipped with a brake.



Product Design - FOLDY the treet sweeper






App GUI Design 介面設計


Trip Talk App Design 旅遊 App 設計


07 Trip Talk / Share the trip,share the saying APP Design Trip Talk / APP 設計 Members Pei-Hsuan, Kuan / ICD, NTUST Yi-Tsen, Lin / ICD, NTUST Zi-Wei, Luo / NTU Hong-Ji, Li / NTU Ping-Chun, Chang / NTU Tzu-Wen, Chang / NTU

Advisors Prof. Yen-Yang, Chen / NTU Prof. Tang Hsien-Hui / NTUST


GUI Design-Trip Talk app Design


Trip Talk When it comes to planning a trip, the information usually comes from the friends’ recommendations. The problem is how to integrate the information efficiently and make it work. ''TripTalk'' helps travellers to search and categorize the sights nearby, making users able to find out the spot they want to visit. The vertical map interface tells the distance to the spots, and the horizontal-operated timeline mode will help pinning the spots onto the schedule, getting the preparation done easily. What’s more important, the schedule can be shared to multiple friends. With group of people participating in discussion, taking part in adjusting the travel plan and giving advice makes the trip full of fun and interest.

Edit the trip The horizontal timeline mode allows users to pin the list items directly onto the schedule, rearrange the schedule order, add notes, or give advice at the same time. The travellers are able to communicate with friends on the interface, enriching the joy of travel.


Map User can search and categorize the neighboring sights by inputting the destination. The sights will be categorized into food, hotel, classic spot, and find out the information needed more quickly, and add them into the trip list.

GUI Design-Trip Talk app Design

historical record. With this function the users will

Trip list Users can save their finished-planning schedule and share to multiple friends, syncing their opinion in the schedule plan.


User Interface


GUI Design-Trip Talk app Design

2012 UOID&AHCI Class

Trip Talk app design


Design Activities 設計活動參與


TTD 台科大設計系系展

1000 Birds 候鳥計劃 — 駁二熱血心設計展


08 The process gives birth of the style / Taiwan Tech Design Exhibition 「過程孕育,風格誕生」/ 台灣科大設計系系展 Concepts “ The process gives bir th of the style” is a final exhibition of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Department of Industrial and Commercial Design, with students from freshman to junior participating in. The main idea of this exhibition is “to show the process of design from nothing to something.” In this phase of university, we absorb lot of knowledge and skills from learning, and then turn what we learn into the elements in our design work to make our design become more mature and wonderful. The title of “the process gives birth of the style” is a reflection of us in this time, just like a mom breeds a newborn life and transfers her nutrient to her baby to make the baby growing stronger.


Activities - TTD Exhibition





Activities - TTD Exhibition


09 1000 Birds Kaohsiung PIER-2 ATR CENTER Design Exhibition 候鳥計劃 / 駁二熱血心設計展




Concept The visual strategy of 1,000 Birds utilizes the wild goose as the symbol of the big dream assembling from small dreams with the same aim. Ordinary objects will be empowered with new strength and possibility by gathering together. From spacial planning to selected works, every part of the 1,000 Birds Exhibition was surrounding this core idea—each individual object may seem to be normal, while indispensable in the community. We produced 1,000 wild geese with plywood, accumulating from single goose to numerous flocks of geese. After produced from the factory, the geese staying in places over Taiwan were about to fly to the warm, south Kaohsiung.



Concept The executing designers set out with 2 paths from Taipei, visiting 30 disadvantaged groups, elderly care centers, and schools in remote areas. They invited residents to draw their dreams on the body of wooden geese. Finally, 2 groups of designers from eastern and western path converged on Kaohsiung Pier-2 Art Centre with geese and plenty of dreams. The geese carrying with dreams became the primary visual element of the exhibition, the symbol of taking off of dreams.






Qiao Design Rock Wang Tong Ho

Interns Pei-Hsuan,Kuan Coby Huang Yen-Chen,Chang Yu-Hsuan,Liao Lyli Lin Xin-Yu,Huang







Kuan,Pei-Hsuan's portfolio 官佩萱個人作品集 0912780039 issuu.com/19623 chau521711@hotmail.com

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