Michelle Hazelton & Martin Anderson – 1E
June 2010
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Contents Executive Order 13514 - Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance .........................................4 EO Deadlines ........................................................................................................................................................................4 Executive Order 13423 - Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management ...............................5 EO Deadlines ........................................................................................................................................................................5 Environmentally Preferable Products (EPP) ...........................................................................................................................6 What is "Environmentally Preferable�? .................................................................................................................................6 Where 1E can help ...................................................................................................................................................................7 PC & Laptop Power Management .........................................................................................................................................7 Increased security ................................................................................................................................................................7 Inventory computers ............................................................................................................................................................8 Report savings & emissions ................................................................................................................................................ 10 Reduce energy & waste ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 Extend equipment life ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 Bonus features ................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Timeline to Savings................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Contact 1E.............................................................................................................................................................................. 13 References ............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
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INTRODUCTION On October 5, 2009, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order (EO) 135141, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, a broad-based environmental initiative to “establish an integrated strategy towards sustainability in the Federal Government and to make reduction of greenhouse gas emissions a priority for Federal agencies.” EO 13514 requires the Department of Energy (DOE) and other Federal agencies to lead by example in creating a clean energy economy, expanding upon the energy reduction and environmental performance requirements required under EO 134232 Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management. Signed by President George W. Bush in January 2007 EO 13423 requires federal agencies to purchase environmentally preferable products and services, revoking previous E.O.s related to Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP). “Every day, over 54 million workers in the United States make the decision not to turn off their PCs at the end of the day, wasting $2.8bn.” Alliance to Save Energy, PC Energy Report 20093 According to research conducted by Gartner4, energy use from servers, desktops, monitors and laptops is the largest single category of IT energy consumption in the United States, accounting for 48% of all IT electricity costs. And research from The Alliance to Save Energy says that 50% of all the users in the US leave their PCs running out of hours 3, potentially costing their employers many hundreds of thousands of dollars in unnecessary costs. With recent figures from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggesting that the number of users leaving PC’s on out of hours could actually be much higher, it is clear to most that reducing energy consumption across Federal desktops could play a major role in achieving the aims of both EO 13514 and EO 13423. The Office of Management & Budget (OMB) is also integral to EO 13423, because it will track progress on EO goals through an environmental stewardship management scorecard, which compels Federal agencies to be on track to implement power management on 100 percent of PCs, laptops and monitors and extend the life of IT equipment to greater than four years, by December 20105.
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Executive Order 13514 - Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance On October 5, 2009, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 135141, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance. This EO expands on the energy reduction and environmental performance requirements for EO 134232 (see below). EO 13514 requires the DOE and other Federal agencies to lead by example in creating a clean energy economy. To meet EO goals, the DOE shall:
Increase energy efficiency
Measure, report and reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from direct and indirect activities (scope 1 & 2 emissions)
Leverage Departmental acquisition to foster markets for sustainable technologies and environmentally preferable materials, products, and services
Scope 1 emissions - Scope 1 emissions are direct GHG emissions from sources owned or controlled by the Federal agency. Scope 2 emissions - Scope 2 emissions are direct GHG emissions resulting from the generation of electricity, heat, or steam purchased by a Federal agency. Scope 3 emissions - Scope 3 emissions are GHG emissions from sources not owned or directly controlled by a Federal agency, but related to agency activities such as vendor supply chains, delivery services, and employee travel and commuting.
EO Deadlines Federal agencies are required to meet a series of deadlines critical to achieving the Green House Gas reduction goals of the EO:
By November 5, 2009 each agency submitted the name of their Senior Sustainability Officer (SSO) to the Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ) Chair and Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Director
On January 4, 2010 a percentage reduction target for agency-wide reductions of scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions in absolute terms by fiscal year 2020, relative to a fiscal year 2008 baseline of the agency's scope 1 and 2 GHG is due to the CEQ Chair and OMB Director
On 2 June 2010 Scope 3 targets and the Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan is due to the CEQ Chair and the OMB Director (Section 8 of the EO describes the Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan required contents1)
5 January 2011 the comprehensive GHG inventory is due from each of the agencies to the CEQ Chair and OMB Director
Powering down all desktop computers is the third ‘top idea’ for conserving energy listed in the recent Whitehouse GreenGov Challenge Final Report published in February 20106.
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Executive Order 13423 - Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management On January 24, 2007, President George W Bush signed Executive Order 134232, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management. EO 13423 instructs Federal agencies to conduct their environmental, transportation, and energy-related activities under the law in support of their respective missions in an environmentally, economically and fiscally sound, integrated, continuously improving, efficient, and sustainable manner. The EO sets goals in the following areas:
Energy efficiency
Sustainable buildings
Electronic Stewardship (ES)
EO Deadlines Federal agencies are required to improve energy efficiency and reduce GHG of the agency, through reduction of energy intensity by:
implementing power management on 100% of PCs, laptops and monitors by December 20105,7
Extending the life of IT equipment to greater than 4 years
Reducing GHG emissions by 3 percent annually, by the end of fiscal year 2015, or 30 percent by the end of fiscal year 2015, relative to the baseline of the agency’s energy use in fiscal year 2003;
The OMB Environmental Stewardship Scorecard, issued January 2010 states that under the ES practices of EO 13423, agency’s must have an ES plan and be on track to implement power management on 100 percent of PCs, laptops and monitors and 5 extend the life of equipment to greater than four years, by December 2010 .
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Environmentally Preferable Products (EPP) The EPA's Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Program is helping agencies across the federal government comply with green purchasing requirements, and, in doing so is using the federal government's enormous buying power to stimulate market demand for green products and services. Federal agencies are directed by federal laws, regulations and executive orders to make purchasing decisions with the environment in mind. EPA created the Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program in 1993 to help federal officials meet these requirements. Most recently, these requirements have included EO 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, which ordered federal agencies to use sustainable practices when buying products and services.
As they implement these green purchasing requirements, federal purchasers need to consider:
Their legal requirements
Product and service needs
Costs and benefits of various green products and services
The Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program has created a Web site to make the job easier by helping purchasers7:
Identify federal requirements
Find and evaluate information about green products and services
Calculate the costs and benefits of their purchasing choices
Manage their green purchasing processes
What is "Environmentally Preferable”? Environmentally preferable means "products or services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services that serve the same purpose." For the Federal government as a whole, the President's OMB has issued a series of scorecards to help track progress of Federal agencies in implementing EO 13423. Green purchasing progress is measured in the Environmental Stewardship Scorecard5 (see above).
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Where 1E can help With deadlines looming one of the first steps is establishing your baseline for power consumption so that realistic targets can be set. Establishing these targets can be somewhat confusing. Based on industry research, case studies and product testing the following reductions are considered achievable when using tools such as NightWatchman® & NightWatchman Server Edition:
PC & Laptop Power Management For offices where the majority of PCs and Monitors are left switch on overnight and at weekends a 40% reduction in energy consumption is achievable. Dell implemented NightWatchman on 50,000 computers, achieving a 40% reduction in energy consumption and repeatable cash savings of $1.8m per annum on electricity8, equivalent to 935 tons of CO2 emissions9. PC and laptop power management with 1E’s Power & Patch Management™. A scalable, proven solution comprising our two leading applications: NightWatchman® and WakeUp™, enabling Federal agencies to safely and remotely power down PC’s overnight, significantly reducing energy consumption and their impact on the environment. For example, an agency with 10,000 PCs:
Achieving a 40% reduction in energy consumption from 10,000 PCs would yield savings of 1,800 tons of CO2 emissions, equivalent to the carbon absorbed by 42,000 trees10 and a total cost reduction of $294,000 per annum on electricity11.
"Today, the average desktop PC wastes nearly half of its power, and the average server wastes one-third of its power." Urs Hölzle, senior vice president, Operations & Google Fellow12
Increased security NightWatchman enhances PC security in two important ways:
When computers are powered down they are impervious to attack from virus outbreaks and other malware. All computers can reliably be woken for security patching, thus ensuring that the entire PC estate is up-to-date with all critical security patches.
A PC that is shut down overnight and at weekends presents a 70% smaller target of opportunity for malware attacks.
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Inventory computers One of the first steps is establishing your baseline for power consumption. NightWatchman gives you complete visibility of your network by providing an inventory of all networked computers. The inventory information helps identify the computer and determine its typical power consumption figures. The power consumption data is used to calculate how much power the computer is consuming throughout the day in different states.
Inventory all networked computers including power consumption data and define location groups to apply location specific power policies NightWatchman Management Center Console inventories computers showing power state data for on, standby and hibernate.
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The NightWatchman Management Center Console also lets you define location and agency groups. Location groups enable you to model your agency according to the physical location of the computers. This lets you report on and apply location specific power settings to computers according to the time zones they reside, computers can be woken up and shutdown to suit local office hours. You can also use the location groups to apply specific localized tariffs that increase the accuracy of power cost reports.
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Report savings & emissions NightWatchman’s highly accurate reporting has been independently verified by Dell using an instrumented building to compare results giving agencies confidence in their power usage and CO2 emissions reporting.
Fast, accurate reporting on current cost, energy and CO2 usage, together with detailed ‘what if’ recommendations of potential savings based on suggested options The total daily CO2 emissions report show the total CO2 emissions emitted from all PCs, laptops and monitors in your estate making reductions clearly visible.
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Reduce energy & waste After a full assessment of your PC estate has been carried out, power policies can be applied to automatically power down PC’s according to a centrally controlled schedule, reducing administration time and costs.
Sleepless Client Detection™ ensures that every PC, Mac, laptop and monitor goes to sleep when it should, maximizing energy savings and minimizing CO2 emissions across your agency The daily state in time report shows the percentage of time work stations (PCs & monitors) have been in each power state, including on, off, suspend and monitor in standby. This level of visibility enables you to assess your current power management strategy and identify potential areas where further energy efficiency improvement can be made.
An organization with 1,000 PC’s wastes nearly $26,000 per year in energy costs and nearly 94 tons of CO2 by not shutting those PCs down overnight.” Alliance to Save Energy3
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Extend equipment life Computer Health™ performs scheduled or instant health checks on PCs, proactively identifying issues and automatically remedying them to ensure 100% patch success and reduced downtime. With regular maintenance and patching your healthy computers are more likely to stay in good working order for longer extending your refresh cycles.
Computer Health™ helps extend the life of computers with scheduled health checks that identifies and auto fixes problems
Bonus features
Delivers rapid cost savings and energy and carbon emissions reductions while ensuring your users remain productive, working without interruption on secure and well maintained PC’s.
Minimizes the window of opportunity for virus infiltration, enhancing security and compliance
Works in any environment, with or without existing systems management infrastructures
Ability to set regular maintenance windows to allow for scheduled maintenance
Protects user data, using timed warnings with opt-outs and a ‘do not disturb’ feature for active users. When powering down, saves all unsaved data before closing any open applications
For additional information on how 1E can help with EO 13514 & EO 13423 please visit: http://www.1e.com/federal
Timeline to Savings Any Federal agency can achieve a Return-on-Investment (ROI) within twelve months, with extensive cost savings through Power & Patch Management, delivering initial savings much faster. NightWatchman & WakeUp can baseline current PC energy consumption across any Federal agency in just 30-days, delivering a written report of our analysis and ‘what if’ scenarios. Based on this report, 1E will be able to easily identify and recommend power policies and schemes to ensure you maximize savings.
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Conclusion The Electronics Stewardship program addresses the life-cycle management of electronic equipment from procurement to disposal. Agencies can have the greatest impact on electronics stewardship during the in-life phase of any PC – that period when that PC is active and in use on a daily basis – by implementing energy and carbon emissions savings measures. This is why the goals, objectives and sustainable practices outlined in both EOs stipulate that all agencies must implement policies to enable power management across all PCs, reporting on those savings on a regular basis. In addition to enabling power management agencies must also establish policies to extend the useful life of electronic equipment and implement best management practices for energy-efficient management of servers and Federal data centers*. Agencies choosing to deploy intelligent solutions such as Power and Patch Management are better prepared to meet the goals, objectives and sustainable practices of the EOs and are realizing energy and carbon emission savings of up to 40%. *For more information on increasing energy efficiency in the data center see the White Paper - Empowering Energy Efficiency in Federal Data Centers available from: http://www.1e.com/download/whitepapers/EmpoweringEnergyEfficiency_in_FederalDataCenters.pdf.
The following is an example of the ‘Enterprise View’ dashboard. This provides all stakeholders of CIOs, IT Staff, Sustainability Officers, and Energy Officers great visibility into the Server and PC estate.
Contact 1E For additional information on how to contact 1E please visit http://www.1e.com/federal/Contactus.aspx
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References 1
Federal Register, Executive Order 13514 (Oct 5, 2009). Available from: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E924518.pdf 2
Federal Register, Executive Order 13423 (Jan 24, 2007). Available from: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2007/pdf/07-374.pdf
PC Energy Report (2009). Available from: http://www.1e.com/EnergyCampaign/downloads/PC_EnergyReport2009-US.pdf
Gartner: Forecast IT Hardware IT Hardware Energy Consumption Worldwide 2005-2012 (2008). Available from: http://rte.gartner.com/DisplayDocument?ref=g_search&id=842025 5
The OMB Environmental Stewardship Scorecard, Department of Energy (Jan, 2010). Available from: http://www.hss.energy.gov/nuclearsafety/env/reports/omb_scorecard_jan_2010.pdf 6
Whitehouse GreenGov Challenge Final Report (Feb, 2010). Available from: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/20100217-greengov-final-report.pdf 7
Environmental Protection Agency Environmentally Preferable Products (2010). Available from: http://www.epa.gov/epp/
Dell: Focusing on energy efficiency. Available from: http://www.1e.com/download/whitepapers/dell_case%20study_us.pdf
40% saving on 89Watts = 35.6Watts (0.0356kWh) 0.0356kWh x 24hrs x 365days = 311.86kWh per year 311.86 kWh x 50,000PCs = 1559280kWh 1559280kWh x 0.544kg CO2 = 848.25 tonne / 935 US ton
EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator (2010). Available here: http://www.epa.gov/rdee/energyresources/calculator.html 11
PCs = average 84Watts 0.084kW x 24hr x 365days = 735.84kWh x 10,000 PCs = 7,358,400kWh 7,358,400kWh x 0.544kg CO2 = 4,002,970kg / 4,003 tonne CO2 / 4,413 US ton CO2 (40% = 1,765 US ton CO2) 7,358,400kWh x $0.10 electricity = $735,840 (40% = $294,336)
Intel and Google Join with Dell, EDS, EPA, HP, IBM, Lenovo, Microsoft, PG&E, World Wildlife Fund and Others to Launch Climate Savers Computing Initiative (Jun 12, 2007). Available from: http://www.google.com/intl/en/press/pressrel/climate_savers_20070612.html 13
A PC left on 24 hours a day is able to be attacked by malware for 168 hours over a 1 week period. A PC that is powered down at evenings and all weekend is only on for around 50 hours a week which is ~30% of the time and therefore presents a 70% smaller target of opportunity for attacks.
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