1MAG # 1 - Nov / Dec 2009

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its days are numbered!


Nov/Dec 2009

# 1 - Nov/Dec 2009




12 Special Report: copybot, its days are n Photo/Art cover by Hio Taringa Senior Journalists

Gwyneth Llewelyn Panther Miklos Special Guest Writers


James Schwarz Izzy Bereznyak Nina Fessbeinder VANITY ESPARZA (special guest) Graphic Artists

HIO TARINGA Caitlin Madrigal Photographers

rikoko ewing (special guest) fERGIE sMIT Tamzin Xigalia Managing Editor / PR




“Content, Property and Copy” by Gwyneth Llewely

28 focus:

“The tangled web of Adult Verification”

32 We Love: 38 style:

Shoe Fair 2009

Vanity Esparza as Agyness Deyn

Fashion Editorials:

40 A men’s winter fashion preview by “The Jewna 46 “See Through” by Nina Fessbeinder





52 Log in:

a fun chat with Moonaco Porta, our sunset queen!

76 Insight:

Buddhism in Second Life by Caspian Inglewood Drowsy

92 My World:


102 Live well:


Machinima techniques by Carla Broek

Beautiful skyboxes!




as Brothers”

98 check it out:


“Burn, Baby, Burn... Making way for Burning Life 2010!” by Poid Mahovlich




” by Panther Miklos











by Gwyneth Llewelyn • pic

Few things have gathered as much attention as the issue of illeg outsider would find surprising. When Second Life was launched 2003, one of its key features was the claim on guaranteeing th inside Linden Lab’s platform. Unlike any other virtual world, Se their content here, but made sure that everybody’s creations n currently “owns” the item (which means paying a fee to be able t tar’s inventory), and a complex permission system identifying t


ctures by Hio Taringa

gitimate content copy (and resale) in Second Life®, which only an d as a virtual world with user-generated content, back in June he intellectual property of all content uploaded and created econd Life not only encouraged users (the residents) to create neatly displayed licensing information – who the author is, who to display it inside the virtual world or hold it inside your avathe permissions (terms of licensing) …


f this both sounds “legalese” and “techie” to you, it is. Lawrence Lessig, a prominent professor of law in the digital world, allegedly “convinced” Linden Lab that this kind of intellectual property rights protection would be crucial for an emerging platform that was taking its first steps, and it would be quite fundamental to “get it right” from the very start — since, as you all know, copyright enforcement on the Web had to “catch up”, as the Web has no such built-in concepts. Everything on display on the Web is free to copy.

of programmers were trying to understand how Second Life works by reverse-engineering the communications protocol. Their idea was that, if they could understand the protocol, they could create interfaces between Second Life and other environments (IRC chat bridges were a typical example they had in mind). For that, they used a very simple approach: they created a proxy — a software application that sits in-between the communications between the SL viewer and the grid servers. So, when they typed something in text chat and pressed “Say”, a message would be sent from the SL viewer to the proxy, stored there, but also sent to the grid; and then they’d listen back to what the grid servers would reply. Since they knew what they had typed, and because the SL protocol is not encrypted, they could take a look at the messages exchanged between the viewer and the servers, and understand the format of them. This takes time and patient detective work.

Lessig was right. Since content was protected by a licensing agreement that was enforced technically (the permissions system), creators could freely license their work to others (i.e., in terms of Second Life, this means “selling” items for Linden dollars). This catapulted Second Life into the largest marketplace for virtual goods, with an unprecedented success, and which is worth half a billion US$ annually. All that because intellectual property Chat and instant messages are rel(IP) rights could be enforced! atively easy to figure out that way, In the second half of 2006, a group but they soon started figuring out a 14

lot of things by themselves, namely, whole object meant that they could how the viewer retrieves prim and also now write an application that texture data from the grid servers. “emulated” an avatar assembling These are, after all, just ASCII text prims together. If you wish, these files stored on the central servers, “content description” files are a and encoded in a special format for cookbook for creating an object. transmission. Since anyone using They’re not exactly a “copy” of the content, but the SL viewer a description knows exactly Second Life not only enon how that the parameters couraged users (the resicontent can a prim has to dents) to create their be created have (position, from assemsize, and so content here, but made on), it was just sure that everybody’s cre- bling prims together, a question of ations neatly displayed tweaking time — tweaklicensing information – their seting a paramtings, and eter, see what who the author is, who apply i n g gets sent and currently “owns” the item textures to what gets re(which means paying a it. And if turned — to decode the for- fee to be able to display it you have the co okb o ok, mat of the coninside the virtual world well, you tent as well. Of or hold it inside your av- can “cook” — course these namely, you “content deatar’s inventory) can remotescription” mesly control sages included the names of the authors and cur- an avatar logged in to SL and tell rent owners; they’re just two fields it to “reproduce” a given content file and assemble a perfect digital in the message. copy from the “cookbook” (if you’re Having the full description of a an architect, you might prefer the 15

analogy of a blueprint). CopyBot was born. In its earliest incarnation, it was a very cumbersome solution, freely distributed with the source code what was later known as the libOpenMetaverse Project. Compiling it on your computer and launching the consoleonly application was not for the faint of heart. Navigating the ‘bot around SL in search of content to copy, with just command-line arguments to move around and hopefully find some 3D objects in viewing range of the ‘bot, was quite hard to do and required a lot of patience. Also, not all messages were perfectly decoded, and this meant that the copied content would have flaws in the description that prevented identical copies to be made. The tool worked, but was very cumbersome to use. Even though this managed to scare a few content creators back in late 2006, it was seen as little more than a rough prototype with little widespread use. In 2007, Linden Lab released the SL viewer as open source. Their goal was to have a large base of 16

talented programmers helping out Linden Lab to fix bugs on the viewer and add new features, effectively crowdsourcing cheap labour from the programmer community and getting a better, more bug-free product. For the libOpenMetaverse community, this was pure bliss. Now that the full source code was available, the more intricate and complex messages could be fully understood — or at least much better understood, since you could see what kind of information the SL viewer actually sends, and what is expected as an answer from the grid servers. Progress was swift and fast: so fast, in fact, that it launched a series of new projects (most notably OpenSimulator, an attempt to create a SLcompatible virtual world, but with new features and a completely new approach, done from scratch, free from LL’s artificially-imposed limitations). It started to attract serious developers; the former leader of the project went to work for Intel and aid Intel’s OpenSim effort; but developers from companies like IBM also quickly joined the team (yes, even developers of Linden Lab were part of it!). This means that

the full range of SL Protocol messages was finally decoded, which also allowed much more complete representations of content to be retrieved from SL, saved to disk, and reproduced using the “cookbook”. CopyBot became more efficient.

first-generation CopyBot worked, and it has been deeply ingrained in our minds. However, obviously, a far better way to copy content is not with a ‘bot, but simply using a modified

The Tragedy of the(Creative) Commons


hen residents talk about CobyBot, they still have this romantic notion of young delinquent adults in their basements, basking in the neon glow of their CRTs, typing away in front of their textonly consoles and grinning in satisfaction of their technical prowess. These were rare individuals who wouldn’t even copy content because they wanted to make money out of it, but just because they would love to gloat about it. In-world, their activities would be quickly spotted: they would have two alts, one hovering behind the other. The first would be the ‘bot, pretty much statically staying in the same spot (as it retrieves content from the grid), and the other one pointing out features to copy. This was pretty much how the

version of the SL Viewer. After all, the SL Viewer is able to retrieve all content information from the grid flawlessly, since it’s the only way to display it! Adding an additional function to save that content as it is displayed is not exceedingly difficult (uploading the “cookbook” to re-create copied content is a bit harder, but not rocket science either), and these days, almost all non-Linden Lab viewers have a function like that. Many just make “backups” — allowing your own content, either the one you created or currently own with the correct set of permissions, to be saved to disk, in case the grid hiccups and you lose it. In some cases, what is a “backup” and what is plainly just copying someone else’s content is not clear. 17

The implications are actually more what a lot of people think, copydramatic than they seem, and right doesn’t apply to ideas or conhere is where we have to go a bit cepts, but only on the physical imback on history, and look at how, plementation of those ideas, which strangely, Second Life’s business usually, in the past, was closely environment runs contrary to the tied to manufacturing a specific product. m a i n st rea m — and, even ... When residents talk Take books, more strangeabout CobyBot, they still for examly, how it suchave this romantic nople. In the ceeded as a tion of young delinquent digital goods adults in their basements, 19th century, m a rket pl a ce basking in the neon glow when books became comexactly beof their CRTs, typing cause of that. away in front of their tex- monplace and cheap enough tonly consoles and grinthat anyBefore Copyning in satisfaction of Bot was even their technical prowess. one from the a remote possi- These were rare individu- middle class could afford bility, Second als who wouldn’t even Life was the copy content because they to buy them, there was only online wanted to make money envi ron ment out of it, but just because quite a lot of i nv e s t m e nt with public, they would love to gloat to be made: u n rest r icte d about it. from printing access which presses, to paenforced copyright law. The big ongoing question per-manufacturing plants, to setabout the validity of the century-old ting up countrywide distribution copyright laws in the digital space models that would bring books is the difficulty of tagging the no- to remote places to be sold very tion of “intellectual property” to a cheaply. To make sure that the inphysical, atom-based object. Unlike vestment would have a return, it 18

was important for the publishing tycoons to guarantee that nobody would simply copy an author’s work and compete with them with the same content. Copyright laws would guarantee that the author’s work would be only distributed through the publishing house that had an exclusive license to that content, and the author would, in a sense, share the costs and the risks by getting a tiny fraction of the profits: royalties would be paid for each sale. Other products, like pressing vinyl disks, followed the same model, and this quickly spread to most areas of copyrighted material — including shipping CDs with software. The whole underlying assumption was that setting up a competing manufacturing and distribution process would be very-very costly, and it was generally justified that a company willing to do so should have a reasonable protection of their investment. If you wish, you can see the analogy with industry patents, which also provided their inventors reasonable protection from others to set up competition, even though the details are quite

different, of course. In the 19th century, authors would have no choice but to go through an established publisher to get their words in print (or, later in the 20th century, their music on a vinyl disk). Self-publishing was too expensive and limited to very limited and restricted editions; it was available to the very rich for selfgratification (“my name on a book cover”) but rarely managed to sell many copies outside one’s own circle of friends and the casual buyer. Enter the 21st century. Most content these days start in digital form, with possibly the exception of sculptures (and even so, they usually start with a sketch). Art is done on Photoshop; music starts to be composed on software, or at least played/sung by a group/singer who will make their first recording on a CD (or similar digital format). Books are typed on word processors and sent by e-mail. Software, of course, is fully created in pure digital format. But once it’s digital you can make as many copies as you wish, without any manufacturing costs, from the comfort of 19

your personal desktop. Even better than that, thanks to the Internet, at a click of a button you can make your content easily available for a potential audience of 3 billion human beings world-wide — at zero costs (or as close to zero as you can imagine). The whole notion that getting your artwork’s physical implementation into the hands of the end user is a costly process, and only available to huge companies with a bottomless investment, has utterly collapsed. It might be true for a legacy industry (we still buy books in shops!), but it is not an universal truth any more. Authors can survive in the digital marketplace without the need of huge corporations to push their content from the digital format into a physical, atom-based format to be delivered to the end user. The trick is that authors have to think about their creative processes as a service they provide. Thus, authors like scriptwriters can be hired to create a script for a movie, and they’ll get the money in advance, well before the movie is released in theatres around the world. Musicians can be hired to 20

create soundtracks. Graphic artists sell their Web designs for a fee, but then let the buyer of their art to do whatever they wish with the website. The notion of creative content as a service becomes more and more widespread, and even literary authors will earn much more from the upfront payment from the publishing company than from the royalties (which are tied to the success of the book sales); granted, long-tail economics will make royalties pile up to a considerable sum over the decades. However, this also means that digitally distributed content will be very, very easy to copy; tagging the price to the product (the implementation of the creative idea in a specific medium) is thus an outdated concept. This is the reason why the publishing megacorps join organizations like the RIAA in the US to make sure that the “old laws” are still drastically enforced by all governments world-wide, but we all know that they’re losing the battle, and the more open minded publishers are changing their revenue models, too. If you download something from Magnatune (or

even iTunes), the idea is that you pay for the service of getting an easily-accessible website where you can search for something you wish to buy, and, instead of spending hours browsing for a title on a shop, you can do that in seconds, online. So you’re not really “buying a product” online; you’re paying for the service to make your shopping experience easy, painless, and fun. This model has been proven to work well. Since the intermediaries between the author and the end user have been drastically reduced (just one!), it means that authors actually get a much fairer share of the proceedings, and often are happier to make less sales through such a service and get more that way than relying upon traditional distribution models. Because in the end what matters is not how many people pay for your music, but how many listen to it (no matter what the source!), and how you get paid for it. Magnatune, iTunes, and similar services actually pay more to authors, although it’s true that there are far more people listening to music downloaded from these sites — and copied to friends — than using a traditional distri-

bution model. Still, it’s hard to say if this will become the prevailing model in the near future. Every year, less and less CDs are being bought on shops, but more and more people listen to music regularly — far more. On books, for example, this trend is not yet seen, since we don’t have very good alternatives for reading the content, and not everybody is truly happy in reading books online or on your laptop in your bed. This might change as technologies like Amazon’s Kindle or eventually Apple’s future iTablet might make us rethink the way we relate to the written word.

Not a service, not royalties – Second Life’s content-selling model of “cost sharing” Now enter Second Life, where things are exactly the reverse … 21


n Second Life, although probably in an unplanned form, content creators sell their content directly. What this means is that they can share the costs of creating content among all buyers. Take a typical example: an outfit might be created by a talented fashion designer in 5 hours, and that would have a cost of, say, US$500. Under the model of paying-for-service, the designer would now need to find someone willing to buy it for that price. In the real world there are customers for US$500 dresses (specially if they’re unique and individual!), but in Second Life, nobody is seriously considering to pay that much for your avatar. Instead, they’re willing to pay, say, US$1 for it. All the content creator has to do is to sell 500 copies of it, for US$1 each, and their labour costs are neatly covered. Depending on the success of the SL fashion designer, this might be quite easy to achieve, or be an impossible task; nevertheless, the point is that this model works so well in Second Life because you cannot make copies of the content without permission of the original creator. But this is not how the “legacy” content creation process 22

worked (you don’t need an expensive investment in manufacture and distribution), neither how the modern content-as-service model works. It’s a new model which has no real equivalent with the rest of the digital goods marketplace, or at least, one that has little success elsewhere. On the ‘net you can certainly place a book for sale for US$1 and hope to sell 500 copies of it (assuming you wrote it in just 5 hours, which is hardly likely). The problem is that either the book is not successful — and then you might not even sell 500 copies of it — or it is tremendously successful, and that means you might sell the first 500 copies, but the next 5 million or 500 million are simply copied among friends. The model doesn’t work. In Second Life it’s exactly the contrary. Self-publishing allows a profit because people are likely to buy something that just costs US$1, and are more than happy to give that amount for a virtual good. Selling 500 copies is easy enough, and encouragement to spend another 5 hours to create a new design, and sell another 500 copies, and so on.

Assuming that nobody can make their business users, which require illegitimate copies of the content, unique content — is actually providthis definitely works fine. You can ed as a service. It’s just a marginal imagine all this upside down: 500 share of the economy, and a model residents pooling a fund, each pay- that hasn’t been proven to work well enough ing a single yet (just condollar, and re... All the content cretrast the poquesting a new ator has to do is to sell tential user “service” from 500 copies of it, for US$1 base: only the content creeach, and their labour 1,400 ator. The idea is costs are neatly covorganisathat you won’t ered. Depending on the tions are get 50 people success of the SL fashwilling to paying US$10, ion designer, this might buy content much less just be quite easy to achieve, as a service, one person payor be an impossible while 17 miling US$500, task; nevertheless, the lion residents but getting point is that this model are more 500 to pay you works so well in Second than willone dollar is Life because you cannot ing to pay a relatively easy make copies of the condollars to achieve. tent without permission few for specific of the original creator. items using The whole of the “shared the half-bilcost” model). lion-dollar industry in Second Life is based upon this model. Perhaps you can now understand One might disagree with it for the dread of unrestricted copymany reasons, but we can’t shrug ing abilities built-in on third-paroff this half-billion-dollar industry. ty viewers. It’s not really because Only 1% of that content — usually “copying is illegal” (lawyers might delivered by content creators for argue that copyright violations are 23

not a criminal offense) or “morally industry, for instance, is taking a wrong” (since the Web is based on decade or more to rethink how it the assumption that all content you should work in the future, and artsee on a web page is freely copy- ists have long been used to be hired able, and that never prevented for their services (say, to give pubcompanies to set up their websites; lic concerts). However, very few are willing to pay, Second Life say, US$500 to is not really The first step, of course, is get a live mumuch more education — explaining how sician to perthan a 3D things work, from a techniform an hour Web page). cal and legal point of view. or two in the It’s because it Appealing to a sense of civcomfort of your undermines ic duty might also be helpown home; but the busiful: explaining that without you’re fine in ness model content creators willing to paying a few for the curspend their time creating dollars to get rent marketcontent in SL relies upon a the music in place. And, as said, we’re successful model that allows digital format them to be paid for their to listen at a not talking work, and the only solution recording. In about peathat has proven to work is Second Life, nuts any the ability to be able to split convincing resmore, but a the cost of content among idents to pay model which hundreds (or sometimes US$500 for a created a thousands...) of residents,.. single item of half a billion content (say, a US dollar new outfit) will marketplace not work. Just a very tiny number in six years. It’s no mean feat! will be willing to pay that much! It’s impossible to believe that SL con- (And, indeed, some content cretent creators will be able to change ators have seen this happening their models overnight. The music and switched tracks: instead of of24

fering their content for distribution in SL using the “classic” method of opening a shop and selling it for a dollar or two, they moved to the business market, where clients are, indeed, willing to pay US$500 for an outfit). It’s thus very, very unlikely that there could be a swift move to this model of service providing while keeping Second Life’s economy intact. While the concept of “virtual worlds” and selling content in virtual worlds would not be affected by a change of model, the concept of Second Life’s marketplace of micropayments for content will be shattered and destroyed before a new model replaces it. And, at this stage, nobody can afford such a drastic change.

done about it. The first step, of course, is education — explaining how things work, from a technical and legal point of view. Appealing to a sense of civic duty might also be helpful: explaining that without content creators willing to spend their time creating content in SL relies upon a successful model that allows them to be paid for their work, and the only solution that has proven to work is the ability to be able to split the cost of content among hundreds (or sometimes thousands...) of residents, so long as you can enforce that each of those residents will actually share the costs of content creation.

Turning illegitimate content copy into a crime

But ultimately we’ll need a techhis means that in the mean nical solution. The good news is time “something” has to be that, although it’s impossible to



prevent every form of content piracy, it’s possible to make it tremendously hard so that pirates cannot affect content sales. How? Well, if the problem right now is on the viewer side, the issue is just to move the focus to the server side. A typical solution is simply to prevent anyone but the content creator to put content for sale (or to give it away to friends). This is harder to say than to actually implement it, but it requires some adjustments in mentality. What many are suggesting (and allegedly Linden Lab has a similar idea being developed) is that the best way to stop the widespread copy of other people’s content without the author’s permission is to turn this act into a criminal act. How? Right now, anyone can create a completely anonymous account, give to Linden Lab fake data, set up a shop with content that is not yours to sale, and profit from the sales. Now suppose that you could, in fact, limit that last step — putting content for sale/copy or profit from it — by restricting sales to 26

be tied to a credit card or some other form of validation. This would mean that the bane of anonymous avatars with fake data will disappear overnight. Oh, not totally disappear, of course. People will still copy credit card info from underground sites and find similar ways of bypassing the need to get proper identification to create “fake alts” with fake data. The real difference is that for doing so, they would have to commit a crime — providing fraudulent credit card data is a crime, and so is stealing identities. It’ll take a criminal mind to believe they could continue to proceed in this manner, and not get caught for ever and ever; so, the focus would be much less on the philosophical implications of illegitimate content copy (which is always a very shaky ground), but on committing a crime in order to be able to profit from copied content — and, of course, most of the current residents engaging in this activity right now do it because they feel it’s quite safe to do so (Linden Lab knows that

banning an alt takes longer than creating hundreds of new ones, so it’s pretty much pointless to waste time in tracking them down). This would not stop people from copying content for their own purposes, but definitely prevent them to actively engage in massive dissemination of copied content (for profit or otherwise). Such a shift of focus on what is “illegal” or not — tying illegitimate content copy with committing a real crime, punishable by real laws, no matter what the jurisdiction — might be just the right incentive for limiting the scale of its distribution in Second Life. This would certainly make content creators sleep easier during the night, assured that their business model would not be destroyed, and encouraging them to bring out new creative items for sale, using this “shared cost” business model where every customer contributes with a tiny fraction of the overall cost of an item sold in Second Life. -


The tangled web of adult Verification


by Panther Miklos illustrations by Caitlin Madrigal

t’s coming, It’s coming” the battle cry heard ‘round the grid for months on end. On the forums, the blogs and the back rooms of Second Life® society, “Adult Verification” in all its forms was discussed with fervor. While some lofted up pitchforks and torches, others quietly pondered what the final outcome of this newest form of verification would morph into. Alas, when Z day (the final Adult split from mainland as we know it) came and went, voices from every corner of the grid began to rise. “I can’t access my favorite hangout/ shopping area” to “I already agreed that I am 18 when I agreed to the TOS upon signup for SL®” has been heard in the course of everyday conversation. What exactly is Age Verified and how does it affect me? Come grab a cold drink, sit out on my deck and let me walk you through the ins and outs of the Age Verification morass … 29

With the advent of Zindra, the collective think tank of Linden Lab® came to the conclusion that a true separation of those who wish to access all manner of things “adult” from those whose prerogative lies somewhere more tame was imperative. LL® teamed up with an age verification proxy provider (Aristotle) and set about setting up the beta form for residents use. Now, this sounds great in principle, no? Keep real children off the main grid and away from things their tender young eyes have no business seeing. Allow for each resident to set their own experience to that which interests them without accidentally landing face to face with a giant male phallus upon tping into a shopping area (this incident actually happened to this writer as her precocious young daughter approached her with a question!). Nirvana... Not so fast, dear reader. As with anything that dips into the pot of real life from the virtual world, there are issues. Some are quite insignificant, others on par with solving the problem of public education. Now that the dust has settled after Z day, it is time to properly address these issues and alert residents of the grid to the myths and fallacies surrounding the Age Verification policy. i Do I HAVE to be Age Verified to access and view Adult content? Yes and No. There are two forms of verification that will allow residents access to “adult” areas. As LL policy states, Account Verification and Age Verification are strictly voluntary. To enter 90% of “adult” lands, one merely need to be Account Verified (which has now widely become known as “Adult verified”) - having some form of payment information on file with or used with LL. To complete account veri-


fication, residents can either update their billing information (on the SL® website) with credit card information (LL has discontinued allowing the use of prepaid debit cards for billing purposes - we can all thank the script kiddies for this ruling) or verified PayPal account information. Easy as 1, 2, 3, and you will be zooming around in all manner of ways through adult content both inworld and on Xstreet™. In fact, access to the continent of Zindra (now known as Adult Verified)is only limited to those with some form of payment information on file with LL and/or have completed the Age Verification process. Age verification, is a more arduous process through LL’s verification partner Aristotle. Although there are many loopholes in the Aristotle system, LL has chosen this method by which to age verify. Any number of nationally recognized forms of personal identification may be used: US residents – driver’s license or the last four digits of your social security number, along with your full legal name, address and date of birth; residents of other countries - passport, national identification number or other personal identification papers will need to be utilized. LL has acknowledged several bugs in the program, even for those within the United States. For those outside of the US, it appears as though using the beta version of age verification is a complete hit and miss. Many are being advised to submit a ticket (good luck if you are merely a basic member) stating that the verification has failed and attach a copy of the document you used in your attempt to verify. Most landowners have chosen to not use this method of access to their stores - seeing the benefit of not using the most restrictive tool given to land owners and thereby cutting their own ability to make profits - however, there are some who have taken that route despite watching their profits go out

to sea. It is their right, however if they are also a merchant - they may very well be cutting off their nose to spite their face. With the current climate and policies of LL, there is no need to be that restrictive of your content. The whole purpose of the separation of the adult content from the mainland was to allow each user control of what they wish to see and experience. If a resident has verified their account, with the new viewer, they can still search adult content if they so wish. i Is Age Verification going to affect my business and/or my daily life in world? Yes and no. If you are one of the very few business/land owners who have chosen to set your land to “age verified access.” Good luck with that. You will see your customer base drop to the sea floor as many residents are refusing to offer up personally identifying information simply to access your land or goods. It is not necessary with all the remaining tools LL has given you to seclude your purely adult content from unverified eyes. Account verification will, for the most part, will serve the same purpose yet NOT deter the clear majority of residents of the grid. If you have not completely educated yourself on the “terms” by which LL allows you to keep your adult items on your private lands, I urge you to do so. You can find those guidelines here: https://support.secondlife.com/ics/support/default.as p?deptID=4417&task=knowledge&questi onID=6010 Now that we have the myths, fallacies and facts out of the way, it is this writer’s opinion that going through the age verification process is a complete and utter waste of time and effort just to afford yourself access to the few creators/parcel owners who have sheltered themselves away from the ma-

jority of SL residents and their wallets (including the ability to see their wares in inworld search or on XStreet). With payment information on file, payment information used and using your verified PayPal account to establish payment history, you have access to a clear majority of the grid without the headache of having to stand on one foot, hold an elephant, jump and recite the entirety of your country’s laws. Long time residents, for the most part, agree with me. In the words of Desmond Shang, “My overall view of it is that it won’t do much. Almost any unverified kid could use their parent’s driver’s licence or whatnot, so I don’t necessarily think that verified = adult, in practise. Countries like Germany have registration services that are tied to real signatures and hardware plug in devices... Something like that might actually work, but I see the current age verification methods as too light to be effective.” And in LL’s own words, age and account verification are strictly voluntary. -



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VANITY Esparza as Agyness Deyn

picture by Fergie Smit

Tank:Emery - Choose Life Tank Upper Jeans:Maitreya Skinny Jeans - #05 Scarf::sey Afghan stole=check Skin:[]::Tuli::[] Bella pale natural Hat:[LeLutka] HAT fabric A black Percing:*Muism* Ear piercing Mix hair:.::MADesigns HAIR::. ~ AKAMI ~ BRBL II Eyes::: Exodi :: Zbilja Eyes (Grey) 39


a men’s winter fashion preview by Ja pictures by James Schwarz on Izzy: Suit: [Deadwool] Otto Sculpted Suit Hair: Bryce ~ Hinder - Midnight + Miau Haus ^^ Donovan Hair (modded) Glasses: ATTITUDE black/clear

“ The Jewna

’s gone...

ames Schwarz and Izzy Bereznyak,

as Brothers ” on James: Hat/Hair: *ARGRACE* Hunting - Very short - Black Glasses: Sera Korea - Freebie Glasses Shirt/Sweater: Shiki - pumpkin v-neck sweater w/shirt and tie Coat: Muism - Yeti Coat - Black


In this page, on James: Hair: Uncleweb - Al - Coffee Parka: [S] Check Parka Green Tank: Hermony - Freddy Tanktop Yellow Watch: *~M`n B~* Dasio Watch (silver) Jeans: *Muism* [Skinny Roll-up Cuff Jeans]_Indigo Shoes: 2G by Pique Flan – Couru – White Pink Navy

In the other page: on Izzy: Skin: &Bean - Closer Norm Nude Light stubble frx Sweater: **en Svale** Cowichan Sweater(Gray) Shoes: *ordinary design* Primates Cap: (Roo) Flat Cap Mesh Jeans: Armidi - Grace Jeans - Indigo (modded) Hair: Gritty Kitty: Hollister - brown (modded) Shirt: SARTORIA white SHIRT Socks: *ARAI* Socks02_gray on James: Skin: Ironic Birds - Oscar - Light Stubble Scarf: MIEL WPGIII SCARF COAL Jacket: *COCO* Homme_FlightJacket_Black Tank: Vitamen - Ribbed Cotton Tank & Brief @ PSP Jeans: Zaara : Classic jeans for men *black* Boots: WMD - RBoots MULTICOLOR


on Izzy: Shoes: *ordinary* -CatarrhiniJacket: AOHARU_BT_TailoredJK_Set_Beige Shirt: S106 SARTORIA TRAVEL SHIRT blue Tie: Hasendow--gold tie Hair : Gritty Kitty: Hollister - brown Hat: SiniStyle Tank’D - midnight Belt: Maitreya BF Jeans Belt Pants: *Muism* [Tartan check pants]_Macrae pants (modded tint + fit) Socks: *ARAI* Socks01_gray stripe on James: Hat: Sinistyle Tank’d (modded) Necklace: Singing Moth - Naive Necklace Cardigan: Valiant - Winter Warmer Cardigan Tank: Vitamen - Ribbed Cotton Tank & Brief @ PSP Pants: *COCO* Homme_SlimFitPants_Olive Boots: WMD - ROT Test Boots Multicolour

on Izzy: Hair: PR!TTY : -Dylan Hair- :Night: Shirt: ::[ Mr.Poet ]::Off shoulder shirt RedPlaid Scarf: *Muism* [Chunky Scarf] Small/Tartan navy Pants: *Valiant* Brown Dress Cord Pants Boots: *COCO*Homme_Lace-UpWorkBoots Toothbrush: Chabinns!! Toothbrush Tshirt: EH - Est. 1984


See Through bulky lines, sharp blacks, and clean whites create an amazing silhouette for winter ‌. minimal elements create maximum impression model and pictures by Nina Fessbeinder



In the other page: [Lelutka]-REVOLUTION EYES/Olive; !lamb. Say - Butterfinger; ::MC:: eyelashes1 simple-type classic; [LeLutka]-Eclat PALE makeup5; *COCO*_SleevelessBlouse&Cuff_White; (Milk Motion) my jean shorts grey; [LeLutka]-LA PATRONA Coat/PaleVioletRed; [LeLutka]GLOVES/extra colors - gray; [LeLutka]-MAYA shoes/black; (Milk Motion) My headband (designers united II iten) In this page: [LeLutka]-Photoshoot II Lashes(NOSE); LaGyo Michal necklace; LaGyo_Simply a bow black; !Ohmai : Gale Underlayer sassysketch; (DoMoCo) Gloves: Full Finger Gloves Grey; *COCO*_TuxedoJacket_Gray; [LeLutka]-Eclat FAIR makeup 3; dark mouse vinyl quilted handbag; Maitreya Bo - Caramel; Maitreya Neyya * Toe-cap White; Oo FLUFFY oO Knit & Net Sox; -=UZURI=- Harem Pants (white)

In the other page: [LeLutka] photoshoot II lashes; LaGyo rope bustier; [LeLutka] Garbo shades black 1; [glow] studio it was me leggings bright; [LeLutka] eclat light makeup2; [LeLutka] gloves black; dark mouse divine deco bangle; Maitreya Gild - Salicence GoldenBlack; Maitreya Vol.Scarf Hair 32 caramel; This is a Fawn - string dress

In this page: [LeLutka]-Eclat PALE makeup 3 hairbase_freckles; Pig - Sheila Bathing Suit - Silver; *AU V* Furle cape; [LeLutka]-GLOVES/extra colors – gray; [ glow ] studio - silver thin bracelets; [glow] Studio Vintage clutch (silver); BAX Prestige Boots White Leather





oonaco Porta

OK let’s be honest, who among us wouldn’t want to be a little like Moonaco Porta? She’s beautiful, intelligent, funny and lovely, has a huge heart and won her place with lot of effort and determination. Moonaco met her best friends on a Saturday morning in the idyllic Atolls Dust, and the result is here: it couldn’t be different, a fun and enjoyable chat as you never ever seen before published in a magazine – our goal is make you feel as you are part of the conversation... Be inspired and fall in love for Moonaco Porta, our “sunset queen”



[5:30] Jhao Oh: Moon moon! [5:30] Moonaco Porta: Dr. Patch Jhao! I am sorry, I’m late Jhao... I was so well in bed [5:30] Tamzin Xigalia: Hello *smiles* [5:30] Jhao Oh: hahaha it’s OK, there’s anything better than sleep [5:31] Moonaco Porta: yes, there is [5:31] Jhao Oh: hahahah [5:31] Moonaco Porta: but you are my SLson... I am not going to tell you that, it is my secret! [5:31] Jhao Oh: lol i think the same... you’re my SL mom, that’s why sleep is better to me... hehehe [5:32] Moonaco Porta: ;-) ... Since you are taking pictures, should I get change ? [5:33] Jhao Oh: change what? [5:33] Moonaco Porta: clothes [5:33] Tamzin Xigalia: I think your wonderful as you are [5:33] Moonaco Porta: I can be more wonderful you know Jhao ;-) ppp [5:34] Jhao Oh: you are beautiful as always Moon! [5:34] Moonaco Porta: thank you :) Jhao, you already met Eoma I think [5:34] Eoma Shilova: hello ;)) [5:34] Moonaco Porta: and above floating is Timo [5:34] Eoma Shilova: lol [5:35] Timo Enzo: aloha ^^ [5:35] Jhao Oh: Hello Timo, Eoma [5:35] Moonaco Porta: both are my best friends and right arms for Atolls Dust... Thanks for comming Timo and Eoma! [5:38] Jhao Oh: snowing there moon? [5:38] Moonaco Porta: we had snow Thursday, but was melting on the ground [5:38] Jhao Oh: oh, Thursday here we’re around 32°C ... soooooo hot!


[5:39] Moonaco Porta: here it is -1°C this morning [5:39] Jhao Oh: ohmy [5:39] Tamzin Xigalia: its about 7 here [5:39] Timo Enzo: brrr [5:39] Jhao Oh: ugh Tam [5:39] Timo Enzo: same here I think.. about 10° [5:39] Moonaco Porta: here is here Tamzin ? [5:40] Tamzin Xigalia: and I really love snow, but hate the cold [5:40] Tamzin Xigalia: UK [5:40] Moonaco Porta: I LOVE YOUUUU Y [5:40] Moonaco Porta: I mean, I _ cold [5:40] Moonaco Porta: LOL [5:40] Jhao Oh: hahahaha [5:40] Moonaco Porta: I have to take off that gesture [5:40] Timo Enzo: hehe [5:40] Moonaco Porta: I L... Ove cold [5:40] Tamzin Xigalia smiles: Awww and I thought you meant it ^^ [5:40] Jhao Oh: hehe [5:41] Moonaco Porta: i LOVE YOUUUU Y... but I do you all [5:41] Tamzin Xigalia smiles widely: LOL that’s sweet [5:41] Jhao Oh: Eoma... Since when you met Moon? [5:41] Moonaco Porta: she went to get coffee ;-) [5:41] Timo Enzo: Eoma is shortly afk [5:41] Jhao Oh: ahh... Since when you all met moon? [5:42] Timo Enzo: at a surprise party for our best friend Jordan [5:42] Tamzin Xigalia: me, just [5:42] Moonaco Porta: ;-) [5:42] Timo Enzo: Moon offered this sim, to have the party at [5:43] Jhao Oh: Jordan Giant? [5:43] Timo Enzo: yes [5:43] Moonaco Porta: and Jordan would had been here if she was online


[5:43] Jhao Oh: lovely, awww Moon is super [5:43] Timo Enzo: she is lovely... Was very kind of her to offer her place. There we met, and organized this party for Jordan [5:44] Moonaco Porta: it happen like that – I just bought this sim and both Ymre and Timo were looking to organize it. So I offered that they use this sim that was empty, and offer my help ;-) [5:45] Jhao Oh: and the party was nice? [5:45] Moonaco Porta smiles... it was excellent! It was on a theme [5:45] Jhao Oh: oh thematic is always nice! [5:46] Timo Enzo: nordic [5:46] Moonaco Porta: Scandinavian ;-) [5:46] Timo Enzo: yes [5:46] Jhao Oh: hahah cool [5:46] Moonaco Porta: and there was a rl signer there [5:47] Timo Enzo: Angelica [5:47] Moonaco Porta: yes ;-) and there was also an act prepare specially for Jordan [5:47] Timo Enzo: hehe [5:47] Jhao Oh: hahaha [5:47] Moonaco Porta digs her inventory to find some pictures [5:47] Timo Enzo: the Bjorn and Sven act [5:47] Moonaco Porta: yes ;-) [5:47] Jhao Oh: cool [5:48] Timo Enzo: haha no pls Moon! [5:48] Moonaco Porta: LOL [5:48] Jhao Oh: I think I didn’t know Moon this time [5:48] Moonaco Porta: Jhao ! [5:48] Timo Enzo: hehe



[5:48] Moonaco Porta: that is not true ! [5:48] Tamzin Xigalia: sorry to be quite, I’m just snapping =0) [5:49] Moonaco Porta: we know each other since madness carnival [5:49] Jhao Oh: this time of the Jodan’s party. Oh, some days before at BOSL [5:49] Moonaco Porta: hello Kelsy, welcome to Atolls Dust [5:49] Moonaco Porta: Jhao ??! You are short term memory! [5:49] Timo Enzo: aloha Kelsy [5:50] Jhao Oh: hahahahah yes. But hey! [5:50] Kelsy Constantine: Hiyas! [5:50] Jhao Oh: I said wrong [5:50] Kelsy Constantine: I was checking out old landmarks [5:50] Jhao Oh: because I didn’t ask you and time for the date of the party, hehe [5:51] Kelsy Constantine: May I look around? [5:51] Moonaco Porta: sure Kelsy, you are welcome to enjoy it! [5:51] Eoma Shilova: back [5:51] Kelsy Constantine: thank you very much;-) [5:51] Moonaco Porta: welcome back Eoma [5:51] Timo Enzo: wb <3 [5:51] Jhao Oh: wb Eoma [5:51] Eoma Shilova: thanks ;) [5:51] Moonaco Porta: Carnival of Doom Jhao! You don’t remember ?! [5:51] Jhao Oh: I remember I have the picks here [5:51] Timo Enzo: say yes Jhao! lol [5:51] Jhao Oh: hahahahaha [5:52] Moonaco Porta: ppp Timo [5:52] Moonaco Porta: I approached you to be model [5:52] Jhao Oh: yes... Was so nice, cause I was starting my model ca-

“the try just creative tive (...)I re ing a show of Africa - A bald ( minim done in a rica vil won


reer [5:53] Kelsy Constantine: thank you all. Have a lovely day;-) You have a very nice Sim here. Very tasteful! [5:53] Moonaco Porta smiles [5:53] Jhao Oh: being a LE.LOOK! Model was soo cool to me [5:53] Moonaco Porta: thank you Kelsy ;-) [5:53] Jhao Oh: it is Kelsy! [5:53] Timo Enzo: bye-bye Kelsy [5:53] Jhao Oh: bye bye [5:53] Kelsy Constantine: you’re welcome I must be off to clean out this closet. Enjoy, and thank you again;-) Byeee [5:54] Moonaco Porta: you wonder if the closet is rl or sl .... [5:54] Timo Enzo: hehe [5:54] Jhao Oh: hahaha [5:55] Timo Enzo: excuse me for a few [5:55] Moonaco Porta: sure Timo [5:57] Jhao Oh: did Timo and Eoma, participate of some LE.LOOK! job or some project with you Moon? [5:57] Moonaco Porta: not before we met, but Ymre did. He was LE.LOOK! Model for 1 month at LE.LOOK! ... and I was coordinating Fashion & Style at that time, so we met that way... than Ymre introduce me to Timo and Timo introduce me to Eoma [5:59] Jhao Oh: hehehe [5:59] Timo Enzo: sorry, back [5:59] Eoma Shilova: wb <3 [5:59] Timo Enzo: thanks [5:59] Moonaco Porta: welcome back Timo

e indust need to be e and innovaecall Faces dowith the team All model were mum lag) it was a scenic of Afllage, it was nderful!�


[5:59] Jhao Oh: (...) I’ve been thinking... There’s some people in SL that is so style and fashion, but does not like the Fashion area [6:00] Moonaco Porta: I think there are several reason for that Jhao. First the environment of the show and the quality of that environment : meaning lag, than also the pre visibility of the shows [6:01] Jhao Oh: yes [6:01] Moonaco Porta: it is always the same, or people are selective on quality or just don’t like to socialize, so they all have good reason to avoid fashion shows [6:02] Jhao Oh: yes... [6:03] Moonaco Porta: But I recall some woderful fashion shows, memorables! [6:03] Jhao Oh: which? [6:03] Moonaco Porta: the industry just need to be creative and innovative... I recall Faces doing a show with the team of Africa - All model were bald ( minimum lag) it was done in a scenic of Africa village, it was wonderful! [6:05] Jhao Oh: sometimes the rush of fashion shows just takes off this option [6:05] Jhao Oh: it must have been amazing! [6:06] Moonaco Porta: some others organized by Kmadd - french riviera, safari.... I was playing with theme to arrived there dress according to the theme [6:06] Jhao Oh: cool [6:07] Moonaco Porta: ;-) Part II [6:09] [6:09] [6:09] [6:09]


Timo Enzo: ... silence Moonaco Porta: an angel is passing Timo Enzo: or am i crashed Jhao Oh: hehehe

[6:09] Moonaco Porta: you are not allowed to crash for 1 year Timo! [6:09] Timo Enzo: oi [6:09] Moonaco Porta: you crashed enough recently [6:09] Eoma Shilova: hahaha [6:09] Timo Enzo: yes [6:09] Timo Enzo: but that is solved! [6:10] Moonaco Porta: you use all your crash credit! [6:10] Timo Enzo: :p haha yes, it seems so [6:10] Jhao Oh: hahaha, Moon [6:12] Moonaco Porta: yes Jhao ? [6:12] Jhao Oh: How you met Second Life? [6:12] Moonaco Porta: this is a loooong story [6:12] Jhao Oh: hahaha [6:12] Timo Enzo: hehe [6:12] Jhao Oh: will be cool [6:12] Moonaco Porta: I was travelling each week to another city and to avoid taking 3 days to travel for 1 day of meeting. I was taking the plane, was a executive jet in a private airport and one day there was an electric storm and we were not able to leave for hours. I was really tired of my day, so I closed my eyes and listen to conversations around


“... they were speaking about me, 2 informaticiens were in front of me, they were game on internet, one speaking about game on ask to the other if he tried internet... one ask to the Second Life... having a land other if he tried Second Life - building - creating - having [6:15] Jhao Oh: hehe friends (...) I notice the name [6:15] Moonaco Porta: having a land - buildSecond Life, and the Saturing - creating - having day after I log in... I LOVE friends. Since I was a lovYOUUUU Y and simply ener of Sim and Sim 2 games. I notice the name Second joy and it Life and the Saturday after I ...Oups !” log in i LOVE YOUUUU Y

[6:17] [6:17] [6:17] [6:17] [6:17] [6:17] [6:17] [6:17] [6:17] [6:17] [6:18] [6:18] [6:18] [6:18]


[6:17] Jhao Oh: hahahaha [6:17] Timo Enzo: hehe [6:17] Eoma Shilova: hahaha Moo- naco Porta: and simply enjoy and L... ove it Timo Enzo: we love you too Moon Moonaco Porta: awwww Eoma Shilova: Imao that’s so cool Jhao Oh: so much Moonaco Porta: LOL Timo Enzo: amazing story yes Moonaco Porta: I have to tak it off !!! Jhao Oh: haha Eoma Shilova: no not pls moon ;P Timo Enzo: heh Moonaco Porta: ◕•.¸OK¸.•◕ Jhao Oh: hehehe Jhao Oh: Did you know this story Timo?



[6:19] Timo Enzo: no, first time I hearing this [6:19] Jhao Oh: hehe [6:19] Jhao Oh: and do you know why Moonaco have this cool name, Moonaco? [6:19] Eoma Shilova: i was sceptic first time i came on lol [6:20] Moonaco Porta: I am not sure I told Timo and Eoma about Moonaco origin [6:20] Eoma Shilova: no [6:20] Eoma Shilova: cant remember [6:21] Jhao Oh: hehe this is story is sooo nice too... [6:21] Moonaco Porta: you want I tell you ? [6:21] Eoma Shilova: sure yes pls! [6:21] Jhao Oh: tell :) [6:22] Moonaco Porta: At the time we created avatar on second life we were to choose last name, so I looked at the list and was looking at a small short name [6:22] Timo Enzo: <frozen screen [6:22] Moonaco Porta: I saw Porta [6:22] Eoma Shilova: awws [6:22] Moonaco Porta: relog Timo, we will copy you the story. Put your screen in the oven [6:23] Eoma Shilova: lol [6:23] Jhao Oh: hehehe [6:23] Moonaco Porta: ;-) [6:23] Timo Enzo: seems ok now, haha [6:23] Moonaco Porta: so Porta was nice. I question myself what is a Port that is famous and that represent luxury, chic, elegance... and came to me Monaco [6:24] Timo Enzo: ( i know this story ) [6:24] Jhao Oh: hehe [6:24] Moonaco Porta: and since I was listening non stop the music of


David Gilmour - on an island [6:24] Eoma Shilova: cool.. i didnt knew ^^ [6:25] Timo Enzo smiles [6:25] Moonaco Porta: I found that sentence : between the tide and the moon ... so nice, that I decide Moonaco was perfect! [6:25] Jhao Oh: =D [6:26] Moonaco Porta: ;-) [6:27] Moonaco Porta: Timo, Eoma, Jhao, Tamzin - take the next 3 minutes to admired the sunset that will happen [6:27] Tamzin Xigalia smiles [6:27] Moonaco Porta: it is what I l...ove the most on second life, the little miracle - every 4 hours - 6 times a real life day... sunset are perfect on Second Life [6:27] Timo Enzo: ^^ [6:28] Moonaco Porta: I am sorry I am an eternal romantic [6:28] Eoma Shilova: moon is our sunset queen ^^ [6:28] Timo Enzo: yes she is [6:28] Moonaco Porta: LOL [6:28] Eoma Shilova: allways reminds us [6:28] Jhao Oh: hahahaha [6:28] Eoma Shilova: to watch it... [6:28] Moonaco Porta: it’s true [6:28] Jhao Oh: this SIM is wonderful! Marvellous job here [6:29] Moonaco Porta: thank you Jhao [6:29] Moonaco Porta: it is the co-occurrence of the skills and vision of Naiman, Eoma and Timo [6:30] Jhao Oh: amazing! [6:31] Moonaco Porta: ;-) perfect sunset with friends ;-) [6:31] Jhao Oh: :) [6:31] Timo Enzo smiles


[6:31] Jhao Oh: beautiful! [6:32] Timo Enzo: hehe paco is making noises [6:32] Eoma Shilova: now the norah jones song fits perfect ^^ [6:33] Moonaco Porta: ;-) [6:34] Jhao Oh: what is the involvement of Timo and Eoma in the Atolls Dust project? [6:35] Moonaco Porta: after approaching Naiman to see his interest of showing is creation and designs here, when he completed it, Eoma and Timo visit it [6:35] Tamzin Xigalia: I’m sorry I have been really quite, been taking pictures, the sim is just wonderful [6:35] Moonaco Porta smiles [6:36] Moonaco Porta: I was placing furniture in the Community center and Eoma suggested some changes and I realized she had wonderful interior designs taste and.... even better, she loved it [6:36] Timo Enzo smiles [6:36] Eoma Shilova: yes so so much [6:36] Timo Enzo: she’s the best [6:37] Moonaco Porta: so we start to do one bungalow after the other [6:37] Eoma Shilova: lol [6:37] Moonaco Porta: with all the lovely picky details, all bungalows are different, offering a different range of choices.

“... take the next 3 minutes to admired the sunset that will happen, it is what I l...ove the most on second life: the little miracle - every 4 hours - 6 times a real life day... sunset are perfect on Second Life”

We were the dream team [6:38] Eoma Shilova: we still are ;P [6:38] Moonaco Porta: she search - found - told me - I was buying - rezzing - and we placed... and when sunset arrived we stopped to admired it! [6:38] Jhao Oh: well seeing the SIM... you sure are [6:38] Eoma Shilova: hahaha yes [6:38] Jhao Oh: hehe :) [6:39] Moonaco Porta: Timo was key to animate the Atoll, he is perfect in finding shopping places. I was just asking : I wish to ... and Timo was tping, so we found animals [6:39] Timo Enzo: personal search machine :p [6:40] Eoma Shilova: lol [6:40] Jhao Oh: hahahaha [6:40] Moonaco Porta: this parrot - a camelon - a turtle - the seagulls and he did the underwater scenic ;-) beautiful animated reef. We did an halloween party and again both Eoma and Timo was so helpful, it was amazing! [6:44] Jhao Oh: Moon. Do you have any other projects besides Atolls Dust? Or you think at some future project? [6:45] Moonaco Porta: of course Atolls Dust is still a little baby that need nurturing and regular attention, the Holiday Seasons is coming and this is the perfect gift to offer to a friend, a lover, or to self : vacation on Atolls Dust... so I want to prepare all the promo-

tion about it. There are also projects for LE.LOOK! [6:47] Jhao Oh: wich ones? [6:47] Moonaco Porta: on the calendar, the closes project is about the celebration of LE.LOOK! first year anniversary, that will happen this december, so we are preparing nice surprises for LE.LOOK! members and designers ;-) [6:48] Jhao Oh: =D [6:48] Jhao Oh: Timo and Eoma participate in something of LE.LOOK!? [6:49] Moonaco Porta: Eoma is member of the creative committee for the first year anniversary celebration, Timo was not asked yet because he had internet connection [6:49] Jhao Oh: =D decoration? [6:50] Moonaco Porta: and he was too busy since to count balls! “... Than, be[6:50] Jhao Oh: haha cause of my involve[6:50] Timo Enzo: lmao ment at LE.LOOK! I get [6:50] Moonaco Porta: designing is one element to know a lot of designers, of the big events ;-) all are working really hard to [6:50] Timo Enzo: i keep up the demand and their have still crossed eyes from them needs of creativity, and they for [6:50] Moonaco Porta: get about themselves (...) I think LOL this place here is exactly what I [6:50] Jhao Oh: hehehehe need to drain this caring need [6:51] Timo Enzo: rememtoward people. I spoil all ber me the racing track residents” [6:51] Moonaco Porta: I don’t




rk I

want to over sollicitate them, they have to take care of their couple relationship too ! [6:51] Eoma Shilova: hehe [6:51] Timo Enzo: Moon is very competive [6:51] Timo Enzo: very [6:51] Moonaco Porta: yes you have to work on that so I can test my supersonic car ! [6:51] Moonaco Porta: yes I am [6:51] Timo Enzo: heh yes [6:52] Moonaco Porta: competition is so stimulating ;-) [6:52] Timo Enzo: oh yeah [6:52] Jhao Oh: ahaha [6:52] Timo Enzo: i have to beat Moon, with everything [6:52] Timo Enzo: :P Apologizes for my poor English [6:53] Moonaco Porta: and mine too [6:53] Jhao Oh: mine isn’t so good to [6:53] Timo Enzo: haha [6:53] Moonaco Porta: so we speak slanguage [6:53] Moonaco Porta: ;-) [6:53] Jhao Oh: hahaha [6:53] Timo Enzo: lol yes [6:54] Jhao Oh: Moon... [6:54] Timo Enzo: ^^ [6:54] Tamzin Xigalia smiles [6:54] Jhao Oh: how did you think for the first time in Atolls Dust? [6:54] Jhao Oh: and when it happens? [6:55] Moonaco Porta: ayoye ! [6:55] Moonaco Porta: that is THE question! I am a regular traveller in rl [6:55] Jhao Oh: this sim is amazing... when i came here first time wow... [6:55] Moonaco Porta: specially this last year and I think that was the


ignition of the idea of having vacation on second life. Than, because of my involvement at LE.LOOK!, I get to know a lot of designers, all are working really hard to keep up the demand and their needs of de creativity and they forget about themselves... And in August, while I was on rl vacation, I found I need to develop something else... ated So 1+1+1 plus the interest of Naiman in the project = creation of a sim Atolls Dust, Timo and you Jhao said it earlier that I am a caring ing a person. I think this place here is exactly what I need to drain this long caring need toward people. I spoil all residents the w [6:59] Jhao Oh: =D to be [6:59] Timo Enzo smiles vinc [6:59] Moonaco Porta: every vacationer are treated individually oth and I am here to meet their needs. Eoma develop a wonderful souvenir book... [7:00] Moonaco Porta: that is offered to each resident during their stay and every day they received a little surprise rez in their room for them to enjoy, look at this, I will rez it [7:02] Jhao Oh: it is so nice [7:02] Jhao Oh: I’ve been thinking here [7:02] Moonaco Porta: it is perfect [7:02] Jhao Oh: hahaaha [7:03] Jhao Oh: people come here to have a calm moment in SL [7:03] Moonaco Porta: se how Eoma is skill full ! [7:03] Moonaco Porta: absolutely [7:03] Moonaco Porta: honeymoon [7:03] Jhao Oh: then they just [7:03] Eoma Shilova smiles [7:03] Jhao Oh: win a extra prize [7:03] Jhao Oh: :) [7:03] Eoma Shilova: ty moon ;) [7:04] Jhao Oh: Moonaco Porta [7:04] Moonaco Porta: or just to add a change in


their routine “... so we decide to help [7:04] Jhao Oh: raising their ego, people to know - to find - to saiying caring words, perfect! evelop their style ;-) so we cre[7:04] Timo Enzo: miaaa [7:04] Mia Kiwetz: hey ^^ d LE.LOOK! group (...) we bought [7:04] Moonaco Porta: hello m and slowly came the idea of havMia ;-) a fashion district. Sawyer took 5 [7:04] Moonaco Porta: come g months to build it and than was please work of convincing all designers [7:04] Jhao Oh: Hello Mia elieve in the unique concept, con[7:04] Moonaco Porta: have cing them that it was not just ana seat her mall, but a unique shopping [7:05] Mia Kiwetz: and i was looking why are there so many experience. I think we sucyellow balls ^^ ceeded really well� [7:05] Eoma Shilova: hey mia ;) [7:05] Mia Kiwetz: hey hey [7:05] Moonaco Porta: I am not sure I agree with you Jhao - raising their ego, I just w a n t them to feel good [7:05] Jhao Oh: =D yes, everyone want it [7:05] Timo Enzo: macka ^^ [7:05] Moonaco Porta: yellow balls ? where you see yellow balls ? [7:06] Mia Kiwetz: mini map ^ [7:06] Moonaco Porta: ahh! [7:06] Jhao Oh: hehee [7:06] Moonaco Porta: I was thinking other kinds of balls ;-) Please have a seat and meet Jhao [7:06] Mia Kiwetz: hey Jhao ^^ [7:06] Moonaco Porta: Mia is a Una friend ;-) [7:06] Timo Enzo: hehe Moon [7:06] Eoma Shilova: lol moon



[7:06] Jhao Oh: nice to meet you Mia [7:07] Timo Enzo: Mia the uno queen [7:07] Moonaco Porta: absolutely, but when she loose she order pizza [7:07] Mia Kiwetz: nice to meet you 2 Jhano :) [7:07] Timo Enzo: hehe [7:07] Mia Kiwetz: heeej! pizza against una... [7:07] Moonaco Porta: and keep the delivery boy lock in her bedroom [7:07] Timo Enzo: no lots boxes of cookies [7:08] Mia Kiwetz: don’t listen to them Jhao, they lie ^^ [7:08] Jhao Oh: hahaha [7:08] Mia Kiwetz: i don’t keep locked in my bedroom noone ^^ [7:08] Moonaco Porta: see she don’t want the rl police to come by ! [7:08] Jhao Oh: Moon... there’s a thing that i think everyone want to know [7:09] Mia Kiwetz: brb [7:09] Moonaco Porta: that is dangerous question than ! [7:09] Timo Enzo: oi 7:09] Jhao Oh: about the largest group of SL [7:09] Moonaco Porta: spoon!!!!! [7:09] Jhao Oh: how did you and Sawyer think about LE.LOOK! [7:09] Moonaco Porta: ;-) [7:10] Moonaco Porta: I wish Sawyer was here too. The idea came from back in 2007, we were going out in club and we were identifying what we like as clothes, how quality was shown, how people were so stylish [7:11] Eoma Shilova: i have to go .... [7:11] Moonaco Porta: while some need some help [7:11] Moonaco Porta: Sure Eoma [7:11] Jhao Oh: ok Eoma... [7:11] Eoma Shilova: nice to met you Jhao and cu later moon ;)) [7:11] Jhao Oh: was so nice talking here today... so cool



[7:11] Timo Enzo: see you soon <3 [7:11] Eoma Shilova: yep i am here later.. [7:12] Moonaco Porta: so we decide to help people to know - to find - to develop their style ;-) so we created LE.LOOK! group [7:12] Jhao Oh: perfect name! [7:12] Moonaco Porta: it was a non for profit group [7:12] Moonaco Porta: yes - a touch of french from me [7:13] Moonaco Porta: we bought all our clothes and created mix and matches base on theme.... Aside LE.LOOK! group we also did styling consultation [7:13] Jhao Oh: great idea! [7:14] Moonaco Porta: we had several clients, so we want to open our own boutique of LE.LOOK!, we bought a sim and slowly came the idea of having a fashion district. Sawyer took 5 long months to build it and than was the work of convincing all designers to believe in the unique concept, convincing them that it was not just another mall, but a unique shopping experience. I think we succeeded really well ;-) [7:16] Jhao Oh: all the SL think the same, VERY WELL! [7:16] Timo Enzo: i asked Jordan to come [7:17] Moonaco Porta: as long as visitors, consumers and partners are enjoying it [7:17] Moonaco Porta: sure please do Timo, did not realized she log in [7:17] Timo Enzo: she is a bit Le Look too ^^ [7:17] Timo Enzo: she just logged |Moon [7:18] Timo Enzo: oi [7:18] Moonaco Porta: I think she is in the water, poor Jordan ! [7:18] Timo Enzo: in the water lol [7:18] Jordan Giant: well thanks for the po who send the tp [7:18] Jhao Oh: hehehe [7:18] Jordan Giant: whoa [7:18] Timo Enzo: i did..sorry [7:18] Jhao Oh: lol


[7:18] Moonaco Porta: Timo did a faux pas ! [7:18] Timo Enzo: (not) [7:18] Timo Enzo: :p [7:19] Jordan Giant: *XD* [7:19] Jordan Giant: got it [7:19] Moonaco Porta: hello wet Jordan ;-) [7:19] Timo Enzo: hehe [7:19] Jhao Oh: hello Jordan [7:19] Timo Enzo: heys <3 [7:19] Jordan Giant: hellos :} [7:20] Mia Kiwetz: im back ^^ [7:20] Timo Enzo: wb Mia [7:20] Mia Kiwetz: ty :) [7:21] Mia Kiwetz: hey guys can i download Photoshop for free somewhere ? [7:21] Mia Kiwetz: I’m not really good with computers ^^ [7:21] Timo Enzo: try gimp [7:21] Moonaco Porta closes her eyes and ears - don’t want to be involve in this [7:21] Jordan Giant: well as demo i guess directly from the mainsite :O [7:22] Mia Kiwetz: bleh [7:23] Timo Enzo: is it me..or [7:23] Timo Enzo: laggyhh [7:23] Moonaco Porta: °° NO °° [7:23] Moonaco Porta: °° NO °° [7:24] Jordan Giant: haha [7:24] Jordan Giant: you [7:24] Moonaco Porta: you are not laggy [7:24] Jordan Giant: only you -



Buddhism in Se An essay by Caspian Inglewood



hat is the real value of a Buddhist practice in a virtual context? I’ve asked myself that question many times in the past year or so. The practice of meditation underpins every Buddhist tradition in some form or another. In Zen, the meditative practice in known as zazen. In Nichiren Buddhism, the meditative practice is based primarily upon chanting. Meditation doesn’t simply mean sitting our butts down on a cushion. It isn’t merely a technique — a means toward an end. Meditation is, quite literally, concentrated awareness. But, insofar as techniques go, Zen is underpinned by the aforementioned seated meditative practice known as zazen. Now, quite obviously, someone sitting on a cushion in a virtual manner is entirely lacking — it is so obvious that you almost feel silly for mentioning it. It is on this question, on whether or not people take the time to meditate in RL while sitting with their avatars in SL®, that I find myself questioning the value of this platform. The overall potential meditation in SL offers an individual depends entirely on the value they themselves attribute to it. If we treat SL as a game, we’ll approach meditation periods in SL as a game. If we do not separate RL from SL, any more than we would separate checking our email from our day to day life, then perhaps Buddhism in SL serves a purpose. At Kannonji Zen Retreat (a group owned sim which I founded) we hold meditation periods three times a day at 1PM, 5 PM and 9PM SLT. I’ll be the first person to admit that I do not always meditate during these — though occasionally I do. Rather, and more often than not I should add, I am in IM with a friend or

econd Life

browsing XStreet for a new toy or sim enhancement. This is because I have others times in the day which I devote to meditation. So, for me anyway, Buddhism in SL has always been more about the Sangha (or, community of practitioners). The Buddhist community in SL gives people the chance to interact with others who share similar interests. How does this virtual technology differ from any other form of technology? After all, there are Buddhist forums, online zendos and tremendously informative websites already out there which everyone has access to. Essentially it doesn’t differ all that much — it really is just another form of technology. In addition to Kannonji Zen Retreat, I run the website http://www. sweepingzen.com/. There I conduct interviews with various Zen teachers, publish articles by teachers, and provide a comprehensive biographical database for readers. Recently, I have been using my contacts to bring various teachers in to Second Life at Kannonji to give Dharma talks, lead in meditation, and accept audience questions. Teachers who have already participated include Reverend Jiun Foster, a Bodhisattva priest with the Five Mountain Sangha of Korean Zen, and Roger Shikan Hawkins, a lay Zen teacher with the White Plum Asanga and a Dharma heir of Lou Mitsunen Nordstrom-roshi. We also have three


other Zen teachers who’ve agreed to hold events in the future — James Ishmael Ford-roshi of Boundless Way Zen, Soto priest Jundo Cohen of Treeleaf Zendo, and Nomon Tim Burnett of the Everyday Zen Foundation. This is the most exciting development for the Buddhist community in SL I’ve witnessed to date, and I am very happy to be playing a role in it all. Too often we have had people visit our sim in search of guidance and information and, because nobody there was a qualified teacher, we’ve often sent them to our library of information instead. But now we are able to send them to one of a variety of teachers now in-world to help answer their questions. In that sense what is happening with the Buddhist community in Second Life is very different from other forms of technology. Kannonji is fast becoming a virtual retreat center where individuals can come to attend special events with visiting Buddhist teachers. We also have two ordained Buddhist priests with their own temples on our sim now. One is Rev. Jiun Foster (Jiun Bodenhall in SL), mentioned earlier, with his Five Mountain Zendo. Jiun’s teacher, Paul Dochong Lynch, JDPSN, has also been coming in-world recently and a Dharma talk from him is in the making. Five

Mountain Zendo provides a weekly beginner’s introduction to meditation class and they are also offering oneon-one private interviews with students there. The other is Rev. Ryuoh Faulconer (Ryuoh Faulkes in SL), an ordained Nichiren Buddhist minister and the virtual temple Myoho-ji (or, Wonderful Dharma Temple). Rev. Faulconer has been in SL for some time now and recently moved his temple to our sim, where he holds Nichiren Buddhist services and has information on Nichiren Buddhism

available to all. All of this is a significant, important milestone for Buddhist practice in Second Life. Until now, many who sought out an authorized teacher often settled for persons who were merely role-playing the position of Buddhist teacher. That can be extremely damaging for those who sincerely look to those individuals for direction and teachings. The latest trend of RL teachers staking a virtual presence in Second Life is forcing these frauds back in to the shadows. There is also a newly developed group for verifiable Buddhist teachers to join so that practitioners have a place check and see if someone who says they are a teacher in SL is acknowledged as such amongst their peers. It is not an accrediting body, but more like a SL equivalent of the American Zen Teachers Association — A place SL users can turn to see if other teachers have recognized them as such. Buddhism in Second Life, so far as I see it, shines through most prominently in terms of the Sangha. In Buddhism, the term Sangha is a Sanskrit term referring to the community of monks, nuns and laypeople following the teachings of the Buddha. This translates very well in to Second Life, seeing as how this technology is essentially a social networking tool


with lots of eye candy. I have made friends with some people at Kannonji in a very intimate way, as real as any relationship I might enter in to in my socalled “real life.” Of course, the Buddhist Sangha in Second Life is not represented exclusively through Kannonji Zen Retreat. There are several other Buddhist sims run by good friends of mine, including: Shaolin Temple (run by Fox Obviate), Hikari (run by Moon Fargis), the zendo owned by Dianket Wo bbi t, Kwan


Yin Terraces (run by Storm Nordwind), and the list goes on and on. It is important that Buddhist practice in SL inspires some sort of practice in the Sangha member’s personal life. Whether that means they start up a sitting routine on their own, or drum up the courage to visit a local RL Dharma Center in their area, I hope that what we’re doing here inspires them to take this stuff up “for real.” Not that this is not real, but we should not fall victim to a view that this is all there is to a Buddhist practice. Second life is a dream as is first life — in truth, there is not a separation, Linden just happened upon that name for this platform. Waking up from our dream, moment to moment — that is what any Buddhist practice is about. It is too easy to get caught up in the false view that SL is separate from our life, that it is only a game — an escape mechanism we use to live the life we always wanted. For one, if we approach Second Life with such an attitude, it is bound to let us down miserably. We are interacting with real

people, the same people filled with quirks and imperfections which we find in our real lives. If we are looking to build a small paradise for ourselves, that isn’t wrong per say — we just need to be aware of what we are doing. Second Life is a promising outlet for religion. There is also an Anglican Church and Unitarian Universalist presence in SL, offering services and more just as we are doing at Kannonji. It is easy to discount this technology and say there are more expedient means of communication, which we mentioned earlier, such as personal, one on one, contact. But this standpoint starts from a supposition, it would seem, that technology is evil or inherently wrong. It isn’t the technology that leads us astray, not often anyway, but rather it is our mind which leads us astray. Sending someone a letter in the mail is not demonized. Spiritual correspondences have been around since time immemorial. The Korean Zen master Seung Sahn actually used his personal correspondences with students as part of the Kwan Um School of Zen’s teaching curriculum, as he was often travelling abroad opening a new Zen center or visiting another. Religion is delivered in age appropriate terms, just like everything else. The conservative idea that we must deliver religious teachings

only as they were delivered in a time gone by fails to connect with the generation before us. Certainly there is value in traditional approaches but, all tradition starts here and now. It is my view that we must be open to new technologies and, when suitable, utilize them in ways which enrich our spiritual lives. Buddhism in Second Life has been around for quite some time now, but I get the sense that it’s only just beginning. Stay tuned ;-) -

Y Myoho-ji Temple: htt p://slu r l.co m/s e co n d l ife/Sn ow lion%20Mountain/216/235/22




This is a wonderful s find a warm and mag tures are incredible. A the shop windows of world. Surrounding m fall; a train hummed builder was inspired

Browse thru the stor the scenery. Every co a surprise – make sur gift you might discov

Drowsy is a unique p who have thought ab ing construction of th


sim built amid mountains and forests. Here you will gical place where the details are very rich and the texAs I walked down the cobbled streets and glanced thru f the stores I passed, I was amazed by this charming me were tall trees with their leaves turning shades of d by as it stopped by the nearby stream... Certainly the with the creations on this awesome place.

res throughout this sim while enjoying the beauty of orner of the field will tell a story and some will offer re you check the objects around you, who knows what ver!

place in Second Life and I want to congratulate those bout it, and who applied such dedication and care durhe sim. by Jhao Oh • pictures by rikoko Ewing


Burning Life is an annual art, fire and community event which takes place in the virtual platform of Second Life® • Burning Life virtual counter part of the real life event that is Burning Man (http://www.burningman.com) • Burning Man is a community art event held on a large open stretch of dessert land in the Nevada dessert called ‘the Playa’. On the Playa thousands of people converge to build a city , that city is called Black Rock. Those that attend bring with them all the food and water they need to survive the harsh conditions that such living gives. It’s a participatory event - and taking part is actively encouraged. Burning Man is not an area you can buy anything except for coffee at centre camp and ice to keep your food stuffs chilled. Burning Man also has a leave no trace policy - which means exactly what it says • That the Playa once the festival is over is returned to the windswept dessert landscape and the city of Black Rock simply vanishes into the ether once again with faint echoes being left to the wind to carry in its memory • Burning Life is the biggest virtual arts festival of its kind in the metaverse.

Burn, babY burn!

making way for bl 2010 by Poid Mahovlich pictures by Poid Mahovlich and rikoko Ewing


This year was the 7th year that Burning Life was held. The event started back in 2003, when Linden Lab® granted permission for a tribute event to be held on the Second Life Grid™. The first Burning Life started out small with an area of land being divided up into small parcels – no camps; ‘The Man’ was burnt, but was not centrally placed – since then Burning Life has evolved and expanded each year. Vicero Lambert was one Second Life resident who had a passion for Burning Life from the start, he took part in the very first Burning Life and the next year he pitched his ideas to the Lab and he started to shape the event into something more cohesive, each year he kept things going & each year he replicated the burning of The Man — Vic comments: “the event started out as just squares on a few sims, there was no centre camp, welcome area, roads, or vehicles. The event itself was just random builds selected by a lottery on the forms and no events were held Picture by Poid Mahovlich

other than a simple burning of the man that was a basic stick figure”. Year to year many residents have taken part and have brought Burning Life forwards and shaped it into an event which feels and looks more like the real life event. Community events like this are part of the life blood of Second Life and give residents a creative community focal point and outlet. It’s great fun to work towards a common goal and develop a community spirit. A common directionality gives you this. Things change it’s true and not always for the right reasons – Evolution doesn’t necessarily imply improvement. Evolution only implies change. Having that said — I think the evolution of Burning Man went well this year, but I also think many areas could have been much better, so let’s see what next year brings us. There are indeed parallels and similarities between the two events – as Burning Life is a virtual mirror to Burning Man;

yet with a unique Second Life twist, that Second Life was shaped – so its come first only building in a virtual environment can circle in many respects – and Burning Life achieve. Limitations at both events are a is the completion of that circle. challenge, but for very different reasons. Philip Linden has already spun the vir- The 2009 event was hosted on more sims tual ideas of Second Life in his head be- than ever before – the expansions aim was fore he attended his first Burning Man — to keep the event functioning at the best but he comments: “I had been thinking level that the platform currently allows. Lag and sims crashes about building Second Life since I was in high “I had been thinking about are part of a day to day school. When I got to building Second Life since life at an event such as Burning Life and due to Burning Man, I had long been obsessed with the I was in high school. When current technology are idea of what a fascinatI got to Burning Man, I frankly to be expected. There is not much ing thing it would be to had long been obsessed that can be done to use computers to simulate reality – to basi- with the idea of what a stop this from happencally build the world’s fascinating thing it would ing presently as hosting of large events comes biggest Lego kit – one be to use computers to with its own unique that would let you build set of challenges – and a whole universe out simulate reality (...) So of digital ‘atoms’. But when I pulled up in the year to year the best way to overcome these I hadn’t really thought much about what the middle of the night and issues are strived at, it’s community and social passed through the gates a learning curve that changes and evolves, experience of being into the city, I was blown but also improves. Runin such a digital world would be, or what sort away by the sudden re- ning sims which such a of things people would alization that probably the high traffic with sometimes complex builds build and for what reaworld of Second Life and scripts does indeed sons. So when I pulled up in the middle of would look and feel a have its own headaches, that is part of a Second the night and passed lot like Burning Man.” Life and we have come through the gates into - Philip Linden to simply accept that, the city, I was blown even if at times it is anaway by the sudden renoying. alization that probably the world of Second Life would look and feel a lot like Burning Man”. So you can When arriving to Burning Life you had the say that attending Burning Man had an in- opportunity to experience the ‘gate road’ fluence on Philip Linden and also on how area – which looks very similar to the real


The Tower and The Quest, an installation at Burning Life 2009 by Alpha Auer and Frigg Ragu - Picture by rikoko Ewing

The Cambrian Explosion, by Sledge Roffo and Jewel MacMoragh - Burning Life 2009 - Picture by Poid Mahovlich

life Burning Man event – complete with welcome signs and flags – right down to the divider lines and cones taking you up to the greeter stations, where “yes” you were greeted by Burning Life greeters, a tradition which is time passed from the real life event. Tours of Burning Life were also available again this year – art tours were also on hand, both being a great way to get around the event. The DMV (Department of Mutant Vehicles) run by EmCee Widget, his group had also created some rezzers which rezzed various fun ‘playa’ vehicles which you could then hop on and head off into the virtual Playa – again another great way to go and take part in this event. The event offers a lot for a resident visitors – with the various camps being set up all over which hosted things for visitors to do and see. I noticed there was a lot more fire at this year’s event, which was really great to see, with fire performances being given around the Man. Throughout the Burning Life event period – you were able to attend three main area’s which gave live performances in one way, shape or form – namely centre camp and the two stages of Tokyo and Berlin. Hundreds of resident performers gifted their time and energy and contributed to the event. This year we also saw a series of classes and tutorials, covering all sorts of useful and event related topics including “how to reduce lag”, “how to write less laggy scripts and sounds”, to name but a few, the talks were held this year at the art department run by White Lebed and were very well attended. Artists were also given the opportunity to talk


about both their art and building techniques, again proving highly popular. Daily Lamplighter ceremonies were also a wonderful communal way in which to take part. Where residents follow a route around the Burning Life event – lighting up lamps as they journeyed from one area to the next. Just as they do at the Burning Man event at the time of dusk, when the Playa sky gains pinkish hues – so you would hear or see typed “make way for the lamplighters, make way!”. The lamplighters were followed by a resident group of drummers, whose hyp-

notic rhythms would carry on deep into the night – right outside the temple area – where many would gather and play all night ready to greet the dawn. The temple for me was a highlight, watching it burn was very cathartic, with visitor messages left inside the temple via note cards – then being release before the temple was set alight, in a stream of text consciousness. Many creators and artists took to their plots and camps after the usual manic land rushes or pre application and selection – a series of twelve featured artists was also selected and prominently placed – Bryn

Oh, Ub Yifu, Solkide Auer, Adam Ramona, Alpha Auer & Frigg Ragu, AM Radio, Selavy Oh, Miso Susanowa & Misprint Thursday, Dekka Raymaker & Penumbra Carter, Kicca Igaly & Nessuno Myoo, Yoa Ogee, all curated by White Lebed & all contributing to the visual spectacle and extravaganza that is Burning Life. Captivating and inspirational art was dotted and the journey of random discovery was my favorite way to see things, but you again had the option to see who was where, via an online directory placed on the Burning Life website, whish also was a good reference area to performances and what was happening at Burning Life at any given time. On the sim named Deep Hole (http://slurl.com/secondlife/Burning%20 Life%2D%20Deep%20Hole/162/55/23) is also an area especially created to give you a little background history to both Burning Life and Burning Man, it’s a cool way to get a sense of what this event is all about and I suggest that you check this out!. You can see a selection of contributed shots from residents here at Flickr: ht t p://w w w.f lick r.com/g roups/bur ninglife/ and also at Koinup: http://www. koinup.com/group/burninglife/, and check out the official website for Burning Life: http://burninglife.secondlife.com/ , which is the central resource area. It’s a truly unique event and a creative hub in both worlds and this year was no exception. Resident volunteers gave countless hours and where truly dedicated. Looking forward to next year already! -

Picture by Poid Mahovlich




is the contraction of “Machine” and “cinema”. The concept defines the real time recording of virtual environments, which started already in the 80’s in the game world. At that time, the creation of machinimas highly depended on specific game engines. Today machinimators (the producers of machinimas) have outgrown the status of game players and gradually become professional competitors in the video and movie industry. In contradiction to current video and movie pro-

ductions, including animation films in 2D and 3D, several production companies start to use the machinima technique, shifting the time intensive development cost to content instead of a long production process focused on graphical techniques. In a way this is similar to the game production industry: using standard frameworks it is easy to develop an entirely new game without creating the basics of graphical representation and game elements such as physical collision.


HINIMA Techniques, hardware and software

by Carla Broek


Specifications: Until recently, hardware was too limited to create machinimas with home use specifications. A few years ago, powerful graphics cards, personal computers, increased disk capacity and speed enabled the creation and editing of machinimas with almost no additional hardware requirements. During the second millenium, machinima creation software started leaving their initial game environment, and the software became independent of game engines.

Today the technical limitation of creating machinimas is almost entirely based on software, both source environment (games and virtual worlds) and recording/editing software itself. During the last ten years, specific software has been developed for different stages during creation of machinimas. Instead of screen capturing, used for instance for demonstration, training or support of software in a business context, fairly new software has been devel-


oped to capture the output of the graphics card directly. The software is capable of capturing frames from DirectX or OpenGL applications and recording it in video files. One of the most common applications today is FRAPS. The application captures frames at a high rate and stores them in video files with a limited compression, in order to avoid too much performance impact. Today’s hard disks are capable of storing those huge files at a high speed. The files themselves easily reach sizes in gigabytes. The raw footage contains everything within the application, including tags, menu bars or buttons. In some games or virtual environments those elements can be disabled, which makes it possible to create clean recordings. If the machinima is based on MMORPG games (massive multiplayer online role-playing game), such as Second Life®, bandwidth and game engine designed for such purposes will limit the choice of content. Especially highly crowded or heavily built environments will seriously impact the framerate of the game, as well as the rendering limitations due to network traffic. Unlike many people might think, the rest of the processing uses standard movie editing tools such as Windows Movie Maker, Sony Vegas or Adobe Premier. Each of them has specific features and drawbacks, concerning editing tools, transitions, effects, import/export possibilities or audio editing. The last step is obviously the publication or distribution of the work. Either the result will be distributed in a conventional way, on DVD or memory stick, or the machinimator publishes the result on internet. While the size of a good quality video of a few minutes might exceed 100 megabytes or several times bigger,


the upload bandwidth of the internet connection will heavily impact the speed of uploading. Today several sites offer the possibility to publish videos with no or limited cost. Youtube, Vimeo, Blip.tv and other sites are heavily used for traditional and machinima videos.


Budget: Most depends on the budget of the machinimator. While the initial cost of buying game software is quite obvious, the machinimator needs to take into account several additional costs. High quality machinimas require a recent and fast graphical processor superseding daily use, in order to obtain reasonably sized footage (e.g. HD). Better quality such as ant aliasing, anisotropic filtering or enhanced details and high frame rates are prerequisites for a successful footage. The choice of a graphics card might not be overestimated; since many games or virtual environments are designed for relatively ‘normal’ use and don’t always use the full power of a graphical processor at all. Until today, not all games can benefit using the power of joined graphics cards (Nvidia:SLI and ATI: CrossFire). The performance of a single and cheaper card sometimes supersedes the use of multiple cards. Concerning the rest of the hardware, a recent main board, processor, enough RAM and a fast hard disk are necessary to avoid processing bottlenecks and speed up the heavy rendering process after editing. Some hardware combinations sold are specifically assembled for games. The disadvantage of high end systems is the huge cost and power consumption, and many times also the noise of different cooling systems. Many shops also sell water cooled, noiseless systems at a higher cost. While the frame capturing software such as FRAPS is sold at a very low price, video/DVD editing software covers a high range of bud-

get-friendly to expensive professional software used in production companies. Technically the hardware might heavily impact the use of such software. The most time intensive step, apart from the filming and editing itself, is the rendering of the end result. A few minutes of video can take several factors more time to render. It’s expected that during the next few years most of the still existing hardware and software limitations disappear, and content creation will become the single most important element during the creation of machinimas.


Content: Today’s growing amount of machinimas still did not leave the amateur phase, which is not an unexpected outcome. Most machinimas published are created by enthusiasts who just proudly started to make their own machinimas, no more than an assembly of shots. This is not a critique, though, it is encouraging that people love to go beyond games and traditional individual pleasure not reachable with traditional video recording in ‘real life’. During the last two years many groups, organizations and websites pop up to support their initiatives. Contests are being organized in every continent, with no limitations of time and space thanks to internet. Some people have outgrown the stage of individual pleasure and become more and more professional, both in free and business context. The movie industry is slowly accepting the new way of working, integrating it into commercials, demos and even movies. Unlike the initial stage of adopting the techniques and playing with the pos-

sibilities, content is at least as important as it ever has been to distinguish between simple fun and highly creative results. Instead of recording cuts and gluing them together, the process of an extensive machinima development highly depends on the creativeness of the involved producers and actors. Although machinima techniques cut the technical production in a very substantial way, content creation is no less time extensive than before. Today people are starting to specialize their productions in certain directions. While some invest in developing music based videos, others focus entirely on reinventing the wheel making top-notch art highly competitive with existing forms of expression. Others have found their way in business, selling their recently acquired skills and qualifications. The phase of creating short personal machinimas will soon shift to an era of longer high quality movies, more and more involving full cast and production teams. But in the meantime, unlike traditional movie creation, individuals can continue to enjoy creativity without limitations. “Creativeness is about having a feeling and expressing it, knowing that the feeling is already void by the time it’s expressed.”-


Since some time ago they left to be sim real residences in the open sky. The most sumptuous, innumerable are the choic



reBourne London Soho apartment (city skybox)

mple hanging boxes in the air to become t humble ones, with furniture, to the most ces for those willing to live in a skybox.

L$ 50

Furnished / 100 prims

Creator : Lolesk Ulich

K&L Charmed luxury skybox

L$ 1000

Furnished / 178 prims

Creator : Kianna Noel

[AddiCt] Loft skybox

L$ 5990

Furnished / 199 prims

Creator : Frasha Boa

Abiss VITA Lounge Skybox

L$ 399

Furnished / 178 prims

Creator : Sherazade Bates

Didge EUPEN skyhome

L$ 199

Furnished / 185 prims

Creator : Sherazade Bates

Didge PRO skyhome

L$ 9500

Unfurnished / 282 prims

Creator : Danny Bourne

reBourne London Soho apartment (city skybox)

L$ 7500

Unfurnished / 136 prims

Creator : Danny Bourne

reBourne New York manhattan apartment (city skybox)

L$ 7500

Unfurnished / 136 prims

Creator : Danny Bourne

reBourne New York manhattan apartment (city skybox)

L$ 1800

Furnished / 160 prims

Creator : Pjter Mcdowwll

Cranky house Red Factory skybox

L$ 2200

Furnished / 150 prims

Creator : Pjter Mcdowwll

Cranky house Modern & delight skybox

L$ 700

74 prims

Unfurnished (note: the loft comes with some kitchen accessories: sink, shelves etc.)

Creator : Dianne Peccable

[DIAPOP] vive la vie - La Maison skybox

L$ 3000


Creator : Danae Silversmith

Aeri BENETT skybox

L$ 999


Creator : Nut Barak

ORANGE creations DANESE Skybox

L$ 1499

Furnished / 384 prims

Creator : Fornicola Butuzova

Pre Fabulous The SOHO Skybox

L$ 995

Furnished / 298 prims

Creator : Fornicola Butuzova

Pre Fabulous The Contempo Modern skybox

L$ 3500

Furnished / 232 prims

Creator : hiroy Boa



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IS MORE THAN JUST A FASHION MAGAZINE IN SL Globally distributed: in-world kiosk, groups, blog (website is coming soon), Issuu, SCRIBD and Calemeo-Online.

To advertise, please, contact and send your texture, JPG or PNG FULL PERMS to Jhao Oh (in-world) or via e-mail to first.image@rocketmail.com.

Who are these famous and talented designers?




Leyla Firefly

Belle Belle Furniture

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Sevenstar Amat Stitch by Stitch

“... So this is Christmas And what have you done Another year over And a new one just begun And so this is Christmas I hope you have fun ...�

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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