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Across the Nation
North American Ministries Launches New Onsite Assessment Center
Antioch, TN—For several years, North American Ministries (NAM) has been working to implement an assessment process to help identify church planters more likely to be successful in planting a church. While there are no “guarantees” in ministry, especially in church planting, some proven factors make certain individuals better suited to the task than others. Many denominations and church planting networks have onsite assessment centers, and it has been a goal of NAM to have our own for several years. For more than six years, NAM has developed and implemented its own assessment process. The department has drafted many of its own tools and used some developed by others to provide the most comprehensive assessment possible. Our current assessment process consists of more than 20 individual pieces including personality assessments, essential church planter characteristics, ministry experience, marriage checkup, risk factor analysis, and others. These have proven invaluable in helping determine those best suited to plant churches. It is a huge financial investment to plant a church, and we are trying to be good stewards of both time and money as we send families to plant churches across North America. NAM is excited to announce the launch of an onsite Church Planter Assessment Center. The assessment process will be carried out at our offices in Antioch, Tennessee, over a three-day period and will be required for all church planting candidates. We are excited to see how this will help us send strong candidates ready to face the challenges of planting a church wherever God has called them. Please pray for NAM and potential church planting candidates as we help them discern God’s calling on their lives and ministries. NAM takes seriously this important responsibility entrusted to us by Free Will Baptists, and we value your prayers and support. For more information about assessment, or how you can become a church planter, contact us at www.fwbnam.com.
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to put complete trust in God and embrace His plan and purpose for life. Live the call!
A personal note from Chaplain Frye: First, I am so thankful God desires to partner with us in ministry. I am also thankful for people like you and organizations like Randall House Publications, that partner with us too. Randall House Publications has and continues to support Free Will Baptist chaplains by shipping free Bible study materials wherever we are sent. Thanks to Ron Hunter and crew for the prayer and materials! Thanks for helping us stir Christ’s potential in the hearts and lives of others. Second, to my Free Will Baptist family, may the Lord protect you and use you mightily during this worldwide pandemic.
About the Writer: CH (MAJ) W. Lee Frye, Jr. has served as a chaplain in the U.S. Army since 2009. He is currently stationed at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia. Learn more about becoming a Free Will Baptist chaplain: fwbnam.com/chaplaincy.